The best Epsom salt bath products to soothe post-run aches and pains (2024)

The best Epsom salt bath products to soothe post-run aches and pains (1)

Whether you're a fan of ice baths or warm baths, there's nothing better than a good soak to help tired muscles recover after a run or race. But what about Epsom salts – are they worth the investment?

What is an Epsom salt bath?

Epsom salts can be dissolved in a warm bath, in the hope of aiding its relaxation and therapeutic properties.

'Epsom salt is made of magnesium and sulphate,' says Corinne Croce, D.P.T, co-founder of Body Evolved, a boutique physical therapy studio in New York City. 'Magnesium is known to increase relaxation, reduce inflammation, and aid in muscle and nerve function, while the sulphate in Epsom salt is said to help with recovery and detoxification.'

Dr Greg Grosicki, an assistant professor and director of the exercise physiology laboratory at Georgia Southern University, US, adds that magnesium deficiency is associated with muscle aches and cramps. 'By taking an Epsom salt bath, or by exposing the skin to Epsom salts in a cream, we hope to increase our magnesium levels and reduce muscle soreness.'

What are Epsom salt baths good for?

Epsom salts have long been purported to offer relief from a variety of ailments and symptoms, including:

  • Muscle soreness and DOMS
  • Bruises, swelling and inflammation
  • Swelling and pain associated with arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Skin conditions, including eczema and psoriasis
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Headaches

How often should you take Epsom salt baths?

Because there's no definitive research out there that proves the efficacy of Epsom salt baths, this also means there are no strict guidelines as to how often you should dip into one. The good news, though, is that an Epsom salt bath certainly can't do you any harm – research suggests that your skin won't absorb nearly enough magnesium to cause any serious problems, such as magnesium overdose. And even if you were to take on too much magnesium, your body does a great job of eliminating the excess in your urine. As long as you purchase your Epsom salts from a reputable seller, simply follow the packet instructions, which usually advise taking two or three baths per week, soaking for up to 20 minutes at a time.

What happens if you put too much Epsom salt in a bath?

Most manufacturers and suppliers of Epsom salts recommend adding two cupfuls (around 500g) of salts into a warm bath, before soaking for around 20 minutes. However, if you accidentally pour in more than this, it won't do you any damage: recent research shows your skin is unlikely to absorb enough magnesium to cause harm. Instead, incidences of magnesium overdose tend only to occur when people ingest Epsom salts, with symptoms including nausea and headaches.

Should you rinse off an Epsom salt bath?

There's no right or wrong when it comes to the question of showering after an Epsom salt bath – it's merely personal preference. If you decide not to rinse off afterwards, your body may benefit for longer from the purported healing properties of the salt. However, Epsom salts can sometimes have a drying effect, so you may want to have a quick rinse off afterwards, especially if you have dry skin anyway. Epsom salt baths can also sometimes leave visible salt residue on your skin, so if you'd rather not take the salt with you after your bath, a quick rinse might be best!

Do Epsom salt baths really work?

While Epsom salt baths have been used by people to relieve aches and pains for generations, does the science really back this up? While a small-scale 2016 study of 25 participants found that topically applied Mg2+ cream was absorbed to a statistically significant level in non-athletes, a 2017 study found that transdermal magnesium application is 'scientifically unsupported'. But even though the jury is out as to whether Epsom salts can really penetrate through the skin during a bath, the general verdict is they certainly can't hurt and the low-risk nature of the product might make them worth a try. After all, when has a spot of 'me time' relaxing in the bath ever done anyone any harm?

Which are the best Epsom salt bath products on the market for 2022?

Here, we've hand-picked the best Epsom salt products on the market for runners. The best part? Most of them need to be added to warm water in order to be diluted, so you've finally got an excuse to skip that ice bath.


Earl of East Bath Salts (500g)

The best Epsom salt bath products to soothe post-run aches and pains (2)


Earl of East Bath Salts (500g)

Hackney-born boutique home fragrance brand Earl of East is famous for its high-quality hand-poured candles – and its bath salts have the same premium feel. Inspired by the hot springs of Japan, Himalayan and Epsom salts are combined with eucalyptus, peppermint and mandarin essentials oils, delivering a fresh and herbaceous fragrance. Perfect for a relaxing and refreshing post-run soak.


Goop G.Tox Detox 5 Salt Bath Soak (680g)

The best Epsom salt bath products to soothe post-run aches and pains (3)


Goop G.Tox Detox 5 Salt Bath Soak (680g)

Now 70% Off

Produced by Gwyneth Paltrow's wellness company, Goop, these rather lovely (but also rather extravagantly priced) bath salts are a luxurious addition to your post-run tub. Five salts – Epsom salt, Himalayan pink salt, Dead Sea salt, New Zealand solar salt and baking soda – are combined with matcha tea extract and activated charcoal, plus coriander, cardamom, grapefruit and helichrysum essential oils. They're designed to detoxify your skin and draw out any impurities, and we can confirm that they leave you feeling squeaky clean post soak (especially when used after a rather sweaty speed session!).


Sea Magik Salted Epsom Spa Salts (1kg)

The best Epsom salt bath products to soothe post-run aches and pains (4)


Sea Magik Salted Epsom Spa Salts (1kg)

These are made from 100% Pure Epsom Salt Minerals, with nothing else added, so are great if you have sensitive skin. Perfect for helping tired muscles unwind after a hard run – and come with a reasonable price tag.

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Westlab Recover Bathing Salts (1kg)

The best Epsom salt bath products to soothe post-run aches and pains (5)


Westlab Recover Bathing Salts (1kg)

Now 50% Off

These Epsom bath salts have added eucalyptus, white willow and arnica, which purport to not only soothe tired, overworked muscles, but also to give you a pick-me-up that will help you feel revived and raring to go.


Lbdo Essensual Sync Bath Salts (250g)

The best Epsom salt bath products to soothe post-run aches and pains (6)


Lbdo Essensual Sync Bath Salts (250g)

Produced by Australian sexual wellness company LBDO, these handmade bath salts, combining Epsom Salt and Dead Sea Salt, are formulated with almond oil and a 'sensual blend' of Sweet Orange, Ylang Ylang, Cedarwood and Neroli pure essential oils. They smell absolutely divine.


Dr Teal's Pure Epsom Salt Soaking Solution (136g)

The best Epsom salt bath products to soothe post-run aches and pains (7)


Dr Teal's Pure Epsom Salt Soaking Solution (136g)

These specially formulated pre- and post-workout salts, made with Pure Epsom Salt and Menthol, have been loved by runners for years. They're specifically designed for people who are active, helping to relieve overworked muscles and joints.

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Dr Teal's Dr Teals Pure Epsom Salt Soaking Solution With Lavender (136g)

The best Epsom salt bath products to soothe post-run aches and pains (8)


Dr Teal's Dr Teals Pure Epsom Salt Soaking Solution With Lavender (136g)

The same great formula as above but with Lavender essence added. Lavender has soothing properties that are known to promote a better night's sleep, so it's the perfect combination to soothe aching muscles and joints, and relax anxious minds, before getting some shut-eye.


The Intelligent Health Pure Epsom Salts (10kg)

The best Epsom salt bath products to soothe post-run aches and pains (9)


The Intelligent Health Pure Epsom Salts (10kg)

If you're really in to your post-run Epsom salt baths, this 10kg tub of the stuff will work out much cheaper in the long run. If you're short on space, however, it might not be one for you.


Sanctuary Spa Bath Salts (500g)

The best Epsom salt bath products to soothe post-run aches and pains (10)


Sanctuary Spa Bath Salts (500g)

Sanctuary Spa claims these bath salts are scientifically proven to help you nod off better, thanks to the relaxing fragrance. There's also added magnesium to help relax aching muscles.

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BetterYou Magnesium Flakes (1kg)

The best Epsom salt bath products to soothe post-run aches and pains (11)


BetterYou Magnesium Flakes (1kg)

Now 19% Off

While not strictly Epsom salts (which by their definition have to originate from Epsom), these magnesium mineral bath flakes are just the thing for a post-run soak. There's a theory that magnesium aids sleep by calming down the central nervous system, so they might even help you to nod off.


DrSalts+ DrSalts Epsom Salts Therapy Shower Gel (200ml)

The best Epsom salt bath products to soothe post-run aches and pains (12)


DrSalts+ DrSalts Epsom Salts Therapy Shower Gel (200ml)

If soaking in the tub just isn't your thing (or if you don't have loads of time on your hands), try this handy Epsom salts shower gel instead. With added eucalyptus, rosemary and ginger essential oils, it's designed to cleanse and rejuvenate.

The best Epsom salt bath products to soothe post-run aches and pains (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.