The Best Personal Finance Books for Money Management Beginners (2024)

When it comes to money and personal finance, many of us don’t even want to think about it. Either we’re too overwhelmed to even assess our financial situation, too embarrassed to talk about such a “taboo” subject, or just plain bored out of our minds when it comes to contemplating bland topics such as debt, retirement, and investing.

Regardless of how you feel about the topic of money, the reality is that in today’s world it is an essential commodity. Getting a handle on your personal financial situation – whether it be paying off credit card or student loan debt, saving money for things that make you happy, or learning how to build wealth – can relieve SO MUCH unnecessary stress and uncertainty in your life. More importantly, not having to worry about money lets you focus on the things that matter most to you in your life.

And learning about managing your money doesn’t have to be scary, traumatic, or boring! In fact, I think you’ll find that it’s quite liberating to get your finances in check (I know I did!). To help you get started on your journey to financial freedom, here’s a list of the best personal finance books that I’ve read when it comes to mastering your money mindset, paying off debt, and organizing your finances so that your money works for you!

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The Best Personal Finance Books for Money Management Beginners (1)

(If you don’t like to read, you should seriously consider signing up for an account on or visit your local library’s website for audio versions of these books. I’ve been obsessed with Audible since I signed up just over a year ago and it’s a membership I don’t think I’ll ever stop using – if you’re new to Audible you can get one free audiobook, two Audible Original audiobooks, and a 30-day free trial by signing up here).

You Are A Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth

The Best Personal Finance Books for Money Management Beginners (2)The Best Personal Finance Books for Money Management Beginners (3)

If you’ve read some of my other articles, you know I love Jen Sincero’s books! She’s super down-to-earth, funny, and straightforward in showing you how to change your life for the better, including your finances. You Are A Badass at Making Money is all about changing your attitude towards money and developing a mindset that allows you to make more of it! As Jen Sincero explains in the introduction:

“If you’re ready to make more money, you can. I don’t care how many times you’ve tried and failed, or if you’re so broke you’re selling your bodily fluids for bus fare, or how often you’ve found yourself center stage at the checkout counter feigning shock and indignation ‘are you sure? Declined? That’s impossible, could you run it one more time?’ No matter how out of the question it may seem for you at this moment, you can make lots of money. Even imma-buy-everyone-I-love-a-house-and-a-gold-tooth kinda money, if that’s what turns you on. I also want to point out that there’s nothing horribly wrong with you if you haven’t figured out how to do it yet.”

Through sharing her story (with humility and humor) about her rocky history with money, including how she was living in a garage at the age of 40, Jen Sincero shows us that it is possible to overcome a lifetime’s worth of struggles with money to achieve financial independence.

This book teaches you how to take an inventory on the way you look at and treat money, make new decisions about how to handle finances, learn more about personal finance, and go all-out to completely change your financial future. It’s entertaining and motivating, and each chapter ends with “success stories,” “money mantras,” and action steps you can take to change your financial reality. If you’re new to, or skeptical of, “mindset” work, I encourage you to approach this book with an open mind! Some of the material may seem “new-agey,” but it’s good stuff and it can change your life if you let it!

If you’re tired of obsessively checking your bank account, living paycheck-to-paycheck, or simply want to stop worrying and stressing about money, I recommend starting with You Are A Badass at Making Money. You can attain financial freedom and make tons of money, and, as the author suggests: “Believe me when I say if my broke ass can do it, you can do it too, no matter how rickety or hopeless you may feel right now.”

If you have an Audible account, I recommend buying the audio version of this book. It’s read by the author and she’s so motivational yet relatable, I enjoy the audio version so much more than print!

Side note: If you’re looking for a quick read about where to start with getting your finances in order, check out my post 5 Simple Steps to Feel Less Stressed About Your Money.

The Best Personal Finance Books for Money Management Beginners (4)

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The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness

The Best Personal Finance Books for Money Management Beginners (5)The Best Personal Finance Books for Money Management Beginners (6)

You’ve probably heard of Total Money Makeover, or of Dave Ramsey, before and there’s a good reason why. Dave Ramsey’s books and podcast have helped so many people get out of debt and experience financial freedom.

This was the first personal finance book I ever read. I was in massive student loan debt, stressed out all the time, extremely ignorant and disorganized with my money, and feeling absolutely hopeless about my financial future. (Read My Student Loan Debt Story here) I can’t explain to you how much better I felt after reading Total Money Makeover and taking the simple, actionable steps recommended by Dave Ramsey.

Total Money Makeover was the catalyst for tackling my debt head-on and eventually paying off over $100,000 in less than 5 years. I talk a little more about the specific methods I used in 7 Strategies I Used to Pay Off $100,000 in Debt.

The goal of the Total Money Makeover Challenge incorporates getting into financial “shape,” paying off debt as quickly as possible (and not taking on more debt), maximizing emergency and retirement funds, then building wealth. Ramsey breaks the process down into seven “Baby Steps” as follows:

  1. Save $1,000 for your starter emergency fund;
  2. Pay off all debt (except your house) using the Debt Snowball Method (I talk about how I used the debt snowball method to pay off my debt here);
  3. Save 3-6 months of expenses in a fully-funded emergency fund;
  4. Invest 15% of your household income in retirement;
  5. Save of your children’s college fund;
  6. Pay off your home early;
  7. Build wealth and give.

If you’re struggling at all with your finances, reading Total Money Makeover is a no-brainer. And if your experience reading this book is anything like mine, it will motivate and even excite you to pay off debt and get on pace for financial freedom.

The Best Personal Finance Books for Money Management Beginners (7)

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I Will Teach You To Be Rich: No Guilt. No Excuses. No BS. Just a 6-Week Program That Works (Second Edition)

The Best Personal Finance Books for Money Management Beginners (8)The Best Personal Finance Books for Money Management Beginners (9)

Note: I specifically recommend the second edition of I Will Teach You to be Rich because the first was written 10 years ago and the new edition has new tools and lots of updated information.

If you hate the idea of creating a budget, of cutting out your daily latte from Starbucks to save money, or of being lectured about all of the many things that you shouldn’t do with your money, you’re gonna want to read this book. Ramit Sethi cuts out all of the unnecessary chatter we hear regarding what we need to do with our money, simplifies this information, and provides specific steps for you to take week-by-week (for six weeks) to master your money.

You’ll learn how to pay off debt quickly, which types of bank accounts to set up (and which banks to avoid), how to get out of paying fees, which types of credit cards to open, how to automate your finances to your advantage, how to “Spend extravagantly on the things you love, and cut costs mercilessly on the things you don’t,” how to negotiate a raise, how to start investing the right way, and more! And you will be entertained throughout as Ramit injects his sense of humor and shares his personal experiences along the way.

I’ve already seen so many positive results in my life simply due to reading this book and, as a result, by changing where I bank, utilizing the scripts Ramit provides to avoid paying unnecessary fees, and creating an automated system that manages my money for me. Although I’m still paying off student loans and haven’t been able to try out some of other recommended strategies yet, I can’t wait to be debt-free so that I can implement everything I learned in I Will Teach You To Be Rich.

I really enjoyed listening to this one on Audible, too. Again it’s read by the author and it’s very entertaining listening to him read his own book. You can get the audiobook version of I Will Teach You to Be Rich here.

Bonus! Great Personal Finance Blogs to Check Out:

Along with the books above, I read tons of articles from personal finance bloggers when I was working my way out of six-figure debt. Blogs are great because they’re divided up into easily-digestible articles and they’re completely free to access! My favorites are: Natalie has been one of my inspirations in both paying off student loan debt and in starting a blog of my own. Her material is practical and so easy to read and implement. A lot of what she teaches about focuses on creating a new mindset around debt and money (and life in general). I’m in Natalie’s life coaching program Grow You and it’s absolutely amazing, I can’t recommend her highly enough! This is another blog I’ve been following for years. Michelle Schroeder is the go-to for all things money – saving more money, making money, blogging about money, affiliate marketing, you name it! Michelle is an uber-successful blogger and (million-dollar) business owner who knows what she’s talking about when it comes to personal finance. If you own a blog or business, I highly recommend following Michelle and taking her course Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing to learn more about how to make more money from your website. If you haven’t started a blog, but are thinking about it, check out my article on How to Start a Blog or Website for Beginners. Holly Johnson is the super successful blogger/freelance finance writer behind this blog. She makes multiple six figures per year off of freelance writing alone! She’s also an expert on personal finance, with a passion for travel and using credit card rewards programs. If you want to learn more about increasing your income so that you can travel more, check out her blog. And if writing/blogging is up your alley, consider taking her course Earn More Writing – it’ll teach you all about how to get high-paying freelance writing clients to skyrocket your income!

The Best Personal Finance Books for Money Management Beginners (10)

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Improving my money mindset and getting my financial life in order was one of the best decisions I ever made.

I really hope you’ll consider checking some of these books and resources if you’re trying to get out of debt, save up, or make more money. They’ve changed my life so much and I truly believe they can change yours!

The Best Personal Finance Books for Money Management Beginners (11)

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The Best Personal Finance Books for Money Management Beginners (2024)


The Best Personal Finance Books for Money Management Beginners? ›

Some other noteworthy books to read include How to Make Money Trading with Charts – by Ashwini Gujral, The Alchemy of Finance – by George Soros, A Beginners Guide to Stock Market – by Matthew R Kratter, Fundamental Analysis – by Raghu Palat, Rich Dad Poor Dad – by Robert Kiyosaki and The Little Book Series.

Which finance book should I read first? ›

Some other noteworthy books to read include How to Make Money Trading with Charts – by Ashwini Gujral, The Alchemy of Finance – by George Soros, A Beginners Guide to Stock Market – by Matthew R Kratter, Fundamental Analysis – by Raghu Palat, Rich Dad Poor Dad – by Robert Kiyosaki and The Little Book Series.

How do I start managing personal finance? ›

Here are seven to get you started.
  1. Track your spending to improve your finances. ...
  2. Create a realistic monthly budget. ...
  3. Build up your savings—even if it takes time. ...
  4. Pay your bills on time every month. ...
  5. Cut back on recurring charges. ...
  6. Save up cash to afford big purchases. ...
  7. Start an investment strategy.
Jun 27, 2023

What is the best way to learn finance for beginners? ›

The Bottom Line

Listening to podcasts and reading books about specific areas of finance that interest you help break down more complex financial topics and speed up the learning process. There are also many paid and free courses out there that offer courses in different areas of finance and investing.

How can I teach myself personal finance? ›

How to Self-Study Finance (A 7-Step Roadmap)
  1. Read 2-3 Beginner Finance Books to Test Your Curiosity. ...
  2. Study an Introduction to Finance Textbook. ...
  3. Start Reading The Wall Street Journal's Finance Section. ...
  4. Consider Doing The Ultimate Financial Analyst Training Course. ...
  5. Take Some Free Online Finance Courses.
Feb 15, 2024

What is the best book to learn about money? ›

10 Best Personal Finance Books
  • "Your Money or Your Life" by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez.
  • "Get Good with Money: Ten Simple Steps to Becoming Financially Whole" by Tiffany Aliche.
  • "The Bogleheads' Guide to Investing" by Taylor Larimore, Mel Lindauer and Michael LeBoeuf.
  • "The Millionaire Next Door" by Thomas J.

What does rich dad poor dad teach you? ›

The most important lesson from Rich Dad, Poor Dad is that financial literacy is crucial to financial success. He argues that school education fails in this regard and needs to effectively teach financial literacy, including the basics of financial management and wealth building.

What is the #1 rule of personal finance? ›

#1 Don't Spend More Than You Make

When your bank balance is looking healthy after payday, it's easy to overspend and not be as careful. However, there are several issues at play that result in people relying on borrowing money, racking up debt and living way beyond their means.

What is the 50/30/20 rule for managing money? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

What are the 5 basics of personal finance? ›

There's plenty to learn about personal financial topics, but breaking them down can help simplify things. To start expanding your financial literacy, consider these five areas: budgeting, building and improving credit, saving, borrowing and repaying debt, and investing.

How an individual should start with personal finance? ›

Create a Budget

Creating a budget is one of the first steps to managing your finances. It involves tracking your income and expenses to understand your spending habits. A well-planned budget helps you control your spending, ensures you're saving enough, and keeps you on track to meet your financial goals.

What are 5 personal finance strategies? ›

The five areas of personal finance are income, saving, spending, investing, and protection.

What percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck? ›

How Many Americans Are Living Paycheck to Paycheck? A 2023 survey conducted by highlighted that 78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, a 6% increase from the previous year. In other words, more than three-quarters of Americans struggle to save or invest after paying for their monthly expenses.

Which should you finance first your needs? ›

1. Needs: It is advisable to finance your needs first. Needs are essential for your basic living requirements such as food, shelter, clothing, healthcare, and transportation. By fulfilling your needs first, you ensure that you have a stable foundation to support your overall well-being.

Which book should I start reading first? ›

1. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Nick Carraway narrates the story but it is primarily about a mysterious rich man Jay Gatsby who is a millionaire known for his lavish parties but the strangest part is that he never attends them.

Does reading financial books help? ›

Financial books can educate you on different investment opportunities, investment models, and the risks involved. This knowledge empowers business owners to invest in their business and other assets, and avoid pitfalls that lead to financial losses.

Where to start financial literacy? ›

6 ways to improve your financial literacy
  1. Subscribe to financial newsletters. For free financial news in your inbox, try subscribing to financial newsletters from trusted sources. ...
  2. Listen to financial podcasts. ...
  3. Read personal finance books. ...
  4. Use social media. ...
  5. Keep a budget. ...
  6. Talk to a financial professional.

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Author: Roderick King

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.