The 9 Most Dangerous Animals In Russia: Bears And Big Cats (2024)

The 9 Most Dangerous Animals In Russia: Bears And Big Cats (1)

Russia is the world’s largest country and is home to one of the most incredibly diverse and mysterious ecosystems across the globe. From historic cities to the idyllic countryside, epic cross-country train journeys, and vodka-fueled adventures – Russia truly has it all, and it pays off learning some basic phrases along the way. But what about the most dangerous animals in Russia?

The country is vast with huge remote spaces hours away from any trace of human civilization. Russia’s Far East regional area provides the perfect habitats for some of the most elusive yet dangerous animals in the world.

If you’re looking to experience a different side of Russia and venture into the wilderness, make sure you are clued up on the most dangerous animals in Russia that you may encounter. We’ve done the research and compiled all the information you need to know.

Table of Contents

Brown Bear

The 9 Most Dangerous Animals In Russia: Bears And Big Cats (2)
Latin NameUrsus arctos beringianus
HabitatDeep and remote forests in dens and hideouts
DangersExtremely powerful jaws and large claws, can display aggressive behavior in some circ*mstances
IUCN StatusLeast concern

Brown bears are one of the most famous animals in Russia and were chosen as the mascot for the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games. The brown bear population in Russia is the largest in the world with an estimated 100,000+ wild and roaming individuals.

The Russian brown bear subspecies are often referred to as the Kamchatka brown bear or the Far Eastern brown bear. They are the largest variety of brown bears in Eurasia, growing up to 2.4 m (7.9 ft) to 3 m (9.8 ft) tall on hind legs, with a weight up to at least 650 kg (1,430 lb). Brown bears are not as clumsy as people often believe; despite their large size, bears are extremely agile.

Brown bears are native to Russian forests and can be found in several areas:

  • Anadyrsky District
  • Kamchatka Peninsula
  • Karaginskiy Island
  • Kuril Islands
  • Stanovoy Range
  • Shantar Islands

Bears are omnivores, but they don’t make a habit of eating humans. However, there have been cases of bear attacks across the Russian wilderness. Most attacks are due to curiosity or protecting cubs. Make sure you are prepared with local knowledge and know what to do if you encounter a brown bear in Russia.

Polar Bear

The 9 Most Dangerous Animals In Russia: Bears And Big Cats (3)
Latin NameUrsus maritimus
HabitatFar north coastal areas
DangersExtremely powerful jaws and large claws, can display aggressive behavior in some circ*mstances
IUCN StatusEndangered

Russia also has a polar bear population in the far reaches of the north. These white bears inhabit the drifting and coastal sea ice on the border of the Arctic. Here they have access to most of their prey: ringed seal, bearded seal, walrus, and other marine animals.

However, polar bears are beginning to venture further south as climate change warms the planet and destroys their natural habitats. Hungry and exhausted polar bears have been seen wandering Russian cities in recent years in search of food. Polar bears are recognized as an endangered species in Russia and so hunting them is banned.

The polar bear is a powerful and dangerous animal in Russia that should always be treated with respect and caution. A polar bear can cause serious damage with a single swing of its large paw. Males can weigh as much as 350–700 kg (770–1,540 lb). Attacks on humans happen when the bears feel threatened, so always give them space if you run into one.

Amur Tiger

The 9 Most Dangerous Animals In Russia: Bears And Big Cats (4)
Latin NamePanthera tigris altaica
HabitatMountain forests of eastern Russia
DangersExtremely powerful jaws and large claws, can display aggressive behavior in some circ*mstances
IUCN StatusEndangered

Formally known as the Siberian tiger, the Amur tiger is one of the largest cats in the world. The average weight for males is 160-190 kg (352 – 420 lbs). There are an estimated 500-550 individuals in Russia’s Far East; this is ten times the population in the 1940s when the species was on the brink of extinction.

Amur tigers have a slightly thicker and lighter coat than their bright orange southern counterparts, helping them through the wintery conditions of Russia. They hunt wild boar, sika deer and red deer, and other smaller mammals. While human is not on the menu, they have been known to attack when threatened.

These big cats can only be found in the mountain forests of eastern Russia, some venturing over the border to northern China

Grey Wolf

The 9 Most Dangerous Animals In Russia: Bears And Big Cats (5)
Latin NameCanis lupus
HabitatAcross most areas of Russia
DangersExtremely powerful jaws and work in packs, can display aggressive behavior in some circ*mstances
IUCN StatusLeast concern

Wolves are notoriously dangerous animals and are the most common predator in Russia. They can be found across most of the country, just not in the northernmost islands and taiga thickets. Grey wolves live in packs with a dominant alpha male; this makes them extremely dangerous to humans as they are highly likely to attack.

Russia competes with Canada for the world’s largest grey wolf population. Official data estimated there are over 45,000 individuals in the Russian wild. There are no laws to protect the species from hunting. In the event of any unfortunate encounters with a wolf pack, experts advise you to climb up the nearest tree and wait until they lose patience. Attacks on humans are rare, however, they are generally more unpredictable during early Spring when food sources are lower.

One of the oldest forms of punishment in the Old Rus state involved a savage execution by wolves. Those being punished would be tied to a tree and left for the wolves in the middle of the forest.

Wild Boar

The 9 Most Dangerous Animals In Russia: Bears And Big Cats (6)
Latin NameSus scrofa
HabitatMarsh and swamp areas across Russian forests
DangersExtremely strong and large tusks, can display unpredictable behavior in some circ*mstances
IUCN StatusLeast concern

Hikers and hunters will argue that a wild boar is more deadly than a bear. Unlike bears, wild boars have poor eyesight and are likely to charge at humans when encountered in the forest. With a top speed of 40 km/h (25 mph), getting out of their way can be challenging!

The average boar weighs around 200 kilograms (441 lbs) at a height ranging from 55 – 120 cm measured to the shoulder. Coupled with this extreme weight is the most lethal part of the boar, the tusks. They are solid and powerful, making the wild boar one of the most dangerous animals in Russia. Female boars are particularly aggressive when protecting their young.

Wild boars can be found across Russia and are renowned in the Amur region for attacking vehicles. They tend to stick to swampy and marshy terrain. The boars’ diet is varied consisting of eggs, mice, lizards, worms, and even snakes.

Common Northern Viper

The 9 Most Dangerous Animals In Russia: Bears And Big Cats (7)
Latin NameVipera berus
HabitatAcross most of Russia’s forests
DangersVenomous bite and extremely well camouflaged
IUCN StatusLeast concern

Russia’s most venomous snake is the common northern viper which is found throughout the forest spaces. This snake is perfectly camouflaged against the undergrowth and can go undetected in most encounters. In most cases, the viper feels the vibration of oncoming footfall and gets out of the way.

These snakes can grow up to 60 – 90 cm (24 – 35 in). The head is typically flat and boxy, while colors do vary from a very light color with small, incomplete, dark dorsal crossbars to entirely brown specimens with faint or clear, darker brown markings. As the name suggests, this viper is commonly distributed across Europe and throughout Russia, even up to the Arctic circle.

The venom of this viper is potent and strong enough to kill a child or the elderly. Adults will experience discomfort and should seek medical attention if bitten. Most cases can be treated with a general antihistamine. However, some people may display anaphylactic reactions and be in a more severe state.


The 9 Most Dangerous Animals In Russia: Bears And Big Cats (8)
Latin NameSiluriformes
HabitatIn rivers across Russia, mainly the Amur River
DangersHard and dense teeth, and potentially aggressive behavior
IUCN StatusLeast concern

Possibly one of the most surprisingly dangerous animals in Russia is the catfish. Some individuals can grow to an astonishing 5 meters (16 feet) and weigh up to 360 kilograms (793 lbs). Of course, these giants are rare, however, they are still out there in Russian rivers.

Catfish are extremely smart and opportunist hunters. They tend to go for anything within their size range that enters the water; dogs have been known to be attacked on occasions. Attacks on humans have also been recorded!

These large and lethal fish can live in waters ranging from 5ºC to 25ºC. They are most commonly seen in the Amur River in the Far East of Russia, extending into China. Make sure you keep your eyes peeled when you’re on a fishing expedition in Russia.

Karakurt Spider

The 9 Most Dangerous Animals In Russia: Bears And Big Cats (9)
Latin NameSiluriformes
HabitatIn rivers across Russia, mainly the Amur River
DangersHard and dense teeth, and potentially aggressive behavior
IUCN StatusLeast concern

The karakurt spider is striking in appearance and is one of the most dangerous spiders in the world, along with the black widow and brown recluse. These spiders can be encountered in Russia’s Astrakhan region. During the summer months, karakurt spiders do migrate north and can even be found in urban areas, including Moscow. The most common habitats however are in rocky ravines.

Identifying karakurt spiders is fairly easy. They are bright yellow with distinct black stripes across the body and legs. The color reflects the venomous nature of this spider. The actual bite itself is mild, but searing pain spreads after a matter of hours.

If bitten you must seek urgent medical attention. Wilderness experts also provide a must-do procedure in the event of an emergency and medical assistance is not readily available: immediately after being bitten, take a lit match and burn the wound to burn off any venom that is yet to enter the body. This will reduce the pain and symptoms across the body.


The 9 Most Dangerous Animals In Russia: Bears And Big Cats (10)
Latin NameIxodida
HabitatWooded areas across Russia
DangersParasitic and disease-carrying insects that can bite undetected
IUCN StatusLeast concern

And last but not least, we have the common tick. This small and insignificant insect should not be overlooked. A bite from a tick can cause serious problems for humans. Ticks can carry some nasty diseases:

  • Encephalitis – crippling inflammation of the brain leading the victim to experience seizures, hallucinations, memory and hearing problems, as well as trouble speaking.
  • Lyme disease – a severe infectious illness that if left untreated can lead to the inability to move sides of the face, extreme headaches, and severe joint pains.

Ticks are found in wooded areas and animal trails where live large animals may pass, including humans. They latch on to their victim and attempt to burrow under the skin in vulnerable places, such as between the toes, behind the ear, and on the neck.

Tick bites are difficult to recognize and you may not notice being bitten. They tend to show up as black spots on the skin. If you notice anything unusual, be sure to seek medical attention from a trained doctor.

Summary: Most Dangerous Russian Animals

So there you have it! The not-so-good, the utterly bad, and the darn right ugly of Russian animals. These species are the most dangerous animals in Russia that you may encounter whether you are on a city break or an exploration through the depths of the forests. Always have your wits about you and be aware of what may be lurking in the shadows.

Does Russia have any poisonous animals?

Russia has a select few poisonous animals including the Common Northern Viper and the Karakurt Spider. Both animals have enough venom in their bites to cause serious discomfort. However, neither are likely strong enough to kill a healthy human adult. That being said, do your best to avoid poisonous animals in Russia.

What is the most dangerous animal in Russia?

The grey wolf is considered one of the most dangerous animals in Russia due to its pack characteristic. Encounters with wolf packs at times when food sources are low can be deadly. If an encounter happens, you need to climb the nearest tree and wait until the alpha male decides it’s time to move on.

Seasoned hunters and hikers, however, would argue the wild boar is the most dangerous animal in Russia. Boars have poor vision and unpredictable behavior. Pair this with large tusks and a dense body mass, then you have a lethal animal.

Are there venomous snakes in Russia?

There are several species of snake found throughout Russia and the Common Northern Viper is a venomous variety. This snake doesn’t often attack humans and tends to get out of the way when they sense footfall nearby. They can be found across the forests and are excellently camouflaged.

What animal kills the most humans in Russia?

There are horror stories of people being mauled to death by brown bears in Russia. Unfortunately, as people venture into the forests for hunting expeditions, they disturb mothers and cubs which leads to attacks and fatalities. Brown bears only attack humans when they feel threatened or are protecting their young.

The 9 Most Dangerous Animals In Russia: Bears And Big Cats (2024)


What are the most dangerous animals in Russia? ›

The Most Dangerous Animals In Russia Today. Kamchatka Bears are native to Russian and can get up to 1550 pounds. Two of the most dangerous animals in Russia are bears and wolves. Bears can be found throughout Russia, with brown bears inhabiting densely forested areas from the Ural Mountains to the Pacific Coast.

Are bears in Russia dangerous? ›

Kamchatka brown bears are generally not dangerous to humans, and only 1% of encounters result in attack. The first Europeans who went to Kamchatka in the 19th century, although surprised by the number and size of bears there, observed that they were relatively harmless, compared to their Siberian counterparts.

Are bears more dangerous than big cats? ›

Big cats like tigers and lions launched the deadliest attacks, with 65 percent proving fatal compared to 49 percent for canids and just 9 percent among the bear attacks. The authors note that this disparity in fatality rate corresponds with two very different types of attacks.

How many Russians are killed by bears? ›

In 1991–2017, the post-Soviet period, when data availability was better, bear-caused injuries and fatalities (264 records) occurred more often on the Russian Pacific Coast (111 incidents) and in Siberia (109 incidents) than in European Russia (44 incidents), where human encroachment in bear habitat is higher.

What is the number 1 deadliest animal? ›

Mosquitos are the deadliest creature in the world because they transmit a number of deadly diseases, the worst of which is malaria. Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease caused by a parasite that results in fever, chills, headache, vomiting and, if left untreated, death.

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List of the most deadly animals
Source: CNETSource: BBC News
7 more rows

Is it legal to pet bear in Russia? ›

"Obviously, this bear is a huge animal, he's a wild animal, despite this couple's claim. Having a bear live in your home is not how an animal is domesticated." Keeping a bear as a pet is illegal in many countries, including Russia.

What is the largest predator in Russia? ›

Where the Siberian tiger lives: 95% of the Siberian tiger world population inhabits the Russian Far-East, 5% of the population lives in China. Size: Length of the Siberian tiger body, without tail – 160-200 cm, length of tail about 100 cm. Weight of an adult animal can reach 300 kg.

Are pet bears legal in Russia? ›

The list of animals banned from private ownership has been finalized and includes various types of snakes, crocodiles, turtles, cetaceans and many mammals, including, but not limited to bears, big cats (tigers, lions, leopards, jaguars and snow leopards), other wild cats such as cheetah, cougar, serval, clouded leopard ...

Are cats smarter than bears? ›

"The more units you find in the brain, the more cognitively capable the animal is." Researchers posited that "dogs have roughly the same intelligence as raccoons and lions, while domestic cats have comparable intelligence to bears."

Can a cat scare off a bear? ›

Dramatic footage has emerged of the moment a cat was able to ward off a giant bear that was lurking outside her owner's home.

Are bears smarter than big cats? ›

Originally Answered: Who are smarter, bears or big cats (in general)? Bears are smarter in general. They can solve more complex problems and are oftentimes display more emotion.

Which bear has killed the most humans? ›

According to Stephen Herrero in his Bear Attacks: Their Causes and Avoidance, 23 people were killed by black bears from 1900 to 1980. The number of black bear attacks on humans is higher than those of brown bears, though this is largely because black bears outnumber brown bears rather than being more aggressive.

Are Russian bears bigger than American bears? ›

Giant: Thanks to the bountiful streams of Russia's Far East, the Kamchatka Bears are some of the world's largest. Weighing up to 700kg, they can reach double the size of an average Brown Bear.

How long do Russian bears live? ›

In the wild, bears can live up to 25 years of age, though older bears have been documented. Most bears however don't reach old age because of human activity like hunting and habitat encroachment.

What animals are illegal in Russia? ›

The list of animals banned from private ownership has been finalized and includes various types of snakes, crocodiles, turtles, cetaceans and many mammals, including, but not limited to bears, big cats (tigers, lions, leopards, jaguars and snow leopards), other wild cats such as cheetah, cougar, serval, clouded leopard ...

Does Russia have tigers? ›

The subspecies was saved when Russia became the first country in the world to grant the tiger full protection. Today there are an estimated 450 Continental tigers in the wild. They have the largest home range of any tiger subspecies because low prey densities mean they have to search over large areas to find food.

What big cats live in Russia? ›

The Russian Far East is particularly biodiverse, with carnivores including the Eurasian lynx, Siberian tiger and Amur leopard prowling through the Siberian forests on the hunt for red deer and wild boar.

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