The Average Savings Account Balance In The U.S. | (2024)

Many bank accounts hold far less cash than U.S. consumers would need to cover even a few months without income, according to an analysis of federal data.

The median transaction account balance is $5,300, according to the Federal Reserve’s Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF), with the most recently published data from 2019. Transaction accounts include savings, checking, money market and call accounts, as well as prepaid debit cards.

While the exact amount that consumers should keep in savings will vary depending on their income and expenses, it’s generally a good idea to aim to save at least 15 percent of your pre-tax income, says Erik M. Baskin, founder of Baskin Financial Planning in Dayton, Ohio.

It’s also important to factor in paying down debt and having specific savings goals. “Once you have no debt, set goals, such as to have a six-month emergency fund, and save towards that goal,” says Jay Zigmont, PhD, CFP, founder of Childfree Wealth in Mississippi.

Consider stashing savings away in a high-yield savings account or a certificate of deposit to boost your savings. Take advantage of the high rates currently offered on these accounts, which can also help you prepare for a potential recession.

Key saving statistics

  • The majority of U.S. households — 98 percent — have a transaction account, such as a savings account.
  • Singles and younger adults tend to have lower transaction account balances.
  • Less than half of U.S. households — about 4 in 10 — said they were able to cover an unexpected $1,000 expense, like a car repair or medical bill, in January 2022.
  • Meanwhile, 58 percent of adults surveyed in June 2022 said they were uneasy with their level of emergency savings.
  • Most American adults — about 76 percent — have not seen an increase in their emergency savings balance over the past year.
  • Slightly over half of U.S. adults have more emergency savings than they do credit card debt, as of January 2022.
  • Even though nearly 3 in 5 adults are contributing at least as much as they were the previous year to retirement savings, 55 percent still say they’re behind on their retirement savings.

Sources: Federal Reserve, Bankrate

How much does the average household have in savings?

While the median bank account balance is $5,300, according to the latest SCF data, the average — or mean — balance is actually much higher, at $41,600. The median balance may give a clearer picture of how much most U.S. households have saved, since the average figure can be skewed significantly by a small number of outliers with high account balances.

Average U.S. savings account balance
Median bank account balanceMean bank account balance

The SCF also breaks down average account balances by household type. Couples with no children have the highest median balance, while single parents have the lowest. Again, the average balance is skewed by outliers, so the median balance may be more representative of how much households have saved.

Household typeMedian bank account balanceMean bank account balance
Single with one or more children$1,300$15,930
Single without children$3,100$20,320
Couple with one or more children$7,500$48,480
Couple without children$11,000$68,170

Average savings by age

Households with older individuals tend to have higher account balances — up to about three times as high — than younger households. There were two exceptions: Households with individuals ages 45 to 54 had higher median balances than those with members ages 55 to 64, and households with individuals ages 65 to 74 had mean balances higher than those over age 74.

AgeMedian bank account balanceMean bank account balance

Since older consumers have had more time to build and invest their wealth, it’s only natural that they would have higher median account balances than younger generations. Some other factors that could impact the disparity in savings between younger and older consumers are that older consumers may have advanced more in their careers and may have more inherited wealth while younger consumers are more burdened by student loan debt.

Savings by age statistics

  • According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ 2021 Consumer Expenditure Survey, those aged 45 to 54 have the most expenses, on average, per year.
  • Only 40 percent of millennials say they have enough savings to cover three months’ worth of expenses, compared to 47 percent of Generation Xers and 62 percent of baby boomers, according to a June 2022 Bankrate survey.
  • Younger consumers also pay the most in bank fees, according to a Bankrate study. Gen Zers pay nearly ten times the amount baby boomers pay in monthly account fees, which can eat into savings.
  • Fidelity Investments recommends that consumers should have at least the amount of their annual income saved for retirement by age 30.

Average savings by education level

Education level is one of the factors that correlates with bank account balance, based on the SCF data, which indicate that the median and mean balances fluctuate along with how much education an individual has attained. The largest median balance jump is from those with some college ($3,900) to those with a bachelor’s degree ($15,400).

EducationMedian bank account balanceMean bank account balance
No high school diploma$1,020$9,190
High school diploma$2,500$20,100
Some college$3,900$23,550
Bachelor’s degree$15,400$78,890

A further 2019 study by OneClass surveyed undergraduates to see how much money students have in their bank accounts by major. The results show that mathematics majors have the highest median account balance, while science majors have the lowest. Note that the data does not give exact median amounts, but rather provides a range for the median account balance of each major.

MajorMedian bank account balance
Mathematics$10,001 and above
Arts and education$1,001-$2,000

Average savings by income

Similar to age and education level, income amount correlates overall with how much an individual has in savings. The most significant jump in median account balances is from the $80,000’s income range to the $90,000’s income range. It’s also worth noting that the median account balance for those with annual income in the $90,000’s is at least $68,000 more than those in the lowest income brackets.

IncomeMedian bank account balanceMean bank account balance

The median account balance for most income groups has progressively increased since the 2013 SCF study. The study is conducted every three years, with the most recently published data from 2019.

Average savings by race and ethnicity

As far as race, those classified as non-Hispanic whites had significantly higher median and mean account balances than those in the Hispanic and Black categories — reflecting a racial wealth gap, as white families hold more than five times the wealth of the typical Black family and more than four times the wealth of the typical Hispanic family.

Race/EthnicityMedian bank account balanceMean bank account balance

*The SCF’s “other” classification includes those who identified as Asian, Native American, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander as well as those with more than one racial identification.

How much of our money should go to savings?

Many advisors recommend workers stash away 15 to 20 percent of income spread across accounts like certificates of deposit (CDs), money market accounts, savings accounts and other places where money can be protected and grow.

How much someone should tuck away depends on what they’re spending, says Greg McBride, CFA, chief financial analyst for

The ultimate destination should be enough to cover six months’ expenses, perhaps nine to 12 months for sole breadwinners or self-employed individuals.

— Greg McBrideCFA, chief financial analyst for Bankrate

The best way to determine your monthly expenses is to create a budget that lists how much money is coming in every month and subtracts that from expense categories like housing, transportation, groceries, entertainment and credit card bills.

The average consumer had about $20,503 in income left over after expenses in 2021, according to a recent Consumer Expenditure Survey published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The data shows the average person shelled out $5,577 a month, meaning, for six months of expenses, they should save at least $33,462, according to McBride’s recommendation.

The bottom line

Even with the challenges of inflation, having money in the bank to cover emergencies is possible when you have a budget and take control of your spending.

While establishing an emergency fund should be a top priority, it’s also important to consider retirement and other savings goals you may have. Over time and as you advance in a career, you may want to increase your contributions to retirement savings, so you can have eight times your salary saved by age 60 — the amount recommended by Fidelity.

To get the most out of your savings, it pays to shop for the best high-yield savings account. Meanwhile, Bankrate’s savings calculators can help you determine how much to contribute to your savings for a variety of goals, and the home budget calculator can help with tracking spending.

— Karen Bennett contributed to a previous version of this article.

I'm an expert in personal finance with a deep understanding of savings, investments, and financial planning. My expertise is based on a thorough analysis of financial data, research, and trends. I have a comprehensive knowledge of the concepts and principles discussed in the article you provided.

The article primarily focuses on the analysis of federal data related to bank accounts and savings in the United States. Let's break down the key concepts discussed in the article:

  1. Transaction Account Balances:

    • The median transaction account balance is $5,300, according to the Federal Reserve’s Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) from 2019.
    • Transaction accounts include savings, checking, money market, call accounts, and prepaid debit cards.
  2. Savings Recommendations:

    • Financial experts, such as Erik M. Baskin and Jay Zigmont, suggest saving at least 15 percent of pre-tax income.
    • Goals include paying down debt and establishing a six-month emergency fund.
  3. Emergency Savings Statistics:

    • 98 percent of U.S. households have a transaction account.
    • About 4 in 10 households can cover an unexpected $1,000 expense.
    • 58 percent of adults feel uneasy about their emergency savings.
  4. Average Savings Balances:

    • Median bank account balance is $5,300, while the mean balance is higher at $41,600.
    • Balances vary by household type, age, education level, income, and race/ethnicity.
  5. Savings by Age:

    • Older households generally have higher account balances.
    • Disparities may be influenced by career advancement, inherited wealth, and student loan debt.
  6. Savings by Education Level:

    • Education level correlates with bank account balance.
    • Median balance jumps significantly from those with some college to those with a bachelor’s degree.
  7. Savings by Income:

    • Income level is a key factor in savings, with a significant jump in median balances between income ranges.
    • The median account balance has increased for most income groups since 2013.
  8. Savings by Race and Ethnicity:

    • A racial wealth gap is evident, with non-Hispanic whites having higher median and mean account balances than Hispanic and Black individuals.
  9. Savings Recommendations and Goals:

    • Advisors recommend saving 15 to 20 percent of income.
    • Creating a budget is crucial to determine monthly expenses and savings goals.
    • The ultimate goal is to have enough savings to cover six to twelve months of expenses.
  10. Budgeting and Emergency Funds:

    • The average consumer should aim to save at least $33,462 for six months of expenses, according to Greg McBride.
  11. Long-Term Financial Planning:

    • Establishing an emergency fund is a priority, but long-term goals like retirement savings should also be considered.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive overview of the state of savings in the U.S., highlighting the importance of financial planning, budgeting, and the disparities in savings across various demographics.

The Average Savings Account Balance In The U.S. | (2024)


The Average Savings Account Balance In The U.S. | ›

According to the Federal Reserve's most recent Survey of Consumer Finances, the median savings account balance for all families was $8,000 in 2022. Savings account balances can vary greatly depending on income, age, education and race.

What is the average savings account balance in the US? ›

According to the Federal Reserve's most recent Survey of Consumer Finances, the median savings account balance for all families was $8,000 in 2022. Savings account balances can vary greatly depending on income, age, education and race.

What is the average savings account interest in the US? ›

The national average savings account interest rate was 0.46% APY as of May 20, 2024. These rates fluctuate based on economic conditions, the federal funds rate and competition among banks.

What is the average amount to have in savings? ›

Rule of thumb? Aim to have three to six months' worth of expenses set aside. To figure out how much you should have saved for emergencies, simply multiply the amount of money you spend each month on expenses by either three or six months to get your target goal amount.

What is the average checking account balance in the United States? ›

Average household checking account balance by age
Age range of reference personAverage checking account balance in 2022Median checking account balance in 2022
Under 35$7,355.53$1,600.00
35 to 44$15,309.92$2,500.00
45 to 54$20,155.22$3,400.00
55 to 64$17,515.35$3,500.00
2 more rows
Oct 18, 2023

How many people have $1,000,000 in savings? ›

If you have more than $1 million saved in retirement accounts, you are in the top 3% of retirees. According to EBRI estimates based on the latest Federal Reserve Survey of Consumer Finances, 3.2% of retirees have over $1 million in their retirement accounts, while just 0.1% have $5 million or more.

How much does the average 75 year old have in savings? ›

Savings by Age
AgeAverage Account BalanceMedian Account Balance
45 to 54$48,200$6,400
55 to 64$57,670$5,620
65 to 74$60,410$8,000
75 and older$55,320$9,300
2 more rows
Sep 19, 2023

What is the current average savings rate in the US? ›

Basic Info. US Personal Saving Rate is at 3.60%, compared to 3.60% last month and 5.20% last year.

What is the average savings account interest rate Bank of America? ›

Bank of America has an annual percentage yield (APY) ranging from 0.01% to 0.04%, depending on your balance. To open a Bank of America Advantage Savings account, you'll need a minimum deposit of $100.

What is the highest interest savings account in USA? ›

Best High-Yield Online Savings Accounts of June 2024
  • BrioDirect High Yield Savings Account: 5.30% APY.
  • Ivy Bank High-Yield Savings Account: 5.30% APY.
  • TAB Bank High Yield Savings: 5.27% APY.
  • UFB Secure Savings: Up to 5.25% APY.
  • EverBank Performance℠ Savings: 5.05% APY.
  • Bask Interest Savings Account: 5.10% APY.

How much does the average person have in the bank? ›

The median transaction account balance is $8,000, according to the Federal Reserve's Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF), with the most recently published data from 2022.

What is the average monthly balance? ›

How is monthly average balance calculated by my bank? Banks use the formula: MAB = (total of end of the day closing balances) / (number of days in one month) to calculate the MAB of an account holder.

How much does the average American have in savings for retirement? ›

The answer depends almost entirely on you, your habits now and your plans for later,” the financial services firm noted on its website. Data from the Federal Reserve's most recent Survey of Consumer Finances (2022) indicates the median retirement savings account balance for all U.S. families stands at $87,000.

What is the average savings account total in the US? ›

In terms of savings accounts specifically, you'll likely find different estimates from different sources. The average American has $65,100 in savings — excluding retirement assets — according to Northwestern Mutual's 2023 Planning & Progress Study. That's a 5% increase over the $62,000 reported in 2022.

What is the average balance of an account? ›

The average balance is the balance on a loan or deposit account averaged over a given period, usually daily or monthly. The daily or monthly average balance is calculated using multiple closing balances over the selected period of time.

How much money should you keep in your savings account? ›

For savings, aim to keep three to six months' worth of expenses in a high-yield savings account, but note that any amount can be beneficial in a financial emergency.

How many Americans have $100,000 in savings? ›

14% of Americans Have $100,000 Saved for Retirement

Most Americans are not saving enough for retirement. According to the survey, only 14% of Americans have $100,000 or more saved in their retirement accounts. In fact, about 78% of Americans have $50,000 or less saved for retirement.

Is $20,000 a good amount of savings? ›

All in all, depositing $20,000 in a savings account can be wise if you have a short-term plan for the money. Your deposit will be safe and you can generate decent amounts of interest in the meantime.

How many Americans have $200,000 in savings? ›

According to the survey, 53% have less than $10,000 saved. Not far behind them is the 15% of Americans who have between $10,001 and $50,000 saved. Going up a little more, just 6% have between $100,001 and $200,000 saved. Few Americans have saved more than $300,000: 4% have between $350,001 and $500,000.

How much should a 30 year old have in savings? ›

If you're looking for a ballpark figure, Taylor Kovar, certified financial planner and CEO of Kovar Wealth Management says, “By age 30, a good rule of thumb is to aim to have saved the equivalent of your annual salary. Let's say you're earning $50,000 a year. By 30, it would be beneficial to have $50,000 saved.

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