PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S Sales Comparison in the US - December 2022 (2024)

PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S Sales Comparison in the US - December 2022 (1)

by William D'Angelo , posted on 01 February 2023 / 8,851 Views

The VGChartz sales comparison series of articles are updated monthly and each one focuses on a different sales comparison using our estimated video game hardware figures. The charts include comparisons between the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch, as well as with older platforms. There are articles based on our worldwide estimates, as well as the US, Europe, and Japan.

This monthly series compares the aligned US sales of the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.

The PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S both launched in November 2020. The Xbox Series X|S launched in the US on November 10, 2020, and the PlayStation 5 on November 12, 2020.

PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S Sales Comparison in the US - December 2022 (3)

PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S Sales Comparison in the US - December 2022 (4)


Gap change in latest month: 406,539 - PS5

Gap change over last 12 months: 1,192,082 - PS5

Total Lead: 2,259,341 - PS5

PlayStation 5 Total Sales: 11,964,593

Xbox Series X|S Total Sales: 9,705,252

December 2022 is the 26th month the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S has been available for. In the latest month, the gap grew in favor of the PlayStation 5 when compared to the aligned launch of the Xbox Series X|S by 0.41 million units.

In the last 12 months, the PlayStation 5 has outsold Xbox Series X|S by 1.19 million units. The PlayStation 5 is currently ahead by 2.26 million units.

The PlayStation 5 has sold 11.96 million units in the US in 26 months, while the Xbox Series X|S sold 9.71 million units. The PlayStation 5 has a 55.2 percent marketshare (-+0.5% year-over-year), compared to 44.8 percent for the Xbox Series X|S (-0.5% year-over-year).

The PlayStation 5 is currently 0.57 million units behind the PlayStation 4 in the US when you align launches, while the Xbox Series X|S is behind the Xbox One by 0.74 million.

A life-long and avid gamer,William D'Angelowas first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his ownYouTube channelandTwitch channel. You can contact the authoron Twitter@TrunksWD.

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PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S Sales Comparison in the US - December 2022 (6) Mnementh (on 01 February 2023)

So PS is beating Xbox in it's strongest territory. Well done Sony!

  • +7

siebensus4 (on 31 January 2023)

I thought that the holiday season is usually the time when Xbox outsells PlayStation in the US? If I remember right, even Xbox One outsold PS4 in November/December, but not during the year. In case of Xbox Series this is a very bad sign, because Series S was even discounted in the US at 240 $ during the holidays.

  • +1

DeEscapist siebensus4 (on 01 February 2023)

Its not surprising if u think Series had No AAA game in 2022 and No New multi platform huge aaa as well. Sony had GOW. What in your opinion should have made Series selling better than PS5,any ideas??

  • +2

SanAndreasX siebensus4 (on 01 February 2023)

Doesn't matter if it's in stock if nobody wants them. The shelves are loaded with Series S consoles. They're selling them for $249, which is less than the Switch. They're still clogging store shelves. Meanwhile, it's actually harder in my area to find PS5 and XSX than it was before the holidays.

  • +3

Garrus SanAndreasX (on 02 February 2023)

They've got to make the Series S more powerful. The idea of the Series S hitting the max perf/dollar sweet spot is a good one. Increase the GPU cores from 20 to 32 (still way less than the 52 in the Series X) and raise the clock speeds with 5nm or 6nm and they'd still have a $350 or less winner. Would beat the PS5 in performance slightly(which has 36 GPU cores). --- I actually prefer the Series S to the X, the design is amazing. I just don't like the performance. --- The 52 versus 36 Series X versus PS5 advantage hasn't worked out so far.

  • 0

AJNShelton (on 31 January 2023)

Xbox Series is behind the One in its biggest territory ?

  • 0

PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S Sales Comparison in the US - December 2022 (14) trunkswd AJNShelton (on 31 January 2023)

It has been tracking behind the Xbox One in the US the entire time it has been out. Even with Microsoft saying Xbox Series X|S is the fastest selling Xbox generation.

  • +1

AJNShelton trunkswd (on 31 January 2023)

How ? Did you miscalculate or did they say it wrong then ?

  • 0

PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S Sales Comparison in the US - December 2022 (17) trunkswd AJNShelton (on 31 January 2023)

Fastest selling generation is for worldwide sales even if it is behind the Xbox One in the US. So it is outperforming the Xbox One enough in other parts of the world to more than offset how much it is behind in the US.

  • +2

AJNShelton trunkswd (on 31 January 2023)

Well that's still terrible news, if the trend in Europe lose momentum, that will be over then

  • -1

PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S Sales Comparison in the US - December 2022 (20) trunkswd AJNShelton (on 31 January 2023)

Yeah we shall see how things go this year. Microsoft needs a strong lineup for 2023 and needs Starfield to be a big hit. Though it should be of note Xbox One sales only sold over 8M twice and fell off. So I can see Xbox Series X|S having stronger legs.

I expect Xbox Series X|S to outsell Xbox One lifetime sales, but not to reach Xbox 360 sales. So something like 70-80M lifetime.

  • +1

AJNShelton trunkswd (on 31 January 2023)

Yeah besides Starield (and Forza), I don't really see keeping the sales momentum high throughout the year. And even 3rd party wise, besides Hogwarts Legacy, nothing else is really hyping anyone so far

  • -1

PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S Sales Comparison in the US - December 2022 (23) trunkswd AJNShelton (on 31 January 2023)

Hi-Fi Rush is a nice start. But yeah it isn't a system seller. Redfall if it is well received could help a little. It comes down to Starfield. It could move a million or more units by itself.

  • 0

Garrus trunkswd (on 01 February 2023)

yeah my hype for Xbox has kind of died at this point

  • 0

Blood_Tears (on 31 January 2023)

So Series X/S is no longer the fastest selling Xbox in the US?

  • 0

PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S Sales Comparison in the US - December 2022 (27) trunkswd Blood_Tears (on 31 January 2023)

It has been tracking behind the Xbox One in the US the entire time it has been out. Even with Microsoft saying Xbox Series X|S is the fastest selling Xbox generation.

  • +1

Blood_Tears trunkswd (on 31 January 2023)

Ahh that makes sense since MS was talking globally then for fastest selling Xbox. I imagine worldwide launch aligned X1 and the Series are pretty close to each other now. Depending on if MS over shipped last quarter it could potentially fall back under X1 since Starfield and Redfall won't be released this quarter.

  • +1

PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S Sales Comparison in the US - December 2022 (30) trunkswd Blood_Tears (on 31 January 2023)

I haven't posted the XS vs X1 global article yet, but yes the gap has shrunk quite a bit.

  • +1

Garrus trunkswd (on 01 February 2023)

More Xbox One sold than the Series X. Think about that. That is terrible. Another generation of decline for Xbox.

  • 0



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PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S Sales Comparison in the US - December 2022 (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.