Right to Repairs as a Tenant (2024)

Right to Repairs as a Tenant (1)

Eviction & Other Landlord Issues

This article discusses your rights to repairs as a tenant.

Composed by Texas RioGrande Legal Aid • Last Updated on February 27, 2023

Here,learn how to ask for repairs and what to do if your landlord won't perform the necessary repairs.

Special thanks to the Austin Tenants Council, Austin Community Law Center, and the Texas Justice Courts Training Center for contributing to this article.

What kinds of repairs is my landlord required to make?

The law requires your landlord to repair conditions that affect ordinary tenants' physical health and safety. These could include roaches, rats, sewage leaks, roof leaks, faulty electrical wiring, and normal wear and tear to the unit (such as ripped carpeting or broken flooring). Landlords are not required to provide security guards. Depending on where you live, local housing laws may hold landlords to higher repair standards. People with disabilities may have the right to additional repairs. Landlords must also repair damage caused by emergencies like fires, hailstorms, hurricanes, and flooding. In these cases, the landlord can wait to make repairs until the insurance company pays the property damage claim. If your unit is uninhabitable because of a fire, for example, you can terminate your lease without penalty if you do it in writing.

See the Austin Tenants' Councilwebsite for more information on what conditions a landlord must provide.

Can my landlord refuse to make repairs?

Yes, your landlord does nothave to pay for repairs:

  • If you are behind on rent payments. The law treats rent, the right to repairs, and the refund of security deposits differently. Always pay your rent on time.
  • If you, your roommates, family members, or guests created a condition that needs repair;for example,if your guest punched a hole in the wall and broke a window, your landlord does not have to pay for repairs.

Can my landlord evict me if I ask for repairs?

No. Your landlord cannot retaliate against you for requesting repairs that affect your health and safety. If you pay rent on time and comply with the lease terms, for the next six months from your request to repair, your landlord can’t evict you, terminate your lease or increase your rent (unless the increase is scheduled or it affects all of the units).

How do I ask my landlord for repairs?

Important: Pay your rent on time so that your landlord can’t try to evict you instead of making the repairs.

  • Take pictures of the conditions that need repair.
  • Give written notice to your landlord about the repairs. If you send it by certified mail return receipt requested, you only need to do this once. Otherwise, you will need to send a second notice. Be very specific about the repairs needed. Keep a copy of the written notice and the pictures.
  • Give the landlord a reasonable time to make repairs, at least seven days, unless the repair need is urgent and requires a quicker response (for example, a roof leak or sewage overflow).

TheAustin Tenants Council’s Self-Help Repair Packet can help you request repairs.

Can I make my own repairs?

It is usually not a good idea to try to repair the condition yourself or to call in your own repair person. Special laws apply in these situations. You might not get reimbursed for your time and money. If you make the damage or condition worse, you might have to pay more than you expected.

My written request for repairs has been ignored. What now?

If your landlord ignores your request or keeps putting off the repairs, you should make a second written request to your landlord and ask for a written explanation about why repairs haven’t been made. You do not have to send a second notice if you sent the first one by certified mail.

If the repairs still aren’t made, here are some options:

  • Terminate the lease: If repairs aren’t made, you gave proper notice, and you don’t owe rent, you can terminate your lease. Give written notice about why you are terminating and the date you will vacate the unit. You have the right to a refund for rent already paid for the days you won’t be there. You are entitled to a refund of your security deposit minus damages the landlord can deduct according to your lease.
  • Go to court: Sue your landlord to make the repairs and for damages. A court can order your landlord to make repairs, reduce your rent from the date you asked for repairs, and award you damages caused by failure to repair, damages of one month’s rent plus $500, court costs, and attorney’s fees. You can sue in the Justice of the Peace court, where you will not need a lawyer, and the court should hear your case quickly, as soon as ten days from when you file your lawsuit.

I have to go to court. Are there any forms I can use?

Yes.You can use the Texas Justice Court Training Center's Repair and Remedy forms.You file such "repair and remedy suits" in Small Claims Court (also known as "Justice Court"), which hears most types of landlord-tenant cases.ReadHow to Sue in Small Claims Court. See also the Austin Tenants Council'sSelf-Help Repair Packet.

Where can I read the law on repairs?

Texas Property Code sections 92.052through92.061describe your right to repairs. It also explains whattenantsmust do to enforce their rights. It also explains what remedies are available for atenantif thelandlordfails to make the repairs. It also explains thattenants must give propernoticeinorderto get their repair remedies.

Also read Repair Rights by the Austin Tenants Council.


Austin Tenants Council's Self-Help Repair Packet (includes Texas repair request forms)

Repairs Letters - Guided Formversion (repair request letters only)


Also available in American Sign Language and Spanish.

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Right to Repairs as a Tenant (2024)


Right to Repairs as a Tenant? ›

Tenants generally are required to fix or cover the cost of fixing any defects in their unit that they cause. You probably also cannot make alterations or repairs without getting your landlord's permission.

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If the repair is required by law, or by the lease, the landlord has 14 days (or less, if it is an emergency) to repair. If not, the tenant can "repair and deduct." This means they can pay to have the repair made, and then pay less rent the next month to cover the bill.

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Landlords are responsible to make all repairs in the unit except in cases where tenants or invitees of the tenant cause the damage. Tenants may also be liable for repairs that are the result of unreported issues in the apartment if those issues cause further damage in the unit.

What is the residential tenants right to repair law in NY? ›

New York has a law called the "Warranty of Habitability" (Real Property Law 235-b). "Warranty" means promise. "Habitable" means that the rental unit is a safe and decent place to live. Any landlord who rents you a place to live must keep it in safe and decent condition, and must do needed repairs.

How long does a landlord have to fix something Oregon? ›

In a month-to-month tenancy, the landlord has seven days to remedy a breach involving essential services and 30 days for all other cases. The timeframe can be shortened to 48-hours if the lack of essential service poses an imminent and serious threat to the tenant's health, safety or property.

What is considered uninhabitable in Illinois? ›

Illinois case law has articulated what constitutes a violation of the warranty of habitability as “the defect must be of such substantial nature as to render the premises unsafe or unsanitary, and thus unfit for occupancy.” Glasoe v. Trinkle, 107 Ill.

How often does a landlord have to replace carpet in Illinois? ›

How long does carpet last? IRS Publication 527 states that carpet in a residential rental property wears out after 5 years, at least for tax purposes, based on the general depreciation system.

What happens if your landlord doesn t fix things Washington state? ›

But what if the landlord ignores those deadlines and refuses to fix the problem? Under state law, you can:
  • Contact your local code enforcement office. ...
  • Repair the issue yourself and deduct up to one month's rent.
  • Hire somebody to fix it and deduct up to two month's rent.
  • Break the lease.
Jul 12, 2022

How do I report a slumlord in Washington state? ›

You can call the WA HRC at 1-800-233-3247.

Get more information and a complaint form: www.hum.wa.gov/file-complaint.

What protections are there for tenants in Washington state? ›

Tenant Rights and Responsibilities
  • Pay rent and any utilities agreed upon.
  • Keep the apartment clean and sanitary.
  • Comply with the requirements of city, county, or state regulations.
  • Pay for fumigation and/or damage to the dwelling.

Can you withhold rent for repairs in NY? ›

It's legal for tenants in New York to withhold rent until the landlord makes major repairs, but they must notify their landlord of the problem first—and give them a reasonable amount of time to fix it. In certain states, tenants are allowed to withhold some or all of their rent until their landlord makes major repairs.

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Depending on how serious the violation—they're graded on a scale of A to C, C being the most serious—the landlord will have to either do the repairs immediately, have 30 days to repair it, or have 90 days to repair it. Fines for C violations can be as high as $250 a day for the landlord.

What can a landlord deduct from a security deposit in Oregon? ›

Allowable Security Deposit Deductions in Oregon
  • Cleaning costs, where deep cleaning is required.
  • Unpaid rent.
  • Damages not caused by normal wear and tear, typically caused when the tenant fails to abide by the terms of the rental agreement.
  • Labor costs for cleaning the rental unit and repairing damages.
May 19, 2023

How often do landlords have to replace carpet in Oregon? ›

Landlords should consider replacing the carpeting in their rental properties at least every 7 years. This will help to protect the value of the landlord's investment in their property while also ensuring that their tenants have a high-quality place to live.

How long does a landlord have to fix a mold problem in Oregon? ›

In a month-to-month tenancy, that time period is 7 days for essential services such as water, plumbing and heat, and 30 days for all other kinds of repairs. In a week-to-week tenancy, your notice must give the landlord 7 days to repair the problem.

What are unhealthy living conditions? ›

What are unhealthy living conditions? Unhealthy living conditions are created when people allow an excessive amount of stuff or trash to accumulate in their homes, resulting in unsanitary conditions. This behaviour is harmful to the occupants' health and safety.

What is uninhabitable structure? ›

Uninhabitable structure means a historic building or structure damaged as a result of a disaster and that has been posted as “unsafe/no entry” (ATC red tag) or “unsafe/limited entry” (ATC yellow tag) by the Building Official, an OES certified inspector, or a Federal inspector.

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Under Illinois law, you are not required to have electricity in your home. Most places (even Chicago) do not require a Certificate of Occupancy, so you can legally live without electricity.

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Landlords cannot raise the rent or retaliate in any other way because a tenant complained about a building or health code violation. Landlords also cannot evict a tenant because the tenant asked them to make repairs, joined a tenants' organization, or acted on any legal right or remedy.

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Under new law, Illinois landlords can't discriminate based on tenants' 'sources of income' - The Council of State Governments.

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Tenants can legally withhold rent in Chicago

Tenants are allowed to withhold rent in Chicago for two reasons: either the landlord has violated their lease agreement, or their rental unit has a problem that is a breach of Illinois' implied warranty of habitability.

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Usually, there isn't a legal upper limit on damage-related fees, as the cost is largely determined by the kind of repair that's needed to bring the unit back into the same state it was in before the tenant moved into the unit.

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Washington State does not let landlords evict tenants without following the proper court eviction process. The landlord must give you a proper written "termination" notice before starting an eviction lawsuit. The 20-Day Notice is one type of this notice.

Can you sue your landlord Washington State? ›

You can sue for up to $5,000 in Small Claims Court, and you can only recover money for specific contractual or legal violations. If you have claims against your landlord for amounts totaling more than $5,000, you can try to file against them in a different court. See our Legal Assistance Guide for more information.

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You may file a complaint online, call us toll-free at (800) 669-9777 or (800) 877-8339 (TTY), or email ComplaintsOffice05@hud.gov.

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If you have a question about your rights as a tenant, you may also call the CLEAR Line Legal Help at 888-201-1014, or the Solid Ground Tenant Services at 206-694-6767. For a more complete list of assistance for tenants, see Renters Resources.

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If the vulnerable adult lives in a facility or receives supported living services: Call the DSHS Complaint Resolution Unit toll-free Hotline 1-800-562-6078 OR submit an Online Incident Report. If the vulnerable adult lives in their own home or a facility: report by phone or submit an Online Incident Report.

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In Washington, landlords are allowed to raise rent at any amount as long as it is not discriminatory or retaliatory. However, there are no state-mandated limits on rent increases, so it is up to the landlord to determine the amount of the rent increase.

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Everyone in Washington has civil rights. There are federal, state, and local laws that protect our rights to fair treatment, including in employment, housing, education, voting, insurance, credit, and public accommodations.

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In this case, the Washington state isn't considered a landlord-friendly state, but rather a tenant-friendly state; this is because there are many obligatory disclosures that landlords must provide their prospective tenant at the time of signing the lease document.

What can I sue my landlord for NY? ›

In New York City, you can file a so-called “Housing Part” or “HP” case in the Housing Court. With an HP claim, you could force your landlord to make the necessary repairs to your rental property and provide basic services such as hot water and heating. Mold or a pest infestation could also qualify for legal action.

How long does a landlord have to fix something New York? ›

90 days for non-hazardous conditions (“A”) violations.

What a landlord Cannot do in New York? ›

Discrimination is a big deal in NYC law, and landlords cannot turn people away based on race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender, or creed. You must talk to a lawyer if you believe you are a victim of discrimination. Without a written court order, they cannot force you to leave your home.

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#3: Renters have the right to live free from discrimination in their housing. #4: Renters cannot be required to give up their rights when they sign a lease. #5: Renters may have the right to withhold rent in certain situations. #6: Landlords must provide notice before raising your rent or changing your lease.

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Under AB 1482, landlords are limited to increasing rent by no more than 5% plus the local CPI (inflation rate) or 10%, whichever is lower. The local inflation rate is determined by the California Consumer Price Index (CCPI), which is released annually by the California Department of Finance.

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New York City Rent Stabilization Code, Section 2525.4 Tenant Protection Regulations, Section 2505.4 New York City Rent and Eviction Regulations, Section 2205.5 New York State Rent and Eviction Regulations, Section 2105.5 Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act of 2019 A security deposit should not be used as a ...

What can you do if your landlord doesn t fix things in NYC? ›

If the owner still does not respond you can do any (or a combination of) the following: Read the NYC Dept. of Housing Preservation & Development's (HPD) guide to Tenants' Rights and Responsibilities and/or File a Complaint with HPD. HPD can order the landlord to make repairs and/or fine the landlord.

What makes an apartment uninhabitable in New York State? ›

If your apartment does not have adequate heat or hot water on a regular basis, then your landlord has violated the warranty of habitability. Also, if your landlord fails to rid your apartment of an insect infestation, this may violate the warranty of habitability.

Can I sue my landlord for mold in NYC? ›

The short answer is yes, landlords can be held responsible for mold in New York courts, but typically only under a combination of the following circ*mstances: A tenant fell ill or has been injured as a result of mold in their home. A landlord knew about a mold problem, and refused to do anything about it.

Can a landlord charge you for cleaning after you move out Oregon? ›

A landlord can typically charge a tenant for cleaning needed to return the property to the condition at the time the tenant moved in. But, a landlord can not charge the tenant extra – or use the security deposit – to pay for normal wear and tear.

Do landlords have to paint between tenants in Oregon? ›

Painting the walls is an owner's responsibility unless the walls were damaged by the tenants.

Can landlords charge a monthly pet fee in Oregon? ›

Landlords handle pet charges in many ways, including per-pet fees and additional monthly pet rent. Typically, these fees can be found listed in the lease or rental agreement.

Can a landlord refuse to renew your lease in Oregon? ›

Yes. Under a fixed-term tenancy, if the tenant violated the lease three times during the past 12 months, the landlord can refuse to renew the lease if the tenant has lived there longer than a year and if the landlord gave the tenant a written warning following each of the three violations.

Do landlords have to pay for garbage in Oregon? ›

Pay for garbage, recycling, and compost collection service

You must set up and pay for service. Bills must be in your name and sent to you, not the tenants. Your rental property has an assigned garbage and recycling company and rates and service options are set by the City.

What is the new rental law in Oregon? ›

On September 15, 2021, Oregon's Office of Economic Analysis made public the new rent increase cap for 2022: 9.9%, following the 2021 9.2% increase. If we use the $2,000 rent scenario mentioned above and apply the new allowable rental increase amount, that's a monthly jump of $199, and an annual $2,376 rise.

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More good news: your landlord is legally required to keep your rental “habitable,” which is legalese for livable. That means that your landlord must make any repairs necessary to stop the growth of mold in your unit.

Can you withhold rent for repairs in Oregon? ›

DO NOT, under any circ*mstances, withhold any portion of the rent unless you have made a request for repairs in writing. If you withhold rent without making a written request first, you could lose your housing.

What if my apartment has mold and they wont fix it? ›

What options do I have if my landlord refuses to remove the mold from my apartment or house? End your lease and move. File (turn in) a lawsuit against the landlord in court. Hire a contractor to repair the mold and deduct the repair cost from your rent.

Do landlords have to provide air conditioning in Illinois? ›

Although Illinois doesn't necessarily require that an air conditioner be provided in your rental unit, it does require that the landlord maintain it if one is present. Therefore, if you move into a rental house or apartment with an air conditioner, your landlord must keep it in working condition.

What is the warranty of habitability in Illinois? ›

What is the implied warranty of habitability? The implied warranty of habitability is a legal doctrine created by Illinois case law. In every written or oral lease, Illinois courts imply a warranty on the part of the landlord that the property will be kept in a condition that is habitable.

Do landlords have to provide refrigerator in Illinois? ›

No, landlords are not necessarily responsible for appliances. That may surprise you, especially if you're a lucky renter. Most landlords will fix these problems without any fuss. However, state laws, including those in Illinois, do not assume that appliances are the landlord's responsibility.

How much notice does a landlord have to give when selling the property in Illinois? ›

No less than 30 days prior to listing or otherwise offering a rental property for sale, the owner shall provide notice to the tenant association, or if no tenant association exists, to each tenant, and to the Department, of the owner's intent to sell.

Can I withhold rent for no AC in Illinois? ›

There is no statute, law, or regulation in Illinois that grants tenants the right to withhold rent. The closest Illinois law gets to acknowledging this right is allowing tenants to "repair and deduct"—that is, make a repair themselves and subtract the cost from their next rent payment.

Does landlord have to pay for hotel during repairs in Illinois? ›

Conclusion. In most cases, landlords are not responsible for paying the tenant hotel room unless the lease agreement says so. If the landlord is guilty of negligence and the rented property has become uninhabitable for this reason, he may be legally penalized due to breach of contract.

What can I do if my landlord won't fix things Illinois? ›

You may file a complaint online, call us toll-free at (800) 669-9777 or (800) 877-8339 (TTY), or email ComplaintsOffice05@hud.gov.

Are landlords responsible for pest control in Illinois? ›

In most cases, your landlord is responsible for extermination to eliminate pests, but there are some exceptions. If you are identified as the cause of the infestation, the landlord might refuse to exterminate or may charge you for extermination.

What is the legal temperature for tenants in Illinois? ›

The occupant (tenant) may be required to pay the associated gas or electric utility bills to operate the heating equipment. For workspaces, the indoor temperature is required to be 68°F when the space is occupied.

Can a landlord enter without permission in Illinois? ›

Unless the city's law provides otherwise, even landlords are not allowed to enter a leased apartment without permission. If the landlord does so, he or she is committing a trespass. Further, Landlords cannot evict tenants without good cause.

Who is responsible for appliances in a rental property Illinois? ›

Landlords in Illinois are required to keep their rental units habitable, which in most cases means abiding by the local housing code—things like maintaining structural components of the property, and ensuring that electrical, heat, plumbing, and larger appliances like the stove and refrigerator are functioning.

What is considered landlord harassment in Illinois? ›

Verbal threats, threats of physical violence, or actual physical contact are all examples of landlord harassment. Also, keep in mind that verbal threats can occur via face-to-face interaction, over the phone, or in writing.

What rights do tenants have when the house is being sold in Illinois? ›

When a new landlord buys a rental property, all existing oral or written leases are still valid. They cannot kick anyone out just because they are the new owner. They also cannot force tenants to sign a new lease or pay a different rent. The new owner must tell the tenants in writing that they are the new landlord.

Can I sue my landlord in Illinois? ›

In addition to being a prime example of an exception for defective and dangerous conditions claims, the RLTO contains a private right of action. This means tenants can sue their landlord for personal injuries under the RLTO itself.

Can a landlord refuse to renew a lease in Illinois? ›

In Illinois

Yes, generally a landlord can refuse to renew a lease. If the lease is a month-to-month lease, the landlord can end it by serving a notice to the tenant without giving any reason.

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

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Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.