Squatters rights in New Zealand… | Rainey Collins Lawyers - Wellington, New Zealand (2024)

In a recent case in Australia, someone who had been residing on a long term basis in a property in Sydney, which they did not own, was granted the right to own the property by virtue of ‘squatters rights’. Do such rights exist in New Zealand?

The answer is that, although rare, such cases do exist. This is based on ‘adverse possession’ rights.

Adverse possession is an ancient and contentious piece of law concerning the acquisition of land. Adverse possession is now more commonly referred to as “squatting”.

Persons are able to apply to the Registrar General of Land to have their possession converted to ownership.

Adverse possession applies to all land in a title, for example, in situations where the registered proprietor has abandoned the land and the “squatter” has held possession for a lengthy period of time. The Registrar General of Land is able to cancel the existing title (for the land that the applicant has been adversely occupying) and replace it with one issued in the name of the applicant, if they can show that they have had continuous possession for 20 years and continue to possess the land.

“Continuous possession” can be shown in instances where the land has been fenced off, where cattle have been grazed on it, or in the instance of squatting, where the applicant has lived in the house continuously for 20 years. This requirement of continuous possession means that applicants are not able to retrospectively claim possession if a house has been abandoned for 20 years and they wish to move in.

If an application and the supporting evidence establish adverse possession, notice must be given and the application served on any relevant parties. The possession notice will be published at least twice in the local newspaper and made available to any person who may have a claim in the land.

Instances where adverse possession or “squatters rights” have granted in New Zealand are very rare, but many are unaware that there is a statutory right for squatters to gain ownership of land.

Claire Tyler


Squatters rights in New Zealand… | Rainey Collins Lawyers - Wellington, New Zealand (2024)


How do you get rid of a squatter in NZ? ›

When you find someone on your property, call the police. They can determine if the person is a trespasser or a squatter. If they are a trespasser, the police will consider it a criminal issue and remove them. If they are a squatter, you will need to move on to civil court.

What rights do squatters have in NZ? ›

Persons are able to apply to the Registrar General of Land to have their possession converted to ownership. Adverse possession applies to all land in a title, for example, in situations where the registered proprietor has abandoned the land and the “squatter” has held possession for a lengthy period of time.

What is the shortest time for squatters rights? ›

As already mentioned, squatters' rights in California require a squatter to have occupied a property for at least 5 years. It also goes without saying that the entire five years must be uninterrupted. In other words, the squatter must not have abandoned the unit at any point during their 5-year occupation.

What is the adverse possession law in New Zealand? ›

What is Adverse Possession? In relation to land, adverse possession is a principle of law whereby someone in continuous possession of another person's land for an extended period of time is able to extinguish the title of the documentary owner and claim legal title to the land.

How do I legally evict a tenant NZ? ›

How to apply for an eviction warrant. You must file the application in 3 months from either the date the order is first breached or the date the tenancy ended. Attached to your application we require a sealed copy of your Tenancy Tribunal/Meditator's Order.

What happens if you don't have a tenancy agreement NZ? ›

It is a legal requirement for the terms of your tenancy to be in a written tenancy agreement. A landlord who does not provide a written, signed tenancy agreement and ensure that a copy is given to their tenant, is breaking the law and could be fined.

How do I claim abandoned property NZ? ›

If you have a question or enquiry about unclaimed property generally, you should contact the Public Trust on 0800 371 471 or email info@publictrust.co.nz.

What are the laws around squatters? ›

In the United States, squatting is illegal and squatters can be evicted for trespassing. Real estate managers recommend that vacant properties be protected by erecting "no trespassing" signs, regular checks, tenant screening, and quickly finding new tenants.

Can I tell someone to get off my property? ›

A trespass notice can be verbal or written

A trespass notice is a formal warning that tells a person to stay off your property. You can trespass them verbally, or by giving or sending them a written trespass notice. Find out how to serve a trespass notice in writing.

How do I get around squatters rights? ›

File a lawsuit if the squatter refuses to leave. You may want to use a real estate attorney who specializes in residential evictions to make sure that you follow the correct legal process. After the hearing is scheduled and you receive a judgment in your favor, local law enforcement will be used to remove the squatter.

How long does it take to get squatters rights in the US? ›

Typically, squatters rights laws only apply if an individual has been illegitimately occupying a space for a specific period of time. In New York, for example, a squatter can be awarded “adverse possession” under state law if they have been living in a property for 10 years or more.

How long is squatters rights in America? ›

Each state has its own laws regarding squatters' rights and the length of time, between 5-20 years, they must reside on the property to claim it. Furthermore, squatters must abide by the common laws of the doctrine. They are as follows: Squatters must have continuous possession of the land/property.

What is the Torrens system NZ? ›

The current land transfer registration system (known as the 'Torrens system') replaced the deeds system in 1870. Use of this system is compulsory - no legal interest in land may be created except by registration under the Land Transfer Act 2017.

What is indefeasibility of title NZ? ›

What Does Indefeasibility of Title Mean? When you own land in New Zealand, you own the 'title' of that land. That title is recorded on a central public register governed by the Land Transfer Act (LTA). This title is 'indefeasible', meaning that it cannot be overturned or put aside by competing claims for your land.

How do I get around adverse possession? ›

Requirements of adverse possession include exclusive use, continuous use and open takeover of the land. You can prevent adverse possession by marking boundary lines and providing written permission of use.

How much notice does a landlord have to give to enter property NZ? ›

Landlords must give tenants at least 24 hours' notice before entering the property to do any necessary repairs or maintenance. These repairs should be done between 8am and 7pm. Landlords can also access the house to do work to comply, or prepare to comply, with the healthy homes standards.

Can you evict a tenant for not paying rent NZ? ›

you can send a notice to remedy [DOC, 34 KB] (if the tenant owes less than 21 days rent). you can apply to the Tenancy Tribunal for termination of the tenancy (if the tenant owes 21 days of rent or more, or doesn't remedy the overdue rent).

How much notice do you give a tenant when selling a house NZ? ›

This must be a requirement of their unconditional agreement for the sale of the property. If the current tenants are on a periodic tenancy, the landlord must give at least 90 days' written notice to end the periodic tenancy so that the property will be vacant for the buyer on settlement.

Can you write your own tenancy agreement NZ? ›

Tenancy agreement templates

Landlords can draw up their own tenancy agreement, as long as they include the minimum information required by the Act. Landlords also need to include additional statements in their new tenancy agreements.

How much is Bond NZ? ›

Landlords can charge up to 4 weeks rent as bond. Other forms of security are not allowed, but a landlord may ask for a guarantor's agreement. In a boarding house tenancy, if the bond is 1 week's rent or less it doesn't have to be lodged. If a landlord charges a bond for any other tenancy, they must lodge it.

What is to settle on unoccupied land without legal claim? ›

A squatter is a person who settles in or occupies a piece of property with no legal claim to the property. A squatter lives on a property to which they have no title, right, or lease.

How many empty houses are there in Auckland? ›

Auckland is often the focus of media coverage when reporting on empty homes. It has been reported that there are nearly 40,000 “unoccupied dwellings” (or 'ghost houses') in Auckland.

What is Allodial title in New Zealand? ›

Allodial lands are the absolute property of their owner and not subject to any rent, service, or acknowledgment to a superior.

How does Airbnb deal with squatters? ›

Airbnb Squatters' Rights

Then they'll claim that they are tenants so they can remain on the property. If they can show some proof of tenancy to the police such as utility bills – whether true or falsified – the authorities won't remove them. You may have to start a formal eviction process.

Why is it called squatting? ›

From Middle English squatten, from Old French esquatir, escatir (“compress, press down, lay flat, crush”), from es- (“ex-”) + quatir (“press down, flatten”), from Vulgar Latin *coactire (“press together, force”), from Latin coactus, perfect passive participle of cōgō (“force together, compress”).

What do you mean by squatting? ›

: to crouch close to the ground as if to escape observation. a hare squatting in the grass. : to assume or maintain a position in which the body is supported on the feet and the knees are bent so that the buttocks rest on or near the heels.

What to do if someone won't let you leave their house? ›

You may call local law enforcement to remove them from your home if they refuse to leave. In areas with strong renters protections, or if rent was ever paid, either in cash or via services or other household contributions, it may be more complicated.

Can someone force you to leave their house? ›

Houseguests who have been asked to leave and overstayed their welcome are technically committing a crime—trespassing. Despite this fact, getting rid of a trespassing houseguest can be challenging.

How do I keep people away from my property? ›

Here is a look at some of the most common legal ways to keep out trespassers:
  1. Signs. The classic "No Trespassing" or "No Trespassers" sign does not change the fact that knowingly trespassing onto private property is generally illegal. ...
  2. Fences. ...
  3. No Traps. ...
  4. Cameras. ...
  5. Calling the Cops.
Nov 12, 2013

Can police remove squatters in Florida? ›

Under Chapter 82, Section 35 of the Florida code, police can remove unwanted squatters if a property owner gives them a sworn affidavit claiming the transient occupants are unlawfully residing on the property.

Does Texas have squatters rights? ›

Under the Texas squatters' rights, a squatter can legally own property through adverse means. That's why it's essential for property owners to familiarize themselves with squatters' rights in Texas to prevent losing their properties and investments.

How do I evict a squatter in Western Australia? ›

Actions you can take against property squatters.

Have the police remove the squatter as they are a “trespasser.” Magistrates Court: Apply to the Magistrates Court for a warrant of possession under the Property Law Act 1975.

What state has the best squatter rights? ›

That's because Florida is one of the states with one of the highest prevalence of squatters. Squatters rights exist in Florida and indeed in the rest of the country. As a matter of fact, they can legally claim ownership of your property through an adverse possession claim.

Why does US law protect squatters? ›

Why Do Squatters Have Rights? The main goal of squatters' rights is to discourage the use of vigilante justice. If landowners were allowed to use violence or the threat of violence to evict a squatter, the situation could quickly escalate and become dangerous.

How many squatters are in the US? ›

America Is Now Filled With at Least 4.4 Million 'Squatters'

What is the shortest time for adverse possession? ›

The statutory period for adverse possession may be as short as three years or as long as twenty years. Many jurisdictions allow an adverse possessor to "tack on" his or her period of adverse possession to a previous possessor's period, so long as there is no lapse in time between the two occupations.

Why is squatting so hard? ›

But it's actually a very complex movement.” Not only does it use around 200 muscles to perform a squat (that's around a third of all the muscles in your body), it also requires triple extension: that means you're bending through three joints – your hips, knees and ankles – at once.

Is squatting illegal in Florida? ›

It is important to understand that while squatting is illegal in Florida, this does not mean that squatters are not granted certain rights under state law. Too many absent landlords simply do not check on their property, only to find that squatters have by now acquired the legal right to be present there.

What is the abandoned property law in New Zealand? ›

Landlords must not enter the house with 24 hours' notice if they don't have reasonable cause to believe it is abandoned. If they do this, the Tenancy Tribunal could order the landlord to pay the tenant damages of: up to $1,000 for the unlawful entry.

What is Torrens system in USA? ›

Torrens is a system for registration of land under which, upon the landowner's application, the Court may, after appropriate proceedings, direct the issuance of a certificate of title. The Certificate of Title is kept in the office of the Registrar of Titles. With the "abstract system" an abstract is evidence of title.

What is the advantage of a Torrens certificate? ›

The Torrens System includes a government-sponsored insurance policy to resolve title disputes rather than the private title insurance required for the sale of real property today. Torrens property owners are guaranteed that no other parties have a claim to their property.

How long does it take to issue a title NZ? ›

Under LINZ's standard time frames each process can be around between 10 – 12 working days being reviewed and approved.

What does tenants in common mean in NZ? ›

If you want to purchase property jointly with a friend, partner or family member then should consider ownership as “tenants in common”. This form of ownership allows property to be owned by parties in specific shares.

What is the definition of a deed NZ? ›

In New Zealand, a deed is a different legal instrument from a contract. A deed is a legally binding promise that parties make to affirm or transfer a legal interest in something. A deed must be written and signed for it to be binding, and parties must draft it in a specific legal way.

What does hostile mean in adverse possession? ›

Hostile. In this context, "hostile" does not mean "unfriendly." Rather, it means that the possession infringes on the rights of the true owner. If the true owner consents or gives license to the adverse possessor's use of the property, possession is not hostile and it is not really adverse possession.

What is voluntary alienation? ›

Voluntary Alienation

“Voluntary,” tells us this is an act of your own free will. “Alienation” simply means transfer. Basically, this is a fancy way of saying you sold your house. This is accomplished by the grantor (seller) giving a deed to the grantee (buyer). Thus, the title is transferred to the buyer.

Which of the following is a legal life estate? ›

A homestead is a legal life estate in real estate that is... Because a homeowner failed to pay the real estate taxes on time, the taxing authority imposed a claim against the homeowner's property. This claim is known as a(n)...

How much notice do you need to give flatmate NZ? ›

What is reasonable notice when a flatmate wants to leave - or is asked to leave - a flat? For flatmates who are not tenants, ie, not named on the tenancy agreement, there is no specific notice period that is legally required when the flatmate wishes to leave the flat, or when a tenant asks them to leave.

How long does it take to evict a squatter in New York? ›

A 14 day notice is considered the notice period for evicting someone. In this notice, you inform the tenant that they should pay the entire amount of rental due or quit the property in 14 days. It usually works when a person is an old tenant and living in the property even after the termination of the lease.

Can you claim abandoned cars NZ? ›

If the abandoned vehicle is claimed before a sale it will be returned to the registered owner once they make a payment for costs incurred. If the vehicle sells, AT will deduct costs and any other proceeds will be kept for 12 months. The previous owner can claim the proceeds during that period.

Can you go to jail for squatting in Florida? ›

Usually, squatters access a property through unlocked entrances, such as a broken window. Being a crime, a trespasser can be arrested and charged in court. However, the same cannot be said of squatters. To remove a squatter in Florida, you must go through the formal eviction process.

How long can you squat in a house in Florida? ›

In other words, a squatter cannot leave the vacant property for a consecutive series of weeks, months, or years without losing their ability to claim it as their home. The length of time a squatter must continuously occupy a property in Florida to claim squatter's rights is seven years.

Can I trespass my flatmate NZ? ›

In general, you cannot trespass someone who is also a legal occupier of the same property. For example, if you and your flatmate are both tenants of the property, neither of you can trespass the other. But if your name is on the tenancy agreement and your flatmate's is not, then you can trespass your flatmate.

What is a boarding house NZ? ›

What is a boarding house? Boarding houses are sometimes advertised as shared accommodation or 'rooms to rent'. At a boarding house, each tenant has their own agreement with the landlord to rent a single room, or a sleeping area in a room they share with other tenants.

Can you evict a flatmate NZ? ›

When does the tenancy law not apply to me? The law (Residential Tenancies Act) on renting property only protects tenants. This is a problem for flatmates because a landlord, or even a tenant, could evict a flatmate without much notice, and there are no set legal processes as to what should happen if things go wrong.

Can a squatter be evicted if there is no lease in NY? ›

You would need to serve them a notice of eviction as you would to a holdover tenant. These have a minimum grace period for the squatter to respond of ten days. Past that, you can have them removed from your property, but you'd need to involve the local sheriff.

Can police remove squatters NYC? ›

Notably, squatting is a civil matter, whereas trespassing is a criminal matter. That means that if you call the police on squatters, they won't remove them. However, police officers can and will remove trespassers.

What is a holdover tenant in New York? ›

For example, a holdover case is started because your lease expired, or you are too noisy, or the tenant gave you the apartment without telling the landlord/owner, or you put a wall up without permission. If the landlord/owner starts a case only to collect rent, that is not a holdover case.

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