The 10 Best Bars To Head To In Stockholm (2024)

As one of the coolest cities in northern Europe, it’s no surprise that Stockholm is home to a variety of atmospheric bars. Plush, grand, hip, or with a view, as a visitor, you’re spoilt for choice. Read on to find our top 10 picks.

1. Riche

Restaurant, Swedish

The 10 Best Bars To Head To In Stockholm (1)

For a bar with a professional, business-like vibe, Riche is the best stop, with an extensive wine list. The professional crowd mostly stays for late dinner and drinks, eventually giving way to a crowd who come to enjoy the club nights. Although the bar strives to imitate its Parisian counterpart, Café Riche, it has a uniquely Swedish air to it.

Opening hours: Mon 11am – 12am; Tues – Sat 11am – 2am; Sun 11am – 12am

2. Tweed

Bar, Pub Grub

Tweed is an atmospheric bar tucked away in the pockets of Gamla Stan, Stockholm’s historic Old Town. The bar is reminiscent of turn-of-the-century gentlemen’s bars, with dark wood-panelling, Chesterfield armchairs (which can be rented) and tartan-covered walls. The armchairs are the perfect seats to sink into after a long day, and the atmosphere is cozy and welcoming. Tweed is part of the Victory Hotel, which also has other bars such as Bottles and The Burgundy. The co*cktail list at Tweed lists drinks that are naval-themed, inspired by several ports. One of these is the Gothenburg, named after the Swedish port city, with Swedish punch, grenadine, aquavity, and lemon juice.

Opening hours: Mon – Thurs 5pm – 12am; Fri & Sat 5pm – 1am

3. Le Bar Rouge

Brasserie, Restaurant, Swedish, French, European, Vegetarian, Gluten-free, Vegan

Exquisitely reminiscent of the lush decadence of turn-of-the-century Paris, Le Bar Rouge is fraught with excitement, opulence, and delicious co*cktails. The interiors are made up in red velvet, chandeliers, and gold touches. The experience of drinking in this establishment is almost cinematic, especially with the subtle lighting and the plush setting: straight out of a vintage noir movie. The bar is attached to a fine-dining restaurant, Brasserie Le Rouge, which is an experience in itself.

Opening hours: Mon & Tues 11.30am – 11pm; Wed & Thurs 11.30am – 12am; Fri 11.30am – 1am; Sat 5pm – 1am; Sun closed

The 10 Best Bars To Head To In Stockholm (2)

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The 10 Best Bars To Head To In Stockholm (3)

5. Akkurat

Bar, Pub Grub, Beer, European

The 10 Best Bars To Head To In Stockholm (4)

Akkurat is famed for its beer and whisky varieties. It is predominantly a beer bar, with an extensive menu and several draught options. Additionally, Akkurat has several vintage brews which cannot be found elsewhere. Set against dark wood panelling and gleaming bronzed counters, Akkurat is an experience in its own right. Should the extensive menu be overwhelming, don’t feel apprehensive about asking the bartenders— they’re extremely friendly and welcoming, and always happy to recommend brews.

Opening hours: Mon 11am – 12am; Tues – Fri 11am – 1am; Sat 3pm – 1am; Sun 6pm – 1am

6. Snotty Sounds Bar

Bar, Swedish

For a bar where music is ambient and takes the center stage, head to Snotty Sounds Bar, which is as quirky as its name. The bar is small and cosy, exuding a hip retro indie atmosphere. It’s well-loved by the locals, and is the best place to catch a glimpse of Stockholm’s artsy crowd. The décor harks back to the ‘70s, and the posters and albums are highly nostalgic.

Opening hours: mon – Sun 4pm – 1am


Grill prides itself on being stylish, and rightly so, with each room decorated in a different style with different themes. There are eight different themes at any one time; some of the current highlights include the Moulin Rouge and the Orient Express. The restaurant menu is all delicious grilled fare, and the bartenders are happy to suggest and mix your co*cktails as you wish. There’s live music on Tuesdays and Sundays— be sure to get there in time for it.

Opening hours: Mon – Fri from 5pm; Sat from 4pm; Sun from 3pm

The 10 Best Bars To Head To In Stockholm (5)

7. Judit & Bertil

Judit & Bertil

Judit & Bertil offers a hip, trendy atmosphere. Named after the owner’s grandparents, it now caters to the younger crowd, for the most part, and serves a range of dishes as well as drinks. The waiters and bartenders are swift and the service is good. The DJs at Judit & Bertil are quite popular, as they play a mix of eclectic EDM and hip-hop music, current Swedish favourites.

Opening hours: Mon & Tues 5pm – 12am; Wed – Sat 5pm – 1am; Sun 5pm – 12am

Bergsunds strand 38, 117 38 Stockholm, Sweden, +46 8 669 31 31

8. Hotellet


Catering to a hip and stylish crowd, Hotellet’s list of classic co*cktails is a draw for Stockholm’s young and trendy elite. The space is large, and there is a club downstairs in the “cellar”. It’s often crowded, so be sure to get there early for a table, and then slowly head downstairs to the dancing.

Opening hours: Tues 5pm – 12am; Wed & Thurs 5pm – 1am; Fri & Sat 5pm – 2am

Linnégatan 18, 114 47 Stockholm, Sweden, +46 8 442 89 00

9. Orangeriet

Bar, Cafe, Swedish, co*cktails

Orangeriet Bar has a view over the lake and some of the most delicious co*cktails in Stockholm. The atmosphere is relaxed, sophisticated, and the bartenders are extremely skilled. The volume of the music steadily increases into the night, so whilst Orangeriet doesn’t quite transform into a nightclub, the atmosphere does change slightly and there’s a younger crowd. The transition is natural and spontaneous, and very friendly.

Opening hours: mon & Tues 5pm – 11pm; Wed & Thurs 5pm – 1am; Fri 4pm – 1am; Sat 5pm – 1am

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The 10 Best Bars To Head To In Stockholm (2024)
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