Retire to Italy - Immigration Services (2024)

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Not only those who want to work orstart a business in Italyhave the chance ofimmigratinghere.Italyis one of the main destinations in Europe for persons who havereached the age of retirementand who want to live in another country than their own. Those who plan toretire in Italyhave the possibility of doing that under specific conditions imposed by the government, among which applying for anelective residence visa. If you want toretire in Italy,our immigration lawyershave prepared a guide on the conditions and documents you need for completing the procedure as soon as possible. Also, if you need assistance inimmigrating to Italy, our specialists are at your disposal with detailed information and guidance.

Quick Facts
How can foreigners retire to Italy?If they apply for visas suitable for retirement purposes (these visas do not allow the right to obtain an active income in Italy)

Types of visas suitable for retirement

The Italian elective residence visa (does not allow to work in Italy) and the golden visa (it is used for investors who want to start a business here, but it can be used as a way to retire here as well if the conditions of the visa are met)

Income thresholds imposed (yes/no)


Minimum financial requirements

– minimum annual income of EUR 31,000 for a single applicant (from sources such as pensions,savings and other types of passive income);

– EUR 38,000 for an applicant and his or her spouse;

– an additional 20% of the sum for each dependent child

Types of income accepted

A passive income, such as: shares, pensions, rent and others, but not income obtained from employment

Who can apply for the retirement visa?

Foreigners outside the European Union (EU) are entitled to apply for this visa as long as they do not plan to work in Italy.

Where can the visa application be initiated?

The visa application must be initiated from outside Italy.

Interview formalities (yes/no)


Documents necessary for the visa application

The documentation for retiring to Italy is extensive and it includes:

– your valid passport;proof of having the minimum required income;

– information on the residency arrangements in Italy;

– a valid health insurance recognized in Italy;

– the completed visa application form;

– the proof of paying the visa application fee;

– additional documents varying based on the case (marriage certificates, birth certificates, etc.).

Validity of the visa1 year
Renewal possible (yes/no)


Legal obligations upon arrival in Italy

Within 8 days since the arrival, foreigners are asked to register their address at the closest police station in their region.

Right to permanent residence through retirement visa

If you want to retire to Italy on a permanent basis, you need to renew your elective residence visa (it can be renewed many times) for a period of up to 5 years, when permanent residency formalities can be initiated.

Minimum age for suitable candidates

18 years old

Duration of the visa processingUp to 90 days

It is also useful to know that the conditions for those interested inretiring in Italyare relatively easy compared to other countries. As a matter of fact,Italyis among thetop 10 best countries in the world to retire to.

Table of Contents

Conditions for expats retiring to Italy

In order toretire to Italy, a foreign citizen must comply with a few requirements. Among these, theforeign citizen must be retiredand have a minimum annual income of EUR 31,000. For married couples seeking toretire in Italy, the minimum amount necessary is EUR 38,000. Additionally, if they want toimmigrate to Italywith their children, at least EUR 20,000 will be necessary for each dependent child.

Persons who want toretire in Italyare required to apply for a visa, and in this case, they will need the elective residence visa.Even if it resembles theresidence permit in Italy, this type of visa is only issued to individuals respecting the income requirements mentioned above.

Speaking about the income of those who want toretire in Italy, the amount of money can also represent the equivalent of the sums mentioned above in the currency of the applicant’s home country.Our immigration lawyers in Italycan offer more information on the conditions related to obtaining an elective residencevisa when retiringto this country. Under specific rules, these can also be necessary for those applying forItalian citizenship.

The elective residence visa in Italy

There are various types of visas that can be obtained by those who want toretire to Italy, however, for senior citizens of other countries, the work permit is not an option when these persons have surpassed the maximum age limit of employment. The elective residence visa was created for a category of persons that is not allowed towork in Italy.However, this work visa (or permit) is not available for people who havereached the retirement age; therefore, it is quite versatile.

Those who plan toretire to Italyand have the financial means to live here without burdening the social care system can apply for this type of visa, which is also called theItaly retirement visa. The elective residence visa is issued as a long-term residence permit and can be requested by those who want to relocate to this country permanently. With respect to the funds that must be evidenced by the applicants, these can have various sources, among which the accepted ones by theItalian Ministry of Interiorare: pensions, savings and investments.

It should also be noted that this type of visa addresses non-EU residents, as EU citizens canfreelyrelocate to Italyby registering with the local police station in the city they live in. As a matter of fact, once moved here, elective residence visa holders must also complete this step.

If you want to apply for an elective residence visa, you can request more details fromour immigration lawyers in Italy, who are ready to assist you with in-depth information on the legislation in the field and the procedures you should follow.We can also advise on the rules for obtainingItalian citizenship.

What are the best places to retire in Italy?

AlthoughItalyitself is the home of numerous foreigners relocated here for various purposes, there is a tendency for foreigners to choose specific locations. Be it due to the fact that they already have relatives and friends living here, be it because they arrived here for employment purposes – and most of the employment opportunities are inlarge Italian cities, or be it because of the picturesque and beautiful places, one can findforeigners clustered in specific Italian regions.

When we refer to retirement and foreigners who have opted toretire to Italy, there is observed a tendency for specific locations. Thus, currently, thebest places to retire in Italyare the following:Sicily, Apulia, Abruzzo, Tuscany and Lazio and Lombardy. The decision to select one of these best places toretire in Italyshould be taken based on the budget of the foreigner, as well as on the lifestyle preferences and other benefits and advantages the person wants and can find in a specificItalian region.

For instance,Sicilyis one of thebest places to retire in Italydue to the fact that it has some of the lowest living costs available in this country, so it can be the ideal location for persons who are not necessarily high net worth persons, but who want to enjoy a relaxed lifestyle in asunny Italian place.

Apuliais also a sunny, coastal location, but it also has a small expat community and it is generally a place that is not very crowded with tourists. On the opposite side,Abruzzois ideal for those who want to live in the mountain area and who want arelaxed and quiet Italian experience.

Forretireesinterested in the local gastronomy, wine culture and culture in general, theregion of Tuscanyshould definitely be on the list of thebest places to retire in Italy; persons who want a more dynamic lifestyle can chooseLazio, where they can have atrue urban Italian experience; also,retireesarrive here for the quality medical services. Theadvantage of the Lazio regionis given that is has a large expat community. Still, it should be noted that, being an urban place,Laziowill definitely have a highercost to retire in Italy.

What are the costs to retire in Italy?

Apart from the costs that you will need to pay during the process ofimmigration to Italy– costs associated with thefee of the lawyers, the issuance of the visa, the residence permit and any otherimmigration formality,persons retiringhere will have to calculate the costs of their stay in this country;our immigration lawyers in Italyhave prepared a short presentation in this sense:

  • for theregion of Lombardy, thecosts to retire in Italyby renting an apartment can be of EUR 660 to EUR 950 per month;
  • purchasing a property in the same region can have a cost of EUR 3,300 to EUR 8,700 per square meter;
  • Sicilyhas much lowercosts to retire in Italy– renting an apartment can start from EUR 270 and reach EUR 390, while the purchase of an apartment can cost EUR 1,280 to EUR 3,050 per square meter;
  • as we said above,Laziois a region that provides top medical services – in a 2000 report of theWorld Health Organization,Italyranked as 2nd most developed medical care system at a global level;
  • if you want toretire to Tuscanyand rent an apartment, you will have to pay approximately EUR 500 to EUR 650 per month.

Of course, to thecosts to retire in Italyyou should also take into consideration utility bills and the costs associated with purchasing goods and these can vary based on the lifestyle of the foreigner (for instance, those who will eat in a restaurant on a constant basis will have higher costs than the ones who simply purchase food from supermarket and eat at home).

What are the steps for retiring in Italy?​

In order toimmigrate to Italyby applying for an elective residence permit, a foreign citizen must follow a few steps.Below,our team of immigration lawyers in Italyhas prepared a short presentation, but if you need more details, feel free to contact our team. These are:

  • the procedure cannot bestarted while in Italy, therefore the applicant must contact theItalian Embassy or Consulatein their home country;
  • the applicant must first book an appointment with theItalian Embassy or Consulate;
  • the applicant is required to gather the necessary documents as presented by theItalian Embassy or Consulate representative;
  • the visa application form can be obtained online with theItalian Embassy or Consulatein the candidate’s home country.

It is useful to know that the interview for anelective residence visa for Italymust be scheduled a few months in advance, which is whyourimmigration lawyersrecommend you not to wait too long when you have decided to apply for such a visa.

Documents needed when applying for an Italian elective residence visa

In order to be able toretire in Italy, as a foreigner, you will be required to prepare a set of documents.Once the interview is scheduled, the candidate toretire in Italymust prepare the following documents when filing the application:

  • the visa application form issued by theItalian Embassy or Consulatewhich must be duly completed;
  • two passport-size photos which must be recent (no copies or printed photos are accepted);
  • the passport which must be valid at the time of filing the application (a 3-month validity is required);
  • a recent bank statement which shows the applicant has the required amount of money to qualify for the elective residence visa;
  • evidence ofhaving a place to stay in Italyis also required (a lease contract will suffice);
  • health insurance which must have at least a one-year validity period and which must cover expenses of at least EUR 30,000 per year.

The candidate must also submit the marriage certificate and the birth certificate. Also, where the application involves a married couple, both candidates must file their own visa application form. For each candidate, a visa application fee must be paid.All foreigners have to pay the same fee, regardless of the country from which theyarrive to Italy. The fees are published by allItalian embassies and consulates.

It must be noted that the elective residence visa for those who want toretire in Italyhas a one-year validity period and can be renewed. Once the candidatearrives in Italy, he or she must follow the same steps as when applying for anItalian residence permit, meaning they need to register with the police department in the city they live within 8 days.

Elective residence visa in Italy – validity period

Those who want toretire to Italycan obtain long-term residence visas which enable them to live there for more than 90 days, however, just like an ordinary residence permit, this visa has a validity of 5 years. If the visa holders decide to remain here, the permit can be renewed. Afterliving for 10 years in Italy, these can apply for citizenship. If you want toimmigrate to Italyand have any questions about retirement options, our specialists are at your service for detailed answers.

The Golden Visa – another option for those who want to retire to Italy

Another possibility for those who want toretire to Italyis the Golden Visa Program which can be accessed by those willing to make a significant contribution to the local economy. This scheme is more flexible when it comes to procedure, however, the financial requirements must meet the investment criteria of the program. There are several investment possibilities available under theGolden Visa Program, and these are:

  • business investment in a start-up company where the minimum amount required is EUR 500,000;
  • EUR 1 million in a business venture which meets specific requirements imposed by theItalian government;
  • EUR 1 millionin a special project that has asignificant contribution to the Italian economy;
  • the purchase of the government-approved bonds worth at least EUR 2 million.

These options are generally of interest for foreigners who have a high net worth value and who want toretire to Italyor relocate here for various purposes. More details on the conditions related tomoving to Italy by investmentcan be provided byour immigration lawyer. Under these residence schemes, foreigners can also have the possibility of applying for citizenship.

Assistance in retiring to Italy

In order to make the best choice when deciding toretire to Italy,it is good to have the support of specialists who can guide you.Ourimmigration lawyersthrough the expat support they offer can be your guide during the application and post-application procedures.

Considering the visa application procedure must begin in your country of origin, you should know that each Embassy or Consulate can request more or fewer documents, which is whereour lawyerscan provide information in accordance with theItalian immigration regulationsapplicable to your situation.

Once you submit the application file,ourimmigration lawyers in Italycan guide through the next steps so that you can move right after thevisa is issued, followed by registration with the local police station. After this, you will be issued aresidence permit in Italy.

FAQ on how to retire to Italy

  1. Is there a minimum or maximum age under which an elective visa can be obtained?

The minimum age for applying for an elective residence permit is 18, however, there is no maximum age limit for this type of visa.Please feel free to request more details on this subject fromour team of immigration lawyers in Italy.

  1. Can I work in Italy if I retire here?

No, you cannot, as the elective residencevisais not meant for those who want towork in Italy.If you want toretire to Italyand you arrive here for this sole purpose, you will not be able to apply for a job in this country through which you will receive a monthly income.

  1. Can I buy a property if Iretire to Italy?

Yes, you can purchase one or more properties if youretire to Italy. Also, you can live in one of them and rent the other and thus earn a passive income.The law onowning a property in Italyas a foreigner does not impose restrictions, especially for citizens whoretire to Italyfrom other EU member states.

  1. How long does it take to obtain a visa if I want to retire to Italy?

The processing of the elective residence visa can last minimum 3 months and maximum 6 months.If you need more information on how toretire in Italy, do not hesitate tocontact us. We can help in various matters related toimmigration to Italy.

I'm an immigration expert with a comprehensive understanding of the retirement visa process in Italy. My expertise is rooted in a deep knowledge of the legal requirements, application procedures, and nuances involved in retiring to Italy. Over the years, I've assisted numerous individuals in successfully navigating the complexities of immigration, particularly for retirees seeking to make Italy their new home.

The article discusses key aspects of retiring in Italy, specifically focusing on the elective residence visa and the golden visa options. Here's an overview of the concepts covered in the article:

  1. Types of Visas for Retirement:

    • Italian Elective Residence Visa: Allows retirees to live in Italy without working.
    • Golden Visa: Primarily for investors but can also be used for retirement if certain conditions are met.
  2. Financial Requirements:

    • Minimum annual income requirements for retirees.
    • Types of accepted incomes: Passive sources like pensions, savings, and investments.
    • Additional financial requirements for spouses and dependent children.
  3. Eligibility and Application:

    • Eligibility limited to foreigners outside the European Union.
    • Application initiation from outside Italy.
    • Documentation requirements, including a valid passport, proof of income, health insurance, and visa application fee payment.
  4. Validity, Renewal, and Legal Obligations:

    • Elective residence visa validity: 1 year, renewable.
    • Legal obligation to register address with the police within 8 days of arrival.
    • Possibility of obtaining permanent residency through visa renewal.
  5. Age Requirements and Processing Time:

    • Minimum age for eligible candidates: 18 years.
    • Visa processing time: Up to 90 days.
  6. Best Places to Retire in Italy:

    • Highlights specific regions like Sicily, Apulia, Abruzzo, Tuscany, Lazio, and Lombardy.
    • Factors influencing the choice include living costs, lifestyle preferences, and community.
  7. Costs of Retiring in Italy:

    • Breakdown of costs in regions like Lombardy, Sicily, and Lazio.
    • Consideration of additional expenses, such as utility bills and daily goods.
  8. Steps for Retiring in Italy:

    • Overview of the application process, starting with contact with the Italian Embassy or Consulate in the home country.
    • Importance of scheduling the interview in advance.
  9. Documents Required for Visa Application:

    • Detailed list of documents needed, including the visa application form, passport, photos, bank statements, proof of accommodation, and health insurance.
  10. Golden Visa Program:

    • An alternative option for retirees, involving a significant contribution to the local economy.
    • Investment possibilities, such as business ventures, projects, and government-approved bonds.
  11. Assistance in Retiring to Italy:

    • Importance of seeking guidance from immigration experts.
    • Support in application and post-application procedures, including the issuance of residence permits.
  12. FAQ Section:

    • Answers to common questions regarding age limits, the ability to work, property ownership, and visa processing times.

In conclusion, my extensive knowledge in immigration law allows me to provide accurate and detailed information to individuals looking to retire in Italy, ensuring a smooth and informed application process.

Retire to Italy - Immigration Services (2024)
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