Skills to Learn to Make Money: A Step-by-Step Guide - (2024)

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Earning money often requires having certain skills. In today’s economy, more opportunities exist than ever for those willing to gain new skills. You don’t need extensive formal education to acquire many profitable skills either.

With some focus and determination, nearly anyone can learn skills leading to extra income. Or even full-time work you enjoy. Let’s explore some of the most worthwhile skills to learn to make money.

Skills to Learn to Make Money: A Step-by-Step Guide - (1)


Technical skills drive many online and technology-based jobs. High demand makes these skills very profitable. Technical skills also enable remote work for those seeking location flexibility.

Web Development

With so much business conducted online today, web development remains in high demand. Most companies rely on websites and apps to engage customers. There are over 1.7 billion websites active today (source).

As a web developer, you design, build, and program these sites and web apps. Most developers specifically work on the front-end (the visible interface) or back-end (behind-the-scenes server, database, and logic). Others may focus on full-stack development involving both areas.

You can teach yourself web development through structured online courses and programs from sites like Udemy or Treehouse. Alternatively, intensive bootcamps like General Assembly offer immersive training.

Once skilled, many developers freelance or begin working remotely for agencies and tech firms. Pay averages around $67,990 annually for web developers according to PayScale, with experienced contractors earning much more.

Software Development

Developing software applications and programs can be even more lucrative than web development. Software runs the technology we rely on for communication, work, entertainment, etc. Applications and programs are at the core of this.

Software developers or “software engineers” build these complex software systems and applications. There is high demand given modern dependence on software across industries like business, manufacturing, science, and more. Strong earning potential reflects this demand, with average pay at $110,140 per year says PayScale.

You’ll need specialized technical knowledge and computer science skills to qualify for software development roles. Self-starters can learn through online computer science and programming curriculum.

But most positions require a bachelor’s degree in software engineering, computer programming, or a related field. Internships are also very helpful when getting started.

Once skilled, developers work in firms or corporate IT departments building custom applications.

Especially talented entrepreneurs sometimes create their own widely-used apps and software as well. The work is complex but offers lots of variety and problem-solving challenges.

Skills to Learn to Make Money: A Step-by-Step Guide - (2)

Coding & Programming

Coding and programming provide the foundation for roles like web development and software engineering. But these technical skills also offer career options in their own right.

Programming languages like Python, JavaScript, C++ and others power technology functionality (source). Specialized programmers are needed to develop algorithms, build computer applications, enhance software, automate processes and more.

Programming skills relate to in-demand fields like machine learning and data science as well.

Strong coding/programming skills can lead to roles like “computer programmer” and “software developer”. For the highest paying software engineering jobs, you still may need broader computer science expertise or a related degree.

However, skilled coders with sharp logical abilities can qualify for many technology jobs without formal credentials.

Especially if you have samples that demonstrate experience with different programming languages and tools. Numerous coding bootcamps and online programs offer this hands-on training as well.

Graphic Design

From websites to product packaging, graphical elements are integral to modern branding. Skilled graphic designers have constant demand. Especially those well-versed in design layouts, visual styling, or tools like Photoshop and Illustrator.

You can find online courses or bootcamps to develop these technical design skills without pursuing a costly design degree. Then seek entry-level jobs to build your portfolio.

Contract graphic design work is also widely available once you have portfolio samples to demonstrate digital design abilities. Potential projects range from creating logo designs to developing mobile app interfaces.

Average graphic designer pay is approximately $50,370 per year says PayScale, with freelancers generally earning much more.

Data Science

Data science applies programming, analytics, and machine learning to interpret complex data. It powers cutting-edge fields like automation, artificial intelligence (AI), and more. Strong growth and adoption have created high demand and pay for skilled data scientists.

You’ll need extensive statistics and programming abilities to work in data science. Relevant college degrees include computer science, analytics, math, or physics.

Otherwise, demonstrate your statistics, coding, and machine learning competencies through bootcamps and substantial portfolio projects.

Once properly trained data scientists make an average of $98,230 a year says PayScale. Many find the work of quantifying and modeling intricate systems to be mentally engaging as well. Plus data-driven insights enable fact-based business strategy and decision making.

Skills to Learn to Make Money: A Step-by-Step Guide - (3)


The internet enables earning money directly online in many ways as well. For instance, through digital products or services, ads, virtual assistance, and more. Some online skills even let you make money while you sleep!

Blogging & Content Creation

Websites and social media offer unlimited potential to reach audiences online. Savvy bloggers earn incomes by creating captivating content that engages these internet visitors.

Nearly 500 million blogs exist globally today. Popular ones generate income through advertising, affiliate marketing, digital products, and more. But even bloggers with smaller audiences can earn $1,000+ per month (source).

You don’t need exceptional writing skills to succeed with blogging. However, understanding topics that interest your target audience takes some research.

Technical skills like SEO and web analytics are helpful too. But overall starting a profitable blog has relatively low barriers to entry.

Virtual Assistance

As a virtual assistant (or VA) you provide administrative, technical, or other specialty support services online. This can include social media management, email handling, data entry, appointment scheduling, graphic design, and much more.

VAs usually work as independent contractors managing multiple remote clients. You get to set your own hours and rates. Without commuting or office costs, profits are often higher than traditional assistance jobs too.

Most virtual assisting requires only basic software and internet skills. Specialized abilities in areas like social media or web design enable even higher VA rates however.

You’ll typically need to complete affordable certification courses as well to familiarize yourself with virtual support tools, key processes, communication techniques and more.

Skills to Learn to Make Money: A Step-by-Step Guide - (4)

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate links allow you to earn commissions promoting other companies’ products online. Relevant websites, email lists, social channels and more offer lots of visibility for affiliate offers. This entirely online skillset can become quite lucrative with consistent effort.

You don’t need any special credentials to promote affiliate products. But understanding your target audience to present relevant offers is crucial.

Similarly, building website traffic or an engaged email subscribers list helps reach more potential buyers. Entry-level affiliate marketers typically earn around $500 per month, while top ones average over $155,000 annually (source).

Digital Products

Creating online information products is another way to make money anytime, anywhere. These can include eBooks, video courses, audio lessons, templates, or tools in digital format. Upload your creation once but get paid forever when people download your product online!

You first need expertise around a topic that people want to learn about. Areas like job skills, software usage, health, dating, and more have wide appeal.

Consider formatting based on your best communication medium as well – some people naturally express ideas better through writing, videos, slides, or audio lessons.

Digital entrepreneurship has relatively low startup costs. You can access online ecommerce platforms like Gumroad and Teachable to sell your digital products.

These handle file delivery, payments, refunds and more so you can focus solely on creation. Similar to blogging, the most successful digital product sellers put in consistent effort over a long period.

Skills to Learn to Make Money: A Step-by-Step Guide - (5)


Money management and investing expertise can also lead to profitable outcomes. Especially as a financial advisor or through your own investing activities.

Financial Planning & Analysis

Relevant financial credentials allow you to advise clients on money management as a financial planner or analyst. This includes retirement planning, investments, tax optimization, estate planning, and more.

Ongoing service fees offer stable income potential once your client base is established.

Certified financial planners (CFP) require extensive qualifications like college coursework, exam certifications, professional experience and more.

Certain financial analyst roles may have fewer barriers to entry. But higher credentials still enable advising wealthier clients and charging premium rates.

Growing wealth typically increases demand for professional money management. So skilled financial advisors enjoy stable job options and pay.

Average income is around $108,090 says PayScale, often with bonuses and profit sharing too.


Investing provides another avenue to profit from financial market skills. While volatile, the stock market has returned around 10% annually over long periods (source).

Other assets like bonds, precious metals, cryptocurrencies and real estate can hedge risks as well.

Becoming a savvy investor does require extensive research and monitoring skills however.

You must stay current on economic trends, valuations, central bank policies and more that influence prices. Software and data analysis skills are also very helpful to effectively find opportunity.

Once knowledgeable, you can manage your own portfolio or even advise others informally. Certain qualifications allow managing client investments more formally as well.

Either way, profiting from financial market savvy requires patience and diligence. But developing this profitable skillset has unlimited upside.


Relating well to other people drives success in the following money-making skills too. These interpersonal abilities ultimately attract customers, close deals, or build professional networks.


Savvy sales ability consistently ranks among the most profitable skills. Sales roles exist across practically every industry too.

Any business looking to generate revenue needs competent salespeople. Certain niches like financial services, real estate and technology offer especially high earning potential.

You don’t necessarily need formal credentials to succeed in sales. But you do need outstanding communication abilities, work ethic and emotional intelligence.

Successful salespeople listen closely to identify client needs. They then persistently follow-up and clearly convey solutions to win business.

Develop sales abilities with entry-level roles to gain experience. Mentorship helps as well.

As you build sales skills focus on niche markets you genuinely understand and enjoy too. This passion keeps you motivated to learn the needs of specialty customers.


Digital marketing skills relate closely to popular money-making areas like blogging, affiliate sales and online products. So they remain in high demand as more commerce moves online.

You can take online courses or college classes to develop digital marketing skills like search engine optimization (SEO), Google/Facebook ads, email campaigns, social media management, and more. Portfolio projects or internships also provide tangible experience to start working.

Entry-level digital marketing salaries average around $48,043 according to PayScale. With a few years of experience you can earn $70,000 – $100,000+ as a digital marketing manager or director (source). Freelance marketers also command over $100 per hour.

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Consultants get paid well for specialty advice and project expertise. Independent consultants especially can earn multiples of typical salaries.

First you need professional experience or credentialed know-how in your field. Entrepreneurial spirit also helps succeed as an independent consultant. This involves directly finding clients, conveying your value and rates, scoping project specifics etc.

Common consulting focus areas include technology implementation, process optimization, compliance, financial advisory, fundraising, public relations and much more. Both extensive general and niche experience enables charging higher hourly or project rates.

Networking, Referrals & Services

Referrals and personalized services also lead to money-making in areas like real estate, insurance, financial sales etc. These often earn sales-based commissions or fees as well.

You first develop strong contacts and rapport in your community or field. Once established, share ways you can assist people with wants or needs relevant to your specialty.

Be proactive and follow up until you provide quantifiable value. In time this earns reciprocal referrals, word-of-mouth recommendations or direct business.

Aspiring real estate agent Malik engaged his large local religious community to spread the word. He offered helpful free advice to all contacts looking for properties.

Over three years Malik ultimately assisted 12 families with purchasing or selling homes. This earned over $40,000 in commissions. Now members regularly refer others to Malik for real estate needs, providing ongoing commissions.


Those with inherent creative abilities also have options to monetize their talents. From arts and crafts to digital media channels that attract followers.

If you have creative hobbies you enjoy anyway, why not attempt earning from them? Below are some of the most popular and potentially lucrative creative skills. But innovative thinkers continually find new ways to leverage creativity for income.

Arts & Crafts

Sites like Etsy and ArtFire provide incredible platforms for selling arts, crafts or vintage goods online. Customers already visit seeking quality handmade items not found elsewhere.

You of course need abilities around painting, jewelry, decor, knitting, embroidery, calligraphy or other craft skills. Photography and image/video editing chops extend creative selling possibilities too. But essentially anything handmade or vintage has marketplace demand if effectively showcased.

Successful Etsy entrepreneurs often persist for years honing their skills, products and listings. But even newer shops can earn thousands per month. Expand production over time or outsource creation once sales volume warrants it.

Skills to Learn to Make Money: A Step-by-Step Guide - (7)

Digital Presence

Developing an audience online through blogs, videos or social media opens various money-making doors. You essentially become an influencer once gaining followers at scale.

Do something exceptionally interesting, funny or helpful to attract a specific niche. Consistently engage this audience with your personalized content, perspective and expertise. In time you can earn from ads, affiliate promotions, digital products, premium features and more.

Top YouTubers like PewDiePie or MrBeast bring in tens of millions yearly (source). While gaining subscribers and views takes time, this shows the scale possible. Even mid-tier influencers often earn six figures from 100,000+ engaged followers.


Profitable skills take many forms beyond just formal careers and education. Technical, financial, creative, online, interpersonal and more – options exist for all interests and abilities.

With focus and determination, you can teach yourself highly valuable expertise and competencies aligned to personal strengths. Combine passion with skill-building action and most anyone can elevate income over time.

What resonates with your inherent talents or interests? Brainstorm creative ways you might monetize such skills. With an open and proactive mindset, developing lucrative expertise is within reach.

Hopefully these examples and ideas provide inspiration as you evaluate potential money-making skills. Just remember rewards come to those putting in persistent and strategic effort over the long-term.

Maintain this mindset along with a positive attitude and you’ll be earning more from skills you love sooner than you think!

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Skills to Learn to Make Money: A Step-by-Step Guide - (2024)


What is the best skill to learn to earn money? ›

8 High-Income Skills To Learn In 2024
  1. Data Analysis. Data analytical skills come handy in a variety of situations and careers, including within leadership and management roles. ...
  2. Project Management. ...
  3. UX/UI Design. ...
  4. Digital Marketing. ...
  5. AI (Artificial Intelligence) ...
  6. Leadership. ...
  7. Web Development. ...
  8. Sales.
Jan 22, 2024

What is the most profitable skill to learn? ›

Also, this will help you understand why and how they are the most profitable skills to learn.
  1. Digital Marketing. ...
  2. Copywriting. ...
  3. Tech Skills. ...
  4. Sales. ...
  5. Design - UX, Graphic, or Visual. ...
  6. Video Filming & Editing. ...
  7. Project Management. ...
  8. Foreign Language.

What is the easiest high income skill to learn? ›

Programming and coding

Programming and coding skills are in high demand because they're necessary to develop websites, software, applications and other digital products. Fortunately, learning coding and programming is relatively easy, with online courses available to help beginners learn the basics.

What is the easiest thing to learn to earn money? ›

23 Money-Making Skills You Can Learn in Less Than a Year
  • Project Management. ...
  • Search Engine Marketing and Optimization. ...
  • Video Editing and Production. ...
  • App Developing and Programming. ...
  • Translation. ...
  • Data Analysis. ...
  • Cloud Computing. ...
  • Leadership, Mentorship and Employee Engagement.

Which skill is in most demand? ›

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) AI and ML skills are in high demand across various industries, including finance, healthcare, e-commerce, and manufacturing.

What can I learn in free time? ›

Examples Of Skills You Can Learn Online
  • Coding. Coding is a skill that many employers value in several industries. ...
  • Spreadsheet software. Organisations use spreadsheets in most departments to manage company data. ...
  • Digital marketing. ...
  • Typing skills. ...
  • Graphic design. ...
  • Research online resources and learning options.
Jan 4, 2024

What is the highest paying no skill job? ›

High-paying unskilled jobs
  • Sales Representative. ...
  • Administrative assistant. ...
  • Delivery driver. ...
  • Construction worker. ...
  • Tax preparer. ...
  • Property manager. ...
  • Flight attendant. ...
  • Claims adjuster. National average salary: $63,093 per year Primary duties: Claims adjusters manage insurance claims that are filed by their clients.

What skill pays the most? ›

Top 10 High-Income Skills to Learn in 2024 to Make a Six-Figure...
  • Analytics Expertise.
  • Software Development.
  • Web Development.
  • Creative Thinking.
  • Project Management.
  • UX Design.
  • Content Creation and Management.
  • Robotics.

What skill makes the most millionaires? ›

12 MUST HAVE Skills of Every Millionaire
  • Product and Service Innovation. ...
  • Organizing. ...
  • Goal-Setting and Planning. ...
  • Money Management. ...
  • Philanthropy. ...
  • Networking. Building relationships is instrumental in the world of business. ...
  • Leadership. Every millionaire is a leader. ...
  • Time Management.

Which online skill pays the most? ›

Top 13 Highly Profitable Skills to Make Money:
Top Skills to Make MoneyAverage Salary (INR)
Graphic Design25,000 per month
Web Designing16,000 per month
Blogging21,394 per month
Video Editing25,000 per month
10 more rows

Which skill will be most required by 2025? ›

Here are the top 10 skills for 2025 for boosting one's employability and robust tech career development.
  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) ...
  2. Cloud Computing and Development. ...
  3. Full-Stack Development and DevOps. ...
  4. Data Science and Analytics. ...
  5. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) ...
  6. User Experience (UX)

How to make $150 a day? ›

10 Creative Ways to Make $150 in a Day
  1. Freelancing: Offer your skills and services on freelance platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Freelancer. ...
  2. Gig Economy Jobs: ...
  3. Online Tutoring: ...
  4. Participate in Market Research: ...
  5. Sell Unwanted Items: ...
  6. Pet Sitting or Dog Walking: ...
  7. Remote Freelance Work: ...
  8. Offer Online Courses or Workshops:
Sep 14, 2023

How to make money without a job? ›

How to make money without a job
  1. Launch an ecommerce store.
  2. Sell stuff that you already own.
  3. Start a blog.
  4. Pick up odd jobs.
  5. Produce online courses.
  6. Sell print-on-demand products.
  7. Write an ebook.
  8. Rent out unused space.
Jan 17, 2024

How to earn $100 in a day? ›

How to Make 100 Dollars A Day (Without a Job)
  1. Launch An Ecommerce Store.
  2. Become A Freelancer.
  3. Create and Sell Online Courses.
  4. Become An Influencer.
  5. Become An Uber/Lyft Driver.
  6. Online Tutoring.
  7. Become An Airbnb Host.
  8. Pet Sitting.
Feb 29, 2024

What skill is most valuable? ›

Examples of valuable skills for any job
  • Communication skills.
  • Problem-solving skills.
  • Teamwork skills.
  • Social media and computer skills.
  • Learning skills.
  • Personal management and organization skills.
  • Interpersonal skills.
Feb 12, 2024

Which skill is most demand in future? ›

According to top sources, including the World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs 2023 report and LinkedIn's most in-demand skills guide, analytical skills, management, and digital literacy are three of the most in-demand skills that will futureproof your company's talent.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.