Residential Property In Russia: What You Should Know Before Buying - Landlord & Tenant - Leases - Russian Federation (2024)

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One of the most popular and reliable ways to preserve andmultiply capitals is investing in residential property. Suchinvestments were widespread in pre-revolution Russia and thepractice is now thriving. This article focuses mostly on questionsindividual investors should keep in mind when considering to buy(or receive as a gift) residential property in Russia. They are: 1)who can acquire residential property in Russia; 2) what kind ofproperty can be qualified as residential; 3) the limitations onpurchasing and using property protected as cultural heritage; 4)due diligence: how to get and check information about residentialproperty; 5) execution of a sale and purchase agreement or donationagreement and state registration of the title transfer; 6) purchaseprice payment and compliance with currency control regulation; 7)tax on residential property; 8) renting out residential property(requirements and taxes); and 9) disposition of residentialproperty.

Nowadays, Russia has adopted a well-structured and detailedregulation on all the aspects of acquisition, use and dispositionof residential property. While the Housing Code of the RussianFederation (Housing Code) defines the characteristics ofresidential property, another two laws regulate its acquisition anddisposition in Russia: the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;and Federal Law # 122-FZ on State Registration of Titles to andContracts with Real Property, dated July 21, 1997. The latter twolaws will be discussed below.

This article will not explore ownership through enveloping (thepractice of residential property purchased by individuals throughcompanies) because new Russian laws have made this practice lessprofitable and unattractive in terms of paperwork. We will alsoleave uncovered the issues that arise out of living in and the useof condominiums. The latter questions are regulated by the HousingCode and are worthy of a separate article.

This article cannot be used as legal advice or serve as legalopinion. Nonetheless, it may help readers start and/or furthertheir research on the topic.

Who Can Acquire Residential Property in Russia?

Generally, any individual, regardless of his or her citizenship,can acquire residential property in Russia. There is no direct banon foreigners owning residential property anywhere in the country.However, they are not permitted to own land in state borders or seaport areas, for example. This means that they can buy a house, butnot the land beneath it. That also means that the house owners arethen dependent on the mood of the landlord.

Residential property may also be bought by a group ofindividuals. In this case, it will be shared by several owners andeach of them will hold title to a share in that property.

What Kind of Property Can be Qualified as Residential?

The Housing Code defines residential property as an isolatedspace legally qualified as real property and suitable for permanentliving (i.e. it meets sanitary, safety and other technicalrequirements adopted by the Russian Government for residentialproperty).1 It can be in the form of a flat, a house, apart of a house, or a room. As for the last form, rudimentaryKommunalka (a communal flat owned and inhabited by two or morefamilies) still exists in Russia. During the last decade, Russiahas seen an apartment boom. What is an apartment? Most of the worldconsider an apartment synonymous to a flat but this is not the casein Russia. Here, an apartment technically means a non-residentialtype of real property which can be used for an overnight or atemporary stay (e.g. in the hotel business), not for living.Initially, such things popped up everywhere as a result of oldindustrial buildings being converted into habitable areas. However,the sanitary requirements for nonresidential property are lowerthan for residential ones, which makes these apartmentsnon-residential. Non-residential status also leads to higherutility bills and property tax. In addition, people can physicallylive in apartments, but they are not allowed to legally reside (tolive permanently) there or use them as resident addresses. Thistriggers one more risk. Under the Russian Civil Procedure Code§446, a court, ruling on remedies to be paid by an individual(e.g. in case of debt recovery, bankruptcy procedures), cannotseize the only residential property of that individual deprivinghim or her of a place to live. So, the only residential propertymay still stay "intact" while the apartment willdefinitely be arrested and sold. Hypothetically, apartments can beconverted into flats if they meet a range of requirements set outfor residential property.2

Limitations on Purchasing and Using Property Protected asCultural Heritage

Residential property can be protected by the federal or regionalgovernments as cultural heritage. Cultural heritage status imposesmany extra requirements or even restrictions upon the sale andpurchase process, upon potential use, restoration and renovationworks such as a ban on changing the room plans or thebuilding's exterior, including its colour.3 One cancheck a piece of property against the federal and a respectiveregional register of cultural heritage. These are the links to theopen federal register ( and the Moscowregister (

Due Diligence: How to Get Information About ResidentialProperty and What to Check

The first step after choosing a piece of property is to checkits legal status and the title transfer history. In this case, youcan start with an open resource – the electronic Register ofTitles to Real Property and the State Cadaster of Real Property(both can be found here). Both databases are interconnected andcontain information on a residential property's address, size,type (a flat, a house, a room), current owners, registeredencumbrances (such as mortgages, leases that are one year andlonger), a cadaster price (used for property tax calculation andother tax purposes). However, this information alone is notenough.

Those resources do not show details on the previous owners, howand when the title was assigned to the current owner, whether he orshe and the previous possessors complied with the legalrequirements of the title transfer (title transfer history), and soon. This information is crucial, and in failing to do his or herbest in checking it, the investor always risks facing a vindictiveclaim from former owners who lost their property because of fraudor other criminal schemes. Also, the register and cadaster namedabove do not contain information about people residing in theproperty in question. The Housing Code grants people officiallyresiding in the property (registered residents of the property) theright to keep living there even if the title to it has beentransferred to a new owner. A new owner cannot deprive residentsfrom their right to live there. The list of the property residentsis usually kept by a local department of the Home Office. There isno open access to the data, only owners, residents of a particularproperty and state agencies can get that information. Nevertheless,a potential seller shall show a fresh extract from the residentlist to disclose how many people have the right to reside in theproperty. In any way, a sale and purchase agreement (SPA) shallexpressly name residents – otherwise it can be challenged bythe buyer in court later. The extract from the resident list shallalso be submitted to Rosreestr, which is a state agency thatregisters all the transfers of the titles to real property.

What can be done if there are people registered in the propertyfor sale? A potential buyer can, for example, insist on a specialprovision in the SPA obliging the seller to terminate the residencystatus of all the residents as soon as the title transfer isregistered by Rosreestr.

The best way to get all the information checked before enteringan SPA or a donation agreement is to consult with a lawyer workingwith real estate.

Agreement Execution and Title Transfer Registration

Nowadays, parties can sign a sale and purchase agreement (SPA)or a donation agreement (DA) by themselves. There is no longer arequirement to do it before a notary public, except for cases whenshares in property are in question. That exception was made toprotect pre-emptive rights of the other shareholders to buy theshare for sale (pre-emptive right only works when shares are beingsold not donated). Before executing a certain SPA, a notary publicshall check with the other property owners and get their refusal tobuy the share (shares) at a given price. As soon as the notary getstheir certified refusals, a notarial deed will be executed.Execution of a notarial deed does not mean the completion of thetitle transfer to a new owner. Title transfer is a separate andmandatory procedure held in Rosreestr which follows the SPA or theDA execution (with or without a notary public).

One should be aware that executing a SPA or DA before a notarypublic is an expensive decision. A notary's fee is calculatedas a progressive percentage of the sales price or the cadasterprice (depending on which one is higher).4 Whileplanning the transaction, it is highly recommended to check with anotary about applicable notarial fees. Notarial costs are normallysplit between parties.

To complete the title transfer, the parties should file anapplication with Rosreestr or with a regional service provider (MyDocuments Service Center) and pay a service fee (around $30). Thelatter works like a qualified post office. They check the submitteddocuments against the required list but do not go deeper, and theydeliver them directly to Rosreestr. It usually takes Rosreestr fromthree to four weeks to register the transfer. No certificates ontitle are issued anymore; the new owner may get only an excerptfrom the register or check the status of the application on theagency's website.

Purchase Price Payment and Compliance with Currency ControlRegulation

Investors should bear in mind that Russia still actively usescurrency control.5 Payments of purchase price for aresidential property located in Russia are also subject to suchcontrol. If the parties of an SPA are Russian currency residents(Russian citizens or foreign citizens permanently residing inRussia) they can use cash (rubles only) for payment. If one of theparties is a non-resident (a foreign citizen or a Russian citizenpermanently residing abroad), the parties can use rubles andforeign currency for payment, but the purchase price can only bepaid by a wire transfer between the two bank accounts. In thiscase, the currency resident can only receive the money in anaccount opened with a Russian bank.

If residents and non-residents fail to comply with currencycontrol regulation, they may be subject to a fine amounting up to75–100% of the illegal transaction.6

Tax on Property

As soon as the title to residential property is transferred to anew owner, a buyer or a donee becomes a payer of individual'sproperty tax. The person gets registered as a taxpayerautomatically on the basis of information submitted to the fiscalauthority (the Federal Tax Service (FTS)) by Rosreestr.Individual's Property Tax is a local tax imposed by a localadministration on an individual's property located within theborders of a particular municipal area. That also means that thetax rate, tax deductions and privileges are set locally and differfrom place to place. However, they shall all be drawn from thebasic principles of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Chapter32 "Individual's Property Tax").

According to the Tax Code, the tax period is a calendar year(from January 1 to December 31). Tax shall be paid annually(against the invoice issued by the FTS) before December 1 of theyear succeeding the tax period. While calculating the tax, the FTSshall use cadaster or inventory price of the residential property.Right now, 28 out of 85 regions (federation members) are usingcadaster price (CP) for tax purposes, while the rest of the regionsare still using inventory price. In regions with CP defined, thetax base shall be calculated in the following way:

If a residential property is located in the area where CP isused, the individual property tax rate cannot be higher than 0.1percent. The government plans to switch to the CP of real propertyfor tax calculation purposes throughout the whole country by2020.

If the region still uses inventory price, the tax base iscalculated as inventory price multiplied by a special index set bythe Russian Ministry of Economic Development:

In this case, tax rates shall correlate with the size of aparticular tax base:

The figures above are set in the Tax Code and work like thehighest bar beyond which local authorities are not allowed to go.When checking a particular piece of property at the pre-purchasestage, one should also check upon the rules of individual'sproperty tax calculation in the respective area.

Renting out Residential Property (Requirements and Taxes)

Through investing in residential property, people try to notonly save money but also to earn it. Owners, regardless of theircitizenship and tax status, can rent out their residential propertylocated in Russia. They can do it as individuals or as registeredentrepreneurs. While renting out as individuals, the whole rentalpayment will be deemed as income and subject to income tax. Thesize of the tax rate is directly connected to the individual'stax status in Russia. Russian tax residents are eligible for the 13percent tax rate, while non-residents are subject to the 30 percentrate.

Tax residency in Russia has no connection with citizenship butshall be defined as substantial presence (183 days or more) in thecountry during a calendar year. The tax shall be calculated andpaid to the federal budget annually before July 15 of the yearsucceeding the tax period (a calendar year) during which the incomewas earned. The owner shall also comply with reporting obligationsand file tax returns annually before May 1 of the year succeedingthe reported tax period. To pay less, the owners, including taxnon-residents (business visas or residence permits holders), canregister themselves as entrepreneurs. Business status entitles themto use the Simplified Tax Regime with a tax rate of 6%7or to buy a special patent once a year. Patent prices are set byregional authorities (federation members).

Disposition of Residential Property

No income tax shall be imposed on the former owner when he orshe gifts it for free or donates it to another person. Such a giftor donation can be subject to income tax or a profit tax (thelatter if the donation is given to a legal entity). The donation istotally tax-exempt if a donor and a donee are family members (TaxCode §217(18.1)). In other cases, a donee shall define byhimself or herself the fair market price (a tax base). The tax iscalculated as multiplication of the tax base by 13 or 30 percentdepending on the donee's tax status in Russia.

While deciding to sell residential property, the owner shall inthe first place thoroughly consider the tax consequences. They candiffer depending on several criteria such as: tax residency;possession term; and date of acquisition. So, if the owner is aRussian tax resident, who has already possessed the property forthree years or more and the property itself was acquired beforeJanuary 1, 2016, then the full purchase price will be exempt fromincome tax (Tax Code §217.1). If the property was acquiredafter January 1, 2016, to be fully tax exempt, the owner must havepossessed the residential property for at least five years, exceptfor the cases when the property was inherited or received as a giftfrom family members (when three years of possession are enough).Tax residents can also use tax deductions set forth in the TaxCode. If the owner is a nonresident, no tax privileges (exemptions,deductions, indexes) apply. So, in the two cases (when the selleris a tax resident and owns the property for less than five years orthe seller is a non-resident), the seller shall pay tax from thefull sales price or – if it is lower than cadaster price ofthe property – from 70 percent of the cadaster price. Inregions without cadaster prices for real property, the seller shallpay tax calculated on the basis of the sales price.

Either way, the tax shall be paid before July 15 of the yearsucceeding the tax period (calendar year) during which the purchaseprice for the sold property was received as the date of incomerecognition is defined on cash basis.

The reporting obligations are the same as described in theprevious section, except for the case when the earned income is taxexempt. If there are no tax obligations arising out of propertysale, there are no reporting obligations either.


Investments in residential property in Russia may seemprofitable and reliable – and they can be if an individualinvestor follows the recommended steps, weighs up all the pros andcons, calculates the possible outcome and keeps track of all thechanges in the economics and laws of Russia. To minimise financiallosses and legal risks, investors should coordinate their stepswith wealth planning and tax counsel.


1. The Housing Code of the Russian Federation§15(2).

2. Federal Rules on qualification of real property asresidential property, residential property as not suitable forliving, a flat building as unsafe for living and subject todemolition or reconstruction, adopted by the Federal Government onJanuary 28, 2006, under # 47.

3. Federal Law # 73-FZ on Cultural Heritage (objects ofcultural and historical preservation) of the RussianFederation.

4. §22.1 of Federal Regulation of Notarial Servicesin the Russian federation # 4462-1, dated Fabruary 11,1993.

5. Federal Law #173-FZ on Currency Regulation andControl, dated December 10, 2003.

6. The Code on Administrative Misdemeanours of theRussian Federation §15.25(1).

7. The Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Chapter 26.2"Simplified Tax Regime".

The content of this article is intended to provide a generalguide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be soughtabout your specific circ*mstances.

Residential Property In Russia: What You Should Know Before Buying - Landlord & Tenant - Leases - Russian Federation (2024)


Can an American buy property in Russia? ›

According to Russian law, foreigners are usually allowed to purchase or rent property in Russia, but certain exceptions apply. Also, in order to be allowed to buy a property, the foreign citizen must hold a valid Russian resident permit.

How much does it cost to buy an apartment in Russia? ›

According to Numbeo, a one-bedroom flat in the center of Moscow costs 50,000 p. to 100,000 p. Meanwhile, outside the city center, prices are, on average, 40,000 p. For a three-bedroom apartment in Moscow city center, you can expect to pay about 145,000 or 75,000 on the outskirts.

Do most Russians own their own homes? ›

Home Ownership Rate in Russia averaged 83.94 percent from 2000 until 2021, reaching an all time high of 92.50 percent in 2020 and a record low of 58.20 percent in 2000.

How much does it cost to rent a flat in Russia? ›

The majority of Russians, as per 45 percent of the polled respondents, were paying between 5 and 15 thousand Russian rubles per month for rented housing as of July 2019. Over 20 thousand Russian rubles for the residential rental fee was submitted by 17 percent of the surveyed population.

Can US citizens move to Russia? ›

Permanent Residence: Foreign citizens intending to permanently reside in Russia can obtain a permanent residence permit (vid na zhitelstvo) valid for five years that may be extended an unlimited number of times. Foreigners may apply for it at the local FMS based on their at least one-year residence in Russia.

Do Russians pay property tax? ›

Russian property tax is paid by the owners at a maximum rate of 2% of the value of the property, depending on the value of the property as determined on 1 January: Lower than 300,000 p: 0.1% 300,000–500,000 p: 0.1 to 0.3%

Where do rich Russians live? ›

Belgravia is where many of these billionaires — including Russian oligarchs Roman Abramovich and Oleg Deripaska — invest in multimillion-dollar homes. The neighborhood is part of the "Moscow-on-Thames" property market, which has forced wealthy Londoners out of prime postcodes.

What is the average home size in Russia? ›

614 sq. ft

What is the average apartment size in Russia? ›

An average apartment size in the North Caucasian federal district of Russia as of November 2022 was set at nearly 60 square meters, which was the largest area compared to rest of the regions.

Can you own guns in Russia? ›

Firearms may be acquired for self-defense, hunting, or sports activities, as well as for collection purposes. Carrying permits may be issued for hunting firearms licensed for hunting purposes.

What is the average monthly rent in Russia? ›


It also depends on the particular city you want to live in. If you're looking for an apartment in the center of any major city, it will cost you around 460$. However, if you have your eye on any Russian suburbs, the price will drop to around 270$.

How many rubles is a gallon of milk? ›

Cost of Living in Russia
Water (12 oz small bottle)37.85руб
Milk (regular), (1 gallon)295.79руб
Loaf of Fresh White Bread (1 lb)42.54руб
62 more rows

How much is an acre of land worth in Russia? ›

But Russian land averages $400 per acre -- a mere 10 percent of the cost in France, and 20 percent of the price of land in Brazil. In the countryside, Russia's capitalist revolution is still a work in progress.

How much does a nice house cost in Russia? ›

The average price of a home in Russia is 1,980,998 USD, and range in price between 537,841 USD and 35,657,974 USD. The most popular property types are House (496 listings) and Apartment (320 listings). Common amenities in Russia are Garden, Fireplace, Terrace and Pool.

Is it cheaper to live in Russia or USA? ›

The average cost of living in Russia ($787) is 64% less expensive than in the United States ($2213). Russia ranked 110th vs 5th for the United States in the list of the most expensive countries in the world.

How long can US citizens stay in Russia? ›

For visas with shorter periods of validity, unless that visa specifically authorizes employment or study, a foreigner may stay in Russia only 90 days in any 180-day period. This applies to business, tourist, humanitarian and cultural visas, among other categories.

Can US citizens go to Russia without a visa? ›

Do US citizens need a Russian Visa? Yes, you do. Type of visa required: Tourist Visa. Tourist visa processing time: 3-14 business days.

Can US citizens retire in Russia? ›

Although anybody can retire in Russia, the country does not have an open policy for foreigners. Russia does not offer retirement visas. Obtaining a Russian residential permit can take years – even if you have a Russian spouse. As such, start planning your retirement in Russia up to a year or more in advance.

Does USA have double taxation with Russia? ›

The US - Russia double taxation treaty stipulates that the dividends paid by a resident company with establishments in a contracting state to a resident of the other contracting state are levied in that other contracting country.

Does Russia have free healthcare? ›

Since 1996, Russia's constitution has provided citizens and residents with the right to free healthcare. This is provided by the state through the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (also called the OMI or Obligatory Medical Insurance).

What is the 183 day rule in Russia? ›

A person loses Russian tax residency if they are abroad for more than 183 days in a calendar year.

Can US citizens own land in Ukraine? ›

There are no restrictions on buying any property in Ukraine except agricultural land. Also, the number and size of apartments that a foreigner can own are unlimited. You can acquire an apartment in Ukraine for personal use, as an investment, or for rent.

How many rubles do you need to buy a house in Russia? ›

Expert's answer: As of 2021, 2,500 USD (about 190,000 Rubles) is more than enough to live comfortably everywhere in Russia, although in Moscow you will spend much more renting an apartment. Most working people in Russia (not in Moscow or St. Petersburg) earn in the range of about 20,000-40,000 Rubles per month.

Is it cheaper to live in Russia? ›

A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,805.5$ (149,216.9руб) without rent. A single person estimated monthly costs are 518.2$ (42,828.8руб) without rent. Cost of living in Russia is, on average, 53.3% lower than in United States. Rent in Russia is, on average, 77.9% lower than in United States.

What's the average salary in Russia? ›

What is average wage in Russia? Average Wages in Russia increased to 71334 RUB/Month (851.799 USD/Month) in March 2023. The maximum rate of average wage for employees was 69278 RUB/Month and minimum was 0 RUB/Month. Data published Monthly by Ministry for Economic Development.

What country can US citizens own land? ›

Countries Where U.S. Citizens Can Buy Property 2023
  • Anguilla.
  • Barbados.
  • Bermuda.
  • Cayman Islands.
  • Mexico.
  • Turks and Caicos.

Can private citizens own land in Russia? ›

Any legal entity or individual may own private land in the Russian Federation, subject to certain restrictions which regulate the legal status of the land plot.

Can I give a Ukraine family a home? ›

If you want to offer a home to people fleeing Ukraine, you can become a sponsor as part of the Homes for Ukraine scheme. Use this service to record your interest in becoming a sponsor. This service is for potential sponsors who have not yet been matched with a Ukrainian guest.

How much can 1 usd buy in Russia? ›

Convert US Dollar to Russian Ruble
1 USD82.4005 RUB
5 USD412.003 RUB
10 USD824.005 RUB
25 USD2,060.01 RUB
6 more rows

How far does 100 dollars go in Russia? ›

Are you overpaying your bank?
Conversion rates US Dollar / Russian Ruble
100 USD8272.50000 RUB
250 USD20681.25000 RUB
500 USD41362.50000 RUB
1000 USD82725.00000 RUB
8 more rows

How much cash can I carry to Russia? ›

What you can bring into Russia: Money: Any currency and travelers cheques if the total value does not exceed 10000 USD. Otherwise, you will need to declare the amount, so when you leave the country you can prove that you are not taking money out of Russia. The money on your bank card doesn't have to be declared.

What are disadvantages of living in Russia? ›

- CON: Weather

As Russia is such a large country, the weather varies dramatically. No matter where in the country they live though, expats must prepare themselves and adapt their lifestyles for long, cold winters, and shorter spring, summer and autumn seasons. Winters can be harsh.

How much is gas in Russia in US dollars? ›

Latest data on Gasoline Prices (USD/Liter)

Gasoline Price in Russia remained unchanged at 0.64 USD/Liter in May 2023. The maximum price per litre was 1 USD/Liter and minimum was 0.28 USD/Liter. Data published Monthly by National Statistics.

What is a comfortable salary in Russia? ›

The average nominal salary in Russia was measured at approximately 57.2 thousand Russian rubles per month in 2021, marking an increase of 5.9 thousand Russian rubles compared to the previous year.

How much is the average rent in Russia? ›


It also depends on the particular city you want to live in. If you're looking for an apartment in the center of any major city, it will cost you around 460$. However, if you have your eye on any Russian suburbs, the price will drop to around 270$.

What is the hourly wage in Russia? ›

The average hourly wage in Russia is 600 RUB or USD 8.09 (US Dollars), and the hourly minimum wage is 150 RUB (USD 2.01). Russia has a median salary of 110,000 RUB per month (USD 1,472.90). This means that half of the population earns less than 110,000 RUB while the other half earns more than 110,000 RUB.

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