SpaceX - Funding, Financials, Valuation & Investors (2024)

Total number of Funding Rounds

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Total amount raised across all funding rounds

Total number of lead investment firms and individual investors

Total number of investment firms and individual investors

Total number of Funds raised

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Announced Date: Date that the Funding Round was publicly announced

Transaction Name: Auto-generated name of transaction (e.g. Angel - Uber)

Number of Investors: Total number of Investors in a Funding Round

Money Raised: Amount of money raised in Funding Round

Lead Investors: Name of the investor who led the investment in the funding round

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Investor Name: Name of the investor who participated in the Investment

Lead Investor: This field indicates whether an investor led/organized the investment

Funding Round: Name of the funding round where the Investment is made

Partners: Name of the individual who led a funding round for his/her firm

Announced Date: Date when a fund raised is announced

Fund Name: Name of the Fund

Money Raised: Amount raised by the Fund

Total number of Acquisitions

Acquiree Name: Name of the acquired organization

Announced Date: Date the acquisition was announced

Price: Price of the acquisition

Transaction Name: Auto-generated name of transaction (e.g. WhatsApp acquired by Facebook)

I am a seasoned expert in the realm of venture capital, startup funding, and investment analysis. With a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics in the world of finance, I have not only closely followed the trends but have actively participated in various capacities within the startup ecosystem. My experience spans both as an entrepreneur who successfully navigated funding rounds and as an analyst who has delved deep into the intricacies of investment data.

When it comes to substantiating my expertise, I have a proven track record of leveraging exclusive data sources, conducting in-depth analyses, and providing valuable insights into the funding landscape. I have been invited to speak at industry conferences, and my articles on funding strategies and investor relations have been featured in reputable publications. Additionally, I have cultivated a network of contacts within investment firms, individual investors, and startup communities, allowing me to stay at the forefront of emerging trends.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. Total Number of Funding Rounds:

    • This metric refers to the cumulative count of funding rounds that a particular startup has undergone. It provides insight into the company's funding history and growth trajectory.
  2. Total Amount Raised Across All Funding Rounds:

    • This represents the aggregate sum of money raised by a startup through all its funding rounds. It serves as a key indicator of the financial backing the company has received.
  3. Total Number of Lead Investment Firms and Individual Investors:

    • This includes the count of investment firms and individual investors who have taken the lead in organizing and spearheading funding rounds for the startup.
  4. Total Number of Investment Firms and Individual Investors:

    • Encompasses the overall number of investment entities, including both firms and individual investors, that have participated in funding rounds for the startup.
  5. Total Number of Funds Raised:

    • This refers to the cumulative count of funds that the startup has successfully raised from various investors and funding rounds.
  6. Announced Date:

    • The date on which a specific funding round or fund raise is publicly announced, providing transparency and insight into the timeline of financial events.
  7. Transaction Name:

    • An auto-generated name assigned to a funding round or transaction, such as "Angel - Uber," to provide a quick identifier for reference.
  8. Number of Investors:

    • The total count of individual investors participating in a specific funding round, offering granularity into the diversity and scale of investor involvement.
  9. Money Raised:

    • The monetary amount raised in a particular funding round, reflecting the financial support garnered by the startup during that specific transaction.
  10. Lead Investors:

    • Identifies the primary investor or investment firm that took the lead in organizing and orchestrating the funding round.

These concepts collectively provide a comprehensive view of a startup's funding history, investor landscape, and financial achievements. The data presented plays a crucial role in understanding the growth trajectory and financial health of a company in the competitive landscape of startups and venture capital.

SpaceX - Funding, Financials, Valuation & Investors (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.