Ripple/XRP-Bitcoin $1 T Market Cap, Ripple`s Recent Acquisition-What It Means-B2B/B2C, XRP Price? (2024)

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Welcome back to the show everybody check Out these headlines we have for you Today we got bitcoin1 trillion market Cap and we know about that recent Ripple Acquisition but you're going to want to Know the details of what it can mean and The impacts for ripple going forward are Massive we're going to get into it we Also talk about xrp Futures and how About the xrp price chart how about how About somebody roll that beautiful Intro Digital perspectives with Brad KES come On In welcome back to the show you can Follow us on Twitter and YouTube for Exclusive content and you can join us at Dig perspectives. comom as well right Now 2.01 trillion market cap for crypto let Me say it again we crossed $2 trillion On cryptocurrency market cap Collectively up 2.6% how good's that Feel take a look at this 51,3 Plus for Bitcoin and over a$1 Trillion market cap for Bitcoin right Now that's what we're talking about Ladies and gentlemen and this is why I Decided to get me some exposure to Bitcoin regardless of all the other Things we've known and discussed on this Channel right now 51,3 plus for Bitcoin 2,700 Plus for ethereum 96.6 billion Plus for the market cap of tether number

Six spots xrp which is now at 53 cents Showing it's up 04 on the 24hour and up 5.9 on the 7 day I'm loving where we're At this morning right here ranging Between 05166 on the bottom 0 5329 on The top we'll keep an eye on it right Here is linked to ladies and gentlemen Your best access to the greatest private Equity in the world with the most Affordable minimums seriously click the Link underneath the video and check out My sponsor it is the best private equity In the world and I say that because we Know that there is Ripple on there There's uphold on there there's so many Incredible companies AI companies and I Know we all love AI look the Opportunities are absolutely endless on This platform but do not forget Companies like Circle companies like Ripple which we are going to talk about Today in great depth about what this Recent acquisition May really mean for r Going forward and I think you're Absolutely going to love it let's get Into this click the link below we're Going to talk about this more here uh The total market value of Bitcoin Circulating Supply crossed $1 trillion Doll after bitcoin price surged above 51,000 obviously still there this Morning loving that for us in the market This is a reminder of what kicked all of That off it is Bitcoin spot ETFs in the

United States have collectively breached Three billion in net flows roughly one Month after birth blasting past the Performance of gold ETFs when they are Launched 20 years ago and don't forget We also saw a um a post where I think It's May there is a there is an ethereum ETF that is waiting for approval and has A deadline I think in it's either March Or May so we're going to keep an eye out For that as well uh this is a Quick Clip Here of Anthony Pompano talking about Bitcoin and what's been going on take a Listen to this because he saids Something inside of this about altcoins And ETFs and I think you're going to Like It all right folks so Bitcoin actually H 50,000 today but my next guest says Bitcoin ETFs are sounding an alarm I'm Going to bring a comp pomp Investments Investor uh uh Anthony Pompano and pomp You say you know that these Bitcoin ETFs They're sounding the alarm I I at first It felt like everyone including yourself Were really enthused about it that did They not go off right did they what's The hitch the the alarm's good for Bitcoiners if you think about what's Happening right here uh wall Street's Getting an intelligence test if you paid Attention in economics 101 you're going To pass this test there is hundreds of Millions of dollars per day flowing into

These Bitcoin ETFs and there is only About4 to $45 million of net new Bitcoin Being produced so there's 12 and a half Times more demand than there is Supply Being created every single day if There's that much demand and that little Supply the price has got to go up to Accommodate everyone and so my guess is That we're about to see Bitcoin continue To grind up over the next couple of Weeks so that's his structural buildup For this next big move correct what's Holding that back then well the Bitcoin's not being held back right I Mean it was at 47 it went down to 40,000 Because everyone was dumping gbtc now All of a sudden we're back to 50,000 I Think 50,000 is a psychological level as Well people get really excited they say Hey we're going back towards alltime Highs and as soon as Bitcoin or starts Saying it somehow it usually happens it Does right now you say you've got the Next big bet share that with us l so if You look at what happened with the Bitcoin ETF right Bitcoin is an asset It's now been accepted within Wall Street and now people want to get access And so we have these Bitcoin ETF issuers I think that the next big run of Equities is going to end up being an Altcoin ETFs and what I mean and there It is right there don't need to hear Another word although we appreciate

It altcoin ETFs this is what I've been Saying we are going to see thousands of ETFs created off of these cryptos There's no question and he knows it too Watch out ladies and gentlemen there's An entire Market being born right before Our eyes that's how Bitcoin got back Over1 trillion dollars we got it we Watched it happen again right there uh Gemini officially launches xrp Perpetual Derivative contracts this means that There are future contracts with no Expiration date normally uh xrp uh or Any kind of uh future Perpetual Derivative contract is going to be um Something with a normally it'll have a Limit like a daily limit it ends at the End of business day or it'll be a one Week or one month or one quarter two Quarters that kind of a thing so this is Perpetual means it does not have an Expiration date so you can enter a Position and hold that position for as Long as you like until you feel like you Need to get out of it right and of Course unless it starts going upside Down then you got pour more money in it But be very careful with these products They can be very very dangerous no doubt About it now Cody Carbone says today Digital power you USA filed a foyer Request with energy and this is Basically uh the US Department of energy Over the eia's communications with none

Other than that woman right there Elizabeth Warren who wants to ban Crypto and I tell you what that's a Power move right there Cody having Everybody file that foer request CU you All will find some some Communications That look a lot like the communications Between Elizabeth Warren and Gary Gendler remember when that got all Kicked up and that didn't even that Wasn't even a foyer found that out I Don't think so uh cud listen Kudos the Cody Carbone everybody at the uh chamber Of digital Commerce it is a agency that Never takes a day off they're constantly Fighting to stop the uh attempts to ban Crypto or gut crypto legally or Regulatory wise so we need that constant Fight on Capital Hill there's no Question about it and obviously we all Saw the news here so let's talk about What this really means so we're going to Get down into This what does this acquisition of Standard custody Trust Company really Mean for ripple because that's what Happened and was announced yesterday Let's take a look right here as Ripple Aims to grow us presence with the Acquisition of New York standard custody And Trust Company and that is is exactly Right and you know I want to expound on Something here right so if if I could I Want to read you just what the potential

Is here and this is such a nice piece Here and this was put together by Joe And Doo the co of link to and these are Really powerful thoughts to think about Let's let's first go back to understand You know this acquisition of standard Custody and Trust right what does it Really mean because rip until now has Been an Enterprise facing company right And we know that there was ripplet that Was created there was liquidity Hub that Was created then there was the Acquisition of Medico right all of these Things were built and obviously these Saas products are sold to financial Institutions to support those Institutions uh uh as customers and in Other words uh um Ripple doesn't own or Service those those end customers Themselves it merely provides the Infrastructure that enables institutions To do so for example an incumbent Bank Can use this array of services to offer International payments cryptocurrency Trading and digital asset custody to its Clients but now check this out but now Ripple is evolving to establish products That allow it to also serve and Customers directly that is what the Acquisition of standard custody is about Instead of just selling Medico software To say Bank of America so that b OFA can Become a digital asset custodian for its Customers Ripple can now provide digital

Asset custody Services directly to end Clients in like fashion the recent Transformation of Ripple net into Ripple Payments through the acquisition of Various money transmitter licenses in The US and other jurisdictions will Allow Ripple to directly provide crossb Payment processing services to customers Without relying exclusively on other Financial institution to adopt Ripple's Technology as a means of getting to Market so what does all this mean this Is a strategic and significant and Strategic shift in our view it it it Changes ripple from being just an Infrastructure player into also being a Direct service Provider this is massive right here Right direct service provider Rippo expands its total addressable Market and its Revenue stream by doing This instead of being purely B2B right Uh Ripple can now also be directly B2B And potentially even B Toc right Business to Consumer Ripple has Accelerated its time to Market by Reducing the Reliance on incumbent Financial institutions who may be slow To adopt Ripple's technology as we all Know instead Ripple can now directly Penetrate Market segment ments that are More ready to implement their technology Today because of the above information We've just talked about Ripple becomes

More attractive to Public Market Investors thereby positioning itself Aggressively for its IPO and I think This is probably the best breakdown You're going to get on what this recent Acquisition of standard custody and Trust Company is really all about no Question about it and I also want to Highlight this fact right here shout out To vetor XO who is just do an amazing Work out here to be so inclusive to Everybody runs killer tw Twitter spaces The whole bit but I want you to hear This very important clip here because You know I know that I caught some stuff The other day about referencing payments First that doesn't mean that I I believe Ripple shouldn't work on or isn't Working on other multiple use cases of Course they are and it's obvious from The Acquisitions they're making but vet Makes a very uh good comment makes it Clear and it kind of solidifies the Point I was making the other day as well It's important that the core of the xrp Ledger is payments buying selling and Holding two out of these main functions Involve payments it's necessary for Everything that's built on top of it Just as I said the other day and I Didn't even realize this clip existed Tokenization cbdc stable coins nfts defi Institutional custody all of it custody For I mean it's all coming down to at

Some point you got to move something Because you're making a payment right so That's really what we're talking about Listen David Schwarz say it we focused On payments and that is our historical Legacy there you go payments are at the Core of everything that we do in this Space everything else that you look that You look at and whether it's defi Whether it's loans whether it's stable Coins payments are at the heart of Everything real world asset tokenization What are you going to do with a token You're going to buy it it you're going To sell it you're going to hold it well Two of those three things are Payments you know you can't make it up I Love when David says it because it's Just then then then you know then all of The you know crypto Twitter trolls right They all kind of pipe down what are they Gonna do say something to David about it I mean it's okay if David says it that's Really the difference I think sometimes Well I don't you know a lot of people Are like look I want to see a bull run Right you know it's like and I do too I Do too but you know why I want to see One so it turns down some of this noise And rhetoric that we're hearing because There's so much negative sentiment Because someone has created some pseudo Timelines in their mind about when they Think something should have happened and

It it's just a bad way to approach the Space or any investment space to be Perfectly Honest when the volume is squeezed xrp Show begins get ready for launch you Could see right from here that the Volume volume is obviously getting very Very squeezed here so uh how much Further do we have to go I don't know I Don't pretend to I'm grateful for dark Defender and edrag crypto and we know That we need to pay attention because Even though we may experience more Downside before we get to see the upside These targets are all still in play and Today we're moving North a little bit in The right direction could 58 cents be Next I don't know but we're at 53 and I'll take that for now I'm so excited About where we are and I'm so glad to be On this journey with all of you uh no Question about it now listen very quick Before I get out of here uh no Freedom Zone thing today because uh I have to go And I'm proud to announce that I'm going To be taking part in the uh xrp unleash Documentary today and I'm very excited To be able to participate into that and I hope I can help those guys get what They need today and I'm very grateful For each and every one of you and I want To tell all of you that if you haven't Had the chance to go and check out the Benefit dinner that involves Brad

Garlinghouse for the uh future of Digital assets benefit dinner go check Out that link today there is a 24hour special going on right now for $589 ticket and have a private dinner it Is like less than half of what it was in Price and it is a Valentine's Day Special for the next 24 hours you can Get your ticket at probably H right Around half I believe of what it was uh Going for for Valentine special to have A private dinner with Brad garlinghouse Michael Arrington The Honorable Christian Carlo John Deon Eleanor terret And God knows who else is coming I know I'm going to be there right so uh I'm Not missing this thing you shouldn't Either this is a remarkable opportunity And so is xrp Las Vegas if you haven't Gotten your ticket I want you to now Think about very quickly here and I'll Be done but I want to share this with You because it's important this conf Conference is going to be hugely Interactive you are going to be able to Get up and close with companies you are Going to get an understanding of exactly What has happened in the xrp uh Ledger Ecosystem and just how quickly it's been Expanding and you should make the Investment to come to this conference Because you're going to find out exactly What you need to know about automated Market makers from David Schwarz and you

Know what that is the best place and the Best source that's ground zero right There to be able to hear David talk About automated market makers and the Effect that they could have on The xrp Ledger in serving the financial world For payments and crossb and settlement Movement of value is a remarkable idea And it may just be that someday we all Learn how to participate in a very safe Way to where you may never have to sell Your xrp again and that's why I tell you Make the investment in yourself come get The information Network and learn and Empower yourself with the knowledge You're going to get from the conference And it may be the best money you have Ever spent to learn how to protect the Port portfolio you've worked so hard to Create that's it for me ladies and Gentlemen if you want to follow us and Support the channel you can do it at Dick perspectives. comom and you can Click the freedom Zone and if you want To be around like-minded investors who Are protecting growing and maintaining Their wealth we're doing it inside the Dpmg every single day so I hope you'll Join us there too uh not Financial Advice from me or anyone else I'll catch All of you on the next One

Ripple/XRP-Bitcoin $1 T Market Cap, Ripple`s Recent Acquisition-What It Means-B2B/B2C, XRP Price? (2024)


How much will 1 XRP be worth in 2030? ›

XRP Prediction Table
YearMinimum PriceMaximum Price
8 more rows
2 days ago

What is Ripple coin used for? ›

XRP is a cryptocurrency and token Ripple Labs uses to facilitate transactions on its network. XRP primarily enhances global financial transfers and the exchange of several currencies. 1 Investors also use it to store value and profit from price fluctuations.

How high can XRP realistically go? ›

Therefore, our XRP price prediction forecasts a price of $1.80 by the end of 2024. Depending on the lawsuit's outcome and crypto market conditions, it could go much higher, potentially reaching $3.10.

How much is 1 XRP right now? ›

Today vs. 24 hours ago
AmountToday at 4:59 pm24 hours ago
1 XRP$0.56$0.52
5 XRP$2.78$2.62
10 XRP$5.56$5.24
50 XRP$27.81$26.20
4 more rows

What is a realistic price for XRP in 2025? ›

Long-term XRP price prediction for 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030. Based on the historical price movements of XRP and the BTC halving cycles, the yearly low XRP price prediction for 2025 is estimated at $ 0.333661. Meanwhile, the price of XRP is predicted to reach as high as $ 1.641347 next year.

What will XRP crypto be worth in 2050? ›

XRP's price prediction for 2050 based on the S&P 500 index's historical ROI. If we again base our assumptions on S&P 500's historical ROI, a hypothetical $1,000 investment in XRP made in 2023 would grow to $22,718 by 2050. In other words, XRP's current price of $0.381 would increase by 2,171% to $8.65 in 2050.

Is Ripple worth keeping? ›

Investing in XRP is risky and may not be suitable for most investors due to the high price volatility and the difficulty in predicting future trends in the cryptocurrency market,” Drozdz says. This advice highlights the need for prospective investors to consider their own risk tolerance and financial goals carefully.

Will XRP be used by banks? ›

Ripple (XRP) is a popular choice among banks worldwide. The network's fast transaction speeds, low gas fees, and energy-efficient consensus make it an ideal cryptocurrency for traditional financial institutions. Fortunately, this is exactly the clientele that Ripple Labs has in mind.

Is it a good idea to buy Ripple? ›

Key Points. Ripple's native token, XRP, is trying to disrupt how money moves across borders. Investors can't ignore Ripple's ongoing regulatory troubles. There is a ton of risk with owning XRP, so investors should probably avoid it.

Can XRP reach $1000 dollars? ›

XRP is not going to $1,000. It's not going to $589. It's not even going to $100. Even if XRP had the same market cap as Bitcoin today ($1 trillion), then 1 XRP would be worth about $18.

Will Ripple win court case? ›

July 13 (Reuters) - Ripple Labs Inc did not violate federal securities law by selling its XRP token on public exchanges, a U.S. judge ruled on Thursday, a landmark legal victory for the cryptocurrency industry that sent the value of XRP soaring.

Can XRP hit $1000 usd? ›

It is possible for XRP to reach $1,000 USD, but it is highly unlikely in the near future.

How much is 1,000 XRP shares worth? ›

Latest XRP to USD Converter Rate

The current price of 1000 XRP in US Dollar is 528.74 USD.

Does XRP have a future? ›

The analyst foresees a potential surge, projecting XRP's price to range between $5.59 to $11.26 by the end of the year, buoyed by potential inflows totaling $33 billion into its market cap by 2025. This surge, fueled by growing adoption and potential market expansion, suggests a notable XRP value appreciation.

What is XRP backed by? ›

Unlike most cryptocurrencies, which are decentralised and therefore not run by a single entity, the cryptocurrency XRP is controlled by a company called Ripple.

What will XRP be worth in 2040? ›

Based on our long-term XRP Coin price forecast, we anticipated that prices could reach a new all-time high this year. By 2040, the maximum price of the XRP Coin is projected to be around $22.199. Our average price forecast for XRP is $21.746 in 2040.

How much will 1 ethereum be worth in 2030? ›

Ethereum (ETH) Price Prediction 2024-2040
YearMinimum PriceMaximum Price
8 more rows

What will be the price of 1 Bitcoin in 2030? ›

Bitcoin (BTC) Price Prediction 2030

According to your price prediction input for Bitcoin, the value of BTC may increase by +5% and reach $ 89,494.55 by 2030.

What will be the price of 1 Dogecoin in 2030? ›

Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Prediction 2030
2025$ 0.166428
2026$ 0.17475
2027$ 0.183487
2030$ 0.212409
1 more row

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