Russia tells NASA it will remain with International Space Station until at least 2028 | CBC News (2024)


Russian space officials told their U.S. counterparts that Moscow expects to remain on the International Space Station at least until their own outpost in orbit is built in 2028, NASA's space operations chief told Reuters.

News comes just after head of Russian space agency announced 2024 departure

Thomson Reuters


Russia tells NASA it will remain with International Space Station until at least 2028 | CBC News (1)

Russian space officials told their U.S. counterparts that Moscow expects to remain on the International Space Station (ISS) at least until their own outpost in orbit is built in 2028, NASA's space operations chief told Reuters.

The assurance on Tuesday from Russia came after the newly appointed head of its space agency, Roscosmos, surprised NASA earlier in the day by announcing that Moscow intended toend more than two decades of partnership on the space station "after 2024."

"We're not getting any indication at any working level that anything's changed," Kathy Lueders, NASA's space operations chief, told Reuters on Wednesday, adding the U.S. space agency's relations with Roscosmos remained "business as usual."

Any ISS partner must give a year's notice that they are withdrawing from the international agreement.

Russia's space program has a long andstoried history. As the Soviet Union, it launched the first satellite, Sputnik, in 1957; launched the first human into space, Yuri Gagarin in 1961; launched the first woman into space, Valentina Tereshkova, in 1963; and both performed the first spacewalk and built the first space station. Their Soyuz rockets, which take their cosmonauts to the ISS,are workhorses designed from the end of the Cold War era.

However, since the fall of the Soviet Union, Roscosmos has faced many challenges, both financial and political. Most recently, it has been accused of corruption.

Over the years, the then-head of Roscosmos, DmitryRogozin, has made outlandish threats and suggestions to NASA. When the war in Ukraine began, he threatened to abandon American astronauts aboard the ISS— complete with a video —got into a heated Twitter exchange with former NASA astronaut Scott Kelly, and told NASA itwould have to use broomsticks to get to the station.

Russian gov't-controlled RIA Novosti <a href="">@rianru</a> posted a video on Telegram made by <a href="">@Roscosmos</a> where cosmonauts say goodbye to Mark Vande Hei on <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#ISS</a>, depart, and then the Russian segment detaches from the rest of ISS. <a href="">@Rogozin</a> is clearly threatening the ISS program. <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#NASA</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Ukraine</a> <a href="*k1xR1">*k1xR1</a>


Russia has also focused more on the military uses of space, and last November carried out an anti-satellite test that produced more than 1,500 pieces of trackable debris. The act was widely condemned by the space community and other countries.

Russians continue to work and live aboard the ISSand, in September, cosmonaut Anna Kikina will fly aboard a SpaceX rocket as a mission specialist headed to the station.

NASA has plans to continue using the ISS until at least 2030.

WATCH | Russian missile test rattles nerves on ISS:

Russia tells NASA it will remain with International Space Station until at least 2028 | CBC News (2)

Russia accused of endangering astronauts with space missile test

2 years ago

Duration 1:54

Russia is being accused of putting astronauts on the International Space Station in danger by conducting a missile test and blowing up its own satellite, which created enough debris to force astronauts to hide in safety pods.

With files from Nicole Mortillaro

Russia tells NASA it will remain with International Space Station until at least 2028 | CBC News (2024)


Did Russia tell NASA it is staying on international space station until 2028? ›

Russia tells NASA it will remain with International Space Station until at least 2028. Russian space officials told their U.S. counterparts that Moscow expects to remain on the International Space Station at least until their own outpost in orbit is built in 2028, NASA's space operations chief told Reuters.

Is Russia still involved with the International Space Station? ›

Russia's space agency Roscosmos said last July it would leave the ISS after 2024. But, on 27 April, Russia confirmed that it would support operations until at least 2028.

How much longer will the international space station stay in orbit? ›

Instead, the plan outlined by Nasa in a report last year is to push the entire station back into the atmosphere. Events will begin in 2026, when the orbit of the ISS will be allowed to naturally decay under atmospheric drag, dropping from 400km (250 miles) to about 320km (200 miles) in mid-2030.

What did Russia say about the International Space Station? ›

Russia says it will withdraw from the International Space Station (ISS) after 2024 and build its own station instead. The US and Russia, along with other partners, have successfully worked together on the ISS since 1998.

Will the International Space Station ISS orbiting Earth to last up to 2028? ›

Russia has formally agreed to remain aboard the International Space Station (ISS) until 2028, NASA has announced.

Who owns the International Space Station? ›

An international partnership of space agencies provides and operates the elements of the ISS. The principals are the space agencies of the United States, Russia, Europe, Japan, and Canada.

Why doesn t the ISS fly over Russia? ›

It would also limit crew escape options in an emergency, since you wouldn't want to do a deorbit burn over the polar regions, and it would expose the crew onboard the station to more radiation over those regions too - which would mean it would have to orbit lower still to decrease overall radiation exposure, which ...

Do Russian and American astronauts get along? ›

Space has long been a safe haven where Americans and Russians have gone to learn how to get along. The 1975 epoch-making “handshake in space” between NASA astronauts and Russian cosmonauts was a first big step in ending the Cold War.

Why are they shutting down the ISS? ›

Cracks have started to appear in the Zarya cargo module. There has also been a series of air leaks in the crew's living quarters. This structural fatigue is part of the reason the ISS will be vacated in 2030 and de-orbited the following year.

What is the lifespan of the space station? ›

The United States, Japan, Canada, and the participating countries of ESA (European Space Agency) have confirmed they will support continued space station operations through 2030 and Russia has confirmed it will support continued station operations through 2028.

Can the International Space Station return to Earth? ›

It might seem like the best place to keep the ISS is in space. However, there's a problem: It won't stay there without an occasional push. Without one, it will eventually crash back to Earth. Deorbiting it on purpose is one way to make sure it falls into an empty ocean, and not on top of anyone's house.

What happens if Russia quits space station? ›

If Russia were to leave the station in 2024—or perhaps even more abruptly—and take its technology with it, the ISS would deorbit and put the astronauts in grave danger. Russia also supplies additional water and critically, a secondary CO2 air removal system.

Is Russia quitting the ISS after 2024? ›

Russia has decided to quit the International Space Station "after 2024", the newly-appointed chief of Moscow's space agency told President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday.

Will Russia withdraw from the International Space Station after 2024? ›

Russia plans to leave the International Space Station after 2024 : NPR. Russia plans to leave the International Space Station after 2024 NASA and other international partners hope to keep the space station running until 2030. Meanwhile, Russia says it will focus on building its own orbiting outpost.

Will anything replace the ISS? ›

The space agency plans to rent space on a privately built station, and it wants to have astronauts moved in to their new home before ISS operations end in 2030.

How many people live on International Space Station? ›

The space station has been continuously occupied since November 2000. An international crew of seven people live and work while traveling at a speed of five miles per second, orbiting Earth about every 90 minutes. Sometimes more are aboard the station during a crew handover.

Does the International Space Station ever stop moving? ›

The ISS moves in a circle around Earth at just the right speed. The centrifugal force pushing it away is exactly the same as the force of gravity pulling it in. This balance is called a stable orbit. And unless something happens to change it, it will continue.

How much do astronauts on the ISS get paid? ›

Pay grades for civilian astronauts are GS-11 through GS-14 with GS-11 starting at $64,724 per year and GS-14 earning up to $141,715 annually. However, the GS rates often have specific local rates that may differ from this.

Which country has the most advanced space technology? ›

List of Top Countries with Advanced Space Technology
  • USA. The United States' (NASA) is far and away the most active and productive space agency on the planet, with a budget that is almost double that of the next-largest agency. ...
  • Singapore. ...
  • Russia. ...
  • China. ...
  • European space agency countries. ...
  • Italy. ...
  • India. ...
  • Japan.
Apr 25, 2023

Does China have a space station? ›

'Sky Palace'), officially the Tiangong space station (Chinese: 天宫空间站; pinyin: Tiāngōng kōngjiānzhàn), is a permanently crewed space station constructed by China and operated by China Manned Space Agency in low Earth orbit between 340 and 450 km (210 and 280 mi) above the surface.

Why is China not allowed on ISS? ›

In 2011, Congress prohibited NASA from cooperating substantially with its Chinese counterpart without express prior authorization. This law, known as the Wolf Amendment, makes it very difficult for China to participate in the International Space Station (ISS) program, if the nation even wishes to do so.

Can SpaceX replace Russian rocket? ›

The European Space Agency (ESA) has chosen SpaceX to replace Russia's space agency as the launcher of two of its high-profile missions in the next two years.

What does Russia call their astronauts? ›

Astronauts and cosmonauts are trained personnel who travel in space. “Astronaut” refers to an American or western European space traveler and “cosmonaut” refers to a Soviet or Russian space traveler.

Who was the American astronaut left behind by Russia? ›

A video released in early March depicting Russian cosmonauts waving goodbye as they leave U.S. astronaut Mark Vande Hei behind on the International Space Station is simply a joke, according to Russian officials.

Who is the Russian threat to leave astronaut in space? ›

The head of the Russian Space Agency posted a video on social media threatening to abandon U.S. astronaut Mark Vande Hei at the International Space Station.

Who won the space race between Russia and America? ›

Though there were additional American and Soviet missions, after the successes of the Apollo program, the space race was widely believed to have been won by the U.S. Eventually, as the Cold War came to an end, both sides agreed to cooperate in space and construct the International Space Station, beginning in 1998.

How much do astronauts get paid? ›

How much does a Nasa Astronaut make? As of Jun 5, 2023, the average annual pay for a Nasa Astronaut in the United States is $46,585 a year.

How long does it take to get back to Earth from space? ›

There is a de-orbit burn of about 10 minutes to return to Earth using forward bulkhead thrusters which then shut down. Astronauts close and lock the nose cone in prep for re-entry. Atmospheric re-entry begins, including a brief loss of communications (about 7 mins).

How fast is the space station falling? ›

Gravity pulls on the space station, too. As a result, it is constantly falling toward Earth's surface. It also is moving at a very fast speed - 17,500 miles per hour.

Who has lived on the space station the longest? ›

The longest stay on the International Space Station is 354 days 14 hours 56 minutes, achieved by Mark Vande Hei (USA) and Pyotr Dubrov (RUS).

What is the longest time to live in space? ›

Records in space

The late Russian cosmonaut Valeri Polyakov, who logged 437 continuous days in orbit aboard Russia's Mir space station between 1994 and 1995, still holds that title.

Could humans live on a space station? ›

Astronauts alternate in their stays on the ISS. The gravity you feel in your body is very weak on the ISS, so you can't live in the same way as on earth. How do you do things in space that are easy on earth, such as exercising, sleeping, taking a bath, or using the toilet? Let's take a look at life in space.

How do astronauts go to the bathroom? ›

The bathroom is full of handholds and footholds so that astronauts don't drift off in the middle of their business. To pee, they can sit or stand and then hold the funnel and hose tightly against their skin so that nothing leaks out. To poop, astronauts lift the toilet lid and sit on the seat — just like here on Earth.

What will happen to the International Space Station in 2030? ›

NASA has released its updated plans that outline the International Space Station's (ISS) final years leading up to its eventual disposal in 2030, when it will plunge into the Earth's atmosphere and burn up somewhere over the South Pacific Ocean.

Does the ISS need fuel to stay in orbit? ›

At its current altitude, the space station uses about 19,000 pounds of propellant a year to maintain a consistent orbit.

Do ISS astronauts have to know Russian? ›

However, one means of travel to and from the ISS is Russia's Soyuz spacecraft, which is operated solely in Russian, so astronauts have to be proficient in that language too.

When did the ISS International Space Station idea is proposed by the US and Russia? ›

SATCAT no. The ISS programme evolved from the Space Station Freedom, a 1984 American proposal to construct a permanently crewed Earth-orbiting station, and the contemporaneous Soviet/Russian Mir-2 proposal from 1976 with similar aims.

Could the International Space Station fall from the sky in 2031? ›

The International Space Station (ISS) will continue working until 2030, before plunging into the Pacific Ocean in early 2031, according to Nasa. In a report this week, the US space agency said the ISS would crash into a part of the ocean known as Point Nemo.

Where is NASA planning to send astronauts in 2024? ›

And NASA will continue that work by moving forward to the Moon with astronauts landing on the lunar South Pole by 2024.

Did NASA say no official word from Russia on quitting ISS? ›

The United States said on July 26 that Russia has not formally notified NASA of its intention to quit the International Space Station (ISS) but that it is already "exploring options" for dealing with a withdrawal.

What percentage of the ISS is Russian? ›

In percentage terms, the Russian segment accounts for about 17% of the total mass of the station and about 27% of its sealed volume.

How many Russians are on the ISS right now? ›

There are currently seven astronauts on the ISS—three Russian cosmonauts, three NASA astronauts and one European Space Agency astronaut.

How many countries are involved in the International Space Station? ›

An international partnership of five space agencies from 15 countries operates the International Space Station. Learn more about visitors to the space station by country. The space station has been continuously occupied since November 2000.

How many countries have space station? ›

Aside from the ISS, three nations (U.S., Russia and China) have independently launched and operated space stations.

What will happen in space in 2025? ›

In 2025, NASA's Artemis Program is expected to launch the Artemis III mission, which will land astronauts near the south pole of the Moon. It is expected to be the first mission to land humans on the Moon since 1972.

Why is the ISS being discontinued? ›

Cracks have started to appear in the Zarya cargo module. There has also been a series of air leaks in the crew's living quarters. This structural fatigue is part of the reason the ISS will be vacated in 2030 and de-orbited the following year.

Will the International Space Station be abandoned? ›

NASA said in February it intends to keep operating the International Space Station until the end of 2030, after which the ISS would be deorbited and crashed into a remote part of the Pacific Ocean.

Is the flag of America still on the Moon? ›

Images taken by NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera more than 40 years later proved Aldrin right. Unlike the other Apollo sites, there is no longer an American flag still standing at the place where humankind first made contact with the lunar surface 50 years ago on July 20.

What planet is NASA going to send humans to in the future? ›


Artemis is the first step in the next era of human exploration. Together with commercial and international partners, NASA will establish a sustainable presence on the Moon to prepare for human missions to Mars.

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