The Best Buffett & Graham Screener to Find Value Stocks (2024)

The best Buffett & Graham undervalued stock screener is Stock Rover which provides 5 fair value and intrinsic value calculations to help you build a value stock portfolio that Warren Buffett would be proud of.

Warren Buffett and his mentor Benjamin Graham have proven over the last 50 years to be the most successful investors of all time. With an average compound rate of return of 23.3% per year, Buffett and his good friend Charlie Munger have a reputation that Wall Street can only dream of. His wise investing has grown his company Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A), into a behemoth worth over $500 billion.

But how did Buffett achieve these great investing returns? He analyses stocks better than anyone else and understands what makes a great company.

The Buffett Stock Screener

A Buffett stock screener needs to filter on investing criteria such as earnings per share (EPS) growth, consistent return on equity (ROE), high return on invested capital (ROIC), and low debt using the solvency ratio. Finally, the screener needs to calculate the margin of safety using discounted cash flow (DCF).

How Does Buffett Screen for Stocks?

Buffett screens for stocks using specific criteria, is the company profitable and generating a healthy cash flow. He then predicts and discounts the cash flow ten years into the future. If the discounted cash flow value is 30% higher than the company’s stock market valuation, it has a good margin of safety and is a candidate for purchase.

Table of Contents

How To Build A Buffett/Graham Stock Screener

The Best Buffett & Graham Screener to Find Value Stocks (1)

The best Buffett Munger undervalued stock screener is Stock Rover which provides 5 fair value and intrinsic value calculations to help you build a value stock portfolio that Warren Buffett would be proud of.

Total Time: 1 hour and 15 minutes

1. Understand What Buffett & Graham Look For In Stocks

The Best Buffett & Graham Screener to Find Value Stocks (2)

This first step looks at the key financial metrics to screen the stocks against. The most detailed analysis of Buffett’s investing methodology is outlined in the book “The New Buffettology” by his daughter Mary Buffett. We will use the Buffettology book, plus the two most important criteria created by his mentor, the great Benjamin Graham, Fair Value (Intrinsic Value) and Margin of Safety.

2. Implement The Buffett/Graham Criteria In A Stock Screener

The Best Buffett & Graham Screener to Find Value Stocks (3)

There is only one Stock Screener and Stock Analysis platform on the market that will enable you to implement a real Buffett Stock Screener. The best tool for the job is Stock Rover.
Jump to Step 2: Implement Those Metrics Into A Stock Screener

3. Evaluate Your Buffett & Graham Screener Results

The Best Buffett & Graham Screener to Find Value Stocks (4)

Now you have a list of potential candidate companies for investment. Each of these stocks is considerably undervalued based on Fair Value, Forward Discounted Cash Flow, and Margin of Safety.
Jump to Step 3: Evaluate Your Buffett & Graham Screener Results

4. Understand How Buffett Evaluates The Business & Industry

The Best Buffett & Graham Screener to Find Value Stocks (5)

Buffett considers certain factors that are not found in the balance sheet or financials. They are the business and competition-related questions that need a further deep dive. Now that you have your potential target stocks in your screener window above. Select a stock you like the look of, and ask the following Buffett questions as outlined in the Buffettology book.
Jump to Step 4: Understand How Buffett & Graham Evaluate Companies

5. Select The Stocks From Your Screener & Invest

The Best Buffett & Graham Screener to Find Value Stocks (6)

Now you have narrowed down the stocks you want to buy to build your portfolio. Remember, Warren always says: "THE BEST TIME TO SELL IS NEVER."

Although not a strict rule, it pertains more to the fact that you need to buy and hold long-term. If you have done your job well, you will not need to sell for the foreseeable future.

Jump to Step 5: Select The Stocks From Your Screener & Invest



How to Find Buffett & Graham Value Stocks: Detailed Instructions

1. Understand What Buffett & Graham Look For In Stocks

This first step looks at the key financial metrics to screen the stocks against. The most detailed analysis of Buffett’s investing methodology is outlined in the book “The New Buffettology” by his daughter Mary Buffett. We will use the Buffettology book, plus the two most important criteria created by his mentor, the great Benjamin Graham, Fair Value (Intrinsic Value)and Margin of Safety.

Look for a Fair Value Higher Than The Current Stock Price

Warren Buffett bases his Intrinsic Value / Fair Value calculations on future free cash flows. To explain, Buffett thinks cash is a company’s most important asset, so he tries to project how much future cash a business will generate and discount it against inflation. This is called the Discounted Cashflow Method. Read more about Buffett’s Fair Value Calculation.

Screener Calculation – Fair Value 30% Higher Than Share Price

A High Margin Of Safety

Probably Buffett’s most important measure to decide whether to invest in a company.

Warren Buffett describes the Margin of Safety like this.

“If you understood a business perfectly and the business’s future, you would need very little in the way of a margin of safety. So, the more vulnerable the business is, assuming you still want to invest in it, the larger the margin of safety you’d need. If you’re driving a truck across a bridge that says it holds 10,000 pounds and you’ve got a 9,800-pound vehicle, if the bridge is 6 inches above the crevice it covers, you may feel okay; but if it’s over the Grand Canyon, you may feel you want a little larger margin of safety…”

The Margin of Safety is the percentage difference between a company’s Fair Value and its actual stock price. This metric is the single most significant valuation metric in our arsenal, as it is the final output of a detailed discounted cash flow analysis.

Screener Calculation – Margin of Safety > 20% (Only available in Stock Rover)

A Strong Earnings Per Share History & Growth Rate

It will come as no surprise that earnings per share (EPS) is an important metric for Buffett and Wall Street. Buffett looks for companies with a consistent track record of earnings growth, particularly over a 5 to 10-year period.

Screener Calculation – Yearly EPS growth Year on Year

A Consistently High Return on Equity

Return on Equity is a profitability measure calculated as net income as a percentage of shareholders’ equity, also called ROE. A high ROE shows an effective use of investors’ money to grow the value of the business.

Screener Calculation – Return on Equity (ROE) 0> 15%

Does the Company Earn a High Return on Total Capital?

Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) quantifies how well a company generates cash flow relative to the capital it has invested in its business.

It is defined as Net Operating Profit after Taxes / (Total Equity + Long-term Debt and Capital Lease Obligation + Short-term Debt and Capital Lease Obligation)

Screener Calculation – 10-Year ROIC Average => 12%

Is the Company Conservatively Financed?

“For a company to pull out of any business difficulties it may encounter, it needs plenty of financial power. Companies with a durable competitive advantage usually create such great wealth for their owners that they are long-term debt-free or close to it. Standard debt-to-equity ratios give a poor picture of the business’s financial strength in that shareholder’s equity is seldom used to extinguish the debt. A business’s earning power is the only real measure of a company’s ability to service and retire its debt. You need to ask yourself, how many years of current net earnings would be required to pay off all the long-term debt of the business in the current year?”. Source The New Buffettology

To achieve this very specific calculation, you can use the closest match, the Solvency Ratio.

The solvency ratio measures whether a company generates enough cash to stay solvent. It is calculated by summing net income and depreciation and dividing by current liabilities and long-term debt. A value above 20% is considered good.

Screener Calculation – Solvency Ratio > 20%

The Initial Rate of Return (IRR) for the Stock is Greater than The Return on U.S. Treasury Bonds?

If a company cannot make a profit per share higher than the return of a safe asset like treasury bonds, you should not invest in it. IRR is an easy calculation, and we will use the Earnings Yield. Earnings Yield is the earnings per share for the most recent 12-month period divided by the current market price per share.

Screener Calculation -Earnings Yield > 3%


2. Implement The Buffett/Graham Criteria In A Stock Screener

The Best Buffett & Graham Screener to Find Value Stocks (7)

There is only one Stock Screener and Stock Analysis platform on the market that will enable you to implement a real Buffett Stock Screener.

The best tool for the job is Stock Rover. Also, Stock Rover won our Best Value Investing Stock Screener.

The Best Buffett & Graham Screener to Find Value Stocks (8)

5 Easy Steps To Setup Your Buffett Munger Undervalued Stock Screener in Stock Rover.

Step 1 – Get Stock Rover

Sign Up For A Free 14 Day Trial of Stock Rover (no card required); this will give you the Premium Plus Service for free for 14 days. You need the Premium Plus Service to access the awesome Fair Value and Margin of Safety criteria, exclusive to Stock Rover.

Get Stock Rover Free

The Best Buffett & Graham Screener to Find Value Stocks (9)

Step 2 – Locate The Buffettology Screener

Once you have registered and logged in to Stock Rover, locate Screeners from the navigation menu, hover over it with your mouse, select the drop-down arrow, and select Browse Screener Library.

Screeners -> Browse Screener Library.

This will take you to a huge selection of expertly curated Stock Screener templates.

Step 3 – Import The Buffettology Screener

Scroll down to the Buffettology Inspired screener, select the Checkbox to the right, and click the Import Item Selected Button.

The Best Buffett & Graham Screener to Find Value Stocks (10)

Locate Buffettology Inspired -> Click Checkbox -> Import Items

The Best Buffett & Graham Screener to Find Value Stocks (11)

Step 4 – Setup Your Buffett Specific Columns View

Now your screening criteria are already set up, but you need to be able to see the columns that are directly relevant to the methodology outlined in section 1 of this article.

Click on Actions at the top of the application and select Update View.

Actions -> Update View

Step 5 – Configure The Columns For Your Buffett Stock Screener

The Best Buffett & Graham Screener to Find Value Stocks (12)

The screenshot above shows you exactly which columns to select. Remove any unneeded columns. Finally, click Save.

Complete – You Now Have The Perfect Warren Buffett Stock Screener

This single view gives you the ability to see at a glance all the stocks that meet the Warren Buffett test but also do your own further investigation.

The Best Buffett & Graham Screener to Find Value Stocks (13)

I have sorted this view on the Margin of Safety tosee the safest stock first.

Now you are ready to perform some final checks; to do this, you need to understand how Warren thinks about business.

Get A Free 14-Day Stock Rover TrialRead The Stock Rover Review10 Best Stock Screeners Comparison

3. Evaluate Your Buffett & Graham Screener Results

Here are the companies selected by the Stock Rover Screener, sorted on the highest margin of safety.

TickerCompanyMargin of SafetyP/E Ratio
ABGSFABG Sundal Collier Hldg180%3.3
BMABanco Macro52%2.8
BBARBanco BBVA Argentina48%20.2
GGALGrupo Financiero Galicia46%4.6
CMGGFComml Intl Bank (Egypt)44%9
AHCHYAnhui Conch Cement Co39%6.5
NVONovo Nordisk34%24.9
SPXCFSingapore Exchange31%22.4
REGNRegeneron Pharmaceuticals31%19
CTXSCitrix Systems31%28.4
PRKAParks! America29%10.7
FIZNFirst Citizens Bancshares29%2
RWWIRand Worldwide28%26.2
LMTLockheed Martin27%14.8
ANCUFAlimentation Couche-Tard26%12.1
CIBEYComml Intl Bank (Egypt)25%9.5

Table: Date January 2021. Get Your Buffett Screener exclusively at Stock Rover


4. Understand How Buffett Evaluates The Business & Industry

Buffett considers certain factors that are not found in the balance sheet or financials. They are the business and competition-related questions that need a further deep dive. Now that you have your potential target stocks in your screener window above. Select a stock you like the look of, and ask the following Buffett questions as outlined in the Buffettology book.

Does the company have an identifiable durable competitive advantage?

The competitive advantage over others in the industry might be better technology, better products, patents, or even a captive market. Does the company’s industry have high entry barriers, e.g., a microchip maker or a telecoms company? Also, do not forget is a competitive advantage durable, meaning it will last for at least ten years.

Do you understand how the product works?

Buffett always says that if he does not understand how the product or service works, he will not invest. If you cannot understand the business, you will not accurately assess potential threats or competition. He wants to only invest money in companies he can understand.

If the company does have a durable competitive advantage and you understand how it works, then what is the chance that it will become obsolete in the next twenty years?

Does the company allocate capital exclusively in the realm of its expertise?

Is the company free to raise prices with inflation?

If the company has severe competition, which pushes product or service prices downward, this may be a stock to avoid. If prices cannot increase with inflation, you may need to factor this into the valuation and Margin of Safety.

Are large capital expenditures required to update plant and equipment?

This question is aimed at companies that have to invest heavily in plant and equipment to remain competitive, for example, carmakers or telecom companies. These infrastructure upgrades can take a huge toll on debt and free cash flow.

Is the company’s stock price suffering from a market panic, a business recession, or an individual calamity that is curable?

This is the magic question and the question that leads to Buffett’s famous quote.

Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful

If the market is going through panic, a stock with great company fundamentals (financials), low competition, and a solid competitive advantage could see its stock price fall dramatically. This would be a great time to buy, as you will see a higher Margin of Safety.

Is the company actively buying back its shares?

One sign Mr. Buffett looks for is companies buying back their shares. This usually means that the company’s management sees a bright future and believes the stock market seriously undervalues the company. This is often a good sign.


5. Select The Stocks From Your Screener & Invest In Them

Now you have narrowed down the stocks you want to buy to build your portfolio. Remember, Warren always says:

The best time to sell is never

Although not a strict rule, it pertains more to the fact that you need to buy and hold long-term. If you have done your job well, you will not need to sell for the foreseeable future.

The Best Buffett & Graham Screener to Find Value Stocks (14)

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As a seasoned investment expert deeply entrenched in the world of value investing, I am well-versed in the principles and strategies employed by legendary investors like Warren Buffett and Benjamin Graham. Over the years, I have demonstrated a keen understanding of financial metrics, stock analysis, and the intricacies of building a value-driven portfolio.

The article you provided discusses the use of Stock Rover as the preferred tool for implementing a Buffett and Graham-inspired stock screener. The key concepts covered in the article include:

  1. Buffett Stock Screener Criteria:

    • Earnings Per Share (EPS) Growth: A measure of the company's profitability and its consistent growth over time.
    • Return on Equity (ROE): Indicates how effectively the company uses investors' money to grow.
    • Return on Invested Capital (ROIC): Measures how well a company generates cash flow relative to its invested capital.
    • Solvency Ratio: Reflects a company's ability to generate enough cash to stay solvent.
  2. Buffett's Margin of Safety:

    • Buffett's most crucial measure, it represents the percentage difference between a company's Fair Value and its actual stock price.
  3. Discounted Cash Flow (DCF):

    • Buffett screens for stocks by predicting and discounting the cash flow ten years into the future using the Discounted Cash Flow method.
  4. Setting up a Buffett/Graham Stock Screener in Stock Rover:

    • The article provides a step-by-step guide on how to implement Buffett and Graham's criteria in Stock Rover, emphasizing the importance of the tool in creating a genuine Buffett stock screener.
  5. Additional Considerations:

    • Durable Competitive Advantage: Questions whether the company has a sustainable competitive advantage over others in the industry.
    • Understanding the Product: Buffett insists on understanding the product or service of a company before investing.
    • Capital Allocation and Inflation: Examines whether the company allocates capital within its expertise and can raise prices with inflation.
    • Capital Expenditures: Considers if large capital expenditures are required to update plant and equipment.
    • Market Conditions: Examines if the company's stock price is influenced by market panic, business recession, or curable individual calamities.
    • Share Buybacks: Looks for signs of companies actively buying back their shares, indicating management's confidence in the company's future.
  6. Selecting and Investing in Stocks:

    • Once the screening process is complete, the article guides readers on how to select stocks based on their screener results. Emphasizes Buffett's philosophy of buying and holding long-term.

In conclusion, my expertise in the field assures you that the information presented in the article aligns with the principles of value investing as practiced by Warren Buffett and Benjamin Graham. The article effectively guides investors through the process of building a stock portfolio that reflects the wisdom of these iconic investors.

The Best Buffett & Graham Screener to Find Value Stocks (2024)


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1. AltIndex – Overall Most Accurate Stock Predictor with Claimed 72% Win Rate. From our research, AltIndex is the most accurate stock predictor to consider today. Unlike other predictor services, AltIndex doesn't rely on manual research or analysis.

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That makes TradingView our pick as the best stock screener for global investing. As a stock screener, TradingView has it all, including a solid offering of fundamental, economic, and financial screening criteria and extensive charting functionalities built on advanced HTML5 technology.

What valuation method does Warren Buffett use? ›

Buffett uses the average rate of return on equity and average retention ratio (1 - average payout ratio) to calculate the sustainable growth rate [ ROE * ( 1 - payout ratio)]. The sustainable growth rate is used to calculate the book value per share in year 10 [BVPS ((1 + sustainable growth rate )^10)].

How do you screen for value stocks? ›

Here are at least 7 principles/criterion from Benjamin Graham's checklist to help you identify value stocks.
  1. Quality Rating. When picking a stock, it's not necessary to find the best quality companies. ...
  2. Financial Leverage. ...
  3. Company's Liquidity. ...
  4. Positive Earnings Growth. ...
  5. Price to Earnings Ratio. ...
  6. Price to Book Ratio. ...
  7. Dividends.

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What's the Best Stock Analysis Website?
  • Motley Fool is a stock and investing advice service.
  • Yahoo! Finance gives financial advice on the markets.
  • Zacks is an investment research service.
  • FinViz is a fantastic free scanner service.
  • YCharts is another investment research service.

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AI-based high-frequency trading (HFT) emerges as the undisputed champion for accurately predicting stock prices. The AI algorithms execute trades within milliseconds, allowing investors and financial institutions to capitalize on minuscule price discrepancies.

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Some of the best free screeners on the web include those offered by Yahoo! Finance, StockFetcher, ChartMill, Zacks, Stock Rover, and Finviz. They all offer users a series of basic and advanced screeners. Many stock screeners offer both basic and advanced, or free and premium, services.

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One method is to look at a company's price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio, which is its stock price divided by its earnings per share. If a company's P/E ratio is below that of its competitors or the overall market, then it may be undervalued.

What is Warren Buffett's number 1 rule? ›

"The first rule of an investment is don't lose [money]. And the second rule of an investment is don't forget the first rule. And that's all the rules there are." This quote from legendary billionaire investor Warren Buffett has become one of his most well-known aphorisms.

What is the 10x rule Buffett? ›

The rule really is an observation that Buffett has paid ~10x pretax earnings for many of his largest and best deals, ranging from Coca-Cola, American Express, Wells Fargo, Walmart, Burlington Northern, and the more recent Apple investment.

How accurate is the Buffett Indicator? ›

The Buffett Indicator forecasted an average of 83% of returns across all nations and periods, though the predictive value ranged from a low of 42% to as high as 93% depending on the specific nation.

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Price to Earnings Ratio

PE Ratio is one of the metrics used to identify undervalued stocks. The PE ratio compares the current market value of a stock with its earnings per share. Typically, undervalued stocks will have a low PE ratio. Remember that the standard PE ratio differs from industry to industry.

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Price-to-earnings ratio (P/E): Calculated by dividing the current price of a stock by its EPS, the P/E ratio is a commonly quoted measure of stock value. In a nutshell, P/E tells you how much investors are paying for a dollar of a company's earnings.

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The P/B ratio can help you compare the market price of the stock to its book value (company equity divided by number of shares). A stock may be considered undervalued if the P/B ratio is less than one. The current ratio can help you determine a company's ability to pay off its debts.

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Across all forecasts, accuracy was worse than the flip of a coin—on average, just under 47%. The distribution of forecasting accuracy by the gurus looked very much like the bell curve—what you would expect from random outcomes. The highest accuracy score was 68% and the lowest was 22%.

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While there is no guarantee, the changes in ratings on a company may indicate the direction of their buying patterns. If they start "initial coverage," it may mean that they are considering adding the stock to their portfolios or have already started accumulating the stock.

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