Sterling slides back towards record low as Bank of England and Treasury fail to reassure markets – as it happened (2024)



Bank of England says it will not hesitate to change interest rates if needed following plunge in pound

Newsflash: The governor of the Bank of England has announced that the Bank ‘will not hesitate’ to change interest rates as needed, following the plunge in the pound since the mini-budget.

But it has not decided to implement an emergency rise in interest rates today, as some economists had expected – a move that has knocked the pound back towards this morning’s record lows.

It’s now down back below $1.07, having recovered to $1.09 earlier this afternoon.

The pound dips back to $1.06 after the Bank of England does not deliver any emergency action today. Sterling still 1.5% down against the dollar today

— Mehreen Khan (@MehreenKhn) September 26, 2022

Andrew Bailey says that the Bank is monitoring developments in financial markets “very closely” in light of the significant repricing of financial assets.

And he says that the Bank will make a full assessment of the government’s Growth Plan at its next scheduled meeting in early November.

Bailey says:

In recent weeks, the Government has made a number of important announcements. The Government’s Energy Price Guarantee will reduce the near-term peak in inflation. Last Friday the Government announced its Growth Plan, on which the Chancellor has provided further detail in his statement today. I welcome the Government’s commitment to sustainable economic growth, and to the role of the Office for Budget Responsibility in its assessment of prospects for the economy and public finances.

The role of monetary policy is to ensure that demand does not get ahead of supply in a way that leads to more inflation over the medium term. As the MPC has made clear, it will make a full assessment at its next scheduled meeting of the impact on demand and inflation from the Government’s announcements, and the fall in sterling, and act accordingly.

The MPC will not hesitate to change interest rates as necessary to return inflation to the 2% target sustainably in the medium term, in line with its remit.

Key events

  • 26 Sept 2022Closing summary
  • 26 Sept 2022‘It’s a major concern’: how two UK firms are facing up to pound’s crash
  • 26 Sept 2022US central banker says sterling crisis could hurt US and Europe
  • 26 Sept 2022Former Treasury mandarin: Markets have pound and gilts in their sights
  • 26 Sept 2022Reuters: Virgin Money and Skipton temporarily withdraw mortgage products amid turmoil
  • 26 Sept 2022Capital Economics: It's the bare minimum...will it be enough?
  • 26 Sept 2022Bank of England trying to quash speculation about an emergency hike
  • 26 Sept 2022Bank of England says it will not hesitate to change interest rates if needed following plunge in pound
  • 26 Sept 2022Kwarteng: to set out his medium-term fiscal plan on 23 November.
  • 26 Sept 2022Full story: Markets warn sterling slump could lead UK interest rates to triple by next year
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  • 26 Sept 2022Pound’s plummet underlines schoolboy error by Kwasi Kwarteng
  • 26 Sept 2022What the tumbling pound means to you
  • 26 Sept 2022Analyst: emergency rate hike priced in
  • 26 Sept 2022Traders bet on emergency interest rate rise after pound hits record low
  • 26 Sept 2022Bloomberg: Pound-dollar parity looking more likely
  • 26 Sept 2022Investors 'inclined to regard Conservative Party as a doomsday cult', says analyst
  • 26 Sept 2022El-Erian: Kwarteng should modify mini-budget to calm markets
  • 26 Sept 2022Government borrowing costs surge over 4% as bond prices plunge
  • 26 Sept 2022Capital Economics: Bank of England needs to step in
  • 26 Sept 2022Rachel Reeves 'incredibly worried' about market reaction to mini-budget
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  • 26 Sept 2022Will Bank of England take action?
  • 26 Sept 2022Introduction: Sterling hits record low after Kwasi Kwarteng pledged more tax cuts

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26 Sept 202213.58EDT

Closing summary

It’s been a wild day in the financial markets, with the pound sinking to an alltime low as investors lost confidence in the UK’s public finances following last Friday’s mini-budget.

And sterling is under more pressure tonight, as our economics editor Larry Elliott reports:

Sterling came under fresh, heavy pressure on the world’s financial markets after the Bank of England appeared to ruled out an emergency rise in interest rates to defend the struggling UK currency.

Sterling lost two cents against the US dollar after investors were left unimpressed by Threadneedle Street’s decision to adopt a wait-and-see approach rather than act immediately.

The pound hit a record low against the greenback in Far East trading overnight but had recovered as the markets anticipated action from the Bank’s nine-strong monetary policy committee (MPC).

However, the attempt by the Bank’s governor, Andrew Bailey, to play for time left the pound once again looking vulnerable to selling pressure and within minutes of the Bank’s statement it was trading within three cents of its all-time low of just above $1.03.

Here’s the full story:

Pound comes under new pressure after Bank of England fails to raise ratesRead more

Kwasi Kwarteng’s fiscal event is looking like an ever-more-serious serious blunder, after sterling reeled to just $1.0327 in Asia-Pacific markets, a new alltime low.

Market confidence in the UK has been badly hit, on fears that Britain’s twin deficits – the budget, and the current account – will both widen alarmingly.

UK government bonds have been hit by a shocking selloff, driving up the cost of short-term borrowing to the highest level since 2008.

Analysts at Nomura warned that the pound will hit parity by the end of November, end the year weaker, and fall further below parity in 2023.

The Treasury and the Bank of England have attempted to reassure markets tonight, with the central bank insisting it ‘won’t hesitate’ to act if needed, and the government pledging to outline how it will bring down the UK’s debts over time.

But investors aren’t impressed, concerned that the Treasury’s plans won’t come until late November.

If a week is a long time in politics, a month is an eternity in a sterling crisis, and some economists are predicting more action will be needed soon.

Kwarteng announces he'll set out his "medium term fiscal plan" on November 23 - with new details of fiscal rules and publication of OBR targets.

That's *eight weeks* away.

— Pippa Crerar (@PippaCrerar) September 26, 2022

Top investors and economists had urged the bank to consider an emergency rate hike, perhaps a whole percentage point, to prop up sterling.

- Pound resumes drop as Bailey pours cold water on Emergency Hike
- BOE says that it will assess pound drop at next rate decision@business

— Francine Lacqua (@flacqua) September 26, 2022

Paul Donovan, chief economist of UBS Global Wealth Management, said that investors “seem inclined to regard the UK Conservative Party as a doomsday cult” – a sign of how much damage has been caused.

Despite the Bank’s lack of action, the money markets are still anticipating that Bank Rate will be hiked dramatically, to around 6% by next summer.

That could caused a housing crash, experts warned today, and would also mean a deeper recession and more companies going bust.

If mortgage rates rise to 6%—as implied by markets’ current expectations for Bank Rate—the average household refinancing a 2yr fixed rate mortgage in the first half of 2023 will see *monthly* repayments jump to £1,490, from £863. Many simply won’t be able to afford this (1/2)

— Samuel Tombs (@samueltombs) September 26, 2022
Markets warn sterling slump could lead UK interest rates to triple by next yearRead more

And in another worrying development, some mortgage brokers have been forced to temporarily pull offers from the markets, due to volatility and uncertainty.

The crisis is causing global interest, with one US central banker warning tonight that it could hurt the US and European economies.

And Labour are demanding an inquiry into whether hedge funds used inside information to profit from the mini-budget, by shorting sterling or gilts.

FCA urged to investigate whether Tory allies shorted pound on insider infoRead more
Pound’s plummet underlines schoolboy error by Kwasi KwartengRead more
What does the pound’s slump mean for the UK and its consumers?Read more

Goodnight, We’ll be back tomorrow with the latest developments…

26 Sept 202213.47EDT

‘It’s a major concern’: how two UK firms are facing up to pound’s crash

The slump in the pound is going to have major repercussions for UK businesses.

A craft brewer in Peterborough and a Birmingham metal stamping firm have told us how the coost of their raw materials and parts imported from abroad will rise.. while imports are more competitive.

Oakham Ales was one of the first UK brewers to source hops from America, seeking bolder, punchier flavours.

It proved a wise decision, catching the zeitgeist as consumer tastes changed. Citra is now a common ingredient in the mash tuns of Britain’s craft brewers and Oakham’s own award-winning Citra ale is sold in supermarkets such as Tesco and Morrisons.

The fall in value of sterling poses a threat to that success story.

“It’s a proprietary hop, which means we have to buy direct from one of the big American hop companies,” said Oakham’s spokesperson, Nick Jones.

“There’s no option on that, we have to buy in dollars, so obviously the pound plunging is a big problem for us.

For businesses whose exports are more valuable than their imports, it is a different story. The metal stamping company Brandauer, which turned 160 years old in March, sends products such as razor blades and components for electrical devices like kettles all over the world.

“At the minute, it’s upside for us,” said the the Brandauer chief executive, Rowan Crozier.

“It’s quite a good opportunity for us at the moment.

Here’s the full piece, by my colleagues Rob Davies and Jasper Jolly

‘It’s a major concern’: how two UK firms are facing up to pound’s crash Read more

26 Sept 202213.24EDT

US central banker says sterling crisis could hurt US and Europe

Concerns over Britain’s sterling and gilts crisis are going global.

Raphael Bostic, the president of the Atlanta Federal Reserve, has warned that the sell-off in the pound following the mini-budget reflect rising uncertainty about the direction of the country’s economy.

They could lead to greater economic stress in Europe and the United States, Bostic warned.

“The reaction to the proposed plan is a real concern and a fear that the new actions will add uncertainty to the economy,” Bostic said in a webcast interview with the Washington Post, adding:

“The key question will be what does this mean for ultimately weakening the European economy, which is an important consideration for how the U.S. economy is going to perform.”

“These are just proposals, and we haven’t actually seen what’s going to play out.


— alfred (@macronewswire) September 26, 2022

26 Sept 202213.15EDT

Former Treasury mandarin: Markets have pound and gilts in their sights

Former Treasury permanent secretary Nick Macpherson warns that the markets now have sterling, and government bonds ‘in their sights’.

He fears that we haven’t seen the bottom of the market crisis yet….

HMG has broken a cardinal rule: don't look like an outlier relative to other G7 countries. The markets now have sterling and gilts in its sights. There will be rallies followed by brief substantive lurches downwards. We probably haven't seen the bottom. 4/

— Nick Macpherson (@nickmacpherson2) September 26, 2022

Meanwhile, the UK will pay a high risk premium for the increased debt it is selling, making it all but impossible to live within spending plans, even before inflation. HMG is expecting public sector workers to take bigger real wage cuts even than in 1931, which led to mutiny 5/

— Nick Macpherson (@nickmacpherson2) September 26, 2022

26 Sept 202212.34EDT

Today’s statements from the Bank of England (here) and the Treasury (here) can at best be described as “too little, too late”.

So says Alastair George, Chief Investment Strategist at Edison Group.

George expalins that the government have triggered a sterling crisis – and resolving it will cause serious economic pain.

George explains:

The pro-cyclical mini-budget is seen as counter-intuitive to international investors in the UK who must be wondering if politicians understand the ramifications of policies which have triggered a meaningful sterling crisis.

“Gilt yields and interest rate futures have jumped 1% since only Friday as traders expect the Bank of England to ultimately be forced to act to defend the currency - and at the expense of braking the domestic economy hard.

We fear this is will not be an easy situation to stabilise – monetary policymakers need to act decisively head off speculative attacks on the currency, separately from the relative merits or otherwise of the recently announced fiscal measures.”

26 Sept 202212.29EDT

The pound has now slipped back to $1.065, down two cents today, on top of the four cent plunge on Friday.

That’s till three cents above its record low overnight… but only one a cent above the previous all-time low for sterling, of $1.0545 set in 1985.

The Bank of England signals we are in a crisis after the emergency budget and says it won’t hesitate to put up interest rates - and the pound falls again. Which shows the Bank and Chancellor both have serious credibility problems. Worrying

— Robert Peston (@Peston) September 26, 2022

26 Sept 202212.26EDT

Reuters: Virgin Money and Skipton temporarily withdraw mortgage products amid turmoil

The volatility in the financial markets is forcing some mortgage producers to temporarily suspend their products, Reuters reports.

British lenders Virgin Money and Skipton Building Society temporarily withdrew their mortgage ranges for new customers on Monday because of the volatility in sterling funding markets, according to emails sent to brokers.

“Following a number of changes in the market, we have made the decision to temporarily withdraw all our products for new customers at 8pm tonight,” Virgin Money said in its email to brokers, seen by Reuters.

“We continue to monitor the situation closely and currently plan to relaunch products for new customers towards the end of the week.”

Skipton Building Society & Virgin Money have now withdrawn mortgage products for new customers. This chaos isn't sustainable.

— Martin Finch 🇺🇦 (@martin_finch) September 26, 2022

Earlier today, lender Halifax said it had temporarily withdrawn from the market all of its mortgage products that come with a fee, in response to turmoil in British funding markets.

A Halifax spokesperson said in a statement.

“As a result of significant changes in the cost of funding, we’re making some changes to our product range.”

Halifax, part of Lloyds Banking Group said there was no change to its product rates and that it continued to offer fee-free options at all product terms and loan-to-value levels.

26 Sept 202212.21EDT

We will not hesitate to change interest rates, says the Bank of England, hesitating to change interest rates.

— Henry Mance (@henrymance) September 26, 2022

26 Sept 202212.20EDT

UK government bond prices are tumbling even further, pushing up the yield (or interest rates) even higher.

The cost of borrowing for a decade has now hit 4.2%, from 3.5% in the middle of last week (before the mini-budget).

Another sign that the twin statements from the Treasury and the Bank of England have not immediately calmed the markets….

UK govt bond yields just spiked even higher.
10 year now up to 4.24%
This is NOT the reaction HMT & BoE would have wanted to their statements.
Still early doors. Let’s see what happens next...
Chart shows you the 10yr’s movements so far today

— Ed Conway (@EdConwaySky) September 26, 2022

26 Sept 202212.04EDT

Capital Economics: It's the bare minimum...will it be enough?

The government and the Bank of England have done the ‘bare minimum’ this afternoon to reassure markets, says Paul Dales of Capital Economics.

It remains to be seen whether today’s statement by the government and the Bank of England will be enough to ease the markets’ fears about the government’s fiscal policy, Dales warns, adding:

The initial reaction in the markets, with the pound falling again after it regained some ground, suggests that the issue may not be put to bed yet.

Either way, the end result will probably be interest rates rising sooner and further (perhaps from 2.25% to 5.00%) in the coming months.

This chart shows how the pound was unmoved by Kwasi Kwarteng’s pledge to outline his plans to achieve stable public finances in November, and then fell after the Bank of England did not announce an emergency rate hike.

Interesting sequencing today. @hmtreasury statement = no impact on £ despite a belated role for @OBR_UK. @bankofengland statement, though, delivers no emergency hike and pound starts to drop again. Implies fiscal credibility not recoverable short term (EURGBP up = £ weaker)

— Sunil Krishnan (@sunnyk100) September 26, 2022

26 Sept 202211.54EDT

Bank of England trying to quash speculation about an emergency hike

Viraj Patel, foreign exchange & global macro strategist at Vanda Research, suspects the Bank of England may be bounced into taking action, if ‘something breaks’ in the markets this week.

⚠️ No action from the BoE based on latest statement... looks like they aren't doing anything inter-meeting. This will be a disappointment for $GBP markets. I suspect this statement will last 24-48 hours before something breaks in markets & forces the BoE to act

— Viraj Patel (@VPatelFX) September 26, 2022

Neil Wilson of calls the Bank’s response to the sterling crisis ‘inadequate’.

Inadequate response from Bank of England. Which is no surprise given how complacent it has been over inflation. A nothing statement that probably does more harm than keeping quiet.

All our policymakers are failures

— Neil Wilson (@marketsneil) September 26, 2022
Sterling slides back towards record low as Bank of England and Treasury fail to reassure markets – as it happened (2024)
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