Ripple/XRP-SEC OIG Investigation, No Tax On Bitcoin?, Fed Reserve & Stablecoins, Warren Vs Deaton? (2024)

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Welcome back to the show everybody check Out these headlines here Elizabeth Warren is John Deon coming for her Senate seat we're going to talk about it Ex-fed Reserve chairman on bitcoin You're going to want it presidential Candidate says no tax for Bitcoin how About this fed Reserve official and Stable coins can help the dollar remain As a world Reserve currency you're going To want that ladies and gentlemen and You're going to want this SEC office of Internal investigation of eth gate What's going on here and what to expect We're going to get into it and so much More somebody roll that beautiful [Music] [Applause] Intro digital perspectives with Brad KES Come on [Applause] In welcome back to the show you can Follow us on Twitter and YouTube for Exclusive content right now $ 2.06 Trillion market cap for crypto the Market is up 7% in the last 24 let's Look at this 52,00 Plus for Bitcoin right now man am I glad I got some exposure to that and We know we have a trillion plus market Cap for crypto or Bitcoin and we see Right now 2,800 Plus for ethereum up 13.7 on the 7 day wow tether market cap 97.2 billion plus coming down to xrp

We're up 4.2 in the 24hour up 9.3 on the 7 day as we sit at 57s Ranging right now between 54 and almost 58 cents keep an eye on it looks like Xrp's out for a little jog today how far How fast we don't know but we'll keep an Eye out let's take a look at this here From Elanor terret and Bitcoin magazine Shares breaking Elizabeth Warren signs a Certificate to honor Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto with a uh ceremonial Flag flying Americans are forever Grateful Now I think Eleanor's got it right here Between this and Biden's laser eyes Tweet I'm now coming around to the idea That we do in fact live in assimilation I mean look I I think I you know what I See here is a political posturing I Think Elizabeth Warren is very keen to The idea that John Deon is heavily Considering if not already made the leap To uh uh run for Elizabeth Warren senate Seat and I want everybody to know we Should start doing hashtag Vote Deon let's get that trending # vot Deon let's do what we can to help him And bring his leadership to Massachusetts and send Elizabeth Warren Packing that's what we want to do and This looks like political posturing to Make it appear to the public that she Supports all of this crypto business but In reality we know that she is the enemy

Of crypto doing the bidding for the Banks it would appear because the people Want it And this here from uh meta law man shout Out to James Murphy who will be at xrp Las Vegas on stage oh yes he will you're Going to want to get your tickets ladies And gentlemen before this event sells Out I'm going to tell you very quickly Xrp Las Vegas is going to be a huge Interactive experience you're going to Want to be there the ever expanding xrp Ledger is seeing amendments coming you Know introduced and coming onto The Ledger in in really great waves here Lately right and we know that the Automated market makers are going to Come we've already seen the vote strong Enough to pass it the bug was fixed it Needed to be fixed so some in the short Term I would imagine we're going to see That actually voted again and then pass And then brought to the xrp Ledger as a New feature and that is going to be Super exciting but I want to say right Here getting back to all of this that You know uh James Murphy's going to be On stage with John Deon and Jeremy Hogan Will be appearing in as well and we're Going to have Eleanor terret and others And you know the legal panel that we're Going to have is going to be super Strong and you're going to want to be There because like I said this is going

To be a huge interactive immersive Experience you're going to learn so much About what's taking place right now in The xrp ecosystem and with the Ledger And everything with policy and Regulation I it is worth it for you to Make the investment to come and make Those connections and get that knowledge There's no question about it cannot wait For that and he says here very quickly If John Deon decides to run against Elizabeth Warren John absolutely could Pull off the upset that would Shock the World anyone who doubts US Marine major Deon's determination hasn't read his Book food stamp Warrior yet the key Question is can John get the financial Support he would need to get his message Out many crypto investors have made Enormous profits over the last 12 months Will they step up and that is the Question right there and I'll be happy To donate myself no doubt about that Shout out to John Deon I I I love it I Hope this I hope it happens because I I Tell you she's got to go she's out of Touch with the constituents there's no Question here we listen to uh ex-federal Reserve chairman Allan Greenspan talk About the value of Bitcoin can never be Negative take a list in here uh the Value of Bitcoins can never be Negative and so there's only one thing It could be it's either zero or plus and

The way human beings estimate value uh You're going to get a number of people Always consider it a plus and if you Happen to be Bitcoin and get into early On you create a huge potential Market But now with that being said and he goes On to reaffirm everything you just heard It's you know there's no no harm in Stopping it so but here's here's where I Want to step in here because we just Heard on CNBC the other morning I think It was yesterday morning day before but We just Heard Gary gendler tell Joe kernin or k Uh on CNBC that bitcoin's not that Decentralized see this is what I'm Saying Like you know it was a few months ago I Was in a a Twitter space with uh perryan Boring from the Chamber of digital Commerce some other attorneys that were In that space and I was trying to make That point then that regardless of how Anybody feels Maxi camps and all this Stuff you know all of these assets Bitcoin included has Bitcoin has Regulatory Clarity but not necessarily Legal Clarity and I want to see that Happen for the entire space Bitcoin Included because we got to get Gary Gendler and the and the people like Gary Gendler put back in their own lane and The only way to really do that is legal

Clarity I'm absolutely convinced that Even though it was a longer road to go By pushing all of this through the court System instead of having Congress pass Something I think even though it's was The harder road to go we're talking About money here right so just going Back very quickly to the early days of The internet for a Second you know they passed the Telecommunications Act I feel like Getting the proper stable coin bill Could be just as powerful as the Telecommunications Act of 1996 if they Get it right because we're talking about The internet of value not the internet Of information and and I almost really Believe looking at the space the way it Is right now that somewhere along the Line Regulators decided or whoever Everybody sitting down and looking at These markets decided because we're Talking about value and money and things Of tokenized value moving around on These networks and Protocols I think it was the Determination made to push these things And set precedent on C certain cases Through the court system however that Does make it very tricky because you Don't want to get a a decision that Stifles Innovation and that's you know Thank goodness Ripple has had the the Coffers to fight the fight you know and

It's still not over but to be able to Really make sure that the SEC did not Beat them on a very critical issue that Would be detrimental not only to xrp but The entire space right so all all of This to say that you know it really Feels like to me that we have to have Legislation for the entire space here Ladies and gentlemen you know it's like You're going to start rolling out ETFs In in in Mass the way you're doing here Give us the legal Clarity for Bitcoin And all the other assets so we can Clearly move forward whether you're Building a project or whether you're Just you know investing in the space and Speculating or whatever it is give us The damn Clarity so we can all move Forward it's coming it's coming now what It'll look like when it gets here is Another that's a that's a conversation For another day but if Robert Kennedy Jr Has anything to do with it he's Promising no taxes on bitcoin backing The US dollar with Bitcoin so you know There is a lot of now obviously there's A lot of people that feel like you know Robert F Kennedy is great I think Robert Kennedy Jr is great and I really like Him a lot and I like a lot of other People out here in this space a lot and I like certain things they they talk About and directions they want to go um But at the end of the day I don't know

If Robert F Kennedy will enough to to to Win over and and and take the primary We'll see but you know I mean these People are talking about crypto and They're running for president this is a Campaign Issue so things are going to move Quickly when they move there's no Question now here crypto to strengthen The US dollar fed official Predicts and tell me that this doesn't Sound like the conversations we've been Having here on this Channel Federal Reserve official Christopher Waller a member of Federal Reserve Board of Governors recently Spoke at an event in the Bahamas Suggesting that the burgeoning Decentralized finance defi sector Particularly through its Reliance on Stable coins could actually reinforce The US Dollar's position as the world's Leading Reserve currency Waller pointed Out that nearly all stable coins which Are digital currencies pegged to the Value of traditional yach currencies Like the dollar maintain their value Through his this direct linkage thus Potentially expanding the Dollar's Influence in the Global Financial System this in part is very similar to What I've been saying here on this Channel that you know stable coin Legislation and Clarity can create a new

Use case and demand for us treasuries And te bills to back these stable coins And should we fall victim to some kind Of hyperinflation scenario we know that There's multiple countries around the World working to dollarize from the US Dollar maybe these stable coins could Help to soak up some of that Hyperinflation or just dollars in General like it said like you know said By Christopher wer here you know just to Create this new Demand because of this new uh asset of Stable coins being released and Obviously under credential regulation Right So this is a Federal Reserve Official this is the same conversations We've been having now a Federal Reserve Official is having this is what I like To See the SEC has disclosed ower oversight That the SEC office of Inspector General Is in the final stages of investigating Into the cryptocurrency related Financial conflicts of interest in power Referred to the office of Inspector General in May of 2022 it goes on Through this and and basically talks About all of the delays and everything That went on that when Empower oversight Was trying to get information and the SEC was just stalling and stalling and Stalling so we have to wonder where this

Invest investigation's going to go we Will we will stay on this until we find Out where it actually does go Ashley Prosper brings up a great question here As the SEC office of Inspector General Oig is in the final stages of an Investigation into the cryptocurrency Related Financial conflicts interest of Empower referred to the oig in May 22 Eth gate citizen Henman what are the Chances that the SEC goes after eth once This report from the oig drops and just Before the statute of limitation runs on Certain Crimes Ashley Prosper says I believe They have until June and then the eth ETFs have been delayed until May they May get denied and then a lawsuit may Follow Plus promethium listed eth as a Digital asset security and the NY a Settled the with the Q coin after it Called eth of security be Cautious this is this is where we're At are we going to see that outcome like You know eth people get Blindsided what's going to happen Here what's going to happen to this Network you know we don't know and with Somebody like Gary gendler you know he Is unpredictable right he's nothing like He was at MIT so where is this all going To end up or to the points that were Made by Ashley Prosper if we just play Devil's Advocate what if it's the flip

Side of all of this what if they do Introduce the ETFs what if they do wait Until the statue of limitations run out Right and then they come out and simply Say it's just too big it's too far gone And we' too late to do anything about it Now but we'll catch every everybody on The next one Right we don't know which way it'll go Right I do know we have enough facts to Understand that if the SEC doesn't come Correct on This it looks bad for the SEC not Ethereum let's take a look at this very Quickly here from vet shout out to vet The xrp Ledger defi Trio ladies and Gentlemen as I said The xrp Ledger is in A ever expanding mode right now and it's Super super exciting like automated Market makers did digital ID and price Oracles he says here we already spoke About how The xrp Ledger automated Market maker really works well with the Decentralized identity Amendment for Institutional Defi and other Financial Services there's one other Amendment That's not yet here but expected to come In a release after Ripple 2.1 and that's The XLS for 47d Price oracles price Oracles are the missing key to lift and Enable EX existing and future use cases On The xrp Ledger it acts as a bridge Between The xrp Ledger and the external World Pro providing offchain data or

Information to The xrp Ledger the Current basic xrp Ledger automated maker Automated Market maker say that five Times fast is heavily dependent on Arbitragers to bring in price Information by trading against the pool Price oracles are able to support and Stabilize automated Market maker pool Pricing xrp Ledger lending and borrowing Needs external price feeds to accurately Price collaterals and collateral and Liquidation thresholds greatly Beneficial for stable coins and other Tokenized assets if the price of Collateral is inaccurate people might Issue more tokens than the system can Collateralize and redeem more than they Should be able allowed to uh also during These times where people might take Advantage of missing pricing and price Feed operator can stop sending price Feeds and issuers might temporarily halt Issuance and Redemption on a platform Might sound bad but the user is still Not screwed they can use the decks to Always find someone willing to buy or Sell so these are the things that are on Deck right now and it's super super Exciting because these things will Change the face of how the xrp ledger Works forever more it's super super Exciting all right look that's going to Do it for me we're going into the Freedom Zone dig perspectives here and

Believe me this is this is not the kind Of news you want to share but you know There is a country a major country in This world that has just made Free Speech illegal and we're going to get Into it in the freedom Zone you got to Know what's happening ladies and Gentlemen and sometimes in life you have To figure out which Hill you're going to Die on because I tell you you know how Much are you going to watch people take Away before you decide to stand up and Say enough is enough I'll catch all of You in the freedom Zone come on in dig Perspectives.

Ripple/XRP-SEC OIG Investigation, No Tax On Bitcoin?, Fed Reserve & Stablecoins, Warren Vs Deaton? (2024)
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