The Benefits of Selling a Home During a Recession | iBuyer Blog (2024)

In the United States,66% of peopleworry that a major recession is right around the corner.While a recession can be worrisome and can lead to inflation and higher prices for goods and services, a recession can also be the best time to sell a home.

If you are considering selling your home, it is important that you understand how the economy will impact this decision. Do you want to learn more about the benefits of selling a home during a recession?

Keep reading this guide for everything you need to know about the reasons you should try selling a home during a recession.

Utilize Your Equity

If you are wondering whether you should sell your home during a recession, the answer is yes! One of the biggest benefits of selling your home during a recession is that it allows you to utilize your equity.

Because mortgage applications have increased over the years, it can be difficult to buy a home for the first time. When you have equity from the sale of a previous home, you can utilize this by making a move to a new property.

This way, you can immediately put the money from the sale of your home into a new property that works better for your needs.

Avoid Capital Gains Taxes

Another great reason why you should sell your home during a recession is that it can help you avoid highcapital gains taxes. Capital gains are also known as the profits you make when you sell real estate or other types of taxable assets that have increased in value.

If your home went up in value significantly over the time you owned it, you may owe thousands of dollars in the upcoming years’ taxes.

Before a recession hits, home prices are typically at an all-time high. This means that selling your home before a recession will result in a higher profit between the purchase price of the real estate and the sale price, which can increase your capital gains taxes.

Because there is a chance that your home will lower in value when you sell it during a recession, it will help you save money on these taxes.

On the other hand, if you sell your home for less than you paid for, this is known as a capital loss. This is deductible on your tax return, so you can save money on your taxes even if the price of your house goes down!

Pent-Up Demand for Homes

Next, a recession can lead to a pent-up demand for homes, which makes it a great time to sell.

When there are fewer homes on the market, this is known as a seller’s market. The low inventory of suitable housing increases the competition for your home when you are selling a home during a recession.

Before a recession, it can be difficult for people to get into a home, especially first-time homebuyers. Similarly, there is a low inventory of starter homes. People that are qualified to buy a home may not be able to find something that fits their needs without building a new home.

Because so many people want to buy homes but are unable to, they will jump at the opportunity to buy a home during a recession.

There are also more millennials that are desperate to buy houses. This tide of millennials wanting to buy a home will help cushion the housing market during a recession, which will make the impact on the housing market relatively small.

Plus, recessions typically lower the interest rates for mortgages. This makes it more affordable for many buyers to purchase a home and will encourage them to check out the homes available on the market.

Lastly, there are often fewer homes on the market when you are selling during a recession. This is because many people panic and worry that they will lose their jobs or that they will not be able to afford the increase in prices for goods and services.

Because of this, most people will hold onto their properties rather than selling. This could be a great option for you if you own a nice home that would attract many potential buyers.

Avoid Expensive Repairs

Selling your home during a recession can also help you avoid expensive and unnecessary repairs. While many people think that you need to make huge upgrades to be able to sell your home, there are no renovations that will add more value to your home than they cost.

Because of this, you can avoid wasting your time on projects that won’t have a high return on your investment.

Instead, you may want to focus on the aesthetics of your home. Simple things likeimproving your curb appealand changing out light fixtures in your home will help you generate more buyer interest for as little money as possible.

Price Declines Will Be Small

When you sell your home during a recession, there is a chance that you will see some declines in price. This is because home prices peak right before a recession when it is a seller’s market and there are fewer homes available.

In past recessions, likeThe Great Recession, there was a significant housing recession. This resulted in the housing bubble popping and homes dropping to record low prices.

However, this is not typical for most recessions. While many people are waiting to buy a home until the market crashes, a recession will not likely cause as big of an impact on the housing market as it did during The Great Recession.

This means that declines in housing prices will be small if there even is a decline in price. If you sell your home during a recession, you will be protected and will still be able to sell your home for a good price.

The overall impact of a recession on the housing market will depend on where you live. If you live in a desirable area and have a clean, well-maintained home, you will likely be able to sell your home no matter the state of the economy!

So, if you currently live in a family-friendly neighborhood with low levels of crime, you will still be able to find plenty of interested buyers if you have the right real estate agent.

Easier to Find a New Home

It is also typically easier to find a new home when you are selling your home during a recession. As was mentioned before, it can be difficult for people to secure a loan from a bank during a recession.

However, if you sell your home before purchasing a new one, you will havehome equitythat can immediately go toward the purchase of your new real estate! This makes it easier to be qualified for a home.

If you are looking to upgrade or downgrade to a new property, doing this during a recession is a great option!

Many Options for Investors

Finally, selling your home during a recession makes it easier for you to find investors that are looking for real estate!

When there are more investors looking for homes in your area, you can take your pick from each of these options. This way you can get the best deal for your home.

Often, investors will pay for homes with cash. This will ensure that you get all of your money from the sale of your home at once! It also makes it easier for you to put this money straight into other investments, like a new home.

If you want to learn more about the process of selling your home to a cash investor, iBuyer can help! You can start by simply entering your home address into our website to get a freehome value estimate.

Then, our team will help you find iBuyers that are interested in your house! This way, you can filter through each of your options to find the best deal for your home.


As a homeowner, it can be difficult to know how the state of the economy will impact your plans to sell your home. Learning more about these benefits of selling a home during a recession can help you decide whether or not it is the right choice for you.

If you want to sell a home during a recession quickly, can help! We connect homeowners with buyers across the country.

Submit your address today to get an accurate estimate of your home value get a no-obligation offer.

Looking for cash offers on your home? You’ve come to the right place!

The Benefits of Selling a Home During a Recession | iBuyer Blog (2024)


Is it a good idea to sell your house during a recession? ›

Benefits of Selling a House During a Recession

Real estate values typically fall during a recession. Longer and deeper recessions will have the greater effect on home values. Selling today could help you from selling at a lower price in the future.

Why do people sell houses during recession? ›

During a recession, there are usually less buyers, so houses stay on the market longer. This makes sellers more likely to lower their listing prices, so that their home is easier to sell. You might even get lucky with a home at an auction.

What happens to house sales during a recession? ›

Home prices dropped four out of five times in the last five recessions. They usually fall at an average of 5% each year the economy remains in a recession. Because housing prices may decrease during a recession, some people may find it the perfect time to jump in and buy a home.

Is it better to have cash or property in a recession? ›

In addition, during recessions, people with access to cash are in a better position to take advantage of investment opportunities that can significantly improve their finances long-term.

What is the best thing to sell during a recession? ›

Pet products are strong recession-proof items as people consider their pets as members of their family. So they are not going to be forgotten during a recession. Especially essential products for those special family members. These include: food, litter, treats, and waste removal bags.

Should I sell now before the recession? ›

The answer really depends on your personal circ*mstances. “If you're concerned a recession is coming, it's generally better to sell now instead of waiting,” says Lee-Duffy. However, “selling during a recession might be beneficial if you're looking to downsize or rent.

Why is real estate good in a recession? ›

Real estate is a great asset to own when the economy is in freefall. A rental property typically acts as a natural hedge in a volatile market. Primarily because many people that sell their homes or properties during an economic downturn or recession need to sell their property.

Do house prices go down in a recession? ›

What Happens to Home Prices in a Recession? Home prices generally fall during recessions, with home values slipping in four out of the five major recessions between 1980 and 2008.

Do prices go down in a recession? ›

In a deflationary recession, prices fall while the economy contracts. Various factors, such as a decrease in the money supply or an increase in production, can cause this. A deflationary recession can be challenging to manage because it can lead to lower interest rates and higher unemployment.

How much did house prices drop in the recession 2008? ›

The median price for a U.S. home sold during the fourth quarter of 2008 fell to $180,100, down from $205,700 during the last quarter of 2007. Prices fell by a record 9.5% in 2008, to $197,100, compared to $217,900 in 2007. In comparison, median home prices dipped a mere 1.6% between 2006 and 2007.

How long do recessions last? ›

Recessions over the last half a century have ranged from 18 months to just two months. Federal Reserve economists believe the next downturn may stick around for longer than usual.

Do people buy real estate during a recession? ›

If you can afford it, buying a property during a recession can be an excellent decision. Homes typically stay on the market longer during a recession since there are typically fewer purchasers.

What should you not do in a recession? ›

  • Becoming a Co-signer.
  • Getting an Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (ARM)
  • Assuming New Debt.
  • Taking Your Job for Granted.
  • Making Risky Investments.
  • Frequently Asked Questions.
  • The Bottom Line.

Where is your money safest during a recession? ›

Some stock market sectors, like health care and consumer staples, generally perform better than others in a recession. Healthy large cap stocks also tend to hold up relatively well during downturns. Investing in broad funds can help reduce recession risk through diversification.

How much cash should you have for recession? ›

Most experts believe you should have enough money in your emergency fund to cover at least 3 to 6 months' worth of living expenses. Start by estimating your costs for critical expenses, such as: Housing. Food.

Is cash King during a recession? ›

For investors, “cash is king during a recession” sums up the advantages of keeping liquid assets on hand when the economy turns south. From weathering rough markets to going all-in on discounted investments, investors can leverage cash to improve their financial positions.

Who benefits during a recession? ›

Higher interest rates that often coincide with the early stages of a recession provide an advantage to savers, while lower interest rates moving out of a recession can benefit homebuyers. Investors may be able to find bargains on assets that have decreased in price during a recession.

How do you profit from a recession? ›

How to Invest During a Recession
  1. Cash Is King During a Recession. ...
  2. Own Defensive Stocks in a Recession. ...
  3. Use Dollar-Cost Averaging. ...
  4. Buy Quality Assets During a Recession. ...
  5. Avoid Growth Stocks During a Recession. ...
  6. Invest in Dividend Stocks. ...
  7. Consider Actively Managed Funds. ...
  8. Bonds and Uncorrelated Assets.
Apr 27, 2023

Can you flip houses during a recession? ›

That being said it can be possible to keep flipping houses and making a profit even in a market downturn. If you're intending to flip homes during a downtime, it's useful to have some knowledge about buyer behavior as well as how to make properties appealing when the market isn't thriving.

What type of real estate does well in a recession? ›

Commercial real estate is one of the best investments in a recession, but not all classes of real estate do well.

Are we in a recession 2023? ›

The widely predicted U.S. recession remains out of sight as the first half of 2023 winds down, but the consumer sector that has fueled a remarkable recovery from the pandemic shutdowns may finally be showing signs of fraying.

Do rents go up in a recession? ›

What Happens to Rents in a Recession? Rents can go both up and down in a recession. The location of a rental property and how hard the local economy is hit by a recession will dictate whether rents go up, down or stay the same.

Does everything get cheaper after a recession? ›

While the prices of individual items may behave unpredictably due to unexpected economic factors, it is true that a recession might cause the prices of some items to fall. Because a recession means people usually have less disposable income, the demand for many items decreases, causing them to get cheaper.

What goes up in price during recession? ›

Precious metals, like gold or silver, tend to perform well during market slowdowns. But since the demand for these kinds of commodities often increases during recessions, their prices usually go up too. You can invest in precious metals in a few different ways.

How far did house prices fall in 2008? ›

House prices fell by 15.9% in 2008, Nationwide said today - the biggest annual drop since the society began publishing its index in 1991.

Who predicted the 2008 real estate crash? ›

Citing the large disparity between property costs and buyer incomes, market expert Ian Shepherdson believes that home prices may fall another 15% in 2023. Shepherdson, the founder and chief U.S. economist of Pantheon Macroeconomics, predicted the eventual housing crash of 2008 in 2005.

Who lost money in 2008 crash? ›

Steven Spielberg and Jeffrey Katzenberg both are reported to have lost from the funds. So did banks HSBC and Royal Bank of Scotland. Tufts University has written off a $20 million investment with Madoff, and Yeshiva University is another reported victim.

How long did it take to recover from 2008 recession? ›

Recovery From the Great Recession

Following these policies, the economy gradually recovered. Real GDP bottomed out in the second quarter of 2009 and regained its pre-recession peak in the second quarter of 2011, three and a half years after the initial onset of the official recession.

When 2023 recession will end? ›

“However, this downturn will be relatively mild and brief, and growth should rebound in 2024 as inflation ebbs further and the Fed begins to loosen monetary policy.”

Who wins in a recession? ›

Generally, the industries known to fare better during recessions are those that supply the population with essentials we cannot live without that. They include utilities, health care, consumer staples, and, in some pundits' opinions, maybe even technology.

How likely is a recession in 2023? ›

Odds of a recession in 2023 hover at 64% amid bank failures and higher rates. Economists see jump in unemployment and major job losses over next 12 months.

What banks are in trouble in 2023? ›

By the numbers: The three banks that failed this year — Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), First Republic Bank (FRB) and Signature Bank — accounted for 2.4% of all assets in the banking sector.

Is my money safe in a checking account during a recession? ›

You can keep money in a bank account during a recession and it will be safe through FDIC insurance. Up to $250,000 is secure in individual bank accounts and $500,000 is safe in joint bank accounts.

Should you save cash during a recession? ›

Having savings goals is never a bad idea, even during a recession. So if you've got a Christmas sinking fund in full force—keep it. If you're smack-dab in the middle of saving your emergency fund—stick with it.

Does cash become more valuable in a recession? ›

And having cash handy is vital during a recession in case of a job loss or other reduction in income. And as rates rise your cash will earn more money in a savings account. Reduce debt: If you have high-interest debt, pay it down if you can. But don't tap your emergency fund.

Is cash king in 2023? ›

Since the beginning of 2022, cash equivalents have materially outperformed stocks and bonds and - with short-term interest rates all but certainly headed higher before they head lower and a recession increasingly likely to hit soon - cash continues to look like it is king in 2023 and potentially beyond.

Does a recession lower house prices? ›

Home prices generally fall during recessions, with home values slipping in four out of the five major recessions between 1980 and 2008.

Is it wise to invest in property during a recession? ›

Real estate is a great asset to own when the economy is in freefall. A rental property typically acts as a natural hedge in a volatile market. Primarily because many people that sell their homes or properties during an economic downturn or recession need to sell their property.

How long do recessions typically last? ›

Recessions over the last half a century have ranged from 18 months to just two months. Federal Reserve economists believe the next downturn may stick around for longer than usual.

What is the best investment in a recession? ›

Bonds and cash have historically outperformed most stocks during recessions. Selling stocks in favor of bonds and cash before a recession may leave you unprepared if stocks bounce back before the economy does, which has happened historically during many recessions.

How to make money in real estate during recession? ›

To create income from real estate during a recession, you need to be diversified with the types of real estate investing you're involved in, such as REITs, buy & hold, fix & flips, mobile home parks, multifamily, and others.

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.