[Smart Rebalance] Strategy Analysis | KuCoin (2024)

Smart Rebalance is a classic strategy that has been used for decades in the traditional industry. The core of the strategy is to increase the total amount of assets by selling high and buying low, at the same time maintaining the portfolio basically unchanged.

When the portfolio imbalance exceeds the ratio or when the rebalance day arrives, the rebalance will be triggered. By selling coins with a high ratio and buying coins with a low ratio, the coin ratio will be adjusted to the targeted one.

In the short term, selling high and buying low will make some coins more, whereas others less, however, due to the market volatility, the total assets will increase.

The Principle of Smart Rebalance

To better understand the whole process of how Smart Rebalance works, we will take an example.

Assuming now your Smart Rebalance consists of four crypto assets which are BTC, ETH, LTC and KCS. Among the portfolio, four coins are equally sharing 25% value. If now the total value of the portfolio is 1,000 USDT, thus the value for four coins is 250 USDT.

Let’s take interval rebalance as an example. If the interval was set to 12 hours, within the following 12 hours, BTC has gone up, whereas ETH went down. When the rebalance timing of 12 hours arrives, rebalancing will be triggered which means the exceeding amount of BTC will be sold, to make the ratio of the portfolio to 25% again for four coins.

The Advantages of Smart Rebalance

With the trend of HOLDING strategy among the crypto investors, Smart Rebalance has brought a new way to hold for those investors, potentially increasing the return on holding crypto assets by taking advantage of rapid price fluctuations. When the price of the coin goes up reaching the targeted threshold, the Smart Rebalance bot will execute and distribute the additional value to other assets in the portfolio. Even if the price of the specific coin returns back to the original value before it has been rebalanced, the net profit has been achieved and naturally, the total amount of the assets increased.

Smart Rebalance right now offers 11 different types of portfolio which include 5 moderate asset class DCG Portfolio, A16Z Portfolio, AlamedaResearch(SBF) Portfolio, CEX and BSC; 2 aggressive asset class NFT and Privacy and 4 growth asset class Polkadot ecosystem, DEX, Defi and DAO. You could choose the portfolio based on your own risk appetite.

Two Rebalancing Modes

Smart Rebalance now provides two types of rebalancing modes which are Threshold Rebalancing (by coin ratio) and Periodic Rebalancing(by time).

Threshold Rebalancing

[Smart Rebalance] Strategy Analysis | KuCoin (1)

(1)Initial ratio (2)3% threshold triggered (3)Ratio after rebalancing

Assuming the targeted threshold coin ratio is 3%, as shown in pie chart 2, the position in green has gone up from 20% to 23% which just matches the targeted 3% deviation, thus rebalancing will be triggered and the ratio of the coins will be adjusted to the initial settings.

Periodic Rebalancing

[Smart Rebalance] Strategy Analysis | KuCoin (2)

(1)Initial ratio (2) Ratio within 24H (3) Ratio after Rebalancing

Assuming the interval for rebalancing is 24 hours, when the 24 hours reach, the bot will automatically adjust the ratio of the position to the initial settings.

Now you’ve learned much about the Smart Rebalance bot, go start and try it now!

[Smart Rebalance] Strategy Analysis | KuCoin (2024)


Is Smart Rebalance good? ›

The Advantages of Smart Rebalance

Even if the price of the specific coin returns back to the original value before it has been rebalanced, the net profit has been achieved and naturally, the total amount of the assets increased.

What is the smart Rebalance strategy? ›

Smart Rebalance can assist holders in further increasing their returns. The core of this strategy is to increase the total amount of assets while maintaining the portfolio percentage basically unchanged.

How does a rebalancing bot work? ›

The Rebalancing Bot will automatically adjust your holdings in the token combination of your choice. By buying low and selling high, your strategy can maintain the same ratio of asset values through rebalancing at preset intervals or thresholds.

What is spot trading on Kucoin? ›

Spot Grid trading is a trading strategy that seeks profit from market fluctuations by positioning buy orders and sell orders. The system will place buy orders when the price drops and sell orders when the price climbs over the base currency at set intervals around the set price to profit from the market trends.

Does rebalancing really work? ›

It may reduce the volatility of your investment portfolio and keeps the asset allocation in sync with your risk tolerance. If you don't rebalance, a diversified portfolio will maintain a higher return on investment with only slightly greater volatility.

What is the downside of rebalancing? ›

Rebalancing also increases costs due to transaction charges from buying and selling frequently. In addition to incurring more fees, rebalancing also yields higher taxes from realizing capital gains.

What is the best rebalancing strategy? ›

Calendar Rebalancing

Monthly and quarterly assessments are typically preferred, because weekly rebalancing would be overly expensive and a yearly approach would allow for too much intermediate portfolio drift.

Is rebalancing a portfolio good? ›

Why is rebalancing your portfolio important? Rebalancing your portfolio is important because over time, based on the returns of your investments, each asset class's weighting will change, altering the risk profile of your portfolio.

How often should you rebalance your portfolio? ›

Not sure when to rebalance your portfolio? We recommend checking your asset allocation every 6 months and making adjustments if it's shifted 5 percentage points or more from its target. However, if this doesn't work with your schedule, don't stress about the specifics.

How profitable is bot trading? ›

Crypto bot trading can be very profitable if done right. However, most services on the market fail to provide significant returns after transaction fees and their own monthly fees. It is important to choose the right service provider or create your own for success.

How effective is bot trading? ›

Answer: Trading bots are profitable for as long as you can configure them properly. The best crypto trading bots will obviously make a profit and it is essential to set to test them or have some sort of guarantee first before buying.

Can you lose on a trading bot? ›

You should still make the suggestions, choose the priorities and help yourself with the deals. Your chances to lose depends on the strategy you choose. If you choose the wrong plan, the bot can't change it.

Does KuCoin report to IRS? ›

Yes. Earning cryptocurrency from mining, staking, or other related transactions is a form of income that needs to be reported on your taxes.

Is KuCoin legal in the US? ›

KuCoin is a cryptocurrency exchange that operates in over 200 countries. 1 While experienced traders might appreciate some of this exchange's features, KuCoin isn't licensed in the U.S. and has received poor reviews from users. Not licensed in the U.S.

Are KuCoin bots profitable? ›

Earning Passive Income With Kucoin's Trading Bot

Kucoin's bot is a perfect source of passive income. As soon as you set it up, the bot will do the work for you. From there on, it all depends on the behavior of the crypto markets.

Does Warren Buffett rebalance his portfolio? ›

What often actually happens in the stock market and business is that industry economics and sustainable competitive advantages result in certain market-beating companies continuing to over-perform and poor companies continuing to drift. Hence, Buffett does not believe in rebalancing.

Does rebalancing improve returns? ›

Rebalancing is an investing best practice when you have target percentages for the investments you own. As time goes on, your investments grow at different rates. Rebalancing is when you trade what's out of balance to get back to your target percentages.

How do you easily rebalance a portfolio? ›

Over time, a balanced portfolio can become lopsided as the value of your investments change. You can rebalance your investment portfolio in two primary ways: Sell off high-performing investments and redirect the returns. Pump additional funds into asset classes that need a boost.

Why do many investors dislike portfolio rebalancing? ›

Many investors dislike rebalancing because it means selling winners in favor of losers. But the flip side of that story is when you rebalance, you're selling stocks that have done well and therefore may be more expensive, and you're buying stocks that have underperformed and may be selling at bargain prices.

Does rebalancing trigger capital gains? ›

During rebalancing, you'll want to consider and adjust to the asset types in your portfolio. If, for example, your portfolio is in a taxable account, there are tax implications each time you rebalance: You'll trigger capital gains when you sell and buy.

Why is rebalancing good? ›

Rebalancing your portfolio allows you to maintain your desired level of risk over time. Portfolios naturally get out of balance as the prices of individual investments fluctuate over time.

What is the 5 25 rule for rebalancing? ›

The 5/25 Rule

The “5” implies you have to rebalance any allocation that deviates from your portfolio by 5%. Conversely, the “25” represents smaller assets that constitute 5-10% of your investment. Rebalancing should only happen when an asset's share exceeds an absolute 5% or 25% of the initial target allocation.

Is rebalancing strategic or tactical? ›

During rebalancing, trades are made to bring the portfolio back to its desired strategic asset allocation. Tactical asset allocation adjusts the strategic asset allocation for a short time, with the intention of reverting to the strategic allocation once the short-term opportunities disappear.

Is rebalancing good for 401k? ›

Many savers don't realize that regularly rebalancing your 401(k) can help you stay within your ideal risk level and help protect against financial losses. As with any financial decision, consulting with an advisor or tax professional can help determine what's best for you.

Why does rebalancing give you more wealth? ›

Rebalancing gives investors the opportunity to sell high and buy low, taking the gains from high-performing investments and reinvesting them in areas that are expected to see notable growth.

What percentage of portfolio rebalancing? ›

Rebalancing usually involves selling only 5% to 10% of your portfolio. So if you are bothered by the idea of selling winners and buying losers (in the short term), at least you're only doing it with a small amount of your money.

What is the best rebalance percentage? ›

For those investors with taxable assets and an intermediate to long-term investment horizon, we find a rebalancing strategy that uses a 5 percent rebalance trigger (essentially rebalancing a portfolio whenever an allocation deviates 5 percent from its target weight) is the most optimal when considering return, risk and ...

Should your portfolio double every 7 years? ›

Assuming long-term market returns stay more or less the same, the Rule of 72 tells us that you should be able to double your money every 7.2 years. So, after 7.2 years have passed, you'll have $200,000; after 14.4 years, $400,000; after 21.6 years, $800,000; and after 28.8 years, $1.6 million.

What is the optimal rebalancing period? ›

The bottom line. Our research shows that optimal rebalancing methods are neither too frequent, such as monthly or quarterly calendar-based methods, nor too infrequent, such as rebalancing only every two years. For many investors, implementing an annual rebalancing is optimal.

What does a well balanced portfolio look like? ›

Typically, balanced portfolios are divided between stocks and bonds, either equally or with a slight tilt, such as 60% in stocks and 40% in bonds. Balanced portfolios may also maintain a small cash or money market component for liquidity purposes.

Can you make a living trading with bots? ›

The amount of money you can earn from using trading bots varies greatly. It largely depends on how much knowledge and experience. Another key factor is how much time you have. Yes, bots do save you time, but you still need to carry out research on trends and keep up with crypto news and things like that.

What percent of traders are bots? ›

These days, around 80 percent of trading on Wall Street is done using automated bots.

Can you make passive income with trading bots? ›

Passive income is a constant source of income that comes in without spending a lot of time or effort. Trading bots are one of the ways to earn passive income from digital currencies.

What are the disadvantages of bot trading? ›

One of the main disadvantages of using crypto arbitrage bots is their technical complexity. Setting up and configuring these bots can be challenging, especially for inexperienced traders. Additionally, these bots require a significant amount of technical knowledge and programming skills to operate successfully.

How long should a trading bot run? ›

You can let the grid bot run for years. However you will also want to make sure that the price of the pair is in between the upper and lower limit of the price. If it goes above or below it is not trading at all.

Why do trading bots fail? ›

If you've traded in the equity markets, you'll understand that the software used to run algorithmic trading systems is complex. Algorithms used in crypto trading bots are even more complex and need to be programmed with extreme accuracy and precision. Ineffective algorithms cause crypto trading bots to fail.

Are AI trading bots worth it? ›

AI trading bots achieve a higher level of performance, and they don't require the user to spend loads of time studying different strategies and parameters. And they are a great option for those looking to get into crypto trading since they enable non-professional traders to leverage profitable strategies.

Do trading firms use bots? ›

Alongside prop firms gaining popularity, automated forex trading and trading bots have also gained a huge amount of popularity over the last few years. Many traders either have a bot in their portfolio, or are at least dabbling with creating one.

How do trading bots affect taxes? ›

Yes, you have to pay taxes if you use a crypto bot and realize a profit. The IRS considers cryptocurrency trading to be a taxable event, regardless of whether it was done by a trading bot. According to the IRS, digital assets are treated as property for federal tax purposes.

Can IRS touch crypto? ›

Yes, the IRS can track crypto as the agency has ordered crypto exchanges and trading platforms to report tax forms such as 1099-B and 1099-K to them. Also, in recent years, several exchanges have received several subpoenas directing them to reveal some of the user accounts.

Will IRS audit crypto? ›

Even if you haven't received a letter and you've not used an exchange that has been summoned by the IRS, the IRS may still audit your crypto investments.

Does the IRS look at crypto? ›

In addition, major exchanges issue 1099 forms to customers and to the IRS reporting on your crypto transaction activity. If you don't report transactions that have been reported to the IRS via Form 1099, you may automatically be sent a warning letter about your unpaid tax liability.

Why KuCoin not allowed in usa? ›

KuCoin is perfect for getting started in the crypto scene because it's so easy to use and offers low fees with plenty of coins to purchase. However, it's restricted for US citizens due to a lack of license and KYC (Know Your Customer) process.

Can US residents withdraw from KuCoin? ›

Can US citizens withdraw from KuCoin? Yes. However, KuCoin does not have a licensee to operate in the USA, so the company doesn't offer KYC verification for US customers. Therefore, the withdrawal amount is limited to 1 BTC per day, which is the limit for all unverified KuCoin accounts, no matter the country.

What happens if you use KuCoin in the US? ›

This means that users can deposit cryptocurrencies and swap them for other cryptocurrencies. To access more advanced features requires going through Kucoins KYC process which is not available to US users. Kucoin is not licensed to operate in the US and as such, the KYC verification is not available for US residents.

What is the most profitable trading bot on KuCoin? ›

Bitsgap – best trading bot on Kucoin (works via API) Bitsgap is one of the best trading bots for cryptocurrencies. It has a lot of automated trading features. It connects to 25 or more popular cryptocurrency exchanges, like Coinbase, Binance, Kucoin, Kraken, Huobi, Gate, and more, through API access.

What is the best way to make money with KuCoin? ›

Lending is the most popular way to earn passive income on the KuCoin platform. KuCoin lending currently supports around 90 digital assets for lending, even those that aren't commonly found on other crypto lending platforms.

How much money to start with crypto bot? ›

How much do you need to start any crypto bot? There is a minimum amount which can be traded on each exchange, and it depends on the cryptocurrency exchange and the pair, an 11-dollar equivalent is usually enough for any pair.

Does rebalancing hurt returns? ›

Because when you're rebalancing, you're often selling what went up faster (stocks) to buy what goes up slower (bonds). That can hurt total growth over long periods. If you never rebalance, over time you'll end up with a more aggressive portfolio. Maybe your 60/40 portfolio has become a 80/20 portfolio over time.

Do I really need to rebalance? ›

If you don't rebalance, you could expose yourself to more risk than you're comfortable with if the stock portion of your portfolio grows. On the other hand, failing to rebalance could mean you're not taking enough risk to achieve your investment goals.

Should I enroll in asset rebalancing? ›

Rebalancing your portfolio is important because over time, based on the returns of your investments, each asset class's weighting will change, altering the risk profile of your portfolio.

Can you rebalance portfolio too often? ›

Limit how often you rebalance. Rebalancing too frequently can come at the cost of lower returns and a heavier tax burden.

What is the best frequency for rebalancing? ›

Our research shows that optimal rebalancing methods are neither too frequent, such as monthly or quarterly calendar-based methods, nor too infrequent, such as rebalancing only every two years. For many investors, implementing an annual rebalancing is optimal.

Should I rebalance during a bear market? ›

That's where rebalancing comes in. It's important to take time and realign your investments with your original plan, whether you still have decades to invest or are nearing retirement. It's particularly important in Bear markets and the prospect of a recession looming.

Should I rebalance during a recession? ›

Rebalancing your portfolio — which involves buying and selling investments to restore your original asset allocation, or mix of stocks, bonds and other investments — is usually a good idea, but not during a market sell-off. When things are looking bleak, consider holding on to your investments.

Does rebalancing trigger taxes? ›

Rebalance in tax-advantaged accounts

Because rebalancing can involve selling assets, it often results in a tax burden—but only if it's done within a taxable account. Selling these assets within a tax-advantaged account instead won't have any tax impact.

Are there fees for rebalancing? ›

How Much Does Rebalancing Your 401(k) Cost? In general, rebalancing your 401(k) doesn't cost you anything. You are selling your own assets and buying new ones, and most investment options included in your 401(k) do not incur a transaction fee. Trades that do incur fees are usually listed in an obvious manner.

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

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Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.