The Big Score (GTA V) (2024)

For the mission in Grand Theft Auto Advance, see The Big Score.

The Big Score (GTA V) (1)Spoiler Warning: Plot details, ending details, or both are in the text which follows.

The big one!

Michael De Santa, Trevor Philips and Lester Crest chanting in excitement before the heist.

The Big Score is a mission in Grand Theft Auto V. It is the sixth and final heist mission that protagonists Michael De Santa, Trevor Philips and Franklin Clinton execute. It is also the penultimate mission in the storyline.

The player steals a total of $201,600,000 for the Obvious, or $201,300,000 for the Subtle.


  • 1 Preparation
    • 1.1 Subtle
    • 1.2 Obvious
  • 2 Mission
    • 2.1 Subtle
    • 2.2 Obvious
  • 3 After the Heist
    • 3.1 Warning
  • 4 Revenue
    • 4.1 Maximum Revenue
    • 4.2 Minimum Revenue
  • 5 Mission Objectives
    • 5.1 Subtle
    • 5.2 Obvious
  • 6 Gold Medal Objectives
    • 6.1 Subtle
    • 6.2 Obvious
  • 7 Aftermath
    • 7.1 Weazel News (Radio)
    • 7.2 Weazel News Newspaper
    • 7.3 Lifeinvader Posts
    • 7.4 Bleeter Posts
  • 8 Soundtracks
  • 9 Glitches and oversights
  • 10 Gallery
    • 10.1 Walkthrough
  • 11 Walkthrough
    • 11.1 Video Walkthroughs
      • 11.1.1 Subtle
      • 11.1.2 Obvious
  • 12 Trivia
    • 12.1 General
    • 12.2 Obvious
    • 12.3 Subtle
  • 13 Navigation


In order to perform the heist, the protagonists must perform a couple of side-missions (Heist Setups) to get the necessary equipment. The preparation missions varies based on the chosen approach in Planning the Big Score.


Four preparation missions:


Three preparation missions:


The mission can be carried out in two ways - a "subtle" approach, consisting of "asking for the gold", loading trucks with the gold and fleeing the city in tuned muscle cars, or an "obvious" approach, requiring the team to drill into the vault, break out with the gold, and fly out of the city with helicopters.


Get in the car after the cutscenes. Drive to the tunnel before 8:00 am. The time is shown on the lower right corner of the screen. After getting to the tunnel, wait for two Stockades to enter the tunnel. Drop a Spike Strip or Stinger before the vans leave, then drive away and wait for them to hit the spikes.

The vans' tires have deflated and stopped. Get out of the car and start aiming at the windows of the vans. The occupants will be forced to get out of their vans as hostages. Another van will appear, and requested to change the tires. They will be forced to ride in the vans in order to support them. Drive to the Union Depository building's underground garage, and they will park the Securicars in reverse. A cutscene will show the manager requesting an authorization ID. It was successful, now follow the manager to an elevator going down to the carts containing the gold. Trevor and a Gruppe Sechs officer will push the carts back to the Securicars.

Get in the second van and follow Trevor as he gets out of the Depository. However, when Michael calls Franklin, it turns out that Merryweather Security had witnessed them stealing the gold. The player is switched to Franklin, who is using a laptop to control the traffic lights of the district to help Michael and Trevor escape from the Merryweather troops. Control the traffic lights using the assigned buttons and stop Merryweather from spotting them by turning the lights to red. The mission will fail if the Merryweather vans catch them. Depending on the hacker skill, there either won't be lag on the changes (if Paige Harris is chosen) or there will be 2 seconds (if Christian Feltz is chosen) or 4 seconds of lag (if Rickie Lukens is chosen). However, should Christian or Rickie have any past experience, the lag will be decreased (2 seconds per experience). Change them less than 10 times to get closer to a gold medal.

Now they have parked the Securicars. They will open the doors to transfer the packs of gold to four modified Gauntlets. The crew also decides on what to do with Casey, and ultimately decides to bribe him with a gold bar, making the take $300,000 less, but it ensures he doesn't speak. However, the Merryweather troops show up. This engages a massive shootout. The protagonists will have to protect the crew while they transfer the gold from the Securicars to the Gauntlets, depending of the experience of the first gunman and the first driver, they may let some of the gold bars drop while loading the cars (if Karim Denz is chosen as the first driver), making the crew lose almost $18 million of the total score. This can be avoided by working with Karim in any previous heist. Keep focused on cover and try switching characters in order for a better shootout. Choose the best weapons, because there are many of them. Keep in mind that the security outfits that Michael and Trevor have on from the beginning will have a full body armor bar, making it somewhat easier. Be careful if switching to Franklin - he'll have no armor unless the player bought some for him ahead of time and haven't done anything to damage it.

Once all the Merryweather mercenaries have been killed, the player is again switched to Franklin, who will be driving one of the Gauntlets. The player must now follow the rest of the crew. Focus on the route and ignore the LSPD. The mission will fail if Franklin falls too far behind and loses the others. After driving onto Rockford Plaza, the scene will slow down, showing a tanker truck in the verge of explosion after a Vapid Interceptor rolls over and crashes the tank (at this very point if an inexperienced Karim is chosen to drive the fourth Gauntlet, he ends up crashing his Gauntlet thus pulled out by the police and ending up incarcerated, losing a quarter of the gold, however Franklin can save him by killing the police officers who blocked the driver's path and the driver will continue by himself). After going to the freeway, a LSPD Maverick shows up. Ignore it and focus on the road. Drive to two trailers waiting for the four Gauntlets. Depending on the driver for Franklin's trailer, it could swerve side to side, making it harder to get in if their skill is poor but Franklin's special ability can help with this. The mission fails if the player doesn't get in before the end of the tunnel. The LSPD failed to arrest them thanks to the two trailers.

The three will enter a Cavalcade. Drive to Michael's House. Mission complete. Regardless of the outcome all three enter a massive argument that supposedly leaves them on bitter terms despite the victory.


Drive the Oracle to the Union Depository with the gunman assigned. The player then takes control of Franklin, who is outside the underground vault in an HVY Cutter. Michael and the other gunman will come at the front door and distract the cops. Use the drills by pressing a button to create a huge opening on the bank vault. When the hole is created, park the Cutter an ample distance away. Plant explosive charges (such as Sticky Bombs) on the two vault doors, then stand back and detonate them. A NOOSE team arrives and starts abseiling into the tunnel. Defend the gunman assigned against the NOOSE team by shooting at them while the gunman pushes the gold carts. Focus on the officers, and use a good gun like an Advanced Rifle with extended ammo to eliminate the enemies faster. A minigun may be helpful as well due to its rapid-fire damage and no need for reloading. After the gunman pushes the second cart into position, the player is switched to Trevor. Fly north of Los Santos to Blaine County, the gunman with Franklin will find his own way out, and the game will prompt the player to switch to Michael. Michael is in a heavy shootout against the cops. Focus on health and ammo, as there are too many officers to fight, and may take 10 minutes of gunfighting. Keep on killing them, as Franklin will become available again when Michael arrives at the foot bridge. While advancing, a Buzzard Attack Chopper will appear. Destroy it quickly with the RPG or minigun, as it will use the rockets to kill the team. After destroying it, advance to the underground parking lot where the getaway vehicle was stashed while fending off the police. (Note: the police spawn infinitely, so the player cannot kill every police officer they see; listen to audio cues from Franklin or Michael (depending on who the player is not controlling at the time) to know when the player is able to move on.)

In the parking lot, a NOOSE team will appear, in their Grangers. Destroy the vehicles quickly with an RPG, grenades or sticky bombs (be careful not to hit the getaway vehicle). After killing them, get in the car (it's recommended to switch to Franklin first, to take advantage of his driving ability) and lose the police. If the player followed Lester's advice and modified the vehicle, it should take quite a bit of punishment. A 5-star wanted level may take about 1-2 minutes of cooling down, so hiding underground in places such as the sewers or subways would probably work best.

After the wanted level is cleared, the scene switches to Trevor, who is piloting his helicopter. Follow the pilot assigned. However, Merryweather Security appears in helicopters, and Lester must destroy them. Keep the helicopter steady for Lester to get a clean shot, but be careful not to let both gold carts under the helicopters detach, or have Trevor wasted, or else the mission will fail and be careful going through the wind farm. The other gold helicopter will speed up considerably so the player will need to do this while maintaining speed and altitude. Destroy the choppers too late, and the pilot of the other one will crash and lose half of the take (an inexperienced Karim Denz will crash regardless, so work with Karim beforehand to prevent him from crashing or have him drive the train.) After destroying the helicopters, locate the train on the radar and detach the gold cart in the train car. Finally, fly to McKenzie Field Hangar to complete the mission.

If the pilot crashes, the mission can still be completed; the mission only fails if Trevor is wasted or if his own gold cart is also dropped by accident or if he crashes, making them lose everything. However, if the final gold tally is important, consider intentionally crashing Trevor's helicopter, failing the mission, and then restarting at the last checkpoint. Keep in mind that, as noted above, there are some crew members who will always crash, so the player may need to reload a save prior to "Planning the Big Score" and choose an alternate pilot.

After the gold has been dropped off, both Trevor and Lester will fly to the McKenzie Field Hangar to meet with the rest of the crew for a debrief. Lester is in good spirits for the entire ride and has obviously never been so thrilled his entire life. For the debrief everyone else is in good spirits as well contrary to the meeting in the Subtle Method. Michael then proceeds to break the mood and soon after tells the crew to avoid spending large amounts of cash until the gold is sold with Trevor restating in a more aggressive matter. The cutscene ends with Michael, Trevor and Lester flying away to the new location of the gold; Franklin departing in his new getaway vehicle and the hired crew members flying away in the second helicopter.

However, should the pilot crew member die, and half the gold is lost, a different ending cutscene will play instead. While Michael, Franklin and the gunman are initially jovial at the success of their heist, they become sullen upon being notified by Trevor of the death of their second pilot and the loss of half the stolen gold. The crew becomes disappointed and angry with their loss. The cutscene then ends with Michael, Trevor and Lester flying away to the gold's new location, while Franklin and the gunman drive away in the new getaway vehicle.

After the Heist

Regardless of which option is chosen, or the outcome (loot-wise), after the mission, a mission trigger point is placed over Franklin's home. Once there, Franklin is visited by Devin Weston, who orders him to kill Michael. Franklin refuses, telling him Steve Haines has already ordered him to kill Trevor and that he cannot kill both. Devin reiterates his order to kill Michael and leaves. The player, as Franklin, then has the option to choose which option they want, beginning one of the final missions: Something Sensible, The Time's Come or The Third Way. Note that Lester will not pay the protagonists the proceeds of this heist until after the final mission is completed.


Before going to the last mission trigger, it is advisable to complete any remaining side-missions, etc. that may be required for 100% completion first as, depending on the player's choice, Michael or Trevor may no longer be available beyond this point, thereby rendering any activities/side missions specific to them inaccessible (however, their missions are not required for 100% completion). If Michael or Trevor possess any rare vehicle the player doesn't wish to lose, cars should also be exchanged before starting the final mission. Unless the player has already completed everything else (except Lester's assassination missions and other Franklin-specific side-quests that may be saved until after the storyline and still count towards 100% completion), they must be careful not to take Franklin to his safehouse so as not to trigger the endgame.


The take from this score dwarfs everything else in the game, potentially rewarding over 40 million dollars for each protagonist, so it is essential here more than in any other heist to make the correct choices at the planning stage; poor choices may reduce the profits of each protagonist by as much as ~75%.

Maximum Revenue

The Obvious approach is significantly more lucrative, able to net ~$6 million more per protagonist, as it requires a smaller and less expensive crew. Use Taliana Martinez (5%) and Karim Denz (8%) as the drivers; if Karim is inexperienced, he must be chosen as Driver 2, or else he'll be responsible for losing 50% of the take and cause a casualty. Then go cheap on the gunmen, with Daryl Johns (6%) and either Norm Richards or Hugh Welsh (7%); if one of them gained experience from The Bureau Raid, they should be chosen as Gunman 2 in order to accompany Michael.

  • Gross/Net take: $201,600,000
  • Lester's cut (12%): $24,192,000
  • Crew cut (26%): $52,415,999
  • Michael's cut: $41,664,000
  • Franklin's cut: $41,664,000
  • Trevor's cut: $41,664,000

However, the Subtle approach is still viable, despite inherent higher costs such as Casey's bribe and potentially ~$70k spent on the getaway vehicles. Again, use Taliana Martinez (5%) and Karim Denz (8%) as the drivers; if Karim is inexperienced, he must be chosen as Driver 2, or else he'll be responsible for losing ~30% of the total take and cause a casualty. For gunmen, use Packie/Chef (12%) and Daryl Johns (6%); Gunman 1 could instead be a poor gunman, which leads to a 9% forfeiture of the take, though also saves 5% in crew cut, which nearly equalizes profits. Lastly, a hacker is required, with Rickie Lukens (4%) being suitable, even if he's inexperienced.

  • Gross take: $201,600,000
  • Casey's payoff: $300,000
  • Net take: $201,300,000
  • Lester's cut (12%): $24,156,000
  • Crew cut (35%): $70,454,999
  • Michael's cut $35,563,000
  • Franklin's cut: $35,563,000
  • Trevor's cut: $35,563,000

Minimum Revenue

Regarding the Obvious approach, a successful failure comes down to the first helicopter crashing after fleeing the city (50% lost). This is guaranteed to happen simply by utilizing a poor Driver 1, no matter who else is selected; using (inexperienced) Karim, Eddie, Gus, and Packie/Chef.

  • Gross take: $201,600,000
  • Money Dropped: $100,800,000
  • Net take: $100,800,000
  • Lester's cut (12%): $12,096,000
  • Crew cut (40%): $40,320,000
  • Casualty Expenses (12%): $12,096,000
  • Michael's cut: $12,096,000
  • Franklin's cut: $12,096,000
  • Trevor's cut: $12,096,000

Alternatively, one potential successful failure in regards to the Subtle approach involves inefficient loading of the Guantlets (poor Driver 1 and Gunman 1; 9%/ea. lost), as well as one of the Gauntlets later crashing (poor Driver 1; 25% lost), even if the rest of the crew are capable. However, choosing a good Gunman 1, in order to save 9% of the take, actually costs the protagonists more, by increasing the crew cut by at least 4%; using (inexperienced) Karim, Eddie, Gus, Packie/Chef, and Paige.

  • Gross take: $201,600,000
  • Casey's payoff: $300,000
  • Slow Loading Cost: $18,177,000
  • Money Dropped: $45,795,750
  • Net take: $137,387,250
  • Lester's cut (12%): $16,486,469
  • Crew cut (55%): $75,562,983
  • Casualty Expenses (12%): $16,486,469
  • Michael's cut: $9,617,109
  • Franklin's cut: $9,617,109
  • Trevor's cut: $9,617,109

Mission Objectives


  • Enter in the car. - (Michael)
  • Go to the tunnel entrance before 8am. - (Michael)
  • Release the spike strip in the tunnel before the Securicars get out. - (Michael)
  • Wait for the Securicars. - (Michael)
  • Go to the Union Depository. - (Michael)
  • Follow the manager. - (Michael)
  • Enter the Securicar. - (Michael)
  • Follow Trevor. - (Michael)
  • Keep the streets clean for the Securicars. - (Franklin)
  • Kill all the Merryweather soldiers. - (Michael, Trevor and Franklin)
  • Follow the rest of the crew. - (Franklin)
  • Go to Michael's House. - (Franklin)


  • Get in the car. - (Michael)
  • Go to the bank. - (Michael)
  • Pierce the vault wall with the driller. - (Franklin)
  • Park the driller near the wall. - (Franklin)
  • Plant the bombs on the vault doors and detonate. - (Franklin)
  • Protect the crew member from the NOOSE agents. - (Franklin)
  • Fly out of the city. - (Trevor)
  • Escape with the crew member. - (Michael and Franklin)
  • Enter in the getaway vehicle. - (Michael or Franklin)
  • Lose the cops. - (Michael or Franklin)
  • Follow the driver. - (Trevor)
  • Keep the helicopter steady so Lester can destroy the Buzzards. - (Trevor)
  • Release the gold in the train. - (Trevor)
  • Land in the airfield. - (Trevor)

Gold Medal Objectives


  • Headshots - Kill 20 enemies with a headshot
    • Kill as many enemies with a headshot. This helps with the accuracy achievement.
  • Signal Man - Perform less than 10 traffic light changes
    • Only stop the enemies close to the Securicars.
  • Accuracy - Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 60%
    • Headshots or using a shotgun should help achieve this.


  • Headshots - Kill 20 enemies with a headshot
    • Kill as many enemies as possible with headshots. This applies to the accuracy achievement.
  • Time - Complete within 16:00
    • Skip all cutscenes.
  • Cha-Ching - Drop the gold onto the train within 30 seconds
    • Try to drop the gold on the train before it goes under the bridge at the quarry, or just after.
  • Accuracy - Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 60%
    • Headshots or using a shotgun should achieve this.


Weazel News (Radio)


"Gold prices spike as U.S. reserves take another hit. Up to four tons of gold have disappeared from the supposedly unrobbable Union Depository earlier in a dramatic raid. Having hacked into the computer system to clear an unusually large shipment of gold for transfer, the criminals hijacked an armored car and convinced the bank workers to give them the precious metal willingly. The criminals were engaged by both security forces and a Merryweather security team, but escaped. The scale of the the robbery led to a spike in gold prices."


"Gold prices spike as U.S. reserves take another hit. The supposedly unrobbable Union Depository was robbed not once, but twice; with as much as four tons of gold believed to have been stolen. Two gunmen walked into the main bank demanding gold, drawing teams of police into a standoff. Meanwhile, another group of robbers drilled through the vault wall. By the time the security teams had been diverted from the standoff, the criminals had airlifted the gold out of the city. The scale of the robbery led to a spike in the price of gold."

Weazel News Newspaper


"Thieves withdrew around two hundred million dollars' worth of gold bullion from the Union Depository earlier, making the price of gold skyrocket. Employees at the bank willingly handed over the gold to the criminals thinking they were an armored car crew. The gold was then transported to Mission Row where it was loaded into four cars. Events are unclear at this point, but it appears that a security team from Merryweather discovered the heist crew before any crime was reported. They engaged them in a fire fight, but were unable to stop them escaping past Legion Square and into the city. The police were finally called, but it was too late to stop the criminals from getting away."


"Thieves withdrew around two hundred million dollars' worth of gold bullion from the Union Depository earlier, making the price of gold skyrocket. The crew staged a robbery in the bank lobby, drawing security teams into a standoff, while their accomplices drilled into the vault and airlifted out around four tons of gold. The crew were then forced to fight their way out through Downtown Los Santos, eventually escaping a comprehensive city-wide manhunt. Connections have been made between the heist at the Union Depository and recent crimes at a Rockford Hills jewel store and a savings bank in Paleto Bay, but there are still no suspects in any of the investigations."

Lifeinvader Posts

(Michael's Lifeinvader)

  • Lester Crest - "You can retire for real this time, old friend."

Bleeter Posts

  • @felixwarlock - "Not the Union Depository! Just when I put all my money in gold! I'm so screwed!"
  • @ralphyscalpy - "How is it even possible to rob the Union Depository? Is there anything left in Los Santos that can't be broken into????"


Glitches and oversights

  • In the Subtle approach, no matter who is chosen as the first gunman, they will always look like Norm Richards. This glitch is not present in the enhanced version.
  • In the Obvious approach, after switching to Trevor, when Lester uses an RPG to destroy the three Buzzards, a glitch will occur in which these three Buzzards will not appear and when the crew reaches the train, the mission will fail, as if they had appeared. This glitch unfortunately prevents the player from achieving a gold medal, since it causes the player to restart from the checkpoint. It also has been fixed in the enhanced version. (Tested on Xbox 360)
  • Sometimes, when replaying this mission, the game will freeze after the cutscene when deciding which approach the player chooses therefore making this mission unplayable.
  • In the Obvious approach, during the Arcadius Business Center shootout, when playing as Franklin, his icon in the character wheel will oddly still be highlighted.
  • In the Obvious approach, after Michael says "It was a whole lot less successful than your lick, but we needed to divide attention!", Franklin says "Woo, got it!", but the subtitles read "Well, sh*t, the gold's out of here, so let's bust too, dog."
  • In the Obvious approach, if the player looks closely, they can see that the train the crew uses to transport the gold has no engineer.
  • In the Obvious approach, after the crew have reached the getaway vehicle, if the player uses the construction tunnel to escape the police, the hole on the vault wall will have been patched up and the Cutter will not be there either.
  • In the Obvious approach, when Trevor is changing into his suit for the heist, he says "Four hundred million dollars ($400,000,000) ain't making this guy a player", even though the total take is $201,600,000.
  • In both approaches, after Trevor, Franklin and Michael have changed into their suits/Gruppe Sechs uniforms, they are seen exiting the Vanilla Unicorn from the back door, but later they are at the front door.



  • Subtle

  • Obvious

The Big Score (GTA V) (2)

Franklin arrives at Vanilla Unicorn.

The Big Score (GTA V) (3)

Michael, Trevor and Lester.

The Big Score (GTA V) (4)

The hacker arrives.

The Big Score (GTA V) (5)

The Big Score (GTA V) (6)

The team approaching the car.

The Big Score (GTA V) (7)

Get into the car.

The Big Score (GTA V) (8)

Get to the tunnel entrance before 8 am.

The Big Score (GTA V) (9)

Tunnel location.

The Big Score (GTA V) (10)

Arriving at the tunnel entrance.

The Big Score (GTA V) (11)

The team waiting for the armored vans to arrive.

The Big Score (GTA V) (12)

Drop the stinger in the tunnel before the vans leave.

The Big Score (GTA V) (13)

The stingers are dropped from the car.

The Big Score (GTA V) (14)

Move away from the stinger and wait for the vans to arrive.

The Big Score (GTA V) (15)

Vans drive over the stingers.

The Big Score (GTA V) (16)

Vans lose control and screech to a halt.

The Big Score (GTA V) (17)

The Big Score (GTA V) (18)

Get out!

The Big Score (GTA V) (19)

The backup van arrives with spare tyres for the vans.

The Big Score (GTA V) (20)

Get down!

The Big Score (GTA V) (21)

Getting into the armored vans.

The Big Score (GTA V) (22)

Go to the depository.

The Big Score (GTA V) (23)

Depository location.

The Big Score (GTA V) (24)

Arriving at the depository delivery entrance.

The Big Score (GTA V) (25)

Pulling up to the side of the security guard.

The Big Score (GTA V) (26)

Casey clears identity check.

The Big Score (GTA V) (27)

The two vans pull up to the loading bay.

The Big Score (GTA V) (28)

The Big Score (GTA V) (29)

Meeting the manager.

The Big Score (GTA V) (30)

False ID.

The Big Score (GTA V) (31)

Follow the manager.

The Big Score (GTA V) (32)

Entering the lift.

The Big Score (GTA V) (33)

The Big Score (GTA V) (34)

The vault.

The Big Score (GTA V) (35)

Casey unlocks the vault.

The Big Score (GTA V) (36)

Inside the vault, numerous lockers loaded with gold are found.

The Big Score (GTA V) (37)

The Big Score (GTA V) (38)

Taking the gold.

The Big Score (GTA V) (39)

The Big Score (GTA V) (40)

Loading the gold into the lift.

The Big Score (GTA V) (41)

The Big Score (GTA V) (42)

Loading the gold into the vans.

The Big Score (GTA V) (43)

Get into the van.

The Big Score (GTA V) (44)

The Big Score (GTA V) (45)

Follow Trevor.

The Big Score (GTA V) (46)

The Big Score (GTA V) (47)

SWITCH to Franklin.

The Big Score (GTA V) (48)

Franklin switching traffic signals to lead Merryweather units away from the two armored vans.

The Big Score (GTA V) (49)

A Merryweather unit is in sight.

The Big Score (GTA V) (50)

Almost there!

The Big Score (GTA V) (51)

The two armored vans arrive under the freeway. Seen in the foreground are the four muscle cars.

The Big Score (GTA V) (52)

Transferring the gold into the cars.

The Big Score (GTA V) (53)

The Big Score (GTA V) (54)

Michael gives Casey a gold bar to make sure he keeps quiet about what happened.

The Big Score (GTA V) (55)

Defend the crew from Merryweather.

The Big Score (GTA V) (56)

Killing Merryweather units.

The Big Score (GTA V) (57)

I think that's the lot!

The Big Score (GTA V) (58)

Getting into the cars.

The Big Score (GTA V) (59)

Setting off - a 5 star wanted level it put onto the crew.

The Big Score (GTA V) (60)

Follow the rest of the crew.

The Big Score (GTA V) (61)

The first of numerous police cars spawns.

The Big Score (GTA V) (62)

At the junction, a police car crashes into another vehicle.

The Big Score (GTA V) (63)

A roadblock forms before two more police units join the chase.

The Big Score (GTA V) (64)

Making their way around the city.

The Big Score (GTA V) (65)

A police car, attempting to ram the team off the road, rolls over into a police roadblock.

The Big Score (GTA V) (66)

Escaping through the construction site.

The Big Score (GTA V) (67)

Back onto road, another police unit joins chase.

The Big Score (GTA V) (68)

Jumping off the mall's upper road.

The Big Score (GTA V) (69)

A police car crashes into a tanker truck.

The Big Score (GTA V) (70)

Numerous roadblocks and units.

The Big Score (GTA V) (71)

A police helicopter makes its way onto the freeway.

The Big Score (GTA V) (72)

Approaching the tunnel, a police helicopter blasts weaponry at the team.

The Big Score (GTA V) (73)

Entering the trucks.

The Big Score (GTA V) (74)

The Big Score (GTA V) (75)

Trucks driving away.

The Big Score (GTA V) (76)


The Big Score (GTA V) (77)

Trucks arriving in Harmony.

The Big Score (GTA V) (78)

Approaching the Cavalcade.

The Big Score (GTA V) (79)

Go to Michael's house.

The Big Score (GTA V) (80)

Michael's house.

The Big Score (GTA V) (81)

Arriving at Michael's mansion.

The Big Score (GTA V) (82)

Lester at the house

The Big Score (GTA V) (83)


The Big Score (GTA V) (84)

Mission complete.

The Big Score (GTA V) (85)

"Here, put this on."

The Big Score (GTA V) (86)


The Big Score (GTA V) (87)


The Big Score (GTA V) (88)

Get in the car.

The Big Score (GTA V) (89)

Go to the bank.

The Big Score (GTA V) (90)

Drilling through the vault wall.

The Big Score (GTA V) (91)

Putting Sticky Bombs on the vault doors.

The Big Score (GTA V) (92)

The Big Score (GTA V) (93)

Holding off the first wave of officers.

The Big Score (GTA V) (94)

"Back the hell up!"

The Big Score (GTA V) (95)

The choppers arriving to pick up the gold.

The Big Score (GTA V) (96)

Holding off the officers coming from the bank vault.

The Big Score (GTA V) (97)

Then finally the ones rappeling down the tunnel.

The Big Score (GTA V) (98)

Fly out of the city.

The Big Score (GTA V) (99)

SWITCH to Michael.

The Big Score (GTA V) (100)

"Hey! They didn't give us the gold!"

The Big Score (GTA V) (101)

About to shoot down a Police Maverick.

The Big Score (GTA V) (102)

"My pockets are empty, officer!"

The Big Score (GTA V) (103)

Taking cover.

The Big Score (GTA V) (104)

Shooting down another Police Maverick.

The Big Score (GTA V) (105)

Killing the officers on the bridge.

The Big Score (GTA V) (106)

Destroying a police car with the Grenade Launcher.

The Big Score (GTA V) (107)

"Eh, don't die today!"

The Big Score (GTA V) (108)

"We won't make it on the roads! Stay high! Stay on the walkways!"

The Big Score (GTA V) (109)

"Move or get moved!"

The Big Score (GTA V) (110)

"We will go through you!"

The Big Score (GTA V) (111)

"Eh, we coming through!"

The Big Score (GTA V) (112)

"Stairs on the right! Let's go!"

The Big Score (GTA V) (113)

"This what you wanna die for?"

The Big Score (GTA V) (114)

"Don't get in our way!"

The Big Score (GTA V) (115)

"Punch through 'em!"

The Big Score (GTA V) (116)

"Go home to your wives!"

The Big Score (GTA V) (117)

"Stay on me! Come on!"

The Big Score (GTA V) (118)

"Don't be dumb!"

The Big Score (GTA V) (119)

"We keep going, we'll make it!"

The Big Score (GTA V) (120)

Finally reaching the parking lot.

The Big Score (GTA V) (121)

Exterminating the officers in the parking lot.

The Big Score (GTA V) (122)

"Don't be a hero!"

The Big Score (GTA V) (123)

Reaching the getaway vehicle. Lose the cops.

The Big Score (GTA V) (124)

Trevor and Eddie's Froggers successfully deliver the two crates to the Freight Train.

The Big Score (GTA V) (125)

Landing at the airfield.

The Big Score (GTA V) (126)

The Big Score (GTA V) (127)

"We did it, we f*cking did it!"

The Big Score (GTA V) (128)

"We are good, alright?"

The Big Score (GTA V) (129)

"Wow... you are one serious f*cking buzz kill."

The Big Score (GTA V) (130)

"Eh look man, I'm gonna get the car up out of here, alright?"

The Big Score (GTA V) (131)

"Hey, you two, come with me. I'm gonna need some help getting the metal in storage for a few days before I can sell it."

The Big Score (GTA V) (132)

Everyone leaving.

The Big Score (GTA V) (133)

Gold medal.


Video Walkthroughs


The Big Score (GTA V) (134)

GTA 5 - Mission 75 - The Big Score (Subtle Approach) 100% Gold Medal Walkthrough

The Big Score (Subtle Approach) Mission Walkthrough

The Big Score (GTA V) (135)

GTA 5 - Mission 75 - The Big Score (Subtle Approach) First Person Gold Medal Guide - PS4

First Person Walkthrough

The Big Score (GTA V) (136)

GTA 5 PC - Mission 75 - The Big Score (Subtle Approach) Gold Medal Guide - 1080p 60fps

PC 60FPS Walkthrough

GTA Series Videos - GTA 5 PS5 - The Big Score (Subtle)
[Gold Medal Guide - 4K 60fps]


The Big Score (GTA V) (137)

GTA 5 - Mission 79 - The Big Score (Obvious) 100% Gold Medal Walkthrough

The Big Score (Obvious) Mission Walkthrough

The Big Score (GTA V) (138)

GTA 5 - Mission 79 - The Big Score (Obvious) First Person Gold Medal Guide - PS4

First Person Walkthrough

The Big Score (GTA V) (139)

GTA 5 PC - Mission 79 - The Big Score (Obvious) Gold Medal Guide - 1080p 60fps

PC 60FPS Walkthrough

GTA Series Videos - GTA 5 PS5 - The Big Score (Obvious)
[Gold Medal Guide - 4K 60fps]



  • When stealing Gruppe Sechs outfits for The Big Con approach of The Diamond Casino Heist, Lester will say “The old Gruppe Sechs con... Why do I love saying that?”, referencing this mission and possibly confirming that the Subtle approach is the canon choice for this mission.
    • Also, during the heist finale, Lester will say “Did you ever hear the one about the four Gruppe Sechs employees in an elevator?”, further indicating that the Subtle approach is canon.
  • Michael and Trevor will both receive Gruppe Sechs uniforms after this mission, even though the uniforms are only required if the player uses the Subtle approach.
  • It is mentioned by both Michael and the news reports that the gold is being unloaded in Mission Row, though it is actually unloaded underneath an overpass behind the Vanilla Unicorn, which is located in Strawberry.
  • The trio manage to steal exactly 672 gold bricks, since when Casey is paid off (Subtle), $300,000 is deducted from the take, indicating that each brick is worth $300,000. 201,600,000 divided by 300,000 is 672.
  • If the player takes too long deciding which approach to go by during the set up scene, Trevor will accuse Michael of "milking it".
  • If Trevor triggers the mission, he and Michael do not fight as much in the cutscenes.
  • Both post-mission getaway vehicles in both versions of the mission (Tailgater in Obvious, Cavalcade in Subtle) use the same license plate: 54AJM610.
    • Additionally, both vehicles will be driven by Franklin.


  • The Oracle Michael drives in the Obvious approach has the registration 81TDS937, which is the same registration of the Oracle owned by Dave Norton. While this may simply be unintended, the Oracle might be actually his vehicle; alternatively, he may have appeared in the heist but was cut during development for unknown reasons.
    • The Oracle will be used as the getaway car if the player replays this mission.
  • The Obvious approach is a reference to the 1995 film Die Hard With a Vengeance, in which Simon Gruber, the main antagonist, robs gold bullion from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York by drilling into the vault room (with a concept vehicle the Cutter is heavily based on) from a subway station construction site.
  • The shootout with the cops in the streets surrounding the Union Depository in the Obvious approach may also be inspired by the shootout in the 1995 film Heat, which features a similar running shootout with police following a bank robbery and a character named Michael. Heat has been referenced numerous times in recent GTA games.
  • When Franklin drives away in the red Tailgater at the end of the Obvious approach, the radio will always tune in to Radio Los Santos.
  • During the shootout through the Arcadius Business Center, Michael shouts "Where'd all the N.O.O.S.E guys go? Was there another robbery?", even though NOOSE teams are still trying to stop the crew from getting away.
  • Some of the NOOSE officers in the construction tunnel use Advanced Rifles, which they never use outside of missions.
  • If the player immediately switches to Trevor after finishing the heist, he will be seen walking at the Sandy Shores airfield saying "Michael ... Merryweather ... They're all against me!"
  • It’s always a good idea to keep an eye on the course of falling helicopters during the crew’s advance along the walkways to the getaway vehicle. Although the game makes great efforts in reducing the likelihood of one crashing/exploding near the player (by igniting their turbines and spiralling them away from the player’s immediate direction), they will occasionally veer back around and strike infrastructure close to the player, possibly causing death and therefore mission failure. An easy way to avoid this occurring is by using explosives.
  • Even if an experienced pilot is chosen, it can sometimes be noticed that their helicopter makes severe contact with the blades of the wind turbines when attempting to evade the pursuing Merryweather Buzzards. The chopper itself is never affected by any of these collisions, but the attached share of gold bullion will sway and swing with impacts and the appropriate damage effect particles will be produced.
  • Considering the differing velocities, heights and trajectories of all helicopters involved in the final airborne chase (as well as rocket speed and any wind present), it would be effectively impossible for Lester to successfully predict the movements of - and shoot down - the attacking Buzzards with an unguided RPG as he does during the mission. This is made even more dubious when observing the rockets in actual gameplay; they can clearly be seen mirroring the movements of the chopper they are trailing and alter accordingly before making contact as if guided. Factor in Lester’s probable inexperience with such weaponry (at least in reality) and this sequence becomes almost comedically fanciful.
  • The Buzzard Attack Chopper that shows up during the shootout through the Arcadius Business Center is actually piloted by a NOOSE officer, despite dialogue stating that Merryweather is on the scene.
  • The player can drive into the construction tunnel to evade the cops, even though it was the epicenter of the heist just a few minutes before. There is no trace of the drilled hole, even though the roof opening stays uncovered until the end of the mission.


  • The subtle approach contains several references to The Italian Job, both the 1969 original and the 2003 remake. As part of the mission, the crew manipulate traffic lights to prevent Merryweather Security reaching Michael and the armored convoy; in the films, traffic lights are manipulated to slow down the team's pursuers. Later the team is involved in a speed chase in three Gauntlets, which ends with the team loading the cars into the back of two trucks; this is similar to both films, which feature car chases involving Mini Coopers that end with the cars being driven into coaches.
  • If a poor second gunman is chosen, when swapping the flat tires on the Gruppe Sechs trucks they will forget to replace one of the tires the truck, though this has no effect on the rest of the mission.
  • To make the mission easier, the crew's Gauntlets cannot be overtaken, as they will dramatically speed up if the player manages to pass them.
  • When the protagonists are driving to Michael's House at the end of the Subtle approach, the radio will always tune in to Los Santos Rock Radio and it will always play "Hollywood Nights" by Bob Seger.
  • There is proof within the game files that parts of this mission have been changed - Originally, the hacker was supposed to warn Michael about Merryweather - and there are dialogues for Rickie Lukens that suggest that the number of traffic light changes was supposed to be limited. (Probably ten switches are allowed since that was the gold medal objective and possibly only with a bad hacker since the dialogues have only been found for Rickie)
  • Similar to Franklin and Lamar, the entire escape sequence of this mission is scripted, likely for game/mission performance. While major events such as the collision with police roadblocks, a tanker truck and the police helicopter are clearly scripted, the rest of the city's traffic is removed, to make the mission more convenient for the aforementioned events. Traffic is only found on the streets the crew traverse and those surrounding them, and even these vehicles are completely scripted. Traffic mostly consists of Emperors and Habaneros, similar to how Franklin and Lamar mostly consists of Intruders and Mananas, again for performance benefits.
    • When first pulling out of the alleyway from Vanilla Unicorn onto Strawberry Avenue, a dark grey Habanero and a lighter gray Emperor pass as the first Police Cruiser pulls through. At the following intersection, a light gray Emperor, three Habaneros (gray, light gray and white) and a gray Burrito are near.
    • Passing under Interstate 4, a dark red/cream Emperor is found. The same Police Cruiser also makes way to the front of the tail.
    • At the Vespucci Boulevard intersection, a bright blue Habanero, aqua green Emperor and a black Vader are found nearby. A red/orange Habanero passes across the intersection, while the Police Cruiser collides with a dark green Emperor.
    • Passing Legion Square, a white/red Emperor is found driving by, while a grey Habanero is parked on the right.
    • Turning left at the San Andreas Avenue intersection, two Emperors (dark gray and black), a gray Benson, red Habanero and a green Vader are found.
    • The short pass along San Andreas Avenue sees a parked white Habanero on the left and a gray Emperor driving by. Ahead, two Police Cruisers form a roadblock, blocking the rest of the avenue off, before the tailing Police Cruiser loses control and halts at this block, and another Police Cruiser joins pursuit. Behind the roadblock, another gray Emperor is seen.
    • Underneath the FIB Headquarters courtyard on Elgin Avenue, a red Emperor, red Bus and a parked gray Burrito are seen. The tailing Police Cruiser collides with a brown Biff at this point.
    • Turning left on Swiss Street, a Police Cruiser joins the chase, while the remaining Police Cruiser collides with a gray Burrito at the intersection. A gray Habanero is also seen ahead.
    • On Swiss Street, a gray Habanero is heading towards the intersection, while a red Emperor and another light gray Habanero turn onto Swiss Street.
    • Crossing the freeway over Power Street, another dark red Emperor is passed. Ahead, three Police Cruisers form a roadblock just after the entrance to the construction site on the left. The pursuing Police Car attempts to ram one of the team member's cars at this point, and rolls onto its roof several times, before crashing into the roadblock.
    • In the construction site, a Dozer is seen parked up. Two other Police Cruisers join the chase and enter the site.
    • Making their way onto Alta Street, two Emperors and Habaneros are in the area, one pulls out of a driveway on the left. A Police Cruiser pulls out of an alleyway ahead, joining the chase.
    • On Occupation Avenue, two Habaneros, a white Benson pulling out of a carpark and a white Emperor are seen in the area. Another blue Emperor is found at the intersection passing under the mall in Burton. A Police Cruiser forms a blockage on the lower road underneath the mall, forcing the crew to take the upper ramp.
    • Jumping off the upper ramp and onto San Vitus Boulevard-Carcer Way intersection, a brown Emperor, two Habaneros (white and blue) are seen. A red Packer towing a RON tanker trailer pulls around the corner, and a Police Cruiser crashes into the tanker, resulting in a massive explosion.
    • Passing the Mount Zonah Medical Center, two Emperors (gray and green) are found on the road. A red Bus is pulling out of the lay-by on the right. Two Police Cruisers swerve to form a roadblock on the Dorset Drive-Carcer Way-Portola Avenue-Portola Drive intersection. A white Emperor is found on Dorset Drive, while a Police Cruiser is crashed into by a gray Habanero.
    • Making a right onto the Del Perro Freeway, three cruisers form a roadblock, while a Police Maverick runs parallel to the freeway as the crew make their way onto the off-ramp.
    • On the off-ramp, a red Flatbed is pulling onto the freeway. Numerous Habaneros (two gray, red and blue) and Emperors (dark red/cream, red, dark green) are already found on the freeway before passing under the tunnel. The Police Maverick stops just above the tunnel entrance, and units on the side fire rounds as the team pass under.
    • Within the tunnel, a red Bus, a dark blue Habanero and a green Emperor are driving. The two Packers towing trailers are found just ahead. After exiting the tunnel, a Police Maverick is viewing the traffic exiting the tunnel.
  • When the player is about to enter the tunnel, there will be a Police Maverick with a police officer on the side using an MG.




Grand Theft Auto series
Grand Theft Auto
Grand Theft Auto:
Grand Theft Auto 2
Grand Theft Auto III
Vice City
San Andreas
Liberty City Stories
Vice City Stories
Grand Theft Auto IV
Grand Theft Auto:
Episodes from Liberty City
Chinatown Wars
Grand Theft Auto V
Grand Theft Auto Online


Missions in Grand Theft Auto V
Simeon Yetarian The Big Score (GTA V) (140)
Lamar Davis The Big Score (GTA V) (141) The Big Score (GTA V) (142)

Part 1

Part 2

Michael De Santa The Big Score (GTA V) (143) The Big Score (GTA V) (144) The Big Score (GTA V) (145)

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Lester Crest The Big Score (GTA V) (146) The Big Score (GTA V) (147) The Big Score (GTA V) (148)

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Heists The Big Score (GTA V) (149) The Big Score (GTA V) (150) The Big Score (GTA V) (151)

Option A

Option B

No Options

Option A Heist Setup
The Big Score (GTA V) (152) The Big Score (GTA V) (153) The Big Score (GTA V) (154)

The Jewel Store Job

The Merryweather Heist

The Bureau Raid

The Big Score

Option B Heist Setup
The Big Score (GTA V) (155) The Big Score (GTA V) (156) The Big Score (GTA V) (157)

The Jewel Store Job

The Merryweather Heist

The Bureau Raid


The Big Score

Heist Setup
(No Options)
The Big Score (GTA V) (158) The Big Score (GTA V) (159) The Big Score (GTA V) (160)

Blitz Play

The Paleto Score

Trevor Philips The Big Score (GTA V) (161) The Big Score (GTA V) (162)

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Tao Cheng The Big Score (GTA V) (163)
FIB The Big Score (GTA V) (164) The Big Score (GTA V) (165) The Big Score (GTA V) (166)

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Devin Weston The Big Score (GTA V) (167) The Big Score (GTA V) (168) The Big Score (GTA V) (169)

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Solomon Richards The Big Score (GTA V) (170)

Part 1

Part 2

Martin Madrazo The Big Score (GTA V) (171) The Big Score (GTA V) (172)
Franklin Clinton The Big Score (GTA V) (173) The Big Score (GTA V) (174)

Option A The Big Score (GTA V) (175)

Option B The Big Score (GTA V) (176)

Option C The Big Score (GTA V) (177)

Optional missions

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5


Side Missions
Missions in GTA V (Category) | Missions | Beta Missions | Side Missions (Category)

[E] - Enhanced Version only missions

Mission Protagonist:
Michael De Santa | Franklin Clinton | Trevor Philips | Michael & Trevor | Franklin & Michael | Trevor & Franklin
All | Player's Choice
The Big Score (GTA V) (2024)


The Big Score (GTA V)? ›

For maximum cash, the best choice is the obvious approach, with Karim Denz and Taliana Martinez as the two drivers; and Daryl Johns and Norm Richards or Hugh Welsh as the two gunman, adding well over $41 million for each character (more if the player chooses the A ending).

What is the best choice for The Big Score GTA 5? ›

For maximum cash, the best choice is the obvious approach, with Karim Denz and Taliana Martinez as the two drivers; and Daryl Johns and Norm Richards or Hugh Welsh as the two gunman, adding well over $41 million for each character (more if the player chooses the A ending).

What should I invest before The Big Score? ›

The first mission given to Franklin by Lester tasks him with taking out Brett Lowrey of Bilkinton Research. Before stepping into the marker, GTA 5 players should switch to all characters and invest everything into Betta Pharmaceuticals. After the mission, they should sell the stocks when the max return reaches 50%.

Do you get money from The Big Score GTA 5? ›

How much money do you get from the Big Score in GTA 5? If all goes well with the Obvious approach, the crew makes $201,600,000 total. This comes to approximately $26,000,000 for Michael, Trevor, and Franklin. Since they did not need to pay anyone off or spend money on their cars, this is a full takeaway.

How do you get money for The Big Score in GTA? ›

  1. How to Earn Money in GTA 5.
  2. General Money Saving Tips and Tricks.
  3. Assassinations Missions Offer Great Compensation.
  4. Try Your Luck at Investing in Stocks.
  5. Rob ATMs for Some Quick Cash.
  6. Small Time Shenanigans for Big Bucks.
  7. Compete in Street Races for Quick and Easy Income.
  8. Saving is Earning.
Oct 12, 2022

Which approach is better for The Big Score? ›

The Subtle approach for The Big Score might be the safest, but choose the Obvious approach if you want the biggest score.

Should I do big score A or B? ›

For the fifth heist, the Big Score, choose Option B. It is possible to get $41,664,000 per character this way. Take Taliana Martinez as your first driver.

How do you get a billion dollars in GTA 5 story mode? ›

1. How to make billions in GTA 5 story mode without stock market.
  1. Head to any Ammu-nation store.
  2. Use a silenced gun to shoot the clerk from the doorway. ...
  3. Empty the cash registers using a melee attack.
  4. Exit the store and walk about three car lengths away.
  5. Come back to the store to find all the money re-spawned.
Nov 18, 2021

What stocks to invest in after beating GTA V? ›

This mission is forced upon you to progress the story, so have all three characters invest in Betta Pharmaceuticals (BET) on the BAWSAQ once the mission is completed.

What happens after The Big Score? ›

After the events of The Big Score in GTA 5, the player is switched to Franklin. When Franklin arrives at his house, Devin Weston visits him and tells him to kill Michael. Franklin refuses and tells Devin that the FIB wants him to kill Trevor.

Is The Big Score the last mission? ›

— Michael De Santa, Trevor Philips and Lester Crest chanting in excitement before the heist. The Big Score is a mission in Grand Theft Auto V. It is the sixth and final heist mission that protagonists Michael De Santa, Trevor Philips and Franklin Clinton execute.

What should I invest after the big score? ›

After completing "The Big Score" FlyUS stock should yield a 100% return; invest all money made from "The Big Score" in it. Wait for FlyUS stock to yield a 158% return, then sell all of it.

Is The Big Score hard? ›

1 "The Big Score" Is The Hardest Mission In GTA V

It's the biggest heist the characters complete, leaving them all with a generous cut. After a few preparations, players can begin the final heist. Things get much more difficult when the protagonists make contact with the gold.

Can you still hang out with Michael after killing Trevor? ›

Trevor won't hang out with you. Michael will do the same if you kill Trevor. They basically won't be your friend anymore. The only way to continue hanging out with either one of them is to choose Ending C.

What crew to use for The Big Score? ›

The best crew formation for the Obvious Approach to the Big Score in GTA V is: Use Taliana Martinez and Karim Denz as drivers. Karim Denz is less experienced than Taliana. Hence, he will be used as Driver 2.

What happens if you don't save Jimmy? ›


If you choose to refuse helping Jimmy from his captors, $3600 will be taken from your account as a bribe payment for Jimmy's release (plus an angry email from Jimmy).

What is the highest payout heist in GTA 5? ›

Diamond Casino Heist Payout Is the Highest

The Diamond Casino Heist payout is by far the highest in GTA Online. The rewards for the mission add up to $10.34 million on normal difficulty, and it can go up to $11.37 million, if the heist is on hard difficulty.

What to do after big score GTA 5? ›

You'll definitely notice details you didn't see before.
  1. 14 Give GTA Online A Try.
  2. 13 Buy Property And Make Money.
  3. 12 Learn Something New.
  4. 11 Become An Assassin And Make Profit.
  5. 10 Try Out New Hobbies.
  6. 9 Find Collectibles.
  7. 8 Pull Off Some Stick Stunts.
  8. 7 Find All Strangers And Freaks.
Mar 24, 2023

How to get $1 million dollars fast in GTA V Online? ›

GTA Online: Here's how to make millions in multiplayer game
  1. Begin a business with high potential and minimal investment. ...
  2. Agency Property. ...
  3. Unlock the Cayo Perico Heist by acquiring Kosatka Submarine. ...
  4. Establish a Bunker for Additional Income. ...
  5. Invest in an Aircraft Hangar for Long-Term Profit.
Feb 21, 2023

Where is the hidden money in GTA 5? ›

These Hidden Packages can only be obtained at the Altruist camp after Trevor delivers four victims. During the shootout, there will be FOUR briefcases that show up in the camp with $25,000 each! Be sure to take both because this will be the ONLY time these packages spawn!

Is there a secret money in GTA 5 story mode? ›

In GTA V, you can discover hidden money locations and unlock many rewards, including cash, weapons, and other valuable items. Explore the game's vast world and navigate challenging areas to uncover these hidden packages, providing extra excitement and adventure to your gameplay experience.

When should I sell my stock GTA? ›

In order to learn how to master the stock market and buy everything in the game, the principles are simple: buy stock when it's low and sell it at a profit when it increases. You can filter stocks by average change percentages, and monitor their performance over time.

What is the money cheat in GTA 5? ›

There's no money cheat code in GTA 5. The developers from Rockstar like us to have some fun with cheating, but they have not given us a way to make a ton of free cash which is not in the least bit surprising. This applies to both single player and multiplayer, there's no GTA money cheat for either.

When should I sell fruit stock GTA 5? ›

From this point, you'll need to wait 2-3 in-game days for the Fruit stocks to reach 50% before selling (on PS4/X1 consoles, the Fruit stock will only go as high as 25%). Once you get near 50%, SELL all your shares and then invest everything in Facade (FAC).

How to make 4 million dollars in GTA 5 Online fast? ›

  1. Complete Double/Triple Cash Missions And Activities. Every week, Rockstar prioritises new missions by giving them cash bonuses for completing them. ...
  2. Complete Heists And Cargos. ...
  3. Spin The Lucky Wheel. ...
  4. Twitch Bonuses. ...
  5. Complete Time Trials And RC Bandito Time Trials. ...
  6. How To Make $4,000,000 In One Day.
Mar 16, 2022

What is the max number of money in GTA? ›

Players may also purchase weapons and weapon modifications like scopes or weapon suppressors from Ammu-Nation. $2,147,483,647 is the maximum amount of money possible for any online or offline character to own. The number 2,147,483,647 is the maximum positive value for a 32-bit signed binary integer in computing.

Can you play as Trevor after killing him? ›

When Trevor dies, the player will no longer be able to play him in GTA 5. His assets will be gone, as will the side missions he's featured as the protagonist in.

What happens if Franklin kills Michael? ›

If Franklin kills Michael, he will lose his father-figure and his best friend's trust. There's never been a greater dilemma. Option C, generally known as The Third Way, allows Franklin to team up with his crime partners and kill the bad guys. This is perhaps the best option of all in GTA 5's story mode.

How to make 1.2 billion in GTA 5? ›

Complete the mission, then sleep to Pass More Time, then buy facade stock and sleep to pass More Time, then sell the facade stock. Complete the 3rd assassination, then invest in vapid and sleep, then sell the stock. If you invest with all 3 characters. you can make up to 1.2 billion.

How much money do you get in The Big Score? ›

As your crew take the money (up to $200 million), you'll have to defend yourself from the incoming FIB and police during the robbery AND during the escape.

How much money do you get from killing Trevor? ›

Trevor is pretty cool and its sad to kill him. And anyway, you still get like 10 mil for each character which is enough for nearly everyone.

Can you do the assassinations after The Big Score? ›

With the exception of the very first one, Assassinations can be done after the end of the main story. So you should first complete the Story Missions before doing any other Assassination Mission, in order to have the most millions of dollars to invest.

Why did i randomly get 200k in gta? ›

Rockstar often hands out such cash bonuses. Just check the newswire from time to time. Players will get small monitory rewards for logging in during certain weeks for events.

Which stock to buy before big score? ›

Buy the FlyUS stock at its lowest (after "Legal Trouble"). Quickly complete missions "Meltdown" and "The Big Score". If statement: If FlyUS is still at its lowest, then invest all money in FlyUS, wait for it to reach 100% return, then 158% return, then sell it.

How to invest $1,000 to make it grow? ›

Here are nine top ways to invest $1,000 and the key things to know about them.
  1. Buy an S&P 500 index fund. ...
  2. Buy partial shares in 5 stocks. ...
  3. Put it in an IRA. ...
  4. Get a match in your 401(k) ...
  5. Have a robo-advisor invest for you. ...
  6. Pay down your credit card or other loan. ...
  7. Go super safe with a high-yield savings account.
Feb 1, 2023

How to double a $1,000 in the stock market? ›

How to Invest $1000: 7 Smart Ways to Grow $1K in 2023
  1. Deal with debt.
  2. Invest in Low-Cost ETFs.
  3. Invest in stocks with fractional shares.
  4. Build a portfolio with a robo-advisor.
  5. Contribute to a 401(k)
  6. Contribute to a Roth IRA.
  7. Invest in your future self.
Jan 29, 2023

What is the best crew for the big score for most money? ›

The best crew formation for the Obvious Approach to the Big Score in GTA V is: Use Taliana Martinez and Karim Denz as drivers. Karim Denz is less experienced than Taliana. Hence, he will be used as Driver 2.

What should I invest in after the big score in GTA 5? ›

After completing "The Big Score" FlyUS stock should yield a 100% return; invest all money made from "The Big Score" in it. Wait for FlyUS stock to yield a 158% return, then sell all of it.

What to do after the big score in GTA 5? ›

You'll definitely notice details you didn't see before.
  1. 14 Give GTA Online A Try.
  2. 13 Buy Property And Make Money.
  3. 12 Learn Something New.
  4. 11 Become An Assassin And Make Profit.
  5. 10 Try Out New Hobbies.
  6. 9 Find Collectibles.
  7. 8 Pull Off Some Stick Stunts.
  8. 7 Find All Strangers And Freaks.
Mar 24, 2023

Should I choose AB or C in GTA? ›

If Ending A is chosen, Jimmy will no longer hang out with Michael, but he can still hang out with Franklin since he does not know that Franklin is involved. If Ending B is chosen, Jimmy will no longer hang out with Franklin or Trevor. If Ending C is chosen, Jimmy can still hang out with all three protagonists.

How much money does each character get from the big score? ›

As your crew take the money (up to $200 million), you'll have to defend yourself from the incoming FIB and police during the robbery AND during the escape. Also, since you have a bigger crew, each member will receive a 25% increase in Stats and your take will be $30-$40 million for the job.

Which business pays the most in GTA? ›

Starting off, the Arcade is one of the most profitable businesses in GTA Online. The Arcade will net you some nice pocket money each day, but the real reason to go this route is the opportunity created for Heists.

What is the highest income GTA? ›

Maximum income that each business can make in GTA Online
  • Document Forgery Office (650,000 - $1,235,000)
  • Weed Farm ($715,000 - $1,358,500)
  • Counterfeit Cash Factory ($845,000 - $1,605,000)
  • Methamphetamine Lab ($910,000 - $1,729,000)
  • Cocaine Lockup ($975,000 - $1,852,500)
Feb 11, 2021

What should I invest in GTA 5 to make money? ›

GTA Online: Businesses You Need To Buy To Get Rich
  1. 1 The Nightclub.
  2. 2 Arcade. ...
  3. 3 Crates Warehouse. ...
  4. 4 Cocaine Lockup. ...
  5. 5 Meth Lab. ...
  6. 6 Counterfeit Cash Factory. ...
  7. 7 Bunker. ...
  8. 8 Vehicle Warehouse. ...
Nov 18, 2022

What mission is next after the big score? ›

After completing The Big Score, Franklin will get a special visit from Devin Weston. He requests for Franklin to kill Michael in addition to the FIB wanting to kill Trevor.

Which GTA has the best ending? ›

GTA San Andreas' storyline concludes in a way that will leave players gratified. Whether it's for Tenpenny's death or CJ's ascension, the game has one of the best endings in the series.

What is the hardest job in GTA V? ›

10 Hardest Missions in GTA V
  • Grass Roots.
  • Crystal Maze.
  • Dead Man Walking.
  • Derailed.
  • Caída Libre.
  • Bury The Hatchet.
  • Blitz Play.
  • The Big Score.
Oct 1, 2022

Can Michael and Franklin hang out after killing Trevor? ›

Trevor won't hang out with you. Michael will do the same if you kill Trevor. They basically won't be your friend anymore. The only way to continue hanging out with either one of them is to choose Ending C.

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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.