SMSF In House Asset Rules Explained: What Is Okay To Do / Not Do? (2024)


  • SMSF In House Asset Rules Explained: What Is Okay To Do / Not Do? (5)Gareth Lane
  • Updated Dec 19, 2022

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    This information has been reviewed by our SMSF Mates before it was published as part of our review process.

    The in-house asset rules of self-managed super funds (SMSFs) are designed to ensure that SMSF trustees do not use the fund’s assets to give themselves or members an unfair advantage. The rules are also intended to protect the interests of all SMSF members, by ensuring that the fund’s assets are used primarily for the purpose of providing retirement benefits. The in-house asset rules prohibit SMSF trustees from holding more than 5% of the fund’s total assets in this category.

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    What is an in-house asset of an SMSF?

    If your SMSF has in-house assets, there are strict rules you must follow. These rules are designed to ensure that your SMSF does not give an unfair advantage to members or related parties. You must value your fund assets at market value at least once every financial year.

    In-house assets held simply are any of the following unless exempt:

    • loan money to, or investment in, a related party of your fund
    • an investment in a related trust of your fund
    • an asset of your fund that has a lease arrangement to a related party.

    Your fund’s in-house assets must be included in the investment strategy that sets out how you will comply with the rules. Your investment strategy must be reviewed at least once a year. You must also keep records of all transactions involving in-house assets. These records must be kept for at least 10 years.

    SMSF and Related parties

    The definition of a related party is important for SMSFs as there are strict rules governing transactions between the SMSF and a related party. These rules are designed to prevent abuse of the SMSF system and ensure that SMSFs are operated for the sole purpose of providing retirement benefits for their members.

    A related party of an SMSF is any individual or entity that is:

    • A fund member
    • A relative of a fund member
    • A trustee or director of the SMSF
    • An employer, or an associate of an employer, of a fund member
    • A person who has control or influence over the SMSF.

    If an SMSF breaches the rules around related party transactions, the consequences can be severe, including civil and criminal penalties.

    What are the SMSF in-house asset rules?

    The in-house asset rules are designed to ensure that self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) trustees do not use their SMSF assets to give themselves an unfair advantage over other fund members. The in-house asset rules are designed to ensure that SMSF trustees comply with the sole purpose test and do not use their SMSF to gain a personal benefit.

    Under the in-house asset rules, an SMSF is prohibited from holding more than 5% of its total assets in an in-house asset.

    Under the rules, an SMSF trustee must not:

    • Use the SMSF’s assets to provide financial assistance to a member or their relatives
    • Borrow money from the SMSF or use the SMSF as security for a loan
    • Acquire an asset from a related party of the SMSF at less than market value
    • Allow a related party of the SMSF to occupy a property held by the SMSF other than on commercial terms.

    If an SMSF trustee breaches any of these rules, they may be subject to a range of penalties, including fines and disqualification from acting as an SMSF trustee.

    Related Party Exceptions

    An SMSF is not allowed to enter into transactions with a related party, unless certain conditions are met. These conditions are known as the ‘related party rules’.

    However, there are a number of exceptions to the related party rules. These exceptions allow SMSFs to engage in certain transactions with related parties without breaching the rules.

    Exemptions to the in-house asset rules

    There are a number of handy in-house asset exemptions that allow your SMSF to still invest in, or with related parties and they include:

    • Business real property that is leased on an arm’s length basis to a related party of the fund
    • A loan to or investment in a related company or unit trust made before the 11th of August 1999
    • Assets with a lease arrangement to a related party that have been continuous since before the 11th of August 1999
    • Investments made into a related unit trust (non-geared) or company
    • Investment in a public unlisted property fund (e.g. a widely held unit trust).

    Other related party transactions

    Other common ways that related parties can deal with each other is when they will buy and sell assets between them.

    The SIS Act (Section 66) outlines that your SMSF can acquire these types of assets from a related party:

    • Listed assets from an approved stock exchange like the ASX
    • Business real property (meaning land or buildings used exclusively in a business)
    • Where the value of the in-house asset in conjunction with value of existing in-house assets owned by the SMSF does not exceed the 5% limit when acquired.

    What are the consequences of breaching in-house asset rules?

    The in-house asset rules are complex, and trustees should seek professional advice before making any investments that could potentially breach the rules. Penalties for breaching the in-house asset rules can be severe, including disqualification from acting as an SMSF trustee. If you are found to have breached the in-house asset rules, there are a number of consequences that may apply. These include:

    • The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) may issue a direction to wind up the SMSF
    • The ATO may impose a civil penalty on the trustees
    • The trustees may be disqualified from acting as trustees of the SMSF
    • The SMSF may be liable for tax on any assets that have been acquired in breach of the rules.

    If you’re thinking about using your SMSF to invest in a business or property, make sure you understand the in-house asset rules first. Otherwise, you could end up putting your retirement at risk.

    Why is there a limit?

    There are a few reasons why the ATO imposes a 5% of the total fund assets limit in an SMSF. The ATO wants to ensure that SMSFs are diversified and not too heavily invested in a single asset. This diversification helps to minimise risk and maximise returns for the fund members.

    Secondly, the ATO wants to make sure that SMSFs are not being used as a way to get around tax laws. If an SMSF was allowed to have a large percentage of its assets in a single property or share portfolio, for example, it could be used for tax avoidance purposes.

    Lastly, the ATO believes that having a limit on in-house assets helps to protect members’ retirement savings. If an SMSF was to invest a large percentage of its assets in a single property or share portfolio, and that investment performed poorly, it could have a significant impact on the retirement savings of members.

    Can you live in your SMSF property in retirement?

    If you’re thinking of using your SMSF to purchase a property that you’ll live in one day, there are a few things you need to know. First and foremost, under current legislation, you can’t live in a property owned by your SMSF until you retire.

    There are a number of reasons for this. The purpose of an SMSF is to provide for your retirement, not to subsidise your lifestyle while you’re still working. If you were to live in an SMSF-owned property while you were still working, it would be considered on an arm’s length basis and attract significant penalties.

    So if you’re thinking of using your SMSF to purchase a property that you’ll one day retire to, you need to be aware of the restrictions and make sure you have a solid plan in place. Otherwise, you could find yourself in hot water with the tax office.

    Business real property

    Acquiring business real property can be a complex process, and there are a number of important considerations to take into account. One key issue is the in-house asset and related party acquisition rules, which can impact both the purchase price and the tax treatment of the transaction.

    Under the new in-house assets and related party acquisition rules, business real property is an exception. This means that businesses can continue to acquire real property from related parties, provided that the real property is used for business purposes.

    The definition is quite broad and includes any land or buildings that are used for business purposes. This includes office buildings, retail premises, factories and warehouses. It also includes any associated fixtures and fittings, such as air conditioning units and security systems.

    When done correctly, acquiring it can be a great way to expand your company’s footprint or add valuable assets to your portfolio. But it’s important to understand the rules and regulations surrounding this process before moving forward, in order to avoid any costly mistakes so it would be best to seek personal financial advice on the topic.

    The bottom line

    This can be a difficult rule to comply with, especially if the SMSF has a small number of members. In such cases, it may be necessary to invest in other assets, such as listed shares or managed funds, to ensure that the 5% limit is not breached.

    If you’re thinking about investing in an SMSF, it’s important to gain personal financial advice about the in-house asset rules. They will be able to help you understand the rules and ensure that your SMSF is compliant.

    General Advice Warning
    • SMSF In House Asset Rules Explained: What Is Okay To Do / Not Do? (6)
    • SMSF In House Asset Rules Explained: What Is Okay To Do / Not Do? (7)
    • SMSF In House Asset Rules Explained: What Is Okay To Do / Not Do? (8)
    • SMSF In House Asset Rules Explained: What Is Okay To Do / Not Do? (9)

    SMSF In House Asset Rules Explained: What Is Okay To Do / Not Do? (10)

    Gareth Lane

    Concise Digital

    Gareth Lane is a successful entrepreneur, businessman, and owner of the digital marketing and web agency Concise Digital, based out of Perth, Western Australia. Concise Digital have solved over 60,000 digital / web problems for clients since 2005. Gareth is one of the founders of SMSF Mate.

    Gareth is passionate about helping small businesses be more successful online by avoiding the pitfalls of digital marketing. He regularly runs live talks, workshops and meetups discussing Google, social media and all things digital marketing.

    Gareth studied Business and Commerce at Curtin University, and has held board positions for a number of organisations, including serving as the President of the Western Suburbs Business Association and as a non-executive member of WA Business Assist. A true entrepreneur at heart, he started his first business at 13 and has created and run multiple successful businesses since.

    Gareth enjoys good food, great wine and time in the sun when he’s not at his computer helping other businesses get ahead!

    You can find out more about Gareth or connect with him on Linkedin here:

    Or visit his websites here: or

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  • SMSF Mate is a unique website because it has ideas about how to approach SMSFs, insurance and other financial topics that come straight from first hand experience. It's much more useful than what you find on all the other financial websites that just offer generic info that you could easily get on the ATO's website. It's also nice to know there's no financial incentive behind the information, it's legitimately there to help people understand self-managed super funds and how to get the most out of them, not to get an affiliate commission from a broker or other financial services provider. The investment product information is also incredibly useful, I've never seen this kind of functionality on any other website that let's you look at such a wide range of products, sort by what info is most interesting or important to you, and subscribe to updates for different funds and financial products all in one place. Definitely worth checking out if you own or are considering an SMSF!

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  • SMSF Mate provides a unique insight into superannuation and financial topics in a way that is easier to understand than conventional websites. The colloquial nature of the site makes it easy to understand and they often speak about complicated topics in lamens terms so I can wrap my head around them. The investment product information is a great way to research funds that I am interested in investing in with my SMSF and there is a lot of helpful information on the site for better structuring my investment portfolio. In comparison to other websites which offer similar information, SMSF Mate excels as the information is free to access whereas many other sites charge a subscription fee for the same thing. Overall, I think SMSF Mate is a great resource for SMSF trustees and is worth looking at for a variety of super-related topics. Thanks.

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SMSF In House Asset Rules Explained: What Is Okay To Do / Not Do? (2024)


SMSF In House Asset Rules Explained: What Is Okay To Do / Not Do? ›

Under the in-house asset rules, an SMSF is prohibited from holding more than 5% of its total assets in an in-house asset. Under the rules, an SMSF trustee must not: Use the SMSF's assets to provide financial assistance to a member or their relatives. Borrow money from the SMSF or use the SMSF as security for a loan.

What is the in-house asset rule for self managed super fund? ›

In-house assets are investments, loans or leases to Fund Members and related parties of the SMSF. You are restricted from lending to, investing in or leasing to a related party of the Fund for investments totaling more than 5% of the SMSF's assets.

What is the 5 rule for SMSF? ›

An in-house asset cannot be more than 5% of your SMSF's total assets at market value. Exceptions to this rule include business real property or commercial property. A trustee's company (as opposed to the property the business operated in) would not be an exception to the in-house asset test.

What are the drawbacks of SMSF? ›

Choosing a self managed super fund over a regular superannuation fund brings with it many advantages, but there are also some things to watch out for.
  • Responsibility. All decisions and responsibilities for managing the SMSF rest with the trustee. ...
  • Cost. ...
  • Limited Ability to Diversify. ...
  • Lack of Compensation Scheme.

What are in-house assets for superannuation? ›

Subject to certain exceptions, an "in-house asset" includes an asset of the fund that is: a loan to a related party of the fund. an investment in a related party or a related trust of the fund.

Can you get out of a self-managed super fund? ›

If the member meets a condition of release, they can choose if you pay out their benefits as cash or roll them over to another complying super fund. Any instructions from a member to a trustee about payment of benefits should be documented in writing.

What is the inhouse assets rule? ›

Under the in-house asset rules, an SMSF is prohibited from holding more than 5% of its total assets in an in-house asset. Under the rules, an SMSF trustee must not: Use the SMSF's assets to provide financial assistance to a member or their relatives. Borrow money from the SMSF or use the SMSF as security for a loan.

What is the 10% rule for SMSF? ›

This rule provided that an individual must have earned less than 10% of their income from their employment related activities to be able to deduct a personal contribution.

What is the 1 12th rule for SMSF? ›

For super income streams that commence part-way through the year, a small underpayment is one-twelfth of the minimum annual pension payment amount and not the pro-rated amount. If the underpayment exceeds one-twelfth, you need to write to us and explain why you could not make the minimum payment.

Can I store my SMSF gold at home? ›

They cannot be leased, used or displayed by a related party and must not be stored in a private residence of a related party. You will be required to insure the coins within 7 days of acquisition. Not meeting these requirements could result in a contravention and the fund being made non-complying.

Are SMSF exempt from capital gains tax? ›

Complying SMSFs are entitled to a CGT discount of 1/3 if the relevant asset had been owned for at least a year. The CGT discount and any other concessions. A capital loss made on a sale of investment can only be offset against capital gains.

Is self managed super a good idea? ›

The question “is it worth it?” will depend on your individual circ*mstances and what your goals for retirement are. If you're wanting to take control of your retirement savings and like having the flexibility to invest in assets of your choice, then an SMSF may be right for you.

What is the average cost of running a SMSF? ›

The latest SMSF data from 2019-2020 show that median operating expenses for an SMSF is $4,000 including deductible and non-deductible expenses such as the approved auditor fee, management and administration expenses and the SMSF supervisory levy.

Does owning a house count as an asset? ›

Your home falls in the asset category even if you have not paid it entirely off. The value assigned to your home can be the amount you paid to purchase it, the taxable value or the current market value based on how other houses are selling in your neighborhood.

Does my house count as an asset? ›

A house, like any other object that comes into your possession, is classified as an asset. An asset is something you own. A house has a value. Whether you assign the value as the price at which you purchased the house or the price at which you believe you can sell the house, that amount is how much your house is worth.

What percent of your assets should be in your house? ›

In conclusion, shoot for your primary residence value to equal no more than 30% of your net worth by age 45. If you do, you will find a great balance. In finance, there are few things better than enjoying your home in a stress-free manner while it also appreciates in value.

What assets can a SMSF invest in? ›

The members of the SMSF have full control over their investment decisions and can invest in a range of assets like:
  • Shares (Australian and international)
  • Property (Residential and Commercial)
  • Overseas investments.
  • Cash.
  • Bonds.
  • Term deposits.
  • Physical commodities.

What is the maximum amount you can have in a self managed super fund? ›

$110,000 per person per year (equivalent to four times the concessional contributions limit), of non-taxable contributions, called 'Non-Concessional Contributions', as long as the member's balance is less than the transfer balance cap ($1.7 million in the 2023 year, increasing to $1.9 million in the 2024 year).

How much super do you need for a self managed fund? ›

There's no minimum balance required to set up an SMSF, but it usually becomes cost-effective once you have a balance of $250,000 or more. You will need to pay the annual supervisory levy to the ATO and arrange for an accountant to prepare the financial statements and tax return, and conduct an independent audit.

When can you draw on a self managed super fund? ›

The simplest answer to the question of when you can access your Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) is when you retire and you are at least 60 years old. But there are other things to consider as well, including some special circ*mstances that allow the money to be released earlier.

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