Ripple/XRP-$12Trillion BTC/ETFs,XRP ETF Incoming?,BREAKING: IPO Season=Circle/USDC,XRP 11.9% Up 24Hr (2024)

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Welcome back to the show everybody check Out these headlines we have here xrp is Up 11.9% in the 24hour spot Bitcoin ETFs are approved And it's IPO season baby we got that and So much more somebody roll that Beautiful [Music] [Applause] Intro digital perspectives with Brad k Come on [Applause] In welcome back to the show you can Follow us on Twitter and YouTube for Exclusive content right now $ 1.91 Trillion market cap for cryptocurrency The market is up 8 and a half perc good Morning crypto yeah told you I'd love to Smell a crypto in the morning we're Going to see two trillion doll market Cap for this day over just you watch 48,800 Plus or Bitcoin at this moment 2,600 Plus for ethereum tether market Cap is 96.4 billion plus right now xrp Is 62 cents and it's up 11.9% in the 24hour and before we get Out of here today you're going to hear a Technical analyst talk about the Possibility of a 39,000 per explosion for xrp remember if You've been if you're new to this space It is possible doesn't mean it'll happen It's certainly plausible conversation

Because xrp has experienced massive Spikes in its history we will see if it Repeats again very quickly the range of Price now 55 cents on the bottom 62 on The top we're pushing towards the top Side of that range we'll see if we can Keep going The Little Engine That Could Is out for a run today 634 th000 Registered users can't be wrong ladies And gentlemen this is where you can get Incredible private Equity before they Have some form of a public exit remember Coinbase coinbase used to be$ 30 plus Doll range on link to and then it ipoed For $400 plus dollar a share uh-huh that Happened and you could have gotten it on Link to prior to its IPO this is an Opportunity that's opened up to everyone Hearing my voice all you have to do is Sign up and register because you're Going to find out that Circle has has Now filed officially for their IPO and You can still get it on link to that Happened today we're going to cover that In just a moment all 11 spot Bitcoin ETF Applications have been approved on an Accelerated basis and let me tell you Right now this is why this is IPO season We see these I ETFs get approved the Spot ETFs get approved and now we're Seeing a chain reaction of events taking Place here the all clear the full sign To all clear ahead everybody's moving

Forward now with these spot ETFs and I Tell you it's very exciting knowing That1 trillion is now opened up to be Able to have exposure to spot Bitcoin ETFs and that asset itself now more will Be coming you can bet on it but looking Right here it is officially live as ETF Spot Bitcoin trading has already begun This is a historical moment the birth of An asset class is truly being embraced Right now on this day you're witnessing This this is something you don't see in Four or five lifetimes this is a Remarkable moment albe it however you Feel about Bitcoin or some other asset This is the acceptance and the Embrace Of the Legacy institutions ladies and Gentlemen right first they ignore you Then they laugh at you then they fight You Then you Win today we Win Bloomberg predicts 4 billion in spot Bitcoin ETF inflows on this first day of Trading with the possibility of two Billion directly from Black Rock well we Can tell you in the minutes that this Has been available so far we have Already seen the ETF total spot Bitcoin ETF volume surpass $1 billion in just Minutes after the market is Open Black Rock SEC approval record at 576 to1 post Bitcoin ETF nod is ether ETF next and I do expect to see more

ETFs roll out in the future uh obviously Ethereum should be one and obviously I'm Expecting xrp to have an ETF Because it is the only digital asset in The United States of America that has Legal Clarity there are more assets that Have regulatory Clarity regulatory Opinion Approval but not legal Clarity so There's no reason why we shouldn't see An xrp ETF more on that in a moment but This is what I'm so excited about Because the the approval of the spot Bitcoin ETFs absolutely set a a Cascade Of events in Motion starting with this circle usdc Files for Uso again you can still get it while It's available on link to as private Equity before it goes public I don't Care who you are if you're hearing my Voice click the link to link to my Sponsor underneath this video and if you Don't believe me go sign up and register And fund your account and find out for Yourself there's risk to everything and Everything can go to zero you need to Know that right but this is a remarkable Window of opportunity maybe it's right For you maybe it isn't but go look for Goodness sakes go look Elanor terret Says crypto payment firm usdc issuer Circle has filed for an initial public Offering Circle was one of the couple of

Big crypto names expected to file to go Public this year the other Is Ripple still waiting on that decision on That case though here is the actual Business Wire filing right here shout Out to everyone Ellie and everyone else Who gave us the heads up for that and Shout out to uh everyone uh at link to For having this available for as long as They have how long have we been talking About circle now saying that they were Going to go public well today's the day It just happened which also means it's IPO Season they're not the only ones Link to themselves who said they're Going to IPO oh my goodness watch Out deep fakes abound on Elon Musk Formerly known as Twitter and YouTube Ripple CEO Brad Garling house is criticizing these Platforms for failing to address the Mushrooming of sophisticated xrp scams Preying on unwitting social media users I want to use this moment right now to First thank Brad garlinghouse for Bringing attention to this he does a Great job of trying to get get these Platforms and the owners and and things To do something about This my comment section underneath my Video on YouTube is riddled with scams To the tune that I don't comment on it

Hardly anymore because I don't want People to confuse it with the Scammers but I don't want to shut the Comments off because some of you have Some incredible insights and I go look I Go Read I don't want to shut that Communication off from You but a little side note though not to Upsell you for the cost of a cup of Coffee a month a cup of coffee a month You can be in the freedom Zone and we Don't have to worry about these damn Trolls that's another reason we go in There Too then there's this the inevitable Question about an xrp ETF that Apparently mainstream media still calls Ripple ETF what are you going to do with These people these questions will start Pouring in first iscale and other crypto Focus issuers going to start looking at Other crypto assets ethereum Valkyrie Said people are looking at Ripple ETFs Already for example thank you but it's Xrp but yes I I do expect it to be Coming too and look let us not forget And I've been making this point the last Few days and I'm going to make it again Because I think it is an extremely valid Point you guys know that I believe Seeing the spot Bitcoin ETFs be approved At my house is a big signal to say a few Things one there is a massive correction

Or collapse coming to the traditional Stock market and Bitcoin and this Product will be used for the financial Advisers to be able to use a two to 5% Allocation I'm guessing to hedge the Correction or collapse that's about to Happen to everyone in the stock market's Portfolio that's what I think that's What I think this product's for here's Another thing about the shiny Distraction of Bitcoin and the spot ETFs Which I hope make all of us a lot of Money it keeps you away from gold it Keeps the retail investor excited about This new product this new asset class And maybe I want to be in that for the Ride which is incredible I get these Huge upswings right because it's known To be very volatile with huge explosive Upswings ain't that what everybody's Looking for and then you're not going For gold the way that central banks and Governments have been hoarding and Doubling down on gold itself there's a Distraction and the distraction is you Get to invest in this play toy this new Set of products on top of this digital Asset and these things become play toys For investors these ETFs very exciting time again the Distraction is there but you have these Investment products and that's the Contrast in this space that's being Divided and really organized right now

Between whether your product is actually Something that's used inside the Financial system for businesses to make Them operate and function better for Themselves and their customers and Clients or are you something more like An investment product like a Bitcoin or ETFs on top of the product Right so that's kind of what we're Seeing take shape this is actually Watching this asset class take shape and Speaking of taking shape we remind Everybody here with aml's post that bank Of England back in 2017 had already Completed proof of concept with ripple 2017 crypto regulation came into force In the UK this year Bank of England Heads head tells Parliament Bitcoin is Too inefficient for use Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey says the Integration of cryptocurrencies into the Global Financial system has Stalled Perhaps it is real that Everything thing is about to start in The UK look I again you know this is where I Look to the United States where they Have projected some on Capitol Hill have Said there's a chance we could see Stable coin legislation in q1 of this Year that means by April I I if we get stable coin Legislation here then I am expecting to See a I'm expecting to see a uh element

To this digital asset space that we have Never quite witnessed yet which is use Case utility institutional adoption Where they really come off the sidelines With stable coin reg uh legislation Making it very clear what you can and Can't do there is no more don't touch This stuff until we say so let's get Past that moment and I think we're about To I really do and I think I'm very Excited to find out how Ripple's role Will deepen the use of xrp as well in The new Financial system which brings us To this and before we get into this idea Of understanding that egg rag crypto who We follow cover here quite often says we Could see a $220 price level for xrp at Some point in the future using Fibonacci Charts and Fibonacci levels I want to Take you to this right here there's a Part to this that I want to bring you to Before we talk about the Fantastic Numbers right because that's great too But it's the idea and understanding that Valkyrie CEO or CIO Stephen mcer Recently hinted in an interview that xrp ETF could launch at some point as Well how about That now I want you to think about it Now as we go back to these numbers and Understanding that in 2017 2018 we saw a 61,000 per surge back in this part of The chart right here 2017 2018 as I said That whole run started down here at

About April of 2017 it went up then sideways pulled Back fell down and then popped up again To 384 what they're doing with the Technical analyst analysis and the the Chartist they're doing is using that and Lay overlaying that fractal because they See a very similar setup taking place Here you can see where we touched this Bottom of this channel right here and You can see we're at this place again so We're seeing this you know possibility a Setup of a repeat so if we're Here in 2017 and then we saw that could We again see that repeat over the course Of this coming year going into next year We don't know but it's exciting to think That we could see it it's exciting to Know that we could see a120 220 580 11 Bucks $33 all on its way to 220 bucks And if you notice this of this chart the Old fractal there's ups there's Downs There's backups there's Downs there's Ups there's Downs there's sideways fall Down there's ups there's down all over Again you can't expect that the thing is Just going to go 61 cents $220 wasn't That fun right now I wouldn't be upset If it did that but that's not what Charts normally do and it's not what History has said this chart is done this Was over the course of the better part Of a

Year but you know what with everything That's happening and the introduction of Let's say an xrp spot ETF imagine the flood of money billions And billions of dollars flooding into it Over the course of this year and next And where that could help stabiliz the Price as it continues to be adopted and Used and go up in price at the same Time it's a pretty remarkable moment We're in ladies and gentlemen and so is This year 2024 which is why today today We are talking about the US Federal Elections and how are we going to Guarantee that they're not rigged like They were in 2020 we're going to talk About it inside here because the only Freedom of speech that I'm aware of Exists in the freedom Zone because it's Not on this social media platform I can Tell you that much I have been victim of Censorship multiple times in my career In this space and no more and that's why We have the freedom Zone and the dpmg I Encourage each one of you especially if You're looking to create your wealth Goals and meet those uh and Achieve Those wealth goals there is no better Place for you to be than inside the Digital prospectives Mastermind Group Which is the dpmg you join us in there And find out for yourself make that Investment in yourself and you won't be Sorry that you did because we're all on

Track inside there and I tell you last Night we had the most incredible talk About infinite Banking and Whole Life Policies and these are the kinds of Topics we're taking on about wealth Creation Wealth maintenance and preventing wealth Loss right it's a big part of it too we Didn't do all this work so we could just Turn around and lose it not Financial Advice for me or anyone else I'll catch All of you on the next One

Ripple/XRP-$12Trillion BTC/ETFs,XRP ETF Incoming?,BREAKING: IPO Season=Circle/USDC,XRP 11.9% Up 24Hr (2024)


Why is XRP breaking out? ›

A drop in BTC dominance usually means that investors are moving their capital and/or profits to altcoins in a quest for higher returns, which usually triggers an explosion of altcoin rallies.

What is the prediction for XRP stock? ›

Our real-time XRP to USD price update shows the current Ripple price as $0.56 USD. Our most recent Ripple price forecast indicates that its value will increase by 23.38% and reach $0.674785 by April 24, 2024.

Who is the CEO of Ripple XRP? ›

Brad Garlinghouse, CEO of Ripple, speaks at the 2022 Milken Institute Global Conference in Beverly Hills, California, U.S., May 4, 2022.

Will XRP really take off? ›

However, based on historical performance and market trends, it's possible that XRP could experience growth over the next few years. Keep an eye on the news surrounding Ripple in regard to the SEC case and its ongoing developments.

Is XRP worth the risk? ›

How safe is XRP? Like any investment, XRP comes with its own unique set of risks. But investing in any cryptocurrency is extremely high risk and one should not expect to be protected. XRP is underpinned by blockchain technology, which ensures secure, fast and cost-efficient transactions.

What will 1 XRP be worth in 2025? ›

XRP hit $0.30 in the first week of 2023 and has since been in an steady upward trend. XRP broke out of a short-term downtrend at the start of February, bouncing off key support at $0.50. Provided Ripple wins its case against the SEC, our XRP forecast predicts a price of $4.50 by the end of 2025.

Which coin will boom in 2024? ›

Top 10 Cryptos in 2024
CoinMarket CapitalizationCurrent Price
Ethereum (ETH)$390 Billion$3,254
Binance Coin (BNB)$86.3 Billion$577
Solana (SOL)$69 Billion$154.53
Ripple (XRP)$28.4 Billion$0.5131
6 more rows
Apr 15, 2024

How much will 1 ethereum be worth in 2030? ›

Ethereum (ETH) Price Prediction 2024-2040
YearMinimum PriceMaximum Price
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Who is the biggest investor in Ripple? ›

Top 10 XRP Holders
#Address nameQuantity
1rMQ98K56yXJbDGv49ZSmW51sLn94Xe1mu1 Ripple291,960,027,032
2rKveEyR1SrkWbJX214xcfH43ZsoGMb3PEv Ripple391,541,294,080
3rEy8TFcrAPvhpKrwyrscNYyqBGUkE9hKaJ Binance41,477,168,712
4rBEc94rUFfLfTDwwGN7rQGBHc883c2QHhx Uphold41,372,766,274
6 more rows
Feb 7, 2024

What company owns XRP? ›

Ripple Labs is a company that developed and maintains the XRP Ledger, another blockchain. XRP, its cryptocurrency, is designed to function more efficiently than existing payment systems.

What company owns Ripple? ›

Ripple is a real-time gross settlement system, currency exchange and remittance network that is open to financial institutions worldwide and was created by Ripple Labs Inc., a US-based technology company.

Does XRP have a future? ›

The analyst foresees a potential surge, projecting XRP's price to range between $5.59 to $11.26 by the end of the year, buoyed by potential inflows totaling $33 billion into its market cap by 2025. This surge, fueled by growing adoption and potential market expansion, suggests a notable XRP value appreciation.

What is XRP trying to solve? ›

What is XRP used for? Ripple created XRP to operate the network as an alternative to SWIFT, offering transaction speed for more efficient international payments and faster cross-border transactions.

What's happening with XRP today? ›

The XRP price is $0.52592264, a change of 0.57% over the past 24 hours as of 2:00 a.m. The recent price action in XRP left the Read more... XRP is the native cryptocurrency of XRP Ledger, which is an open-source, public blockchain designed to facilitate faster and cheaper payments.

What is XRP trying to do? ›

XRP, the native cryptocurrency of the RippleNet payment network, is used on its blockchain network to process fast and cheap financial transfers, with a particular focus on trying to disrupt cross-border transactions.

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