Platinum Program | In-person & Online Loan Broker Training Program (2024)

Table of Contents
A 6-day Comprehensive Training Held in Our Albany, NY Headquarters Taught By Our Founder and CEO, Kris Roglieri A One-Of-A-Kind Marketing Power Package Education State-of-the-Art Optimized Website (A $10,000 or more Value) Proactive Website Maintenance (For The Life Of Your Business) Exclusive Real-Time Lead Program, 7 to 25 Clients Per Month Looking for Financing (First Two Years Of Your Business – $24,000 Value) The Finance Marketing Group Recognized By Google For Their Outstanding Lead Generation Work Aggressive Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Campaign (First 12 Months Of Your Business – $60,000 Value) Social Media Marketing and Management (For The Life Of Your Business) Content Marketing (For The Life Of Your Business) Email Marketing (For The Life Of Your Business) Networking Referral Builder: Appointment Setting Program (First 12 Months Of Your Business – $7,200 Value) 5,000 Free Leads to Use Any Way You Want For Direct Mail Unlimited Print Design Collateral (For The Life Of Your Business) Google Analytics Setup and Monitoring In Person Live Training for Future Sales Agents At Your Location (Up To 3) Comprehensive Training Manual Enjoy our discounted corporate rate at Fairfield Inn Comprehensive cloud document and application platform Legal Forms, Applications, Agreements, and Marketing Material Business Identity Package Recognized Graduate By Our Lenders of the Commercial Capital Training Group Lenders, Banks and Private Investors to Work With Directly That You Will Meet Live At Our Offices Ongoing One-On-One Live Support and Continuing Education After You Leave Our Offices Deal Underwriting Software Provided Time Tested Legal Documents and Agreements How to Grow Your Business with a Sales Force Broker Funding Platform Access To Over 3,000 Lenders On Our Live Deal Exchange Platform First Year Admission Free to Annual NACLB Conference and Association ($800 value)

Platinum Program | In-person & Online Loan Broker Training Program (1)A 6-day Comprehensive Training Held in Our Albany, NY Headquarters Taught By Our Founder and CEO, Kris Roglieri

Our program is the most comprehensive commercial finance training program in the country, period. We also have the most experience when it comes to commercial lending and marketing, as our founder has owned a national commercial finance company for over 20 years financing over two billion dollars in transactions and also the nation’s only finance marketing agency which does marketing for banks, lenders, brokers, and financial services firms. All that experience and knowledge is translated into our specialized training.

Our one-of-a-kind training program has eliminated all the costs, trials and tribulations that one would have to face in trying to enter this industry. We start off by learning the basics about running your own financial business. Being your own boss is a great experience, and we will show you how to effectively manage your business in any situation. We’ll even show you how to grow your business by hiring an effective sales force to help you with your continued growth. Throughout the training, you will learn about over 45 different commercial finance products that you will be able to offer, and you will actually meet the lenders live that you will be approved to do business with. You will discover various ways to make an unlimited income by understanding your lenders and the products they have to offer. They will teach you how to target the appropriate businesses for their products. You will learn about each lender’s program and what types of businesses they serve. Whether you have a $50,000,000 deal or a $25,000 deal, you will learn how to effectively engage the client you are working with and how to properly present transactions to your lenders. There will be real examples of transactions to study from and talk about and we even do some role playing in class. Then comes marketing. We know the marketing industry just like we know the finance industry and, even better, we know marketing in the finance world, as our founder owns the nation’s only dedicated finance marketing agency. We go through and teach every form of marketing and how to generate prospects in this industry with every type of media that is out there today.

Platinum Program | In-person & Online Loan Broker Training Program (2)A One-Of-A-Kind Marketing Power Package Education

We spend almost two days on marketing and targeting businesses. Marketing is one of the most important factors in any business. Our instructors with over 75 years of combined experience will show you effective techniques for marketing that will get you clients on your first day in business. We know marketing in this industry better than anybody because our founder owns the nation’s only full-service marketing agency that only concentrates on clients in the finance industry. Our sister company, The Finance Marketing Group, provides marketing services to banks, lenders and brokers in the finance industry. You will have a specialized marketing team consisting of over 30 people behind your business for any marketing need. Some of the topics that we cover in marketing are internet marketing, direct mail, free marketing, email marketing, SEO marketing, pay per click marketing, vendor marketing, publication marketing, indirect marketing, video, content strategy, public relations strategies, and many more. We will show you how to target direct clients that desperately need your services. Finding businesses that need financing is relatively easy with our proven marketing techniques that stem from our own commercial finance marketing agency.

Platinum Program | In-person & Online Loan Broker Training Program (3)State-of-the-Art Optimized Website (A $10,000 or more Value)

The upgrade in this featured product is that your site will be built and customized with an SEO campaign in mind. This means that we will be implementing SEO optimization components, such as meta descriptions, title tags and performing keyword research. This will make our job easier when we perform SEO marketing for the first year of your business.

Platinum Program | In-person & Online Loan Broker Training Program (4)Proactive Website Maintenance (For The Life Of Your Business)

We find that the most successful websites out on the internet are the ones that have the most proactive maintenance. We’ve seen websites succeed with just a few simple tweaks and adjustments and we’ve seen websites fail because they are static and issues arise with broken links and dated content. We have worked very hard to develop a system that will allow this not to happen, you simply work with our marketing team and we help update your site. With this maintenance package we make sure that the basics are covered for you when you need things to be done, whether its adding/editing pages, designing new graphics, fixing errors or creating new features, we can implement any types of website changes you need.

Platinum Program | In-person & Online Loan Broker Training Program (5)Exclusive Real-Time Lead Program, 7 to 25 Clients Per Month Looking for Financing (First Two Years Of Your Business – $24,000 Value)

This will essentially give you prospects and clients for the first two years of your business. All you have to do is answer the phone and reply to emails from your website. You will find no other program offering these guaranteed exclusive leads. You can begin using this service as soon as you get home and get and obtain highly selective, real-time, exclusive, pre-qualified leads where the clients are looking for the services you will be able to provide. You will be able to filter what you want and don’t want using various criteria. You could be booking your first deal on the first day of your business and will have a monthly flow of exclusive real time leads coming through your door every month for the first two years of your business.

The Finance Marketing Group Recognized By Google For Their Outstanding Lead Generation Work

Platinum Program | In-person & Online Loan Broker Training Program (6)Members of The Finance Marketing Group have been recognized by Google for their outstanding lead generation work through Google’s paid search platform. The result of this recognition lead to The Finance Marketing Group being selected to be one of 50 agencies out of 15,000 to visit Google and take part in Google’s annual All-Stars Summit located at Googleplex in Mountain View, California. The Finance Marketing Group is a proud Google Partner and a badged agency with certifications in both Google Adwords and Google Analytics.

Platinum Program | In-person & Online Loan Broker Training Program (7)Aggressive Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Campaign (First 12 Months Of Your Business – $60,000 Value)

This is how people will find you when searching the web. We will work with you to develop a customized SEO campaign that will be tailored around the search terms and keywords you want your website to rank on. This way you will have people coming to your website on a daily basis searching for exactly what you can provide. There are many components that go into an SEO campaign that our team will be doing for one year, including, but not limited to: Optimizing Keywords, Increasing Content Output and Optimizing Content, Link-Building, Social Media, and much more.

Platinum Program | In-person & Online Loan Broker Training Program (8)Social Media Marketing and Management (For The Life Of Your Business)

We all know that we need to have social media, but sometimes we just don’t have the time to get it done. We know how important it is, so we help get you started by creating your company pages on the following social media outlets: Facebook and LinkedIn. That is not all, we also do social media management and marketing for the life of your business. With a dedicated team that knows commercial finance, we build your online presence and build up your followers to give you some authority and branding on the web.

Platinum Program | In-person & Online Loan Broker Training Program (9)Content Marketing (For The Life Of Your Business)

With a dedicated team of writers, we will develop fresh content for your blog each month and syndicate it out to your social network. We will write content tailored to the products you want to offer and we will also optimize it for better search engine presence and make you a thought leader in the industry. The best part is this will be done for the life of your business each month.

Platinum Program | In-person & Online Loan Broker Training Program (10)Email Marketing (For The Life Of Your Business)

Staying in front of your current clients and letting them know about your products is very important, just as important as networking. We not only use Constant Contact, one of the best email marketing companies in the world to help provide an email service to you and your customers, we also are going to develop fresh content each month and stay in front of your contacts, track your open rate, and report back to you each month. Essentially we will create an email drip campaign to your database and market to them to harness leads. ( Please note that we require you to set up an account with Constant Contact in order for our team to conduct email marketing services.)

Platinum Program | In-person & Online Loan Broker Training Program (11)Networking Referral Builder:
Appointment Setting Program
(First 12 Months Of Your Business – $7,200 Value)

A large part of your success will be based on the relationships you currently have and the ones you seek out to build. For some, it takes a little time to warm up to individuals and build up the confidence to approach someone to begin a relationship. For others, it is a walk in the park. Regardless, our premium networking package offers our Platinum members the ability to kick start their relationship building right out of class without lifting a finger. Our social team will utilize your personal Linkedin account to initiate introductory conversations with potential connections that we feel will be best suited for your business. That means we will reach out to professionals in the following industries: banking, legal, accounting, real estate and others within your area to introduce you and your business to them. We will actually work to set up appointments by phone or in person with these connections we make on your behalf. All you do is wake up and get a message that you have appointments that week with the connections we made. We find that these types of professionals are the ones that will refer clients in need of financing. This is the best way to jump start your business in your local community.

Platinum Program | In-person & Online Loan Broker Training Program (12)5,000 Free Leads to Use Any Way You Want For Direct Mail

You will be enrolled in one of the country’s premier companies that has comprehensive databases that include 210 million U.S. consumers, 14 million U.S. businesses, 13 million executives and professionals and so much more, all collected and refined with their exclusive data compilation standards. Here you will have 5,000 free leads to choose from. We will teach you how to zero in on targeted leads to market to so you will have steady business year after year. These leads are used primarily for direct mail.

Platinum Program | In-person & Online Loan Broker Training Program (13)Unlimited Print Design Collateral (For The Life Of Your Business)

For the life of your business our team will provide unlimited print design collateral. So if you need any type of flyer, direct mail piece, brochure, or print ad created we will do it for free. The best part is since our team knows all your products segments, you will not have to educate us on what you need. This feature is available to you for the life of your business.

Platinum Program | In-person & Online Loan Broker Training Program (14)Google Analytics Setup and Monitoring

Google Analytics is an extremely powerful tool that can help you identify keywords, referral sources, website traffic, measure your marketing campaigns, how long visitors are staying on your site and much more.

We will set you up with an account and setup some basic conversion/goal tracking metrics that will allow you to see how well your website performs. Since we are doing most of your marketing under this package we will be monitoring your analytics closely for the first two years of your business and sharing that information with you. You can’t improve what you can’t measure.

Platinum Program | In-person & Online Loan Broker Training Program (15)In Person Live Training for Future Sales Agents At Your Location (Up To 3)

When you decide it is time to grow your business and want to bring on additional sales agents, which we will show you how to do in class, you will not have to worry or spend time training anybody. A senior member of our team will fly out to your location and conduct a 2-day training specifically designed to train your sales force on the products your business can offer. The only thing you pay for is travel expenses and venue if needed.

Platinum Program | In-person & Online Loan Broker Training Program (16)Comprehensive Training Manual

After 6 days of intensive training, we’re sure you will want to reference and study a few things when you get home. Our training manuals encompasses everything you will have learned including examples that we discuss and critical lender information. You will receive a general manual that covers all topics in class, a Marketing manual containing all marketing concepts and outlets presented and our lender guideline book. In addition you will receive all our lender’s program guidelines and handouts that they distribute.

Platinum Program | In-person & Online Loan Broker Training Program (17)Enjoy our discounted corporate rate at Fairfield Inn

You will stay at one of Albany’s finest hotels, the Fairfield Inn, conveniently located downtown and close to our corporate offices and training facility. We will pass on our discounted corporate rate to you. After training, feel free to relax and enjoy what New York’s Capital District has to offer.

Platinum Program | In-person & Online Loan Broker Training Program (18)Comprehensive cloud document and application platform Legal Forms, Applications, Agreements, and Marketing Material

We took on all the headaches and legal bills in having to make up legal documents and forms. It is all provided to you via our cloud document and application platform. On the cloud you will have all the forms and applications that you will need for all your lenders. Also included will be all the legal documents, fee agreements, NCND’s, applications, spreadsheets, cash flow calculation tools, independent contractor agreements and marketing materials you will need in order to properly run your finance business.

Platinum Program | In-person & Online Loan Broker Training Program (19)Business Identity Package

We will supply you with a custom professional business identity package that will establish your presence immediately with anyone you encounter.

Included are business cards, letterhead, and envelopes with your business information on them. You will be in business the minute you leave our training facility. This stationery package will allow you to convey your professional presence in front of your clients.

Platinum Program | In-person & Online Loan Broker Training Program (20)Recognized Graduate By Our Lenders of the Commercial Capital Training Group

After completing our training, you will have gone through the most comprehensive commercial finance training program there is. You will earn the privilege of becoming a recognized graduate by our lenders of the Commercial Capital Training Group. This will allow you to do business with our lenders and show your clients that you are an experienced, knowledgeable commercial finance professional in the industry.

Platinum Program | In-person & Online Loan Broker Training Program (21)Lenders, Banks and Private Investors to Work With Directly That You Will Meet Live At Our Offices

One of the most important aspects of our program is that you will be able to submit transactions to lenders directly. There is no need for a middleman to take a piece of your commission. By training with us, our lenders have agreed to waive the typical 3 years’ time in business and experience qualifications for our graduates. We can’t stress enough how important that is when entering into this industry. Our lenders consist of FDIC banks, private institutions, hedge funds, life companies, private equity firms, publicly traded lenders and private investors that you will be approved to do business with. You will have the right contacts to get deals done no matter what type of credit, how small or large a business is, or what dollar amount a business is seeking. It would take somebody years and years to gain experience and to build the relationships that you will have in just 6 days.

Platinum Program | In-person & Online Loan Broker Training Program (22)Ongoing One-On-One Live Support and Continuing Education After You Leave Our Offices

One thing that makes our graduates so successful is the ongoing one-on-one live support and training that we provide after you graduate. Whether it’s your first week in business or down the road, we are always there to guide and advise you in any situation. Our trainers and founders are always a phone call away to guide or assist you in any way. You will have a dedicated support person who you will meet during training to work with you one on one after you graduate. After your initial training, we will continue to educate you and provide you with new cutting edge programs to further develop your financing business for no additional fees. That’s right, we work diligently in bringing you new lenders and competitive programs to offer your clients after training. We are always on the cutting edge of technology and the latest trends in the commercial finance industry, and you will be too.

Our success is solely based on your success, so we have a vested interest in making sure you succeed with your business.

Platinum Program | In-person & Online Loan Broker Training Program (23)Deal Underwriting Software Provided

We give you the very same software underwriting tools that our founder’s own direct lending companies use. This software and deal analysis program allows you to easily input data from information your client gives you and it will determine whether the deal works or not. You will be able to “spread” the financials of a business, see if a loan cash flows with the business or commercial real estate and basically pre-underwrite a transaction before it goes to a lender. This is very important as this will make your job easier and look very professional in front of your lenders. In fact, this deal analysis software we give you is the very same software most of our lenders use to determine if a deal works or not. This tool is why our graduates typically have higher approval ratios than other non CCTG brokers.

Platinum Program | In-person & Online Loan Broker Training Program (24)Time Tested Legal Documents and Agreements

In every business it is important to have the right legal documents to run that business. Well in this business it is perhaps one of the most important things to have to ensure your business is protected. We provide you with every legal agreement and document you will ever need in running your own commercial finance company. These agreements are specifically tailored to our industry and business model. You have to protect what you learn with us and the valuable relationships you will leave with. You also have to protect and insure your fee income that you would charge in some cases. Such agreements include Client Fee Agreements, Referral Agreements, Non-Compete Agreements, Non-Circumvent Agreements, Independent Contractor Agreements, Employee Agreements etc. These are the very same agreements our own lending companies use so they have been vetted and enforced in a court of law.

Platinum Program | In-person & Online Loan Broker Training Program (25)How to Grow Your Business with a Sales Force

We spend a better part of day talking about how to effectively grow your company with sales force when the time is right. We will show you how to do this inexpensively with a low overhead business model.

Topics covered are where to find sales agents, how to interview them, how to judge their ability to perform, how to train them, what to pay them, the agreements used, and how to manage them. You will get a proprietary blue print of how to grow this business.

Platinum Program | In-person & Online Loan Broker Training Program (26)Broker Funding Platform

We give you a Broker Funding Platform so you can manage and track all of your deals in one cloud based system.

This innovative technology lets you invite lender’s into your portal to view documents in a safe and secure way, while at the same time organizing your pipeline of deals. This is a great tool to find the best lender for your transactions.

Platinum Program | In-person & Online Loan Broker Training Program (27)Access To Over 3,000 Lenders On Our Live Deal Exchange Platform

You will meet over 45 “core” lenders live through our 6 day training program. These lenders will be your core lenders that make up your diverse product offering with the most competitive product offerings. But to even diversify your capabilities, we will give you access to our deal exchange platform where in addition to the 45 “core” lenders you will meet at training you will have access to over 3000 lenders that are active in this deal exchange platform. This proprietary platform and technology lets you upload your deal to a live exchange that over 3000 banks and lenders check every day and bid on. It simply allows over 3000 commercial lenders to bid on your deal so that you’re getting the best possible offer to your client.

Platinum Program | In-person & Online Loan Broker Training Program (28)First Year Admission Free to Annual NACLB Conference and Association ($800 value)

You will have free admission and free membership fee for the first year to the industry’s only conference dedicated to commercial loan brokers and lenders that CCTG created: National Alliance of Commercial Loan Brokers (NALCB). This is the largest organization dedicated to serving commercial loan brokers which every year over 1000 attendees attend. To learn more about this conference you can go to CCTG created this organization over 6 years ago and NACLB has emerged as the industry’s premier and largest conference.

Platinum Program | In-person & Online Loan Broker Training Program (2024)
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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

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Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.