Systematic Risk vs Unsystematic Risk | Top 9 Differences with Infographics (2024)

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    Systematic Risk vs Unsystematic Risk | Top 9 Differences with Infographics (2)

    Difference BetweenSystematic Risk vs Unsystematic Risk

    Systematic risk can be defined as a type of total risk that arises as a result of various external factors such as political factors, economic factors, and sociological factors. Systematic risk is non-diversifiable in nature. This means that this type of total risk cannot be controlled or minimized or avoided by the management of an organization. A systematic risk has the tendency to disrupt not just the whole of the market but an economy too. The major sources of systematic risk are risks related to the market, purchasing power, and interest rate and the common examples of such type of risk are inflation, price movements, fluctuation in interest rates, rise in unemployment, etc.

    On the other hand, unsystematic risk can be defined as a type of total risk that arises as a result of various internal factors taking place within an organization. Unsystematic risks are diversifiable in nature. This means that these types of risks can be controlled, minimized and even avoided by the management of an organization. Unsystematic risk has the tendency to disrupt the well being of an organization and sometimes the industry too. The major sources of such risks are risks pertaining to finances, business, and insolvency and the common examples of the same are a higher rate of operational costs, a rise in labor turnover, etc.

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    Head to Head Comparison Between Systematic Risk vs Unsystematic Risk(Infographics)

    Below are the Top 9 comparison betweenSystematic Risk vs Unsystematic Risk:

    Systematic Risk vs Unsystematic Risk | Top 9 Differences with Infographics (3)

    Key Differences Between Systematic Risk vs Unsystematic Risk

    The key differences between systematic risk vs unsystematic risk are as follows:

    1. Systematic risks are uncontrollable in nature. Unsystematic risks are controllable in nature.
    2. Systematic risks are non-diversifiable whereas unsystematic risks are diversifiable.
    3. Systematic risks cannot be controlled, minimized, or eliminated by an organization or industry as a whole. On the other hand, unsystematic risks can be easily controlled, minimized, regulated, or avoided by the organization.
    4. Systematic risks are a result of external factors. These types of risks take place due to macro-economic factors i.e. political, social, and economic factors. On the other hand, unsystematic risks are a result of internal factors taking place in an enterprise. In other words, these types of risks take place as a result of microeconomic factors.
    5. Systematic risks have the potential to put an entire industry or an overall economy into total distress whereas unsystematic risks have the potential to put an organization into distress.
    6. The types of systematic risks are interest risk, inflation risk, purchasing power risk, and market risk whereas the types of unsystematic risks are financial risk and business-specific risk.
    7. Systematic risks are unavoidable in nature whereas unsystematic risks are avoidable in nature.
    8. When it comes to hedging, systematic risk is concerned with the proper allocation of the assets while the unsystematic risk is concerned with portfolio diversification.
    9. Examples of systematic risk are inflation, rise in unemployment rates, the higher rate of poverty, corruption, changes in the interest rates, change in price rates, etc whereas the examples of unsystematic risk are high rate of employee turnover, employee strike, higher costs of operational activities, manipulation of financial statements, etc.
    10. Beta is used for the measurement of systematic risk or in other words, it is an indicator of systematic risks. On the other hand, unsystematic risks cannot be measured with the help of a particular tool. It is measured by means of getting the systematic risk subtracted from the total risk.

    Risk vs Unsystematic Risk Comparision Table

    Given below are the Major Difference between systematic risk vs unsystematic risk:

    Basis of Comparison

    Systematic Risk

    Unsystematic Risk

    MeaningRisks that are uncontrollable in nature and arise out of external factors like political, economic, and sociological are regarded as systematic risks.Risks that are controllable in nature and arise out of organizational (or internal) factors are regarded as unsystematic risks.
    NatureSystematic risks are the risks that are uncontrollable in nature. In other words, these types of risks are non-diversifiable in nature, i.e. it cannot be minimized, controlled, or eliminated by the management of an organization.Unsystematic risks are totally controllable in nature. In other words, these types of risks are diversifiable in nature, i.e. it can be easily minimized, controlled, or even eliminated by the management of an organization.
    Factors responsibleSystematic risks take place due to external factors or macro-economic factors. These external factors can be sociological, economic, or even political too.Unsystematic risks take place due to internal or organizational or micro-economic factors.
    MeasurementSystematic risks are measured by Beta.Unsystematic risks are not measured or indicated with the help of any tool. However, unsystematic risks can be measured by subtracting systematic risks from the total risk.
    ImpactsSystematic risks can impact the industry, market and the overall economy too.Unsystematic risks can impact only a certain organization or a particular industry.
    SourcesThe major sources of systematic risks are:
    • Risks related to interest rates.
    • Material risks
    • Risks related to purchasing power, etc.
    The major sources of unsystematic risks are:
    • Financial risks
    • Business risks
    • Insolvency risks, etc.
    ExamplesExamples of systematic risks are as below:
    • Inflation,
    • Movement in interest rate,
    • Higher rate of unemployment,
    • Poverty,
    • Fluctuations in the price, etc.
    The examples of unsystematic risks are as below:
    • Higher operational costs,
    • High labor turnover,
    • Higher overhead costs,
    • Manipulation in the company’s financial statements.
    Protection / HedgingConcerned with the assets allocation.Concerned with the portfolio diversification.
    TypesThe two types of systematic risks are interest risk, inflation risk, and market risk.The two types of unsystematic risks are financial risk and business-specific risk.


    Total risk comprises two types of risks that include risk- systematic risk and unsystematic risk. The Systematic risk is broader in comparison to the unsystematic risk. Systematic risk is a result of various external or macro-economic factors like political, social, and economic whereas unsystematic risk is a result of factors that are internal or microeconomic in nature. Systematic risks are uncontrollable while unsystematic risks can be easily controlled and taken care of with proper implementation of required strategies. Systematic risk cannot be minimized or eliminated whereas unsystematic risk can be minimized or eliminated.

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    Systematic Risk vs Unsystematic Risk | Top 9 Differences with Infographics (2024)


    Systematic Risk vs Unsystematic Risk | Top 9 Differences with Infographics? ›

    Unsystematic risk is a risk specific to a company or industry, while systematic risk is the risk tied to the broader market. Systematic risk is attributed to broad market factors and is the investment portfolio risk that is not based on individual investments.

    What are the differences between systematic and unsystematic risk? ›

    Unsystematic risk is a risk specific to a company or industry, while systematic risk is the risk tied to the broader market. Systematic risk is attributed to broad market factors and is the investment portfolio risk that is not based on individual investments.

    What are the 5 types of systematic risk? ›

    The five main types of systematic risk include market risk, interest rate risk, purchasing power/inflation risk, and exchange rate risk.

    What are the 4 types of systematic risk? ›

    Systematic risk includes market risk, interest rate risk, purchasing power risk, and exchange rate risk.

    What is the difference between systematic and unsystematic risk standard deviation? ›

    Unsystematic risk is firm specific risk while systematic risk is risk that varies with changes in the economy. You can avoid unsystematic risk by diversification. You cannot avoid systematic risk.

    What is an example of a systematic risk? ›

    Systematic risk is a risk that impacts the entire market or a large sector of the market, not just a single stock or industry. Examples include natural disasters, weather events, inflation, changes in interest rates, war and even terrorism.

    What is the difference between systematic risk and idiosyncratic risk? ›

    Idiosyncratic risk refers to inherent risks exclusive to a company. Systematic risk refers to broader trends that could impact the overall market or sector.

    What are the 6 sources of systematic risk? ›

    Sources of systematic risk include: inflation, interest rates, war, recessions, currency changes, market crashes and downturns plus recessions.

    What are the 8 key risk types? ›

    These risks are: Credit, Interest Rate, Liquidity, Price, Foreign Exchange, Transaction, Compliance, Strategic and Reputation.

    What is an example of a systematic and unsystematic risk? ›

    Examples of systematic risk are inflation, rise in unemployment rates, the higher rate of poverty, corruption, changes in the interest rates, change in price rates, etc whereas the examples of unsystematic risk are high rate of employee turnover, employee strike, higher costs of operational activities, manipulation of ...

    What are the three systematic risks? ›

    Systematic risk is divided into three categories, i.e., Interest Rate Risk, Purchasing Power risk, and Market risk.

    What is the unsystematic risk? ›

    Meaning of Unsystematic Risk

    Unsystematic risk is unique to a given business or industry. It is also known as specific risk, nonsystematic risk, residual risk, or diversifiable risk. Unsystematic risk is caused due to internal factors; it can be avoided and controlled.

    What are systematic risk factors? ›

    Systematic risk is the overall, day-to-day, ongoing risk that can be caused by a combination of factors, including the economy, interest rates, geopolitical issues, corporate health, and other factors.

    What is systematic risk and its types? ›

    What is Systematic Risk? Systematic risk is defined as the risk that is inherent to the entire market or the whole market segment as it affects the economy as a whole and cannot be diversified away; thus is also known as an “undiversifiable risk” or “market risk” or even “volatility risk.”

    Which of the following is the best example of systematic risk? ›

    Which of the following would be the best example of systematic risk? The Federal Reserve tightens the money supply to fight inflation which causes the interest rates to rise. Systematic risk is common risk associated with any event that impacts all stocks in some manner.

    What is a systematic risk quizlet? ›

    Systematic risk - risk that affects an entire financial market or system, and not. just specific participants. It is not possible to avoid systematic risk through. diversification. Diversifiable risk - risk that arises from an individual component of a financial.

    What are examples non systematic risk? ›

    Examples of Unsystematic Risk
    • A change in regulations that impacts one industry.
    • The entry of a new competitor into a market.
    • A company is forced to recall one of its products.
    • A company is found to have prepared fraudulent financial statements.
    • A union targets a company for an employee walkout.
    Mar 18, 2023

    What are the 11 principles of risk management? ›

    Here are 11 principles to consider for your business risk management plan:
    • Create and protect value. ...
    • Be integral to your process. ...
    • Be part of decision making. ...
    • Explicitly address uncertainty. ...
    • Be systematic, structured and timely. ...
    • Be based on the best available information. ...
    • Be tailored.

    What are the 6 types of risk assessment? ›

    Organizations can take several approaches to assess risks—quantitative, qualitative, semi-quantitative, asset-based, vulnerability-based, or threat-based. Each methodology can evaluate an organization's risk posture, but they all require tradeoffs.

    What are the 5 list risk identification steps? ›

    2. Steps needed to manage risk
    • Identify hazards.
    • Assess the risks.
    • Control the risks.
    • Record your findings.
    • Review the controls.
    Apr 24, 2023

    What are 5 examples of unsystematic risk? ›

    There are five types of unsystematic risk: business risk, financial risk, operational risk, strategic risk, and legal or regulatory risk.

    What are three 3 sources of unsystematic risks? ›

    Factors causing Unsystematic (Company Specific) Risk?
    • Business Risk. Many external and internal issues can cause business risk. ...
    • Financial Risk. Financial risk deals with risk due to the debt equity ratio (or capital structure) of the company. ...
    • Strategic Risk. ...
    • Operational Risk. ...
    • Legal Risk.

    What eliminates unsystematic risk? ›

    The only way to eliminate unsystematic risk is to not invest. It's difficult to foresee when a company might experience an adverse event and then anticipate what the market's reaction will be to it. So no, investors cannot eliminate unsystematic risk. But investors can manage it through diversification.

    Why is systematic risk? ›

    Systemic risk refers to the risk inherent in the whole market or part of the market. Systematic risk is also called the undiversifiable risk, market risk, or volatility. It affects not just a particular stock or industry, but the overall market.

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    The most important feature of systemic risk is that the risk spreads from unhealthy institutions to relatively healthier institutions through a transmission mechanism.

    What is the difference between systematic risk and? ›

    Systematic risk means the possibility of loss associated with the whole market or market segment. Unsystematic risk means risk associated with a particular industry or security. Systematic risk is uncontrollable whereas the unsystematic risk is controllable.

    Which one of the following describes systematic risk? ›

    The correct answer is D. Risk that affects a large number of assets.

    What is systematic vs specific risk? ›

    Systematic risk refers to the risk due to general market factors and affects the entire industry. It cannot be diversified away. The unsystematic risk or specific risk is the risk specific to a company that arises due to company-specific characteristics.

    What is a list of systemic risk? ›

    It is also known as market risk or undiversifiable risk and can arise from factors such as inflation, recessions, and wars, changes in interest rates, fluctuations in currency exchange rates, natural disasters, and other macroeconomic events that impact the market as a whole.

    What are the systemic risk categories? ›

    Types of systematic risk
    • Interest rate risk. Rising interest rates result in losses for fixed-income securities like bonds, creating interest rate risk. ...
    • Purchasing power risk. ...
    • Exchange rate risk. ...
    • Vary your asset classes. ...
    • Develop a contingency plan. ...
    • Stay informed about market conditions.
    Dec 12, 2022

    Is inflation a systematic risk? ›

    For inflation risk, the systematic risk component is the risk that all prices go up. All consumers are impacted by this risk. This risk can not be diversified away. For inflation risk, the non-systematic risk component is the risk that the prices in a particular basket of goods go up.

    What is meant by systemic risk? ›

    The Financial Stability Board (FSB) defines systemic risk as 'the risk of disruption to the flow of financial services that is (i) caused by an impairment of all or parts of the financial system; and (ii) has the potential to have serious negative consequences for the real economy'.

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