Round Lot: What it is, How it Works, Trends (2024)

What Is a Round Lot?

A round lot is a standard number of securities to be traded on an exchange. In stocks, a round lot is considered 100 shares or a larger number that can be evenly divided by 100. In bonds, a round lot is usually $100,000 worth.

A round lot is sometimes referred to as a normal trading unit, and may be contrasted with an odd lot.

Key Takeaways

  • A round lot is a standard minimum trading size for a security or asset.
  • A round lot of stocks usually equals 100 shares or a multiple of 100 shares.
  • A round lot of bonds is $100,000 worth or a multiple of $100,000.
  • Odd lots and smaller lots have become increasingly common due to technological advances and retail investor demand.

Understanding the Round Lot

Historically, a round lot of 100 shares of stock has been the smallest order that can be placed through an exchange. However, that is changing. Today, so-called odd lots and fractional shares allow for the execution of orders as small as one share on some exchanges or even a fraction of a share.

Nonetheless, investment managers and institutions typically purchase stocks in large batches. Round lots often have lower trading costs, and discounts are applied for various round lot amounts.

Types of Round Lots

Round Lots in Options

In the options markets, a round lot consists of 100 contracts in listed calls and puts. Investors can buy one options contract. Each of those contracts typically represents an odd lot of stock.

Other markets, such as commodities markets, have their own convention for what is defined as a round lot.

Round Lots in Bonds

A round lot in bonds is usually $100,000 worth of bonds or a multiple of $100,000. Any other amount is considered an odd lot and incurs higher trading costs.

That said, innovation is ongoing in the bond market, too, and mechanisms are evolving for smaller blocks and odd-lot trades.

Round Lots vs. Odd Lots

A lot consisting of fewer than 100 shares or a lot that cannot be evenly divided by 100 is called an odd lot.

Odd lots are sometimes combined, or bunched, into round lots to facilitate trading. A mixed lot consists of both a round lot and an odd lot. An order of 198 shares would be considered a mixed lot.

Such odd lots or mixed lot trades have historically incurred higher trading costs, although improved electronic trading technologies have helpedreduce the added fees for them.

Nevertheless, odd lot trades may not be allowed or may not be given priority. Some exchanges may require only round lots for pre-specified market orders, including reserve orders. In these trading situations, orders are placed for trades at a specified transaction price, and preference is given for round lots.

Round lots typically incur lower trading costs and are executed quicker, although trading in odd lots is becoming easier and less costly.

Recent Trends

Trading in odd lots has become increasingly common as technology improves. Even fractional shares can now be traded.

Fractional share trading was originally implemented to allow for dividend reinvestment. However, many brokerages now use it to allow their customers to use a dollar-cost investing strategy. With this strategy, the customer sets a personal goal of investing a set amount of money, say $200, every month in a particular stock or fund regardless of its price swings.

Fractional share trading is increasingly popular and many online brokers now facilitate it for any reason.

Round Lot: What it is, How it Works, Trends (2024)
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