Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (2024)

Many doctors who work for a not-for-profit institution or the government have access to a 457 plan. It is possible that this is why I am often asked, “Hey, Jimmy, should I invest in my 457 plan?” It seems like this should be an easy answer. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. While a 457 plan has some great features – like being able to use a 457 in early retirement without the 10% penalty a 401K experiences if utilized before 59 1/2 years old – whether you should use it or not is complicated. It’s just not as easy as whether or not you should invest in your 403(b) or 401K.

If you are asking if you should use your 457, this is the post for you.

What is a 457 Plan?

Just like any other retirement plan, this comes from the part of the IRS tax code that bears its name. In this case, that is section 457 for deferred compensation plans. A “deferred compensation plan” allows you to make pre-tax contributions and will allow your earnings to grow tax-free while in place. You “defer” this compensation until some point in the future.

There is an important distinction, though, and I am going to make it early. There are two ways you can qualify for a 457.

The first is that you work for the government and are provided a governmental 457. The other way you can have access to a 457 is through a non-governmental employer, which grants you access to a non-governmental 457.

While the governmental and non-governmental 457s have some similarities, there are also some very important differences. This post will help you sort it all out and give you a clear answer on whether you should use your 457 plan or not.

The following are some details that are similar to both a governmental and non-governmental 457 (NG-457) to help you determine if you should invest in your 457.

All 457 Plans Have These Features

For 2023, the contribution limit for 457 plans is $22,500. For some over the age of 50, you may be able to contribute more (typically if within three years of the retirement age for your plan).

Another feature of all 457s is that they may be transferred from one 457 to another (governmental to governmental; non-governmental to non-governmental). However, the receiving plan must accept transfers.

You must take distributions from your 457 by April 1st following the year of your retirement or by age 70.5 years old (whichever happens later).

Governmental 457s Versus Non-Governmental 457s (Reference IRS publication)

While some of the similarities discussed above do exist, governmental and non-governmental (NG) 457s also have some major differences:

Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (1)

Here are the major differences between governmental and non-governmental 457 plans from illustrated in the graphic above:

  • Governmental 457’s may be rolled over to eligible retirement plans (i.e. Rollover IRA’s). NG-457’s cannot be rolled into an IRA.
  • Age > 50 catch-up contributions are only available for governmental 457s.
  • NG-457’s are “Top-Hat” plans and must limit the number of people who can participate to “groups of highly compensated employees or groups of executives, managers, directors or officers.”
  • Governmental 457’s often allow Roth contributions. NG-457’s do not allow Roth contributions…otherwise, this would be a great way to avoid the possible tax consequences of bad distribution options, which are discussed more below.
  • This is the most important difference: Governmental 457s are backed by the US government (NG-457s are backed by individual institutions and are available to creditor’s upon legal action or bankruptcy).

On that last point, here is the exact wording from the IRS on non-governmental 457s:

[Non-governmental] Plan assets are not held in trust for employees, but remain the property of the employer (available to its general creditors in the event of litigation or bankruptcy)….Employees are lower in priority than general creditors in the event of legal claims against the employer.”

To put this plainly, this means that if your institution goes bankrupt or litigation trouble, your hard-earned retirement money is available to creditors. Said differently, they can take that money and give it to someone else.

This is very different from your typical 401K or 403B which is not only protected from employer litigation but often protected even in most personal litigation (i.e. medical malpractice cases).

Should I Invest in My 457 Plan?

Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (2)There are certain tax benefits associated with participating in a 457. This includes being able to contribute pre-tax money to decrease your overall tax burden. The gains also grow tax-free. Your only taxation occurs when you take it out. This is similar to your standard (pre-tax) contributions to a 401K and 457.

If you have a governmental-457, this is backed by the government. If the government defaults, the entire global economy would collapse.

This provides some comfort for those with a governmental 457. In fact, I would argue that you could view a governmental 457 as a second 401K or 403B. It’s just as safe and provides many of the same benefits. Congrats, if you have one! Don’t think twice. Use it.

For example, my wife was previously employed as a full-time educator. So, while she had access to a 401K, we preferentially placed our pre-tax investments into her governmental 457, which can be used in early retirement, unlike a 401K.

Non-Governmental 457’s Are Not the Same: What You Should Consider

We have already highlighted some of the differences between a governmental and a NG-457s. If you have a governmental 457, go contribute if it has good investment options. It really is that simple.

On the other hand, If you have a NG-457, you need to make sure your specific plan doesn’t have the following three problems before participating. Going step-by-step through this will help you answer whether you should invest in your 457 or not.

Remember, you are comparing investing in a NG-457 to a taxable/brokerage account where you’ll be paying taxes on the gains. So, if any of the following steps look problematic, I’d recommend you consider investing in a taxable account.

Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (3)

Step #1: Employer/Institutional Finances

Remember, your NG-457 money is available to creditors.

Combine this with the fact that most of us do not have inside information on our employer’s financial situation, it makes for an uncomfortable and potentially sleepless situation.

Before you contribute to your NG-457, you should be intimately familiar with your employer’s financial situation. What’s their bond rating? How much cash on hand do they have? Have there been any recent changes that would lead you to believe there are financial troubles?

If so, it is time to avoid your NG-457 plan. If you feel that your employer’s financial situation is healthy as a horse, then proceed to Step #2.

Step #2: Check the Distribution Options

Distribution options are sometimes terrible inside of a 457. You cannot contribute via Roth to non-governmental 457s. Therefore, if your distributions are less than optimal, you may have to foot a huge tax bill if you leave your employer.

For example, many 457 distribution plans require you to take the lump sum upon leaving. That’s a huge loss to taxes. Who wants to pay taxes on an additional $250,000-500,000 when you retire or leave your employer? Particularly if it bumps you into the next tax bracket.

That’s what happens if you are forced to take the lump sum. So, if the lump sum is the only option, consider using a taxable account instead.

However, if your plan allows you to take your distribution over a number of years, this is preferable in order to decrease the tax burden you might experience.

In order to know the specific options your 457 offers, request the plan documents and read them thoroughly. They are required to provide them should you ask. Make sure you understand exactly what is being offered.

Step #3: Check the Investment Options

Some 457 plans only have high-expense ratio funds, and nothing else. If this is the situation, don’t feel forced to take advantage of the tax savings just to turn around and invest in bad funds.

For example, let’s say that your 457 plan only offers actively managed mutual funds with an expense ratio of 1% (you can think of this as what it costs to “manage” the fund). Let’s compare this to a passively managed index fund which has an expense ratio typically 0.1% or less.

That’s a 0.9% difference. Let’s say that you plan to invest $22,500 per year for 30 years. If you were to get 8% with an index fund an expense ratio of 0.1%, you actually get 7.9% returns annually. Your annual investment of $22,500 would turn into $2.5 million.

If, instead, you invested in actively managed mutual funds, this would reduce your returns by 0.9% (the difference between the active and passive funds). Instead of $2.5 million, you’d now have only $2.125 million.

This is why passively managed index funds have been shown to beat actively managed funds more than 90% of the time after just 10 years:

Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (4)

For this reason, if your 457 plan only offers expensive actively managed funds, just take your $22,500 home, pay the taxes, and invest in a taxable brokerage account instead.

However, if your plan has low-cost index fund options, and the first two steps haven’t tripped you up, it’s definitely worth considering the use of your NG-457 plan.

Take Home: Should I Invest in my 457 plan?

If you have a governmental 457

The answer is easy. If you have the income, then you should participate. You can view this as an extra 401K/403B.

After you fill up your 401K/403B, the governmental 457 should be the next retirement space you fill up. If you have room after that, then a stealth (HSA) IRA andbackdoor Roth IRAare your next bets. Then a taxable account. Governmental 457’s make life easy.

If you have anon-governmental 457

All of the following assumes that your 457 has good options in which to invest (i.e. low expense-ratio passively managed index funds).

The answer becomes more complicated. The one thing that I can tell you that no one would disagree with is that you should be intimately familiar with your employer’s 457 plan. Ask for it. They are required to give it to you by law.

Depending on your goals, you may want to consider contributing to your other investment accounts available to you first (e.g. 401K/403B, stealth (HSA) IRA, cash balance plan, backdoor Roth, etc) before you consider a non-governmental 457.

That said, if you are happy with your employer’s financial situation, the NG-457 offers good investment options, AND the distribution options are reasonable… then this may be a good way to fill the gap before age 59.5 when you can access your 401K/403B.

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  1. Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (5)

    Dr. McFrugalon 29 March, 2018 at 12:41 pm

    Hi TPP! This is a great review of 457’s and the distinction between the governmental and non-governmental variety.

    I would also like to note the potential advantage of withdrawing from your 457 account penalty free (unlike 401k or 403b) if a person separates from their employer early. This could be useful for early retirees who want to access their money before 59 1/2.

    And I totally agree with you… if you have a governmental 457 available, it’s a no brainer… do it! Just like you, my wife contributes to her governmental 457 (she’s a state prosecutor). Between maxing out this account and her 401k, it’s allowed us to save a lot for retirement (and shelter a lot from taxes). In fact, her entire paycheck earlier this year (pre-maternity leave) was used to fund both accounts so we will be minimally taxed on her income :).


    • Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (6)

      ThePhysicianPhilosopheron 29 March, 2018 at 12:49 pm

      Absolutely agree Dr. McFrugal! I plan on using my 457 to gap my early retirement and have a post on covering that gap coming out in the next couple of weeks actually. Great minds think alike!

      And congrats again on your beautiful baby!


      • Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (7)

        Mrs. Kiwion 2 April, 2018 at 8:20 am

        Yes! The penalty-free, easy withdrawal options of my 457 make it an important part of my FI plan!


      • Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (8)

        JBon 5 January, 2020 at 1:38 pm

        Thank you for explaining the difference between G and NG 457 plans! I am a teacher and have a governmental plan, but my investment options are not ideal–the providers I can select from are all insurance companies that have high or hidden fees and probably surrender charges. Providers are AIG Retirement Services (VALIC), National Life Group, Nationwide Insurance Company, Orion Portfolio Solutions, Pacific Life, Security Benefit Group, or VOYA Financial.

        Do you take the same stance as you do for the NG 457 in that I should just pay my taxes instead of going with a provider that charges high fees?


        • Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (9)

          ThePhysicianPhilosopheron 5 January, 2020 at 1:48 pm

          That is a tough spot to be in, though I understand. My wife is a teacher, too.

          In NC she has access to a 403B, 401K, and a 457. I would preferentially fill up the 403B and 401K FIRST before ever considering a 457 like the one you described, even if it is governmental.

          If you’ve already done that (or don’t have those options) I would preferentially fill up a Roth IRA before investing in that 457. Then, I’d dig into the various funds offered and avoid ones with loads and high expense ratios.

          I’d also consider buying a steak dinner for whoever decided your retirement options where you are asking them if they could make low cost index funds available 🙂

          Of course, I don’t know your exact situation. So, the above are all just ideas to consider.



          • Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (10)

            JBon 5 January, 2020 at 2:02 pm

            Wow! 403b, 401k, and 457?! I should consider moving to NC 🙂 Seems like you guys value teachers more there than here in CA. I have been urging CalSTRS to lobby my district to add CalSTRS as a provider but they are all dragging their feet. Maybe it’s time I offer the steak dinner 😀 or try reaching out to Vanguard and Fidelity first.

            Thank you for your thoughts on the order of plans in which to contribute! I currently max out my 403b and Roth, but have not touched the 457 for fear of getting caught in a trap.

  2. Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (12)

    AGoodLifeMDon 31 March, 2018 at 11:24 am

    I went back and forth, literally, in the past 5 years. Some years I did and some I didn’t contribute to my non-govt 457. I am privy to the financials and we are super solvent so I’m not worried. However, I’m leaving this year and will need to take a distribution, leave it or take it over 5-10 years. My new employer has non-govt 457 but doesn’t accept transfers.

    It’s got about 36K so I’m just gonna take the lump sum next year. Taking over 10 years makes more sense financially but I don’t want to keep track of it over 10 years. I’ll take the tax hit 2018. I’m going down a bracket with the new code and new job so it’s not terrible.

    In retrospect I would not have contributed. They plans are not transparent and the rollover options are unknown until new employment is secured. However, if I retire early the 456 is the first money to take. As I might RE, I will be doing another 457 next job. Tax tail wagging? Maybe… but my bracket is soooo high I can’t help myself.


    • Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (13)

      ThePhysicianPhilosopheron 31 March, 2018 at 2:33 pm

      Yeah, that’s exactly what I plan to do with my 457. Use it to bridge the gap to 59.5 when I can use my 403B. Have a post coming up on bridging this gap.

      It is tough to decide because no one knows what the future holds. Will you change employers? Will your employer’s financial situation change?

      Like poker (and life) you just have to make the best decision you can with the information you have at the time. You can’t judge your result based on the result.


  3. Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (14)

    Peerless Money Mentoron 2 April, 2018 at 1:37 pm

    Very informative post. I have the option to contribute to a 457 plan as a library employee.


      • Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (16)

        Peerless Money Mentoron 2 April, 2018 at 2:08 pm

        After looking at the expense ratios, I opted to contribute to a Roth IRA instead. I cannot recall the exact percentage but I know the ratios were pretty high.


  4. Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (18)

    Joveron 2 April, 2018 at 2:14 pm

    I’m now maxing out my governmental 457, as a State govt employee. The tax benefits have been great, and it allows me to painlessly saved 30%+ of my income straight off the top. The biggest benefit is the ability to access the money penalty-free before 59.5, since many government employees are retired from service long before that age (police and fire, especially). I wish I could roll it over to Vanguard but I don’t see where they host 457 plans, so I’ll keep it with Voya.


    • Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (19)

      ThePhysicianPhilosopheron 2 April, 2018 at 2:19 pm

      It’s great that you can roll it over at all since it’s a governmental. My non-governmental 457 is not allowed to do that.

      Have you looked to see if other big companies outside of Vanguard (Fidelity, Schwab, etc) allow 457 roll overs?

      I, too, love the fact that you can access it in early retirement without getting hit with the 10% penalty.


      • Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (20)

        Joveron 2 April, 2018 at 2:28 pm

        Well I haven’t researched it much at all because my plan does not allow in-service withdrawals or rollovers, but I am separating from service to take a new job soon (within a few weeks!) so I will be looking into it more very soon. I literally just got the offer between posting the earlier message and your reply 5 minutes later 🙂


    • Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (22)

      JBon 5 January, 2020 at 1:44 pm

      How did you like your 457 plan with Voya? I would like to contribute to my governmental 457, but I generally don’t trust life insurance companies for investing. Did you experience high or hidden fees or surrender charges? Was it better overall to contribute and take the fees instead of not contributing at all to a 457? Thank you and congrats!


      • Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (23)

        Joshon 5 January, 2020 at 2:13 pm

        The 457 with Voya had cheaper options than my current 457 plans in a local government with ICMA-RC and Nationwide, so I’ve left my money there. For example, I have a Target Date fund with 0.16% fees in Voya, but the cheapest S&P500 fund at Nationwide is 0.54% and Russell 3000 fund is 0.92% at ICMA-RC.


        • Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (24)

          JBon 5 January, 2020 at 2:48 pm

          Good to know! Thank you!


  5. Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (25)

    Mr. Shirtson 5 April, 2018 at 6:59 am

    I would also add pausing if the investment options are just terrible. Its been a while since I’ve looked at a 457, but sometimes they are provided to governmental entities by insurance companies, causing some high all-in fees that can eat away at what were your up front tax savings. Its not always a good idea to invest in every tax free plan available.


  6. Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (27)

    Jeffon 5 April, 2018 at 9:39 am

    A couple of questions I’ve had a hard time finding answers to:
    1) What if your company is bought out by another company and the acquiring company doesn’t have a 457 or decides not to continue it?
    2) I’ve asked our HR person about timing of distributions if I leave the company and she replied that I can choose the distributions to start at any date, not necessarily the date I leave the company. But this seems to run counter to this article. What’s the right answer? Is it plan-dependent?


    • Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (28)

      ThePhysicianPhilosopheron 5 April, 2018 at 2:33 pm

      1) not sure about this one, but given that your 457 was being run by a company of some kind (TIAA, Transamerica, etc) I imagine you’d have similar options to when you left the employer. Otherwise it might be plan dependent.

      2)I think it is plan dependent. I do know that some employer’s will let you keep your money in the 457. This would not be appealing to me as I would be pretty far away from what is happening there after I leave. I would want to take the money a
      s soon as possible while minimizing my tax burden. The entire time it is there it is available to creditors.


  7. Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (29)

    Baby Boomer Super Saveron 25 April, 2018 at 12:56 am

    Nice post! It was interesting to see the comparison as well as what to watch out for with non-governmental 457 plans.

    I have a government 457 plan, and I’m currently in year 2 of maxing it out. I’m in the over 50 group that didn’t contribute enough in the past. Being able to now put in $37,000 per year is fantastic!


    • Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (30)

      ThePhysicianPhilosopheron 25 April, 2018 at 6:47 am

      Nice! That catch-up contribution is great for people in your situation. Smart move there.

      Thanks for stopping by!


  8. Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (31)

    HAWKDRon 21 April, 2019 at 11:13 am

    Seems like the best reason for ng-457 is early retirement. But I was surprised to read about rule 72(t). That rule seems to make the ng-457 less valuable, but I do hold one of these 457 and just cannot help using it as a tax deduction. I paid 21% in effective tax this year. I see that as a 21% instant ROI. My company is very large though, so that helps me sleep a little. And for those that will talk about my taxes in retirement…I would direct you to WCI. Because I expect to be very judicious in my withdrawal method and pay very little, see his article.


    • Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (32)

      ThePhysicianPhilosopheron 22 April, 2019 at 3:24 pm

      That seems like a reasonable way to look at it. I think if you have good investments and distribution options a 457 is very reasonable (if you believe your company isn’t going under).


  9. Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (33)

    Dr PayItBackon 21 April, 2019 at 6:49 pm

    Thanks for the post. Got super excited when I found out my first job would have a 457, but WCI’s article and yours kinda deflated the balloon. I don’t know what the funds are yet, but non-governmental and lump sum as the only distribution option seems to make it a non-starter for my personal situation. Too bad.


    • Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (34)

      ThePhysicianPhilosopheron 22 April, 2019 at 3:25 pm

      Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but glad you won’t get slammed with 40% taxes when you finish your career at that employer!



  10. Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (35)

    DKon 22 April, 2019 at 10:33 pm

    I put in max ng-457 contribution for several years and have 200k in there. I stopped contributing about 2 years ago. Plan to retire at 65 in two years and was going to take out as lump sum the year after just because of the creditor exposure. From a tax standpoint I should probably withdraw over 5 years, but not comfortable with 10 years which is also available. Also cognizant of current tax structure that will probably change after 2024. So I go back and forth between lump sum and 5 years. Since I plan to delay Social Security until 70, the 5 year plan sounds more rational to bridge 65-70 along with some taxable accounts. I will have to assess the financial health of the company when time comes. I didn’t contribute for several years because of risk but then I was hit with AMT and just wanted to reduce my taxable income.


  11. Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (36)

    Megan Hodgeon 27 April, 2019 at 7:06 am

    Thanks for the info! Helpful!

    FYI, the three year catch up is double the annual max contribution, so $38k for 2019. My husband is doing this in his government 457 plan.


  12. Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (38)

    KWon 10 August, 2019 at 11:41 am

    Great post. When I got my first job, I called HR to ask about the ng-457. The person literally told me not to invest. 2 years later the hospital was millions in debt, laying off physicians, and looking for a buyer. It was a stressful enough time without having to worry my money would go to their creditors. And hospital closure seems to keep happening across the US, so I don’t even consider them an option!


    • Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (39)

      ThePhysicianPhilosopheron 13 August, 2019 at 5:41 am

      That’s pretty bad! Seems like staying away was a good choice!


  13. Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (40)

    Jason Bruceon 31 January, 2020 at 2:27 pm

    I apologize if this is a silly question:
    I am a VA CRNA, how do i find out if the TSP (thrift savings plan) is classified as a 403b or a 457? If it is a 403b, how would i go about opening and funding a 457?
    Thank you for the advice. I love the blog and the podcast. So glad that i listened to your episode on ACCRAC.
    Thank you in advance,


    • Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (41)

      ThePhysicianPhilosopheron 31 January, 2020 at 2:50 pm

      Hey Jason, always good to hear from a fellow anesthesia professional!

      My understanding is that the TSP is the VA’s version of a 401k or 403B, though it takes rollovers from any qualified Roth 401k/403b/gvt 457 plans.

      I am not military myself and a quick search couldn’t find the answer. In your shoes, I’d reach out to HR (or the VA equivalent) and ask about it.

      I know that in the civilian world, you have to sign up for it separately since it is not available to all employees (this is why the NG version is called a “top hat” plan).

      Glad you are enjoying the podcast! Make sure to tell your friends about it!

      Jimmy / TPP


  14. Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (42)

    Saveron 5 June, 2020 at 9:36 am

    Hi TPP,

    I don’t have a 457 plan, but contribute to a non-qualified deferred compensation plan, which seems very similar except I’m not subject to a $19k contribution limit. I’ve contributed hundreds of thousands to the plan each year to reduce my income enough to qualify for the child tax credit (4 kids * $2k credit). It’s a little bit of the tax tail wagging the investment dog, but plan to use the money as a bridge until 59.5.

    My understanding is that if you set up your distribution for at least a 10-year payout, you can be taxed in your state of residence as opposed to where you originally earned the money. So if you work in a high tax state, like California and then move to a no tax state, like Texas or Washington or Nevada (etc.) when you retire, you could avoid a significant state income tax burden.

    Qualifying for $8k in immediate child tax credits and potentially avoiding state income taxes down the road, in addition to lowering my current federal income tax bracket make it easier to stomach the risk of my very large, highly-rated employer, non-governmental plan.

    All that being said, I would definitely sleep a lot better at night if I could find some way to buy insurance on that pool of money.


  15. Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (43)

    Wealthy Docon 5 June, 2020 at 1:08 pm

    I contributed to my “non-Governmental” 457 up to about a year of salary. I see that as my own “severance package.”
    I’m not contributing above that now – given the financial instability out there. Bankruptcy risks are low, but not zero.


    • Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (44)

      ThePhysicianPhilosopheron 12 June, 2020 at 5:24 pm

      That’s fair. I’ve thought about that, too, with everything going on. I may not be a market timer, but I am not against “hospital-timing” for investments.


  16. Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (45)

    Jeffon 7 June, 2020 at 7:43 pm

    I just want to say that I really appreciate this post. I’m a Prof at a University and I have both 403 and 457 plans, which I contributed to both last year, along with an IRA contribution as well. I wanted to double check that my strategy was reasonable, and I’m convinced now so thanks! I also learned that I can link my 457 to a brokerage account, to choose my own mutual funds as the 457 plans options were limited, and so I’d definitely encourage others to look into this option too.


    • Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (46)

      ThePhysicianPhilosopheron 12 June, 2020 at 5:23 pm

      Happy to help! It is a great option if the features are right!


  17. Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (47)

    Willon 11 July, 2020 at 1:16 pm

    Thank you all!
    I have two 457 plans both non-governmental and both with big balances. I’ve been contributing to a 457 non-governmental plan for 20 years now. Unfortunately I was not aware of so many details. COVID among other events has burnt me to a crisp and I am doing everything I can to become financially independent and back off somewhat.
    Do you have a recommendation of an individual to consult on this situation and others? Thank you so much!


  18. Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (49)

    Ileana Waldon 8 September, 2020 at 11:43 pm

    I work for the State of CA and have a governmental 457 b, which I contribute to exclusively. I have the option to also contribute to a 401 K but chose the 457 b as it has the benefit of no penalty for early distributions. You mentioned that you would contribute to the 401 K first, then the 457. What is your reasoning for contributing to the 401 K first? Thanks!


    • Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (50)

      ThePhysicianPhilosopheron 9 September, 2020 at 6:48 am

      Hey Ilneana, what you said is partially true in reality.

      For Kristen (my wife), who has a GOVERNMENTAL 457, we fill that up preferentially for her given the protection it has and the ability to withdraw in early retirement as you mentioned.

      For me, my 457 is NON-governmental. So, it is not afforded the same protection as Kristen’s. In this situation, I preferentially fill up my 403B first, and don’t even max out the 457, though I might start doing that in 2021 once we make it through this COVID fiasco having an idea of where my hospital stands financially.

      There is a huge difference between governmental and non-governmental 457 plans as outlined in the post.


  19. Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (51)

    Laura Kinneyon 17 October, 2020 at 6:37 pm

    I am a teacher and trying to figure out if the 457b plan is worth investing in or just sticking with a taxable account. My effective tax rate is 15% and although I have access to low cost index funds (VTSAX) there is a net administration cost of .35% in addition to $50/annual service fee. Those fees seem somewhat high. It feels like it might not be worth it or am I thinking about this wrong. Thoughts?


    • Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (52)

      ThePhysicianPhilosopheron 19 October, 2020 at 5:14 am

      Hey Laura,

      0.35 isn’t nothing. That’s true. How does that compare to the 401k or 403B available to you? And do you want to be able to access the money prior to age 55?


  20. Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (53)

    Laura Kinneyon 19 October, 2020 at 11:35 am

    Thank you so much for your input! I will have to check the 403b fees. It would be nice to have access to money prior to age 55, but if the 403b is cheaper than I will probably go that way and invest anything extra I have in a taxable account.


  21. Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (54)

    JJon 20 April, 2021 at 9:43 pm

    I am a PGY1 at a state hospital. From my understanding it is governmental backed although I do know my hospital has lost revenue from COVID.

    I have maxed out my Roth IRA and my residency allows Roth 403b and 457b plans without an employer match. I’m thinking of contributing to the Roth 457b next (as Roth IRA is maxed) as it allows early retirement contributions. It seems unlikely I will work for this hospital post-residency and I will have left the employer and then can access the funds in about 4 years as an attending if I’d like towards a mortage. Being so early on in my career, any thoughts on contributing to the Roth 457b next vs filling up the Roth 403b as many have done above?


  22. Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (55)

    JJon 22 April, 2021 at 4:37 am

    I am a PGY1 at a state hospital that offers a Roth 403b and Roth 457b. After maxing out my Roth IRA, I want to contribute to the Roth 457b next with the idea that when I graduate residency and leave the employer, I can access my contributions and earnings w/o an early withdrawal fee like a Roth 403b plan would incur OR I can roll it over to a Roth IRA without it counting towards the rollovers that year and regardless of income limits that year after graduating residency.
    Since it is a state hospital, it is governmental backed and less likely to have the 457b employee contributions be subject to creditors in the case of financial catastrophe (which it did financially suffer during COVID). Do you agree with my decision to go roth 457b first vs roth 403b for a good plan for tax free earnings and/or a way to contribute more to a Roth IRA?


  23. Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (56)

    Ryanon 29 May, 2021 at 3:02 pm

    Great post! Helpful for me to consider since I have been using my nongovernmental 457. I have what seems to be a stable employer (asked to see the financials for our group and looked like good reserves, made through pandemic well thus far), good options with a number of low cost well diversified mutual funds and good distribution options (can choose to distribute over multiple years). Has been helpful at least for now since it is saving on income based federal loan payments (until PSLF) since I just consider my marginal tax rate as 10% higher if I didn’t utilize this tax-advantaged space. Caveat, only makes sense because ALL 3 – good employer, good investment options, good distribution options.


  24. Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (57)

    Billon 29 November, 2021 at 10:45 pm

    Great post and comments. I am 56 and today I called to withdraw my gov’t 457…they told me the balance as of today and I told them I wanted a full payout..
    They told me they withhold standard 20% for federal and do not withhold state unless I ask them to…I mentioned I have been in the 12% tax bracket for 2021 (making less than $81,050) and how do I get the extra 8% difference back…they told me when I file income taxes it will come back…in my state the tax rate is 6% so I assume maybe 2% will come back.
    Anyway, the DC agent walked me thru the on screen process and I was presented with 3 options (wish I would have gotten a screenshot of them) but she told me to choose “major investment” the other icon was a house and maybe an icon for “unforeseen emergency”.
    I provided my creds and banking info for a direct deposit, they told me it would take 3-5 days to deposit. Great.
    Then I receive an email from an insurance company I have never dealt with telling me they need more information. Apparently they are the plan service or something, who knows.
    WHY would an insurance company contact me?
    WHAT further information would they need? It is my money and none of their business what I do with it.
    DO I have to talk to them since they have never been in the relationship with the DC agency and myself.
    I wanted to include details so others can see what someone taking a lump sum withdrawal is facing.


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Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher (2024)


Should I Invest in My 457 Plan? - The Physician Philosopher? ›

The answer is easy. If you have the income, then you should participate. You can view this as an extra 401K/403B. After you fill up your 401K/403B, the governmental 457 should be the next retirement space you fill up.

What should I do with my 457 right now? ›

The 457 plan is a retirement savings plan and you generally cannot withdraw money while you are still employed. When you leave employment, you may withdraw funds; leave them in place; transfer them to a 457, 403(b) or 401(k) of a new employer; or roll them into an Individual Retirement Account (IRA).

Are 457 a good investment? ›

Are 457b plans worth it? It's generally a good idea to invest in a governmental 457(b) plan, because there they have less risk than a non-governmental plan.

How can I avoid paying taxes on a 457 withdrawal? ›

Earnings accumulate on a tax-deferred basis, and distributions are tax-free if made five years after the initial contribution to the plan and the employee is over 59½.

What are the pros and cons of a 457 plan? ›

Advantages & Disadvantages of 457(b) and 457(k) Plans
Taxes on your contributions, interest and dividends are deferred until you withdraw money.The maximum annual limit for contributions is $45,000 (including all catch-up contributions); far below the limit for total 401(k) contributions.
3 more rows
Sep 14, 2020

Can you lose your 457? ›

With a non-governmental plan, the 457(b) money still belongs to the employer and is subject to their creditors. If they go bankrupt, you could lose your money.

At what age can I withdraw from 457 without penalty? ›

457(b) Assets can be withdrawn without penalty at any age upon separation from service from the plan sponsor, or age 70½ if still working.

Is it better to invest in Roth or 457? ›

If tax rates are substantially higher when you retire, you will significantly benefit from your Roth IRA because your withdrawals will be tax-free. If tax rates are lower when you retire, your 457 will be the more tax-efficient account. Either way, one will help to balance the other.

How much should I put in 457 plan? ›

A 457(b) plan's annual contributions and other additions (excluding earnings) to a participant's account cannot exceed the lesser of: 100% of the participant's includible compensation, or. the elective deferral limit ($22,500 in 2023; $20,500 in 2022; $19,500 in 2020 and in 2021).

Is 457 better than Roth? ›

HOW DOES THE ROTH 457 DIFFER FROM A ROTH IRA? Contribution limits – Roth IRA contributions are limited to $6,500 in 2023 (or $7,500 if you are age 50 or older) versus $22,500 for the Roth 457 (or $30,000 if you are age 50 or older). So you can contribute more on an after-tax basis to your Roth 457 than to a Roth IRA.

What happens to 457b upon death? ›

Upon your death, your designated plan beneficiary will receive benefits according to options/time frames outlined in the plan. If you die before benefits commence and your plan beneficiary is also your spouse, he or she is not required to begin receiving payments any earlier than when you would have reached age 701⁄2.

What is better 401k or 457? ›

Since a 457 isn't subject to ERISA laws, withdrawals before age 59 1/2 aren't subject to the 10% penalty tax imposed on most early 401(k) withdrawals. That makes it easy to access your funds if you retire earlier than usual. Unlike 401(k) plans, however, employer matching contributions are extremely rare with a 457.

What is the tax advantage of a 457? ›

There are significant tax advantages for participants in a 457(b) plan: Contributions to a 457(b) plan are tax-deferred. Earnings on the retirement money are tax-deferred.

What are the downsides of a 457 plan? ›

There is a risk of lost savings. - You may lose money due to the cost of not making more money on your investments within the plan. There is a risk of double taxation. - Loan repayments are made with after-tax dollars, which means you will pay taxes again on the interest portion of your loan.

Do 457 plans grow? ›

Just like a 401(k) or 403(b) retirement savings plan, a 457 plan allows you to invest a portion of your salary on a pretax basis. The money grows, tax-deferred, waiting for you to decide what to do with it when you retire.

How much does the average 55 year old have in 401k? ›

The average 401(k) balance by age
AgeAverage 401(k) balanceMedian 401(k) balance
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What is the catch up for 457 at age 50? ›

If you're age 50 or older in a governmental 457(b) plan: $26,000 to each plan if both plans allow age-50 catch-ups ($6,500 additional in 2021) If you're age 50 or older in a nongovernmental 457(b) plan: $26,000 to the 403(b) plan and $19,500 to the 457(b) plan.

What age can you catch up on 457? ›

Age 50+ Catch-Up – In a tax year when you are 50 or older and are actively employed, you can defer up to $7,500 over the normal deferral limit to your 457(b)

Can I borrow from my 457 to buy a house? ›

Withdrawals from 457(b) plans

“In the 401(k) plan, if you needed money to buy a house or to pay tuition for a dependent, you could do that,” Pizzano says. “But in the 457 plan, those types of foreseeable withdrawals are not allowed.

Can I leave my 457b with my old employer? ›

Typically, you can't roll funds over from your 457(b) plan if you're still employed by, or “in-service” with the company offering the plan. Some plans may allow an in-service withdrawal once you've reached a certain age. Once you leave that employment, you can roll over funds into an account of your choosing.

What is the 5 year rule for 457? ›

Roth contributions must be held in the account for five consecutive years after the first contribution is made; and. You must be at least age 59½ the year you take the distribution.

Can you retire early with a 457b? ›

Early withdrawals. The 457(b) lets you start withdrawing money from your account as soon as you stop working for the sponsoring employer, no matter your age. Meanwhile, 403(b) plans allow standard, penalty-free withdrawals at age 59 ½, as well as limited early withdrawal exceptions, such as the Rule of 55.

Should I invest in both 457 and 401k? ›

It's possible that you may have access to a 457(b) and a 401(k). The IRS says it's okay to contribute to both at the same time. Since retirement plans typically have contribution limits, contributing to a different plan can double your tax deferral.

Can I convert my 457 to a Roth IRA? ›

Are you eligible to receive a distribution from your 401(k), 403(b) or governmental 457(b) retirement plan? You can roll over eligible rollover distributions from these plans to a Roth IRA or to a designated Roth account in the same plan (if the plan allows rollovers to designated Roth accounts).

Should I invest in a 457 or 403b? ›

A 457(b) plan is better if you need more time to earn money to use toward your retirement. A 403(b) might be better if you want more investment options.

What is the 457 catch up for 2023? ›

Catch-Up Contributions

The catch-up contribution for 2023 increased from $6,500 to $7,500 for 401(k), 403(b), and most 457 plans. Anyone age 50 or older can max out these types of plans with a total employee contribution of $30,000.

What is the tax rate on a 457 withdrawal? ›

457 plan assets that remain in a 457 plan until paid to you are never subject to the 10% early withdrawal penalty tax. However, you can roll assets into your 457 plan from another type of retirement plan (401, 403(b), or Traditional IRA), and these assets may be subject to the 10% early withdrawal penalty tax.

What is average rate of return for 457b? ›

The actual rate of return is largely dependent on the types of investments you select. The Standard & Poor's 500® (S&P 500®) for the 10 years ending December 31st 2022, had an annual compounded rate of return of 12.6%, including reinvestment of dividends.

Is there a better investment than Roth IRA? ›

A Roth IRA or 401(k) makes the most sense if you're confident of having a higher income in retirement than you do now. If you expect your income (and tax rate) to be higher at present and lower in retirement, a traditional IRA or 401(k) is likely the better bet.

Is Roth the best retirement plan? ›

The Bottom Line

In many cases, a Roth IRA can be a better choice than a 401(k) retirement plan, as it offers more investment options and greater tax benefits. It may be especially useful if you think you'll be in a higher tax bracket later on.

Does 457 reduce taxable income? ›

Your 457(b) Savings Plan contributions will be automatically deducted from your gross pay before any federal — and in most cases, state and local — income taxes are deducted. This reduces your taxable income, which means you pay less income tax each year.

What happens if you contribute too much to 457b? ›

What happens if I contribute too much? The excess contribution is taxable income in the year it was contributed and must be withdrawn from the Plan.

Can I retire at 60 with 500k? ›

The quick answer is “yes”! With some planning, you can retire at 60 with $500k. Remember, however, that your lifestyle will significantly affect how long your savings will last.

Is $750 000 enough to retire on? ›

Many Americans target $1 million as their "dream nest egg" for retirement, but the truth is that in many states, even $750,000 can be more than enough. Although your longevity and your lifestyle can greatly impact how much you'll need for a successful retirement, the state in which you live can also play a big role.

What is a good amount of money to retire with at 55? ›

Fidelity estimated that those saving for retirement should have a minimum of seven times their salary by age 55. That means that if your annual salary is currently $70,000, you will want to plan on saving at least $490,000 saved.

Can I transfer my 457b to an IRA? ›

Now, as a result of recent tax law changes, you can move — or roll over — the money from your 457(b) plan into an IRA, once you have left your place of employment. While you work at your government job, your 457(b) plan offers you a significant benefit – tax deferral.

How to retire early with 457b? ›

Getting the Money Out. The main benefit of the 457(b) is when it's time to withdraw your money. Unlike a 401(k) or 403(b), you can withdraw your money from a 457 before age 59 1/2, without incurring a 10% early withdrawal penalty. This is a pleasant surprise if you're interested in early retirement.

Should I stop contributing to my deferred compensation plan? ›

Even if you think you're wealthy enough to forego contributing to a money purchase plan or deferred compensation plan for a while, you could end up seriously shortchanging your retirement savings potential by reducing your balance or elective salary deferrals.

What can I do with a 457b? ›

Plans eligible under 457(b) allow employees of sponsoring organizations to defer income taxation on retirement savings into future years. Ineligible plans may trigger different tax treatment under IRC 457(f).

What age can you withdraw from 457b? ›

You can take penalty-free withdrawals from your 457 account at any age after you leave your job. Most other types of retirement-savings plans assess a 10% penalty if you withdraw money before age 55 or 59½, depending on when you leave your job.

Can I convert my 457b to a Roth? ›

You can roll over your traditional 457 account to any eligible traditional IRA, Roth IRA, governmental 457 plan, 403(b) plan or qualified 401(k) plan that accepts rollovers. Can I convert my pre-tax account balance into a Roth account? Yes.

Should I have an IRA and a 457? ›

If tax rates are substantially higher when you retire, you will significantly benefit from your Roth IRA because your withdrawals will be tax-free. If tax rates are lower when you retire, your 457 will be the more tax-efficient account. Either way, one will help to balance the other.

What is the downside of deferred compensation? ›

The Risks Of Deferred Compensation Plans

If you switch jobs you might lose the entire account or you might have to take all of the money in a lump sum, which would trigger a big tax bill. The biggest downside to most of these plans is the risk of the company declaring bankruptcy.

What percentage should I contribute to deferred compensation? ›

One easy way to increase your retirement savings is to contribute a percentage of your income to your Deferred Compensation Plan (DCP) account. Consider saving between 7% and 10% of your salary.

What is better 401k or deferred compensation? ›

Deferred compensation is often considered better than a 401(k) for high-paid executives looking to reduce their tax burden. As well, contribution limits on deferred compensation plans can be much higher than 401(k) limits.

How much should I put in my 457b? ›

A 457(b) plan's annual contributions and other additions (excluding earnings) to a participant's account cannot exceed the lesser of: 100% of the participant's includible compensation, or. the elective deferral limit ($22,500 in 2023; $20,500 in 2022; $19,500 in 2020 and in 2021).

What is the advantage of a 457 plan? ›

A 457 plan is a voluntary retirement savings plan that can help you defer a portion of your paycheck to accumulate additional money for retirement. It's a tax-advantaged retirement plan for state, local government, and some non-profit organization employees.

Is a 457 better than a Roth IRA? ›

HOW DOES THE ROTH 457 DIFFER FROM A ROTH IRA? Contribution limits – Roth IRA contributions are limited to $6,500 in 2023 (or $7,500 if you are age 50 or older) versus $22,500 for the Roth 457 (or $30,000 if you are age 50 or older). So you can contribute more on an after-tax basis to your Roth 457 than to a Roth IRA.

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