Small Business Ideas Where No Inventory Is Required (2024)

When you decide to start a business, sometimes the plan is more focused on the overall lifestyle of being your own boss rather than having a specific industry or type of business in mind. If you want to get started quickly and inexpensively as an entrepreneur, one great business idea is to consider options where you can start an online business with no inventory.

An inventory-free business is a good low-risk business to start to get your feet wet in the business world and frequently coordinates well as a side gig if you aren’t quite ready to quit your day job. Let’s take a closer look at some of the best small business ideas that you can start with no inventory cost.

Small Business Ideas Where No Inventory Is Required (1)

What Are the Benefits of Not Having Inventory?

No inventory means no inventory costs, no inventory hassles and no time required to manage the details of your inventory. But beyond the cost and time savings, there are a variety of less obvious perks to starting a small business where no inventory is required:

  • Inventory requires a place to store it. With a no-inventory small business, you won’t need to maintain warehouse space for your inventory. You’ll save money not having to lease space, as well as not needing to insure the contents of the warehouse.
  • If you don’t have inventory, you won’t need to monitor your inventory levels. This means you won’t need to invest in a tracking system, nor will you need to maintain a minimum level of inventory since there isn’t any.
  • No need to worry about shipping. No inventory means no shipping to customers, which saves you the worry of keeping track of packages, dealing with lost packages and maintaining an inventory of shipping materials.

Low Inventory Business Ideas

When it comes to the most successful small business ideas, you don't have to take on a lot of financial risk. Not every business requires you to invest a lot of upfront money on inventory or pay the overhead costs of a brick-and-mortar business model.

Here are a few options for good low-risk businesses that you can start with little or no inventory costs:


This is a popular new ecommerce business model where you can sell customized printed products without having to maintain an inventory or printing press. A great option for beginning graphic designers and artists, all you have to do is create the custom art designs and find a printing vendor. Options range from mugs and T-shirts to cards, invitations and posters.

Small Business Ideas Where No Inventory Is Required (2)


The print-on-demand process looks like this:

  1. Create a design.
  2. Provide an image to the printing vendor.
  3. Advertise products with the image on your site.
  4. When an order comes in, the supplier will print your provided image on the selected product and ship it out directly to your customer.

Freelance Writer/Designer/Developer

If you have professional skills in copywriting, editing, graphic design, web development or any other digital skills, you can make money and start your own business as a freelancer. With nearly all gigs being done online, you won't need any inventory on hand as your work will be completed with a computer.

Business Consultant

Starting a consulting business is a great way to take your career in a new direction by building upon your previous career experiences. What problems can you help companies solve? Businesses need creative problem-solvers more than ever; your consulting business could help deliver massive value for your clients.


There are several options for getting involved with ecommerce. Since you will be focusing on low-risk business models with no inventory, the most important first step will be to find a reputable supplier that can accommodate your business model. Once you have the supplier set up, you can get your website up and running and be selling in no time!

Before creating a website, make sure to research your business name and make sure it's available in your state. Use our Business Name Search Tool to get started:

Life Coach/Career Coach

Many people are looking for help to navigate challenges and make big improvements in their personal and professional lives. There are ways to start a business as a life coach, career coach or other professional adviser.

Real Estate Professional

There are many opportunities to start a real estate business, depending on your skills and interests. Would you love to fix up old houses and flip them for a profit? Or could you become a professional property manager for other real estate investors? Getting your real estate license and becoming a professional real estate agent can also be a great route to starting a real estate business.


Dropshipping is a great way to start a business with very little startup cost. In this business model, product fulfillment takes place with your vendor or supplier. As with the other no-inventory ecommerce scenarios we have discussed here, your business will not keep the physical inventory in stock. The client will come to your website, order the product and your vendor will fulfill the order. As long as you have a reputable vendor/supplier, there is minimal risk and minimal cost to this model. You can work from just about anywhere since your piece of the business is the virtual portion.

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)

The Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA) model is a bit different from dropshipping and other no-inventory models because you have to store your products in an Amazon fulfillment center first. Once Amazon has your products on hand, they will be available for your customers to buy from the Amazon website. Once ordered, Amazon will take care of packaging and shipping the items to your customers for you. With the FBA process, your products will be eligible for the popular Amazon customer perks such as Amazon Prime with two-day shipping, as well as Amazon’s customer service and returns.

Start an Online Business with No Inventory

Ecommerce businesses can be a great fit for your entrepreneurial dreams because these business models can be low-risk, low-cost and remote-friendly. Take the time to research the products you want to offer on your website and really get to know your chosen niche. Create a marketing plan to attract customers, and think about how to give your business a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

There are a few potential downsides to a no-inventory business model; you might be working with slimmer profit margins and have less control over the quality of your customer experience. However, if you take the time to choose reputable suppliers and vendors and negotiate the best deal for yourself, you can still build a profitable, growing business that can help you live a comfortable entrepreneurial lifestyle for years to come.

Small Business Ideas Where No Inventory Is Required (3)

Small Business Ideas Where No Inventory Is Required (4)

Ben Gran

Ben Gran is a freelance writer from Des Moines, Iowa. Ben has written for Fortune 500 companies, the Governor of Iowa (who now serves as U.S. Secretary of Agriculture), the U.S. Secretary of the Navy, and many corporate clients. He writes about entrepreneurship, technology, food and other areas of great personal interest.

Small Business Ideas Where No Inventory Is Required (2024)


Small Business Ideas Where No Inventory Is Required? ›

Many services do not require any inventory. For example, you could sell on-line services such as packaging e-books, designing websites or creating webinars. You could also provide services such as cleaning, painting or gardening.

What business does not require inventory? ›

Many services do not require any inventory. For example, you could sell on-line services such as packaging e-books, designing websites or creating webinars. You could also provide services such as cleaning, painting or gardening.

How do I start a business with no inventory? ›

How to Start An Online Store Without Inventory
  1. Dropshipping. Dropshipping is when the manufacturer creates and ships the products on your behalf directly to the customer. ...
  2. Affiliate store. ...
  3. Print on demand. ...
  4. Digital products and services. ...
  5. Fulfillment by Amazon. ...
  6. Third-party logistics (3PL) company.

Can a company operate without inventory? ›

This depends on a number of factors. If the business has few competitors, it can run in a less than optimal fashion with too little or too much inventory, as long as it makes a profit. Some small start-ups with few customers can also do without formal inventory oversight for a while at least.

What is the easiest business to have? ›

Business ideas that are easy to start quickly
  1. Yard work. People with 9-to-5 jobs don't always want to spend their weekends doing yard work. ...
  2. Software training. ...
  3. Homemade soap making. ...
  4. Errand service. ...
  5. Social media management. ...
  6. Freelance services. ...
  7. Selling on eBay. ...
  8. Pet sitting.

What are the most successful small businesses? ›

Most profitable small business ideas
  • Website and app development. It should be no surprise that tech is one of the fastest-growing industries. ...
  • Financial consulting. ...
  • Online business consulting. ...
  • Information security. ...
  • Digital marketing. ...
  • Social media marketing. ...
  • Writer or author. ...
  • Graphic design.
May 11, 2023

What business can I start with 5000? ›

If you're stumped for ideas, here are 25 small businesses that cost less than $5,000 to start.
  • Accountant. Before anything, you must determine what your services will include. ...
  • App Development. ...
  • Babysitting Service. ...
  • Blogging. ...
  • Computer Repair. ...
  • Consultant. ...
  • Entrepreneurship. ...
  • Event Planning.
Jan 20, 2022

Can you have a business without selling anything? ›

There are so many ways you can make money online even if you don't have a product or service to sell. Affiliate marketing, ad networks, micropayments, sponsored posts, and product reviews are all great examples of how to make money online without selling anything.

Can you start a business without selling anything? ›

You can still start a business without money and build a business without a product. Products are only one part of the entrepreneurial eco-system. Here's how you can start a business with nothing but yourself. All you need is “you”, a deep sense of commitment, and willing to go at it.

How do I start my own business and not fail? ›

  1. Make the commitment. Successful founders commit first to entrepreneurship itself, rather than to a single business model or product. ...
  2. Find a problem, then solve it. ...
  3. Think Big, Think New, Think Again. ...
  4. You can't do it alone. ...
  5. You must do it alone. ...
  6. Manage risk. ...
  7. Learn to lead. ...
  8. Learn to sell.
Oct 21, 2010

What is an example of zero inventory? ›

The best zero stock examples include Amazon, Alibaba, and Walmart, all of which are eCommerce retail stores that take consumer orders online and send them to respective manufacturers via an automated inventory management system.

What is zero inventory model? ›

Zero inventory is a business strategy where companies aspire to hold little or no on-hand inventory stock. The aim of zero inventory is to order the exact quantity that will be sold, and receipt goods into stock when they are needed.

What to do if there is no inventory? ›

9 Ways to Deal with Out-of-Stock Inventory
  1. Be transparent. ...
  2. Explain. ...
  3. Set up notifications. ...
  4. Look at your supply chain. ...
  5. Borrow from yourself. ...
  6. Use alternate product recommendations. ...
  7. Sell now, ship later. ...
  8. Assess your marketing.

What business can I start with $100? ›

15 Easy Businesses to Start with Less Than $100
  • Consultant. A consultancy business is easy to start and has a lot of potential for growth. ...
  • Social Media Manager. ...
  • Painting Contractor. ...
  • Tour Guide. ...
  • Cleaning Service. ...
  • Blogger. ...
  • Freelancer. ...
  • WordPress Developer.

What business will always be in demand? ›

Industries that will never go away are those that cater to basic human needs and thus have continued high demand. Food is considered one of the safest industries for investment and is comprised of diverse sectors including agriculture, ranching, processing, preservation, preparation, and packaging.

What small businesses are most likely to fail? ›

Here are five small business types with a high failure rate.
  1. Restaurants. Independent restaurants have a failure rate of over 60% at the 10-year mark. ...
  2. Retail stores. Another business with intense competition is a retail store. ...
  3. Direct sales. ...
  4. Construction. ...
  5. Insurance sales.
Mar 7, 2023

What is the hottest business right now? ›

20 Hot New Small Business Ideas to Start
  • #1. Online Publisher.
  • #2. Content Agency.
  • #3. Digital Marketing Firm.
  • #4. Bookkeeping.
  • #5. E-Commerce Company.
  • #6. Web Design and App Development.
  • #7. Sell Hand-Crafted Items on Etsy.
  • #8. Become a Reseller.

What is the fastest money making business? ›

Latest 6 Business Ideas to Make Money Fast in April 2023
  • Freelancing for Professionals. Freelancing is one of the options to earn money instantly, as the freelancer receives the money just after the project completion. ...
  • Food & Beverage Business. ...
  • Blogging. ...
  • Boutique. ...
  • Digital Marketing. ...
  • Custom Jewellery.
Mar 29, 2023

What business can I start with $1,000? ›

20 Businesses You Can Start with $1,000
  • Photographer.
  • Senior Home Care Aid.
  • Personal Trainer.
  • Author/Writer.
  • Virtual Assistant.
  • Auto Detailer.
  • Consultant.
  • Social Media Manager.
Sep 13, 2022

What business can I start with $500 dollars? ›

20 cheap businesses you can start with $500 or less
  • Online seller. Whether you want to sell apparel, collectibles or something else, you can easily get up and running online on the cheap. ...
  • Virtual educator/trainer. ...
  • Dropshipper. ...
  • Social media marketer. ...
  • Freelance writer or editor. ...
  • Sales consultant. ...
  • DIY crafts and treats. ...
  • Lawn care.
May 12, 2023

Is $3000 enough to start a business? ›

According to the SBA or Small Business Administration, most microbusinesses (with one to three employees) cost approximately $3,000 to start. Additionally, they estimate home-based businesses to cost between $2,000 and $5,000 to start.

How many small businesses don t sell? ›

The fact of the matter is that this is more of a realistic scenario than most business owners realize. According to surveys approximately 30 to 40% of businesses listed for sale actually ever sell. Most experienced business brokers and expert dealers will tell you this is probably accurate.

How do I sell myself as a small business? ›

Here are some skills to learn when selling yourself.
  1. Be confident. Let's just call it what it is. ...
  2. Be persistent. We're not done with the clichés. ...
  3. Don't be boring. ...
  4. Offer a solution. ...
  5. Stop with the resume speak. ...
  6. Work on your non-verbal communication. ...
  7. Be positive.
Sep 30, 2022

How can I make real money at home? ›

23 Easy Ways to Make Money From Home
  1. Rent out rooms in your home. ...
  2. Be a housesitter. ...
  3. Become an online tutor. ...
  4. Rent out your car. ...
  5. Start a freelance business. ...
  6. Pet sitting at your home. ...
  7. Monetize social media and streaming accounts. ...
  8. Sell web domain names.

What is the most common business to fail? ›

Industries with the worst survival rates

The information industry — which includes processes like producing and distributing information and cultural products and processing data — has the highest percentage of businesses that fail in the first year (26.4%).

What are 3 things small businesses can do to survive during hard times? ›

5 Ways To Help Your Business Survive Tough Economic Times
  • Put Together A Budget. ...
  • Maintain A Healthy Cash Flow. ...
  • Getting That Small Business Loan. ...
  • Maintain A Healthy Banking Relationship. ...
  • Don't Cut Back on Marketing.
Jul 11, 2019

Why do most small businesses fail? ›

The most common reasons small businesses fail include a lack of capital or funding, retaining an inadequate management team, a faulty infrastructure or business model, and unsuccessful marketing initiatives.

What are the disadvantages of no inventory? ›

Drawbacks of Zero Inventory

Unexpected demand surges can put the company at a disadvantage if they follow zero inventory. They may be unable to fulfil orders in time, disrupting the supply chain, and annoying customers. Vendors often spike the prices in the short term, increasing costs for businesses.

What are non inventory products? ›

Non-Inventory Item – is a type of product that is purchased or sold but whose quantity is not tracked. This type of items are purchased for company use or custom product purchased for Projects. Non-Inventory Items appear in sales process (on Sales Quotes, Sales Orders, Sales Invoices, or customer Credit Notes).

Can beginning inventory be 0? ›

I had no inventory at the beginning of the year but around August, I had inventory so do I enter zero for the beginning? Yes, that is correct.

What are the 5 types of inventory? ›

Depending on the business, inventory can include raw materials, component parts, work in progress, finished goods, or any packaging.
  • Raw materials inventory. ...
  • Maintenance, Repair, and Operating (MRO) inventory. ...
  • Decoupling inventory. ...
  • Work In Progress (WIP) inventory. ...
  • Finished goods inventory.
Dec 4, 2021

What is Lilo inventory? ›

Last in, first out (LIFO) is a method used to account for inventory. Under LIFO, the costs of the most recent products purchased (or produced) are the first to be expensed. LIFO is used only in the United States and governed by the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

What is the best inventory model? ›

Three of the most popular inventory control models are Economic Order Quantity (EOQ), Inventory Production Quantity, and ABC Analysis. Each inventory model has a different approach to help you know how much inventory you should have in stock.

Can you have cost of sales without inventory? ›

Key Takeaways

Not all companies can list COGS on their income statement, however. In particular, many service-based businesses, such as accounting and real estate firms, do not have COGS. That's because they don't make or carry a good/inventory.

What do you call inventory that doesn't sell? ›

Dead stock, also known as dead inventory or obsolete inventory, refers to items that aren't expected to sell.

How do I sell on Shopify without inventory? ›


One of the most popular ways to sell on Shopify without holding any inventory is through dropshipping. Shopify stores that use this business model don't need to have their own product inventory, warehouse, or shipping capabilities.

What businesses give you a lot of money? ›

  • Financial Services.
  • Eldercare.
  • Business Consultancy.
  • Investment Firm.
  • Education and Training Service.
  • Insurtech.
  • Cleaning Business.
  • Healthcare Consultancy.
May 11, 2022

What is the best trade for self-employed people? ›

Carpentry, electrical and plumbing are the most popular, but it's fair to say these are the most common trades regardless of whether you're self-employed or on wages. Any trade that allows you to run your business out of a vehicle is going to have lower overheads, but you'll also have a lot more competition.

What business can I start with little cash? ›

16 Best Small Business Ideas You Can Start With Little Money
  • Dropshipping. ...
  • Start a Blog. ...
  • Create and Sell an Online Course. ...
  • Sell Your Graphic Design Services Online. ...
  • Freelance Illustration. ...
  • Start a Podcast. ...
  • Become an Instagram Influencer. ...
  • Pet Sitting/ Pet Grooming Business.

What business makes the most money every day? ›

Most Profitable Business Ideas
  • Business Consulting. If you're an expert in your industry and have been working at it for years, you should consider consulting. ...
  • IT Support, Technology Consulting, and Repair. ...
  • Cleaning Services. ...
  • Accounting and Tax Preparation. ...
  • Auto Repair. ...
  • Real Estate. ...
  • Online courses. ...
  • Marketing and PR Services.

How to be a millionaire in five years? ›

Let's talk about these in detail in the next sections.
  1. Formulate a Financial Plan.
  2. Be Strong Enough to Take Risks.
  3. Keep Off Excuses & Enhance Your Confidence.
  4. Keep Some Capital in Hand.
  5. Save Cash From Your Earnings.
  6. Invest Your Money Wisely.

What services can I offer to make money? ›

Marketing and sales service business ideas
  • Website designer. So many people want to improve their online presence and may look for a website designer to help them out. ...
  • Graphic designer. ...
  • Technical writer. ...
  • Content writer. ...
  • Editor and proofreader. ...
  • Ghostwriter. ...
  • SEO strategist. ...
  • Social media consultant.
Oct 24, 2022

What is the biggest mistake small businesses make? ›

One of the biggest common mistakes new business owners make is losing focus. Whether it's getting comfortable and coasting or losing interest in their company, it's critical for you to focus on running your small business to help it grow and succeed. A good way to keep you focused is to set goals for your startup.

Why do 90% of businesses fail? ›

According to business owners, reasons for failure include money running out, being in the wrong market, a lack of research, bad partnerships, ineffective marketing, and not being an expert in the industry. Ways to avoid failing include setting goals, accurate research, loving the work, and not quitting.

What business does not fail? ›

Agriculture-related businesses have a low failure rate and, at most, never fail. They are very durable. The success rate for agricultural businesses is an amazing 88%. Therefore, this can be ideal for you if you have a green thumb and an interest in farming or other business related to agriculture.

What are examples of non inventory? ›

A few common examples of non-inventory items include the items in a bill of materials (BOM), the items a construction company buys for a particular job, or office supplies a company buys for its own use.

Do businesses have to do inventory? ›

Businesses generally must use inventories for income tax purposes when necessary to clearly reflect income. To clearly reflect income, businesses must take inventories at the beginning and end of each tax year in which the production, purchase or sale of merchandise is an income-producing factor.

Do companies have to do inventory? ›

According to the IRS and generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”), companies with physical inventory are required to, periodically, conduct an inventory count. There are two main methods by which a company can accomplish this goal: an annual physical inventory count, or periodic inventory cycle counting.

Why do companies not want to hold inventory? ›

Reduces available cash flow: Having too much money tied up in inventory can quickly create a cash-flow shortfall, and no business wants this. Moreover, such a shortfall can mean that your business will have to borrow money and pay interest on that loan. This further places a financial burden on your business.

What is the term for inventory that doesn't sell? ›

Inventory that doesn't turn over—that doesn't sell—is often referred to as dead stock. For businesses that don't use inventory management software, dead stock can remain on warehouse shelves forgotten and useless. Dead stock costs businesses money.

How often should a small business do inventory? ›

Periodic counts might be once every two months or every three weeks, depending on warehouse size and company needs. This will create better visibility than yearly or seasonal options but it also requires more time and manpower. Workers must ensure they are performing inventory consistently between each count.

Do I have to count inventory for taxes? ›

How does inventory affect your tax return? Inventory affects a company's taxable income by reducing the amount of revenue that is subject to taxation. By deducting the cost of goods sold from revenue, businesses can lower their taxable income and, thus, their tax liability.

Is inventory a tax write off? ›

tax methods. In regards to GAAP, once you have identified inventory that you cannot sell, you must write this inventory off as an expense. Assuming no receipt of payment for the inventory, you will debit a cost of goods sold account and credit either inventory directly or your inventory reserve account.

What do companies do with unsold inventory? ›

Liquidation Wholesalers

Some of these companies specialize in selling to overseas markets, while others offer excess inventory to companies that offer bargain prices to customers. You will get pennies on the dollars from these wholesalers, but you will be able to convert your unwanted inventory to cash immediately.

What is the rule of inventory? ›

The 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, states that 80% of results come from 20% of causes. Therefore, you need to identify and prioritize the 20% of factors that produce the highest outcomes. In inventory, the rule suggests that 20% of your inventory accounts for 80% of your profit.

Do I have to count inventory? ›

Although it can be tedious, inventory counting is a must. Without it, items can be overstocked, understocked, or out of stock without anyone noticing. Business profits, losses, and taxes will be recorded inaccurately and lead to costly mistakes.

When should you avoid holding inventory? ›

If the production is not consistent with quality, the goods produced will get rejected leading to an increase in rejected inventory. Secondly, to make up for the loss due to quality rejection, one would have to increase production and hold finished goods inventory.

What is zero stock? ›

Zero stock is a logistics and production strategy that aims to reduce the number of SKUs in a warehouse in order to bring down operating costs. The goal is to ensure that there is no non-moving inventory without a purchase order to back it up.

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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

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Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.