Refining Gold: How Does a Gold Refinery Work? – PMT Refinery (2024)

Refining Gold: How Does a Gold Refinery Work? – PMT Refinery (1)Gold is processed into it’s purest form through smelting and refining. High heat, pressure and chemicals are used to remove impurities from the gold.

A gold refinery receives the raw material (rock, gold nuggets, scrap gold etc) and re-liquefies the metal in a hot furnace, then adds various chemicals to the molten substance to separate the gold from the other metals.

A sample of the gold is used in an assay to measure the purity of the gold content, usually found to be 99.9% pure. The gold can now be used in many applications, including in electronics and jewellery making.

Pure gold is actually very soft, making it difficult to work with. The gold is usually combined with other metals to form an alloy. For example, white gold is made when you combine gold with nickel, silver or palladium. Rose gold (or pink gold) is gold combined with copper – the higher the copper content the stronger the red colour.

You can have your gold cast into bars and sell direct to a gold refinery for cash.

PMT are the only gold refinery operating in Queensland, Australia and have been for the last 20 years. They can efficiently refine your gold, provide an assay for it’s purity and purchase it from you for between 96 and 98% of the world price.

For a quote for your gold refining job and to arrange secure delivery, contact us today.

Refining Gold: How Does a Gold Refinery Work? – PMT Refinery (2024)


How does a gold refinery work? ›

The gold refining process

The basic overview is that a refinery receives raw material such as gold nuggets or doré from mining companies. This material is then heated to molten metal and chlorine gas injected to separate the gold from other metals impurities.

What are the methods of gold refining? ›

Two methods are commonly employed for purification: the Miller process and the Wohlwill process. The Miller process is based on the fact that virtually all the impurities present in gold combine with gaseous chlorine more readily than gold does at temperatures equal to or greater than the melting point of gold.

What are the steps to process gold? ›

Gold processing generally occurs in three phases: extracting gold from the ground, refining, and manufacturing. Extracting gold begins in open-pit or underground mining.

How do I start a gold refinery? ›

You'll need to assemble the following supplies to get you on the right path:
  1. Battery charger.
  2. Ingot mold and gloves.
  3. Crucibles.
  4. Stirring rods.
  5. Flux.
  6. Electric gold and platinum tester.
  7. Simplicity gold and platinum refining system.
  8. Induction melting furnace.
Oct 10, 2018

What chemicals are used to refine gold? ›

The aqua regia refining process is used to refine gold alloys using a combination of acids and chemical products. The aqua regia solution consists of a mixture of hydrochloric acid HCL and nitric acid HNO3.

Can basic refinery refine gold? ›

Basic Refinery which cannot process platinum, uranium, silver, and gold, the Refinery can process all ore types. The Refinery has much higher construction costs than the basic one, however, it can process ores faster, more efficiently, and uses less power.

What temperature does gold refine at? ›

Smelting gold is accomplished by using high pressure, heat and various chemicals to breakdown the ore and melt the gold to separate it from the impurities. The gold must be heated to an excess of 1046 degrees Celsius or 2150 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is the best gold extraction method? ›

Like cyanidation, borax flux is still popular today, among individual prospectors and small-scale mining operations. But, the most efficient method for gold extraction is froth flotation.

What are refining techniques? ›

Refining is a method of removing impurities in order to obtain metals of high purity. The impurities are removed from crude metal by various methods based on the properties of the metal and the properties of impurities. Some methods involved in the purification of crude metal are: Distillation. Liquation.

How do you separate gold from other metals? ›

The metals are separated by distillation. Cupellation removes gold and silver from mixtures containing lead and other metals, but silver cannot be separated from gold by this process alone.

How was gold refined in biblical times? ›

In Bible times, refiners used fire as a gold purifier. Fire caused impurities to rise to the surface for easier removal. In his first letter to believers in Jesus throughout Asia Minor (northern Turkey), the apostle Peter used the gold-refining process as a metaphor for the way trials work in the life of a believer.

Does gold stick to magnet? ›

What to do: Hold the magnet up to the gold. If it's real gold it will not stick to the magnet. (Fun fact: Real gold is not magnetic.) Fake gold, on the other hand, will stick to the magnet.

How does the basic refinery work? ›

The Basic Refinery is similar to its larger counterpart the Refinery in that it refines Ores into Ingots. However, it is limited to only refining common metals: Iron Ore, Nickel Ore, Cobalt Ore, Magnesium Ore, Silicon Ore, Scrap Metal, and Stone.

How is gold refined by fire? ›

The dore has to go through a trial by fire at a refinery. In an exciting process called refining, it is re-liquified in a furnace and then heaped with generous amounts of soda ash and borax. This effectively separates the gold from impurities and other metal traces.

How do you refine gold with acid? ›

Mix 3 parts distilled water or spring water to 1 part nitric acid in the beaker or Pyrex container that contains the gold. Add 10 parts tap water. Filter the gold out of the container through a plastic strainer or funnel lined with a filter. The gold will be clean and pure.

How do you refine gold with electricity? ›

The anode is made of gold alloy and the cathode is usually a thin sheet of high purity gold. The electric current ionises the electrolyte and transfers dissolved gold from the anode to the cathode, thereby increasing the purity of the gold at the cathode. This refining process is known as the Wohlwill process.

Which acid is used to clean gold? ›

The most useful and important vehicle for dissolving gold is aqua regia, (royal water), composed of two parts of hydrochloric (muriatic) acid, and one part of nitric (aquafortis).

How do you separate gold from rocks? ›

The most common way to separate gold ore from rocks is through crushing, grinding and panning. First, the rock containing the ore must be crushed into a fine powder. This can be done through a crusher or by using a hammer to break the rock up. Then, the ore must be ground down further into a fine powder.

Can I sell my gold directly to a refinery? ›

If you sell your items straight to a refinery you are able to cut out the middle-man and get paid much more for your gold. Precious metals refineries are definitely the best place to sell gold and Cascade Refining is indeed an actual refinery.

Can I refine my own gold? ›

High Melting Temperatures

Safety is another reason why we don't advise refining gold at home — or any other precious metal for that matter.

How much do gold refiners charge? ›

Aspiring for the modernized and advance technology, Kundan has brought up world class Gold Refinery with the refining charges of *Rs 25/- per gram + GST. (For having gold content above 70 %) *Charges will be payable on the quantity of fine gold content in the jewellery/Scrap.

At what temperature is gold destroyed? ›

Gold (Au) melts at a temperature of 1,064° C (1,947° F).

How do you make gold heavier? ›

Author's Answer: Platers use the term “thickness” as opposed to “heavy.” To get a thicker plating (ie: heavy layer of gold) you simply plate the parts longer. If you leave something in the plating bath for five minutes as opposed to one minute you will get a thicker deposit of gold.

What is the best flux for melting gold? ›

Maganese Dioxide is used as an assaying flux ingredient for melting or smelting gold and other precious metals.

What is the easiest test for gold? ›

Test Gold Using the Float Test

Take a cup or glass, fill it up with water, now bring the gold that you want to test. Drop it into this filled glass. If the gold floats, it is surely not real but if the gold sinks to the end of the glass then it is pure gold. The real gold will sink due to being a heavy metal.

Why is it so easy to extract gold? ›

The low melting point thus enables gold to be extracted using a cost effective, low power heat sources to bring about melting. The gold sinks to the bottom of the crucible, whereas other rock material such as silicon, quartz, ore or generally all oxides rise to the top.

What solvent is used to extract gold? ›

Leaching dissolves the gold out of the ore using a chemical solvent. The most common solvent is cyanide, which must be combined with oxygen in a process known as carbon-in-pulp. As the cyanide and oxygen react chemically, gold in the pulp dissolves.

What are the five basic refining processes? ›

Refinery Process Flow Chart

These processes include: Decomposition (dividing) by thermal and catalytic cracking; Unification (combining) through alkylation and polymerization; and. Alteration (rearranging) with isomerization and catalytic reforming.

What is the difference between refinery and refining? ›

An oil refinery is a facility that takes crude oil and distills it into various useful petroleum products such as gasoline, kerosene, or jet fuel. Refining is classified as a downstream operation of the oil and gas industry, although many integrated oil companies will operate both extraction and refining services.

Does vinegar damage gold plating? ›

Finally, we suggest both for silver and gold plated items, not to use abrasive substances such as lemon, vinegar, salt, parmesan, cola, because they tend to corrode the surfaces.

Can a magnet separate gold and silver? ›

Due to the fact that real gold and silver are not magnetic materials, the reaction to a magnetic field would be a clear giveaway that it was mixed with some other kind of metal.

How can you test raw gold at home? ›

Fill a cup or bowl with water and carefully drop your gold piece into it. If the gold is real, it will sink to the bottom of the cup. If it's fake, it will float to the top or hover in the middle of the cup.

How does God refine you? ›

Isaiah 48:10 shares how God refines us: "I have refined you, but not as silver is refined. Rather, I have refined you in the furnace of suffering." As the fire is turned up, we may become very uncomfortable. We may want to rush the process or try to avoid it altogether, but this will only prolong it.

How does God purify us? ›

1 John 1:7 & 9, "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."

Why did God want gold? ›

In biblical times, gold's primary purpose was (and still should be) storage for wealth and value, and silver's purpose was (and still should be) used for daily trade.

What kind of magnet attracts gold? ›

Since gold is both paramagnetic and diamagnetic, both cancel one another out and become weak. So a strong magnet will attract gold ever so slightly and will also repel it. Therefore, and unfortunately for mining purposes, a magnet that can overcome both effects and heighten the effects of either only, does not exist.

What attracts pure gold? ›

First off, if your "pure gold" is magnetic, then there is iron inside (or maybe nickel). In fact, this is one way to tell if jewelry is actually gold. If it's not attracted to a magnet then there is no iron - but it still might not be gold. Scammers have been known to coat lead, copper, and aluminum.

What are the three types of refineries? ›

There are four types of refineries – topping, hydro-skimming, conversion, and deep conversion refineries. Depending on the market a refiner is aiming at, each refinery has its unique design to ensure their production conforms to their host country's set standards.

What is the simplest refinery configuration? ›

The simplest refinery configuration, called a topping refinery, is designed to prepare feedstocks for petrochemical manufacture or for production of industrial fuels in remote oil-production areas.

Do refineries need water? ›

A typical refinery will use about 1.5 barrels of water to process 1 barrel of crude oil. However, water use can vary significantly, depending on the design of the facility.

Where in the Bible does it talk about purifying gold? ›

'” Malachi 3:4, which is prophetic of Christ, says, “He will sit as a smelter and purifier of silver, and He will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver, so that they may present to the Lord offerings in righteousness.”

What does the Bible says about gold? ›

Proverbs 20:15: “There is gold, and a multitude of rubies: but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel.” Proverbs 22:1: “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.” Proverbs 25:11: “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.”

What does the Bible say about refining fire? ›

Zechariah 13:9 – “And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, the Lord is my God.”

What does hydrogen peroxide do to gold? ›

In gold cyanidation with hydrogen peroxide, at low pH values, oxygen is practically inactive and only hydrogen peroxide acts as an oxidant agent, thus allowing gold cyanidation to be performed at low oxygen concentrations.

What does hydrogen peroxide do to gold ore? ›

Hydrogen peroxide is known to the mining industry as a powerful oxidant, able to attack and to destroy cyanide, the most important leaching reagent (Knorre and Griffiths, 1984; Griffiths, 1988; Griffiths, 1988).

What is the easiest way to refine gold? ›

Using Acid

This is the most common method to purify gold. In this method, strong acids are used as a means of dissolving impurities. Hydrochloric acid and nitric acid are the acids used in this process. When gold is added to the solution containing the acids, impurities separate from the gold.

What percentage do gold refiners charge? ›

Gold Refining Charges

A range of purities where prices will differ cane be say 50 to 70% purity at one price, 70 to 90 once price and 90% and above another price still.

How much do refineries pay for gold? ›

Scrap Gold: Karat or PurityPrice Paid Refining Lots
10k Gold, 41.7% PureUp to: $25.46 / gram, $791.81 / ozt
14k Gold, 58.3% PureUp to: $35.59 / gram, $1,107.01 / ozt
18k Gold, 75% PureUp to: $45.79 / gram, $1,424.11 / ozt
Gold Nuggets, Placer Gold, 90% PureUp to: $54.94 / gram, $1,708.93 / ozt
2 more rows

Where do refineries get their gold? ›

The process begins when the refinery facility receives the raw material to extract gold. This can include ore, rocks, gold nuggets, scrap gold, jewelry, and doré bars. Doré bars have a gold purity of 80% and are directly produced by miners.

Can gold be converted to cash? ›

Returns: Gold has outperformed stocks and bonds over certain stretches, though it doesn't always beat them. Liquidity: If you're buying certain kinds of gold-based assets, you can readily convert them to cash.

How much gold can I sell without reporting? ›

For example, if you sell more than $10,000 worth of precious metals to a dealer, the dealer must file a Form 8300 with the IRS. This form reports cash transactions over $10,000 and is used to combat money laundering and other illegal activities.

Who are the biggest gold refiners in the world? ›

The Perth Mint is the world's largest processor of newly mined gold and highest volume refiner in Australasia.

What temperature is gold refined at? ›

Smelting gold is accomplished by using high pressure, heat and various chemicals to breakdown the ore and melt the gold to separate it from the impurities. The gold must be heated to an excess of 1046 degrees Celsius or 2150 degrees Fahrenheit.

How much gold is lost in refining? ›

Gold and Silver Refining Results

Typical losses from refining gold are 1%-2.5% from melt or mass losses and another 1.5%-2.5% on assay or undercarat losses. Typical losses from refining silver are 2%-4.5% from melt or mass losses and another 2.5%-7.5% on assay or undercarat losses.

What is the largest gold refinery in the US? ›

United is the largest US-owned full-service primary refiner for GOLD, SILVER, PLATINUM, and PALLADIUM in the nation. We specialize in refining for the jewelry industry, processing everything from gold scraps to polishing sweeps and other jewelry manufacturing byproducts.

Which refinery gold is best? ›

Valcambi is the world's leading and most trustworthy brand of refined gold bars.

How much is 1 gram of 14K scrap gold worth? ›

Today's Gold Prices
Per Gram
1 more row

What happens to gold in fire? ›

Real gold does not burn or get dark under heat. It simply melts: this is why it can be molded and shaped into different forms without losing its luster and beautiful yellow gold color. On the other hand, other metals like copper, iron, and brass will change color and get darker when exposed to flame.

Where is the most gold harvested? ›

Gold mining is a global business with operations on every continent, except Antarctica, and gold is extracted from mines of widely varying types and scale. At a country level, China was the largest producer in the world in 2022 and accounted for around 10 per cent of total global production.

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