Rule of 7: How Social Media Crushes Old School Marketing | Digital Dealer (2024)

It’s been proven over and over that the more positive contact you have with customers and prospects, the easier it is to develop and sustain relationships and ultimately, close more sales. Unfortunately, you’re one of thousands who are vying for your customers’ attention.

If you’ve been in the world of marketing for a while, you’ve probably heard of the Rule of 7.

The Marketing Rule of 7 states that a prospect needs to “hear” the advertiser’s message at least 7 times before they’ll take action to buy that product or service. It’s amarketing maxim developed by the movie industry in the 1930s. Studio bosses discovered that a certain amount of advertising and promotion was required to compel someone to see one of their movies.

Today, unless you have a clearly-defined marketing strategy that maps out how you’ll touch that prospect at least 7 times, you significantly reduce your odds of sales success.In fact, today you might need more than those 7 times just to be heard through all the clutter that’s in people’s Newsfeeds or fields of vision.

What’s said in these messages matters. Will it be be meaningful?…or a spammy sales pitch? Not all touches are created equal.

Rule of 7 in the Digital Age

Social media crushes old schoolmarketing by expertly leveraging a medium that touchescustomers regularly.

Social media affords sellers the opportunity to converse withthe customer often 7 times every day! It’s accomplishedby sharing content and interacting with customers and prospects. You earnthe right to convert some fans into customers.

Strategy is Key.

Social media (and all digital marketing) takes thoughtful content strategy to engage customers at every level of the buying process, including both those not in-market yet and those who have already bought.

Old school marketing messages won’t cut it. Without meaning, they are lost in the cacophony of content in your customers’ lives.

Socially-savvy companies publish marketing messages that come in the form of useful content that delights their intended audience. These messages tell stories that create an emotional connection.

Buying decisions are shaped by two things: stories told and the memories they leave behind.

Storytellers make emotional connections.You can’t create an emotional connection with interruptive advertising.

If you can tell stories about what it’s like to do business with you – by enlisting your happy, loyal employees and customers in the process – you’ll be well on your way to creating meaningful connections and “touching” that prospect 7 times.

How do you tell your story?

All digital content must convey a unique value to the customersyou want to reach. There are many forms of content and many mediums with which to publish it.


“There can be no words without pictures.” -Aristotle

Images as examples of customer experience that include employees, tell a great story. Customers think of employees as “people like me” and witnessing delight allows the viewer to see themselves in that way.

There are some platforms (Instagram, Pinterest) where no words are necessary. But don’t fool yourself by thinking that all your images are compelling, especially if you have no content strategy backing them up.

Authentic images where words are not necessary win Pulitzers. In a business marketing case, if you’re not savvy in the use of images for content marketing, please seek assistance.


“Whether it’s video on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat or Youtube, the content you need to be thinking about creating and marketing on social for your business is video. Period.” -Gary Vaynerchuk

  • Facebook video is good at everything: smart, sharable & personal. It is the best way to reach customers at scale.
  • Video on Twitter is for engagement: direct, social and real.
  • Video on Snapchat is for attention. (Note: I don’t recommend Snapchat unless your target customers spend time there…and you have the infrastructure to devote to it).

Remember, the foundation of all content is to attract, engage and ultimately convert target customers. Interviews and “How To” videos provide alot of visibility and can establish your authority and online reputation. But, just like images without a story, videos fall flat unless you’ve got game.


“What factors help you rank with Google?I can tell you what they are. It is content. And it’s links pointing to your site.” –Andrey Lipattsev, Search Quality Senior Strategist at Google.

I just spoke at two regional auto dealer conferences and asked the audience to raise their hands if they had a blog. In both cases, 10% of the room raised their hand. Unless companies embrace the new world of website content marketing, they will rarely become meaningful to new customers.

Let’s hope those who didn’t raise their hands do a good job of retaining their current customers…although that’s not good a strategy for long term survival.

If your company has adopted social media and content marketing, use your blog to answer yourcustomers’ most frequently asked questions, especially those questions that cause them to hesitate in their purchase decision.

Incorporate and illustrate employee expertise.It’s a value add that can only be accessedby engaging with you.

Keep in mind that while great stories attract new customers, your engaging content keeps happy current and repeat customers coming back for more.

We talk more passionately about things we care about than things toward which we’re ambivalent. We listen more closely to people we care about than to people we don’t know. We’re talking and listening in unprecedented numbers, and our opinions and purchasing decisions are being affected and influenced even as we shop online or stand in the store aisle and weigh our options.

One of the most powerful outcomes of social media marketing is that customers who’ve purchased from you before tell their stories and ultimately tell your story too. Make sure it’s a positive one.

Tap into the power of the social media Rule of 7

Engagecustomersduring every stage of the buying cycle. 7 could be your magic number and thousands of happy, loyal customers can become the new rule!

Rule of 7: How Social Media Crushes Old School Marketing | Digital Dealer (2024)


Rule of 7: How Social Media Crushes Old School Marketing | Digital Dealer? ›

Rule of 7 in the Digital Age

What is the rule of 7 in social media marketing? ›

The Rule of 7 asserts that a potential customer should encounter a brand's marketing messages at least seven times before making a purchase decision. When it comes to engagement for your marketing campaign, this principle emphasizes the importance of repeated exposure for enhancing recognition and improving retention.

What is the rule of 7 in marketing? ›

7 Tips To Take Advantage of The Marketing Rule of 7's
  • Know Your Customer. ...
  • Get the Right Marketing Mix. ...
  • Stay Consistent with your Message. ...
  • Stay consistent with your brand. ...
  • Track usage to determine ROI. ...
  • Allow enough time to be effective. ...
  • Follow up with engaged customers.
Feb 11, 2024

What is the 7 touch rule in marketing? ›

What is the marketing rule of 7? The rule of seven quite simply states that it takes an average of seven interactions with your brand before a purchase will take place. This makes sense.

What is the 7 time rule in marketing? ›

The rule of seven in marketing states that brands that engage with a customer seven times are more likely to earn the trust and business of that customer. Frequent communications allow the brand to build a relationship with customers, which is important for making sales and strengthening the brand.

Does the rule of 7 still apply? ›

Conclusion: Navigating the required touchpoints for modern sales cycles, the time-tested principles like Lant's Rule of Seven continue to offer valuable insights. In complex sales and ABM, the nuanced application of this rule highlights the importance of sustained contact and recurrent touchpoints.

Is the rule of 7 true? ›

It's often said that consumers need to see a brand's message seven times before they remember it – the rule of seven. But research from the University of Sussex into people's tendency to see the expected* suggests that being presented with the same message over and again could actually do more damage than good.

What is the 7 second rule in marketing? ›

In the first 7 seconds, your customer makes the first critical decision. Whether to keep listening, enter into a conversation with you, or end it right now. For marketers, 7 seconds mark the first moment of truth. It's the size of our smallest attention span.

What is the 7ps formula? ›

Managing Partner Cavendish/Author/International… Once you have developed your marketing strategy, there is a seven P formula you should continually use to evaluate and re-evaluate your business activities. These seven are: product, price, promotion, place, packaging, positioning, and people.

What do the 7 Ps of marketing do? ›

The term refers to a classification that began as the 4 P's: product, price, placement, and promotion, and has been expanded to Product, Price, Promotion, Place, People, Packaging, and Process.

What is the marketing rule of 7 HBR? ›

The Marketing Rule of 7 suggests that a potential buyer needs to see a message 7 times before the purchase will take place.

What is the 7x7 rule of communication? ›

What is the 7×7 Rule? Not to be confused with the 7×7 rule for PowerPoint presentations, the 7×7 rule of communication says you need to have at least seven ways of communicating the same change throughout your organization at least seven different times.

What is the golden rule of marketing? ›

Know what they want

The biggest golden rule is to carefully identify what your clients need and want, and then to show them that you can provide them with the service that will meet those needs. You need to have a direct connection with your target market to get the best return on investment from your marketing spend.

What is the 10 10 10 rule in marketing? ›

This rule is, in essence, asking yourself “What will be the consequence(s) of my action/decision in 10 minutes, 10 months, 10 years”. This framework affords us an immediate, mid, and long-term view of the impact of our decision. However large or small the crossroads, this rule does indeed help.

What is the 7 second rule in social media? ›

The 7-Second Rule for social media: the concept is simple: if you can't make an impact in 7 seconds or less, you've lost your audience. The 7-Second Rule in messages: If a message can be communicated in less than seven seconds then it should not be written down because it will take too long for people to read it.

What are the 7 P's of marketing of Facebook? ›

Facebook Inc. 7Ps of marketing mix explains the role of seven important elements of the marketing mix in achieving the primary objective of the business, i.e. profit maximization. These seven elements are product, place, price, promotion, process, people and physical evidence.

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.