| Office of the Whistleblower (2024)


We strongly encourage the public (including whistleblowers) to submit any tips, complaints, and referrals (TCRs) using the SEC’s online TCR system and complaint form at If you submit your TCR using the online TCR system, you will receive a notice confirming that your submission has been received successfully and providing a submission number for your records.

Until further notice, any tips, complaints, and referrals submitted by mail (including whistleblower Form TCRs) should be sent to the following address due to the mandatory telework posture at the SEC’s Washington, DC headquarters: SEC Office of the Whistleblower (c/o ENF-CPU)
14420 Albemarle Point Place Suite 102 Chantilly, VA 20151-1750, ATTN: SEC TCR SUBMISSIONS

Submit a Tip

To qualify for an award under the Whistleblower Program, you must submit information regarding possible securities law violations to the Commission in one of the following two ways:

(1) By submitting a tip electronically through the SEC’s Tips, Complaints and Referrals Portal by clicking the button below.

**The TCR complaint form is compatible for use with Microsoft Edge, Safari, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome (please note that use of the Chrome browser may result in some visual format issues including the display of instructional pop up boxes). **

(2) By mailing or faxing a Form TCR to:

SEC Office of the Whistleblower (c/o ENF-CPU)
14420 Albemarle Point Place
Suite 102
Chantilly, VA 20151-1750
Fax: (703) 813-9322

You should maintain a copy of all documents and materials that you submit in connection with your whistleblower tip, including a mail receipt or fax confirmation. If you would like confirmation that your whistleblower tip was received by the Commission, you must enter your whistleblower tip through the online portal, where you have the option to print a confirmation receipt which provides the submission number and a copy of the tip.

If you are submitting additional information relating to a previously submitted tip, please reference your original TCR submission number.

If you are entering a whistleblower tip through the online portal and you wish to file jointly with another whistleblower, please note that the online system will only allow you to enter information for one whistleblower. If you wish to file online as joint whistleblowers, you should create a separate TCR for each whistleblower, and note in each TCR the name of the joint whistleblower.

Important Notes

If you submit your information online through the SEC's Tips, Complaints and Referrals Portal, and would like to (1) be eligible to apply for a whistleblower award and/or (2) receive additional confidentiality protections (even if you do not wish to be considered for an award), you must answer "yes" to the question "Are you filing this tip under the SEC’s whistleblower program?" on the "About You" page of the online questionnaire. You must also complete the whistleblower declaration at the end of the questionnaire.

The SEC treats all tips, complaints and referrals as confidential and nonpublic, and does not disclose such information to third parties, except in limited circ*mstances authorized by statute, rule, or other provisions of law. As a matter of practice, the whistleblower program provides additional confidentiality protections, consistent with the limitations on disclosure of information that could reasonably be expected to reveal the identity of a whistleblower set forth in Section 21F(h)(2) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 [15 U.S.C. § 78u-6(h)(2)] and Rule 21F-7 of the SEC's Whistleblower Rules [17 C.F.R. § 240.21F-7]. You should answer "yes" to the whistleblower program question if you wish to avail yourself of these additional confidentiality protections, even if you are not interested in being eligible for a whistleblower award.

Please note that if you choose to submit your information anonymously, i.e., without providing your identity or contact information, you must be represented by, and provide contact information for, an attorney in connection with your submission in order to be eligible for an award. | Office of the Whistleblower (2024)

FAQs | Office of the Whistleblower? ›

How do I apply for an award? Once the case you believe your information led to is posted, you must complete and return Form WB-APP within 90 calendar days to the Office of the Whistleblower via email to, by fax (703) 813-9322, or by mail to the address listed on OWB's website.

How do I claim my SEC whistleblower award? ›

How do I apply for an award? Once the case you believe your information led to is posted, you must complete and return Form WB-APP within 90 calendar days to the Office of the Whistleblower via email to, by fax (703) 813-9322, or by mail to the address listed on OWB's website.

What is the biggest SEC whistleblower payout? ›

The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced the largest-ever award, nearly $279 million, to a whistleblower whose information and assistance led to the successful enforcement of SEC and related actions.

What is the SEC whistleblower program? ›

The SEC whistleblower program contains three basic elements to encourage whistleblowers to come forward with information about possible securities law violations: significant monetary awards, confidentiality and anti-retaliation protections.

How do I contact the SEC whistleblower? ›

You can reach the Office of the Whistleblower at (202) 551-4790.

What is the average whistleblower settlement? ›

A whistleblower of a False Claims Act is supposed to receive 15% to 25% of the case value or the amount paid by the defendant if the government intervenes. And 25% to 30% if the whistleblower goes on by him or herself. Some of the percentages are different under state laws.

How long does it take to get whistleblower money? ›

After whistleblowers submit a timely application for an award, the Claims Review Staff will assess all timely applications to determine: (1) whether a whistleblower is eligible for an award; and (2) the amount of the award. Currently, the claims review process takes approximately 2 years to complete.

How long do SEC whistleblower cases take? ›

How long does it take for the SEC to investigate alleged securities violations? Longer than you might think. Typically, SEC investigations take two to four years to complete.

Are SEC whistleblower awards taxable? ›

The awards are subject to Federal & State taxes – taxed at the highest rates for ordinary income (37% - at the Federal Level & 13% in California).

Did Olympus whistleblower win millions in settlement? ›

In the settlement announced Tuesday, Olympus will pay $310 million to settle civil claims by the federal government and state, and Slowik gets $51 million — one of the largest whistleblower awards in history. Olympus also agreed to pay $312 million in criminal penalties to avoid prosecution.

Who is eligible for the SEC whistleblower? ›

Key Eligibility Factors: The information must be original, something not known to the SEC. The tip must be provided voluntarily, before the agency has reported the information. The whistleblower's submission must lead to a successful enforcement action resulting in monetary sanctions exceeding $1 million.

Who is eligible for a whistleblower? ›

To qualify for protection, the whistleblower must have reasonable grounds to suspect that the information they will disclose indicates misconduct.

How do you qualify as a whistleblower? ›

Who can be a whistleblower? Anyone with specific and detailed information about significant fraud against the government, securities law violations, commodity law violations or tax violations can be a whistleblower and qualify for protection against job retaliation and rewards in some instances.

What happens when you file a whistleblower complaint? ›

OSHA will ask the Respondent to provide a written defense to the allegations, also known as a position statement. Both parties are expected to actively participate in the investigation and to respond to OSHA's requests. Both parties are also given an opportunity to rebut the opposing party's position.

Do you get money for whistleblowing? ›

Whistleblowers (known as “relators” in qui tam lawsuits) are awarded a whistleblower reward based on a percentage of the money recovered by the government when those recoveries are due to a qui tam lawsuit or claims made under the SEC, CFTC or IRS whistleblower programs.

Who is the famous whistleblower? ›

Edward Snowden

In 2013, Edward Snowden, a former computer intelligence consultant, released documents on top-secret National Security Agency programs to reporters at The Guardian and the Washington Post. Snowden tried to raise his ethical concerns about the global surveillance programs internally but was ignored.

How much does SEC pay whistleblowers? ›

Whistleblower awards can range from 10 to 30 percent of the money collected when the monetary sanctions exceed $1 million. As set forth in the Dodd-Frank Act, the SEC protects the confidentiality of whistleblowers and does not disclose information that could reveal a whistleblower's identity.

What are whistleblower benefits? ›

3. Prevents issues escalating. One of the greatest benefits of whistleblowing in an organisation is that it provides the opportunity to catch problems early on. When the information is shared directly with the dedicated team, the company can deal with the concern immediately, before it escalates.

What percentage of whistleblowers get fired? ›


Seventy-four percent of the whistle-blowers in my review were terminated. Another 6 percent were suspended and 5 percent were transferred against their wishes. The remaining 15 percent were given poor evaluations, demoted or harassed.

How much is a whistleblower award? ›

Whistleblower payments are withdrawn from an investor protection fund established by Congress. Rewards can range from 10% to 30% of the money collected when sanctions exceed $1 million.

How many lottery winners go into debt? ›

The lottery does change people, but sometimes for the worse. According to the National Endowment for Financial Education, 70% of lottery winners go bankrupt within a few years.

Who was the whistleblower for the Olympus? ›

Woodford after the scandal

During 2011 and 2012, Woodford was recognised as "Businessperson of the Year" for bravery and whistleblowing by The Sunday Times, The Independent and The Sun, and "Person of the Year" at the Financial Times ArcelorMittal "Boldness in Business Awards" in March 2012.

Who was affected by the Olympus scandal? ›

Three former executives of Olympus have been given suspended jail terms for their roles in an accounting scandal. Former chairman Tsuyoshi Kikukawa and executives Hisashi Mori and Hideo Yamada pleaded guilty last year to charges of falsifying accounts to cover up losses of $1.7bn (£1.1bn).

Who is not protected by whistleblowing? ›

A disclosure of waste, fraud, or abuse that includes classified information is not a protected disclosure under the whistleblower laws unless the disclosure is made in accordance with the law and rules that govern the proper handling and transmission of classified information.

Can a federal employee be a whistleblower? ›

To qualify as a protected whistleblower, a Federal employee or applicant for employment must disclose: a violation of any law, rule, or regulation; gross mismanagement; a gross waste of funds; an abuse of authority; or a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety.

Is the whistleblower act only for federal employees? ›

Information for Federal employees. Overview of the WPA - The Whistleblower Protection Act (WPA) (5 U.S.C. § 2302(b)(8)) protects Federal employees or applicants for Federal employment from retaliation for making protected disclosures. The WPA also provides penalties for supervisors who retaliate against Whistleblowers.

Who pays for whistleblowers? ›

A whistleblower reward is monetary incentive provided by the government to reward a whistleblower's disclosure of original information that leads to successful enforcement action.

What are the consequences of whistleblowing? ›

Unfortunately, reporting often comes at a high price: whistleblowers risk their career, their livelihood and sometimes their personal safety to expose wrongdoing that threatens the public interest. They may be fired, sued, blacklisted, arrested, threatened or, in extreme cases, assaulted or killed.

Can a private citizen be a whistleblower? ›

The Labor Department's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) administers 25 private sector whistleblower laws that prohibit retaliation against individuals who make protected whistleblowing disclosures.

What are the 3 steps in the whistleblowing process? ›

The following is a generalized guide to whistleblowing.
  • Identify the Issue. What is occurring and how do you know it?
  • Document the Facts. ...
  • Who Needs to Know. ...
  • Make a Decision about Confidentiality. ...
  • Make the Call or Submit Your Disclosure.

What is evidence of whistleblowing? ›

Whistleblowing means disclosing information that you reasonably believe is evidence of a violation of any law, rule, or regulation; gross mismanagement; a gross waste of funds; an abuse of authority; or a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety.

How do I start a whistleblower complaint? ›

Call the whistleblower hotline at 1-800-649-7570. File a Whistleblower Complaint Online.

What is the most common type of whistleblower? ›

Internal channels. Most whistleblowers are internal whistleblowers, who report misconduct on a fellow employee or superior within their company through anonymous reporting mechanisms often called hotlines.

What are examples of whistleblowing? ›

If an employee report wrongdoing that they believe is in the public interest, it is known as whistleblowing. Whistleblowing examples can include criminal activity, such as theft or unethical or unjust behaviour in the workplace, including racist, sexist or hom*ophobic behaviour.

What is a real life example of whistleblowing? ›

On February 2, 1976, Gregory C. Minor, Richard B. Hubbard, and Dale G. Bridenbaugh (known as the GE Three) "blew the whistle" on safety problems at nuclear power plants, and their action has been called "an exemplary instance of whistleblowing".

What evidence do I need to file a whistleblower award claim? ›

Submit a Whistleblower Claim

A description of documents or supporting evidence not in the whistleblower's possession or control, and their location. An explanation of how and when the whistleblower became aware of the information that forms the basis of the claim.

How do I file a claim with the SEC? ›

To ask a question or report a problem concerning your investments, your investment account or a financial professional, contact us online or call the SEC's toll-free investor assistance line at (800) 732-0330 (if outside of the U.S., call 1-202-551-6551).

Are whistleblower awards taxable income? ›

The awards are subject to Federal & State taxes – taxed at the highest rates for ordinary income (37% - at the Federal Level & 13% in California).

Can whistleblower claims be released? ›

Ultimately whether a release is upheld will depend on a court's views and biases about the whistleblower and the defendant's motives. Even in the best of circ*mstances, predicting these outcomes is nuanced and uncertain.

Who investigates whistleblower complaints? ›

OSHA will interview the Complainant to obtain information about the alleged retaliation, and will determine whether the allegation is sufficient to initiate an investigation under one or more of the whistleblower protection statutes administered by OSHA.

How long does an SEC complaint take? ›

The length of an SEC investigation can vary depending on the facts and circ*mstances of the case. However, in most cases, the SEC will take a many months to investigate a company or individual before making a decision on whether to take enforcement action.

What percentage of whistleblower award does IRS pay? ›

In general the amount of the award will be at least 15 percent but no more than 30 percent of the proceeds collected in which the Whistleblower Office determines that the information submitted by the whistleblower substantially contributed to the IRS' detection and recovery of proceeds collected.

How long does an IRS whistleblower case take? ›

In total, the whistleblower can get the award amount of between 10 and 30 percent of the total monetary sanctions collected in the enforcement action. After the award is approved, it typically takes between 12 and 18 months for the SEC to send the monetary award.

How much of an award is taxable? ›

Traditional certificates, plaques, medals, and pins usually are not taxable. Cash and cash equivalents given as awards are generally taxable, regardless of the amount. Checks are the most common form of a cash equivalent. Gift certificates and vouchers with a clear face amount are also cash equivalents.

How do you prove a whistleblower? ›

Proving Whistleblower Retaliation Claims

In order to prove whistleblower retaliation against an employer, the employee must show that he or she has engaged in "protected activity." This typically means disclosing unlawful activity by the business to the government or another overseeing entity.

Can a whistleblower be investigated? ›

The bulk of the investigation generally consists of the evaluation of documents (including evidence received from the whistleblower), as well as interviews with employees and potential further discussions with the whistleblower.

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Author: Jamar Nader

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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.