Retained Earnings - FundsNet (2024)


Retained Earnings - FundsNet (1)

Written By:
Denise Elizabeth P

Retained Earnings - FundsNet (2)

Every business owner would want their business to consistently generate profits.

It is a confirmation of his/her efforts and that s/he made the right choice in starting a business.

Isn’t it satisfying to see the thing you worked so hard for finally bear fruit?

But that is just a part of the process.

The next step is to know what to do with what your business has earned.

Are you going to distribute it between you and your co-owners?

Or are you going to reinvest it in your business?

In a corporate setting, it is the management/board of directors that decides what to do with the net income that the corporation earns.

They could decide to either distribute it as dividends to shareholders or to keep all of it for reinvestment.

They can also decide to do a combination of both – distribute some of the net income as dividends while reinvesting the rest.

When a corporation declares and distributes cash dividends, its net assets decrease.

When it declares and distributes stock dividends, its net assets stay as-is.

However, what happens if it decides to not distribute dividends?

What happens to the undistributed net income?

If you’ve come across a corporation’s financial statements, particularly its balance sheet, you’ve probably noticed an account titled “retained earnings”.

This account is where all the undistributed net income goes.

Let’s learn more.

Retained Earnings - FundsNet (6)

What are Retained Earnings?

Retained earnings refer to the accumulated amount of earnings that the corporation earned minus the total dividends it declared and distributed ever since it was formed.

In other words, when a corporation has any undistributed net income, it goes to its retained earnings.

A newly formed corporation will not have any retained earnings yet.

A corporation can use its retained earnings for various purposes.

For example, it can set aside a portion of it for capital expenses (e.g. planned expansion, purchase of new and improved machinery and equipment, etc.), to pay for debt obligations, or pay for general expenses (e.g. operating expenses, cost of sales).

There is only one way to normally increase retained earnings: by having any undistributed net income.

Retained earnings will decrease if a corporation declares and distributes any form of dividends (be it cash, property, or stocks) and if the corporation had a net loss in any given year.

Of course, any adjusting entries made to retained earnings may increase or decrease its balance depending on the adjustments made.

For example, if your corporation earned a total of $30,000 net income and distributed $10,000 of it as dividends to shareholders, then the remaining $20,000 is retained by the corporation and goes to its retained earnings.

On the other hand, if your corporation reported a net loss of $30,000 instead, then the net loss will decrease its retained earnings balance by the same amount.

If dividends were declared and distributed despite the loss, then the retained earnings will be reduced further by the amount of dividends declared.

Since we’re already talking about computations, this might be the right time to lay down the formula for computing retained earnings:

Retained Earnings = Retained Earnings (beginning balance) + Net Income –Dividends

If a corporation has a positive balance on retained earnings, then that would mean that it’s generally profitable during its existence.

However, if it was reporting losses more than earnings, then the corporation would probably have a negative balance on retained earnings.

Negative retained earnings: what does it mean for a corporation?

If a corporation has negative retained earnings, it’s probably because it either reported more losses than earnings ever since it was formed, it declared dividends greater than its accumulated earnings, or a combination of both.

This negative balance on retained earnings is what we refer to as the accumulated deficit.

A corporation that has an accumulated deficit for consecutive years may indicate that it is going bankrupt.

It could also indicate that the corporation is using its borrowed funds to distribute dividends to its shareholders.

Both are not a picture of a sustainable business.

If your corporation has an accumulated deficit, it’s not advisable to declare any dividends as it will set the corporation back even further.

Instead, earn as much as you can to bring back the balance to a positive, and only then can you think about distributing dividends.

Dividends and Retained Earnings

A corporation (or rather its management/board of directors) will have to decide what to do with its net income: distribute it as dividends to shareholders -or- keep it as retained earnings.

Dividends can be paid in different ways but the two most common ways of dividend payment are in the form of cash (cash dividends) or stocks (stock dividends).

Each affects a corporation’s balance sheet differently.

If a cash dividend is declared and distributed, then the net assets of the corporation decrease.

If a stock dividend is declared and distributed, the net assets do not increase.

What happens instead is a redistribution of equity, from retained earnings to share capital.

Whether a company declares and distributes cash or stock dividends, the end result to retained earnings is still the same -it decreases.

While it may seem that declaring stock dividends may be more advantageous since it doesn’t reduce the corporation’s net assets unlike cash dividends, it does come with its own caveats.

For one, there is a limit to the number of stocks a corporation can issue (authorized share capital).

Another is that it dilutes the value of each share.

For example, if a corporation that has a $15/share value declares a 6% stock dividend, the value of each share would go down to $14.15.

A corporation that is focused on growth would typically retain its earnings rather than declare and distribute dividends.

By having retained earnings, the corporation has another source of funding for its growth.

The corporation can use its retained earnings for expansions, acquisitions, capital expenditures, research and development, or anything else that can facilitate its growth.

Retained earning can also be used as working capital (to fund operating costs and expenses).

There’s also the option to use retained earnings for paying off its debt obligations.

Another purpose of retained earnings is to use them as a shield against future losses.

When a corporation reports a net loss, it eats away at its retained earnings before an accumulated deficit account is recognized.

There are plenty of reasons why a consistently profitable business unexpectedly reports a net loss such as a very huge impairment loss, an expected loss from a lawsuit, or a lesser than favorable result from the sale of a subsidiary.

When a corporation has already established itself where it matures and its growth slows down, then it would have less need for its retained earnings.

As such, an established corporation is more inclined to distribute its net income (and maybe some of its retained earnings) as dividends to its shareholders.

Retained Earnings - FundsNet (7)

Restricted Retained Earnings

By default, a corporation’s retained earnings can be used for whatever purpose its management/board of directors decides on.

That makes the default retained earnings unrestricted in the sense that it can be used for any purpose (as long as its legal)– declare and distribute dividends, capital expenses, pay for operating costs and expenses, etc.

But did you know that a corporation management/board of directors can restrict some of its retrained earnings for specific purposes?

These retained earnings that are restricted are appropriately called restricted retained earnings (also referred to as appropriated retained earnings… no pun intended).

As the name same suggests, restricted retained earnings refer to the portion of retained earnings that is restricted for a specific purpose.

What the purpose is would depend on what the corporation’s management/board of directors decides.

It could be because a creditor required the corporation to restrict some of its retained earnings for the repayment of loans.

It could also be because the law required the corporation to restrict some of its retained earnings when it repurchases its outstanding shares (treasury stock).

If a corporation has a high amount of restricted retained earnings, it might signify that it is planning for major growth (by expanding or acquiring capital assets).

It could also signify that it is planning to pay off a huge debt.

Restrictions on retained earnings can be classified into three classifications: legal, contractual, and discretionary.

Legal restrictions are those that are required by law. For example, state laws may require a corporation to restrict a portion of its retained earnings equal to the cost of its treasury stock.

Contractual restrictions are those that arise from contracts. For example, before a creditor grants you a loan, they might require your corporation to restrict a portion of your retained earnings. Unlike unrestricted retained earnings, restricted retained earnings cannot be used for the distribution of dividends (unless it is its stated purpose). This way, the creditor is more assured that the corporation would likely have funds to pay off the loan.

Discretionary restrictions are those decided upon by the corporation’s management/board of directors. For example, if there is a planned expansion, the board of directors may decide to restrict a portion of its retained earnings to fund the expansion.

If a corporation has to recognize restricted retained earnings, the journal would be like:

Retained Earnings - FundsNet (8)

For example, if a corporation’s board of directors decided to restrict $30,000 of its retained earnings for a plant expansion, the journal entry would be like this:

Retained Earnings - FundsNet (9)

In the event of liquidation or bankruptcy, the whole amount of retained earnings would be used to settle the financial obligations of the corporation (creditors first, then shareholders next).

That means that both restricted and unrestricted retained earnings would be used.

Retained Earnings VS Revenue

While both retained earnings and revenue both provide us insights into a company’s financial performance, they are not the same thing.

For starters, retained earnings is a balance sheet item while revenue is an income statement item, so you won’t be seeing the two in the same financial statement.

Revenue refers to the sales made by a business and is the first line item you’ll see in an income statement.

It is the income generated by a business before deducting the cost of sales, operating expenses, and non-operating expenses.

On the other hand, retained earnings refer to the accumulated earnings (or more like net income and losses) of the business from the day it was formed, minus total dividends declared and distributed. Retained earnings are more related to a business’s net income rather than its revenue.

Revenue gives us insight into a business’s financial performance for a given period.

Retained earnings give us insight into a business’s historical financial performance… to an extent that is.

If a corporation has a positive balance on retained earnings, you can tell that it has been profitable for at least one period.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a corporation required to have Retained Earnings?

There really is no law that requires a corporation to have retained earnings.

A corporation’s management/board of directors can decide to declare and distribute all of its earnings as dividends, and it still wouldn’t be violating any laws.

So short answer: no, a corporation is not required to have retained earnings.

Do Sole-Proprietorships, Partnerships, and LLC have Retained Earnings?

The term “retained earnings” is exclusive to corporations.

Sole-proprietorships, partnerships, and LLCs do have retained earnings but they appear as a different account title in their respective balance sheets.

A sole-proprietorship does not maintain a retained earnings account but rather all of its retained earnings go to its owner’s equity.

It’s the same with a partnership, although it uses the account title “partner’s equity” instead of owner’s equity.

For LLCs, it’s the “members’ equity” (unless the LLC is treated as a corporation).

In short, corporations have “retained earnings”, sole-proprietorships have “owner’s equity”, partnerships have “partners’ equity”, and LLCs have “members’ equity”.

Are Retained Earnings an asset?

No, retained earnings are not an asset but rather an equity account.

They can be used to purchase assets such as capital assets (e.g. machinery, equipment, building, etc.), inventory, or other assets.

Statement of Retained Earnings

The statement of retained earnings (also referred to as retained earnings statement) is a type of financial statement.

It gives us information regarding any changes to a corporation’s retained earnings in a given period.

It provides us the corporation’s beginning and ending balance of retained earnings, and any reconciling items (e.g. net income or loss, dividends, any adjustments made to retained earnings, etc).

The statement of retained earnings may also be incorporated in a corporation’s statement of shareholder’s equity which shows the changes to all equity accounts (including retained earnings) for a given period.

An example of such a financial statement is as follows:

Retained Earnings - FundsNet (10)

Source: Intel Corporation 10-K

Along with the three main financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement), a statement of retained earnings (or statement of shareholder’s equity) will be required for all audited financial statements.

Banks and other creditors will typically require a corporation’s audited financial statements (including a statement of retained earnings) before they would grant a loan.

Investors would want to look at a corporation’s financial statements before they invest their money in it.

FundsNet requires Contributors, Writers and Authors to use Primary Sources to source and cite their work. These Sources include White Papers, Government Information & Data, Original Reporting and Interviews from Industry Experts. Reputable Publishers are also sourced and cited where appropriate. Learn more about the standards we follow in producing Accurate, Unbiased and Researched Content in our editorial policy.

  1. Santa Clara University "How to Calculate and Manage Retained Earnings" Page 1. November 2, 2021

  2. Brigham Young University "Income, Retained Earnings Statement, Balance Sheet Part 1" Video. November 2, 2021

  3. Columbia Business School "9 Chapter 1: Review of Financial Reporting" White paper. November 2, 2021

Retained Earnings - FundsNet (2024)


How do I fix retained earnings in QBO? ›

In QuickBooks Online (QBO), go to the Accounting menu on the left panel and choose Chart of Accounts. From the list, look for your Retained Earnings account and click the Run report link under the Action column. On the Account QuickReport page, head tap the Report period drop-down and select All Dates.

How do you pass entry for retained earnings? ›

If the organization experiences a net loss, debit the retained earnings account and credit the income account. Conversely, if the organization experiences a profit, debit the income account and credit the retained earnings account.

What does it mean when there is no money in your retained earnings? ›

If your business has lost money from year to year or has paid out more distributions to shareholders than you've earned in profit, your retained earnings account will have a negative balance, also known as retained losses. Your financial statements may also include a statement of retained earnings.

How much should you keep in retained earnings? ›

The ideal ratio for retained earnings to total assets is 1:1 or 100 percent. However, this ratio is virtually impossible for most businesses to achieve. Thus, a more realistic objective is to have a ratio as close to 100 percent as possible, that is above average within your industry and improving.

How do I fix bank rec in QuickBooks Online? ›

Run a Reconciliation Discrepancy report
  1. Go to the Reports menu. Hover over Banking and select Reconciliation Discrepancy.
  2. Select the account you're reconciling and then select OK.
  3. Review the report. Look for any discrepancies.
  4. Talk with the person who made the change. There may be a reason they made the change.
Dec 22, 2022

What affects retained earnings in QuickBooks? ›

Retained earnings are affected by an increase or decrease in the net income and amount of dividends paid to the stockholders. Thus, any item that leads to an increase or decrease in the net income would impact the retained earnings balance.

What lowers retained earnings account? ›

Retained earnings are affected by any increases or decreases in net income and dividends paid to shareholders. As a result, any items that drive net income higher or push it lower will ultimately affect retained earnings.

What transactions affect retained earnings? ›

Retained earnings are an important part of any business's financial picture. Over the course of a year, retained earnings will increase and decrease. These fluctuations will be due primarily to one of three events in a business's cash flow: experiencing net gains, having net losses or paying out dividends.

Can you take money out of retained earnings? ›

When a corporation withdraws money from retained earnings to give to shareholders, it is called paying dividends. The corporation first declares that dividends will be paid, at which point a debit entry is made to the retained earnings account and a credit entry is made to the dividends payable account.

How do you calculate retained earnings for dummies? ›

The retained earnings are calculated by adding net income to (or subtracting net losses from) the previous term's retained earnings and then subtracting any net dividend(s) paid to the shareholders. The figure is calculated at the end of each accounting period (monthly/quarterly/annually).

Do you ever zero out retained earnings? ›

It is crucial to zero out Retained Earnings in QuickBooks in order to start the fiscal year with a net-zero income. Additionally, When you zero out Retained Earnings in QuickBooks, It provides easy access to previous accounting period data which includes transaction details.

Is retained earnings always 0? ›

A retained earnings balance isn't always a positive number. This happens if the current period's net loss is greater than the beginning period balance. Or, if you pay out more dividends than retained earnings, you'll see a negative balance.

How much retained earnings is too much? ›

You could set aside 10–15% in retained earnings, but don't go above 20%. You want to have at least 80% left over to dump onto the debt and really attack it. Make sure you get in the habit of saving and always putting aside retained earnings as the business continues to grow.

What does retained earnings tell you? ›

Retained earnings are the amount of profit a company has left over after paying all its direct costs, indirect costs, income taxes and its dividends to shareholders. This represents the portion of the company's equity that can be used, for instance, to invest in new equipment, R&D, and marketing.

What happens to retained earnings at year end? ›

At the end of each accounting period, retained earnings are reported on the balance sheet as the accumulated income from the prior year (including the current year's income), minus dividends paid to shareholders.

Why is my bank reconciliation not balancing? ›

If there is no Out of Balance, the problem is with your current reconciliation. If there is an Out of Balance you'll need to check your previous reconciliations as a previously reconciled transaction may have been changed or deleted.

What happens if my beginning balance doesn't match my statement? ›

When the opening balance does not match the bank statement, there are two common reasons: There are previously reconciled transactions which were deleted OR. A transaction which was previously reconciled was unreconciled.

What to do if your bank reconciliation doesn t balance in QuickBooks? ›

Make sure you entered the correct amount:
  1. While you're reconciling an account, in the Reconciliation window, select Edit info.
  2. Review the Ending balance and Ending date.
  3. Check your bank statement. Make edits as needed.
  4. When you're done, select Save.

What transactions do not affect retained earnings? ›

Stock dividends do not impact retained earnings: When a stock dividend is paid, the company rewards shareholders by issuing more shares rather than a cash payment.

What causes retained earnings to increase? ›

Retained earnings increase when the company earns a profit during the accounting period. Those profits increase the amount of cash a company has at its disposal. Because profits belong to the owners, retained earnings increase the amount of equity the owners have in the business.

What is an example of a retained earnings? ›

If your tax rate is 10%, your taxes are $400. Your net income will be profit minus taxes or $3,600. Retained earnings are the net income that a company retains for itself. If your company paid out $2,000 in dividends, then your retained earnings are $1,600.

How do you avoid negative retained earnings? ›

One approach is to re-evaluate the organization's assets. If you adjust the company's assets to conform to market value, you may be able to bring the retained earnings back to a positive balance. This makes it possible to begin paying investors dividends sooner.

What is the biggest disadvantage to raising funds through retained earnings? ›

One risky reason why companies should avoid retained earnings is that it can lead to tax evasion. Some might attempt to ease the tax burden by keeping profits. Some shareholders who don't have an immediate need for dividends might vote against its distribution to avoid providing income tax.

Does retained earnings change monthly? ›

Retained earnings will grow by net income in each period. So if net income is $10 in one month retained earnings will grow by $10 that same month. If over four months net income is $10 each month retained earnings will grow by $10 each month or $40 over the four month period.

Do expenses on account affect retained earnings? ›

An expense will decrease a corporation's retained earnings (which is part of stockholders' equity) or will decrease a sole proprietor's capital account (which is part of owner's equity).

How do you remove retained earnings from a balance sheet? ›

A retained earnings balance is increased when using a credit and decreased with a debit. If you need to reduce your stated retained earnings, then you debit the earnings. Typically you would not change the amount recorded in your retained earnings unless you are adjusting a previous accounting error.

What is the first item you will need in calculating retained earnings? ›

To calculate the retained earnings, you need to have the beginning retained earnings, current profit or loss amount, and any dividends paid to shareholders during the year.

What is the formula for return on retained earnings? ›

Return on retained earnings = (most recent EPS - first period EPS) / (cumulative EPS for the period - cumulative dividends paid for the period)

Do investors look at retained earnings? ›

Investors should pay close attention to a company's retained earnings, as they provide insights into the company's financial health and growth prospects. By analyzing a company's retained earnings, investors can gain a better understanding of its profitability, cash flow, and future investment potential.

How to calculate retained earnings without beginning balance? ›

To calculate retained earnings subtract a company's liabilities from its assets to get your stockholder equity, then find the common stock line item in your balance sheet and take the total stockholder equity and subtract the common stock line item figure (if the only two items in your stockholder equity are common ...

What makes retained earnings negative? ›

When a company records a loss, this too is recorded in retained earnings. If the amount of the loss exceeds the amount of profit previously recorded in the retained earnings account as beginning retained earnings, then a company is said to have negative retained earnings.

Where does retained earnings go? ›

Retained earnings are cumulative on the balance sheet. The figure from the end of one accounting period is transferred to the start of the next, with the current period's net income or loss added or subtracted.

Can you delete retained earnings in QuickBooks Online? ›

The Retained Earnings account can't be deleted or edited in QuickBooks Online. The only options are to reactivate the deleted account in or to contact Customer Support to clear the error.

How do I change prior year retained earnings in QuickBooks? ›

Manually creating prior year's retained earnings
  1. Select Reports on the left navigation menu.
  2. Enter Profit and Loss in the Reports search box and click it.
  3. Click on the Report period down-down list and choose Last Year.
  4. Select Run Report.
  5. Click the Net Income amount which will open up the Profit and Loss Detail report.
Sep 13, 2022

How do I fix wrong reconciliation in QuickBooks Online? ›

Make sure you entered the correct amount:
  1. While you're reconciling an account, in the Reconciliation window, select Edit info.
  2. Review the Ending balance and Ending date.
  3. Check your bank statement. Make edits as needed.
  4. When you're done, select Save.

How to fix a reconciliation discrepancy in QuickBooks Online? ›

Reconciliation Discrepancy
  1. Back up your QuickBooks company file.
  2. Go to Banking, and then Reconcile.
  3. Select Undo Last Reconciliation.
  4. When prompted, select Continue and then OK.
  5. Close out of reconciliation and open it again to redo the process.
Feb 15, 2021

Can I take out retained earnings? ›

When a corporation withdraws money from retained earnings to give to shareholders, it is called paying dividends. The corporation first declares that dividends will be paid, at which point a debit entry is made to the retained earnings account and a credit entry is made to the dividends payable account.

Does QuickBooks automatically close retained earnings? ›

QuickBooks Desktop doesn't have an actual transaction for closing entries it automatically creates. The program computes the adjustments when you run a report (for example QuickReport of Retained Earnings) but you can't "QuickZoom" on these transactions, unlike the manual adjustments you recorded.

How do you update retained earnings? ›

You can use an accounting formula to update the retained earnings account balance. To calculate the new amount, find the current retained earnings account on the balance sheet. Add the current net income or net loss reported on the income statement to the beginning retained earnings balance.

Can I make a journal entry to retained earnings in QuickBooks? ›

Here's how:
  1. Select the (+) New icon.
  2. Choose Journal Entry.
  3. Arrange the date for the opening balance to match.
  4. On the first line, from the Account column, select Retained Earnings.
  5. Fill in the amount of the balance in the Credits column.
  6. On the second line, select the account we're using to create the balance.

Do you close out owner contributions to retained earnings? ›

Owners equity does not close out to retained earnings, it is the other way around. Retained earnings closes to owner equity. retained earnings is last years net profit.

What to do if reconciliation doesn t balance? ›

Identify which transaction(s) are causing the out of balance by comparing the Reconciliation Report with the corresponding bank statement. Correct the transaction(s) causing the out of balance. Re-reconcile the corrected transaction(s). Repeat with each subsequent reconciliation until no more out of balances are found.

How do I clean up a bank reconciliation in QuickBooks online? ›

Here's how to manually clear bank transactions in QuickBooks:
  1. Go to the Gear icon, then choose Chart of Accounts.
  2. Locate the account of the transaction.
  3. Select View Register from the Action column.
  4. Identify the transaction to clear.
  5. Under the reconcile status column, select C for Cleared. ...
  6. Select Save.
Feb 5, 2019

How to reconcile in QuickBooks when beginning balance is wrong? ›

Step 2: Reconcile to correct the Beginning Balance
  1. Go to Banking, and then select Reconcile.
  2. Select the account you want from the Account drop down.
  3. Enter the statement date and ending balance that matches your Journal Entry.
  4. Select Continue.
  5. In Deposits and Other Credits, select the Journal Entry. ...
  6. Select Reconcile Now.
Dec 6, 2022

How to fix differences between QuickBooks balance and bank balance? ›

My bank balance is much higher than quickbooks balance. Why is that and how can I fix it?
  1. Go to the Sales or Expenses menu.
  2. Search for transactions you see on your bank statement but not in QuickBooks.
  3. If you find any, select and open it.
  4. Check the Deposit to or Payment account.
  5. Make sure it's in the correct account.
Sep 26, 2019

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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Job: National Specialist

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.