Read the Fine Print Before Investing in Callable CDs (2024)

If you're looking for bigger yields with limited risk, callable certificates of deposit (CD) might be right for you. They promise higher returns than regular CDs and are FDIC insured. However, you should be aware of a few things in the fine print before you turn your money over to the bank or brokerage firm. Otherwise, you might end up disappointed.

Just like a regular CD, a callable CD is a certificate of deposit that pays a fixed interest rate over its lifetime. The feature that differentiates a callable CD from a traditional CD is that the issuer owns a call option on the CD and can redeem, or "call," your CD from you for the full amount before it matures. Callable CDs are similar in many ways to callable bonds.

Key Takeaways

  • A callable certificate of deposit is a CD that contains a call feature where the CD can be redeemed (called away) early by the issuing bank prior to their stated maturity.
  • The callable period is set usually within a given time frame, and at a preset call price.
  • Because of the risk to investors that these are called in early, they generally pay a higher interest rate than traditional CDs.
  • The higher interest rate may lure savers in, but they should read the fine print. Being called in early raises re-investment risk.

What Is aCallable Date?

A callable dateis a date on which the issuer can call your certificate of deposit. Let's say, for example, that the call date is six months. This means that six months after you buy aCD, the bank can decide whether it wants to take back your CD and return your money with interest. Every six months after the call date, the bank will have that same option again.

A change in prevailing interest rates is the main reason the bank or brokerage firm will recall your CD on the callable date. Basically, the bank will ask itself if it's getting the best deal possible based on the current interest rate environment.

What Is aMaturity Date?

The maturity date represents how long the issuer can keep your money. The farther the maturity date is in the future, the higher the interest rate you should expect to receive. Make sure you don't confuse maturity date with the call date. For instance, a two-year callable CD does not necessarily mature in two years. The "two years" refers to the time period you have before the bank can call the CD away from you. The actual amount of time you must commit your money could be much longer. It's common to find callable CDs with maturities in the range of 10 to 20 years.

When Interest Rates Decline

If interest rates fall, the issuer might be able to borrow money for less than it's paying you. This means the bank will likely call back the CD and force you to find a new vehicle to invest your money in.

As an example, suppose you have a $10,000 one-year callable CD that pays five percentwith a five-year maturity. As the one-year call date approaches, prevailing interest rates drop to four percent. The bank has, therefore, dropped its rates too, and is only paying four percenton its newly issued one-year callable CDs.

"Why should I pay you five percent, when I can borrow the same $10,000 for four percent?" This is what your banker is going to ask.

"Here's your principal back, plus any interest we owe you. Thank you very much for your business."

Perhaps you were counting on the $500 per year interest ($10,000 x 5% = $500) to help pay for your annual vacation. Now you're stuck with just $400 ($10,000 x 4% = $400) if you buy another one-year callable CD. Your other choice is to try to find a place to put your money that pays five percentsuch as by purchasing a corporate bond, but that might involve more risk than you wanted for this $10,000. The good news is that you got a higher CD rate for one year.

But what do you do with the $10,000 now? You've run into the problem of reinvestment risk.

When Interest Rates Rise

If prevailing interest rates increase, your bank probably won't call your CD. Why would it? It would cost more to borrow elsewhere.

Returning to our earlier example, let's look at your $10,000 one-year callable CD again. It's paying you five percent. This time, assume that prevailing rates have jumped to six percentby the time the callable date hits. You'll continue to get your $500 per year, even though newly-issued callable CDs earn more. But what if you'd like to get your money out and reinvest at the new, higher rates?

"Sorry," your banker says. "Only we can decide if you'll get your money early."

Unlike the bank, you can't call the CD and get your principal back —at least not without penalties called early-surrender charges. As a result, you're stuck with the lower rate. If rates continue to climb while you own the callable CD, the bank will probably keep your money until the CD matures.

Check IntotheSeller ofthe CDs

Anyone can be a deposit broker to sell CDs. There are no licensing or certification requirements. This means you should always check with your state's securities regulator to see whether your broker or your broker's company has any history of complaints or fraud.

Watch for Early Withdrawal Charges

If you want to get your money before the maturity date, there is a possibility you'll run into surrender charges. These fees cover the maintenance costs of the CD and are put in place to discourage you from trying to withdraw your money early.

You won't always have to pay these fees—if you have held the certificate for a long enough time period, these fees will often be waived.

Check the Issuer for FDIC Coverage Limits

Each bank or thrift institution depositor is limited to $250,000 in FDIC insurance. There is a potential problem if your broker invests your CD money with an institution where you have other FDIC-insured accounts.

If the total is more than $250,000, you run the risk of exceeding your FDIC coverage.

The Bottom Line

With all of the extra hassle they involve, why would you bother to purchase a callable CD rather than a non-callable one? Ultimately, callable CDs shift the interest-rate risk to you, the investor. Because you're taking on this risk, you'll tend to receive a higher return than you'd find with a traditional CD with a similar maturity date.

Before you invest, you should compare the rates of the two products. Then, think about which direction you think interest rates are headed in the future. If you have concerns about reinvestment risk and prefer simplicity, callable CDs probably aren't for you.

Read the Fine Print Before Investing in Callable CDs (2024)


Are callable CDs a good idea? ›

If you're looking for bigger yields with limited risk, callable certificates of deposit (CD) might be right for you. They promise higher returns than regular CDs and are FDIC insured. However, you should be aware of a few things in the fine print before you turn your money over to the bank or brokerage firm.

Do callable CDs usually get called? ›

Understanding a Callable CD

An issuer will typically seek to call back CDs when interest rates fall, since this will prevent the issuer from paying fixed interest that is higher than the prevailing market rates. The bank may then re-issue new CDs with lower interest rates.

What are the pros and cons of callable CDs? ›

The main pro of a callable CD is its high interest rate, guaranteed return of principal and that it's FDIC-insured. The biggest con is the risk of losing out on potential interest and having to scramble for other investment opportunities.

How often are callable CDs called? ›

The CD issuer can call a CD on its call dates, which usually occur every six months from the day the investor opens the CD. Thus, every six months, the bank decides whether to return the principal and interest of your CD to you or allow it to stay for another six months and earn you more interest.

Why are my brokered CDs losing money? ›

Can you lose money in a brokered CD? Market interest rates frequently fluctuate, which means that the market value of a CD fluctuates, too. If a CD is sold on the secondary market at a lower value than its face value, it will have lost money.

Are brokered CDs as good as bank CDs? ›

Brokered CDs offer some of the same benefits as bank CDs. They are steady and predictable; offer broad selection of account types and terms (maturity dates) and FDIC insurance;1 and can also make it easier to build CD ladders.

What happens if a brokered CD is called? ›

Callable: A brokered CD can be called by the issuing bank. When this occurs, the investment is refunded and you can lose out on future earnings. You don't lose your initial investment or any gains earned to date. Banks recall a CD when interest rates drop to avoid paying higher rates than the investment generates.

Do callable CDs pay interest? ›

Pros and cons of callable CDs

Fixed interest rates: Like traditional CDs, callable CDs pay fixed interest rates, which means that the CD's rate isn't affected by market changes.

What is the highest CD interest rate right now? ›

Best CD rates from our top picks by term length*
BankTerm lengthAPY
Bread Savings24 month CD5.00%
CFG Bank36 month CD4.60%
Bread Savings48 month CD4.35%
CFG Bank60 month CD4.50%
4 more rows

Will CD rates go up in 2023? ›

Will CD rates go up in 2023? CD rates rose throughout 2023 as the Fed hiked interest rates. While the Fed decided keep rates steady in its June 2023 meeting, the central bank hinted that future rate increases could be appropriate.

Why do investors not like callable bonds? ›

Callable bonds are more risky for investors than non-callable bonds because an investor whose bond has been called is often faced with reinvesting the money at a lower, less attractive rate. As a result, callable bonds often have a higher annual return to compensate for the risk that the bonds might be called early.

Are non-callable CDs better? ›

What is a callable vs a non-callable CD? Callable CDs are certificates of deposits that pay interest for a specified term like a traditional CD does, but the callable CD rate tends to be higher because the bank is allowed to redeem the CD before it reaches maturity. A regular CD does not have a call feature.

Are Charles Schwab CDs callable? ›

The Issuer is not obligated to call the CDs. Schwab does not control or influence whether or when an Issuer decides to exercise a call. You should be aware that the Issuer will call the CDs, if at all, when it is most advantageous for the Issuer to do so without reference to your investment needs.

Are CD rates expected to go up? ›

Yields on CDs are expected to peak and then level off this year. According to Bankrate, by the end of 2023, the national average for one-year CDs is estimated to increase to 1.8% up from 1.38% at the end of 2022.

How often do brokered CDs pay interest? ›

The issuing bank determines when it will pay interest on the brokered CD. Generally, interest is paid at maturities of one year or less. Sometimes banks pay interest monthly.

What are disadvantages to brokered CDs? ›

Cons. Brokered CDs come with certain risks. For example, when interest rates are rising, you might lose money on a brokered CD if you sell it before the maturity date. However, brokered CDs are still safe in the sense that they're protected by a bank's FDIC insurance. The issuing bank can call a brokered CD.

Can you lose principal on a brokered CD? ›

Can you lose principal in a CD? The answer is no, as long as you don't need the money before the CD matures. Your principal is always safe in a CD.

When should I sell my brokered CD? ›

You can sell your brokered CD on the secondary market if you need access to the funds before the CD matures, but you'll be subject to the current interest rates and prices. The downside of this is that you do stand to lose some of your money if interest rates have risen since you purchased the brokered CD.

What happens when brokered CD matures? ›

Brokered CDs generally command a higher yield than bank CDs, as they are in a more competitive market. The broker has invested a large sum with the bank, and that generates more interest than smaller amounts. As with all CDs, holders receive the full principal with interest at maturity.

Do you pay taxes on brokered CDs? ›

There are several yield calculations to consider when evaluating a brokered CD. These yields are based on the coupon rate, the purchase price and the number of years until the CD's maturity or call date. Interest income from CDs is generally subject to income tax.

What happens if you sell a brokered CD before maturity? ›

However, a brokered CD is not without risk. You could lose potential earnings if you sell your CD early at a price below the account's full value at maturity. Similarly, you could also lose future gains if your CD is callable and the bank ends it before it matures.

How high will brokered CD rates go? ›

Several economists have made interest rates forecasts for 2023, which give some insights for the direction of CD rates. Bankrate forecasts high but steady interest rates for 2023, with a federal funds rate between 5.25% and 5.50% and a national average for 1-year CD rates of 1.8%.

What happens to brokered CDs if bank fails? ›

The FDIC Covers CDs in the Event of Bank Failure

CDs are treated by the FDIC like other bank accounts and will be insured up to $250,000 if the bank is a member of the agency. If you have multiple CDs across different member banks, each will be protected up to that limit.

What is the penalty for early withdrawal of callable CD? ›

Federal law sets a minimum penalty on early withdrawals from CDs, but there is no maximum penalty. If you withdraw money within the first six days after deposit, the penalty is at least seven days' simple interest. Review your account agreement for policies specific to your bank and your account.

What is the interest rate for callable? ›

What is the minimum interest rate provided by the banks on callable fixed deposits? Many banks provide interest rates starting from 8.00% on callable fixed deposits.

Where can I get 5% interest on my money? ›

Here are the best 5% interest savings accounts you can open today:
  • GreenState Credit Union Savings Account – 5.01% APY.
  • Western Alliance Bank – 5.05% APY.
  • 12 Months: Bread Savings – 5.20% APY.
  • 27 Months: Sallie Mae – 5.15% APY.
  • 3 Years: Ibexis Fixed Annuity – Up to 5.00% APY.
  • 5 Years: Americo Fixed Annuity – Up to 5.25% APY.

What is the best CD rate for $100000? ›

Top National Jumbo CD Rates vs. Regular CD Rates
CD Bank5.20% APY$100,000
NexBank4.55% APY$100,000
Luana Savings Bank4.21% APY$100,000
Best non-Jumbo option: TotalDirectBank5.16% APY$25,000
46 more rows

Will CD rates ever reach 5 percent? ›

Yes, CD rates are currently on the rise. In March 2023, the Federal Open Markets Committee (FOMC) raised the target range for the federal funds rate by 0.25%, bringing the benchmark range to 4.75% to 5.00%. Banks generally use the federal funds rate as a guide when setting rates on savings and lending products.

Can you get 6% on a CD? ›

Can you get 6% on a CD? Savers who don't mind locking up their funds for a specified amount of time can earn 6% interest on a CD.

Why is my CD losing money? ›

Like all fixed income securities, CD prices are particularly susceptible to fluctuations in interest rates. If interest rates rise, the market price of outstanding CDs will generally decline, creating a potential loss should you decide to sell them in the secondary market.

Should I take my money out of the bank 2023? ›

Do no withdraw cash. Despite the recent uncertainty, experts don't recommend withdrawing cash from your account. Keeping your money in financial institutions rather than in your home is safer, especially when the amount is insured. "It's not a time to pull your money out of the bank," Silver said.

What are 2 key advantages of callable bonds? ›

The following are the advantages of investing in a callable bond.
  • Callable bonds pay higher interest rates than any other fixed instruments because the issuer has an option to call the bond anytime.
  • This bond provides flexibility to issuers because of the embedded call option.
Feb 15, 2022

What happens if you buy a callable bond and interest rates decline? ›

If interest rates are falling, the callable bonds issuing company can call the bond and repay the debt by exercising the call option and refinance the debt at a lower interest rate. In this case, the company can save interest costs.

What is the yield to worst for a callable bond? ›

The yield to worst (YTW) on a callable bond is the lower return between the yield to maturity (YTM) and the yield to call (YTC). Yield to Maturity (YTM): The expected internal rate of return (IRR) received on a bond, assuming the bond is held until maturity with coupons reinvested at the same rate.

Is it safe to buy CDs through Schwab? ›

All CDs in Schwab CD OneSource are offered by FDIC-insured banks. The amount insured by the FDIC is $250,000 per depositor per insured bank. Each CD you purchase from a different institution is FDIC-insured in aggregate based on ownership type at that bank.

What is considered a good 6 month CD rate right now? ›

The national average APY (Annual Percentage Yield) on a 6-month CD is 1.26% APY. However, some of the best online banks offer much higher interest rates on 6-month CDs right now. The best CD rate for a 6-month term is 6.02% APY from Old Point National Bank.

Should you buy CDs when interest rates rise? ›

The best time to put your money in a savings account is when interest rates are increasing. A bump-up CD can help you take advantage of such an environment and maximize your yields.

How high will interest rates go in 2023? ›

Though Fed policymakers skipped an 11th successive increase to the federal funds rate —the borrowing rate for commercial banks and credit unions—at their June meeting , officials revised the 2023 peak rate projection up to 5.6% from the 5.1% target projected in March.

What will CD rates be in 2025? ›

Which Means That CD Rates Will Likely Continue Rising
  • 5% in December 2023.
  • 3% in December 2025.
  • 2.4% in December 2027.
Jan 26, 2023

What are the CD rates for January 2023? ›

If you can hold out for two years, 24-month CDs today are being offered at interest rates as high as 4.31% APY. The top rate last week at this time was a similar 4.31%. Two-year CDs now have an average APY of 2.49%. That's the same as last week at this time.

What are the pros and cons of callable CD? ›

The main pro of a callable CD is its high interest rate, guaranteed return of principal and that it's FDIC-insured. The biggest con is the risk of losing out on potential interest and having to scramble for other investment opportunities.

Can you sell a portion of a brokered CD? ›

If you'd like to withdraw money from a brokered CD before maturity, you could sell it on the secondary market and avoid an early withdrawal penalty. There is a risk, however, since CDs may lose value when sold before maturity.

Can you lose principal on a callable CD? ›

Pros and cons of callable CDs

Principal is protected: Even if the issuer redeems the CD early, you won't lose any of the original investment, thanks to FDIC insurance.

What is the downside of callable bonds? ›

Callable bonds are more risky for investors than non-callable bonds because an investor whose bond has been called is often faced with reinvesting the money at a lower, less attractive rate. As a result, callable bonds often have a higher annual return to compensate for the risk that the bonds might be called early.

Why don't investors like callable bonds? ›

Key Takeaways

Callable bonds face reinvestment risk, which is the risk that investors will have to reinvest at lower interest rates if the bonds are called away.

What happens when a brokered CD is called? ›

Callable: A brokered CD can be called by the issuing bank. When this occurs, the investment is refunded and you can lose out on future earnings. You don't lose your initial investment or any gains earned to date. Banks recall a CD when interest rates drop to avoid paying higher rates than the investment generates.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.