Ruin (2024)

Ruin (1)"Ge-Get ready for a surprise!"

Beware that this page may contain spoilers for related material. If you are new to anything, like if you have not played the games or read the books yet, please read at your own risk!

Cassie, I hope you get this message. I'm trapped, here at the Pizzaplex, or... what's left of it. I don't have time to go into how I got here, but you've got to help me out! Save me, Cassie, please... It's so dark down here...
"Gregory",Ruin trailer

Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach - Ruin, otherwise known as Ruin, is a free DLC expansion for Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach that was released for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC on July 25th, 2023 at 12AM PST.[1] Xbox and Nintendo Switch releases are planned for a later date.


  • 1 Summary
  • 2 Plot
  • 3 Gameplay
    • 3.1 Main Gameplay
    • 3.2 Collectibles
    • 3.3 Minigames
  • 4 Development
  • 5 Theories/Speculation
    • 5.1 Pre-Release
    • 5.2 Post-Release
  • 6 News/Updates
  • 7 Reception
  • 8 Gallery
    • 8.1 Pre-Release Teasers
    • 8.2 Charity Stream Images
    • 8.3 Post-Release
  • 9 Trivia
  • 10 References


You can run, but you can’t hide…

Enter the ruins of Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex in the FREE story DLC for Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach!

Gregory is once again trapped in the now abandoned Pizzaplex, and he needs your help! Play as Cassie, Gregory’s best friend, Faz-fanatic, and would-be savior as she braves the dark, dreary, and dilapidated pizzeria. Armed with only a Faz-Wrench, a Roxy-Talky, and this weird bunny mask, you will have to help Cassie find her friend, free him, and safely escape the ruins.

Can you save your friend, yourself, and the Pizzaplex? Find out in the 100% free DLC, Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach – Ruin.


The Mega Pizzaplex from Security Breach is now abandoned, having been destroyed in what newspapers on the windows label as an "earthquake". A young girl named Cassie arrives at the Pizzaplex in search of her best friend, Gregory. She enters the building through a hole in the window and finds the lobby covered in graffiti, charred debris, and broken S.T.A.F.F. Bots. Cassie trudges onward, grabbing a flashlight from a de-activated S.T.A.F.F. Bot and calling out for Gregory. While exploring the destroyed remains of Glamrock Gifts, she finds a Roxy-Talky. Gregory contacts her through the Roxy-Talky, explaining that he's trapped under Roxy Raceway and that he needs her help.

Cassie first travels to the Pizzaplex's kitchen. She is briefly confronted by a malfunctioning Glamrock Chica, who is covered in moldy cheese and missing her left arm. After exploring a bit further, she gets ambushed by a shattered Monty, who drags her into Monty's Gator Golf. There, Cassie finds a Map Bot with a strange appearance; it is wearing bunny ears instead of its standard explorer hat. It calls itself a "Mask Bot" and hands Cassie a Security Mask. As she puts it on, the reality around her becomes purple and glitchy. She is greeted by the AI of mask, Helpi, who welcomes her to the "Virtual Augmented Neural Network Integration Unit" or "V.A.N.N.I.". With this mask equipped, Cassie can solve puzzles, deactivate security nodes, and interact with glitching objects. Wearing the mask also makes her invisible to other animatronics. If she wears the mask for an extended period of time, she is approached by a malevolent, glitching rabbit known as "The Entity". If she is caught by the Entity, it alerts an animatronic to her location, killing her instantly.

Cassie equips the Faz-Wrench and learns how to operate the camera stations throughout the facility. Once she escapes Monty's Gator Golf, she arrives at the Superstar Daycare. She finds the Daycare Attendant in distress; Sun and Moon appear to be fighting for control over their body. Sun begs Cassie to find and turn on the generators, then reboot him using the Faz-Wrench. As Cassie turns on the generators, the Entity can appear and summon a Glamrock Endo to attack her. If she tries to approach the Daycare Attendant before turning on all the generators, she will be killed. Once Cassie turns on both generators, the lights turn on and the Daycare Attendant is immobilized. When Cassie reboots him using the Faz-Wrench, Moon makes one last-ditch attempt to take over, but fails. Sun and Moon merge into a single being named "Eclipse", who is in Safety Mode. He lifts Cassie into the air and tells her that it's dangerous for a little girl like her to be roaming around in such a disorganized, disheveled environment. Believing that the Daycare will open in the morning, he tells Cassie to leave so he can clean up before the children arrive. As Eclipse sets her outside the Daycare entrance, Sun thanks Cassie for freeing him from Moon. Eclipse bids her farewell and shuts the doors.

Cassie deactivates another security node and enters the Fazbear Theater, which is playing the intro to the "Freddy & Friends: On Tour!" cartoon on the big screen. She clears the area of anomalies using the camera station. When she puts on the Security Mask, Cassie sees a giant endoskeleton emerge from the screen and dig its claws into the floor. Cassie climbs inside its mouth and begins to panic, but Helpi reassures her that she's not in any real danger; when she takes off the mask, she finds herself in a vent with garbage bags. As she crawls through the vent, it gives out beneath her. Cassie falls into a gondola ride that takes her back to Monty's Gator Golf. During the ride, Cassie sees the story of how Monty became a part of the Fazbear band. The ride runs out of track, forcing Cassie to leap from the gondola onto the catwalks of Monty's Gator Golf.

Cassie contacts Gregory with the Roxy-Talky. He tells her that she can get to the Maintenance Room by deactivating the security node, using the track controller, and redirecting the gondolas. Pursued by the Entity and Monty, Cassie moves through the catwalks to find and shoot floating Monty targets. After successfully deactivating the security node and following Gregory's directions, Cassie hops on a gondola that takes her to the Maintenance Room. She asks Gregory how he knows everything she's doing. He responds by saying, "I'll explain it all once you get here.".

Cassie goes up a set of stairs, charging the wall conduits along the way using her Faz-Wrench. She emerges into the bakery and finds Chica on a conveyor belt. The Entity appears and activates an AR inhibitor, which prevents Cassie from using her Security Mask. After getting knocked off of a platform by a giant Mr. Cupcake, Cassie tries to lure Chica away using a camera station and intercom. Chica grabs her, but a giant piece of rubble falls and separates her from Cassie. In the kitchen area, Cassie finds the AR inhibitor and deactivates it, allowing her to wear the Security Mask again. As Cassie finds another security node, the Entity appears with Chica in tow. Cassie successfully deactivates the node and escapes into the Upper East Server Room.

Once Cassie arrives here, she cannot take off her mask; Helpi informs her that it would be best if she kept it on. Helpi also tells her that, by deactivating all of the parent nodes on the east side of the Pizzaplex, she has successfully restored power to that section of the complex. He tells her that if she can deactivate the nodes on the west side of the Pizzaplex, she can reach Gregory beneath Roxy Raceway.

After a brief encounter with a giant version of the Entity, Cassie arrives at the salon area of Roxy Raceway. She encounters Roxy, who is still on the hunt for Gregory after he has stolen her eyes. Gregory checks in on Cassie using the Roxy-Talky. Roxy, hearing Gregory's voice, angrily charges out the door. Cassie tells Gregory to run. He tells her that he found a safe place to hide, but that Roxy is getting closer and that Cassie should deactivate the nodes quickly. Cassie finds an idled Chica in the women's bathroom. If Cassie has her voice box from completing Chica's Feeding Frenzy, she can give it back to Chica, otherwise, Chica kills her. Chica briefly comes back to life, says, "I smell pizza", and deactivates once again.

After Cassie successfully deactivates another security node, she enters the abandoned and discontinued log ride attraction based around Foxy. Suddenly, Monty appears and roars at her before jumping into the water and chasing after her. Cassie leaps between floating objects in the water as Monty chases her. Once she activates a conduit panel, the water is electrified, killing Monty.

Cassie returns to the back of Roxy Raceway, where Roxy is still on the hunt for Gregory. Cassie uses a camera station and an intercom to trick Roxy into smashing through all of the doors that lead to the exit. Once the path is cleared, Cassie tries to get Roxy out of the way. Roxy grabs Cassie and demands she get her eyes back. Cassie pleads with Roxy, who lets go and apologizes. As Cassie escapes, Roxy repeats the word "Error" in a confused voice.

Gregory calls Cassie on the Roxy-Talky again. She says that "It looks like the whole place fell in" and asks Gregory if he knows what happened. He responds that "something" tunneled out and destroyed everything in the process. Cassie then asks if they should call the police to get professional help, but Gregory says that they wouldn't help and that he just needs help escaping. Cassie asks Helpi for advice on getting to the sinkhole under the raceway. Helpi gives her two new objectives: deactivating the parent security nodes in Bonnie Bowl and Fazer Blast.

Working her way to the back of Bonnie Bowl, Cassie finds a deactivated Mini Music Man on a counter. When using a camera station, she is horrified to see that there is an entire army of them in a nearby pit that all have the same objective: kill anyone that they see on sight. Cassie uses the intercoms to lure the army around. After deactivating all of the security nodes, the stage that leads into Glamrock Bonnie's green room opens. It appears to be a dead end, but Cassie uses the Security Mask and finds an exit through an autographed poster of Glamrock Freddy.

When Cassie crosses through the poster, she flies through a glitching wormhole that includes wireframe images of Caution Bots and plushies, along with the looming face of the Entity. When Cassie lands, she finds herself in Vanny's hideout at Fazer Blast. She sees that the Princess Quest arcade has been toppled over. While wearing the mask, she can see that the Princess' sword has been plunged through it. Beside Vanny's name spray-painted on the wall is the shadow of Glitchtrap. With the mask on, Cassie can see Glitchtrap's face.

Cassie enters the Fazer Blast arena and finds several destroyed Alien Bots scattered around. Cassie quickly finds and deactivates the security node. As she looks for the exit, she stumbles across what appears to be a destroyed Glamrock Freddy. His foot, however, indicates that this is not the same Freddy; indeed, once he activates, a horrified Cassie realizes that this is a headless Prototype Glamrock Freddy whose stomach hatch has turned into a giant mouth. Cassie screams and runs, searching for the nearby AR inhibitor so she can de-activate it and put her Security Mask back on. As she finds it, she comes face-to-face with the Prototype Glamrock Freddy. She manages to deactivate the inhibitor, and once she puts her mask on, the prototype disappears from view. She escapes through an air vent, where a Mini Music Man suddenly appears and chases her.

Cassie arrives at the Roxy Party Garage just above the sinkhole. Gregory informs her that there is one more node she needs to de-activate: Roxy. Upon exploring the area, Cassie finds Roxy pinned to the ground beneath a forklift. Instead of expressing hostility towards her, Roxy displays friendliness and compassion to Cassie, reaching her right hand out for Cassie to hold. Roxy recounts the details of Cassie's last birthday party at the Pizzaplex: how none of the friends that she invited showed up, how much Cassie loves carrot cake, and that her birthday is on the 11th of an unknown month. Roxy asks Cassie if she's booked her party yet and says that she's sure Cassie's friends will show up this time. Heartbroken by what she must do, Cassie plunges the Faz-Wrench into Roxy's left eye and deactivates the security node. As Roxy begins to twitch and finally deactivate, Cassie tearfully apologizes. She heads to the elevator that will lead her to the sinkhole and, eventually, Gregory. On the way, Helpi informs her that from that point forward, he will no longer be able to communicate with her; she will be on her own to find and rescue Gregory.

As Cassie works her way down a tunnel system to the Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator location located beneath the Pizzaplex, her flashlight finally dies. Exploring the inside of the facility, she descends to the area where Gregory and Glamrock Freddy fought Burntrap in the Burntrap ending of Security Breach. On the deepest level of the facility, she finds the central hub that houses the M.X.E.S. Security Program.

Beside the hub, she finds a forklift next to a ramp that leads to a concrete wall. She also finds a computer that informs her that she has deactivated every security node in the Pizzaplex. The computer asks Cassie if she wishes to proceed. After selecting "Yes", the Entity emerges from the central hub. It makes an attempt to grab Cassie, but fails and gets sucked back into the machine. Cassie then restores power back to the conduits that power the forklift, causing it to successfully ram into and destroy the concrete wall. Cassie rushes over to check on Gregory, but finds that she has been deceived into freeing a malevolent force: The Mimic, who was pretending to be Gregory this entire time.

The Mimic attempts to grab Cassie, but Roxy appears to defend her. Roxy tells Cassie to run. As Cassie is trying to escape, her Roxy-Talky comes to life. On the other end is the real Gregory, who has been trying to contact Cassie all night. He tells her that he's not even at the Pizzaplex, and that "that thing in the sinkhole" was the one ordering her to shut down the security nodes. Gregory tells her that his "friend" has access to the building maps and starts to give her instructions on how to escape. Suddenly, the Mimic appears, throws a forklift out of its way, and begins to chase Cassie. Cassie runs through the underground tunnel system, Gregory giving her directions along the way.

This will then lead to one of three separate endings.


Main Gameplay[]

Similar to the base game, it's a true free-roam game which allows the player to venture and explore the now-dilapidated Pizzaplex. However, unlike Security Breach, there are no hiding spots and the player must solely rely on stealth and intelligence in order to outwit the dangers that lie ahead and solve various puzzles as they progress further. Moreover, this DLC introduces the AR World, which can be accessed by wearing the Security Mask. In this reality, the player can go through certain areas that are blocked off in the real world, breach security nodes, and more.


Just like in the base game, there are collectibles that can be found in this game. Guides and information for such collectibles can be found here.

  • AR Collectibles
  • Real World Collectibles


There are only two minigames that can be found in the DLC. Completing them may reward you with an item, like Chica’s voice box when completing her minigame.


Production on the DLC expansion began around early 2022, and was codenamed "Chowda" as discovered on the Security Breach game's SteamDB page.

The DLC was publicly announced on May 30, 2022,[2] with the promotional teaser launched. It was confirmed that the DLC will be a free add-on update and is expected to release in July of 2023. The teaser reveals that the player will take the role of Cassie, who has entered Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex to search for Gregory, possibly in the aftermath of the Burntrap Ending or they could be adding an entirely new ending. In the background of the teaser there are visible doors in place of the elevators. There is a set of red eyes in the top left corner that could belong to either Vanny, Moon, or Tangle. As hinted by a more broken version of Glamrock Chica who appeared at the left side of the image, the glamrock animatronics were revealed to have survived from the Underground destruction but were left horribly damaged to the point they barely resemble their original selves.

On May 19th, 2023, the official Ruin gameplay trailer was posted to Steel Wool Studios' YouTube channel.

On June 24th, 2023, Youtuber Dawko hosted a charity livestream supporting the Trevor Project. As he hit new donation milestones, Steel Wool Studios would reveal a location from Ruin, totaling up to eight images in the end.

On July 14th, 2023, Steel Wool Studios officially announced the release date of July 25th on Game Jolt, Twitter, and Instagram. They also posted a blog post at the same time.

On July 25, 2023, the DLC was finally released.


Ruin (2)"I was the first! I have seen everything!"

This section archives a lot of theories and speculation, which usually occurs from pre-release media, or just things that are still unknown, so please keep that in mind while reading. The page will continue to be updated with the most accurate information as more solid evidence is supplied.


  • The DLC's poster and trailer reveals that the playable protagonist's name is Cassie. It's still unknown how she and Gregory know each other, however, it can be assumed they are/were friends due to Steel Wool mentioning it in a blog post.
    • The prerelease blog post on Steel Wool Studios' site states them to be friends.
    • Cassie's origins are unknown, as to whether she is also an orphan or has a family compared to Gregory.
      • It is revealed that Cassie has a father, who never appears in the game.
    • Some fans believe that Cassie may have connections to Cassidy, one of Afton's earlier victims, as their names are similar.
    • It is unknown what drew Cassie into coming to the Pizzaplex, but it can be assumed that she has been called by Gregory to save him.
      • Some fans believe that Cassie was tricked into visiting the Pizzaplex by someone who is pretending to be Gregory, presumably Vanny, Afton, or The Mimic. This was confirmed to be correct as Gregory later reveals that Cassie was tricked by the latter.
  • The glowing red eyes seen on the top left corner imply that Vanessa/Vanny, Tangle, or the Daycare Attendant will be the main antagonist of this story. however, in the Ruin DLC, the red eyes are revealed to be the Mimic's. Tangle is only present as a hidden cameo.
    • Vanessa/Vanny's whereabouts are unknown after the Burntrap ending, but she may return in this story. However, Cassie was shown wearing Vanny's mask, hinting that she is no longer under Afton's control and is not the antagonist. Vanessa is shown in one of the endings, eating ice cream with Gregory and Helpy.
      • This makes some fans believe that the Redemption ending is the true ending, but this is yet to be confirmed.
      • However, both the Savior and Burntrap ending are combined.
      • An animatronic resembling Glamrock Freddy was seen during the trailer. However, it is unknown if this is actually Glamrock Freddy.
      • This is proved to be false, as when the player see "Glamrock Freddy" in the trash bin, its feet has the word prototype on them, showing it's not the real Glamrock Freddy but an earlier model.
  • Cassie may receive help from another character.
    • It is possible that the ally is Glamrock Freddy, who may have been separated from Gregory. However, the trailer does not show Cassie interacting with Freddy at all, meaning that she could be working alone and that Glamrock Freddy may have a more minor role in the DLC.
      • This was confirmed false as Glamrock Freddy tries to kill Cassie and the role of helping her is switched to Roxanne Wolf. However, this is really a prototype and the real Glamrock Freddy is presumably still with Gregory.
    • Gregory might be the ally, as he's the only character that Cassie has been shown interacting with without potentially murderous intent.
      • This is revealed to be false due to Gregory being forced to prevent Cassie from escaping in the end so that the Mimic won't follow them.
        • However, some fans believe that this is really the Mimic again pretending to be Gregory as they find it strange for a young child to know how to operate an elevator.
    • Roxanne Wolf might be the ally in a similar way Glamrock Freddy is to Gregory.
      • A scene in the trailer depicts Roxy grabbing Cassie's arm, but she does not appear hostile. She also has a strange object (speculated to be some sort of mask or new endoskeleton) on her head, with what appear to be plugholes located in the parts over where her eyes used to be. It has been theorized that the Freddy-themed USB port seen earlier in the trailer will be inserted into these plugholes to remove the virus from her systems, and that this scene takes place after she is freed from Glitchtrap's control.
      • The walkie-talkie Cassie uses has Roxy's face on it. Some fans think she might have gotten it from Roxy, similar to Gregory receiving the Faz-Watch from Freddy.
      • Like Roxy, Cassie wears a red shirt and her fingernails are painted green. She also has three colors that make up part of Roxy's color scheme (red, green, and purple) in the form of beads on her left bracelet. Fans have speculated that these similarities indicate which animatronic will aid her, supported by the fact that Gregory has physical traits that tie him to Freddy (e.g. brown hair, red-and-blue shoes with Freddy's face on the back).
      • This was mostly true as Roxy did help Cassie near the end of the story, and also had a soft spot for her.
    • Many fans believe that The Daycare Attendant will have a mix of both Sun and Moon's personalities. In the trailer, he has heterochronic irises; his left eye is red and his right eye is white, and the sun-spikes emerge as he approaches Cassie.
      • This has been confirmed true, and the name of the mixed personalities is called Eclipse.
    • Vanessa might be the ally, considering that fact that she is possibly no longer brainwashed by Afton. This could be why Cassie has her mask.
      • This is confirmed false as Vanessa does not appear in the DLC but only appears in the secret ending.
  • Ray McCaffrey confirmed on Twitter that Map Bot is not in the DLC, sadly.
    • However a new S.T.A.F.F. Bot named "Mask Bot" appears in the beginning of the DLC, which could be a new version of Map Bot.


Following the release of the DLC, several of the above-mentioned speculations listed above have been debunked.

  • Cassie, throughout the course of this DLC, receives help from Gregory. However, the Gregory that communicates through the Roxy-Talkie is not the real Gregory, but instead, the Mimic, who had lured Cassie into the depths of the Pizzaplex to free it.
    • The real Gregory only communicates with Cassie at the end when the chase with the Mimic starts, instructing her on how to get out of there.
  • The mask that Cassie uses is the same one as the one featured in the DLC of Help Wanted: Curse of Dreadbear in the secret ending to the "Corn Maze" minigame once the player collects all four keys and unlocks the cellar at the start of the game.
    • However, in Ruin, it is shown to have a complex system inside of it, filled with wires and other tech-circuits in it.
    • It also is labeled as a "Security Mask" and is the main mechanic of the game to help discover secrets and solve puzzles.
  • Helpy appears in this DLC as a helper to Cassie, dubbing them as a "new user" and pairs them with an "occipital transponder", meaning that if Cassie isn't wearing the mask, Helpy can still communicate with her.
    • However, in Ruin, he goes by "HELPI" and talks with a chipmunk-esque voice and in gibberish, akin to that of Animal Crossing.
  • In the Daycare section, Sun and Moon now go by "Eclipse", and, despite his freaky appearance, he, in no way, makes any attempt to harm Cassie. Instead, after Cassie fixes him, he glides her over to the entrance and bids her farewell as he needs to clean the place up, believing that there will be kids showing up there in the morning, and the environment is not a safe place to be in.
    • This DLC reveals that Sun was so desperate over Moon seizing control of the body, trapping him in a "nap", and was begging for Cassie to turn on the generators to restore light back into the room and reboot him.
    • Once Eclipse closes the doors to the Daycare, Sun gratefully says "Thank You" to Cassie, following Sun now back in control.
  • Roxy is still shown to have a grudge against Gregory for stealing her eyes, but when Cassie begs for her to let her go, Roxy realizes her mistake and apologizing.
    • It is implied that Roxy was the only one who was present during Cassie's birthday there and remembers a majority of the details:
      • Cassie loves carrot cake.
      • Cassie's birthday is on the 11th of an unknown month.
      • None of her friends showed up.
      • Some time has passed following Cassie's appearance at the Pizzaplex.
      • Cassie was "number one" at something - presumably at Roxy Raceway, twice - although this could just be a reference to the fact she turned eleven which has two ones or a reference to her birthday which also as two ones.
    • An interesting fact to note is that Roxy does not speak with contractions when interacting with Cassie, unlike when she was hunting down Gregory. Instead, she speaks like Glamrock Freddy with a comforting tone, which implies that all the glamrocks used to be this way, but it was thanks to Glitchtrap and Vanny that they went haywire and violent.
    • Cassie and Roxy's relationship serves as a parallel to Gregory and Freddy in terms of their respective glamrock being a protector, but unlike Freddy who was present the entire time with Gregory, Roxy only defends her once she encounters the Mimic at the end.
  • Chica appears to be missing her voice box, but Cassie could get her hands on it and repair Chica by reaching Wave 20 in the arcade machine in the bakery, entitled "Chica's Feeding Frenzy". Cassie would then need to travel to the restroom where Chica lies on the ground up against a wall and insert the voice box back where it belonged.
    • After completing it, Chica would respond saying "I smell pizza!" before collapsing again.
  • The arcade machine at Monty's Gator Golf has been updated with 9 new holes.
  • When Cassie rides one of the rides that pass through the heights of Monty's Gator Golf, it is shown what had happened to Glamrock Bonnie through cardboard cutouts.
    • Monty used to own his own "one man jug" attraction, even having a different haircut back then, with it being unkept and messy, but he wanted to be part of the main Glamrock band.
    • When Bonnie left his bass guitar out in the open while he was behind a curtain, Monty took his chance.
    • Roxy is then shown giving Monty his signature mohawk.
    • And lastly, Monty is shown performing with the bass guitar and his signature sunglasses, with a giant cloud swarming next to him and decapitating a statue of Glamrock Freddy, possibly referencing Monty's ambition to become the star and face of the band.
  • Glamrock Bonnie can be found in this DLC, located behind the bowling alley and surrounded by four Caution Bots, lying on the ground shattered.
    • This could referring to Spring Bonnie as seen in Five Nights at Freddy's 3 after the worker's night shift ended.
  • If the player deactivate the 4 Caution Bots surrounding Glamrock Bonnie, his eyes will dim out.
  • The closer Cassie gets to the sinkhole at the raceway, the more Gregory's voice sounds more "put-together" when the Mimic is communicating with her, as if the voice is just recycling old lines and editing them to construct sentences, foreshadowing the Mimic tricking her and Gregory not actually being there.
  • Candy Cadet can be found in the room above and close to where the Mimic resides and by using the Faz-Tokens found throughout the game, he will tell a story about a mother, her son, and a monster that lived in a cabin out in the woods, telling the story of Ruin.
    • To prevent said monster from escaping, the mother locked him in the basem*nt of the house and every night, said monster would keep making scary noises, but the mother told him that there is nothing to fear, as there would be no way for the monster to get out.
    • Every night, the mother would sing the boy a lullaby to help him go to sleep, but unbeknownst to both of them, the monster learned the melody too. And so, on one fateful day, the monster performed the lullaby, successfully luring the boy to open the door of the basem*nt and setting him free while the mother was out finding food.
    • It is implied that the mother is Gregory, the son is Cassie, and the monster is the Mimic in this story.
    • The airhorn sound effect from Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator plays once the story is complete, but it is in a lower pitch and sounds broken, signaling that Candy Cadet is no longer active.
  • The Faz-Wrench that Cassie utilizes is stated by her to be just like the one her dad has, implying that her father is a repairman.
  • By donning the Security Mask at the Roxy Raceway, the player can find holograms of Cassie hanging out with Roxy, being comforted by Gregory, and her crying while looking at the Missing posters with Gregory's face on it.
    • It is implied that Gregory may have been the first and only friend Cassie had made while at the Pizzaplex, since none of the friends she invited showed up to her birthday party, also signifying their friendship and why Cassie went to the ruined Pizzaplex to begin with.
  • It can be implied that the Mimic learned how to communicate like Gregory due to his interactions with Glamrock Freddy, namely how some of his lines reuse his voice clips from the main Security Breach game, although slightly tweaked and edited, foreshadowing that the Gregory guiding her is fake.
  • In an alternate ending, if the player chooses to go left the final time Gregory instructs Cassie to go right, they will encounter a Freddy cutout from the "Freddy & Friends: On Tour!" show glitching out. By putting on the mask and entering it, the player will be greeted with a screen of the same hill that Gregory, Glamrock Freddy and Vanessa were on in the canon ending with the sun rising with Gregory and HELPI waving at her and Vanessa nearby with her back against the tree and all three of them having ice cream in their hands.
    • However, while the background is in 3D, Gregory, HELPI and Vanessa are in 2D. There are even balloons that fly up in the background, but they have shadows behind them, hinting that this is a fake ending.
    • Additionally, a voice line from Gregory saying "It's ok. I found a spot to hide." plays, being the same one that played earlier when Cassie told him to hide from the first encounter with Roxy, hinting that this time, it's the Mimic and Cassie actually died in this ending, with this happy image being what she sees. This is also likely because instead of Cassie being happy to be reunited with Gregory, she is breathing and panicking heavily.
    • Unlike the other endings that had no music, the Daycare theme begins to play.
  • A variant of the Scooper returns in one of the endings. By viewing a number of hidden cameras throughout the game, the Mimic will wear a mascot costume of what appears to be a lion when it's encountered, and can be defeated by going through an alternate path, through a corridor full of doors that will all be open once the player has found all the hidden cameras, and pressing the button inside of the Scooper room at the very end of the corridor.
    • It is worth mentioning that once the player has reached this particular ending, they can no longer access the elevator ending as the path to the elevator has been blocked off by debris.
    • It is also in this ending where the Mimic is seemingly destroyed as once the Scooper is finished with its job, the costume is lying on the ground, lifeless.
    • Some fans think this ending is canon and that Cassie most likely escaped the Pizzaplex afterwards and reunited with Gregory.
  • It is possible that Cassie survived the fall in the elevator ending, but was badly hurt. Roxy may have found her, as her voice was heard in the credits.
    • It is unknown how Cassie felt after being betrayed by Gregory should she have truly survived, but some fans believe she now bears hatred towards him and now seeks revenge alongside Roxy.
    • However, a current theory is that the Mimic (who was again most likely pretending to be Gregory while Cassie was in the elevator) was the one who cut the wires to the elevator, as while Gregory is talking about the M.X.E.S. Security System and how it's purpose was to keep the Mimic from escaping and Cassie having unknowingly deactivated it which allowed the Mimic to escape, the loudspeaker encounters some static and Gregory's talk changes to him speaking about how she did it for him, how it is not her fault, and how it is now a liability to have her escape, subsequently bringing the robot back to the surface and apologizing, which does not make sense considering why Gregory would have her go to the elevator to begin with when the Mimic could have just killed her.
      • It also is stated that Gregory only has a map of the building, possibly given to him by either Glamrock Freddy or Vanessa, not the controls of the location, further implying that the Mimic was responsible.
      • Gregory also states that he is "not at the Pizzaplex", which indicates that he couldn't have cut the elevator's wires.
      • However, there is a small plothole about this theory. There seems to be no reason for the Mimic to shutdown it’s only exit. However, it could be possible that it was a trap set up by the Mimic and that the elevator may not be the only way out.
        • Something to note is that the elevator that Cassie escapes to is visibly a different elevator to the one she used to get below the Pizzaplex. That elevator had doors on either side of the car that opened sideways in both directions. The elevator that falls has only one door, with a cage-like inner door that closes from the right, and an outer door that opens and closes from the top and bottom of the car, like the service elevator that Gregory uses to access the Pizzaplex kitchen. The Roxy Raceway elevator may still serve as an escape method.
  • It is currently unknown which of the three endings is the real one. Some fans believe the Betrayal Ending is canon while others believe the Scooper Ending is the true ending.
    • The Betrayal Ending is considered to be the canon ending, which may lead to the events of a second DLC for Security Breach or the events of Help Wanted 2.
      • Both theories were proven false as there is no second DLC and Help Wanted 2 takes place before the events of Ruin; therefore leaving it ambiguous of which ending is canon.


  • On November 4, 2022, Steel Wool announced in an interview with Game Jolt that they want to make the Ruin DLC more dreadful and scary, just like the Daycare Attendant section and the Glamrock Endo section.


Ruin was received positively, with 3,500+ Steam users reviewing the game positively with an overall "very positive" rating. PlayStation also received the game positively, with a rating of 4.33/5 from 92,000+ users reviewing the game.


Pre-Release Teasers[]

Ruin (3)

The poster used to announce the DLC.

Ruin (4)

Ruin teaser image with the Ruin logo on the monitor.

Five Nights at Freddy's- Security Breach Ruin DLC Gameplay Trailer

Gameplay trailer

Ruin (6)

Ruin logo seen on Security Breach TV.

Ruin (7)

A promo image (Note: The release date came with this image)

Charity Stream Images[]

Ruin (8)

An Image of the abandoned Lobby.

Ruin (9)

An image of the rundown food court.

Ruin (10)

An image of a shut down S.T.A.F.F. Bot inside a destroyed Glamrock Gifts.

Ruin (11)

A closed down and abandoned Lucky Stars Gift Shop along with a Glamrock Endo.

Ruin (12)

An image of the destroyed catwalks above Monty's Gator Golf along with a Ruined Montgomery Gator.

Ruin (13)

An image of another angle of a completely destroyed Monty's Gator Golf.

Ruin (14)

An image of a Ruined Glamrock Chica in Cupcake Shoppe.

Ruin (15)

An Image of a cart from Monty's Gator Golf in an unknown area that Steel Wool named Monty's Ride Repair.


Ruin (16)

Promo image of Ruin seen on Steel Wool Studios official website.


  • Leon Riskin confirmed on Twitter that the music playing in the Ruin gameplay trailer is called "Phantom Distortion".[3]
  • The elevator ending is very similar to the Chapter 3 ending in Bendy and the Ink Machine.
    • Both Cassie and Henry go through a serious elevator crash. While Henry survived, it is unknown if Cassie survived or not.
    • Both Gregory and Twisted Alice caused the drop after speaking to the main characters via speaker systems. The only difference is that Gregory was forced to drop the elevator to prevent the Mimic's escape while Twisted Alice intentionally dropped it because unlike Gregory, she is a villain and wants to get her hands on Buddy Boris, who is in the elevator with Henry. Gregory did not continue talking after dropping the elevator.
    • Both main characters have allies during this scene. While Buddy Boris was with Henry in the elevator, Cassie was alone and Roxy most likely found her after the elevator crash. Roxy finding Cassie references Buddy Boris's attempt to wake Henry up before being dragged away by Twisted Alice, except it is not known what Roxy will do afterwards.
  • The Freddy cutout in the sinkhole is named "70sFreddy"[4]


  2. "Returning guests will be granted free admission to the Pizzaplex…" - Steel Wool Studios. May 30, 2022. Twitter.
Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach Media
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Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach (Ruin DLC)AchievementsEaster EggsUnlockable ExtrasCinematicsJumpscaresSoundtrackUnused and Removed Content (Security Breach Prototype)
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Five Nights at Freddy's (Halloween Update)2 (Halloween Update)3 (Halloween Update)4 ("Halloween Edition" update)Sister Location ("Custom Night" update)Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria SimulatorUltimate Custom Night ("Crowd Control" edition)
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FNaF World ("Update 2" update)Freddy in Space 2Fury's RageYoutooz PresentsFreddy in Space 3: Chica in SpaceSurvival CrewInto The Pit
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