Roth IRA for Kids - Fidelity (2024)

The earlier your kids get started saving, the greater opportunity to build a sizable nest egg.

  • Fidelity Learning Center
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    • Saving for Retirement
    • Saving for Retirement
    • Saving for Retirement

    Key takeaways

    • A Roth IRA for Kids can be opened and receive contributions for a minor with earned income for the year.
    • Roth IRAs provide the opportunity for tax-free growth. The earlier your kids get started saving, the greater the opportunity to build a sizeable nest egg.
    • With a Roth IRA for Kids, an adult maintains control of the account until the child reaches a certain required age in which control must be transferred (typically 18 or 21, depending on the state where the minor lives).

    Most children, whether they are teenagers or younger, don't spend a lot of time worrying about retirement. After all, when you're juggling schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and all the other challenges of adolescence, saving for retirement may not even register on your radar screen.

    However, that doesn't mean that savvy parents, grandparents, and other family members can't step in to help jumpstart their children's retirement savings. One way to do that is to establish a custodial account Roth IRA, or what is known at Fidelity as a Roth IRA for Kids, and more generally as a Roth IRA for minors.

    A Roth IRA for Kids provides all the benefits of a regular Roth IRA, but is geared toward children under the age of 18. Minors cannot generally open brokerage accounts in their own name until they are 18, so a Roth IRA for Kids requires an adult to serve as custodian.

    The custodian maintains control of the child's Roth IRA, including decisions about contributions, investments, and distributions. In addition, statements are sent to the custodian. However, the minor remains the beneficial account owner and the funds in the account must be used for the benefit of the minor. When the minor reaches a certain required age, typically either 18 or 21 in most states, the assets must be transferred to a new account in their name.

    Put your child's earnings to work

    A contribution to a Roth IRA for Kids can be made if a minor has earned income during the year. Eligible income can include formal employment income or self-employment income. Activities like babysitting or mowing lawns can qualify a minor for Roth IRA contributions. Note that in some cases self-employment taxes (Medicare and Social Security) can apply so it's advisable to consult with a tax professional. The current maximum annual contribution is $6,000, or the total of a child’s earned income for the year—whichever is less. For example, if your daughter earned $2,000 during a summer job, you could contribute up to $2,000 to a Roth IRA in her name.

    Roth IRA for Kids - Fidelity (1)

    If your child is not filing a tax form that reports his or her earned income, consider maintaining a written log of their earnings in case the IRS asks questions. Unlike traditional IRAs, contributions to Roth IRAs are made with after-tax dollars. This means the account owner cannot claim a tax deduction for his or her contributions. However, since most kids have low annual earnings, their income tax rate is already quite low or even zero. Therefore, tax deductions may not be an important factor at this stage of their lives. Moreover, when it comes time to tap their savings at retirement age, certain qualified distributions from a Roth IRA will be tax-free, unlike distributions from a traditional IRA.

    Making the case to the children in your life

    Helping the children in your life get started with a Roth IRA can teach them about the importance of saving for retirement. With a long time horizon, even modest contributions to a Roth IRA can become a sizeable nest egg over time, thanks to the power of tax-free compound growth. The chart illustrates how annual Roth IRA contribution amounts may potentially grow into impressive sums over many years.*

    Hypothetical pre-tax growth of annual maximum IRA contributions

    Despite the potential to accumulate significant savings, tying up money in a Roth IRA may not appeal to a child who is more concerned about having cash to go to the movies or to buy video games. For older teens, concerns about paying for a car or pending college tuition bills may take priority.

    Convincing a child to hand over his or her hard-earned cash to invest in a Roth IRA may be challenging but remember that as long as the child has earned income to qualify for Roth IRA contributions it doesn’t matter where the contributions come from. As an alternative, you may want to consider an arrangement where you or another adult make contributions as gifts to reward the child for working, or one where the child contributes a portion of his or her earnings to the Roth IRA and you match that amount (assuming the total doesn't exceed the lesser of the child's earned income for the year or $6,000).

    It's also helpful to know that with a Roth IRA, the rules do provide some flexibility to withdraw funds prior to retirement. For example, a Roth IRA allows the account owner to take out 100% of what they have contributed at any time and for any reason, with no taxes or penalties. Generally, any withdrawals are considered to come from contributions first. Distributions from earnings—which may be taxable if certain conditions are not met—begin only when all contributions have been withdrawn.

    Earnings from the investments in the account can be taken out without paying any federal taxes (and usually state and local taxes too) after the account owner reaches age 59½, or due to disability or death. In addition, at the time of withdrawal, the account owner must have had a Roth IRA open for at least 5 years, measured from the beginning of the first calendar year a Roth IRA was opened. This is known as the 5-year rule.

    If the account owner takes withdrawals on earnings prior to age 59½ and/or satisfying the 5-year rule, they will (unless an exception applies) be subject to a 10% early withdrawal penalty and ordinary income taxes. However, the rules allow for a federal tax- and penalty-free withdrawal of up to $10,000 in earnings, even if the investor has not reached age 59½, as long as the money is used for a first-time home purchase and the 5-year rule has been satisfied.

    Establishing a Roth IRA for Kids allows the children in your life to begin taking advantage of the opportunity for tax-free growth at a young age. While your children may not be overly excited about this idea now, they may thank you many years from now.

    Next steps to consider

    Start saving for your child's retirement by opening an account today.

    Learn how 3 investors, all with different situations, were able to gain the Roth IRA’s potential benefits.

    Find out more about the tax advantages and account features.

    Roth IRA for Kids - Fidelity (2024)


    Roth IRA for Kids - Fidelity? ›

    A Roth IRA for Kids can be opened and receive contributions for a minor with earned income for the year. Roth IRAs provide the opportunity for tax-free growth. The earlier your kids get started saving, the greater the opportunity to build a sizeable nest egg.

    Can I open a Roth IRA for a child? ›

    A Roth IRA for Kids can be opened and receive contributions for a minor with earned income for the year. Roth IRAs provide the opportunity for tax-free growth. The earlier your kids get started saving, the greater the opportunity to build a sizeable nest egg.

    Can I open a Fidelity account for my child? ›

    Child eligibility

    For children aged 13 to 17, a parent/guardian with an existing Fidelity account may open this account on their behalf. Child must have a Social Security card, plus one other form of ID. At age 18, account will be transitioned to a retail brokerage account for free.

    What are the tax advantages of this Fidelity Roth IRA for minors? ›

    The money grows tax-free while it's in either a traditional or Roth IRA. But the benefit of a Roth is that when the child withdraws the money many decades later, they won't have to pay income tax on it.

    What is the max Roth IRA for a child? ›

    IRA contributions cannot exceed a minor's earnings, e.g., if a minor earns $1,000, then only $1,000 can be contributed to the account. There's an annual maximum contribution of $6,000 per child, per year for 2022 and $6,500 per year for 2023.

    What is the best IRA for a child? ›

    With a custodial Roth IRA, you can help your children start saving for retirement as soon as they begin earning income. Contributions to Roth IRAs are made with after-tax money and can be withdrawn at any time, and these accounts are a great option to set your children up for long-term financial success.

    Does fidelity charge fees for Roth IRA? ›

    There is no cost to open and no annual fee for Fidelity's Traditional, Roth, SEP, and Rollover IRAs. A $50 account close out fee may apply. Fund investments held in your account may be subject to management, low balance and short term trading fees, as described in the offering materials.

    Can kids invest with Fidelity? ›

    Jumpstart your teen's financial learning. With the Fidelity® Youth Account your 13 to 17-year-old can learn to save, spend, and invest in one secure place.

    How do I prove my child's income for a Roth IRA? ›

    How do I prove my child's income for a Roth IRA? Ideally your child should have a W2 or a Form 1099 to show evidence of the earned income.

    Can I open a Roth IRA for my 2 year old? ›

    A Roth IRA can be opened for a minor child who has earned income for the year. Roth IRAs can offer tax benefits, including tax-free qualified distributions in retirement. Parents maintain control of the Roth IRA until the child reaches adulthood, at which time the account is transferred to them.

    What is the disadvantage of a custodial Roth IRA? ›

    Cons of a Custodial IRA

    Even though you are not assessed a penalty on the contributions when you withdraw them, you may be assessed a penalty on the earnings like interest and dividends. Custodial Roth IRAs are not tax-deductible.

    Can my child inherit my Roth IRA? ›

    Roth individual retirement accounts don't have required minimum distributions during the original owner's lifetime. Those rules change for the owner's heirs. Heirs must generally empty the account within 10 years. Accounts inherited before 2020 can still use the stretch IRA strategy.

    Can you put gifted money into a Roth IRA? ›

    If your 15-year old child or grandchild has earned $6,000 at a summer job, you can gift them up to $6,000 (the maximum annual contribution) to invest in a Roth IRA in their own name. Gifting a Roth IRA to a child is an outstanding way to introduce them to the concept of savings and investment.

    Can you put more than $6000 in a Roth IRA? ›

    For 2022, 2021, 2020 and 2019, the total contributions you make each year to all of your traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs can't be more than: $6,000 ($7,000 if you're age 50 or older), or. If less, your taxable compensation for the year.

    Is Roth IRA or 529 better for kids? ›

    Is a Roth IRA better than a 529 plan? A 529 savings plan is generally an all-round good choice to pay for your child's (or your own) college, while Roth IRA may be a better option as a backup account to supplement educational expenses.

    How much should a 24 year old put in a Roth IRA? ›

    Roth IRA contributions are made on an after-tax basis.

    The maximum total annual contribution for all your IRAs combined is: Tax Year 2022 - $6,000 if you're under age 50 / $7,000 if you're age 50 or older. Tax Year 2023 - $6,500 if you're under age 50 / $7,500 if you're age 50 or older.

    What is a good age to start an IRA? ›

    Prime Working Years (35 to 60)

    This is when people typically start thinking about opening an IRA and with good reason. You're in your prime earning years, so you likely have the money to tackle this goal. At this stage of your life, it's generally a good idea to start saving as much as possible for retirement.

    Is Fidelity a good Roth IRA? ›

    Fidelity: Best for self-directed investing

    If you're a self-directed investor looking for a low-cost platform with every type of investment, Fidelity should be on your short list. Not only can you trade stocks, bonds, and options, but Fidelity is second only to Vanguard in the funds department.

    Who is better Vanguard or Fidelity? ›

    In fact, Fidelity is our overall pick for the best online broker in 2022, so it is very hard to beat. All that said, Vanguard still offers some of the lowest-cost funds in the industry and will appeal to buy-and-hold investors, retirement savers, and investors who want access to professional advice.

    What is the 5 year rule for Roth IRA? ›

    The Roth IRA five-year rule says you cannot withdraw earnings tax-free until it's been at least five years since you first contributed to a Roth IRA account. This five-year rule applies to everyone who contributes to a Roth IRA, whether they're 59 ½ or 105 years old.

    How do I start investing for my child? ›

    Investing for Kids: 5 Account Options
    1. Custodial Roth IRA. ...
    2. 529 Education Savings Plans. ...
    3. Coverdell Education Savings Accounts. ...
    4. UGMA/UTMA Trust Accounts. ...
    5. Brokerage Account. ...
    6. Contribute to a Brokerage Account. ...
    7. Open Your Own Roth IRA. ...
    8. Teach Your Kids Investment Basics.
    Apr 3, 2023

    When can I start investing for my child? ›

    To start investing in stocks on their own, your kid will need a brokerage account, and they must be at least 18 years old to open one. They can start earlier than this, but they'll need a parent or guardian to open a custodial account for them. What is a custodial account?

    What is better 529 or custodial account? ›

    Custodial accounts can have a heavy impact on financial aid. Because the money in a custodial account is your child's asset and not yours, federal financial aid formulas consider 20% of the money available to pay for college. Compare this to 529 plans, which are given more favorable treatment for financial aid.

    Do kids need to file taxes for Roth IRA? ›

    We often get the question: "Does my child need to file a tax return to make a Roth IRA contribution?" The answer is "no". If their taxable income is below the threshold that would otherwise require them to file a tax return, they are not required to file a tax return just because a Roth IRA was funded in their name.

    Can my parents start a Roth IRA for me? ›

    Let's say you're a parent or grandparent who wants to help kids secure their financial futures. Instead of just telling them about Roth IRAs (although that's fine, too), you could start one for them in their name. Since they're minors, it has to be a custodial account.

    Can parents contribute to a child's Roth IRA? ›

    Parents and grandparents can open a Roth IRA for kids regardless of age, provided the child has earned income. Anyone can contribute to the child's Roth IRA, as long as they don't exceed the amount of the child's earned income.

    What is the minimum age to draw from Roth IRA? ›

    Before making a Roth IRA withdrawal, keep in mind the following guidelines, to avoid a potential 10% early withdrawal penalty: Withdrawals must be taken after age 59½.

    Can I roll a 529 plan into a Roth IRA? ›

    Beneficiaries of 529 accounts that have been open for more than 15 years can roll over up to $35,000 over time into a Roth IRA in their own name.

    Should a stay at home mom have a Roth IRA? ›

    If your family includes a stay-at-home parent, don't forgo retirement contributions just because you don't get a paycheck. Depending on your combined income, you may be able to contribute to a traditional IRA, Roth IRA or both.

    What happens to a custodial Roth IRA when the child turns 18? ›

    However, until the child is 18, the account will require a named custodian -- typically a parent -- to monitor the account and invest the money. Once the child turns 18 (or 21 in some states), the account will be transferred to his or her name in its entirety, and it will function like a regular Roth IRA.

    What happens to a Roth IRA when the owner dies? ›

    Distributions must be made from your Roth IRA after you die. You are able to direct the distribution of the funds upon your death. You name the beneficiaries, and the funds will pass directly to your beneficiary(ies) without being subject to probate.

    What is the 10 year rule for the IRS? ›

    All distributions must be made by the end of the 10th year after death, except for distributions made to certain eligible designated beneficiaries. See 10-year rule, later, for more information.

    How many Roth IRAs can I have? ›

    While there is no limit to the number of Roth IRAs you can own, you can't go over the contribution limits set by the IRS. In this case, if you are 53 and have two Roth IRA accounts, you can contribute a maximum of $3,500 to each of them, giving you a total of $7,000, the IRS limit.

    Can you gift money to a child from an IRA without paying taxes? ›

    You pay no income taxes on the gift. The transfer generates neither taxable income nor a tax deduction, so you benefit even if you do not itemize your deductions.

    What is the best way to gift money to a child? ›

    Give financial assets through a Uniform Gifts to Minors Act (UGMA) or Uniform Transfers to Minors Act (UTMA) custodial account. These accounts allow you to gift and transfer any amount of money, securities, and even property to a minor.

    Do I have to report my Roth IRA on my tax return? ›

    A Roth IRA differs from a traditional IRA in several ways. Contributions to a Roth IRA aren't deductible (and you don't report the contributions on your tax return), but qualified distributions or distributions that are a return of contributions aren't subject to tax.

    Can I have a Roth IRA if I make 300k? ›

    To contribute to a Roth IRA, single tax filers must have a modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) of less than $153,000 in 2023. If married and filing jointly, your joint MAGI must be under $228,000 in 2023.

    Can I put $100 000 in a Roth IRA? ›

    There are no income limits on who can make a Roth conversion. The financial institution holding your traditional IRA contributions transfers them directly to the institution that holds your Roth IRA. It can also be the same financial institution in what's known as a same-trustee transfer.

    Can I contribute to Roth if I make over 300k? ›

    There are income limits for Roth IRAs. As a single filer, you can make a full contribution to a Roth IRA if your modified adjusted gross income is less than $129,000 in 2022. If your modified adjusted gross income is more than $129,000 but less than $144,000, a partial contribution is allowed in 2022.

    Is a custodial Roth IRA a good idea? ›

    With a custodial Roth IRA, you can help your children start saving for retirement as soon as they begin earning income. Contributions to Roth IRAs are made with after-tax money and can be withdrawn at any time, and these accounts are a great option to set your children up for long-term financial success.

    What investment account can I open for my child? ›

    Investing for Kids: 5 Account Options
    • Custodial Roth IRA. If your child has earned income from a part-time job, they may qualify for a custodial Roth IRA. ...
    • 529 Education Savings Plans. ...
    • Coverdell Education Savings Accounts. ...
    • UGMA/UTMA Trust Accounts. ...
    • Brokerage Account.
    May 9, 2023

    Can I open a Roth for my grandkids? ›

    The key to opening a Roth IRA for your grandchild is earned income. Your grandchild must have a job that earns a wage. That could be a traditional job where taxes are withheld from their paycheck, or it could be wages earned doing odd jobs like babysitting or mowing lawns.

    What happens when a child inherits a Roth IRA? ›

    Inherited Roth IRAs

    Withdrawals of contributions from an inherited Roth are tax free. Most withdrawals of earnings from an inherited Roth IRA account are also tax-free. However, withdrawals of earnings may be subject to income tax if the Roth account is less than 5-years old at the time of the withdrawal.

    How to invest $1,000 for my child? ›

    One of the best ways to invest $1,000 for a child includes buying stocks through joint brokerage accounts and custodial accounts.
    1. Best-in-class parental controls (can prohibit specific stores)
    2. Can add brokerage account to invest in stocks.
    3. Intuitive Parent and Kid apps.
    4. Competitive cash back and interest rates.

    How can I build my child's wealth? ›

    Here are some of the best ways to start preparing to leave a legacy of wealth behind for your children and grandchildren.
    1. Invest in the stock market. ...
    2. Invest in real estate. ...
    3. Build a business to pass down. ...
    4. Take advantage of life insurance. ...
    5. Invest in your child's education. ...
    6. Teach your children about personal finance.

    What is the best way to save money for a child? ›

    You can open a custodial brokerage account at a bank or brokerage firm. A custodial account can be a great way to save on a child's behalf, or to give a financial gift. Basically, these are easy-to-open accounts used to invest in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and more, all to give your child a better future.

    Can a stay at home mom have a Roth IRA? ›

    If your family includes a stay-at-home parent, don't forgo retirement contributions just because you don't get a paycheck. Depending on your combined income, you may be able to contribute to a traditional IRA, Roth IRA or both.

    What is the youngest age to open a Roth? ›

    What Is the Youngest Age You Can Open a Roth IRA? There is no age threshold or limit for Roth IRAs, so anyone can open and fund an account.

    Can I have multiple Roth IRAs? ›

    While there is no limit to the number of Roth IRAs you can own, you can't go over the contribution limits set by the IRS. In this case, if you are 53 and have two Roth IRA accounts, you can contribute a maximum of $3,500 to each of them, giving you a total of $7,000, the IRS limit.

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    Name: Arline Emard IV

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