Squatter Rights: What Landlords Need to Know | Avail (2024)

Squatter Rights: What Landlords Need to Know | Avail (1)

Ideally, the only tenants who live in your property are the ones who pay to do so. However, in some rare cases, individuals or groups of people may take up residence in your rental property.

It can be devastating to discover that someone has been living in your rental without your knowledge, but there are essential steps that a landlord needs to take to resolve the situation with respect to the regulations that protect tenant rights.

To explain what landlords need to know about squatters, Avail spoke with Ryan Bradley, a partner at Koester & Bradley, about what landlords need to know before evicting unauthorized tenants.

What Are Squatter Rights?

Unauthorized tenants, otherwise known as squatters, are individuals or groups of people who have resided in a property that they don’t own or pay to rent.

Generally speaking, rules regarding squatters usually include the occupant’s right to not be displaced from the property without notice. Most regulations require landlords to serve unauthorized tenants with an eviction notice either via mail or through their local police department, Bradley explained. The regulations surrounding squatters tend to treat them much like renters who fail to pay their rent, he said, adding that landlords can’t just kick them out of the property on their own.

“There’s no good reason for a landlord, either on their own or through the use of a third party, to have contact with the person who’s there,” Bradley said. “It ends badly. That’s precisely why the statute is trying to avoid any type of altercation.”

Adverse possession laws allow squatters — after paying the homeowners’ association fees, taxes, and other costs associated with the property after a set period of time — to obtain ownership of the property, according to FindLaw. After the time period outlined under your state’s adverse possession law has passed, if the squatters remain, the individual who pays the property taxes and utilities will legally be able to gain the title of the home, Bradley explained. This period can vary from 7 to 20 years.

For other important landlord regulations, check out the Avail guide to state-specific landlord-tenant laws.

Why Do Squatters Have Rights?

Drawing from Great Britain’s property laws, the U.S. squatter laws were meant to distinguish where each property owners’ land began and ended, Bradley said.

Historically speaking, Patrick Sission reports in Curbed, squatters rights also developed in the U.S. as residents of big cities sought affordable housing and protections for everyday individuals. This paved the way for displaced peoples to creatively revamp abandoned spaces.

Which States Have Squatters Rights?

Just about every state has owners regulating squatters rights but, of course, Bradley said, they vary. States and municipalities’ housing regulations typically govern how landlords handle evictions, especially of squatters, he said. Landlords who have the means to do so could hire an attorney to understand what regulations apply to unauthorized tenants, or they could go about the process of evicting them themselves, he added.

How to Evict a Squatter

As mentioned before, your state and municipality will likely have regulations as to how to treat unauthorized occupants of your property. If you decide to file eviction paperwork without a lawyer, you could amend your filings or postpone hearings if you need more time, Bradley suggests. As you consider whether to hire a lawyer to walk you through the eviction process, here are some guidelines from FindLaw for what landlords need to know before evicting squatters:

  1. Determine if they are squatters or trespassers. Landlords need to know whether people have occupied their properties temporarily or over a long period of time, as the regulations governing trespassers and squatters differ. “If it’s a super short period of time, a couple of weeks or a month or something like that, that’s just a criminal breaking-and-entering situation,” Bradley said. In that case, landlords should just call the police and report the break-in.
  2. Start the eviction process. After filing for eviction, you could also file an unlawful detainer lawsuit if the squatters refuse to vacate. If they remain after the lawsuit, you’ll likely need to go to the police station or sheriff’s office to remove them from the property.
  3. Be mindful of adverse possession laws. Don’t wait too long to start eviction proceedings. Failure to file the eviction process quickly could put the ownership in the hands of the squatters under adverse possession laws. “The second you call them on it and you file something in court, it stops that [adverse possession requirement] clock,” Bradley said.
  4. Remember the consequences of an illegal eviction. Though evicting a squatter and illegally evicting a tenant is different, it’s better to be safe and follow all eviction laws in your area than face any unintended consequences.

In his experience, squatter evictions typically occur when larger real estate firms purchase distressed properties in urban or rural areas or foreclosed properties, Bradley explained. These kinds of evictions rarely occur among independent landlords because they often have a better understanding of their tenants and their properties.

Keep an Eye on Your Property

The best way to keep squatters out of your property is to regularly visit and maintain it. If you’re juggling landlord duties with your other responsibilities, check out our advice on balancing the management of your property with living your life.

Beyond monitoring who’s in your property, it’s also essential for landlords to find quality tenants in the first place and communicate with them throughout their stay. Avail can help you thoroughly screen potential tenants so you can be confident that you’re signing the lease with a tenant who will pay rent and uphold their responsibilities.

Squatter Rights: What Landlords Need to Know | Avail (2024)


How do I get rid of squatters in Wisconsin? ›

Wisconsin Squatters' Rights

Landlords and owners cannot forcibly remove squatters or make any attempts to do so. If they do, they could find themselves in court. An eviction notice is the best way to remove squatters. They can appeal it, but the courts usually rule in favor of the owners.

How do I get rid of squatters in Georgia? ›

Call the sheriff (not the local police) to remove squatters from the premises if they do not leave. Hire a lawyer. You might need to file an eviction with the court if the squatters refuse to leave, and it's always good to have legal counsel on your side before taking any actions.

What state has the best squatter rights? ›

That's because Florida is one of the states with one of the highest prevalence of squatters. Squatters rights exist in Florida and indeed in the rest of the country. As a matter of fact, they can legally claim ownership of your property through an adverse possession claim.

What is the 30 day squatter law in California? ›

A squatter is one who resides on a property to which he or she has no title, right or lease.” Without a lease, they gain a legal right to stay on your property as a tenant if they merely occupy it continuously for 30 days.

Can you evict a tenant without a lease in Wisconsin? ›

When a tenant with no written lease pays rent on a monthly basis, the tenant and the landlord must meet two requirements in terminating tenancy. First, the notice must be in writing. Second, you must give notice at least 28 days before the end of the rent-paying period.

How long before a guest becomes a tenant in Wisconsin? ›

Any guest staying in the property more than two weeks in any six-month period will be considered a tenant, rather than a guest, and must be added in the lease agreement. Landlord may also increase the rent at any such time that a new tenant is added to the lease or premise.

Can you go to jail for squatting in Georgia? ›

If squatters do not fulfill the requirements for an adverse possession claim, they can be arrested for trespassing. Further, if a property owner has made it known that the squatters are unwelcome on the property and they continue to trespass, they can be criminally charged.

Can a landlord enter without permission in Georgia? ›

Can a landlord enter property without permission in Georgia? There is no Georgia law regarding landlords entering a rental property without permission. However, tenants have the right to enjoy their rental property.

Can you evict someone without a lease in Georgia? ›

In Georgia, a landlord can evict a tenant without a lease or with a lease that has ended (known as a “holdover tenant” or “tenant at will”). To do so, the landlord must first terminate the tenancy by giving the tenant proper notice to move out (60 calendar days' for tenants that pay month-to-month).

How do I get around squatters rights? ›

Professional squatters are people who move from one property to the next, taking advantage of innocent landlords with vacant property.
How to Evict a Squatter
  1. Notify the Police. ...
  2. Serve a Formal Eviction Notice. ...
  3. File an Eviction Lawsuit. ...
  4. Remove Squatter's Possessions.

Can you squat in any property? ›

Squatting is where you enter and stay somewhere without permission. People in this situation are called trespassers. Squatting in residential properties is against the law and you can be arrested.

Why do people have to live in squatter settlements? ›

The primary causes of squatter settlements are population growth in urban cities and lack of affordable housing. City populations have been growing largely due to rural-to-urban migration. Rural farmers, workers, and their families move to cities searching for better employment and educational opportunities.

Does Airbnb protect against squatters? ›

Regarding squatters' rights on Airbnb, the most critical factor is the duration of a guest's stay. In most states in the US, guests who stay in a home or apartment for one month or longer may establish rights as a tenant. Note that the exact number of days depends on the jurisdiction.

How many years must a squatter occupy a property before they can gain legal ownership in NSW? ›

How is it that a squatter can claim ownership rights? In New South Wales, under the Real Property Act 1900, a person can apply to gain the right to adverse possession of the property if they have remained in that same property for a minimum of 12 years.

What is mean by squats? ›

: to crouch close to the ground as if to escape observation. a hare squatting in the grass. : to assume or maintain a position in which the body is supported on the feet and the knees are bent so that the buttocks rest on or near the heels.

What a landlord Cannot do in Wisconsin? ›

Landlords may not advertise or rent condemned property. Landlords must disclose housing code violations they have been notified of but have not corrected. They must also reveal structural defects, a lack of hot or cold running water, serious plumbing, or electrical problems, and other hazards.

Can a landlord evict us without a lease? ›

Yes, a landlord can evict you if there is no lease. If there is no written lease, it is possible that you have an oral agreement based on a verbal understanding with the landlord. This oral agreement and its terms will be valid and enforceable if the lease period is one year or less.

How much notice does a landlord have to give to enter property in Wisconsin? ›

ATCP 134.09(2)(a)2. 2. Enter a dwelling unit during tenancy except upon advance notice and at reasonable times. Advance notice means at least 12 hours advance notice unless the tenant, upon being notified of the proposed entry, consents to a shorter time period.

Can a landlord walk in unannounced in Wisconsin? ›

Tenants in Wisconsin have the right to exclusive possession of their apartment. This means that a landlord cannot enter without advance notice (or whatever terms are in your lease about entry): Entry must be at reasonable times and for three reasons (Maintenance, to show your place, an emergency).

What is the difference between a tenant and an occupant in Wisconsin? ›

The lease agreement is between the landlord and tenant only. Occupants are not tenants; they are not named on the lease, but you can authorize them to stay on the property as a landlord. Occupants do not have financial responsibility for the lease and have no specific rights under landlord/tenant law.

What is the 14 day notice to vacate in Wisconsin? ›

Notice period—at least 14 days and need not coincide with last day of the rent period. To terminate for rent or non-rent related breach IF prior 5-day notice was given within past year for SAME category of breach—can be evicted regardless of whether rent is paid. N/A Right to cure. Notice period—at least 30 days.

What is it called when you squat on a property? ›

A squatter is a person who settles in or occupies a piece of property with no legal claim to the property. A squatter lives on a property to which they have no title, right, or lease.

Is squatting a legal term? ›

Squatting – also known by the legal term of “adverse possession” – occurs when one or more people occupy your property without permission and don't pay you rent. Because there is no legally binding rental contract, or even an implied contract if they paid you rent, landlord-tenant law does not apply with squatters.

Can police remove squatters in Florida? ›

The police officer told Sam that under a little-known Florida statute, squatters can be removed with a signed affidavit as long as the squatter is a transient trespasser and not a former renter.

What a landlord Cannot do in Georgia? ›

Your landlord is responsible for repairs to keep the property in good condition. Georgia law says that a landlord cannot make a tenant make or pay for repairs, unless that tenant, his/her family or guests caused the damage. For serious repair problems, local housing code departments can inspect for possible violations.

What are your rights as a tenant without a lease in Georgia? ›

Because there is not a written lease, Georgia law regulates the type of notice which a tenantatwill and the landlord of the tenantatwill must give to terminate or change the original rental agreement. A tenant must give thirty (30) days notice to the landlord to terminate or change the original agreement.

What is a 3 day demand for possession in Georgia? ›

Georgia 3 Day Demand for Possession

Giving notice is the first step in the eviction process. The notice required in Georgia for violations of a lease agreement in situations NOT involving late payment of the rent is a 3 Day Notice. Who: Give this to the tenant who has clearly violated a major covenant of the lease.

How much notice does a landlord have to give a tenant to move out in GA? ›

If there is a tenancy-at-will, the landlord must give the tenant sixty (60) days' notice telling them to leave. If the landlord is willing to allow the tenant to remain but wishes to begin charging rent, the tenant must be given sixty (60) days' notice to start a new tenancy-at-will requiring rent payments.

What are squatters rights in the state of Georgia? ›

In Georgia, a squatter can make a claim of adverse possession under "color of title" after seven continuous years of occupancy. Then the squatter must at least be able to prove to a court that their occupancy includes specific factors: It has been continuous and without interruption.

Can a landlord evict you without a court order in Georgia? ›

In Georgia, you can be evicted if you do not pay rent, if you break an important part of your lease, or if your lease expired. However, your landlord cannot make you move without a court order. Evictions are called “dispossessory actions''.

Is it legal to squat in the US? ›

In the United States, squatting is illegal and squatters can be evicted for trespassing. Real estate managers recommend that vacant properties be protected by erecting "no trespassing" signs, regular checks, tenant screening, and quickly finding new tenants.

How to deal with squatter reddit? ›

How to evict a squatter
  1. Call the local police and file an official police report, the sooner the better. ...
  2. Serve the squatter with a formal eviction notice after you've filed a police report. ...
  3. File a lawsuit if the squatter refuses to leave. ...
  4. Remove any possessions left behind by the squatter.
May 22, 2021

How long does it take to evict a squatter in Florida? ›

Florida has three types of eviction notices to get rid of squatters: 3-day Notice to Quit or Pay: The person has three days to pay rent. Failure to pay means they have to leave the property.

What are the laws around squatters? ›

Squatting is a form of trespassing but involves the intention of claiming ownership or permanent residency. Property owners must follow a legal eviction process to remove squatters, typically beginning with a call to local law enforcement and filing an Unlawful Detainer Action.

What is another term for squatting? ›

to lie low with the limbs close to the body a detective squatting to examine something on the ground. Synonyms & Similar Words. Relevance. crouching. huddling.

How do I find abandoned houses in my area? ›

Check with Local Authorities

Make an appointment with the county clerk. You might be able to identify abandoned homes by going to the county clerk's office because the government keeps property ownership data. Inquire with banks to see if they have an inventory of houses under foreclosure.

What are 2 challenges of squatter settlements? ›

Poor housing and living conditions, poor health-care options, low standard of living, lack of adequate water supply and sanitation, and poor urban basic services are the challenges.

Do people in squatter settlements pay rent? ›

Finally, although squatters do not pay a for- mal rent to an owner, they incur costs associated with squatting, including possible payments made to a community “leader” (Jean O. Lanjouw and Philip I. Levy 2002; Saumitra Jha, Vijayendra Rao, and Michael Woolco*ck 2007; World Bank 2007).

What are three characteristics of squatter settlements? ›

The squatter settlement is unplanned and has the following characteristics:
  • overcrowded and noisy.
  • houses are made from cardboard, wood, corrugated iron, plastic sheeting and metal from oil drums.
  • lack of sanitation, clean drinking water and open sewers.
  • pollution and disease are common.

Can police evict Airbnb guest? ›

So until someone stays long enough on your property to be legally deemed a squatter, they're just trespassers or loiterers. They can be removed by law enforcers.

What is Airbnb squatting? ›

What is An 'Airbnb Squatter'? Airbnb squatters are guests who refuse to leave once their check-out date comes around. Sometimes known as “illegal occupiers”, Airbnb squatters choose not to vacate premises for a variety of reasons.

What happens if an Airbnb guest refuses to leave? ›

Guests who refuse to leave—and how Airbnb can help

These situations are incredibly rare, but if they happen, we'll work with you to try and help resolve the problem with your guest. Should you face such a situation, let our 24/7 support team know as soon as possible and we'll get in touch with you.

How do I evict a squatter in Qld? ›

Squatting is not illegal in Queensland, but it is considered trespassing as the squatters don't have any rights to stay at the property. Squatters can be removed by police if the owner of the land calls the police and request their removal.

How long does a squatter have to be in a house Texas? ›

The Squatter Must Have Resided on the Property for a Continuous Period of Time. In Texas, this period is 10 years. This time must not be interrupted. In other words, they cannot file for an adverse possession if they, for example, give up the property for a while and then return to claim it later.

How do I claim squatters rights in Qld? ›

The Squatter must be in "factual possession". They must exercise physical control of the land. Possession must not be in secret and must not be taken by force. Examples of "factual possession” include paying rates, residing on the land, renting the land, and erecting fencing.

What are squats examples? ›

Basic squat

Start with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly out, and your arms down at your side. Start to hinge at the hips and bend your knees, sitting back like you're going to sit down and allowing your arms to raise up in front of you. Ensure that your knees don't fall inward and your back stays straight.

What happens during a squat? ›

As the body descends, the hips and knees undergo flexion, the ankle extends (dorsiflexes) and muscles around the joint contract eccentrically, reaching maximal contraction at the bottom of the movement while slowing and reversing descent. The muscles around the hips provide the power out of the bottom.

How do I kick someone out of my house in Wisconsin? ›

Steps of the eviction process in Wisconsin:
  1. Landlord serves tenant written notice.
  2. Landlord files complaint with court (if unresolved).
  3. Court holds hearing and issues judgment.
  4. Writ of restitution is posted.
  5. Possession of property is returned to landlord.
Nov 17, 2021

How do you evict someone from your home in Wisconsin? ›

Eviction Process in Wisconsin

The landlord must file a summons and complaint in the small claims court of the county where the rental property is located. The tenant will receive a copy of the summons and complaint, and the summons will have a date and time for a hearing before a judge (see Wis. Stat. Ann.

What is the abandoned property law in Wisconsin? ›

Why does Wisconsin have an unclaimed property law? The law was enacted in 1970 to allow Wisconsin residents to search one place for missing funds. After one to five years of inactivity, Wisconsin businesses are required to turn over all unclaimed money, stock, and safe deposit box contents to DOR.

How do I evict a family member in Wisconsin? ›

To remove a family member if they won't leave, you should:
  1. File an eviction petition: An eviction petition is filed with the court. You can then state your case. ...
  2. Get a lawyer: Hire a lawyer if all else fails. ...
  3. Contact the authorities: If they won't get out, contact the authorities.

How to get someone out of your house who won t leave in Wisconsin? ›

If you have a holdover tenant, you can contact law enforcement to remove them as long as you have an eviction order. Landlords have rights in the state of Wisconsin, and you must understand your rights and responsibilities under the relevant law if you are a landlord or you are thinking of becoming a landlord.

What is the 5-day eviction notice in Wisconsin? ›

A Wisconsin 5-day notice to quit (leases of a year or less) is a form given to a tenant to notify him or her that a violation of the lease has occurred and the problem must be remedied within five (5) days.

What is the 14 day eviction notice in Wisconsin? ›

Notice period—at least 14 days and need not coincide with last day of the rent period. To terminate for rent or non-rent related breach IF prior 5-day notice was given within past year for SAME category of breach—can be evicted regardless of whether rent is paid. N/A Right to cure. Notice period—at least 30 days.

Is there a grace period for rent in Wisconsin? ›

No. There is no law governing grace periods in Wisconsin.

How long do evictions stay on your record in Wisconsin? ›

Under Wisconsin Supreme Court rules, records of small claims cases — which include evictions — are kept for 20 years. Dismissed small claims cases, however, are removed from the Wisconsin Circuit Court Access website after two years.

How long can someone leave their belongings on your property in Wisconsin? ›

(a)If a trespasser is removed or otherwise removes from residential rental property and leaves personal property, the landlord shall hold the personal property for 7 days from the date on which the landlord discovers the personal property.

How long does a landlord have to keep abandoned property in Wisconsin? ›

Notify the tenant and dispose of the property after 30 days.

You may give the tenant notice that you intend to sell or otherwise dispose of the abandoned property if the tenant doesn't reclaim it within 30 days.

What is adverse possession in Wisconsin? ›

Adverse possession1 is a legal doctrine by which a person who occupies another person's property for a specified period of time may gain title to that property. Today, the law of adverse possession derives from a combination of statutes and court decisions.

How do I get rid of freeloader? ›

Can you kick a freeloading friend out of your house if they are not on the lease? If they are not on the rental agreement or lease, you can ask them to leave. However, the law doesn't allow you to physically remove them from your home. If they refuse to leave, you could contact the police.

What is it called when someone refuses to leave your property? ›

If they refuse to leave, they are trespassing and you may enlist local law enforcement to remove them from your property. If your family member verbally agreed to pay you rent, but that agreement was never written down, you may be able to collect back rent.

How do you get someone to move out? ›

How to get someone out of your house in 20 easy ways
  1. Ask what they miss at home. ...
  2. Blame it on someone else. ...
  3. Tell them you have to work super early. ...
  4. Tell them you have to go away for a day or two. ...
  5. Honesty is the best policy. ...
  6. Tell them their presence is hurting your relationship and sex life. ...
  7. Stop buying food.

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