The Challenges & Tactics Associated with Strip-Mall Fires - FirefighterNation: Fire Rescue - Firefighting News and Community (2024)

A commercial strip-mall fire poses significant challenges to the engine company officer. Everything from the age of the structure to building construction to the fire load to building access is very site-specific and must therefore be incorporated into the incident action plan (IAP). Much thought should also be given to any and all resources: the number and types of apparatus needed, water supply, hoselines, staffing, etc. If the IAP and responding resources aren’t thoroughly planned out, a fire in this type of large occupancy can quickly and easily grow out of control, destroying millions of dollars in valuable property and placing firefighters in extreme danger.

In this article, we’ll discuss the challenges of working a strip-mall fire and the tactics needed to combat fires in these types of large structures.

Dangers of Type 2 & 3 Construction
As with any fire, operations at a commercial strip-mall fire should begin with a thorough size-up to determine the age of the structure, which will also help determine the construction method used. These days, strip malls are usually built with fire-resistive or Type 2 construction, which uses steel bar joist roof members to allow for large, open areas. But prior to the 1960s, strip malls (commonly called “taxpayers”) were primarily constructed using ordinary, Type 3 construction. Both construction types contain inherent hazards that may affect the integrity of the structure.

Although the supporting members won’t burn, the floor and ceiling assemblies in Type 3 construction are usually combustible. Wood floors covered with Terrazzo or concrete may fail prematurely if there’s fire below. The roof structure may also fail depending on fire extent and location, especially if the fire has extended to the co*ckloft or attic space.

With Type 2 construction, the structural members may not burn, but the fire may affect the roof or structural support system and cause catastrophic collapse of the roof and/or walls, which may occur without warning.

Mall Occupancy
The occupancies within a strip mall will determine the potential fire load and dictate the fire spread and growth rate. Occupancies often found in strip malls contain furniture, clothing and other combustibles that provide an abundance of fuel for the fire. Because of this, the tactics employed must be very site-specific. As we’ve discussed in previous articles, firefighters are creatures of habit. We have a tendency to use, or consider using, residential tactics on commercial structures. But due to the many crucial differences between the two types of structures, residential tactics have no place in a commercial strip-mall fire and can cause injury or even death if employed in the wrong place. (For more information on residential vs. commercial structure fires, read “Big Fire = Big Hose: Don’t treat a commercial/industrial fire like a residential fire,” June issue, p. 40.)

Hoseline Considerations
The large open areas inherent in strip malls provide the potential for a large, unconfined fire; therefore, the standard hose/nozzle combination deployed should be a 2½” hoseline with a 1?” or 1¼” tip. This combination will provide the engine company with both the needed gpm to overpower the fire and the penetration capability to reach the seat of the fire.

The strip-mall fire usually allows for an easier 2½” hose stretch than the residential structure, because strip malls often don’t have small, confined quarters and numerous turns; however, engine companies must practice to become proficient at deploying and advancing the 2½” hoseline. The objective should be to rapidly attack the fire with multiple attack lines and overpower it with gpm while it’s still manageable.

Note: Any interior attack must be tempered with the knowledge that concealed spaces created by drop ceilings will also create the potential for the fire to get behind the advancing engine company. Because of this, crews must pull the ceiling at the entrance prior to advancement on the fire and periodically throughout the advance.

Getting In
Forcible entry into the occupancy may be a challenge. Many businesses inside strip malls are protected with metal roll-down gates and doors that may obscure the interior of the occupancy, delay the alarm to the fire department and present a formidable barrier to firefighters trying to suppress the fire.

Considering the various types of security measures taken at strip malls, be ready for anything when trying to gain entry into the rear of these occupancies. The rear doors are often the most heavily fortified doors you’ll face.

Any delay in detection and suppression will allow the fire to continue to grow. If the fire has gone undetected long enough to reach backdraft conditions, position the charged 2½” hoseline and coordinate vertical ventilation with the fire attack.

When to Switch Tactics
If the fire has progressed within the occupancy of origin and an offensive attack is no longer possible, change the IAP/operational strategy to focus on cutting the fire off horizontally. This will require a coordinated attack between truck companies and multiple engine companies. Crews will need to advance hoselines to both sides of the fire occupancy, and the ceiling area will need to be opened up along the entire length of the exposure. Multiple hoselines will need to be deployed into the exposures and directed into the ceiling space to cut off the fire. The 1?” or 1¼” tip will be useful here for penetration and reach.

Note: This is a time-consuming operation that requires multiple personnel to work the scene; it may also involve conceding several occupancies to the fire in order to get ahead of the flame front.

Going Defensive
When a defensive strategy has been declared in the occupancy of origin, portable and apparatus-mounted master streams will need to be deployed. The engine should be positioned so that crews can take full advantage of the apparatus-mounted deck gun, but they should also leave room for an aerial platform to be positioned in the front of the building. An aerial platform placed at ground level in the front of the structure with the ladder-mounted master streams delivering 1,000 gpm to the ceiling area from below can extinguish a lot of fire.

If an aerial platform is not available, apparatus-mounted or portable deck guns can be very effective and should be set up outside the collapse zone.

Water Supply
With either the offensive or defensive strategy, water supply will be extremely important. Every engine company should secure their own water supply using large-diameter hose (LDH). This also provides redundancy in the water supply should the LDH become damaged or a hydrant is found to be defective. An engine with a LDH supply should also be assigned to supply the fire department connection if the building is equipped with a sprinkler system.

Stay Safe
Commercial strip-mall fires are high-hazard/low-frequency incidents, resulting in more firefighter injuries and deaths per fire than the “typical” residential fire. The large open areas inside strip malls provide greater potential for firefighters to become disoriented or lost, which could cause them to run out of air. The layout of aisles within the strip mall restricts the directional movement within the structure. The usual exits are located at the front and rear of the structure only. Maintaining orientation to the front and rear of the store will help you find your way out. Firefighters will also have to travel a longer distance to safety due to the size of the structure. For this reason, it’s imperative that firefighters stay in contact with the hoseline or utilize a search rope and manage their air supply accordingly.

Despite their large size and many challenges, if given the proper resources and a complete incident action plan, along with a thorough size-up and proper tactics, strip-mall fires can be contained fairly easily. But as with all structural fires, pre-planning and proper training are imperative to success.

The Challenges & Tactics Associated with Strip-Mall Fires - FirefighterNation: Fire Rescue - Firefighting News and Community (2024)


What problems do overhanging canopies attached to the front of strip malls create for firefighters? ›

The decorative soffits overhanging the front of many strip malls pose a hidden avenue of fire spread, especially if fire has gained headway in the void between a ceiling and roof assembly. These large, heavy pieces may detach from the building and collapse on firefighters advancing lines in the front door.

What are the structural firefighting tactics? ›

There are four basic modes of fire attack for structural firefighting: offensive, defensive, offensive/defensive and defensive/offensive. (The use of the nonintervention mode can be a consideration when encountering hazmat incidents.)

Why is fire confinement important objective of firefighting strategy and tactics? ›

This allows crews to suppress fires found from the exterior to allow for interior crews to attack from the interior quickly for extinguishment. Many people will argue that we should always attack from the unburned side, while others will say that we will push the fire onto the occupants of the building.

What construction type is strip mall? ›

Many commercial retail buildings like strip malls and big-box stores use Type II construction. All building materials, including interior walls, framing, floors, roofing, and exteriors, are made of non-combustible materials such as metal and concrete block.

What are the dangers to firefighters associated with fires involving the hanging ceilings in houses of worship? ›

The main concern for the firefighter from the heavy ornamental plaster ceiling of a church auditorium is the possibility of large sections failing and dropping to the floor as fire spreads to the attic space.

What is the benefit of canopy in building? ›

A canopy protects the entrance and patrons or visitors from the weather, whether hot sun or rain and snow. Making your entrance more physically comfortable makes it more inviting.

What are the seven 7 tactical objectives of firefighting? ›

Fire attack tactics are selected and based on tried and true fireground objectives — such as rescue, exposures, confinement and extinguishment of the fire, overhaul, ventilation and salvage.

What is 1 the basic tactic in firefighting? ›

Direct Attack

Perhaps the most widely known technique – this suffocates the flames as the water is aimed at the base of the fire. Aiming the stream of water at the base of the fire, this technique works best using a concentrated, powerful jet of water that suffocates the flames.

What are the 3 tactics of wildland fire? ›

Firefighters control a fire's spread (or put it out) by removing one of the three ingredients fire needs to burn: heat, oxygen, or fuel. They remove heat by applying water or fire retardant on the ground (using pumps or special wildland fire engines) or by air (using helicopters/airplanes).

What are the three tactical priorities in the fire service? ›

This is often referred to as the umbrella of service. The umbrella of service is made up of three on-going considerations. They are fire fighter safety, customer service, and loss control.

What is the difference between strategy and tactics in the fire department? ›

Strategy is what we intend to accomplish at a fire; tactics are the evolutions required to accomplish it. The experienced chief or officer should be able to "look at the picture" and decipher a strategy. On assignment, an experienced officer or firefighter should be able to translate that "assignment" into a tactic.

What are firefighting strategic priorities? ›

During any incident, you have three strategic priorities: life safety, incident stabilization and property conservation.

What are the characteristics of a strip mall? ›

A strip mall, strip center or strip plaza is a type of shopping center common in North America where the stores are arranged in a row, with a sidewalk in front. Strip malls are typically developed as a unit and have large parking lots in front.

What is another word for strip mall? ›

synonyms for strip mall

On this page you'll find 19 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to strip mall, such as: arcade, bazaar, flea market, mall, plaza, and shopping mall.

What are three hazards posed to firefighters post fire? ›

back injuries and other strains. diseases such as AIDS and hepatitis. cardiovascular disease due to a multitude of toxic substances when fighting a fire.

What is the most common danger that the firefighter experiences occurs? ›

Injuries involving overexertion or strain consistently rank among the most common injuries experienced by firefighters (volunteer and career) on the fireground. Exposure to hazards includes exposure to fire products, such as heat or smoke.

What are the negative effects of firefighters? ›

Firefighters risk their lives responding to emergencies, but they also jeopardize their long-term health through exposure to toxic chemicals and other occupational hazards. As a result, firefighters are at increased risk for cancer, cardiovascular disease and other health conditions.

Why are canopy gaps important? ›

Introduction. Canopy gaps are indispensable growing sites for the sustainable succession of different natural regeneration tree species. Generally, canopy gaps influence forest regeneration cycles by offering local resource-rich niches for understory tree species [1].

What are the two types of canopy architecture? ›

Canopies can be built either through gable construction or flat roof construction. Gable construction involves making a self-supporting structure. In flat roof construction, the canopy is constructed flat where single metal plates or glass plates are used as a canopy.

What is canopy management importance and advantages? ›

Maximum utilization of light. Avoidance of built-up microclimate congenial for diseases and pest infestation. Convenience in carrying out the cultural practices. Maximizing productivity with quality fruit production.

What are the 4 main principles of fire prevention? ›

Over time we have learned fundamental fire safety principles for preventing fire events and managing their impact (i.e. the Common Principles: Prevention, Detection and Communication, Occupant Protection, Containment and Extinguishment) that can be consistently applied internationally.

What are tactical objectives examples? ›

Tactical Goals

Let's say one of the company's long-term goals is to expand business from the South to the Southeast. At the tactical level, one must question what can be done to achieve this goal. First, increase production so that it meets demand; in the background, hire a team of local salespeople; and so on.

What is the 5 key concepts of fire prevention? ›

These five NFPA-supported fire prevention strategies: code compliance, training, preparedness, messaging, and a solid investment in fire safety and prevention are solid fire protection tips to protect your team and commercial structure safety.

What is the first priority of a firefighter? ›

The number one priority on any fire scene is life safety. Firefighters constantly train in order to prepare themselves to rescue trapped occupants in a burning building.

What is a Type 3 wildland firefighter? ›

The Type 3 has a few requirements including the ability to carry at least 500 US gallons of water and pump 150 US gallons per minute at a pressure of 250 pounds per square inch, and they must be able to transport at least 3 crew members. Type 3 and Type 4 often look similar to one another.

What are the 5 steps in the risk management process wildland fire? ›

  • Step 1 Situation Awareness. Gather Information. ...
  • Step 2 Hazard Assessment. Estimate Potential Fire Behavior Hazards. ...
  • Step 3 Hazard Control. Fire Orders->LCES Checklist- MANDATORY Anchor Point Downhill Checklist (if applicable) What other controls are necessary?
  • Step 4 Decision Point. ...
  • Step 5 Evaluate.

What are the three C's for fire? ›

Community, Communication, and Collaboration: The 3 C's of Fire and Rescue. There is a fire at an industrial facility. While onsite personnel muster and make their way to safety, nearby communities must be swiftly evacuated.

What are the 3 elements of fire protection and control? ›

The primary methods of achieving fire suppression can be explained through the use of the fire tetrahedron which evolved from the familiar fire triangle. The fire triangle is a graphic representation of the three components that must be present for combustion to occur: 1) fuel, 2) heat, and 3) oxygen.

What is the first tactical priority? ›

Control or neutralize any dangers as a priority as part of a tactical plan. Fire control as a first priority. Rescue of trapped occupants is the first "strategic priority," but not necessarily the first "tactical priority."

What are the four categories of tactics? ›

By following these two dimensions, we label a wide variety of commonly observed tactics into more convenient categories such as preemption, attack, deterrence, and response.

What are the tactics strategies? ›

Definition of tactics

While strategy is the action plan that takes you where you want to go, the tactics are the individual steps and actions that will get you there. In a business context, this means the specific actions teams take to implement the initiatives outlined in the strategy.

What are 3 differences between strategy and tactics? ›

In a business environment, firms use various techniques, to survive, compete and grow in the long run. These techniques can be called as tactics and strategy.
Comparison Chart.
Basis for ComparisonTacticsStrategy
Focus onTaskPurpose
Formulated atMiddle levelTop level
Risk involvedLowHigh
6 more rows

What are the big 5 of firefighting? ›

Personality research studies conducted in firefighter populations have been primarily underpinned by Big Five personality theory (i.e., extraversion, conscientiousness, openness, agreeableness, neuroticism [i.e., antithesis of emotional stability]).

What are 2 main goals of firefighting? ›

A firefighter's goals are to save lives, protect property, and protect the environment. A fire can rapidly spread and endanger many lives, but with modern firefighting techniques, catastrophe can often be avoided.

What are the three strategic priorities? ›

The three factors determining your strategic priorities are your company objectives, resources, and timing. Each goal uses a given amount of resources and time frame to meet company objectives. Objectives that impact your productivity or need urgent implementation go to the top of your list.

Are canopies a fire hazard? ›

We cannot stress how important canopy safety is. Without the proper handling and setup there can be trip hazards, fire hazards and even tents flying away.

Are bed canopies a fire hazard? ›

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), the canopy lights can overheat, which poses a fire and burn hazard.

What is a canopy overhang? ›

1. Overhang: An overhang refers to a protruding portion of a roof or wall that extends beyond the edge of a building. It provides shade, protection from weather elements, or architectural detail to the building. 2. Canopy: A canopy is a freestanding or attached structure with a roof, supported by posts or a framework.

What are canopies protection from? ›

Protection from electromagnetic radiation in the sleeping area or outdoors. Our canopies are the best solution to be fully protected from electromagnetic radiation from all sides even during your sleep. Hung over the bed like a mosquito net, these nets protect against all kinds of felectromagnetic radiation.

What are the three types of canopies? ›

There are three general types of canopies, instant canopies, sometimes called pop-up canopies, pole tents, and frame tents.

Do canopies protect from rain? ›

In almost all cases, it's extremely important for canopies to be waterproof. Even if your area doesn't get a lot of rain, the canopy needs to protect people from rain and to not be affected by rain in other negative ways when it does occur.

Do canopy beds attract bugs? ›

More than just a regular bed, canopy beds can be a young child's fortress or a couple's love nest. Its enclosed environment discourages intruders, whether human, insect, or radio waves.

When should you not use a canopy bed? ›

Size: Because canopy beds are much larger than your typical bed frame, they take up a lot of space in your room. This is not ideal for smaller spaces or for spaces with low ceilings, where a canopy bed might make a room feel cramped.

Are bed tents safe? ›

Bed tents are generally safe but, as with anything, should be used with caution around children. Check regularly for broken zips or rips in the material if your child is young, as these pose risks regarding choking or getting stuck inside.

What is the roof above a door called? ›

A portico is a little roof that goes above your front door and is supported by columns. They date back to ancient Greece, when columns were a staple of architecture and found anywhere and everywhere. This included the front door, as it's the first thing that people will walk through to enter your home.

What is a good roof overhang? ›

Homes that are located in areas experiencing moderate climates should have some overhang, which should extend from 12 to 18 inches in length.

What is overhang framing? ›

Overhang is the portion of the truss that extends beyond the outside bearing of the structure, creating an eave for the building. Overhang length can vary from as small as 6” to as great as 36” in certain applications.

Can a canopy fly away? ›

If the wind is strong enough, it can take your canopy up, up, and away.

Do canopies block UV rays? ›

Quik Shade Pop-Up Canopies

Aluminex fabric offers 99% UV protection – our highest level of sun coverage.

Can you leave a pop-up canopy up? ›

Can you leave a pop-up gazebo up? If you live in a place where the weather is basically normal, then you can leave it outside for at least a year. But if there is a rainstorm, it is best to take off the top and sidewalls leaving only the frame outside.

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Name: Jerrold Considine

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.