Strange Write-offs: Are Haircuts Tax Deductible? (2024)

When tax season rolls around, all self-employed folks try to minimize how much they'll pay Uncle Sam. You may be a bit worried too after you calculate your 1099 taxes and figure out how much money you'll owe.

Can you add haircuts to your list of tax deductions for the year? In fact, yes you can. It is uncommon but it is possible. In this article, we'll break down the circ*mstances where you can claim a haircut tax deduction for your particular job. Let's first dive into some of the IRS's rules in regards to personal expenses to necessary business costs.

Note: If you need help tracking and managing your tax-deductible expenses, try Bonsai Tax. Our app automatically scans your bank/credit card receipts to discover potential business-related expenses. With our service, users typically save $5,600 from their tax bill. Claim your 14-day free trial today.

Tax Deductions For Business Versus Personal Expenses

The IRS does not let you deduct personal expenses from your taxes. The Court states, expenses such as haircuts, makeup, clothes, manicures, grooming, teeth whitening, hair care, manicures, and other cosmetic surgery are not deductible. However, there are exceptions.

You cannot deduct clothes such as jeans because you can wear those pants for everyday "personal" wear. On the other hand, if you are a circus performer freelancer who needs a specific costume to perform your job or work, then you can deduct your clothing. Models, actresses, theater performers who need specific clothing, not usable for everyday wear, could claim this clothing tax deduction.

The same goes for haircuts.

Strange Write-offs: Are Haircuts Tax Deductible? (1)

Claiming A Haircut Tax Deduction

If your line of work requires you to have a unique hairdo to perform your work, then you can deduct the cost of a haircut. U.S tax courts ruled in Hynes v. Commissioner, you cannot deduct the costs incurred for maintaining a nice appearance. For example, a news reporter who has to maintain a professional appearance on air cannot deduct the cost of a haircut or other cosmetic expenses.

Although they are related to your job or business, these costs are widely personal expenses.

For a business expense to be included as a tax deduction, you'd need to prove it was "ordinary" and "necessary" for your business. Let's quickly go over what that means exactly for U.S. tax laws.

Ordinary And Necessary Deductible Expenses

For an expense to be considered "ordinary" if it is commonly accepted in your business or trade. A "necessary" expense is one that is helpful and appropriate for your trade or business. Travel expenses, consultancy fees, internet bills, state taxes, and staff compensation are all examples of this.

Work clothing would only qualify as a deduction if it is in line with industry standards and is necessary to run your business.

Trump Controversy

On his hit reality show, "The Apprentice", The Times reported that Trump's business wrote off $70,000 of the cost paid to hairstyling/haircuts from their taxes. On top of that, Trump deducted at least $95,464 for the makeup and hairstylist for Ivanka Trump. Trump claiming these deductions and lowering his taxable income stirred a lot of controversies because folks questioned the legitimacy of this.

Trump's tax records were closely monitored during his presidency. In addition to his deduction of $70,000, Trump's business wrote off over $2.2 million in property taxes on his New York estate.

Strange Write-offs: Are Haircuts Tax Deductible? (2)

U.S Tax Court Case

There's one instance where a judge decided in a U.S. tax court case over if clothing expenses were deductible. A West Virginia welder challenged the court's decision to not be able to deduct the cost of steel-toed boots and overalls. The court judge saw that the welder was wearing the exact clothing he was seeking to deduct in the courtroom. The judge merely asked, "are you at work?" and the ruling was upheld.

Note: If you want accounting software to organize all your business expenses for you, then try Bonsai Tax. Our app can help you maximize your tax write-offs at the end of the year and save you a lot of money. In fact, users typically save $5,600 with our service. Try a 14-day free trial here.

The Low-Down On Tax Deductions For Appearances

If you try to deduct personal expenses from your taxes and you get caught by the IRS in an audit, you run the risk of paying penalties along with interest. Most returns are audited if the system catches too many red flags. It could trigger a deeper look into your deductions by an auditor.

In order to avoid paying fees and interest, simply ask yourself: if you would still take on the expense if there was bo job? Is the expense useful for your professional career? Although the lines may seem blurry for when business expenses related to appearances, in fact, count as a work-related expense, we'll provide some more examples to clear them up.


There has been an outpour of OnlyFans content creators in recent years. Since their business relies on photoshoots and producing content related to their appearance, the make-up they use for photoshoots counts as tax-deductible expenses.

You cannot deduct makeup used for daily wear. The rules around a makeup deduction and expenses related to products for improved appearances are very stringent.

If you are a stage performer, you can write off makeup used for stage or photoshoots, but again, not if you wear the same makeup outside of work. Purchases for makeup should be bought from a professional supplier and not a drug store. A TV production company with makeup folks could deduct the cost of makeup.

Hair Stylist

Once again, the cost of a hairstylist can only count as a tax deduction if the hairdo is business-related. Meaning, you need a certain look to perform your work or job. It has to be strictly for work. For example, if you need a certain hairstyle for stage or photo shoots, then

Body Oils & Skin Products

The IRS generally does not allow you to deduct the cost of body enhancements.

However, there are exceptions. A good example of this would be abodybuilder or model trying to take a tax deduction for body oils. The merchandise to improve the appearance of the skin may qualify as a tax-deductible expense.

Between 1999 and 2001, a Wisconsin bodybuilder deducted over $14,000 for the expense of three body oils that boosted his career. The deduction was permitted as a business expense by the Court since the oils were largely advertised in bodybuilding magazines and not offered to the general public.

Dietary Supplements

Athletes cannot deduct the cost of nutritional or dietary supplements to improve performance. This is because the benefits are inherently personal. The benefits are personal as well as professional. However, they can deduct the cost of fitness trainers or coaches as a work-related business expense.

Cosmetic Surgery

The overwhelming majority of the time, you cannot claim the cost of cosmetic surgery as a tax deduction. However, in extreme circ*mstances, changes to your appearance may indeed qualify. For instance, in 1994 the Court allowed an exception in the case of Cynthia S. Hess. She was a self-employed exotic dancer in Fort Wayne, Indiana. She was able to claim the cost of breast augmentation surgery as it was a requirement for her profession and it made her more successful. The surgery was deemed unsuitable for day-to-day use. Hess could claim the deduction based on the grounds of her reducing her breast once her stage career was over.

Work Clothing

This is a commonly rejected write-off. In order for clothing to qualify as a write-off, the work attire would need to be essential to run your business and in line with industry standards. A new suit or nice dress would not count as a tax deduction. Clothing expenses that may qualify are protective uniforms and costumes. The general rules for attire purchases are if it is suitable for everyday wear, then you cannot deduct the expenses.

Prepare For Tax Season

We hope this article cleared the lines between personal and business expenses. Don't try to be sneaky and deduct personal expenses from your tax return to stay away from paying taxes. If you get caught, the IRSwill make you pay harsh penalties.

Personal maintenance expenses such as skin care, hair salon, and other body maintenance expenses are not deductible. When a taxpayer has a job or freelance business that requires them to buy makeup, hair supplies, contact lens or similar items, these can be deducted as business expenses if they meet the following requirements:

  1. They are not suitable for everyday use
  2. The purchases can be shown to be used primarily for business use

If you don't meet the qualifications of those two rules, the chances are, the expense is probably personal and is not deductible. Also, if a taxpayer claims a large deduction in a category more than the average person in a profession, it may trigger an IRS tax audit.

To sum it up, the IRS can approve tax deductions on maintaining or changing your personal appearance in certain circ*mstances and professionals. However, the rules for deducting the costs of those makeup and hair cut tax deduction are very strict.

Note: if you want an app to discover expenses from purchases that could be deducted, then try Bonsai Tax. Our 1099 expense tracker will do all the work for you and maximize your tax savings. It'll track all your qualified deductions with clean records in case you ever get audited. Claim your 14-day free trial today.

If you have any questions in regards to IRS tax laws, if haircuts count as a tax-deductible expense, or filing your tax returns, we always recommend you seek tax advice from a professional accountant. An accountant's service can help you stay compliant under the constantly changing tax laws. This post is to be used for informational purposes and is NOT legal advice.

Strange Write-offs: Are Haircuts Tax Deductible? (2024)


Strange Write-offs: Are Haircuts Tax Deductible? ›

The IRS does not let you deduct personal expenses from your taxes. The Court states, expenses such as haircuts, makeup, clothes, manicures, grooming, teeth whitening, hair care, manicures, and other cosmetic surgery are not deductible.

Can I write off my haircuts on my taxes? ›

The IRS deems some common expenses as non-deductible. These include: Personal hygiene expenses, like haircuts, clothing that can be reasonably worn outside of work, and dry cleaning (unless it's for a uniform) Legal violation fees, like parking tickets or court fees.

Is a tummy tuck tax deductible? ›

Plastic surgery (unless medically necessary)

Face-lifts, liposuction, electrolysis and other procedures done to enhance your appearance are not deductible medical expenses. But if your doctor says you need a nose job to treat respiratory problems, for example, it becomes a deductible medical expense.

Is hair removal tax deductible? ›

appearance and does not meaningfully promote the proper function of the body or prevent or treat illness or disease. Procedures such as face-lifts, hair transplants, hair removal (electrolysis), and liposuction generally are not deductible.

Can I write off gym membership as business expense? ›

Can You Deduct Gym Memberships as a Business Expense? Gym membership costs are non-tax-deductible as they are considered personal expenses, not business expenses.

What is a tax haircut? ›

Application. As the two-percent haircut is a floor threshold for deducting miscellaneous itemized deductions, a taxpayer's deductions must exceed two-percent of the taxpayers adjusted gross income.

How do I claim my hair stylist on my taxes? ›

If you are an independent beauty professional, you pay income tax and self-employment tax. Schedule SE can be used to estimate the amount of self-employment tax you owe, Form 1040 Schedule C to report your income and losses, and Form 1049-ES to pay the estimated tax.

Can I write off getting my nails done? ›

Personal appearance expenses, such as haircuts, makeup, and getting your nails done are also nondeductible. The only time you can write off hair costs is if you have your hair styled for a photo or video shoot. The same goes for makeup.

Can haircuts be a business expense? ›

The IRS typically considers the following purchases personal expenses — not business expenses: Haircuts and haircare. Makeup. Manicures and nail art.

Can I write off my work clothes? ›

Include your clothing costs with your other "miscellaneous itemized deductions" on the Schedule A attachment to your tax return. Work clothes are among the miscellaneous deductions that are only deductible to the extent the total exceeds 2 percent of your adjusted gross income.

Can you write off car insurance? ›

Car insurance is tax deductible as part of a list of expenses for certain individuals. Generally, people who are self-employed can deduct car insurance, but there are a few other specific individuals for whom car insurance is tax deductible, such as for armed forces reservists or qualified performing artists.

Can I claim cosmetic surgery on my taxes? ›

If an expense is not medically necessary, you won't be able to deduct it on your tax return. And if your total medical expenses do not exceed 7.5% of your AGI, you also won't be able to deduct them. For example, you typically can't deduct cosmetic surgeries on your tax return.

Are groceries tax deductible? ›

Saving grocery receipts for taxes might not be necessary for most individual taxpayers since everyday personal expenses, including groceries, are typically not tax-deductible.

Can you write off health insurance? ›

Health insurance premiums are deductible if you itemize your tax return. Whether you can deduct health insurance premiums from your tax return also depends on when and how you pay your premiums: If you pay for health insurance before taxes are taken out of your check, you can't deduct your health insurance premiums.

Are eyeglasses tax deductible? ›

The bottom line. You can deduct the costs for prescription eyeglasses and eye exams on your tax return. But they must be a part of your itemized medical deductions, which need to exceed 7.5% of your adjusted gross income.

Can you write off dental expenses? ›

The IRS allows you to deduct unreimbursed expenses for preventative care, treatment, surgeries, and dental and vision care as qualifying medical expenses. You can also deduct unreimbursed expenses for visits to psychologists and psychiatrists.

What is the 2 rule in taxes? ›

What Is the 2% Rule for Itemized Deductions? There is a category referred to as "miscellaneous deductions" which included items such as unreimbursed job expenses or tax preparation expenses. Miscellaneous deductions were subject to itemization as long as they exceeded 2% of your AGI.

How do you calculate haircut value? ›

1500, which means the haircut is 25% ((1500-2000)/2000 *100)). The haircut is applied as the lender or the exchange cannot give a loan or credit for the entire value of the asset. Being a trader or investor, you can pledge shares (shares which are not pledged yet) in your Demat account to avail margin.

Do hairstylist get audited? ›

Lifestyle audits are no fun at all. Cash-based businesses, like salons, are often targeted for random audits meaning that the audit is being conducted through absolutely no fault of your own, but sometimes your tax return may flag you or your business.

What can I write off of my taxes? ›

What Can Be Deducted From My Taxes?
  • Business expenses (must be ordinary and necessary)
  • Student loan interest.
  • Traditional IRA contributions.
  • HSA contributions (other than those paid through your employer)
  • Charitable contributions.
  • Medical expenses more than 10% of your AGI.
  • Mortgage interest.

Can hairstylists be 1099? ›

They have a dress code to follow, behavioral or procedural policies are in place, they need to arrive on time and their prices are determined by the salon owner. In this structure stylists are paid their agreed upon commission split throughout the year and then are handed a 1099 to file on their own.

How much of cell phone bill is tax deductible? ›

If 30 percent of your time on the phone is spent on business, you could legitimately deduct 30 percent of your phone bill. In “Entrepreneur” magazine, writer Kristin Edelhauser recommends getting an itemized phone bill, so you can measure your business and personal use and prove your deduction to the IRS.

What can I write off as self employed? ›

A Guide to Tax Deductions for the Self-Employed
  • Qualified business income.
  • Mileage or vehicle expenses.
  • Retirement savings.
  • Insurance premiums.
  • Office supplies.
  • Home office expenses.
  • Credit card and loan interest.
  • Phone and internet costs.
Feb 7, 2023

Can you expense hair and makeup? ›

The IRS typically considers haircuts and hair care, makeup, manicures, cosmetic surgery, cosmetic dentistry and clothing as “personal” and not business expenses.

Is a haircut intangible? ›

A service is an action that provides a buyer with an intangible benefit. A haircut is a service. When you purchase a haircut, it's not something you can hold, give to another person, or resell. “Pure” services are offerings that don't have any tangible characteristics associated with them.

What does a haircut mean in business? ›

In financial markets, a haircut refers to a reduction applied to the value of an asset. It is expressed as a percentage.

Can you write off meals as a business expense? ›

Expenses for food and beverages provided on the business premises primarily for the benefit of employees are 50% deductible as long as the meal comes from a restaurant.

Can I write off a backpack for work? ›

Ensure that you keep a receipt of the purchase. If the bag costs less than $300 you can claim the whole amount in this year's tax return. If it cost more than $300, you'll need to depreciate it over its useful life.

How much can you write off for laundry? ›

Suppose your qualifying clothes cost $500 and dry cleaning costs you an additional $200 a year. You can deduct the entire $700 expense. That's right: the IRS lets you deduct the cost of your work clothes plus the cost of maintenance expenses such as laundry and dry cleaning.

Can I write off mileage if I get a 1099? ›

How do you write off mileage on a 1099? Individuals who are self-employed can use the 1099 mileage deduction to write off their mileage expenses. However, if the vehicle is used for personal purposes as well, only business-related vehicle expenses can be claimed.

How much of my car expenses can I write off? ›

The maximum first-year depreciation write-off is $11,200, plus up to an additional $8,000 in bonus depreciation. For SUVs with loaded vehicle weights over 6,000 pounds, but no more than 14,000 pounds, 100% of the cost can be expensed using bonus depreciation in 2022.

Can I write off a Totalled car? ›

Generally, you may deduct casualty and theft losses relating to your home, household items, and vehicles on your federal income tax return if the loss is caused by a federally declared disaster.

Can you claim gas on taxes? ›

If you're claiming actual expenses, things like gas, oil, repairs, insurance, registration fees, lease payments, depreciation, bridge and tunnel tolls, and parking can all be deducted." Just make sure to keep a detailed log and all receipts, he advises, and keep track of your yearly mileage and then deduct the ...

Should I keep grocery receipts for taxes? ›

Supporting documents include sales slips, paid bills, invoices, receipts, deposit slips, and canceled checks. These documents contain the information you need to record in your books. It is important to keep these documents because they support the entries in your books and on your tax return.

How can I increase my tax refund? ›

6 Ways to Get a Bigger Tax Refund
  1. Try itemizing your deductions.
  2. Double check your filing status.
  3. Make a retirement contribution.
  4. Claim tax credits.
  5. Contribute to your health savings account.
  6. Work with a tax professional.
Mar 22, 2023

Can I write off a new cell phone purchase? ›

You can qualify for a cell phone tax deduction from cell phone charges incurred when the mobile phone is being used exclusively for business. There is not an IRS cell phone deduction for self employed people, exclusively.

Can I write off Botox? ›

Expenses related to cosmetic surgery are tax deductible, but only if required by a doctor. If the cosmetic procedure is elective, then the medical expense is not tax deductible. Botox is generally considered elective unless your doctor says that it will improve your physical health or clear up respiratory issues.

Can you write off shoes for work? ›

The cost of some types of protective clothing worn on the job -- like safety shoes or boots, safety glasses, hard hats, and work gloves -- can be deducted on your return.

Can I write off my lunch if I am self employed? ›

Meals with clients and business travel are deductible, but meals included with entertainment may not be. Premiums for insurance that you buy to protect your business and health insurance are legitimate deductions. And don't forget startup, advertising, and retirement plan costs.

What meals are deductible? ›

Your business can generally deduct the cost of business meals at 50% beginning in 2023 or for tax years prior to 2021 if: The business owner or employee is present. The cost of the meal or beverages isn't "lavish or extravagant." The meal is with a business contact (such as a customer, employee, vendor, or consultant).

Can you write off health and wellness? ›

You can deduct unreimbursed, qualified medical and dental expenses that exceed 7.5% of your AGI. 1 Say you have an AGI of $50,000, and your family has $10,000 in medical bills for the tax year. You could deduct any expenses over $3,750 ($50,000 × 7.5%), or $6,250 in this example ($10,000 - $3,750).

What are qualified medical expenses? ›

Qualified Medical Expenses are generally the same types of services and products that otherwise could be deducted as medical expenses on your yearly income tax return. Some Qualified Medical Expenses, like doctors' visits, lab tests, and hospital stays, are also Medicare-covered services.

Can you write off vitamins on your taxes? ›

A14: Yes, but only if the supplements are recommended by a medical practitioner as treatment for a specific medical condition diagnosed by a physician. Otherwise, the cost of nutritional supplements is not a medical expense.

Is eye surgery a tax write off? ›

If you itemize your deductions by filing a Schedule A with your 1040 income tax returns, you are able to include your LASIK procedure. The IRS states, “You can include in medical expenses the amount you pay for eye surgery to treat defective vision, such as laser eye surgery.”

Are sunglasses work tax deductible? ›

You can only claim these expenses if your eyesight is at real risk or harm or injury from the sun, as well as other workplace conditions. Protective eyewear includes prescription sunglasses, photochromatic and anti-glare glasses.

Are tattoos tax deductible? ›

Whether you're a shop owner or an individual artist, you can deduct all business expenses that are both “ordinary and necessary” to your business. So the cost of ink, needles, supplies, liability insurance, and rent in the tattoo shop? All deductible.

Can jewelry be a tax write off? ›

If you itemize your deductions, you can deduct the cost of your diamond jewelry from your taxes. This deduction is available for both state and federal taxes, and it can save you a significant amount of money each year.

Can you write off groceries on your taxes? ›

Food and beverages will be 100% deductible if purchased from a restaurant in 2021 and 2022. This applies to filing your taxes in 2023. But for purchases made in 2023 onwards, the rules revert back to how they were defined in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. This means purchases at restaurants are no longer 100% deductible.

Can I write off my manicures? ›

Personal appearance expenses, such as haircuts, makeup, and getting your nails done are also nondeductible.

Can you use Botox as a tax write off? ›

Expenses related to cosmetic surgery are tax deductible, but only if required by a doctor. If the cosmetic procedure is elective, then the medical expense is not tax deductible. Botox is generally considered elective unless your doctor says that it will improve your physical health or clear up respiratory issues.

Are lip fillers tax-deductible? ›

Cosmetic surgery

Generally, it would not be tax-deductible (unless you could prove it was for work and didn't also help your personal life, which is unlikely).

Can you write-off wedding rings on taxes? ›

When you purchase an engagement ring, it is not only a very personal choice, but it is also a personal expense. While that personal expense may be expensive, it is not deductible on your tax return. Your personal expenses are those you incur on a day-to-day basis – unrelated to a business or piece of property you own.

Can I write-off Disney tickets? ›


You can deduct your own travel expenses and the cost of the room. You won't get to deduct Disney tickets for your family members, but you can probably deduct your own ticket if you take a business associate to the Magic Kingdom.

Can IRS seize jewelry? ›

Assets the IRS Can Seize

The IRS can seize practically any asset that has value/equity and can be liquidated into cash. This includes real estate, cars, jewelry, and even the investments you made to give yourself a comfortable retirement.

How do I get the biggest tax refund? ›

6 Ways to Get a Bigger Tax Refund
  1. Try itemizing your deductions.
  2. Double check your filing status.
  3. Make a retirement contribution.
  4. Claim tax credits.
  5. Contribute to your health savings account.
  6. Work with a tax professional.
Mar 22, 2023

Is cell phone tax deductible? ›

Deductions for employees

If you itemize deductions, the IRS allows you to claim depreciation on your phone as an "unreimbursed business expense" if you use it regularly for your job and your use is a common, accepted business practice.

What is a tax write off for a car? ›

Gas, insurance, and repairs — all of that adds up. Luckily, there are two IRS-approved methods for deducting car expenses: actual car operating expenses and the standard mileage rate. You can find both deductions on your Schedule C, used for reporting business expenses.

Can I write off my car payment? ›

Car loan payments and lease payments are not fully tax-deductible. The general rule of thumb for deducting vehicle expenses is, you can write off the portion of your expenses used for business. So "no" you cannot deduct the entire monthly car payment from your taxes as a business expense.

Can you write off clothing for work? ›

Include your clothing costs with your other "miscellaneous itemized deductions" on the Schedule A attachment to your tax return. Work clothes are among the miscellaneous deductions that are only deductible to the extent the total exceeds 2 percent of your adjusted gross income.

What meals are 100 deductible? ›

Meal expense that are 100% deductible:
  • Recreational expenses primarily for employees who are not highly compensated, such as the business holiday party or the company picnic.
  • Office snacks provided to employees at the office.

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