The 7 Best Healthy Chips You Should Buy, According to a Dietitian (2024)

No food offers that satisfying crunch and that gratifying saltiness quite like a chip. When snack time calls, it's no wonder potato chips are one of the most popular snacks Americans love to munch on (second to the sweet and cozy cookie), per Statista. But classic potato chips are typically fried in vegetable oil and loaded with salt—two factors that don't equal the healthiest snack choice. Not to be a Debbie Downer, but chips are also low in protein and micronutrients, making many other snack choices a bit more ideal for those who are trying to live a healthy lifestyle.

That being said, getting a chip fix once in a while (and watching out for the portion size) won't make or break a balanced and healthy diet. But if you're a chip lover who wants to bump up your intake of certain nutrients or reduce your sodium intake, some great choices can help you enjoy your crispy snacks while still sticking to your health goals.

The 7 Best Healthy Chips You Should Buy, According to a Dietitian (1)

So, if you are on the hunt for a healthy chip, look no further than this list that boasts chips made from ingredients like beans, fruit and the ever-popular cauliflower. Read on to discover your new favorite healthy chip.

The Best Healthy Chips to Buy


Popchips use the beloved potato, but unlike classic chips, these are not fried. To make these chips, heat and pressure are used to create a delicious and crunchy chip with far less fat than fried options in bold flavors such as BBQ, Sea Salt and Sea Salt & Vinegar. Plus, these chips are vegan, gluten-free and non-GMO.

From the Ground Up Cauliflower Potato Chips

Real Food From the Ground Up Cauliflower Potato Chips nail it in the taste and nutrition departments. Made with real cauliflower and a veggie blend that contains spinach, broccoli, carrot, tomato, beet and shiitake mushrooms, these crispy snacks make an excellent swap for potato chip lovers (and who isn't a potato chip lover?). Tasty flavors include Sea Salt, Salt & Vinegar, Sour Cream & Onion and Buffalo.

Jackson's Sweet Potato Chips

Traditional potato chips are made with russet potatoes. But Jackson's are made with sweet potatoes, giving these chips a boost of beta carotene and potassium. Made with just three ingredients and kettle-cooked, these chips are made of high-quality ingredients and are totally satisfying.

SunChips Black Bean

SunChips Black Bean snacks offer 14 grams of whole grains and 3 grams of fiber per serving. These chips are made with real black beans to deliver a mouthwatering flavor and tasty crunch. They are also a good source of fiber (3 grams of fiber per serving), contain no artificial flavors or preservatives, and have 30% less fat than regular potato chips. (Regular potato chips contain 10 grams of fat per 1-ounce serving. SunChips Black Bean chips contain 6 grams of fat per 1-ounce serving). You can find two delicious flavors: Spicy Jalapeño and Southwestern Queso.

Biena Tasty Thins

Biena Tasty Thins are made with chickpeas and veggies and contain only 45 calories per 10 crisps. One serving contains 3 grams of protein and a light, airy crunch that will satisfy even the most sophisticated chip-eater.

Rind Peach Chips

Fruit chips may not be top-of-mind when thinking about a healthy chip alternative. But these Rind peach-based chips are crispy, slightly sweet and packed with antioxidants and fiber. While these chips won't offer the same taste as a classic chip, they are a fantastic snack to get you through an afternoon slump. Rind offers fruit chip options like apple, coconut, kiwi and orange.

Rhythm Kale Chips

Yes, you can eat your veggies and get your chip fix at the same time. Rhythm Kale Chips are made with … you guessed it … kale instead of potato. But don't let the main ingredient fool you. These chips are absolutely delicious and can satisfy any major chip craving. Other varieties include Mushroom Crisps, Broccoli Bites, Beet Chips, Carrot Sticks and more.

The Bottom Line

If you are a chip lover trying to reduce your sodium intake, get a nutrient boost or achieve specific health goals, know that you don't have to do without that classic crunch to satisfy your craving. Swapping your classic fried chips with one of these options can make snack time delicious and healthy.

The 7 Best Healthy Chips You Should Buy, According to a Dietitian (2024)
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