The Best CANSLIM Stock Screener & How To Find CANSLIM Stocks (2024)

The best CANSLIM stock screeners to accurately find growth stocks are Stock Rover for US investors and TradingView for international traders. Stock Rover has 3 pre-built CANSLIM screeners, and one is available for free.

Finding the best CANSLIM stocks requires a stock screener that has exactly the right selectable criteria and a large historical financial database so you can backtest the results.

CANSLIM is touted to be a highly profitable stock market strategy. We will discuss what CANSLIM is, how it works, and how to implement it in a stock screener that might beat the market. I also share the CANSLIM stocks selected by our 2021 and 2022 CANSLIM stock screening.

Plus, I introduce an additional strategy that helps you select the CANSLIM stocks for your portfolio using Buffett’s Margin of Safety.

The Best CANSLIM Stock Screener & How To Find CANSLIM Stocks (1)

Table of Contents

The CANSLIM Strategy

CANSLIM is a stock investing growth strategy designed by William J. O’Neil to produce market-beating profit performance. The CAN SLIM strategy means investing in companies with high earnings growth, new products, good institutional sponsorship, and buying only in bull markets.

Current Earnings, Annual Earnings, New Products, Supply, Leaders, Institutional Sponsorship, and Market Direction are vital criteria.

CAN SLIM has the following stock selection criteria:

  • C – Current Earnings
  • A – Annual Earnings
  • N – New Products or Management
  • S – Supply and Demand
  • L – Leaders
  • I – Institutional Ownership
  • M – Market Direction

Pioneered by William J. O’Neil, the CANSLIM method is the basis for his classic investing book, “How to Make Money in Stocks.”

Many believe the CANSLIM methodology is a Value Investing strategy, but this is incorrect. The system criteria do not target finding undervalued stocks but instead, find companies with fast-growing earnings in growing markets with a competitive advantage. So, CANSLIM is more like a stock market growth strategy.

Find out more about the CANSLIM strategy’s past performance with our article: What is CANSLIM? Does CAN SLIM Outperform the Market?

The CANSLIM Method of Investing

C– Current Earnings

Has the company made a strong recent earnings announcement, which is considerably more than the earnings one year previously?

From his research, O’Neill discovered that most companies that experienced strong stock price growth had quarterly earnings growth above 70% before the price growth started.

However, that might be true for a small handful of hugely successful companies. Still, to build a portfolio of stocks, or at least have a choice of more companies, he recommends a most recent quarterly (MRQ) earnings per share (EPS) increase of at least 18-20%. He also suggests an accompanying sales growth of at least 25%.

The sales growth check is important because, without consistent sales growth, it is impossible to maintain earnings growth.

Has the company made a strong recent earnings announcement, considerably more than the earnings one year previously?

A– Annual Earnings.

Does the company show good earnings growth for previous years? O’Neill suggests an annual growth rate in earnings of at least 25%. He also suggests that a return on equity (ROE) of over 17% should be checked for, as it implies the company is investing its capital efficiently.

Most stock screeners will allow you to filter on 1,3 & 5-year annual earnings growth. Select a 5-year annual earnings growth rate. This will help you filter out companies experiencing short-term growth or manipulate accounts to show higher earnings for a particular quarter. You can play with the timescale you use, but this seems like a reasonable criterion.

N– New Products, Management, or Price Highs.

Has the company innovated its product base or injected new management to seek higher performance? Here, we essentially move to a business question.

If a company has a history of innovation or developing products superior to the competition in price, quality, or both, this is an excellent signal for future stock price growth.

According to O’Neill, the management or board changes were also a positive indicator. Injecting new blood into an organization’s leadership structure is a way to drive growth; New People = New Ideas.

Here, I tend to disagree; continually injecting or hiring externally to find that magic growth formula rarely works out positively.

Look at the history of Hewlett Packard (Ticker: HPQ); since the founders left, the company has constantly been injecting new management, merging, and spinning off, to the dismay of its shareholders and employees.

Finally, the suggestion is that new stock price highs might encourage further demand for the stock and push prices even higher.

S– Supply and Demand.

Does the stock have an increasing demand in the marketplace? Is trading volume increasing with the price?

Here, we get to a core principle: it is the only reason stock prices go up or down. Stock prices decrease if the sellers (supply) outnumber the buyers (demand). If demand outstrips supply, prices go up.

A stock price may go up or down any day, which is largely irrelevant. However, if you see volume growth and stock prices rise over weeks and months, you know demand is higher than supply.

O’Neill recommends that the daily trading volume be higher than the average volume for the stock in the previous three months.

L– Leaders

Is the company a leader in its marketplace? This is another key business question about competitive advantage.

A company that is a leader in its industry must have some key competitive advantages, either in the product, service quality, or pricing. However, finding these companies by sifting through every firm’s product listing and doing a competitive market analysis is difficult. So, O’Neill kindly suggests looking for companies with stock price strength higher than their competitors, even above 80% of the stock market.

Essentially, any company near, at, or breaking through its stock price 52-week high is a candidate. Add to this any company outperforming the major market indices regarding price growth. So, to beat the market, you need to select companies that are already beating the market. Seem reasonable?

I– Institutional Ownership.

Does the stock have a solid level of institutional ownership? More than 70% of all stocks are owned by institutions, mostly on behalf of their investors. If you have a pension or own ETFs, you will not own the stocks; you own part of the company that holds those stocks for you.

The point here is that you would want to see at least 30% institutional ownership to know that the company is at least on the radar of institutional buyers.

As investment companies have the most buying power, they can make the biggest impact on stock prices; if the company is not interesting to the investment firms, the chances of the stock price moving significantly higher or negligible.

Finally, if institutional ownership is over 90%, how much room is there for the stock price to increase? Not much.

M– Market Direction.

Understanding the overall market direction is important to time your stock purchase effectively.

The market moves in three directions: uptrend, downtrend, or consolidation (sideways). If you buy stocks during a multi-year bear market, then the chances of you making any money are small. During periods of market fear, most company stock prices drop.

According to O’Neill, 3 out of 4 stocks move in the same direction as the market.

The actual reality is that it takes 3 out of 4 stocks to move upwards to move the market upwards, as the market only reflects all the stock prices. The key takeaway here is that if you buy stocks in a Bull market, you have a much greater chance of making a profit, and that is a fact.

CANSLIM Strategy Explained

The CANSLIM strategy is a flexible investing style that relies on the positive stock price momentum generated by fast-growing, profitable companies with solid quarterly and annual earnings growth. The companies must also have innovative leading products and services in a growing bull market.

Now let’s take a step back to understand the overall CANSLIM strategy.

Flexibility: With CANSLIM, a stock has no defined holding period. You may hold the stock for two days or two years. It could be seen as a swing trading strategy or a medium-term buy-and-hold strategy. One thing it is not is a value investing strategy.

The entry point into stock is suggested when the stock price breaks into a new 52-week high. The strategy also suggests cutting your losses and sellingif the stock falls 7 to 8. For any given stock, this could happen within a week or over years; therefore, a flexible timeframe.

Momentum: CANSLIM is a momentum strategy, as the rules are to buy when the stock is at a new 52-week high, experiencing increased trading volume, and when the overall market is in an uptrend. This is the definition of momentum trading and market timing.

Profitable Growth: The CANSLIM strategy also requires, at its core, a company to be growing earnings strongly. Current quarterly earnings and annual earnings must be increasing aggressively, along with sales. So, you are looking for profitable, fast-growing companies.

Great Products: Of course, the L in CANSLIM refers to companies leading their industry in product and services, innovation, or stock price growth. This makes sense. Would you want to buy shares in a company falling behind its competitors?

Growing Markets: Finally, the M in CANSLIM refers to growing markets. The market that the company operates in needs to be growing, for example:

  • The widespread rapid adoption of the internet fueled Google’s explosive growth.
  • Over the last eight years, Nvidia’s growth has partly been fueled by the Cryptocurrency craze; their graphics card chips are used in Crypto mining operations.

The CANSLIM strategy is to:

Buy stocks in profitable companies, with great products, in growing markets at the right time.

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CANSLIM Stock Screener

A CAN SLIM stock screener must scan for Current and Annual Earnings with a 5-year history. Next, the CANSLIM screener must filter on 52-week stock price highs, the Number of Shares Available, and the share price Relative Strength vs. Competitors. Also, the Institutional Ownership criteria are critical.

To implement a CANSLIM strategy, you must use a stock screener to automatically scan the entire stock market to find stocks that meet the right criteria.

The Best CANSLIM Stock Screener

The best CANSLIM stock screener on the market today is Stock Rover for USA and Canada exchanges and TradingView for international exchanges. If you intend to implement this system on US and Canadian stocks, we strongly recommend Stock Rover; it won our Top 10 Best Stock Screener Review and is also great value for money.

This article will show you how to implement CANSLIM using Stock Rover.

The CANSLIM Screener Results

The CANSLIM strategy results using the Stock Rover screener are impressive, beating the S&P 500 on all timescales from 5 days to 10 years; look at the screenshot below.

The Best CANSLIM Stock Screener & How To Find CANSLIM Stocks (3)

Get the CANSLIM Method Screener on Stock Rover

You can see that the CANSLIM scan in Stock Rover has beaten the S&P 500 solidly over the past years.

CANSLIM vs. S&P 500Stock Rover CANSLIMS&P 500

Implementing CANSLIM with a Stock Screener

Here are the 5 Steps to implement the Stock Rover CANSLIM stock screening strategy.

1 – Get The Best CANSLIM Stock Screener

You will need a Stock Rover Premium Plus Membership, which gives you access to all the criteria and the database with a unique 10-year history. It will also allow you to implement all our Warren Buffett screeners, our full list of stock screening strategies, and our Dividend growth and dividend yield strategies.

Investing In Stocks Can Be Complicated, Stock Rover Makes It Easy.

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"I have been researching and investing in stocks for 20 years! I now manage all my stock investments using Stock Rover." Barry D. Moore - Founder:

  • Read the Full Stock Rover Review

2 – Browse Screener Library

Launch Stock Rover and select:

  1. Screeners (Down Arrow)
  2. Browse Screener Library
The Best CANSLIM Stock Screener & How To Find CANSLIM Stocks (5)

This takes you to the following screen.

3 – Import the CANSLIM Screener

Stock Rover has a built-in screen for CANSLIM called “CAN SLIM – Less Restrictive,” with an outstanding performance record.

This is the screener we will be using.

  1. In the Screeners search box, type “CAN SLIM.”
  2. Select the two CAN SLIM Screeners
  3. Click Button – Import (2 Items Selected)
The Best CANSLIM Stock Screener & How To Find CANSLIM Stocks (6)

4 – View the Portfolio Performance

Now that you have imported the screener, here is how to set up the excellent comparison view vs. the S&P 500

  1. Select Screeners
  2. Select the CAN SLIM – Less Restrictive Screener
  3. In the Chart Below, Select “Compare To.”
  4. Select Benchmarks
  5. Select S&P 500 or NASDAQ
  6. Select Return vs. S&P 500 Column Views
The Best CANSLIM Stock Screener & How To Find CANSLIM Stocks (7)

5 – Selecting Your CANSLIM Stocks

The scan produces a list of 32 stocks from the entire stock exchange listing of over 12,000 companies. Even though this list is small, 32 may still be too many to hold at any one time. So, you must carefully select the right companies to invest in.

I suggest you combine the CANSLIM strategy with Warren Buffett’s margin of safety concept in value investing. The margin of safety is a way of measuring how undervalued stock is compared to its intrinsic value. The more undervalued a stock is, the safer the investment.

So, you could narrow down your stock selection using, for example, the top 10 stocks with the highest margin of safety. See the image below.

The Best CANSLIM Stock Screener & How To Find CANSLIM Stocks (8)


CANSLIM Stock Screener Criteria

The CANSLIM screener criteria we are using are as follows:

  • Current Earnings – EPS (MRQ) >= 1.18* EPS [Q4]
  • Annual Earning – EPS 5-Year Average (%) > 24.9
  • New Price High – Price vs. 52-week high (%) >84
  • Supply – Shares Available (Millions) > 9
  • Leader – Relative Strength Index > 69
  • Institutional Ownership % > 35
  • Market Direction – Is the Market Trend Up?

As you can see, all the factors in CANSLIM are covered, except for the overall market direction; you can decide for yourself by looking at a stock chart of the S&P500. Read this article for further information on stock market direction.

Investing In Stocks Can Be Complicated, Stock Rover Makes It Easy.

Stock Rover is our #1 rated stock investing tool for:
★Growth Investing - With industry Leading Research Reports
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"I have been researching and investing in stocks for 20 years! I now manage all my stock investments using Stock Rover." Barry D. Moore - Founder:

CANSLIM Stock Trading System

The CANSLIM stock trading strategy entails deciding how often you will rebalance and rotate the stocks within your CANSLIM portfolio and how much cash you will allocate to each stock.

CANSLIM Portfolio Rebalancing

One example of how you could do it comes from the backtested CANSLIM results in the previously mentionedOPBMII paper. This paper suggests rebalancing the portfolio weekly:

Rebalancing – It should be noted that the system rebalances (re-runs the screen and possibly select new holdings) every week.

Of course, a weekly portfolio rebalance may be time-consuming, so you might want to lengthen it to bi-monthly or monthly. But the rebalance does not need to be expensive, as now there are brokerage accounts like our partner Firstrade that offer $0 commissions. This means a regular rebalance will not cost you anything.

CANSLIM Portfolio Cash Allocation

The CANSLIM backtesting research paper used cash allocation by holding a maximum of 10 stocks, each with 10% of the invested portfolio capital.

Weighting Ideally, the system will select 10% weighting to each position with a maximum of 10 positions.

This, to me, sounds reasonable if you are investing at least $10,000, which would be $1,000 per stock.

Exiting & Selling the Stocks

Academic research suggests buying stocks when they meet the CANSLIM criteria and selling stocks if they lose 7%.

Exits/Closing Positions if a stock drops 7% after purchase, it will be removed but considered at the rebalance the next week (if it still passes criteria).

The Best CANSLIM Stocks List 2022

Here is a list of the 42 best CANSLIM stocks selected by the Stock Rover CANSLIM Screener for 2022.

TickerCompanyIndustryEPS 1-Year Chg (%)1Y Return vs. S&P 500
RCMTRCM TechnologiesEngineering & Construction287%
AAV.TOAdvantage EnergyOil & Gas E&P234%
AAVVFAdvantage EnergyOil & Gas E&P222%
TOU.TOTourmaline OilOil & Gas E&P98%164%
AMPHAmphastar PharmaceuticalsDrug Manufacturers – Specialty & Generic2400%121%
RNMBFRheinmetallIndustrial Distribution4007%119%
IZQVFIndiviorDrug Manufacturers – Specialty & Generic108%115%
ANDEAndersonsFood Distribution61%99%
MNManning & NapierAsset Management120%93%
BLMIFBank Leumi Le-IsraelBanks – Regional65%73%
IPXHFInpexOil & Gas E&P68%
CLPXFChina Longyuan Power GrUtilities – Renewable17%65%
CNRCornerstone BuildingBuilding Products & Equipment1053%57%
MUSAMurphy USASpecialty Retail23%48%
ADVOFADVA Optical NetworkingCommunication Equipment51%30%
HAIPFInfinyaPaper & Paper Products555%29%
KKOYFKeskoGrocery Stores20%29%
OGEOGE EnergyUtilities – Regulated Electric99%26%
VRTXVertex PharmaceuticalsBiotechnology-14%23%
EZPWEZCORPCredit Services22%
YAlleghanyInsurance – Property & Casualty53%19%
WCN.TOWaste ConnectionsWaste Management178%17%
WCNWaste ConnectionsWaste Management178%17%
DCNSFDai-ichi Life HoldingsInsurance – Life38%16%
AHODFKoninklijke Ahold DelhaizGrocery Stores75%16%
ACHCAcadia Healthcare CoMedical Care Facilities38%15%
YMTKFYamato KogyoSteel473%14%
JFEEFJFE HoldingsSteel14%
FELTFFuji Electric CoElectrical Equipment & Parts70%13%
MRKMerck & CoDrug Manufacturers – General76%13%
DWMNFDOWA HoldingsOther Industrial Metals & Mining163%10%
AEGOFAegonInsurance – Diversified9%
KKelloggPackaged Foods17%3%
PSPSFPSP Swiss PropReal Estate – Diversified78%1%
CWQXFCastellumReal Estate – Development28%0%
KMRCFKomoriSpecialty Industrial Machinery-5%
KACPFKoaElectronic Components143%-6%
FMMFFFujiSpecialty Industrial Machinery20%-6%
HURNHuron Consulting GroupConsulting Services163%-12%
REGIRenewable Energy GrOil & Gas Refining & Marketing125%-14%
RSTRFRestaurant Brands IntlRestaurants57%-21%

Get the 2023 CANSLIM Stocks List with Stock Rover

CANSLIM Stocks List 2021

Here, you will find a selection of CANSLIM stocks discovered in our CANSLIM scan using Stock Rover in January 2021.

ACLSAxcelis TechnologiesTechnology
AMATApplied MaterialsTechnology
AMKRAmkor TechnologyTechnology
ASMLFASML HoldingTechnology
CCMPCMC MaterialsTechnology
LRCXLam ResearchTechnology
MKSIMKS InstrumentsTechnology
MXIMMaxim Integrated ProductsTechnology
NVMINova MeasuringTechnology
TOELFTokyo ElectronTechnology
ACNDFAscendas India TrustReal Estate
LEGIFLEG ImmobilienReal Estate
WPTIFWPT Industrial REITReal Estate
BAHBooz Allen HamiltonIndustrials
CLCTCollectors UniverseIndustrials
CSWICSW IndustrialsIndustrials
GNRCGenerac HldgsIndustrials
PRIMPrimoris ServicesIndustrials
ROCKGibraltar IndustriesIndustrials
TTEKTetra TechIndustrials
WEICFWeichai PowerIndustrials
ALXNAlexion PharmaceuticalsHealthcare
CRLCharles RiverHealthcare
ENSGEnsign GroupHealthcare
GGNDFGN Store NordHealthcare
IARTIntegra LifesciencesHealthcare
LHLaboratory CorpHealthcare
LMATLeMaitre VascularHealthcare
PCRXPacira BioSciencesHealthcare
REGNRegeneron PharmaceuticalsHealthcare
SUPNSupernus PharmaceuticalsHealthcare
ABCBAmeris BancorpFinancial Services
AXAxos FinancialFinancial Services
COWNCowenFinancial Services
FBCFlagstar BancorpFinancial Services
HTHHilltop HoldingsFinancial Services
IBKRInteractive Brokers GroupFinancial Services
KNVKFKinnevikFinancial Services
MFCManulife FinancialFinancial Services
MFC.TOManulife FinancialFinancial Services
MSMorgan StanleyFinancial Services
NBNNortheast BankFinancial Services

CANSLIM Investing Strategy Summary

I hope you found this guide useful for learning about CANSLIM, practically understanding the strategy, and implementing it into a cohesive methodology using a stock screener. We explored the system’s historical performance and found it has merit and could be a solid solution to stock selection and portfolio management.

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My favorite software for trading is TradingView because it does everything well. It has backtesting, great charts, stock screening, and an active community of over 3 million people sharing ideas, plus a free plan available globally.

My favorite software for investing isStock Rover, as it specializes in deep fundamental financial screening, research, and portfolio management. It is the ideal platform for dividend, value, and growth investing.

My favorite software for stock market news is Benzinga Pro, with its super-fast real-time news engine, squawk box, and news impact ratings.

My favorite AI trading software is TrendSpider which enables automatic pattern recognition for Trendlines, Candlesticks, and Fibonacci levels. Trade Ideas uses AI to generate high probability daily trading signals for auto-trading.

My favorite stock-picking service is Motley Fool Stock Advisor, which has a proven track record of beating the market with excellent stock research reports.

Read the Full

The Best CANSLIM Stock Screener & How To Find CANSLIM Stocks (2024)


How to find CANSLIM stocks? ›

According to CAN SLIM, the key characteristics to look for in a growth company are:
  1. C – Current Quarterly Earnings. ...
  2. A – Annual Earnings Growth. ...
  3. N – New Product, Service, or Management. ...
  4. S – Supply and Demand. ...
  5. L – Leader or Laggard? ...
  6. I – Institutional Sponsorship. ...
  7. M – Market Direction.

Does the CANSLIM method work? ›

CANSLIM can be a good fit for an experienced investor with high risk tolerance. These stocks cannot be bought and simply held as much of the value is being priced in for future growth. Any slowing in the growth trajectory, or the market as a whole, may result in the stock being punished.

What are the disadvantages of CANSLIM? ›

Disadvantages of CANSLIM Strategy

Subjectivity: Finding the right CANSLIM stock can be a rewarding but challenging endeavour for investors seeking high-growth opportunities. It involves subjective interpretation of chart patterns, momentum, and other technical indicators.

What does the C in CANSLIM strategy stand for? ›

The acronyms of CAN SLIM can be elaborated as the C stands for current quaterly earnings, A stand for Annual earngs, N stand for new product, which can be service or management, S- sipply and demand, L - ledgers or laggards, I is for insitutional ownership, and letter M is for the market direction.

What is the average return on CANSLIM? ›

Performance Overview
Morningstar Return Rating2
YTD Return7.20%
5y Average Return6.27%
Number of Years Up10
Number of Years Down5
4 more rows

How do you find hidden stocks? ›

Hiding Spot 1: Look into small companies (small cap stocks)

They may be overlooked, but they often have huge growth potential. Small companies are not followed by investment firms and analysts, meaning less experience is required to find opportunities.

What does CANSLIM stand for? ›

CANSLIM is an acronym that stands for. C : Current quarterly earnings. A : Annual earnings growth. N : New products, services, or management. S : Supply and demand.

What is the O Neil strategy? ›

O'Neil's approach is rooted in technical analysis and is known for its focus on identifying stocks with strong growth potential. However, like any investment strategy, there are common pitfalls that traders must be aware of to maximize their chances of success.

CANSLIM TradingView? ›

CANSLIM is a system developed by William O'Neil for selecting growth stocks by using a combination of fundamental and technical analysis techniques. The stocks that meets the criteria are usually outperformers and return really high gains.

What are CANSLIM investment criteria? ›

Over the last three to five years - the company you're considering investing in should have increased annual earnings. To be deemed an investment, the company's EPS must climb by at least 20% per year for three years.

How to determine if stock is good buy? ›

Evaluating Stocks
  1. How does the company make money?
  2. Are its products or services in demand, and why?
  3. How has the company performed in the past?
  4. Are talented, experienced managers in charge?
  5. Is the company positioned for growth and profitability?
  6. How much debt does the company have?

What is the relative strength of CANSLIM? ›

The relative price strength of a stock can range from 1 to 99, where a rank of 75 means the company, over a given period of time, has outperformed 75% of the stocks in its market group. CANSLIM requires a stock to have a relative price strength of at least 70.

How to trade using CANSLIM? ›

How To Trade Using CANSLIM?
  1. Current quarterly earnings – The stock must have at least 20% EPS growth in the current quarter compared to the same (corresponding) quarter in the previous year. ...
  2. Annual earnings – Like EPS, the company must have increased its annual earnings constantly in the past three to five years.

What is a CANSLIM screener? ›

The CANSLIM method is a stock-screening technique that was developed by William O'Neil, who was the founder of an American stock research company called the Investor's Business Daily (IBD). This unique system utilizes both technical and fundamental analysis to determine the right growth stocks to invest in.

What is the O Neil methodology? ›

A Proven Process – The O'Neil Methodology

He saw certain characteristics and movements repeatedly emerge before stocks made their big price moves. He noted things like accelerating revenue and earnings growth, high relative strength, increasing trading volume, new products or management, and industry group strength.

How do you find manipulated stocks? ›

Utilize stock market returns (SPX, RTY) and volatility (VIX) returns to filter out false positives in cases in manipulation. Abnormal price or volume detection could just be a result of volatile market days.

How do I find my lost stocks? ›

The LSSP Investor Assistance (800) 732-0330 1 Page 2 consists mainly of a database for securities that have been reported lost, stolen, missing, or counterfeit.

How do you find low float penny stocks? ›

Finding low-float Stocks

Traders can look for stocks with a float of less than 50 million and a relatively high volume. Penny stocks less than $5 are very popular with day traders. Traders can also look to watchlists for ideas about which low-float stocks to trade. Reuters' Free Scanner: Free to register.

How do you find short covering stocks? ›

Key short-covering indicators include the following:
  1. A significant increase in the price of a stock, particularly one without clear news or trigger.
  2. In Options, Short covering can be spotted when the option price increases and the open interest declines.

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