Securities Firms and the Role They Play in Corporate Finance - dummies (2024)

Securities firms provide transaction services related to financial investments, which are quite distinct from the services provided by traditional depository institutions. However, many commercial banks have separate departments that offer the services of securities firms, and others actually merge or partner with securities firms. (For example, Bank of America is a commercial bank that bought the securities firm known as Merrill Lynch.)

Still other securities firms are completely independent of any depository institution. Exactly which types of services a securities firm provides depends on the type of institution it is.

Investment banks

Investment banks deal exclusively in corporations and other businesses as clients as well as products.

In other words, they offer a wide range of services, including underwriting services for companies that issue stock on the primary market, broker-dealer services for both buyers and sellers of stock on the primary and secondary markets, merger and acquisitions services, assistance with corporate reorganization and bankruptcy procedures, general consulting services for corporations large enough to afford them, and other such services related to raising or transferring capital.


In case you couldn’t tell from their name, broker-dealers perform the services of both brokers and dealers:

  • Brokers are organizations that conduct securities transactions on the part of their clients — buying, selling, or trading for the investment portfolio of their clients.

  • Dealers are organizations that buy or sell securities of their own portfolio and then deal those securities to customers who are looking to buy them.

  • Broker-dealers are organizations that do a combination of both of these services. They perform pretty much all the middle-man functions of providing securities services to corporations and individuals alike, and they’ve all but eliminated the need for organizations that specialize in either broker or dealer services.

    A special type of broker, called a discount broker, performs similar functions as broker-dealers, except that they only perform the transactions, while broker-dealers often provide assistance by offering advice, analysis, and other services that can help their customers make investment decisions. Discount brokers don’t perform these additional services.

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Kenneth W. Boyd has 30 years of experience in accounting and financial services. He is a four-time Dummies book author, a blogger, and a video host on accounting and finance topics.

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Securities Firms and the Role They Play in Corporate Finance  - dummies (2024)


What is the role of a securities firm? ›

Security firms are mediators between customers and vendors. Their primary purpose is to ensure investments give out maximum returns. They support speculation trading purchasing and selling of monetary instruments between investors. Securities firms earn through the fee charges they impose on such services.

What are security firms in finance? ›

Definitions of securities firm. a stock broker's business; charges a fee to act as intermediary between buyer and seller. synonyms: brokerage, brokerage firm. types: bucket shop.

Why are securities important to a company? ›

By issuing securities, companies and governments can raise funds to finance their operations and investments. This capital formation helps to stimulate economic growth and create jobs.

What are securities in finance? ›

The term "security" is defined broadly to include a wide array of investments, such as stocks, bonds, notes, debentures, limited partnership interests, oil and gas interests, and investment contracts.

What is the role of securities in the financial market? ›

Securities are fungible and tradable financial instruments used to raise capital in public and private markets. There are primarily three types of securities: equity—which provides ownership rights to holders; debt—essentially loans repaid with periodic payments; and hybrids—which combine aspects of debt and equity.

How do securities firms make money? ›

How Does a Brokerage Firm Make Money? Generally, brokerages make money by charging various fees and commissions on transactions they facilitate and services they provide. The online broker who offers free stock trades receives fees for other services, plus fees from the exchanges.

What is the meaning of security firm? ›

(sɪˈkjʊərɪtɪ fɜːm ) noun. a firm which provides guards for buildings, and other security services and personnel.

How do securities firms differ from investment banks? ›

Securities firms specialize primarily in the purchase, sale, and brokerage of securities, while investment banks primarily engage in originating, underwriting, and distributing issues of securities.

What are the 4 types of securities? ›

Types of securities
  • Equity securities. Equity securities, commonly known as stocks or shares, represent ownership in a company. ...
  • Debt securities. ...
  • Hybrid securities. ...
  • Derivative securities. ...
  • Asset-backed securities.

Why is securities important? ›

Investment securities provide banks with the advantage of liquidity, in addition to the profits from realized capital gains when these are sold. If they are investment-grade, these investment securities are often able to help banks meet their pledge requirements for government deposits.

Why do firms sell securities? ›

Businesses often issue stocks or bonds to generate funds. These funds can then be used to expand operations, finance strategic initiatives, or cover debts.

Why do companies invest in securities? ›

A company can protect itself from economic downturns, foreign exchange crisis, and economic recessions, by investing in assets of other industries or those in other markets. As such, when the company's customers or clients spending reduces, a steady income stream is available.

What are securities for dummies? ›

Securities include any financial investment that derives its value from an underlying asset.</p>\n<p>So while stocks are a type of security whose value is derived from the ownership in a corporation that's also changing in value, bonds derive their value from underlying assets, as do mutual funds and derivatives.

What are the basics of securities? ›

Securities are financial instruments issued to raise funds. The primary function of the securities markets is to enable to flow of capital from those that have it to those that need it. Securities market help in transfer of resources from those with idle resources to others who have a productive need for them.

What are the characteristics of securities in finance? ›

2.26 The main features of equity securities are: (1) they are claims by shareholders on the net worth of the issuing corporation; (2) they are either listed on a stock exchange or unlisted; (3) they are issued on a specific issue date with a specific issue price; (4) they do not usually have a stated maturity; (5) they ...

What is the role of the securities firm that serves as the underwriter? ›

Securities underwriters specialise in working with initial public offerings (IPOs). Their primary responsibility is to evaluate the risk associated with an investment, in order to determine an appropriate price for the IPO.

What is a securities law firm? ›

The Securities Practice Group counsels clients in structuring, negotiating and consummating acquisition, sale and change of control transactions, both friendly and unfriendly. The firm often handles these transactions when they involve companies in regulated industries, such as banking and insurance.

What are the essential roles of securities regulation? ›

By protecting information traders, securities regulations enhance efficiency and liquidity in financial markets. Furthermore, by protecting information traders, securities regulation represents the highest form of market integrity by ensuring accurate pricing and superior liquidity to all investors.

What is the purpose of a brokerage firm? ›

A brokerage firm acts as an intermediary who makes matches between buyers and sellers of stocks, bonds, and other financial assets. A full-service broker is a broker that provides a large variety of services to its clients including research and advice, retirement planning, and more.

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