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Suggested Citation:"4 Helium Supply, Present and Future." National Research Council. 2000. The Impact of Selling the Federal Helium Reserve. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/9860.


Helium Supply, Present and Future

Although the total terrestrial inventory of helium is estimated to be 17,000 trillion scf (470 trillion scm), most of this supply is in Earth's atmosphere at a concentration of only 5 ppm. Atmospheric helium is in dynamic equilibrium between the gain of helium diffusing from Earth's crust (as a product of radioactive decay of elements such as uranium and thorium) and losses of helium into space (Hwang and Weltmer, 1995).

Helium also exists in concentrations as high as 8 percent in certain natural gases. Most U.S. helium-rich natural gas is located in the Hugoton-Panhandle field in Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas; the LaBarge field in the Riley Ridge area of Wyoming; and the federal facility in the Cliffside field near Amarillo, Texas (Figure 2.2). Generally, natural gas containing more than 0.3 percent helium is considered economic for helium extraction in the United States, although the economics of helium extraction often depend on the other products in a natural gas stream.

This chapter will examine the separation technologies used to produce purified helium, the helium reserves and resources currently identified, and the potential supply and availability of helium over the next 50 years.


Although small quantities of helium can be extracted and purified—along with argon, neon, krypton, and xenon—from air,1 it is mainly extracted from natural gases. In some cases helium is


Air is the only practical source for all of the helium-group gases (argon, neon, krypton, and xenon) except helium. In certain extraction processes for these elements, helium is concentrated and may then be extracted and purified. However, demand for other helium-group gases is insufficient to make air an important source of commercial helium. It has been widely concluded that extraction of helium from air as a primary product is prohibitively expensive and likely to remain so for the foreseeable future (Francis, 1998). If all neon plants were equipped to extract helium, the amount produced would satisfy less than 0.1 percent of the current demand. Furthermore, if all existing air separation plants were upgraded to extract helium, the amount produced would still be less than 1 percent of the current demand.

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Suggested Citation:"4 Helium Supply, Present and Future." National Research Council. 2000. The Impact of Selling the Federal Helium Reserve. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/9860.


a natural by-product of the removal of nitrogen from the gas stream to increase its heating value. In other cases, process streams are designed specifically to remove helium.

The processing of helium from natural gas can generally be considered as occurring in two distinct processes, although both processes can and do occur at the same physical location. The first step is the extraction of crude helium (50 to 70 percent by volume) from the natural gas stream. The second step is further refining to purify the helium to commercial grades.

Crude Helium Extraction from Natural Gas

Helium is often separated from natural gases in the course of removing nitrogen to improve heating value. In the United States the lowest practical helium concentration that can economically justify extraction is typically around 0.3 percent by volume. Sometimes, however, the helium is not extracted from high-concentration natural gases and is simply vented to the atmosphere when the natural gas is burned as fuel.

Determining the feasibility of extracting helium from a particular source of natural gas is extremely complicated and is influenced by a combination of technological, logistical, and economic factors. For example, too small a reserve base may disfavor the installation of expensive helium extraction and/or purification facilities. Economic and technical considerations surrounding other products in the natural gas stream and contractual obligations can also affect the economics of helium extraction. All of these factors must be taken into account before a helium extraction site can be planned and established.

Extraction of crude helium from natural gas typically requires three processing steps. The first step is the removal of impurities. Amine and glycol absorption, dry desiccant adsorption, and/or other extraction processes typically remove water, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide from the gas. The second step is the extraction of the high-molecular-weight hydrocarbons. The third step is cryogenic processing, which removes most of the remaining methane gas. The product is a crude helium typically containing 50 to 70 percent helium, with the remainder being primarily nitrogen along with smaller amounts of argon, neon, and hydrogen.


Final purification of helium, prior to liquefaction, is typically done using either (a) activated charcoal absorbers at liquid-nitrogen temperatures and high pressure or (b) pressure-swing adsorption (PSA) processes. Low-temperature adsorption can yield helium purities of 99.9999 percent, while PSA processes recover helium at better than 99.99 percent purity (Hwang et al., 1995). PSA can be less costly for gaseous helium but may be more costly where liquefied helium production is desired. The PSA process is widely used to produce specification-pure helium in conjunction with cryogenic enrichment (Hwang and Weltmer, 1995).

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Suggested Citation:"4 Helium Supply, Present and Future." National Research Council. 2000. The Impact of Selling the Federal Helium Reserve. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/9860.


TABLE 4.1 Refined Helium Sales Between 1966 and 1996 (bscf/yr)






U.S. government





U.S. private sector















SOURCE: Figures for 1966, 1976, and 1986, Campbell (1988) and for 1996, Peterson (1997).

Helium Reserves and Resources

The United States is the world's largest producer of helium. Table 4.1 summarizes U.S. helium sales over the last four decades. The two most important sources of helium in the United States are the Hugoton-Panhandle field complex, which is located in Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas, and ExxonMobil's LaBarge field, which is located in the Riley Ridge area of southwestern Wyoming. Most production from the Hugoton-Panhandle complex is connected to or could be connected to the BLM helium pipeline and Cliffside storage facility near Amarillo, Texas. Approximately 2.8 billion scf (78 million scm) of helium was produced from this area in 1996, 2.2 billion scf (61 million scm) of which was sold and 0.6 billion scf (17 million scm) of which was stored in the Bush Dome reservoir. ExxonMobil's Shute Creek processing plant produces approximately 1.0 billion scf (28 million scm) from the LaBarge field, with the remaining 0.2 billion scf (5.5 million scm) coming from other facilities in Colorado and Utah.

ExxonMobil's LaBarge gas field and Shute Creek gas processing facility in Wyoming was originally designed to process approximately 480 million scf (13.3 million scm) per day of natural gas; it entailed an investment of approximately $1.5 billion. The field and processing facility currently produce around 650 million scf (18 million scm) per day of natural gas, with an anticipated upgrade expected to increase the capacity to approximately 700 million scf (19 million scm) per day. Gas produced from the field is 66.5 percent carbon dioxide, 20.5 percent methane, 7.4 percent nitrogen, 5.0 percent hydrogen sulfide, and 0.6 percent helium. The processing facility produces carbon dioxide (for enhanced oil recovery projects), methane, elemental sulfur, and helium. At peak production, the facility could produce as much as 4 million scf (110,000 scm) per day, or 1.4 billion scf (39 million scm) per year of helium.

Although the rate of return on investment has been disappointing, it is clear that ExxonMobil expects the facility to be profitable throughout its projected lifetime. Investments in equipment upgrades (including the helium processing facility) and well drilling in order to maintain deliverability are planned to continue. It was clear to the committee members who visited the facility that the facility is being operated in a manner consistent with ExxonMobil's stated goal of another 50 years of operation.

Helium is produced in small quantities outside the United States. Algeria produced about 0.5 billion scf (14 million scm) of helium in 1998. Much smaller amounts of helium are produced in Russia and Poland, China, and parts of Africa. Although the helium content of the native gas produced at the Algerian facility is only 0.17 percent, economics are favorable since

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Suggested Citation:"4 Helium Supply, Present and Future." National Research Council. 2000. The Impact of Selling the Federal Helium Reserve. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/9860.


the gas is being converted to liquified natural gas for shipping, and the helium in it is more highly concentrated (Francis, 1998). Algerian helium principally serves the European market.

Categories of Helium Reserves and Resources

Evaluating U.S. helium reserves and resources is the responsibility of BLM. BLM has constructed a 19,000-sample database of helium concentrations, with much of the measuring having been done at its own laboratory in Amarillo. BLM also uses data from a variety of sources for its analyses, including Potential Gas Committee reports (see, for example, Colorado School of Mines, 1995) and data from private producers of helium-rich natural gas.

BLM categorizes helium reserves using a United States Geological Survey classification system that considers both physical uncertainty and economic viability. Physical uncertainty is conveyed by dividing resources into those that are "identified" and those that are "undiscovered." Identified resources are estimated from specific geological evidence, while undiscovered resources are postulated to occur in unexplored areas. Identified resources are further divided into ''measured," "indicated," and "inferred" resources. Measured resources are based on production tests and other measurements made during well drilling. Indicated and inferred resources are based on progressively less certain geological data. The combination of measured and indicated resources are referred to as "demonstrated."

Economic considerations are conveyed through a division of the resource into "reserves," "marginal reserves," and "subeconomic reserves." Reserves refer to resources that can be economically extracted. Marginal reserves border on being economically producible. Subeconomic reserves are clearly not economically producible.

The total identified U.S. helium resource base is estimated by BLM to have been approximately 589 billion scf (16 billion scm) as of December 31, 1996, of which 217 billion scf (6 billion scm) is classified as measured reserves. Of this total, 35 billion scf (1 billion scm) is in storage in the Bush Dome reservoir, 4 billion scf (110 million scm) of which is privately owned. The BLM category measured reserves comes closest to the definition of "proved reserves" used by the petroleum industry to signify actual anticipated recoverable volumes of a resource (Society of Petroleum Engineers/World Petroleum Congress, 1997). However, measured reserves are larger than proved reserves because BLM's measured resources numbers include both "nondepleting" reserves (i.e., known but not developed) as well as those from gas that is being produced but from which helium is not being extracted.

The terminology used by BLM makes it difficult to understand how much helium is potentially available. The classification scheme used by the natural gas industry is clearer, and all new helium resources are coming from that industry.

BLM estimates nondepleting measured reserves of helium to be around 53 billion scf (1.5 billion scm) of helium, the bulk of which lie in deposits in the Riley Ridge area (Gage and Driskill, 1998). The Riley Ridge nondepleting reserves are not likely to be produced in the foreseeable future because of poor gas quality. In addition, it is expected that only 60 to 65 percent of helium-rich natural gas is being processed for helium from the Hugoton-Panhandle complex (Gage and Driskill, 1998). Although this number is estimated to approach 75 percent (Gage and Driskill, 1998), a significant portion of these reserves will still be lost when helium-containing gas is ultimately burned as fuel. Accounting for these factors to attempt to arrive at a more realistic proved reserves estimate results in the data presented in Table 4.2.

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Suggested Citation:"4 Helium Supply, Present and Future." National Research Council. 2000. The Impact of Selling the Federal Helium Reserve. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/9860.


TABLE 4.2 Estimate of Proved Reserves of Helium in the United States (bscf)


Estimated Proved Reserves

Hugoton-Panhandle complex (except Cliffside)


Native gas at Cliffside


BLM storage at Cliffside


Private storage at Cliffside


Total Hugoton-Panhandle complex


LaBarge field (ExxonMobil)






At current usage of around 4 billion scf (110 million scm) per year, this reserve represents a reserve/production ratio of over 35 years. Several factors, however, could alter the situation. First, although the Hugoton-Panhandle field is rapidly depleting, operators are initiating programs (e.g., compression) to slow field decline. Such efforts could lead to future increases in natural gas production and thus to increased helium reserves. Second, there is evidence that an increasing fraction of Hugoton-Panhandle gas is being processed for helium. Plans for helium processing plant capacity increases on the storage pipeline suggest that this trend will probably continue. Third, there is evidence that natural gas processors in areas other than the Hugoton-Panhandle are becoming more interested in processing natural gas for helium, where feasible. All of these trends could act to increase helium reserves beyond those indicated above.

Future Helium Supply

A reasonable estimate of future production can be developed from the following observations. First, ExxonMobil is currently producing approximately 1 billion scf (28 million scm) per year from LaBarge, with this quantity anticipated to increase to perhaps 1.4 billion scf (39 million scm) per year in the near future. Further production from this facility is constrained by plant capacity, which is not expected to be increased further. However, such rates should be sustainable for the 50-year anticipated lifetime of the production and processing equipment.

Second, production from fields in the Hugoton-Panhandle complex is expected to decline. However, if it is assumed that the gas currently available at Cliffside (private storage plus public storage plus native gas) is eventually made available, then the lifetime of the helium processing facilities would suggest that production at current rates of around 3 billion scf (83 million scm) per year could be sustained for another 25 years.

Third, production from sources other than the Hugoton-Panhandle complex and LaBarge currently amount to only around 0.2 billion scf per year (5.5 million scm). Plants that are anticipated to come on stream in the near future are expected to approximately double this figure. Although this volume of helium would not make production from outside plants a major source, new plants in the longer-term future could make such outside production far more important.

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Suggested Citation:"4 Helium Supply, Present and Future." National Research Council. 2000. The Impact of Selling the Federal Helium Reserve. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/9860.


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FIGURE4.1 Historicaldataonheliumsalesforthepast20yearsaswellasscenariosforfuturesalesatvariousratesofgrowth.

Forecasting the future supply of natural resources beyond what is currently being exploited is a much more difficult task, given the difficulties of assessing both geologic and economic uncertainty. However, because helium availability is tied to natural gas production and processing, analysis of the natural gas situation may be a useful means of gauging the possibility of future helium supplies.

As of December 31, 1997, proved reserves of natural gas in the United States were estimated to be 167 trillion scf (4.6 trillion scm) (U.S. Department of Energy, 1998a). During 1997, the U.S. produced 19.9 trillion scf (550 billion scm) of gas (U.S. Department of Energy, 1998b), for a reserves/production ratio of 8.4 years. Continued supplies of natural gas are a result of the dynamic natural gas industry in the United States, which is readily replacing produced reserves through new field exploration and improved recovery technology. Were this not so, such a low reserves/production ratio would result in rapid declines in the availability of natural gas. Using the production numbers above as a baseline, the committee generated Figures 4.1 and 4.2 to estimate when the private helium industry will need to buy the government-owned helium. Because the data on helium demand are inadequate for predicting future trends in helium use, the committee considered a range of possible scenarios for growth in helium consumption.

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Suggested Citation:"4 Helium Supply, Present and Future." National Research Council. 2000. The Impact of Selling the Federal Helium Reserve. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/9860.


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FIGURE 4.2 Part (a) shows scenarios for helium production assuming current trends (solid line) and demand based on the growth rates in Figure 4.1. Part (b) depicts the total and privately owned helium reserves assuming the growth scenarios indicated in part (a).

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Suggested Citation:"4 Helium Supply, Present and Future." National Research Council. 2000. The Impact of Selling the Federal Helium Reserve. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/9860.


Figure 4.1 shows the helium sales data for the past 20 years along with curves depicting -1 percent, 0 percent, 1 percent, 3 percent, and 5 percent annual growth in helium sales.2 Although helium sales more than doubled between 1985 and 1995, the rate of increase has varied and appears to be declining. Thus, although helium consumption will probably continue to rise in the short term, it may flatten out at a level close to the current level or even decline.

For the purposes of this exercise, the committee assumed that no new sources of helium would be discovered. The solid curve in Figure 4.2a depicts this worst-case scenario of helium production vs. time based on current production trends and capacity. The peak in this curve is due to the increase in helium production at LaBarge. The overall decline in helium production is due to the depletion of the fields connected to the Hugoton-Panhandle complex. The other lines in the figure reproduce the consumption scenarios depicted in Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.2b indicates the total amount of helium in the reserve facility (top curves) and the amount of helium in the privately owned reserve (bottom curves), assuming the supply and demand scenarios shown in Figure 4.2a. If helium demand remains constant at the 1998 level, the curves indicate that there will be a net storage of helium until about 2004. At that time, helium suppliers will begin to draw down their private stores, which will be exhausted in about 2015. If helium use increases at 1 percent, 3 percent, or 5 percent per year, the private reserves will be exhausted in about 2010, 2007, or 2005 respectively. If helium use decreases at 1 percent per year, the private reserves will not be exhausted until after 2020. If the amount of helium available is greater than the worst-case estimate used in these scenarios, the private reserve will be exhausted even later.

In scenarios where helium consumption grows less than 3 percent per year, the amount of helium private industry will need to purchase from the government to meet demand will be less than the amount the Department of the Interior is required to offer for sale. In some scenarios the difference is substantial, and it is even larger if more helium becomes available than the committee had assumed.

One might well wonder what additional volumes of helium would become available if more helium-bearing natural gas is discovered. To address this issue, several things need to be taken into consideration. First, the U.S. helium-supply commercial industry is still young, having existed only since about 1960. Second, the industry has primarily been based on sources that were discovered and exploited for other gases (i.e., the Hugoton-Panhandle and LaBarge gas fields). Although helium may play a role in gas field development decisions, companies do not specifically target exploration for helium because its economic status is that of a minor byproduct. As a result, the geological characteristics and processes that form helium-rich gas deposits are not well known, making deliberate exploration for helium difficult. Natural gas producers and operators of natural gas processing plants are becoming increasingly aware of the economic rewards of helium extraction, however. BLM conservation and storage programs have played a large role in getting this industry going and in stimulating interest in extraction. As future uses of helium grow, the awareness of helium extraction is likely to grow, perhaps resulting in a larger percentage of helium being extracted from available natural gas streams or even in deliberate exploration for new sources of helium.

It is estimated that the total U.S. potential resource base of natural gas is an additional 1,100 to 1,900 trillion scf (31 to 53 trillion scm) over the proved reserve base (as of December 31, 1993). With this potential available in the United States, exploration for natural gas is likely to continue for a very long time. As stated above, the reserves/production ratio for U.S. helium is over 35


Helium sales are used as a proxy for helium consumption in this analysis.

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Suggested Citation:"4 Helium Supply, Present and Future." National Research Council. 2000. The Impact of Selling the Federal Helium Reserve. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/9860.


years. Although growth in consumption could reduce this ratio in the future, particularly if few new supplies are added to the resource base, the resource base could expand if the very large potential is realized.

In addition, the Riley Ridge area of Wyoming is estimated to contain a nondepleting resource of helium of approximately 47 billion scf (1.3 billion scm) (Gage and Driskill, 1998). This helium is contained in low-quality natural gas that is not currently economic to produce. Should it become so, perhaps as a result of increased helium prices, it would increase the current reserves/production ratio by over 13 years.

Similar observations could be made with regard to worldwide helium supplies. Liquefied natural gas is becoming an important component in the world's energy supplies. Because methane liquefaction concentrates the remaining gas stream, there are potentially other sources of helium throughout the world, even in low-helium-concentration gases (such as those found in Algeria).

Read "The Impact of Selling the Federal Helium Reserve" at (2024)


Why does the US government use so much helium? ›

Helium is used for semiconductor production, resonance imaging (MRI) machines, nuclear power generation, and is significant for federal research at the Department of Energy, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Department of Defense and at national laboratories across the US.

Does the US government control helium? ›

The Federal Helium System currently supplies over 40 percent of domestic demand for helium by supplying crude helium to private helium refining companies, which in turn refine the helium and market it to consumers.

Does the US have a monopoly on helium? ›

The Girdler plants were sold to the U.S. government in 1937, returning helium to the status of a federal monopoly.

Who has the biggest helium deposits in the world? ›

Global helium reserves 2022, by country

As of 2022, the reserves of helium in the United States amounted to more than 8.5 billion cubic meters, making it the country with the largest reserves of helium globally.

How bad is helium for the environment? ›

Once in the environment, like other forms of plastic, balloons fragment into tiny pieces. These “microplastics” accumulate in bodies of water, where they are eaten by invertebrates and fishes. Microplastics have even been found in parts of fish and shellfish that we eat and in our own bodies.

Who is the largest consumer of helium in the United States? ›

And that's nothing compared to NASA, the single biggest buyer of helium. NASA consumes approximately 75 million cubic feet annually to cool liquid hydrogen and oxygen for rocket fuel.

Why did the US not sell helium to Germany? ›

First, U.S. law prevented it. U.S. scientists had only recently discovered helium at this time and America had the global monopoly on the gas. Nazi Germany was prohibited from acquiring helium because of world fears that they would use it for weaponry and other military purposes.

Who controls helium in US? ›

The BLM is also responsible for evaluating the nation's helium-bearing gas fields and providing responsible access to Federal land for managed recovery and disposal of helium.

Where does NASA buy helium from? ›

NASA has selected Air Products and Chemicals, Inc of Allentown, Pennsylvania, to supply 33 million liters of liquid helium to the agency's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The sole source contract includes the lease of six proprietary liquid helium pumps.

Where does the US get most of its helium? ›

Helium Reserves and Resources

The two most important sources of helium in the United States are the Hugoton-Panhandle field complex, which is located in Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas, and ExxonMobil's LaBarge field, which is located in the Riley Ridge area of southwestern Wyoming.

Where does most of the US helium come from? ›

Where does helium come from? Helium is a non-renewable natural resource that is most commonly recovered from natural gas deposits. Geologic conditions in Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas make the natural gas in these areas some of the most helium-rich in the world (with concentrations between 0.3 percent and 2.7 percent).

Who is the #1 producer of helium? ›

Global helium production 2022, by country

The United States is the largest helium producer worldwide. In 2022, the production of helium in the U.S. stood at approximately 75 million cubic meters, taking into account helium extracted from natural gas and helium production from the Cliffside gas field in Texas.

What industry uses the most helium? ›

Aerospace & Aircraft. From manufacturing to flight, helium is widely utilized throughout the aerospace and aircraft industry. In space flight operations, helium is used to purge hydrogen systems and works as a pressurizing agent for ground and flight fluid systems.

What country consumes the most helium? ›

In 2015, the United States topped the list of helium-consuming countries globally, with four percent of its helium coming from strategic reserves.

Is helium a dying resource? ›

Yes, the Earth is running out of helium because it is a nonrenewable resource. This is how Total Helium brings value to its investors and other stakeholders, by performing the important work of helium exploration and storage.

What is the negative impact of helium? ›

► Exposure to high levels of Helium can cause headache, dizziness, and lightheadedness. to suffocation from lack of Oxygen. ► Contact with liquid Helium can cause frostbite.

Do humans need helium to live? ›

We have to use as little as possible!” Without helium, people would live in a different world. Rockets might not work. Airships might instead have to be filled with hydrogen. Hydrogen easily catches fire.

How many years until the world may run out of its supply of helium? ›

Once the gas leaks into the atmosphere, it is light enough to escape the Earth's gravitational field so it bleeds off into space, never to return. We may run out of helium within 25–30 years because it's being consumed so freely.

Why can't we make more helium? ›

Helium is the only element on the planet that is a completely nonrenewable resource. On Earth, helium is generated deep underground through the natural radioactive decay of elements such as uranium and thorium.

How many years will helium last? ›

Richardson said it has taken 4.7 billion years for the Earth to accumulate our Helium reserves. The United States' reserves were purchased in 1925 and will be gone in only a hundred years from getting it. Once the Helium is released into the atmosphere it is gone forever.

Why does NASA buy helium? ›

NASA requires helium to support the International Space Station Program as well as the Space Launch System and Orion Programs that support Artemis, the agency's missions to the Moon.

What is a substitute for helium? ›

Hence, Argon is a substitute for helium.

Who is buying all the helium? ›

Google and Netflix Buying up Massive Quantities of Helium.

Why didn't the US export helium? ›

The first helium-inflated naval airship rose in 1921. Almost all the known sources of helium were within US borders, making the gas a “military asset of great value” according to the Navy, which successfully pushed Congress to ban its export so that rivals couldn't take advantage of it.

How much helium is left in the USA? ›

The natural gas reservoirs of the United States contain an estimated 306 billion cubic feet of recoverable helium, according to a new report from the U.S. Geological Survey. This is the first-ever estimate of recoverable helium resources from the USGS.

Does the US produce helium? ›

The US produces 40% of the world's helium supply, with the majority coming from the FHR. The FHR has reserved all helium found on federal land since 1925, and purchased crude helium extracted by natural gas producers for storage at its facility in Amarillo, Texas.

What does the military use helium for? ›

Helium is also necessary to make sure NASA's rockets work properly and is an important part of machines called magnetometers, which help the U.S. military detect enemy submarines.

Why is there a helium shortage 2023? ›

The global helium shortage is due mainly to decreased supply from major producers, including Russia which has curtailed production since the war in Ukraine, according to The Harvard Crimson. Helium is a necessary element needed for the successful operation of all MRIs.

Is there a helium crisis? ›

Unprecedented helium shortages

Helium markets have experienced a series of extended periods of short supply since 2006. In fact, 2022 was the eighth year of supply deficits during the 17-year period between 2006-2022. But 2022 was not supposed to be another year of shortages.

Where is the world's supply of helium? ›

It is found under the Earth's crust with other natural gases. Commercial helium is extracted from natural gas when the helium concentra on is above 0.3%. The U.S., Qatar and Algeria have the world's major helium reserves, while the U.S., Russia and Algeria are the top suppliers.

Can helium be replenished? ›

No, helium is a non-renewable resource. That is why the Federal Government stored 44 billion cubic feet of helium in a natural gas reservoir at Cliffside, just outside of Amarillo, Texas. Helium was injected into porous rock 3,000 feet below the Earth's surface during the 1960s.

Will helium run out? ›

As helium is a non-renewable resource, the Earth is certainly running out of it. Why is the world running out of helium? Helium is the only element on the periodic table which is a non-renewable resource on Earth.

Which companies produce the most helium? ›

Air Liquide, Air Products, Linde, Matheson-Trigas, and Praxair are the main companies involved in primary worldwide helium distribution.

Does China produce helium? ›

Changqing Gas Field is the largest natural gas field in China. In 2021, 46.523 billion cubic meters of natural gases were produced. Local areas are rich in helium, with the huge geological reserves of helium.

Can helium be artificially created? ›

Helium is the second-most-abundant element in the universe, but on Earth it's relatively rare. It results from the decay of uranium, can't be artificially created, and is produced as a byproduct of natural gas refinement.

Who is the second largest consumer of helium? ›

Macy's is the world's second-largest consumer of helium

Helium is a finite resource and it has many uses outside of making giant balloons float, especially in the scientific and medical fields.

What is the helium capital of the world? ›

Helium Time Columns is a work of public art outside of the Discovery Center, a small science museum in the helium capital of the world, Amarillo, Texas.

What are some helium stocks? ›

Helium Stocks
  • OTCMKTS DMEHF DESERT MOUNTAIN ENERGY. US$ 0.97. -0.01 -1.22. ...
  • OTCMKTS RHCCF ROYAL HELIUM. US$ 0.27. -0.0045 -1.67. ...
  • OTCMKTS ARGYF AVANTI ENERGY. US$ 0.40. 0.0018 0.46. ...

Why does the military use so much helium? ›

The medical field uses helium in essential diagnostic equipment such as MRI's. Helium-neon lasers are used in eye surgery. National defense applications include rocket engine testing, scientific balloons, surveillance craft, air-to-air missile guidance systems, and more.

Why does NASA need so much helium? ›

And that's nothing compared to NASA, the single biggest buyer of helium. NASA consumes approximately 75 million cubic feet annually to cool liquid hydrogen and oxygen for rocket fuel.

What does NASA use so much helium for? ›

NASA uses helium as an inert purge gas for hydrogen systems and a pressurizing agent for ground and flight fluid systems.

What will allow the world to not run out of helium? ›

Helium starts out as a different, heavier element. However, exposure to radioactive elements (for example uranium or thorium) can result in the decay of other elements nearby. Essentially, due to exposure to radioactive elements buried under the ground, helium naturally continues to occur.

What is the helium problem? ›

Helium problem means that there are stars with very low Helium content in the very early Universe. The predicted content is 3 times higher. This suggests that the view about Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) is not quite correct.

How much longer will Earth have helium? ›

Once the gas leaks into the atmosphere, it is light enough to escape the Earth's gravitational field so it bleeds off into space, never to return. We may run out of helium within 25–30 years because it's being consumed so freely.

Will Earth ever run out of helium? ›

Liquid helium, the coldest element on Earth, is needed to keep the MRI machines running and without it, doctors would lose a critical medical tool. As helium is a non-renewable resource, the Earth is certainly running out of it.

What is the medical use of helium? ›

Helium is a gas used for medical conditions where there is a need for increased oxygen intake, such as upper airway obstruction in asthma and COPD. Helium is a second most abundant chemical element in the universe with symbol He and atomic number 2.

What is the world's second largest consumer of helium? ›

Macy's is the world's second-largest consumer of helium

Helium is a finite resource and it has many uses outside of making giant balloons float, especially in the scientific and medical fields.

Is helium a precious resource? ›

Helium might be abundant in the Universe, but it's rare and precious on Earth.

How much does helium take up in the universe? ›

Approximately 73% of the mass of the visible universe is in the form of hydrogen. Helium makes up about 25% of the mass, and everything else represents only 2%.

Where does the U.S. get most of its helium? ›

Helium Reserves and Resources

The two most important sources of helium in the United States are the Hugoton-Panhandle field complex, which is located in Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas, and ExxonMobil's LaBarge field, which is located in the Riley Ridge area of southwestern Wyoming.

Who uses the most helium in the United States? ›

The biggest consumer of helium is NASA, using annually almost 75 million cubic feet, followed by the USA Department of Defense, which uses a significant quantity to cool liquid hydrogen and oxygen for rocket fuel.

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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.