"Polski Ład" and PIT-2 declaration (2024)

With the entry into force on 1 January 2022 of a group of legal regulations, mainly tax regulations, known as "Polski Ład", many doubts arose regarding employees who did not submit PIT-2 declarations to their employers.

Pursuant to Art. 32 sec. 3 of the PIT Act, an employee may submit a declaration to the employer for the purpose of calculating monthly advances for personal income tax, i.e. the PIT-2 form.

In this declaration, the employee states that:

1) does not receive an old-age or disability pension through the tax payer;

2) does not receive income from membership in an agricultural production cooperative or other cooperative engaged in agricultural production;

3) does not reach the income from which it is obliged to pay advances pursuant to art. 44 sec. 3 of the PIT Act (e.g. business activity);

4) does not receive cash benefits paid from the Labor Fund or the Guaranteed Employee Benefits Fund.

The submission of this declaration by the employee to the employer is the employee's right, not his obligation. Pursuant to Art. 32 sec. 3 of the PIT Act, the declaration is submitted before the first payment of remuneration, and pursuant to art. 32 sec. 3a of the PIT Act, the declaration does not have to be repeated in subsequent years if the facts have not changed. A declaration not submitted before the firstremunerationpayment may be made with effect from the firstremunerationpayment in the following year.

An employer who received a declaration from an employee on time is obliged to reduce the calculated advance payment for the income tax of a given employee by 1/12 of the tax-reducing amount specified in the first tax scale (i.e. currently 1/12 x17% x PLN 30,000 = PLN 425).

The current turmoil related to PIT-2 declarations results from the fact that in previous years the amount reducing the tax was lower, calculated degressively, for many taxpayers it amounted to about PLN 45 per month, hence many employees abandoned the submission of the PIT-2 declaration and settled the amount reducing the tax on the annual tax settlement.

Settlement of the amount reducing the tax in the annual settlement is still possible in relation to the tax for 2022, however, it seems advisable to draw the attention of the employees of a given entrepreneur to the regulations related to the PIT-2 declaration, because the current settlement of the amount reducing the tax may be more favourable for them.

Update from 11.01.2022

In order to improve the situation of taxpayers who did not submit the PIT-2 form before the first payment of remuneration in 2022, the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of January 7, 2022 on the extension of the deadlines for collection and transfer of advance payments for personal income tax by some payers was issued. in the Journal of Laws on January 7, 2022, and entered into force on January 8, 2022. The adopted solution, however, raises numerous doubts regarding i.e. activities of the minister in the scope of statutory authorization and in the scope of compliance of the regulation with the Constitution of the Republic of Poland.

"Polski Ład" and PIT-2 declaration (1)

"Polski Ład" and PIT-2 declaration (2024)


What is pit2 in Poland? ›

pay taxes in Poland (then it would be necessary that they submit the PIT (Personal Income Tax) by filling out the PIT-2 form and then they will receive PIT-37, as all employees in Poland and will get revenue in Poland, so it is necessary that they submit the PIT (Personal Income Tax) declaration.

Do foreigners pay tax in Poland? ›

Special rules for non-residents

Namely, they are taxed at a flat rate of 20% calculated on revenue (cost deductions are not allowed) unless a double tax treaty (DTT) between Poland and the individual's country of residence provides otherwise.

Do people under 26 pay tax in Poland? ›

21(1)(148)) will remain changed, at PLN 85,528. Persons up to age 26 will thus pay income tax only after crossing this limit, and initially at the 17% rate. However, if their taxable income exceeds PLN 120,000, the 32% rate will apply.

What is PIT-37 in Poland? ›

There are various PIT forms marked with different numbers but the most common form is PIT-37 for employees who do not run their own business and did not have any income from other countries in 2021.

How do you get PIT in Poland? ›

First, you have to obtain a PIT-11 form from your employer, who is also responsible for submission of the form to the tax office. Then you need to submit the PIT-37 form. After the submission of your form the tax office may either accept your tax return calculations, or ask you to correct some data.

What is zap 3 in Poland? ›

ZAP3 form. This is a confirmation of your bank account, where currency and your personal information can be found. This confirmation is needed to verify that the bank account is still active and the owner is a taxpayer.

Does Poland tax US Social Security? ›

While you work — If your work is covered by both the United States and the Polish social security systems, you (and your employer, if you are employed) would normally have to pay social security taxes to both countries for the same work.

Can a US citizen retire to Poland? ›

Retire in Poland: Visas and Residence Permit

U.S. citizens are allowed visa-free entry into Poland for up to 90 days. But to become a legal resident in the Eastern European country, you will have to contact a Polish consulate in the U.S. to apply for a temporary or flat residence permit.

Is Poland friendly to foreigners? ›

Poles are very friendly people and the country welcomes foreigners from all over the world.

What age are you no longer taxed? ›

Single taxpayers over 65 do not need to file unless their non-social security income is over $14,250. Married taxpayers over age 65 do note need to file unless their non-social security income is over $27,800.

What is the minimum drinking age in Poland? ›

In Sweden, the legal age for being served alcohol (in restaurants, etc.) is 18 years. Eleven Member States (Croatia, Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania and Slovenia) do not impose any age requirements for the consumption of alcohol in their national legal frameworks.

Which country is fully tax free? ›

Currently, Oman is a tax-free nation, as there is no taxation on personal income. Moreover, there are no taxes on income from property, wealth, capital gains or death. However, the Oman Government is currently evaluating a Personal Income Tax Regime as a part of its 2020-2024 Medium Term Fiscal Plan.

What is PIT 36 Poland? ›

The PIT-36 form is designed for both taxpayers taxed on individual income and for those filing jointly with their spouse or as single parents, including for persons who are resident for tax purposes in an EU or EEA member state other than or Poland, or in Switzerland, for revenues listed in Article 29 Paragraph 1 of ...

What can you do with PIT 11 in Poland? ›

Once a year every employee receives the annual declaration PIT-11 document. PIT-11 contains your revenues, how much taxes you already paid, and your social and health insurance contributions. Based on PIT-11, you have to fill out your annual tax declaration (PIT-36 or PIT-37).

How do I pay my PIT-37? ›

The most common type is PIT-37.
On the website of the Ministry of Finance https://www.podatki.gov.pl/pit/, select the e-Urząd Skarbowy.
  1. Sign In. ...
  2. Choose Twój e-PIT.
  3. Check your details. ...
  4. Accept and send the declaration.
Mar 15, 2021

What benefits do you get in Poland? ›

Statutory and common employee benefits

Common examples include benefits like paid annual leave, parental leave, worker's compensation insurance, and paid sick leave. Family benefits, social assistance payments, and unemployment compensation are all part of Poland's social assistance system.

How do I get a VAT refund in Poland? ›

A VAT refund application must be submitted in Polish, via means of electronic communication and through tax administration of the Member State of establishment, to the Head of the Second Tax Office for Warszawa-Śródmieście.

How do I become self employed in Poland? ›

To operate as a sole proprietorship in Poland, you need to register with the CEIDG — the Central Register for Information on Economic Activity. You can do this by filling out the CEIDG-1 form, either online, in person, or via registered mail. There's no cost to register with the CEIDG.

What is NIP 8 in Poland? ›

Application concerning supplementary data in the National Court Register (NIP-8) | Biznes.gov.pl - Information and services website for entrepreneurs.

What is IFT 2R in Poland? ›

Certain transactions with foreign entities (non-residents) require completion of a special form – IFT-2R. These include payments for interest, dividends, royalties and certain intangible services defined by law.

What is tax relief Poland? ›

As of 1 January 2022, taxpayers earning income taxed according to the tax scale are entitled to a tax-free amount (personal allowance) of PLN 30,000. Before 2022, the personal allowance was a maximum of PLN 8,000, and its amount decreased with increasing income (no exempt amount for incomes exceeding PLN 127,000).

Does Poland recognize US driver's license? ›

American citizens must have international driver's license to drive in Poland. A United States driver's license is insufficient.

What are the disadvantages of living in Poland? ›

- CON: The language barrier

Though it's not difficult to find English speakers, they may be rarer to come across outside major cities. Older Poles are also less likely to speak English, so learning some Polish may be necessary. Unfortunately, many English-speaking expats find Polish to be a difficult language to learn.

Is medical free in Poland? ›

In Poland, you can be treated in the public health service (free of charge) or privately (then you must pay for healthcare services). All persons employed in Poland, including foreigners, are subject to compulsory health insurance.

Can a US citizen have dual citizenship with Poland? ›

Dual Nationality

In addition, children born to one American citizen parent and one Polish citizen parent usually are both American and Polish in accordance with the citizenship laws of the respective countries.

Does Poland allow dual citizenship with us? ›

Polish citizens who became naturalized American citizens after January 8, 1951 do not lose their Polish citizenship under Polish law, unless they formally renounce Polish citizenship with the consent of the Polish government.

Can a US citizen buy a house in Poland? ›

Yes, foreigners are allowed to buy properties in Poland. EU companies and citizens are unrestricted. While other nationals and corporations may be required to obtain permit from Ministry of Internal Affairs. Purchase of apartment predominantly does not require a permit.

Is Poland friendly to Americans? ›

The United States and Poland have enjoyed warm bilateral relations since 1989. Every post-1989 Polish government has been a strong supporter of continued American military and economic presence in Europe, and Poland is one of the most stable allies of the United States.

Are US citizens allowed in Poland? ›

As all travel restrictions to the Republic of Poland have been lifted, there is no longer any requirement to: present a vaccination certificate when crossing the border.

How do I get the $16728 Social Security bonus? ›

How to get the $16,728 bonus in retirement?
  1. Work as long as you can: the later you retire the higher your benefit will be. Remember that 70 is the maximum age. ...
  2. Years worked: If you work less than 35 years you will have a reduction in your SSA check. ...
  3. High salary: with a high salary you will have a high retirement.
Sep 14, 2022

What is the highest amount you can earn on Social Security? ›

The maximum benefit depends on the age you retire. For example, if you retire at full retirement age in 2022, your maximum benefit would be $3,345. However, if you retire at age 62 in 2022, your maximum benefit would be $2,364. If you retire at age 70 in 2022, your maximum benefit would be $4,194.

What state is best financially to retire in? ›

The best states in which to retire include South Dakota, Hawaii and Georgia when ranked using factors including cost of living, taxes, access to affordable, quality health care and good weather.

What country is the youngest drinking age? ›

The youngest legal drinking age in the world is 15, with both Mali and the Central African Republic allowing folks to drink at that time. Seven countries do not have a government-mandated drinking age, while 11 countries ban the consumption of booze entirely.

Can you drink on the streets in Poland? ›

Polish police take a strict approach to public drunkenness. You are not allowed to consume alcohol in public places or you may be fined. If you are found drunk in a public place you may be taken to a drying out clinic where a doctor or nurse will medically assess you.

What is the drinking age in Russia? ›

In Russia, the legal drinking age is usually eighteen. Usually, because there are some exceptions to that case. Technically, stronger alcohol such as cognac and vodka is sold only to those over 21.

Which country pays the most tax? ›

1. IVORY COAST. The country with beach resorts, rainforests, and a French-colonial legacy taxes its citizens has a 60% on income tax – the highest in the world.

What states have no income tax? ›

Eight states have no personal income tax, including Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming.

Who is subject to US exit tax? ›

The expatriation tax provisions (prior to the AJCA amendments) apply to U.S. citizens who have renounced their citizenship and long-term residents who have ended their U.S. residency for tax purposes, if one of the principal purposes of the action is the avoidance of U.S. taxes.

What is a PIT code? ›

A PIT code indicates what the student's progression/completion decision is, as agreed by the APAC, and is entered into the APAC Decision field in the current academic year record in the SPI screen. Based on the PIT code entered by the College, the Student Records team progresses the student's record accordingly.

How are PIT wages calculated? ›

Calculate total reportable wages -- PIT wages -- for W-2 reporting purposes, using the formula required by the EDD: S / (1-R) = W. S represents the pretax actual salary paid to the employee, R is the taxation rate and W is the total wage to report on the W-2.

What does PIT wages stand for? ›

Wages are subject to all employment (payroll) taxes and reportable as Personal Income Tax (PIT) wages unless otherwise stated.

What is PIT 2 form Poland? ›

PIT-2 – one form rather than several

The new form includes the changes made by Polish Order 2.0 and is addressed to a wider group of taxpayers than its earlier version. It also combines several other declarations and requests into a single form, constituting a super tax form.

Who is not paying taxes in Poland? ›

The tax-free amount is set at PLN 30,000 and was introduced as of 1 January 2022. This means that taxpayers earning less than PLN 30,000 per year will be exempt from paying tax. In the case of income exceeding PLN 120,000, the tax is PLN 10,800 + 32% of the excess over PLN 120,000.

How much tax do I have to pay in Poland? ›

2020 national income tax rates
Taxable income band PLNNational income tax rates
1 to 8,00017%
8,001 to 13,000*17%
13,001 to 85,52817%
85,529 to 127,000**32%
1 more row

What is the NIP number in Poland? ›

NIP (Numer identyfikacji podatkowej) - tax identification number, consists of 10 digits, where the first three digits are codes provided by the tax office, and the last number is a control one.

What is Saft Poland? ›

Electronic Tax Filing with SAF-T in Poland

JPK_VAT files are electronic accounting files issued in XML format according to SAF-T, the format developed by the OECD. The Ministry may also require the submission of other electronic accounting documents in SAF-T format at the request of the tax authorities.

What is 13th salary Poland? ›

The 13th salary in Poland

Companies do not have a legal requirement for 13th-month payments.

Does the US have a tax treaty with Poland? ›

The United States and Poland have signed a double taxation treaty in January 1974 in order to prevent double taxation for individuals and companies that produce income in both of the countries. The convention was signed at Washington on October 8 1974.

What is PTU B in Poland? ›

The actual official name of the VAT Tax in Poland is “goods and services tax” (PTU — Podatek od Towarów i Usług), however the English term VAT is almost exclusively used both officially and in practice to describe the Polish value-added tax.

How do I get a Polish NIP? ›

Every taxpayer in Poland must have its own NIP that is used to record payers and taxpayers. It is broadcast by a head of Tax Office, but to get it, you must submit the appropriate identification application on a special form available in each Tax Office.

Is blinking in Poland against the law? ›

Keep in mind that it is illegal and you may get fined for it. A "thank you" between drivers can be expressed by waving your hand or, when the distance is too great, by turning on blinkers or hazard lights - typically a quick left-right-left pattern is used for the blinkers; for the hazard light a one or two blinks.

How do I verify my NIP number in Poland? ›

You can check if the given number REGON or NIP belongs to given company here: http://www.stat.gov.pl/regon/ (It is goverments register - gov.pl ).

How much do Poland pay per hour? ›

The minimum wages have been revised in Poland from 01 January 2023. The minimum wages are increased from PLN19. 70 to PLN22. 80 per hour and PLN3,010.00 to PLN3,490.00 per month.

How long does it take to get Polish work permit? ›

It takes around 10-12 weeks to secure a Work Permit in Poland.

Is it easy to get Poland work permit? ›

It can be challenging to obtain permits for foreign employees to live and work in Poland, as the priority goes to Polish citizens. However, understanding the process and requirements for obtaining visas and work permits can help.

What is JPK in Poland? ›

The Uniform Control File (JPK) is a set of data, generated from a business entity's IT systems (by direct data export), which contains information about business operations for a given period. Poland JPK has a specific layout and format (XML schema). It is sent only in electronic version.

Does Poland use IFRS? ›

In line with the EU requirements, Poland requires application of IFRS as endorsed by the European Commission for the preparation of consolidated financial statements of listed entities, credit institutions, insurance undertakings, and other designated entities.

When did Poland adopt IFRS? ›

1606/2002, in Poland as well as in other EU member states, large companies, especially listed companies, banks and insurance companies, have been obliged to apply IAS/IFRS in their consolidated financial statements for the accounting year starting on 1 January 2005, or after that date.

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