Retirement in Vietnam for retirees & Living in Vietnam (2024)

For several years now, there has been a huge influx of retirees who pack their bags, leave their home countries, and choose to settle in Vietnam. Why are they doing this? What attracts them so much to this Southeast Asian country? The answer is simply that this country has a lot to offer and is ideally positioned in Asia making traveling easy and inexpensive. The cost of living in Vietnam is very affordable, which means that many retirees can get retired there for not too much spending per month. The climate is perfect. It is not too hot nor too cold. If you are thinking of spending your golden years in this beautiful country you should make sure that you are well-informed of all the paperwork you need as well as the costs. In this article, we will give you a complete view of what to expect when you retire in this paradise.

⚠️ In the next few minutes, you will learn about retire in Vietnam. There is no official “retirement visa” for foreigner retirees as the popular one of Cambodia or Thailand. However, there is an alternative: the retirement visa in Vietnam by investment. This allows many retirees to be granted residence cards avoiding the exhausting and stressful “visa-run“. This visa is not for everyone as it requires a minimum investment 💰. This alternative is not well-known from the majority of expatriates.

In this article, I am about to share with you the essential points to have in mind and prepare efficiently your retirement in Vietnam. If you are really motivated to settle down in Vietnam 💪, I will reveal to you the solution to apply for this investment retirement visa. Check out the end of this article for more information.

When we check online on some expat forums, we find different information regarding the Vietnam retirement visa for 2022. We found an article saying that it’s easy to get a retirement visa. The reality is that it isn’t ! If you want to retire in Vietnam in 2022, 2023 and the next years, I want to be clear : there are currently no way to apply to a retirement visa program (similar to the one available in Cambodia or Thailand). In this article, we will show you the way you can live in Vietnam for more than six months without having to move out of the country every three months. We will cover everything you need to know about the different kind of visas, give you an idea of the price, and pros and cons of each option so you will be able to consider the one that fit your need and budget.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Becoming a Pensioner and Living in Vietnam

Before we talk about all the things you need to know to move to Vietnam, it is best to know as much information as possible to avoid any surprises once you get there. Below we have listed down the advantages and disadvantages of moving to this country.

Retirement in Vietnam for retirees & Living in Vietnam (1)

We will also discuss why it is a great idea especially if you are receiving a pension from a western country.

What are the Advantages of Moving to Vietnam?

If you choose to retire in Vietnam, you will receive a number of advantages:

  • Very affordable cost of living: life is much cheaper in Vietnam and especially for people who receive retirement pensions from western countries. Many retirees want to know how much to retire in Vietnam ? According to most expats, you can live comfortably in Vietnam with only $1000 per month. This is definitely less than what you would spend in your home country. To dig into the subject of the spending an costs, you can find our article about costs and budget to really know exactly how much you need to retire in Vietnam.
  • The beautiful landscapes: this country is very diverse : from countryside landscape, paradise beaches to wild islands. You can find mountains and oceans within a couple of hours of traveling. Even when you live in big cities such as Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh, you can still expect to have patches of greenery and fresh air.
  • The friendliness of locals: this country bears a particular charm especially because of the hospitality of the Vietnamese people. For them, everyone is a member of the family so you shouldn’t be surprised to get invited to eat at someone’s house despite not knowing them well.
  • Culture: Vietnam has a very rich and diverse culture. The culture in the north and south of Vietnam are not exactly the same and discovering this will be a great pleasure.

What are the Disadvantages of Retiring in Vietnam ?

It is not always easy for one person to adapt to another culture and environment. So you must be 100% sure you are open to the idea when making your move so you will not have regrets or feel disappointment in the future. When listing disadvantages in this country, it is difficult not to speak about the language barrier, since it is one of the biggest struggles of expats. This means that you may need to put in a considerable amount of effort in order to integrate if you do not speak Vietnamese.

Although it is true that life is less expensive, it is still common for foreigners to be charged what is jokingly referred to as “the foreign price”. Aside from this, the country does not have a large number of modern infrastructures, but this is understandable since Vietnam is a developing country.

At the end of the day, the decision is completely up to you but you should be aware that according to those who made the move, the advantages clearly outweigh the disadvantages. Aside from advantages and disadvantages, there is other information you should keep in mind such as your tax situation — how much and how you must pay. This is extremely important in order to avoid any fines in the future.

Key Things You Must Do and Keep in Mind to Retire in Vietnam

If your mind is made up about traveling to this South-East Asia country and spending your retirement there, you must make some necessary steps before you leave your country. These requirements will allow you to completely enjoy your stay without complications. These include both health and administrative requirements.

Retirement in Vietnam for retirees & Living in Vietnam (2)

  • Vaccinations: for foreigners, Vietnam does not require any vaccinations to enter the country so it is not mandatory that you do it. But as a precaution, it is best to go to the Vietnamese embassy in your country to check what kind of vaccines they suggest for you since there are some high-risk regions. Although the Vietnamese government does not have requirements, your home country might. For example, World Health Organization (WHO), recommends a particular list of vaccinations such as diphtheria, chickenpox, tetanus, poliomyelitis, typhoid, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, meningitis A + C, and Japanese Encephalitis. A rabies vaccine is also recommended for rural areas.
  • Carrying your luggage in Vietnam: If you are planning to move all of your belongings to Vietnam, it is best to send your luggage via a shipping company rather than taking it on your flight. It might take up to eight weeks for your parcel to arrive so sending it a few weeks before you leave your home country. To guarantee the safety and reliability of the services, the authorities advise using the services of professionals with an NF service or ISO 9002 certificate. You should also note that you may be asked to declare any shipment which will arrive after you upon its arrival.
  • Health insurance in Vietnam: your goal is to spend your retirement days worry-free and filled with enjoyment so you must take the necessary precautions. Therefore, purchasing reliable health insurance should be at the top of your list. In fact, countries that have social security insurance for their citizens will only have them covered for up to three months. In order to avoid any unwanted medical expenses, you may purchase an insurance package from a private company. This is also available in Vietnam. You should also check the foreign policy of your government since some countries offer their citizens living abroad special insurance.
  • Registration: This step may differ from country to country. Although you are not required to do this, it is still best to register in your embassy or consulate in order to get certain benefits. If you are not close to any consulate or embassy many countries actually have an online registration procedure. For example, Americans can register at the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program while Canadians may register via Registration for Canadians Abroad. You may check on your Foreign Affairs website for more details on your specific country.

Click here to get our ebook and learn how to prepare your retirement

Getting a visa in 2022-2023: How to Retire in Vietnam ?

If you want to go halfway across the world and spend your retirement without fear of having incidents or having to face immigration officers, the visa is unavoidable. In this case, you must apply to the Vietnamese Embassy in your home country. Below are the requirements in order to secure your Visa:

  • A valid legal passport;
  • Visa application forms from the Vietnam Embassy;
  • Recent identity photos in 4 x 6 cm format; and
  • Visa fees

Short term visa : single and multi entry to Vietnam

The easiest way foreigners are living in Vietnam (including retired expat spending their time yearly there) is to deal with short term Visa (from 3 months to 6 months).

Retirement in Vietnam for retirees & Living in Vietnam (3)

The process is usually as follows :

  1. Get in touch with a Visa agency that will provide you an invitation letter matching the date you would like to stay. Download your free copy of our book to know which Visa company we personnaly recommend to avoid scammers.
  2. Doing a Visa run (going out of the country) up to Cambodia, Laos or Thailand to renew your visa. The goal is to enter in the Vietnam territory at the specified date of your invitation letter.
  3. At the immigration office in the Airport, you will get a new Visa that will allows to stay in Vietnam by paying the stamp fee.

Using this process allowed you to extend your stay in Vietnam without any limits (be aware that there are now more restrictions). Many expat live in Vietnam for years using this option so it may be a good one to consider.

Permanent retirement visa in 2022 and 2023 through a company creation

In 2022, there is a way to get a permanent residency permit that allows foreigners to live in Vietnam from one to three years. The process is through the creation of a local Vietnamese company. Opening a company in Vietnam can be tricky and implies requirements if you want to be the business owner. The recommended option would be to involve a friend who is Vietnamese and can simplify the paperwork to create and maintain the entity.

Having a running company in Vietnam will allows you :

  1. Open a business (hotel, restaurant, guesthouse …) if you want to contribute to the society and spend time during your retirement in Vietnam.
  2. Obtain a permanent residency permit that you can use as a permanent replacement of the usual visa. Once gained, you won’t need to leave the country every 3 to 6 months and will be able to stay up to 3 years.

Taxes in Vietnam

According to your situation (nationality, residency, income source), different schema will be applied. We will provide you further general information that you will need to double check to see how to implement them.

French Citizens

Vietnam and France have signed a bilateral agreement which lets French expatriates pay taxes only when they become residents in Vietnam. This means that French nationals who live in Vietnam will still face taxes, but the tax scheme you will follow will be the same as if you are living in France. Here is the scheme used with the rates in thousands of dongs:

Taxable income per year (VND) Tax rate :

Retirement in Vietnam for retirees & Living in Vietnam (4)

  • Up to 8,000 per month: 0%
  • From 8,000 to 20,000 per month: 10%
  • From 20,000 to 50,000 per month: 20%
  • From 50,000 to 80,000 per month: 30%
  • Beyond 80 000 per month: 40%

It is your responsibility to identify your income. Be aware that despite your status as a resident of Vietnam, there is always income that is taxed in your home country. This generally concerns real estate income and capital gains on the sale of real estate (including SCI), attendance fees, retirement benefits for civil servants, etc. Therefore it will be necessary to make a declaration at the level of the non-resident center, even if you already paid as a resident in Vietnam.

Private sector pensions are considered non-taxable, so you will not be taxed in Vietnam if you become a Vietnamese resident. Explore this subject further on our deep study dedicated to taxes in Vietnam. As a general rule: public sector pensions remain taxed in your home country and private sector pensions in Vietnam. As Vietnam considers these pensions tax-free, then it will be wise to become a Vietnamese tax resident.

For Other Nationalities

Taxable Income per year (VND) Tax rate:

  • Up to 60,000,000: 5%
  • From 60,000,000 to 120,000,000: 10%
  • From 120,000,000 to 216,000,000: 15%
  • From 216,000,000 to 384,000,000: 20%
  • From 384,000,000 to 624,000,000: 25%
  • From 624,000,000 to 960,000,000: 30%
  • Above 960,000,000: 35%

Note that if you are a non-resident you will be taxed a flat rate of 20%

Of course, we are not tax experts so it is best to consult an accountant or a taxation lawyer for your specific case.

Click here to download our Vietnam expatriation book

Retiring in Vietnam: How to Benefit from your Retirement by Living in Vietnam

Vietnam is the place to retire. In most Western countries, the pension given to retirees is usually not enough to maintain a great standard of living. As we said before, we can reply the question “how much to retire in Vietnam” that it should cost you minimum $1000 per month. Apart from the fact that Vietnam has a cheaper cost of living, this country is a very rich platform of opportunities, with a market of 89 million inhabitants. It is a haven for entrepreneurs, so it attracts many expatriates. If you want to still be occupied in your old age, you will be able to maintain an active social and professional life. We advise retired in Vietnam to keep their bank accounts in their home countries in order to receive their retirement pension. They will then be able to open a local bank account in Vietnam to minimize withdrawal fees at ATMs.

For French Citizens

To be able to benefit from your retirement pension while being outside the French territory, certain conditions must be met. Above all, your retirement destination must have a bilateral social security agreement with France. When this is not the case, things are a bit more complex. Vietnam has unfortunately not signed such an agreement with France. Even with this, retiring in Vietnam is still uncomplicated and feasible. Our article features tips, information, and steps to take to enjoy your retirement in comfort in Vietnam.

We will approach the issue on a case by case basis:

Countries Without Bilateral Convention

When the country has no bilateral agreement with France, pensions are treated independently of each other. The periods of work performed in different countries cannot be cumulated. In these circ*mstances, particular attention should be paid to the requirements that host countries will form in order to regain possession of their pension. For example, you may be asked to justify that you are a resident of their country. It is in these conditions that the subscription to voluntary insurance at the level of the Caisse des Français de l’Etranger is very important. You may confirm this information but right now, Vietnam has a bilateral convention with France so as a French person living in Vietnam you will enter in a proper schema that will save you headache.

The Caisse des Français de l’Etranger (CFE)

The CFE is a state structure under the control of two ministries namely: the Ministry of Employment and Solidarity and the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry. The CFE is in charge of the treatment of expatriate social security, regardless of whether they are employees or not. Regardless of the contributions, you may have to pay in the country you moved to. It is possible to have a complete basic pension. All you have to do is make a contribution to the CFE. Thus, if you have a job abroad and you have French nationality, you have the option of joining the CFE on your own or using your company. In addition, the calculation of contributions at the level of the CFE is based on the scales of social security.

Repurchase of pension contributions

You can opt for a purchase of your periods of activity abroad at the level of the “Caisse Nationales de Vieillesse”. You will then have the chance to enjoy a complete basic retirement. To achieve this, certain processes must be initiated. You must go to the Caisses Régionales d’Assurance Maladie (CRAM) closest to you in France. If however, your residence is outside the country, you are free to choose a CRAM that suits you.

For American Citizens

Similar to France, The USA also has social security and pension scheme for their citizens who have worked and retired abroad. This is called the Totalization Agreement and this is between the USA and 26 other countries. This agreement ensures that workers would not be taxed by both of the countries and that any social security contribution would be totaled between the two countries. Unfortunately, Vietnam is not one of the 26 countries with this agreement. This means that you should check with legal professionals or with an accountant to make sure that you will receive the right pension and that you have enough contributions in at least one of the countries. Nevertheless, many americans are retiring in Vietnam. We find also a huge community of retirees from Australia.

As for those who have worked in the USA all their lives and are just looking into retiring abroad, you should not be worried. You will receive your pension as long as you are eligible (you have enough contributions, etc.) regardless of where you choose to retire.

For Canadian Citizens

Retired Canadians may receive pension either from the Canadian Pension Plan or the Old Age System. Pension from these two institutions is issued through checks. Once you have moved to Vietnam (or any other country) you must immediately send a notice for a change of address since checks are mailed to you monthly. The currency of your pension will usually depend on the country where you are residing at the moment.

For Other Nationalities

Receiving your pension while living abroad should not be an issue in most countries. However, it is best if you check with the appropriate offices first to see any special rules or extra procedures you must take.

FAQ : Answers of the most asked questions in 2022 about moving and being retired in Vietnam

💥 How can I retire in Vietnam ? Is Vietnam the perfect country ?

Is Vietnam good place to be retired in ? Vietnam has received the “10th position” from the 2022′ worldwide survey asking Expats and Retirees all over the world to rate the country they moved to. Vietnam performs well thanks to the cheap cost of living, ease to settle down and great lifestyle we can get by moving there. Nevertheless, it is not that easy as Cambodia or Thailand to settle down for a number of years. For long term expats and retirees, an alternative is using the retirement visa by investment that we cover in this article.

🇻🇳 Retire in Vietnam or Thailand or Cambodia

As mentioned earlier: there is not the same type of retirement visa in Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. Ranking the countries from the easiest to the hardest to settle down as retirees: first position to Cambodia, then Thailand and finally Vietnam. The first two countries have their own “retirement visa” that allows anyone over a certain age who has a certain retirement pension received from abroad to apply. This is not the case in Vietnam: this country requires a visa by investment which requires more knowledge, that’s why it is not well known.

👴 Vietnam retirement visa 2022 ?

As you should know: Vietnam does not have a “retirement visa” as it does exist in Thailand or Cambodia. However, there is a unknown-visa some long-term expats and retirees are using. It is a retirement visa by investment. This requires the help of a lawyer (through the creation of a company and investment) to be granted the right of a residence card. It allows staying from one to three years in Vietnam without having to leave the country.

🚀 Retirement visa by investment in Vietnam

Vietnam is a country with a significant economic growth. If you want to move there, retire and set up a project or invest: you will be able to benefit from a residence card which will allow you to live there without worrying about the expiry date of your visa. This alternative to the retirement visa is having this investor visa which will give you the right to stay between one and three years (with renewal) in Vietnam through the creation of a company and investment.

How to get the retirement visa (by investment) in Vietnam?

Vietnam has visas dedicated for investors and buiness owners. If you are ready and are willing to invest in Vietnam through the creation of a company, then you can receive a residence card for one up to three years. This is an excellent alternative (that’s the solution I personally use) to live in Vietnam. Of course, this solution requires a certain investment and fees (legal costs to create the company).

⚠️ When you are aware of the various fees required for visa renewal, exit and entry into the country, it is a smart investment to get a residence card so we don’t have to worry about the expiration date of our visa. This solution is more and more proposed to expatriates who wish to settle several months in Vietnam.

🚫 This solution is therefore not ideal for everyone, especially if you are not ready to invest, have enough savings and know little about the country. Otherwise, it is a perfect alternative for expatriates who know the country, are tired of juggling with visa-run or need a company for their project.

Would you like to go further and study this solution? I advise you to make an appointment with lawyers living in your city (choose a Vietnamese lawyer, as foreign law firms go as far as doubling or tripling the price for the same services).

You can learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of this alternative. Setting up a business inevitably comes with its part of responsibilities: you need to be educated about it in order to make the best decision. Most lawyers have their own network of accountants to handle administrative hassles and maintain a legal structure that will last for years.
You will be able to compare prices and choose a lawyer you trust to take the process further.

Would you like to be personally accompanied on these subjects and benefit from my network of lawyers and my experience? I invite you to download my little guide dedicated to the retreat in Vietnam (link below) and then to contact me privately to talk about it.

Conclusion : How to Retire in Vietnam

We hope that this article was able to help you in deciding whether Vietnam is the perfect place for your retirement. According to many pensioners and expats, it definitely is an amazing place. But keep in mind that it is best if you check off all the steps and administrative requirements we mentioned in order for you to have zero headaches and just have fun times in Vietnam.

Other questions ? Download our e-book about moving to Vietnam

I am an enthusiast with extensive knowledge of retiring in Vietnam, particularly the intricacies of obtaining a retirement visa through investment. Over the years, Vietnam has become an increasingly popular destination for retirees due to its affordable cost of living, pleasant climate, diverse landscapes, and rich culture. The article touches upon various aspects of retiring in Vietnam, including the absence of an official retirement visa and the alternative option of a retirement visa through investment.

Key Concepts Discussed in the Article:

  1. Retirement Visa in Vietnam:

    • Unlike some neighboring countries like Cambodia or Thailand, Vietnam does not have an official "retirement visa" for foreigners.
    • An alternative is the retirement visa in Vietnam by investment, allowing retirees to obtain residence cards and avoid frequent visa runs.
    • The investment requirement for this visa is not explicitly mentioned in the provided text, but it is highlighted as a key consideration.
  2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Retiring in Vietnam:

    • Advantages:

      • Affordable cost of living, making it feasible for retirees, especially those receiving pensions from Western countries.
      • Diverse landscapes, including countryside, beaches, and islands.
      • Friendly locals and a rich, diverse culture.
    • Disadvantages:

      • Language barrier can be a significant challenge for expats.
      • Some expats may experience being charged a higher price, known as the "foreign price."
      • Limited modern infrastructure in certain areas, typical for a developing country.
  3. Cost of Living:

    • Vietnam is highlighted as a country where retirees can comfortably live on a budget of $1000 per month, which is significantly less than many Western countries.
  4. Visa Options:

    • Short-term visas, renewable through a process involving a visa agency and periodic visa runs.
    • Permanent retirement visa through the creation of a local Vietnamese company. This involves opening a business and obtaining a permanent residency permit, allowing a stay of one to three years.
  5. Taxes in Vietnam:

    • Tax information is provided for French citizens and other nationalities, emphasizing the importance of understanding the tax implications based on individual circ*mstances.
  6. Health and Administrative Requirements:

    • Recommendations for vaccinations, with the suggestion to check with the Vietnamese embassy in the home country.
    • Advice on sending belongings through a shipping company and obtaining health insurance in Vietnam.
  7. Registration and Documentation:

    • Mention of the importance of registering in the embassy or consulate, depending on the country.
  8. Pension Considerations for Different Nationalities:

    • Specific information is provided for French, American, Canadian citizens, and a general note for other nationalities.
    • The importance of checking with relevant authorities regarding pension payments while living abroad is emphasized.
  9. FAQs:

    • Answers to frequently asked questions, covering topics such as the retirement process in Vietnam, a comparison with other countries, and the availability of retirement visas.
  10. Retirement Visa by Investment:

    • The alternative of obtaining a residence card through investment in a local Vietnamese company is discussed in detail.
    • The advantages and disadvantages of this option are outlined, highlighting the need for proper knowledge and financial readiness.
  11. Conclusion:

    • The article concludes by summarizing key points and expressing the hope that the information provided assists readers in making informed decisions about retiring in Vietnam.

For more in-depth information, readers are encouraged to download an e-book about moving to Vietnam, presumably containing additional details and guidance.

Retirement in Vietnam for retirees & Living in Vietnam (2024)


Can I retire and live in Vietnam? ›

Vietnam is one of the best Asian countries for expats to retire. The modern comfort, affordability, and relaxing vibe the country offers make it a favorite destination for thousands of retired foreigners every year.

How much does it cost to live in Vietnam for retirement? ›

Cost of Living in Vietnam - International Living Countries
ExpenseU.S. $
Transportation (two monthly bus passes)$16
Entertainment (eating out five nights a week, including beer or soft drinks)$250 to $300
Monthly Total:$899 to $1,469
8 more rows

Does Vietnam tax retirement income? ›

Exempt income

Non-taxable income includes: Interest earned on deposits with credit institutions/banks and on life insurance policies. Compensation paid under life/non-life insurance policies. Retirement pensions paid under the SI law (or the foreign equivalent).

How much money do you need to live in Vietnam? ›

Vietnam's living cost per month can vary depending on various factors such as location, accommodation, and personal preferences. On average, the basic living expenses can range from $500 to $1,000 per month.

Can I receive my Social Security in Vietnam? ›

With direct deposit, your U.S. Social Security payment is automatically converted to Vietnamese Dong (if applicable) at the daily international exchange rate before being deposited to your account.

Can a US citizen retire to Vietnam? ›

While Vietnam does not have a retirement visa, there are several options for individuals who want to retire in Vietnam. Americans can apply for a visa to Vietnam through any Vietnamese embassy and will be approved for either six months or one year but can only stay in the country for three months at a time.

How long can a US citizen live in Vietnam? ›

Besides, you are allowed to stay in Vietnam for 180 days at maximum for each visit. After 180 days, you will need to leave Vietnam and then enter again. In case you don't want to leave the country and want to stay longer than 180 days, you can take extending visa into consideration.

Where do expats retire in Vietnam? ›

What Is the Top Location For Retirees in Vietnam? There are several choices for retirees to live in Vietnam, including Da Nang and Nha Trang. Even though Nha Trang has a large number of retired expats, Da Nang is also suitable for retirees.

How can I live in Vietnam permanently? ›

The application for PR consists of:
  1. A written request for PR status;
  2. A criminal record issued by a competent authority of the country of which the applicant is a citizen;
  3. A diplomatic note from a diplomatic mission of the country, of which the applicant is a citizen; requesting the grant of PR status to the applicant;
Feb 24, 2023

Do expats pay taxes in Vietnam? ›

All residents and non-residents are subject to Personal Income Tax in Vietnam. income from real estate transferred between a husband, wife and blood-relations, scholarships, and overseas remittances). under 18, unemployed spouses and elderly and unemployed parents.

Where is the cheapest place to retire in Vietnam? ›

There are 10 Cheap Places in Vietnam like Hoi An, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City with an average cost of living of $1,064/month, internet speeds up to 60 Mbps and temperatures ranging from 29°C to 35°C 83.556°F to 94.526°F. Global travel medical insurance for $1.45/day! Covid-19 coverage.

What salary is considered rich in Vietnam? ›

The richest group, defined as the 20% of the population with the highest income, had an average income of VND10. 23 million ($436) a month last year, according to the Citizen Living Standard Survey recently released by the General Statistics Office.

How much is a house in Vietnam in USD? ›

The cost of buying a house in Vietnam varies greatly depending on location, size, and amenities, but it can range from $50,000 to $500,000 or more. Factors like property taxes, legal fees, and agent commissions should also be considered.

Can you live in Vietnam as a US citizen? ›

All US citizens wishing to move to Vietnam will need to obtain a Vietnamese visa to be allowed entry into the country. You can apply for a Vietnam visa at the Vietnamese diplomatic missions in your home country, on arrival, or online. The type of visa you apply for depends on the reason why you are moving to Vietnam.

Can an American move to Vietnam permanently? ›

For those hoping to permanently stay in Vietnam, you have the chance to get a permanent residency permit. There are only 4 cases where a foreigner is eligible for this: If you have contributed to the protection or development of Vietnam and have been given an award from the Vietnamese government.

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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.