Poland Producer Price Index Growth, 1986 – 2023 (2024)

Poland BoP: USD: Current Account: Services: Debit (USD mn) 5,851.000 Oct 2023 monthly Jan 2004 - Oct 2023 Poland BoP: USD: Current Account: Primary Income: Credit (USD mn) 2,181.000 Oct 2023 monthly Jan 2004 - Oct 2023 Poland BoP: USD: Current Account: Goods (USD mn) 1,399.000 Oct 2023 monthly Jan 2004 - Oct 2023 Poland BoP: USD: Financial Account: Financial Derivatives (USD mn) -101.000 Oct 2023 monthly Jan 2004 - Oct 2023 Poland BoP: USD: Capital Account (USD mn) 1,105.000 Oct 2023 monthly Jan 2004 - Oct 2023 Poland BoP: USD: Financial Account: Portfolio Investment Assets (USD mn) 179.000 Oct 2023 monthly Jan 2004 - Oct 2023 Poland BoP: USD: Net Errors and Omissions (USD mn) -735.000 Oct 2023 monthly Jan 2004 - Oct 2023 Poland BoP: USD: Financial Account: Direct Investment: Assets (USD mn) 810.000 Oct 2023 monthly Jan 2004 - Oct 2023 Poland BoP: USD: Financial Account: Portfolio Investment Liabilities (USD mn) 547.000 Oct 2023 monthly Jan 2004 - Oct 2023 Poland BoP: USD: Current Account: Secondary Income: Credit (USD mn) 784.000 Oct 2023 monthly Jan 2004 - Oct 2023 Poland BoP: USD: Capital Account: Debit (USD mn) 305.000 Oct 2023 monthly Jan 2004 - Oct 2023 Poland BoP: USD: Current Account: Goods: Import (USD mn) 29,992.000 Oct 2023 monthly Jan 2004 - Oct 2023 Poland BoP: USD: Current Account: Primary Income: Debit (USD mn) 4,210.000 Oct 2023 monthly Jan 2004 - Oct 2023 Poland BoP: USD: Capital Account: Credit (USD mn) 1,410.000 Oct 2023 monthly Jan 2004 - Oct 2023 Poland BoP: USD: Financial Account: Other Investment (OI): Assets (USD mn) 2,748.000 Oct 2023 monthly Jan 2004 - Oct 2023 Poland BoP: USD: Current Account: Primary Income (USD mn) -2,029.000 Oct 2023 monthly Jan 2004 - Oct 2023 Poland BoP: USD: Financial Account: OI: Liabilities (USD mn) -4,473.000 Oct 2023 monthly Jan 2004 - Oct 2023 Poland BoP: USD: Financial Account (USD mn) 2,522.000 Oct 2023 monthly Jan 2004 - Oct 2023 Poland BoP: USD: Financial Account: Direct Investment: Liabilities (USD mn) 1,711.000 Oct 2023 monthly Jan 2004 - Oct 2023 Poland IIP: USD: Liabilities (USD mn) 691,291.000 Jun 2023 quarterly Mar 2004 - Jun 2023 Poland IIP: USD: Assets (USD mn) 434,949.000 Jun 2023 quarterly Mar 2004 - Jun 2023 Poland International Investment Position (IIP): USD (USD mn) -256,342.000 Jun 2023 quarterly Mar 2004 - Jun 2023 Poland Gross External Debt: USD: Other Sectors (USD mn) 87,409.000 Jun 2023 quarterly Mar 2004 - Jun 2023 Poland Gross External Debt: USD: Central Bank (USD mn) 23,889.000 Jun 2023 quarterly Mar 2004 - Jun 2023 Poland Gross External Debt: USD (USD mn) 402,012.000 Jun 2023 quarterly Mar 2004 - Jun 2023 Poland Gross External Debt: USD: General Government (USD mn) 106,357.000 Jun 2023 quarterly Mar 2004 - Jun 2023 Poland IPI: Main Industrial Groupings: Same Mth PY=100: Capital Goods (Same Mth PY=100) 107.000 Nov 2023 monthly Nov 2003 - Nov 2023 Poland Central Government Budget: Revenue: Year to Date: Tax: Indirect: Excise D... (PLN th) 61,604,498.297 Sep 2023 monthly Jan 2000 - Sep 2023 Poland Central Government Budget: Revenue: Year to Date: Tax: Indirect: Value Ad... (PLN th) 181,185,100.564 Sep 2023 monthly Jan 2000 - Sep 2023 Poland Central Government Budget: Expenditure: Year to Date: Current Expenditure... (PLN th) 82,562,415.588 Sep 2023 monthly Jan 2002 - Sep 2023 Poland Industrial Production (PLN mn) 2,654,509.000 2022 yearly 1990 - 2022 Poland Central Government Budget: Revenue: Year to Date: Tax: Direct: Personal (PLN th) 27,668,351.001 Sep 2023 monthly Jan 2000 - Sep 2023 Poland Industrial Production: Value: Mfg: co*ke and Refined Petroleum Products (PLN mn) 92,169.000 2021 yearly 2005 - 2021 Poland Central Government Budget: Deficit or Surplus: Year to Date (PLN th) -34,694,321.000 Sep 2023 monthly Jan 2002 - Sep 2023 Poland Industrial Production: Value: Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditionin... (PLN mn) 264,457.000 2022 yearly 2005 - 2022 Poland Central Government Budget: Revenue: Year to Date: Tax: Direct: Corporate (PLN th) 54,263,837.549 Sep 2023 monthly Jan 2000 - Sep 2023 Poland Industrial Production: Value: Mfg: Metal Products (PLN mn) 218,184.000 2022 yearly 2005 - 2022 Poland Central Government Budget: Revenue: Year to Date (PLN th) 417,988,255.211 Sep 2023 monthly Jan 2000 - Sep 2023 Poland Industrial Production: Value: Mfg: Motor Vehicles, Trailers and Semi Trai... (PLN mn) 204,628.000 2022 yearly 2005 - 2022 Poland Industrial Production: Value: Mfg: Food Products (PLN mn) 406,858.000 2022 yearly 2005 - 2022 Poland Central Government Budget: Expenditure: Year to Date: Capital Expenditure... (PLN th) 31,825,847.718 Sep 2023 monthly Jan 2002 - Sep 2023 Poland Central Government Budget: Expenditure: Year to Date (PLN th) 452,682,576.539 Sep 2023 monthly Jan 2002 - Sep 2023 Poland Registered Job Offers: During a Month (Unit th) 78.000 Nov 2023 monthly Nov 1998 - Nov 2023 Poland Registered Unemployment Rate (%) 5.000 Nov 2023 monthly Jan 1990 - Nov 2023 Poland Gross National Income (PLN mn) 2,939,486.000 2022 yearly 1995 - 2022 Poland Deposit Rate: Avg: Outstanding Amount (OA): PLN (% pa) 2.350 Sep 2023 monthly Jan 2005 - Sep 2023 Poland Lending Rate: Avg: Outstanding Amounts (OA): PLN (% pa) 8.910 Sep 2023 monthly Jan 2005 - Sep 2023 Poland Lending Rate: Avg: OA: PLN: HH: Consumption (% pa) 11.330 Sep 2023 monthly Jan 2005 - Sep 2023 Poland Lending Rate: Avg: OA: PLN: HH: House Purchase (% pa) 7.400 Sep 2023 monthly Jan 2005 - Sep 2023 Poland Number of Guests: Accommodation Establishment (Person) 2,983,069.000 Oct 2023 monthly Jan 2014 - Oct 2023 Poland Length of Stay: Accommodation Establishment (Night) 6,991,103.000 Oct 2023 monthly Jan 2014 - Oct 2023 Poland House Prices: per Square Meter: Primary Market: Transaction: 7 Cities (PLN) 11,981.889 Sep 2023 quarterly Sep 2006 - Sep 2023 Poland House Prices: per Square Meter: Secondary Market: Transaction: 7 Cities (PLN) 10,826.819 Sep 2023 quarterly Sep 2006 - Sep 2023 Poland Hedonic House Price Index: Secondary Market: 7 Cities (Same Qtr PY=100) 108.268 Sep 2023 quarterly Sep 2007 - Sep 2023 Poland (FDI) Foreign Direct Investment: Flow: Europe: France (EUR mn) 908.000 2022 yearly 2013 - 2022 Poland (FDI) Foreign Direct Investment: Flow: Europe: Germany (EUR mn) 5,001.300 2022 yearly 2013 - 2022 Poland (FDI) Foreign Direct Investment: Flow: Europe: Luxembourg (EUR mn) 6,042.000 2022 yearly 2013 - 2022 Poland (FDI) Foreign Direct Investment: Flow: Europe: Spain (EUR mn) 927.200 2022 yearly 2013 - 2022 Poland (FDI) Foreign Direct Investment: Flow: Europe: Sweden (EUR mn) 1,033.100 2022 yearly 2013 - 2022 Poland Gross External Debt: USD: Direct Investment (DI): Intercompany Lending (I... (USD mn) 123,786.000 Jun 2023 quarterly Mar 2004 - Jun 2023 Poland Gross External Debt: USD: MFIs excl Central Bank (USD mn) 60,571.000 Jun 2023 quarterly Mar 2004 - Jun 2023 Poland Official Reserve Assets: USD: Foreign Exchange (USD mn) 148,016.800 Oct 2023 monthly Jan 1998 - Oct 2023 Poland Financial Liabilities: Stock: NC: Households (HH) (PLN mn) 805,630.000 Jun 2023 quarterly Dec 2003 - Jun 2023 Poland Financial Liabilities: Stock: NC: NF: Debt Securities: Short Term (PLN mn) 7,263.000 Jun 2023 quarterly Dec 2003 - Jun 2023 Poland Financial Liabilities: Stock: NC: NF: Debt Securities: Long Term (PLN mn) 66,077.000 Jun 2023 quarterly Dec 2003 - Jun 2023 Poland Financial Liabilities: Stock: NC: NF: Loans: Short Term (PLN mn) 260,347.000 Jun 2023 quarterly Dec 2003 - Jun 2023 Poland Financial Liabilities: Stock: NC: NF: Loans: Long Term (PLN mn) 921,953.000 Jun 2023 quarterly Dec 2003 - Jun 2023 Poland Financial Liabilities: Stock: NC: GG: Debt Securities: Short Term (PLN mn) 386.000 Mar 2023 quarterly Dec 2003 - Mar 2023 Poland Financial Liabilities: Stock: NC: GG: Debt Securities: Long Term (PLN mn) 1,116,347.000 Mar 2023 quarterly Dec 2003 - Mar 2023 Poland Financial Liabilities: Stock: NC: GG: Loans: Short Term (PLN mn) 16,999.000 Mar 2023 quarterly Dec 2003 - Mar 2023 Poland Financial Liabilities: Stock: NC: GG: Loans: Long Term (PLN mn) 400,422.000 Mar 2023 quarterly Dec 2003 - Mar 2023 Poland Financial Liabilities: Stock: NC: HH: Loans: Short Term (PLN mn) 46,494.000 Mar 2023 quarterly Dec 2003 - Mar 2023 Poland Financial Liabilities: Stock: NC: HH: Loans: Long Term (PLN mn) 748,785.000 Mar 2023 quarterly Dec 2003 - Mar 2023 Poland Financial Liabilities: Stock: NC: NPISHs: Loans: Short Term (PLN mn) 111.000 Mar 2023 quarterly Dec 2003 - Mar 2023 Poland Financial Liabilities: Stock: NC: NPISHs: Loans: Long Term (PLN mn) 8,578.000 Mar 2023 quarterly Dec 2003 - Mar 2023 Poland Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): Flow (EUR mn) 29,931.100 2022 yearly 2013 - 2022 Poland (FDI) Foreign Direct Investment: Flow: Manufacturing (Mfg) (EUR mn) 10,011.800 2022 yearly 2013 - 2022 Poland (FDI) Foreign Direct Investment: Flow: Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Co... (EUR mn) 2,291.500 2022 yearly 2013 - 2022 Poland (FDI) Foreign Direct Investment: Flow: Trade and Repair of Motor Vehicles (EUR mn) 6,519.500 2022 yearly 2013 - 2022 Poland (FDI) Foreign Direct Investment: Flow: Financial and Insurance Activities (EUR mn) 2,956.900 2022 yearly 2013 - 2022 Poland (FDI) Foreign Direct Investment: Flow: Professional, Scientific and Techn... (EUR mn) 2,101.900 2022 yearly 2013 - 2022 Poland GDP: Domestic Demand (DD) (PLN mn) 752,109.900 Jun 2023 quarterly Mar 2002 - Jun 2023 Poland GDP: DD: Final Consumption Expenditure (FCE) (PLN mn) 618,487.700 Jun 2023 quarterly Mar 2002 - Jun 2023 Poland GDP: DD: FCE: ow Households (PLN mn) 462,702.200 Jun 2023 quarterly Mar 2002 - Jun 2023 Poland GDP: DD: FCE: ow General Government (PLN mn) 148,194.000 Jun 2023 quarterly Mar 2002 - Jun 2023 Poland GDP: DD: Gross Capital Formation (GCF) (PLN mn) 133,622.200 Jun 2023 quarterly Mar 2002 - Jun 2023 Poland GDP: DD: GCF: ow Gross Fixed Capital Formation (PLN mn) 130,537.600 Jun 2023 quarterly Mar 2002 - Jun 2023 Poland GDP: Export (PLN mn) 483,110.700 Jun 2023 quarterly Mar 2002 - Jun 2023 Poland GDP: Import (PLN mn) 428,513.600 Jun 2023 quarterly Mar 2002 - Jun 2023 Poland GDP: GVA: PKD 2007: Industry (PLN mn) 174,876.700 Jun 2023 quarterly Mar 2002 - Jun 2023 Poland GDP: GVA: PKD 2007: Construction (PLN mn) 52,862.000 Jun 2023 quarterly Mar 2002 - Jun 2023 Poland GDP: GVA: PKD 2007: Trade and Repair of Motor Vehicles (PLN mn) 109,022.000 Jun 2023 quarterly Mar 2002 - Jun 2023 Poland GDP: GVA: PKD 2007: Transportation and Storage (PLN mn) 33,624.500 Jun 2023 quarterly Mar 2002 - Jun 2023 Poland GDP: GVA: PKD 2007: Accommodation and Catering (PLN mn) 5,872.800 Jun 2023 quarterly Mar 2002 - Jun 2023 Poland GDP: GVA: PKD 2007: Information and Communication (PLN mn) 33,903.100 Jun 2023 quarterly Mar 2002 - Jun 2023 Poland GDP: GVA: PKD 2007: Financial and Insurance Activities (PLN mn) 39,547.900 Jun 2023 quarterly Mar 2002 - Jun 2023 Poland GDP: GVA: PKD 2007: Real Estate Activities (PLN mn) 51,319.400 Jun 2023 quarterly Mar 2002 - Jun 2023 Poland GDP: GVA: PKD 2007: Professional, Scientific and Administrative Activitie... (PLN mn) 83,224.100 Jun 2023 quarterly Mar 2002 - Jun 2023 Poland GDP: GVA: PKD 2007: Public Administration, Education and Health (PLN mn) 101,620.800 Jun 2023 quarterly Mar 2002 - Jun 2023 Poland Foreign Visitors Expenditure: per 1 Person: Tourists (PLN) 1,652.000 2022 yearly 2014 - 2022
Poland Producer Price Index Growth, 1986 – 2023 (2024)
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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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