Tax Geek Tuesday: The Different Types Of Gain - Making Sense Of Sections 1231, 1245 and 1250 (2024)

The "Tax Geek Tuesday" recommendations continue to roll in, and while some would put me at risk of alienatingwhat few regular readersI havewith the level of geekery required *cough* tax aspects of straddles *cough," others are gold. GOLD!!

For example, Ireceived an email asking if I would devote some time to clarifying the difference and interplay between Sections 1231, 1245 and 1250, a worthy endeavor to be sure.

When a taxpayer sells an asset, determining the amount of the resulting gain or lossis a relatively straightforward process -- Section 1001 dictates thatyou simply take the difference between the amount realized and the tax basis.

Determining the character of the resulting gain or loss, however; well, that's a much more troublesome pursuit. Does the sale of property result in ordinary income or capital gain? In some instances -- for example, the sale of raw land that has been partially developed andsubdivided before sale -- thecriticalanalysisis whether the land isinventory (ordinary income) or a capital asset (capital gain)? But in other instances, the question of the nature of the income doesn't end when the property is found to be a capital asset; in fact, it is just beginning.

This is because certain assets -- those Section 1231 assetsthat are the focus of this Tax Geek Tuesday -- may potentially result in the type of gain that may either be bifurcated between capital gain and ordinary income (under Section 1245) orbifurcated between capital gain and "unrecaptured Section 1250 gain" (under Section 1250), with anycapital gain inboth cases further subjected to a netting process under Section 1231 to all other gains and losses from Section 1231 property before the true character of the capital gain may be revealed.

Thus, of critical importance is identifying the "Section 1231" assets that require bifurcation and netting, and then further understanding the manner in whichSections 1245 and 1250 interplay with Section 1231 -- tasks we'll set out to accomplish shortly.

In my opinion, the difficultymost people have in making sense of these three provisions is only exacerbated bythe tax software: in most programs, when you dispose of an asset, you're asked to choose whether the asset is "Section 1231 property, Section 1245 property, or Section 1250 property." This creates the perception that these options are mutually exclusive; that a given asset can only be one of the three types of property.

This perception, however, is very false. As the discussion below will hopefully make clear,most propertiesheld in a trade or business will be more than one of the three types: they will be a Section 1231 asset, and in addition to being a Section 1231 asset, be EITHER a Section 1245 or Section 1250 asset.

Perhaps the more logical way to look at the Sections 1245 and 1250 designations is as a subset of, rather than an alternative to, Section 1231 property. Or stated in another way, once you've concluded that a property is Section 1231 property, your work is not done -- you must then take the additional step to determine if that property is ALSO Section 1245 or Section 1250 property. It will not, however, be BOTH Section 1245 and Section 1250 property, because as we will see, they are mutually exclusive options.

As with most things we cover in Tax Geek Tuesday, the best path towards illumination is a comprehensive one; we will run through the life-cycle of a balance sheet, skipping no steps, and make some sense of the concepts of Sections 1231, 1245 and 1250.

What Is a "Section 1231 Asset?"

Our journey begins in Section 1231, a briefbit of language that is responsible for more confusion per word than any provision this side of Section 385.

Itis helpful to think of Section 1231 as a "categorization provision,"-- in that it identifies a type of asset -- and Sections 1245 and 1250 as "recharacterization provisions" -- as they ultimately dictate whether gain is taxed at ordinary income rates, capital gain rates, or some other rate in between.

The key to identifying Section 1231 assets is not to overthink things; to avoid micro-analyzing the balance sheet and trying to segregate items into only one of Section 1231, 1245 and 1250 assets.Asstated above, the fatal flaw with this way of thinking is that these options are not mutually exclusive; rather, an asset will typically be Section 1231 AND either Section 1245 or Section 1250- for example, Section 1231 AND Section 1245, or Section 1231 AND Section 1250. Let's see what I'm talking about.

The Section 1231 Character Chameleon

Section 1231 is a very taxpayer-friendly provision, because thecharacter of a Section1231gain or loss is a chameleon. If the sum of a taxpayer's gains and losses from the sale of Section 1231 assets is a net gain, the gain is capital, and provided the selling entity isn't a C corporation, is taxed at favorable rates. On the flip side, if the sum of a taxpayer's gains and losses from the sale of Section 1231 assets is a net loss, the loss is ordinary. That's right -- Section 1231 gains are capital; Section 1231 losses ordinary. This is the Holy Grail of tax planning --capital gain/ordinary loss.

But in order to determine if you have net Section 1231 gain or loss, you first have to identify your "Section 1231 assets." As you peruse your tax balance sheet, you're looking for two broad categories of assets:

1. All depreciable assets that have been held for longer than one year are considered Section 1231 assets.

2. All real property -- whether depreciable or not -- that has been held by the business for longer than one year is considered Section 1231 property.

Because this is tax law we're talking about, there are a number of caveats. First, the property must be used in the trade or business. The property cannot be inventory; thus, if an LLC holds raw land for sale to customers, even though it's real property that may well be held by the LLC for longer than one year, it is not Section 1231 property; rather, it is inventory.

Furthermore, under Section 197((f)(7), assets that are subject to amortization under that section (acquired goodwill or other intangibles in an asset acquisition or a stock acquisition for which a Section 338 election is made)are treated as being depreciated under Section 167, as a result, amortizable intangibles are also treated as Section 1231 assets. Self-created intangibles, however; are not Section 1231 assets because they are neither amortizable nor depreciable and not real estate. These self-created intangibles -- i.e., the goodwill value associated with an ongoingbusiness-- are generally capital assets.

Let's take a look at a typical balance sheet, with both tax basis and fair market value provided. Which assets are Section 1231 assets? (assume all assets have been held longer than one year).

Tax Basis FMV Section 1231 Asset?
Cash $10,000 $10,000 No
A/R $20,000 $20,000 No
Publicly traded stock $20,000 $35,000 No
Inventory $45,000 $48,000 No
Machinery $20,000 $25,000 Yes
Furniture $15,000 $10,000 Yes
Autos $25,000 $15,000 Yes
Building $200,000 $350,000 Yes
Land $100,000 $175,000 Yes
Acquired Goodwill $400,000 $500,000 Yes
Self-created Goodwill $0 $1,000,000 No
Total $855,000 $2,188,000

That wasn't so difficult, right? In search of Section 1231 assets, we focus on the depreciable/amortizable assets -- machinery, furniture, autos, building, acquired goodwill) and the real estate (land).

Next , let's assume the business sold ALL of its assets for the assigned FMV. Total FMV is $2.18M, and total tax basis is $855,000. Thus, total gain on the sale is $1,333,000. The gain attributable to the inventory, however, is ordinary, while the gain attributable to the publicly traded stock is capital, because the stock is a capital asset under Section 1221. Lastly, the gain attributable to the self-created goodwill is also capital in nature, because the self-created goodwill is not a Section 1231 asset (it is neither depreciable nor real property), and is instead a capital asset.

All of the remaining assets (aside from the cash and A/R, which have no gain or loss associated with them) are Section 1231 assets. The net gain attributable to the Section 1231 assets is $330,000 (machinery ($5,000) + building($150,000) + land ($75,000) + acquired goodwill ($100,000) . The net loss attributable to the Section 1231 assets (furniture andautos) is $15,000. Thus, the net Section 1231 gain or loss is a gain of $315,000. Based on the nature of Section 1231 gains, this $315,000 of gain will be taxed as capital gain, right?

Not so fast. While the assets are Section 1231 assets and nothing will change that, there are two recharacterization provisions that may eitherconvert some of the $315,000 of net Section 1231 gain from capital gain into ordinary income or subjectit to a different tax rate-- Section 1245 and Section 1250. This is why I stated that an asset can be more than one type of asset among Sections 1231, 1245, and 1250. While the asset may meet the definition of Section 1231 and thus be a "Section 1231 asset," if Section 1245 or Section 1250 applies to an asset, those provisions must be contended with as well, and may ultimately remove all or a portion of the Section 1231 gain or loss from the Section 1231 netting process.

Let's see how it works:

Section 1245

Not to belabor the point, but Section 1245 (and it's sibling, Section 1250) are recharacterization provisions. This may sound like semantics, but it's important -- a Section 1231 asset, as defined above, does notcease to be a Section 1231 asset because Sections 1245 or 1250 applies. Thoselatter two provisions, should they apply, merely take a portion of the gain attributable to Section 1231 assets and recharacterize them as ordinary income.

So when does Section 1245 apply? Once again, the first step is to identify your "Section 1245 assets." Section 1245 assets arethe Section 1231 assets that are depreciable personal property. If you'll remember, amortizable Section 197 intangibles are also treated as Section 1231 assets because they are treated as depreciable assets; thus, these assets are also included in the definition of Section 1245 assets. So if we take our balance sheet from above and expand by one column, we can now identify our Section 1245 assets:

Tax Basis FMV Section 1231 Asset? Section 1245 Asset
Cash $10,000 $10,000 No
A/R $20,000 $20,000 No
Publicly traded stock $20,000 $35,000 No
Inventory $45,000 $48,000 No
Machinery $20,000 $25,000 Yes Yes
Furniture $15,000 $10,000 Yes Yes
Autos $25,000 $15,000 Yes Yes
Building $200,000 $350,000 Yes No
Land $100,000 $175,000 Yes No
Acquired Goodwill $400,000 $500,000 Yes Yes
Self-created Goodwill $0 $1,000,000 No
Total $855,000 $2,180,000

The building, while depreciable, is not "personal property," it is "real property," thus, it is not a Section 1245 asset. The other depreciable properties (machinery, auto, furniture) are personal property, and as a result, are Section 1245 property. Similarly, the acquired goodwill, a Section 197 intangible, is treated as a Section 1245 property even though it is not "tangible," by virtue of its inclusion as a depreciable asset by Section 197(f)(7).

Now that we've identified our Section 1245 assets, what's next?

The point of Section 1245 is a very logical one: when these Section 1245 assets were depreciated or amortized, the taxpayer took an ordinary deduction for either the depreciation or amortization expense. Obviously, ordinary deductions are worth far more than capital losses, because ordinary deductions offset ordinary income (taxed at a top rate of 39.6%), while capital losses only offset capital gains, which are subject to preferential rates of 20%. (Yes, capital losses in excess of capital gains can offset up to $3,000 of ordinary income under Section 1211).

It only makes sense then, that since the taxpayer benefited from ordinary depreciation and amortization deductions, if the taxpayer sells the asset and generates a gain, some portion of that gain should be treated as ordinary income. Otherwise, the taxpayer would have the best of both worlds -- they would take ordinary depreciation and amortization deductions that reduce the basis of an asset, but then a subsequent sale of that asset, if it resulted in a gain, would be taxed as capital gain under the Section 1231 rules.

To prevent this inequity, Section 1245 requires you to analyze the sale of any Section 1231/Section 1245 asset and potentially recharacterize a portion of the resulting gain as ordinary income before the gain is lumped into the Section 1231 netting calculation explained above.

It works like so -- upon the sale, the taxpayer must take the lesser of

1. The taxpayer's original cost for the asset (or what is called, in Section 1245 parlance, "recomputed basis," i.e., -- taking the adjusted tax basis and adding back all prior depreciation, including Section 179 deductions and bonus depreciation under Section 168(k)), or

2. The sales price.

The taxpayer then must subtract from the lesser of these two numbers the adjusted tax basis (i.e., after depreciation) of the property. If this calculation produces a gain, the amount of that gain is recharacterized as ordinary income.

To illustrate, let's modify our balance sheet once more by adding an important column:

Tax Basis FMV Original Cost (recomputed basis) Section 1231 Asset? Section 1245 Asset
Machinery $20,000 $25,000 $30,000 Yes Yes
Furniture $15,000 $10,000 $20,000 Yes Yes
Autos $25,000 $15,000 $40,000 Yes Yes
Acquired Goodwill $400,000 $500,000 $450,000 Yes Yes

We have isolated our Section 1245 assets. Now, we must determine how much gain must be recharacterized as ordinary income. Importantly, this determination cannot be made on a aggregate basis; each Section 1245 asset must be addressed separately. There is one notable exception to this rule: under Section 1245(b)(8), if a taxpayer disposes of more than one Section 197 intangible, the taxpayer determines the impact of Section 1245 by aggregating all of the Section 197 intangibles sold in the transaction.

As a result, even though thecombinedimpact of the sale of the machinery, furniture, and auto is a $10,000 loss -- which would eliminate any impact of Section 1245 -- the application of Section 1245 must bedetermined separately.When this is done, it is revealed that only the machinery and acquired goodwill are sold at a gain; thus only these assetscan possibly be subject to depreciation recapture.

For the machinery, we must take the lesser of two amounts:

1. theoriginal cost of the machinery, or $30,000, or

2. the sales price of $25,000.

The lesser of these amount is $25,000, so we must now subtract from this $25,000 the tax basis in the property of $20,000. The net amount of $5,000 is recharacterized as ordinary income under Section 1245, or "recaptured," because the $5,000 of depreciation that created the gain -- by driving the basis below the FMV -- was ordinary in nature, and so now that gain must be ordinary as well.

Moving on to the acquired goodwill,the same computation must be done. We take the lesser of two amounts:

1. The original cost of $450,000, or

2. the sales price of $500,000.

Here, the lesser of the two amounts is $450,000, which when compared to a tax basis of $400,000, results in recharacterized ordinary income of $50,000. Done and done, right?

Wrong. Don't forget, the total gain on the sale of the acquired goodwill was $100,000. Only $50,000 of that gain is recharacterized as ordinary income under the principles of Section 1245. So what becomes of the remaining $50,000 of gain? It is treated as Section 1231 gain, and is netted against all other Section 1231 gains and losses under the rules discussed above.

Section 1250

In our discussion of Section 1245 property, we noted that it excludes real property, even if it is depreciable. This is because real property is covered by Section 1245's sibling provision, Section 1250. And while we're about to get into the rules about Section 1250, I've got two things for you to keep in mind when we do:

1. Section 1250 works almost EXACTLY like Section 1245, and

2. Section 1250 RARELY applies anymore.

Good news, both.

Section 1250, like Section 1245, requires recharacterization of prior depreciation as ordinary income, but with a catch -- it only requires recapture of prior depreciation in excess of what straight-line depreciation would have been.

Let's examine that italicized textfor a moment...after the tax reform of 1986, real property is depreciated under the MACRS rules of Section 168. Under those provisions, real property is generally depreciated straight line over 27.5 or 39 years, depending on whether the property is residential or nonresidential, respectively. Thus, because most real property is depreciated straight line, it would follow that when an asset is sold, none of the depreciation taken was in excess of straight line, and thus no ordinary income recapture would result.

To illustrate, let's go back to our balance sheet:

Tax Basis FMV Original Cost Section 1231 Asset? Section 1245 Asset Section 1250 Asset
Building $200,000 $350,000 $250,000* Yes No Yes
Land $100,000 $175,000 $150,000 Yes No Yes

*building was purchased in 2009

We've got two Section 1250 assets, both of which were sold for a gain. We can make short work of the land; because land is not depreciated, the gain is not subject to any depreciation recapture. Instead, the entire gain goes into the Section 1231 netting calculation.

The building, however, requires a bit more thought. The building was acquired in 2009, during a down time in the real estate market. Under the MACRS rules, because the building is nonresidential real property, it was required to be depreciated over 39 years, using the straight-line method. As you can see, since it's purchase, the total accumulated depreciation on the building is $50,000 ($250,000 cost less $200,000 tax basis). Under Section 1250, if this $50,000 of depreciation exceeds the straight-line depreciation that would have been taken on the building, the excess must be recaptured as ordinary income. As a result, we must next figure out any excess deprecation, by taking:

1. Actual depreciation taken on property: $50,000, LESS

2. Depreciation on the property using the straight-line method: $50,000, equals:


Thus, because the building was depreciated using the straight-line method, there is no depreciation in excess of straight-line depreciation, and thus no ordinary income recapture. Furthermore, because all post-1986 real estate is required to be depreciated using the straight-line method, with each passing year, ordinary income depreciation recapture under Section 1250 becomes more and more rare. Of course, on the off chance that an asset is subject to Section 1250 ordinary income recapture, don't forget that any recapture is limited to the lesser of the original basis of the property or the selling price.

To illustrate, let's assume the building were sold for $225,000, resulting in a $25,000 gain. If we assume the entire $50,000 of depreciation was accelerated, and straight line depreciation would have been $20,000, there is $30,000 of potential ordinary income recapture. The gain, however, was only $25,000, and so the ordinary income recapture is capped at $25,000.

Back to our facts, where the property is sold for $350,000 with a basis of $200,000 and no excess depreciation. With no ordinary income recapture, the entire gain on the sale of the building -- $150,000 -- goes into our Section 1231 netting calculation, yes?

Yes....and no. Or perhaps the better way to put it is no....and yes.

Located thousands of pages away in the Code, Section 1(h)(1)(E) requires a taxpayer with Section 1250 property to take an additional step, even after the taxpayer determines that none of the prior depreciation is subject to ordinary income recapture because the property was depreciated using the straight-line method. Section 1 requires a taxpayer to pay a special 25% tax -- rather than the typical preferential top rate on capital gains of 20% -- on so-called "unrecaptured Section 1250 gain."

Unrecaptured Section 1250 gain is the amount of the depreciation taken on the property -- limited to the actual gain on the sale-- that is not recaptured as ordinary income under Section 1250. To illustrate, our building has $50,000 of depreciation, and upon it's sale, the building generates $150,000 of gain. The lesser of the two is $50,000, and of this amount, none was recaptured as ordinary income. As a result, the entire $50,000 of depreciation is "pulled out" of the $150,000 of gain, and is potentially subject to tax at 25%.

I say "potentially" because Section 1 limits the amount of unrecaptured Section 1250 gain taxed at 25% to the amount of "net capital gain," which is the sum of the long-term and short-term capital gain recognized by the taxpayer during the year, including net Section 1231 gain. This means that a taxpayer with Section 1250 property must first put the gain attributable to the property into the Section 1231 netting analysis to determine the total net capital gain, and then, if the net capital gain exceeds the amount of depreciation on the Section 1250 property treated as unrecaptured Section 1250 property, extract that portion and subject it to a 25% rate.

In our balance sheet above, we've established that the sale of the building generates $150,000 of gain, $50,000 of which is potentially subject to a 25% tax rate under Section 1(h). Before we can do that, however, we must determine the total capital gain from the transaction; which in this case is$1,333,000. Of this amount, however, $3,000 is attributable to the inventory, and is taxed as ordinary income. Of the remaining $1,330,000, we have previously pulled out $55,000 that is required to be taxed as ordinary income under Section 1245 ($5,000 for machinery + $50,000 for acquired goodwill).

This leaves total net capital gain of $1,275,000, of which $260,000 ($315,000 of initial net Section 1231 gainless $55,000 taxed as ordinary income under Section 1245) represents tentative Section 1231 gain. Because the tentative net capital gain is in excess of the potential unrecaptured Section 1250 gain of $50,000, the entire $50,000 must be taxed at 25% under Section 1(h). This leaves only $210,000 of net Section 1231 gain to go into the Section 1231 computation.

Recapturing Prior Section 1231 Losses

To summarize at this point, we have the following buckets of gain upon the sale of all the assets of our balance sheet:

  • Ordinary income, inventory: $3,000
  • Ordinary income, Section 1245 recapture: $55,000
  • Unrecaptured Section 1250 gain: $50,000
  • Net Section 1231 gain: $210,000
  • Long-term capital gain from sale of stock and self-created goodwill: $1,015,000
  • TOTAL: $1,333,000.

As discussed above, under the general rule, the $210,000 of net Section 1231 gain would be taxed as long-term capital gain at favorable rates. There is one last hurdle a taxpayer must overcome first, however. Before the Section 1231gain can be taxed as long-term capital gain, the taxpayer must look back five tax years, and to the extent the taxpayer took ordinary losses for a net Section 1231 loss during that time period, the taxpayer mustrecapture those losses in the current year by recharacterizing the current year net Section 1231 gain from capital gain to ordinary income to the extent of those prior losses.

To illustrate, if in our fact pattern, in 2013 the taxpayer had a net Section 1231 loss of $100,000 that was taken as an ordinary loss under the general Section 1231 netting rules, thanafter the initial recognition of $210,000 of Section 1231 gain in 2015, $100,000 of that gain must be recharacterized as ordinary income, leaving only $110,000 of net Section 1231 gain to be taxed at capital gain rates.

After the recharacterization, the remaining $110,000 of net Section 1231 gain is taxed as capital gain, and is added to the other capital gain from the sale of the stock and self-created goodwill to arrive at the total capital gain of $1,125,000.


Sections 1231, 1245 and 1250, while often a source of confusion, begin to make sense when you understand the role each provision plays in determining the nature of gain from the sale of assets. Section 1231 is a categorization provision -- once identified, all gain and loss from "Section 1231 assets" are netted together with ideal results: a net gain is capital, while a net loss is ordinary. Sections 1245 and 1250 are "recharacterization" provisions -- assets that meet the definition of either of these two provisions may potentially have all ora portion of gain from their sale recharacterized as either ordinary income or gain that is taxed at 25%. Segregating between the two provisions is not particularly difficult: Section 1245 assets are depreciable personal property or amortizable Section 197 intangibles; Section 1250 assets are real property, whether depreciable or not.

I'm hopeful this discussion cleared up any uncertainty you may have had. Continue sending me your Tax Geek Tuesday recommendations, and while I can't promise that I'll try to get to all of them, I'll try to try.

Thanks to AJ Shaffer for recommending this topic. Got an idea for a Tax Geek Tuesday? send it along to or on twitter @nittigrittytax

Tax Geek Tuesday: The Different Types Of Gain - Making Sense Of Sections 1231, 1245 and 1250 (2024)
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