SBI Small Cap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth [150.3623] | SBI Mutual Fund - Moneycontrol (2024)

SBI Small Cap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth [150.3623] | SBI Mutual Fund - Moneycontrol (1)

SBI Small Cap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth [150.3623] | SBI Mutual Fund - Moneycontrol (2)

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SBI Small Cap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth [150.3623] | SBI Mutual Fund - Moneycontrol (5)

SBI Small Cap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth [150.3623] | SBI Mutual Fund - Moneycontrol (6)

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SBI Small Cap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth [150.3623] | SBI Mutual Fund - Moneycontrol (22)

SBI Small Cap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth [150.3623] | SBI Mutual Fund - Moneycontrol (23)

you are here:

  • Regular
  • Direct

Category : Small Cap Fund

Fund House : SBI Mutual Fund

  • NAV

    : ₹ 150.36230.71%

    (as on 07th March, 2024)

Crisil Rank

Relatively weak performance among peers

Fund Size: ₹ 25524.56 Cr

(33.54% of Investment in Category)

Expense Ratio: 1.63%

(1.87% Category average)


Very High

Small Cap Fund :Small Cap Fund : The fund has 87.51% investment in domestic equities of which , 10.38% is in Mid Cap stocks, 47.06% in Small Cap stocks.

Suitable For : Investors who are looking to invest money for at least 3-4 years and looking for very high returns. At the same time, these investors should also be ready for possibility of higher losses in their investments.

Crisil Rank Change : Fund Crisil rank was updated from 2 to 1 in the previous quarter.

  • One-time Investment
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  • 1M
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  • 1Y
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  • ALL

This Scheme


  • Benchmark

    S&P BSE 250 Smallcap TRI

  • NA

  • NA

  • Gold

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  • S&P BSE 250 Smallcap TRI : -

"); } else { $(".stock_graphs").hide(); $("#" + resp_div).show(); $(".stock_graphs").removeClass('active'); $("#" + resp_div).addClass('active'); } $.ajax({ url: link, type: "GET", dataType: "json", success: function(t) { var n50d = []; var temp = []; var x_data = []; var x_data_2 = []; var temp_stat = []; var y_tot = 0; var ff = []; i = 0; var per = []; var en = []; var first_val_1 = 0; var first_val_2 = 0; var dt1 = []; var dt2 = []; var navval = []; var cmpval = []; var month_arr = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','July','Aug','Sept','Oct','Nov','Dec'] $.each(t.g1, function(k, v) { var spl = v.navDate.split("-"); var y = spl[0]; var m = spl[1] - 1; var d = spl[2]; var dd = v.navValue; dt1.push(parseInt(Date.UTC(y, m, d, 0, 0))); x_data.push(v.navValue); }); if(type == 'category'){ $("#list_indices").val(""); $("#list_stock").val(""); $("#list_mf").val(""); $("#list_ulip").val(""); $("#cmp_indices").html("NA"); indices = $("#list_navs").val(); $("#cmp_gold").html("NA"); $.each(t.n50, function(k, v) {var spl = v.navDate.split("-");var y = spl[0];var m = spl[1] - 1;var d = spl[2];var dd = v.navValue;dt2.push(parseInt(Date.UTC(y, m, d, 0, 0)));x_data_2.push(v.navValue); 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'' : '% Returns') }, labels: {x: 20,y:-2 }, startOnTick: false, min: Math.min(y_min, y_min_2), max: Math.max(y_max, y_max_2), gridLineWidth: 0.5, }, credits: { enabled: false }, tooltip: { pointFormatter: function() { var point = this;var date_obj=new Date(point.x) $("#mouseoverDate").html(date_obj.getDate()+' '+month_arr[date_obj.getMonth()]+' '+date_obj.getFullYear());nav = navval[point.index];$("#mouseoverNavVal").html(nav.toFixed(2));cmp = cmpval[point.index];$("#mouseoverCmpVal").html(cmp); if (point.series.color == '#DF9311') { return '\u25CF ' + + ': ' + (point.y).toFixed(2) + '%'; } else { return '\u25CF ' + schemename + ': ' + (point.y).toFixed(2) + '%'; } } }, legend: { layout: 'horizontal', // floating: true, y: 20, }, plotOptions: { line: { marker: { enabled: false },enableMouseTracking: true }, areaspline: { marker: { enabled: false } } }, series: [{ turboThreshold: 0, name: schemename, data: temp_stat, //absoluteY: color: '#2867A0', }, { turboThreshold: 0, name: indices, data: n50d, // yAxis: 1, color: '#DF9311', }], exporting: { enabled: false } }); } });}//$(document).ready(function(){//get_indices_list('', 'mobile');//});function close_suggetion_box(){$('div.sugbox').hide();}function get_indices_list(searchstr, type='desktop') {//var searchstr_len = searchstr.length; //if (searchstr_len > 2 || type == 'mobile') {$(".sugbox").hide(); var link = "";$.ajax({url: link,type: "GET",dataType: "json",success: function(data) {if(type == 'mobile'){//$('#fund_options1').removeAttr('onclick');listr = '';$.each(data.list.indices, function(k, v) {if(v.ind_id != $("#sel_benchmarkIndexId").val()){listr += '

';}});$("#fund_options1").append(listr);}else{listr = '

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  • '+v.stkexchg+'
  • ';}});listr += '

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    ';$.each(data.schemeNames, function(k, v) {listr += '
  • '+v.schemeName+'
  • '});listr += '

';$("#mfsugbox").show();$("#mfsugbox").html(listr);}else{listr = '

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  • '+v.schemeName+'
  • '});listr += '

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    ';$.each(data, function(k, v) {listr += '
  • '+v.stock_name+'
  • ' });listr += '

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  • '+$(this).find('a').text()+'
  • '});listr += '

';$("#ulipsugbox").show();$("#ulipsugbox").html(listr);} }); }else{ if (searchstr_len == 0) {$("#sel_ulip_id").val("");$("#ulipsugbox").hide(); } }}function set_ulip_val(ulip_id, ulipname){schemename = $("#sel_schemename").val();isin = $("#sel_isin_id").val();$("#sel_ulip_id").val(ulip_id);$("#list_ulip").val(ulipname);$("#ulipsugbox").hide();$(".stock_graphs").html("");$("#mouseoverCmpName").html(ulipname);get_stock_graph(isin,'1Y','li_1y','oneymfd_1', schemename, 'ulip')}/*$(document).ready(function(e) {$('#oneymfd_clk').click();$( "body" ).click(function( event ) { close_suggetion_box();});$("#list_indices").on("keyup", function() {var value = $(this).val().toLowerCase();$("#list_suggestion li").filter(function() { $(this).toggle($(this).text().toLowerCase().indexOf(value) > -1)});});});*/

  • 1M
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  • Date : -
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  • Value on selected date : -

"); $.ajax({ url: link, type: "GET", dataType: "json", success: function(t) { var n50d = []; var temp = []; var x_data = []; var x_data_2 = []; var temp_stat = []; var y_tot = 0; var ff = []; i = 0; var per = []; var en = []; var first_val_1 = 0; var first_val_2 = 0; var dt1 = []; var dt2 = []; var navval = []; var cmpval = []; var month_arr = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','July','Aug','Sept','Oct','Nov','Dec'] $.each(t.g1, function(k, v) { var spl ="-"); var y = spl[0]; var m = spl[1] - 1; var d = spl[2]; var dd = v.investamt; dt1.push(parseInt(Date.UTC(y, m, d, 0, 0))); dt2.push(parseInt(Date.UTC(y, m, d, 0, 0))); x_data.push(v.investamt); x_data_2.push(v.returnamt); }); var fund_date = dt1[0] var n50_date = dt2[0] first_val_1 = x_data[0] first_val_2 = x_data_2[0] for (var k = 0; k < x_data.length; k++) {navval.push(x_data[k]); //x_data[k] = ((x_data[k] - first_val_1) / first_val_1) * 100; var ttt = [dt1[k], x_data[k]]; temp_stat.push(ttt) } for (var k = 0; k < x_data_2.length; k++) {cmpval.push(x_data_2[k]); //x_data_2[k] = ((x_data_2[k] - first_val_2) / first_val_2) * 100; var ttt = [dt2[k], x_data_2[k]];if(dt2[k] <= dt1[x_data.length-1] && dt2[k] >= dt1[0]){n50d.push(ttt)} } var y_min = Math.min.apply(null, x_data); var y_max = Math.max.apply(null, x_data); var y_min_2 = Math.min.apply(null, x_data_2); var y_max_2 = Math.max.apply(null, x_data_2); var width = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth; Highcharts.chart(resp_div, { chart: { type: 'line', backgroundColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.002)' }, title: { text: '' }, subTitle: { text: '' }, xAxis: { type: 'datetime', }, yAxis: { title: { text: (width < 768 ? '' : 'Amount') }, labels: {x: 20,y:-2 }, startOnTick: false, min: Math.min(y_min, y_min_2), max: Math.max(y_max, y_max_2), gridLineWidth: 0.5, }, credits: { enabled: false }, tooltip: { pointFormatter: function() { var point = this;var date_obj=new Date(point.x) $("#sipmouseoverDate").html(date_obj.getDate()+' '+month_arr[date_obj.getMonth()]+' '+date_obj.getFullYear());$("#sipmouseoverCmpVal").html("Value on selected date : "+cmpval[point.index]+"");$("#sipmouseoverNavVal").html(navval[point.index].toFixed(2));return '\u25CF ' + + ': ' + (point.y).toFixed(2) + ''; } }, legend: { layout: 'horizontal', // floating: true, y: 20, }, plotOptions: { line: { marker: { enabled: false } }, areaspline: { marker: { enabled: false } } }, series: [{ name: 'Investment', data: temp_stat, //absoluteY: color: '#2867A0', }, { name: 'Value on selected date', data: n50d, // yAxis: 1, color: '#DF9311', }], exporting: { enabled: false } }); } });}//$(document).ready(function(e) {//$('#siponeymfd_clk').click();//});

  • Returns Calculator
  • SIP Calculator
  • VIP (Value Avg)


  • Investment Date

  • Sell Date

  • Investment Value


  • Sell Value


  • Profit/Loss


  • Annualised Returns


  • Date : -
  • Investment : -
  • Value on selected date : -

Returns (NAV as on 07th March, 2024)

Period Invested for ₹10000 Invested on Latest Value Absolute Returns Annualised Returns Category Avg Rank within Category
1 Week 29-Feb-24 9999.50 -0.01% - -0.91% 5/29
1 Month 07-Feb-24 10068.30 0.68% - -2.85% 1/29
3 Month 07-Dec-23 10602.00 6.02% - 5.55% 11/28
6 Month 07-Sep-23 11045.60 10.46% - 14.34% 19/26
YTD 01-Jan-24 10512.30 5.12% - 2.71% 6/29
1 Year 06-Mar-23 13478.60 34.79% 34.57% 46.64% 23/26
2 Year 07-Mar-22 15609.00 56.09% 24.90% 28.25% 18/25
3 Year 05-Mar-21 18672.50 86.72% 23.07% 27.59% 21/24
5 Year 07-Mar-19 29963.50 199.63% 24.51% 25.25% 12/21
10 Year 07-Mar-14 104290.80 942.91% 26.40% 21.97% 2/13
Since Inception 09-Sep-09 150362.30 1403.62% 20.55% 20.34% 13/28

SIP Returns (NAV as on 07th March, 2024)

Period Invested for₹1000 SIP Started onInvestmentsLatest ValueAbsolute ReturnsAnnualised Returns
1 Year06-Mar-231200014121.1417.68 %34.26 %
2 Year07-Mar-222400030867.3228.61 %26.27 %
3 Year05-Mar-213600049887.438.58 %22.37 %
5 Year07-Mar-1960000117453.3995.76 %27.23 %
10 Year07-Mar-14120000385760.4221.47 %22.1 %

Tax Treatment

If sold after 1 year from purchase date, long term capital gain tax will be applicable. Current tax rate is 10%, if your total long term capital gain exceeds 1 lakh. Any cess/surcharge is not included.|If sold before 1 year from purchase date, short term capital gain tax will be applicable. Current tax rate is 15%. Any cess/surcharge is not included in the 15%.

Portfolio (Updated on 29th Feb,2024)

  • Equity (87.51%)
  • Debt (0%)
  • Others (12.49%)

Equity Holding : 87.51% | F&O Holdings : 0.00%| Foreign Equity Holdings : 0.00%| Total : 87.51%

No of Stocks : 56 (Category Avg - 82.59) | Large Cap Investments : 0%| Mid Cap Investments : 10.38% | Small Cap Investments : 47.06% | Other : 30.07%

Top 10 Stocks in Portfolio

How to read this table?

Stock Invested in Sector Value(Mn) % of Total Holdings 1M Change 1Y Highest Holding 1Y Lowest Holding Quantity 1M Change in Qty
# Blue Star Ltd. Household appliances 11940.4 4.68% 0.00% 4.38% (Feb 2023) 3.33% (Aug 2023) 94.00 L 0.00
# Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. Civil construction 8695.8 3.41% 0.00% 3.1% (Feb 2023) 2.59% (Jun 2023) 90.00 L 0.00
# Chalet Hotels Ltd. Hotels & resorts 7875.6 3.09% 0.00% 3.04% (Jan 2024) 2.24% (Jun 2023) 97.17 L 0.00
# GE T&D India Ltd. Heavy electrical equipment 7674.8 3.01% 0.00% 2.31% (Jan 2024) 0.55% (Feb 2023) 84.21 L 0.00
# Finolex Industries Ltd. Plastic products - industrial 7208.8 2.82% 0.00% 2.95% (Jan 2024) 2.11% (Nov 2023) 3.30 Cr 0.00
# Lemon Tree Hotels Ltd. Hotels & resorts 6970 2.73% 0.00% 2.81% (Jan 2024) 2.31% (Jul 2023) 5.00 Cr 0.00
# Elgi Equipments Ltd. Compressors, pumps & diesel engines 6520.5 2.55% 0.00% 3.04% (May 2023) 2.3% (Dec 2023) 1.00 Cr 0.00
# SBFC Finance Ltd. Non banking financial company (nbfc) 5922 2.32% 0.00% 2.95% (Aug 2023) 0% (Feb 2023) 7.00 Cr 0.00
# City Union Bank Ltd. Private sector bank 5811.4 2.28% 0.00% 2.51% (Jan 2024) 1.42% (Aug 2023) 4.30 Cr 0.00
# Cms Info Systems Ltd. Diversified commercial services 5762.3 2.26% 0.00% 2.99% (Jul 2023) 1.46% (Apr 2023) 1.50 Cr 0.00

- indicates change in weight in the portfolio. # indicates a new entry.

Name Type of Instrument Weight (%)
Margin Margin 2.33%
Net Receivables Net Receivables -0.22%

Risk Ratios

Ratios calculated on daily returns for last 3 years (Updated as on 29th February, 2024)

  • Standard Deviation

    Low volatility


    Category Avg

  • Beta

    Low volatility


    Category Avg

  • Sharpe Ratio

    Poor risk adjusted returns


    Category Avg

  • Treynor's Ratio

    Poor risk adjusted returns


    Category Avg

  • Jension's Alpha

    Poor risk adjusted returns


    Category Avg

Alternative Funds (Category Peers)

Scheme Name Crisil Rank Asset Size (Cr) 1M 3M 6M 1Y 3Y
Bandhan Small Cap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 4 4289.96 -3.17 11.92 26.11 67.59 28.25
Quant Small Cap Fund - Growth 4 15663.84 -1.02 17.17 28.00 65.20 42.80
Mahindra Manulife Small Cap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth NA 3502.84 -3.18 8.90 21.31 63.65 0.00
ITI Small Cap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 3 2085.37 -1.63 10.59 25.71 60.16 21.51
Nippon India Small Cap Fund - Growth 5 45894.01 -1.88 6.47 14.27 52.69 33.77
Franklin India Smaller Companies Fund - Growth 5 11833.66 -1.62 5.73 16.62 51.53 29.43
Invesco India Smallcap Fund - Growth 3 3705.37 -3.88 5.47 18.69 48.34 27.40
Sundaram Small Cap Fund - Growth 3 3063.23 -2.38 5.52 15.62 48.26 27.62
HDFC Small Cap Fund - Growth 4 28606.62 -2.66 6.33 13.45 46.31 30.72
Bank of India Small Cap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 4 919.56 -3.61 1.57 14.05 46.24 27.93

More Funds from SBI Mutual Fund

Out of 127 mutual fund schemes offered by this AMC,5 is/are ranked 5 * ,5 is/are ranked 4 * ,10 is/are ranked 3 * ,9 is/are ranked 2 * ,6 is/are ranked 1 * ,and 92 schemes are not ranked. See more about AMC

Scheme Name Crisil Rank Asset Size (Cr) 1M 3M 6M 1Y 3Y
SBI Nifty 50 ETF 4 173832.292.697.7914.3928.2215.85
SBI Nifty 50 ETF 4 173832.292.697.7914.3928.2215.85
SBI S&P BSE Sensex ETF 5 105570.952.836.7612.2124.4814.97
SBI S&P BSE Sensex ETF 5 105570.952.836.7612.2124.4814.97
SBI Equity Hybrid Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 2 65073.710.945.3510.2124.2512.33
SBI Liquid Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 3 64615.130.591.803.527.135.25
SBI Blue Chip Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 3 43355.251.484.559.5625.2914.06
SBI Focused Equity Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 2 30736.021.012.888.0228.7314.15
SBI Arbitrage Opportunities Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 3 27798.090.682.153.787.795.71
SBI Balanced Advantage Fund - Regular Plan - Growth NA 27487.941.528.0712.3925.930.00


+ See More

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SBI Small Cap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth [150.3623]  | SBI Mutual Fund - Moneycontrol (2024)


Is it good to invest in SBI Small Cap mutual fund? ›

in Small Cap. Volatility Protection: This fund is one of the best in protecting against volatility in it's category. Return Outperformance: This fund has generated highest return amongst Small Cap funds in the last 10 Years. Return/Risk: For every unit of risk this fund takes, it produces 20% more returns.

What is the average return of SBI Small Cap Fund regular growth? ›

1. Current NAV: The Current Net Asset Value of the SBI Small Cap Fund as of Apr 19, 2024 is Rs 155.20 for Growth option of its Regular plan. 2. Returns: Its trailing returns over different time periods are: 40.73% (1yr), 25.45% (3yr), 24.35% (5yr) and 20.67% (since launch).

Which SBI Mutual Fund is best for 5 years? ›

SBI Bluechip Growth Fund, categorized under Equity in SBI Mutual Funds, has demonstrated strong performance with annualized returns of approximately 18.34% and 16.66% over the past 3 and 5 years, respectively. The minimum investment amounts are ₹5,000 for lump sum and ₹500 for SIP to invest in SBI Bluechip Fund.

Is there any lock in period for SBI Small Cap Fund regular growth? ›

Is there any lock-in period for SBI Small Cap Fund? No, There is no lock in period in SBI Small Cap Fund.

What is the return on SBI Small Cap Fund regular growth last 5 years? ›

The 5 year annualized return on SBI Small Cap Fund Regular Plan Growth is 24.32% & it has generated 39.17% in the last 1 year. What is the minimum investment in SBI Small Cap Fund Regular Plan Growth? The minimum investment in SBI Small Cap Fund Regular Plan Growth is 5000 Rs.

Is Small Cap mutual fund safe? ›

Small-cap mutual funds are liable to a sufficient bit of risk in the market, and it is recommended that investors look at all the factors that influence the performance of these funds. You have to think about factors such as how much risk you are willing to take, what happens to be your investment goal, etc.

How risky is SBI Small Cap Fund? ›

Small caps are often associated with high volatility and risk. But SBI Small Cap Fund is one of the best-performing small-cap funds over the past 10 years that has also offered better downside protection than the NIFTY 50.

How many years is a small-cap fund good for? ›

Hence, it is important to have a long-term investment window while investing in Small-Cap Funds so that you give sufficient time to your investment to generate returns. The recommended time frame is eight to ten years.

Which SBI Mutual Fund is best? ›

SBI MF Top Rated Funds
  • SBI Magnum Mid Cap Direct Plan-Growth. ...
  • SBI Large & Midcap Fund Direct Plan-Growth. ...
  • SBI Flexicap Fund Direct-Growth. ...
  • SBI Bluechip Direct Plan-Growth. ...
  • SBI Focused Equity Fund Direct Plan-Growth. ...
  • SBI Banking & Financial Services Fund Direct-Growth. ...
  • SBI ESG Exclusionary Strategy Fund Direct Plan-Growth.

Is it safe to invest in SBI Mutual Fund? ›

Every mutual fund investment carries some amount of risk, and no AMC can guarantee the safety of capital as your returns are linked to the market. However, SBI Mutual Fund is a well-known AMC in the country that has been around for almost 30 years and it is the largest mutual fund company in terms of AUM.

Which SBI Mutual Fund is best for 3 years? ›

Best SBI Mutual Fund Schemes to Invest in 2024
Fund nameAUM3Y Returns
SBI Magnum Medium Duration Fund (G)₹6391.33 Cr5.4%
SBI Magnum Midcap Fund (G)₹16856.01 Cr24.6%
SBI Contra Fund (G)₹26776.87 Cr32.2%
SBI Focused Equity Fund (G)₹32190.38 Cr16.3%
16 more rows

Which mutual fund is best for next 5 years? ›

Equity Mutual Funds: SIP Performance in 5 years
  • Nippon India Small Cap Fund. ...
  • Quant Flexi Cap Fund. ...
  • Quant ELSS Tax Saver Fund. 1,428,661.33. ...
  • HSBC Small Cap Fund. 1,362,349.31. ...
  • SBI Contra Fund. 1,353,971.16. ...
  • Bank of India Small Cap Fund. 1,353,842.64. ...
  • Franklin India Smaller Cos Fund. 1,345,052.9. ...
  • HDFC Small Cap Fund. 1,343,394.33.
Feb 26, 2024

Is SBI Small Cap Fund discontinued? ›

SBI Small Cap Fund

SBI Mutual Fund has stopped accepting lumpsum investments from September 7, 2020. The fund house accepts investments through SIPs of up to Rs 5,000 per individual. SBI Small Cap Fund had stopped accepting lumpsum investments earlier from October 2015 to March 2020.

What is the 1 year return of the SBI Small Cap Fund? ›

Absolute returns
Fund returns (%)41.926.5
Category Avg. (%)57.629.1
Rank in category3222

Is SBI Mutual Fund tax free? ›

When you invest in SBI MF ELSS Funds, you become eligible for a tax deduction of up to Rs 1.5 lakh under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. In this, the amount invested by you gets deducted from your taxable income. It reduces your overall tax liability.

What is the future of SBI Small Cap Fund? ›

1. Current NAV: The Current Net Asset Value of the SBI Small Cap Fund - Direct Plan as of Apr 22, 2024 is Rs 177.26 for Growth option of its Direct plan. 2. Returns: Its trailing returns over different time periods are: 40.94% (1yr), 26.47% (3yr), 25.76% (5yr) and 26.02% (since launch).

Should I invest in small-cap value funds? ›

Investors with a high-risk appetite tend to buy these funds. Small-cap funds generally invest in companies having a market cap of less than $2 billion. The companies, smaller in size, offer growth potential and can subsequently see an increase in market capitalization.

What is the tax benefit of SBI Small Cap Fund? ›

When you invest in SBI MF ELSS Funds, you become eligible for a tax deduction of up to Rs 1.5 lakh under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. In this, the amount invested by you gets deducted from your taxable income. It reduces your overall tax liability.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.