Stock Market for Beginners: How to get Started (2024)

So you want to learn about the stock market…but where do you start?

For stock market beginners, the financial industry can be really complicated. Investors, brokers, traders, lenders, borrowers, advisors, companies, banks, stocks, shares, funds, prices…is your head spinning yet?

Thankfully, you came to the right place. For stock market beginners, it’s important to start broad and then narrow in on details.

So first, we’ll review the history of the financial industry and how it’s structured. Then, we’ll take a look at the stock market and dig deep into how it functions. We’ll talk major U.S. stock exchanges, and their participants, to bring it all back out into the real world.

Make sure to stick around, because at the end of the article we’re going to tell you the best stock brokers for stock market beginners, and we’ll also clue you in on how stock market beginners can get the best stock picks.

So strap in, because we’re about to skydive into the world that all the big wigs on Wall Street –with their fancy tie clips and pinstripes– don’t wantyouto understand.

The Financial Industry for Stock Market Beginners

From bartering to gold to paper bills and credit, money has always been around, albeit in many differentforms.

Money was created out of a need to trade goods and services between one another. People always have needs. They need food to eat, clothes to wear, and shiny sports cars to…look cool. OK, some of our “needs” are more like “wants”. But either way, people look for ways to satisfy their demands.

Way back when, people traded goods in order to get what they needed, by giving up what they had. Let’s say, I trade you a goat for a gallon of milk. But not all products and services are tradable. For instance, you wouldn’t trade wheat for electricity. So, we turn tomoney.

Money is the middleman. Money takes care of thetransactionbetween buyers and sellers.

But as our world has developed and grown more complex, so has the meaning and purpose of money.We’re no longer dealing with shepherds bartering sheep. Today we have multinational corporations that handle millions and billions of dollars. In order to handle this evolution, we needed a way toorganizeit.

Enter thefinancial industry.

In a nutshell, the financial industry is all aboutmanaging money: investing it, growing it, saving it and ultimately spending it.

The stock market is at the center of all this, where people (investors) and businesses meet to make transactionsand respectivelymanage their money.

Well, in 1602, a man named Johan van Oldenbarnevelt decided to start a company that would eventually grow to almost the same size as his last name. This early megacorporation was called theDutch East India Company. Think Walmart’s great, great, great, great grandparent. Johan’s idea, one of the reasons the company became so successful, was to offer shares to investors in exchange for a portion of the company’s profits.

Johan, the first stock market beginner, created history. Now companies could raise money withoutdebt. Instead, through the stock market, they issue shares of their company to the public in what is known as anInitial Public Offering (IPO). Investors buy and sell these shares (or stocks) to one another on the stock exchange, thus making stock prices move up and down. If there are more people buying a stock than people selling it, the price goes up with the demand. If more people are selling than there are people buying a stock, that’s a sign that the company is unfavorable to own and the stock price drops.

The stock market is mutually beneficial to businesses and investors because:

  • Companies raise money to (try to) make their businesses grow
  • Investors invest in businesses to (try to) make their money grow

Starbucks and the Stock Market

Pumpkin spice latte jokes aside – we all secretly love Starbucks. But let’s say for a second that you’reobsessed.

In order to buy your daily cup of coffee, you need money. You make a pretty nice income from your job as a Coffee Critic, but you’d like to have some extra disposable income so that you can afford your daily cup of Joe (You’d think as a coffee critic, they’d supply you with free coffee. But such is life…) You decide to grow your money by investing it, in the stock market.

Starbucks understands that you (and millions of other people all around the world) have a demand for a daily cup of coffee. In order to satisfy that increasing demand, Starbucks needs to grow; and they need money to do that. The company needs to buy more beans, hire more employees, open new stores, etc. So, in order to raise this money, they issue stock to investors on the stock market.

This means that they cut up the company into millions of (figurative) pieces. They sell these little pieces of the company, known as stocks, to people like you and me. If you own a stock, you own a little piece of the company.

Since you love Starbucks so much, you believe that they’ll successfully grow and satisfy more peoples’ pumpkin spice addictions. You think they’ll buy fresh beans, hire skilled employees, and open trendy new stores. So you decide to buy Starbucks’ stock. This means that you own a little piece of the company. If Starbucks grows and makes more money, your money grows along with it.

First Steps to Get Started Investing Right Now in the Stock Market

So, if you are ready to get started investing in the stock market and you don’t want to read the rest of this article, then here are the first steps you should take right now:

  1. Register for a virtual stock trading account and get a virtual $100,000 so you can practice, practice, practice. That’s what WallStreetSurvivor is all about–get a free virtual trading account.
  2. It sounds obvious, but it is worth saying. To make money in the stock market you must buy stocks that go up! For the last 7 of the last 8 years, the Motley Fool Stock Advisor service won our Award for the Best Stock Newsletter, and they just won it again in 2023. See the chart below…or read out full Stock Advisor Review.

    Our Best-of-the-Best Awards for 2023

    Ranking of Top Stock Newsletters Based on 2023 Picks, Dec. 31, 2023

    We are paid subscribers to dozens of stock and option newsletters. We actively track every recommendation from all of these services, calculate performance, and share our results of the top performing stock newsletters for under $500 below. The main metric to look for is EXCESS RETURN--that means they are beating the market!

    RankStock NewsletterStock
    Max %
    Min %
    1.Stock Market for Beginners: How to get Started (1)
    Stock Advisor
    Summary: 2 picks/month offering long-term potential; Lifetime average return of 627% vs S&P500's 147% since 2002; Retail Price: $199/yr.
    Read our Stock Advisor Review.
    Current Promotion: Save 60% with Code SALE60
    2.Stock Market for Beginners: How to get Started (2)
    Everlasting Stocks
    Summary: Only sold as part of Epic Bundle (includes Everlasting Stocks, Stock Advisor, Rule Breakers); 2 picks/month; Tom Gardner's service with the same team that has beaten the market by 3x; Retail Price: $299/yr.
    Read our Epic Bundle Review.
    Epic Bundle ($1000+ Value): Now Just $319
    3.Stock Market for Beginners: How to get Started (3)
    Alpha Picks
    Summary: 2 picks/month based on Seeking Alpha's Quant Rating; Launched in July, 2022; 2022 picks are beating the market by 47.6%; Lifetime average return of 37% vs S&P500's 15% since 2022; Retail Price: $199/yr.
    Read our Alpha Picks Review.
    Current Promotion:
    Try it for $99/yr
    4.Stock Market for Beginners: How to get Started (4)
    Value Investor
    Summary: 10-25 stock picks per year based on Zacks' Quant Rating; Retail Price: $495/yr. Read our Zacks Review.Current Promotion:$1, then $495/yr
    5.Stock Market for Beginners: How to get Started (5)
    Rule Breakers
    Summary: 2 picks/month focusing on disruptive technology and business models; Lifetime average return of 266% vs S&P500's 118% since 2005; Retail Price: $299/yr. Read our Rule Breakers Review.Current Promotion: Try it for $99/yr
    6.Real Estate Investors1214.6%11.9%2.7%83%44%-11%
    7.Cramer's Action Alerts Plus10110.6%11.1%-0.5%48%96%-51%
    8.Zacks Top 101023.2%26.2%-3%60%120%-24%
    9.Top Under $1059-2.4%2.8%-5.2%36%130%-44%
    10.Home Run Investor46-1.8%3.6%-5.4%50%49%-29%
    11.Dogs of the Dow1014.5%26.2%-11.7%70%95%-25%
    12.IBD Top 50 Leaderboard5013.5%26.2%-12.7%n/an/an/a
    Top Ranking Stock Newsletters based on their 2023 stock picks' performance as compared to S&P500. S&P500's return is based on average return of SP from date each stock pick is released. NOTE: To get these results you must buy equal dollar amounts of each pick on the date the stock pick is released. Investor Business Daily Top 50 based on performance of FFTY ETF.
  3. Sorry to say, but financial success begins with a good credit score. If you haven’t checked your credit score in a long time, click here to get your free credit report.
  4. Open a real brokerage account that charges $0 commissions. The best brokerage app for beginners is definitely the Robinhood app. It charges $0 commissions and will give you free stock with Robinhoodworth up to $250 when you open a new account, and another stock when you refer friends. Keep reading below to see our review of the best brokers…

If you already have a WallStreetSurvivor account, and you want to add Starbucks to your Survivor portfolio then click here.

Now let’s look at the places where millions of these transactions take place each and every day:stock exchanges.

Stock Exchanges for Beginners

Stock exchanges facilitate stock trading among investors – they give investors the ability to buy and sell their shares. That’s why stock prices are constantly changing. If more people are selling (and therefore trying to get rid of) a stock than those buying it, the stock price will drop. If more people want to buy a stock than people selling it, the stock price will rise. Stock exchanges bring all these investors together, so that trades happen in a central and regulated place.

There are hundreds of stock exchanges all over the world. In the U.S., the top stock exchanges are theNew York Stock Exchange (NYSE),the NASDAQ, andthe American Stock Exchange (AMEX). Each of these exchanges have different companies trading on them. For example, NASDAQ is known for technology companies. Most of the tech stocks, especially in the US, trade on the NASDAQ stock exchange.

A lot of today’s trading takes place online, rather than on trading floors on Wall Street. But that doesn’t mean stock exchanges lose any importance. Even though it all takes place online, each and every trade placed has to go through a stock exchange in order to match buyers and sellers together. This is called the Electronic Communication Network (ECN), which connects traders and brokers over the Internet instead of on the trading floor.

Next we’ll go through the different type of investors that are trading on these stock exchanges…


Stock Market for Beginners: How to get Started (6)

There are two types of investors out there:InstitutionalandRetail.

Institutional investors are large firms like banks, investment companies, mutual funds or hedge funds that invest pools of money on behalf of their investors. They make up the majority of the volume (number of shares traded) on the stock market. Because some of these firms are so large, their trades have a significant impact on the share price of a company. Institutional investors are sometimes referred to as “smart money” (but usually only by other institutional investors).

ARetail investoris…well…you. It refers to someone who puts money in the market for themselves: anindividualinvestor. Since the financial crash in 2008-2009, there has been an emergence of “retail investors”. People have stopped trusting big investment banks and funds with their money, and choose to learn how to become financially independent and in control of their own money (kind of like what you’re doing right now!)

Another reason for this surge of retail investors is thatonline discount brokerages such asE*TRADEandTD Ameritrade(click those links to read a review of their services) make it easier and cheaper for the individual than ever before, in terms of learning, in terms of trading, and in terms of handling one’s shares in a way that feels direct, real-time — and fun.

The following step will break down the services of a broker or brokerage firm, and tell you about some of thetop online brokerages out there. Definitely avoid trading binary options.

Brokers & Brokerage Firms

While you can buy ALMOST everything on, you can’t buy shares of your favorite companies. At least not yet, right Bezos? To get started investing in the stock market, you will need to open a stock brokerage account. But relax–it is a lot easier than you think and takes only a few minutes. You will need your social security number so the brokerage can report all of your profits to the IRS, and it helps speed things up if you have your bank account info ready so that you can fund your brokerage account. As long as you are opening a brokerage account with a reputable firm, like the ones below, you have nothing to worry about.

Buying a stock is a little buying a car or a house. It helps to go a car dealer or a real estate agent so that you can see all the choices that are out there. Most people don’t use Amazon to buy a house. They hire a real estate agent who knows the housing market and works with other real estate agents to find houses for sale.

Stock brokersare like the real estate agents of the stock market. Brokers buy and sell stocks on behalf of investors on the stock exchange.

There are a number of types of brokers. Full service brokers will not only perform the trades for you but will also manage your portfolio for you and give you trading advice. Other brokers, such as discount brokers, won’t give you any advice at all. With a discount broker, you can make your own trades and not have to pay any commissions.

The two most important thing to look at when choosing a stock broker is the services that they offer and the structure of their fees. Brokers charge investors in various ways, depending on the type of services you’re looking for.

List of Brokerages

Many brokerages offer their services online, so you can trade directly from your computer without any hassle. Here are a few online brokerages stock market beginners can use to get started:


Robinhood is the newest stock broker and the fastest growing. They were started in 2013 and already have over 10,000,000 users. They grew this fast by becoming the first brokerage to charge $0 commission. They also don’t spend any money on advertising as they have a great referral program. When you open a Robinhood account, they give you a stock worth somewhere between $5 and $250. Then if you refer a friend, they give you and your friend another stock! They are a bare bones broker, you can only trade via their mobile app, and you can only trade U.S. stocks and ETFs. The minimum to open an account is just $10, so it is absolutely the best place to start (as long as you have a mobile phone). The company providesfee-free trading.If you are an experienced trader…you know fees can add up fast. Robinhood eliminates this cost. The service proves to be one-of-a-kind by cutting out nearly all costs associated with investing. For this reason, we think Robinhood is the best broker for stock market beginners.

So How Do I Open a Robinhood Account and Get up to $1,000 in FREE STOCK?

To open a Robinhood account, all you need is your name, address, and email.If you want to fund your account immediately, you will also need your bank account routing and account number.

As its current promotion, Robinhood is giving away a FREE STOCK (valued at $5 to $200) to anyone that opens a new account this month if you click on the promo image below. Then, once you open and fund YOUR account with at least $10, you will receive more free stock (again valued at $5 to $200) for referring your friends and family. The more people you refer, the more free stock you get. Click on this promo below to start your Robinhood account application and get your first FREE stock.....

Bonus Tip: Use this link to get a free stock (up to $200 value) when you open and fund your account with at least $10:sign up for Robinhood today, you'll get a free stock (up to $200 value!) FURTHERMORE, for each friend that you refer, you will receive ANOTHER free stock valued at up to $200. This is perfectly legit and you WILL get more free stock for every friend or family member you refer.

Why do they give away so much free stock? Because they spend their advertising dollars this way instead of buying TV, radio, print, or online ads! They WANT you to refer friends!

Charles Schwab

Charles Schwab is the second most popular brokerage these days and they have come a long way since they were founded in 1973. Interestingly, they were one of the first discount brokers, but then transitioned to a full service broker, and now back to a discount brokerage with commission free trades (like most brokerages, they were forced to match Robinhood’s $0 fee structure). While Robinhood is a great brokerage for beginners to start, Scwhab is the next progression once you want to trade mutual funds, options, get quality research and trading tools, and seek professional advice and planning. It is our recommended broker if you have more than $10,000 you want to invest and you are ready to get serious about planning out your financial future. Click the link below to get started with Schwab…

Stock Market for Beginners: How to get Started (8)
$0 online stock, ETF, and options commissions.


Stock Market for Beginners: How to get Started (9)

TD Ameritradeis one of the most popular online brokerages out there. They offer a variety of trading services and research tools. Now a part of the zero commission trading club, they won’t charge you fees for buying and selling stocks and ETFs!


Stock Market for Beginners: How to get Started (10)

Interactive Brokerscombines high quality market research and low costs. With Interactive Brokers, you don’t have to worry about many of the traditional brokerage fees. Try their free trial today!

You can usewww.StockBrokers.comto compare special offers, commission rates, and other services of more online brokerages to find the perfect one for you. (Don’t worry, you can clickwww.StockBrokers.comand it will open a new tab so you won’t lose your place in this course.)

Stock Market for Beginners: How to get Started (11)

Motley Fool Now 60% Off – Use Code SALE60. Next stock pick released March 15th.

Stock Market for Beginners: How to get Started (2024)


How should a beginner start in the stock market? ›

How to start investing in the stock market — A step by step guide
  1. Open a demat account. ...
  2. Open a trading account. ...
  3. Login to your demat account. ...
  4. Identify the stock you want to invest in. ...
  5. How much do you want to invest? ...
  6. Buy the stock(s) at their listed prices along with units. ...
  7. Executing the purchase order.
Feb 12, 2024

What is the easiest way to learn stock market? ›

The following tips will help you begin your journey in stock trading.
  • Open a demat account. ...
  • Understand stock quotes. ...
  • Bids and asks. ...
  • Fundamental and technical knowledge of stock. ...
  • Learn to stop the loss. ...
  • Ask an expert. ...
  • Start with safer stocks.

How many stocks should a beginner start with? ›

What's the right number of companies to invest in, even if portfolio size doesn't matter? “Studies show there's statistical significance to the rule of thumb for 20 to 30 stocks to achieve meaningful diversification,” says Aleksandr Spencer, CFA® and chief investment officer at Bogart Wealth.

What is the best stock to buy for beginners? ›

Best Stocks To Invest In 2024 For Beginners
  • UnitedHealth Group Incorporated (NYSE:UNH) Number of Hedge Fund Holders: 104. Quarterly Revenue Growth: 14.10% ...
  • JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE:JPM) Number of Hedge Fund Holders: 109. ...
  • Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMD) ...
  • Adobe Inc. (NASDAQ:ADBE) ...
  • Salesforce, Inc. (NYSE:CRM)
Feb 7, 2024

How much money do I need to invest to make $1000 a month? ›

A stock portfolio focused on dividends can generate $1,000 per month or more in perpetual passive income, Mircea Iosif wrote on Medium. “For example, at a 4% dividend yield, you would need a portfolio worth $300,000.

How long does it take to learn the basics of stock market? ›

On average, it takes between one and five years to grasp investing and understand the stock market, with key learning areas including research, fast-paced decision making, and growing market knowledge.

How do I teach myself to trade stocks? ›

How to start trading stocks
  1. Open a trading account. You will need a broker to make trades, so you'll want to find one that you like and trust. ...
  2. Set your budget. ...
  3. Learn the basic types of stock analysis. ...
  4. 3 books on technical analysis to get you started. ...
  5. Practice with a stock market simulator. ...
  6. Plan your first trade.
Dec 28, 2023

How can I learn the stock market for free? ›

Ava Academy's free online courses for stock market trading offer a flexible and accessible way to learn at your own pace. With the ability to study anytime, anywhere, you can develop your trading skills on your terms, gaining valuable insights and strategies to help you succeed in the market.

Can I start stocks with $200? ›

A beginner investor with only $200 can make money by investing in stocks, but it is important to be realistic about potential returns and the risks involved.

How much should I spend on my first stock? ›

Calculating How Much to Invest

A common rule of thumb is the 50-30-20 rule, which suggests allocating 50% of your after-tax income to essentials, 30% to discretionary spending and 20% to savings and investments. Within that 20% allocation, the portion designated for stocks depends on your risk tolerance.

How much money should I have before investing in stocks? ›

While it's generally considered ideal to save three to six months' worth of living expenses before investing, what's more important is developing the consistent habit of saving. At minimum, Jacobs recommends setting aside at least one month's worth of living expenses before diving into most investing. (Want more info?

What are 3 good stocks to invest in? ›

7 of the Best Long-Term Stocks to Buy and Hold
StockSectorTrailing 12-month dividend yield*
Stanley Black & Decker Inc. (SWK)Industrials3.5%
Atmos Energy Corp. (ATO)Utilities2.7%
T. Rowe Price Group Inc. (TROW)Financials4.3%
Chevron Corp. (CVX)Energy3.9%
3 more rows
Apr 15, 2024

Is Walmart a good stock to buy? ›

Walmart has a conensus rating of Strong Buy which is based on 25 buy ratings, 3 hold ratings and 0 sell ratings. The average price target for Walmart is $65.73. This is based on 28 Wall Streets Analysts 12-month price targets, issued in the past 3 months.

What is the best stock to make money fast? ›

Alongside Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT), NVIDIA Corporation (NASDAQ:NVDA), and Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL), Adobe Inc. (NASDAQ:ADBE) is one of the best money making stocks to invest in. In its Q3 2023 investor letter, Polen Capital, an asset management firm, highlighted a few stocks and Adobe Inc.

Is learning the stock market easy? ›

Learning investing can be challenging due to the volume and speed of information, finding reliable resources, and understanding the reactionary market. However, spending time watching the market and connecting with a mentor can make the learning process easier.

How do beginners learn about stocks and investing? ›

A beginner's guide to investing in the stock market
  1. Decide your investment goals.
  2. Select your investment vehicle(s)
  3. Calculate how much money you want to invest.
  4. Measure your risk tolerance.
  5. Consider what kind of investor you want to be.
  6. Build your portfolio.
  7. Monitor and rebalance your portfolio over time.

What is the basic knowledge of the stock market? ›

It is the process of buying or selling shares in a company. A stock index or stock market index is a statistical source that measures financial market fluctuations. They are performance indicators that indicate the performance of a certain market segment or the market as a whole.

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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.