Price Trend For Auckland Property | Barfoot & Thompson (2024)

An in-depth analysis of the average sale price of three bedroom* Auckland properties by Barfoot & Thompson over the past 10 years shows the market has experienced strong capital growth, with West Auckland and the North Shore experiencing the greatest gain.

The long term trend shows that across the city as a whole, the average price for a three bedroom home has risen by 94% in the past decade.

Even between 2005 and 2010, during the global financial crisis, prices continued to increase, although the second half of the decade - from 2010 to 2015 - saw the greater increase.

Franklin / Manukau Rural had the lowest increase over 10 years, with moderate growth in the first five years, and then growth behind other areas in the second five year period.

Central Auckland, dominated by the apartment market**, was also one of the slower rises for the decade, with an increase of only 70%.

West Auckland and the North Shore had the greatest gains. Both increased by 113% in the 10 year period.

The average price for a three bedroom property

In 2005, the average three bedroom property could be purchased for just $393,444. The new average for three bedroom properties in Auckland is now $726,209.

Over the 10 year period, Auckland properties have increased by $37,176 per annum, or $714.93 per week.

*Three bedroom homes were chosen for the analysis as representing the sized house most commonly bought and sold. ** The majority of apartments that Barfoot & Thompson sell are one or two bedroom properties, which may account for the lower growth figure. The data in this report covers 13,000 property sales by Barfoot & Thompson.

Auckland price trends (three bedroom properties)

Please scroll data

Focus areas Aug 2004 - Jul 2005 Aug 2009 - Jul 2010 Aug 2014 - Jul 2015 Percentage visitors
2005 2010 2015 2005 - 2010 2010 - 2015 2005 - 2015
Central Auckland $478,036 $576,111
21% 41% 70%
Central Suburbs $465,313 $572,194
$972,990 23% 70% 109%
Eastern Suburbs $549,204
$701,085 $1,007,174 28% 44% 83%
Franklin / Manukau Rural $354,878
$568,090 22% 31% 60%
North Shore $406,155
28% 67% 113%
Pakuranga / Howick $400,127
$826,359 24% 67% 107%
Rodney $394,654
$731,169 30% 42% 85%
South Auckland $264,262
$535,490 23% 65% 103%
West Auckland $302,938 $374,192 $644,827
24% 72% 113%
All Auckland $393,444 $496,274
26% 54% 94%

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Price Trend For Auckland Property | Barfoot & Thompson (2024)
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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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