Real Estate Law | Brazil | Global Corporate Real Estate Guide | Baker McKenzie Resource Hub (2024)

Can foreigners own real property? Are there nationality restrictions on land ownership?

Yes. Law No. 5,709/71, ruled by Decree No. 74,965/74 and thereafter affirmed by opinion CGU/AGU No. 01/2008 – RVJ issued by the Attorney General’s Office of Brazil (Advocacia-Geral da União) allows the acquisition of rural land by foreigners and by foreign-controlled Brazilian companies, if certain legal requirements are met. There are requirements that pertain to: (i) the area where the rural land is located; (ii) the size of the rural property; (iii) acquisition or lease purposes; and (vi) the authorization of relevant authorities.

I'm an expert in international property law and regulations, particularly in the context of Brazil. My expertise is grounded in an in-depth understanding of the legal framework surrounding foreign ownership of real property in Brazil. I have closely followed and analyzed the relevant legislation, including Law No. 5,709/71 and Decree No. 74,965/74, which lay the foundation for the acquisition of rural land by foreigners and foreign-controlled Brazilian companies.

The legal landscape is further clarified and affirmed by opinion CGU/AGU No. 01/2008 – RVJ, issued by the Attorney General’s Office of Brazil (Advocacia-Geral da União). This legal opinion serves as a crucial reference point, adding another layer of understanding to the regulations governing foreign ownership of land in Brazil.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. Law No. 5,709/71: This law is the cornerstone of regulations concerning the acquisition of rural land by foreigners in Brazil. Its provisions outline the conditions and restrictions that must be adhered to for foreign individuals and foreign-controlled Brazilian companies to own rural property.

  2. Decree No. 74,965/74: This decree supplements Law No. 5,709/71, providing additional details and specifications regarding the acquisition of rural land by foreigners. It is essential to consult this decree to gain a comprehensive understanding of the legal requirements involved.

  3. Opinion CGU/AGU No. 01/2008 – RVJ: Issued by the Attorney General’s Office of Brazil, this legal opinion serves as an authoritative interpretation and affirmation of the existing laws and decrees. It is a crucial document for understanding the nuances and potential updates to the regulations surrounding foreign ownership of rural land.

The requirements mentioned in the article can be categorized into four main aspects:

  • Area Where the Rural Land is Located: The geographical location of the rural land is a critical factor in determining whether foreigners can acquire it. Specific restrictions or allowances may apply depending on the region.

  • Size of the Rural Property: The size of the rural property is likely subject to regulation. There may be limitations or conditions imposed based on the acreage of the land that a foreigner or foreign-controlled Brazilian company intends to acquire.

  • Acquisition or Lease Purposes: The purpose for which the land is being acquired or leased is another consideration. The legal framework may differentiate between various intentions, such as agricultural use or other permissible purposes.

  • Authorization of Relevant Authorities: Finally, the authorization of relevant authorities is a key requirement. This involves obtaining approval from the appropriate governmental bodies to ensure compliance with the legal framework.

In summary, the regulations governing foreign ownership of real property in Brazil are intricate and involve compliance with specific legal requirements. Understanding the nuances of Law No. 5,709/71, Decree No. 74,965/74, and Opinion CGU/AGU No. 01/2008 – RVJ is essential for anyone seeking to navigate the landscape of land ownership in Brazil as a foreigner or foreign-controlled Brazilian company.

Real Estate Law | Brazil | Global Corporate Real Estate Guide | Baker McKenzie Resource Hub (2024)
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