Planning Considerations for Controlled Foreign Affiliates - MCA Cross Border Advisors Inc. (2024)

It’s not uncommon for high net worth US citizen living in Canada to earn a substantial part of their income through a US business. Conventional wisdom may dictate to leave the corporate surplus within a corporation to benefit from tax deferral. Consequently, these business are often structured as a US C-Corp.

Unfortunately, the Canadian Income Tax Act includes complex rules to discourage Canadian residents from investing in foreign corporations with the objective of earning passive investment income. These rules apply to taxpayers resident in Canada that control a foreign affiliate company. Control can be achieved by owning more than 50% of voting shares of the US corporation.

Foreign accrual property income (FAPI) refers very generally to passive investment income earned by a foreign affiliate controlled by a taxpayer resident in Canada. The taxpayer resident in Canada will have the FAPI earned by a controlled foreign affiliate included in their income.

This means that all of the investment income earned in the US corporation that was intended to be retained in the corporation, to take advantage of tax-deferral by only immediately being taxed at the corporate tax rate, will now be included in the shareholder’s income in Canada; thereby defeating the purpose of the structure. A deduction would only be provided when the investment income is distributed as a dividend to the Canadian shareholder.

To avoid these onerous rules, the shareholder could structure the business as an LLC to flow through the income directly to themselves. Or, they could distribute all of the income to themselves in each year. Fortunately, these recourses can be avoided since the ITA rules include prescribed factors, applied to the foreign accrual tax paid, which help to limit the net FAPI to be included in income of the Canadian resident taxpayer. However, to fully offset the FAPI for a Canadian individual, the foreign accrual tax paid by the US corporation would have to be at least 52.63%.

Planning solutions do exist to help avoid the unfavourable FAPI rules. Setting up a Canadian holding corporation to own the shares of the US corporation can potentially fully eliminate FAPI if the foreign accrual tax paid by the US corporation is at least 25%; a far more manageable tax rate to plan for. However, setting up a Canadian holding company may create their own set of issues such as triggering the Controlled Foreign Company or Passive Foreign Investment Company rules.

Considering the complex nature of these rules, it can be difficult for US citizens living in Canada to benefit from tax deferral by using a corporation. US citizens who own, or plan to own, shares of a US corporation while living in Canada should seek out professional cross-border advice to plan for their corporate structure to limit the effects of negative effects of FAPI.

MCA Cross Border Advisors Inc. has extensive experience and expertise in transitioning accounts and portfolios between Canada and the US. With expertise in portfolio construction, manager search and selection, tax strategy, and financial planning, our team of experts can help create and structure a Canada/US cross-border optimized portfolio that remains aligned with your investment objectives and risk tolerance.

Planning Considerations for Controlled Foreign Affiliates - MCA Cross Border Advisors Inc. (2024)


What are the rules for foreign affiliates in Canada? ›

For an entity to be a foreign affiliate of a taxpayer resident in Canada: the entity must be a corporation, the entity must not be a tax resident of Canada, and. the taxpayer must meet an equity ownership requirement with respect to the entity.

What is considered a controlled foreign affiliate? ›

The foreign affiliate is considered to be controlled if there is “de jure” control which is usually simply owing the majority of the votes. Control also includes “de facto” control which occurs when a person has direct or indirect influence strong enough to control even though they do not have the votes.

What are the foreign affiliate dumping rules? ›

75% of the fair market value of the target's assets is derived from foreign affiliate shares. non-arm's length Canadian resident person or certain partnerships) has incurred debt to fund the PLOI, the interest payable on that debt, where higher. Election must be made in respect of each amount owing.

Who needs to file T1134? ›

The legislative requirement is that Form T1134 must be filed if the non-resident corporation or trust is either a foreign affiliate or a controlled foreign affiliate at any time during the reporting taxpayer's tax year.

What is the difference between a controlled foreign affiliate and a foreign affiliate? ›

Controlled foreign affiliate status

A foreign affiliate of a taxpayer is deemed to be a controlled foreign affiliate of the taxpayer if FAPI attributable to specific activities of the foreign affiliate accrues to the benefit of the taxpayer under a tracking arrangement.

What is Canadian taxation of foreign affiliates? ›

Description. The Taxation of Foreign Affiliates relates to the tax consequences under the Income Tax Act and Regulations to a taxable Canadian resident of acquiring, holding, and disposing of shares in a non-resident corporation, which is characterized as a foreign affiliate in relation to the taxpayer.

How do you determine if a foreign corporation is a CFC? ›

In the U.S., a CFC is a foreign corporation in which U.S. shareholders own more than 50% of the total combined voting power of all voting stock or the total value of the company's stock.

What is a controlled foreign affiliate under 95 1? ›

Under subsection 95(1) of the Tax Act, a corporation outside Canada is a foreign affiliate of a resident taxpayer if: The taxpayer's equity percentage in the corporation is 1% or greater; and. The equity percentages of the taxpayer and each "person" related to the taxpayer total to 10% or greater.

How is CFC income taxed? ›

When a CFC has Subpart F income under IRC Section 952, that means the U.S. shareholders may have to pay tax on the earnings. The kicker is that the ratable share of Subpart F income may be attributable to the U.S. shareholder, even if the income is never distributed to the shareholder.

What are the upstream loan rules in Canada? ›

Generally, the upstream loan rules require an income inclusion in Canada where a foreign affiliate of a Canadian taxpayer makes a loan to a person (or to a partnership) that is a “specified debtor” in respect of the Canadian taxpayer.

What is a US foreign affiliate? ›

A foreign affiliate is any foreign entity in which a US employer has at least a 10% interest in the voting stock or profits.

What is ploi? ›

Pertinent loans or indebtedness (PLOI)

What is the penalty for filing form T1134? ›

Consequences of Late Filing

There is a basic penalty of $25 per day up to 100 days with a minimum of $100 and maximum of $2,500 for each Form T1134 not filed.

What is the penalty for filing T1134? ›

Voluntary disclosure. Every year that the T1134 form is not filled according pursuant to subsection 162(7) of the Income Tax Act, a penalty of $2,500 has to be paid. A penalty of $500 per month up to $12,000 annually has to be paid by any taxpayer who either knowingly or negligently fails to file the T1134 form.

What is the difference between T1134 and T1135? ›

Form T1135 – Foreign Income Verification Statement

funds and bank accounts held outside Canada; shares of foreign corporations, but not those of a foreign affiliate, for which you must file form T1134; intangible property (patents, copyright, etc.)

What are the requirements for reporting foreign income? ›

U.S. persons with an interest in or signature or other authority over foreign financial accounts where the total value exceeded $10,000 at any time during 2022 must also file a Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) Form 114, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR) with the Treasury Department.

What is T1134 lower tier non controlled foreign affiliate? ›

T1134 - Summary, Part I , Section 3, E. Lower-tier Non-Controlled Foreign Affiliates, is a new table requesting information on transactions and events that affect the surplus account balances of lower-tier non-controlled foreign affiliate(s) that are held indirectly through other non-controlled foreign affiliate(s).

How do you determine whether the income is US sourced or not? ›

Generally, U.S.-sourced income includes all income received from U.S. organizations or individuals and compensation received from both U.S. and foreign organizations or individuals for work performed in the U.S.

Is there double taxation between US and Canada? ›

The U.S./Canada tax treaty helps prevent U.S. expats living in Canada from paying taxes twice on the same income. Learn more about this treaty and how it can help. The U.S. and Canada have historically had a great relationship, and that relationship extends to taxes within each other's borders.

Are Canadian companies exempt from US sales tax? ›

Canadian businesses operating in or selling to the United States may be subject to income taxes in the US or they may also need to pay US sales tax. Whether a Canadian startup is subject to US taxes depends on whether it has “nexus” in the US.

Do US citizens working in Canada pay taxes to both countries? ›

If you're considered a resident of Canada, you will be taxed on your worldwide income. However, Canada has tax treaties with many countries, including the US, to avoid double taxation. Peripheral benefits from employment—such as low-interest or interest-free loans—are taxed as employment income in Canada.

How do I set up CFC? ›

Step 1: The eligible applicant needs to visit the official portal of the Ministry of Textile, Government of India. Step 2: Click on the “Register” button to apply for CFC Scheme. Step 3: On the next page, the applicant has to select the Common Facility Centre (CFC) scheme from the list of schemes.

Who must file Form 5471? ›

Who files Form 5471? Any U.S. citizen, corporation, partnership, trust, or estate who has at least 10% ownership in a foreign corporation, needs to file Form 5471.

How is CFC measured? ›

Concentrations in air and standard gas are reported in units of mole fraction CFC in dry gas, and are typically in the parts per trillion (ppt) range. Dissolved CFC concentrations are given in units of picomoles per kilogram seawater (pmol kg-1).

What does mofa mean owned foreign affiliates? ›

A foreign affiliate in which the combined ownership of all U.S. parents exceeds 50 percent. Related Terms. Foreign parent. U.S. affiliate.

What is an example of a controlled foreign corporation? ›

Controlled Foreign Corporation Examples

David is a U.S. person who owns 100% of a Sociedad Anonima in Portugal. This is a controlled foreign corporation, because David owns more than 50% and at least 10% of the shares.

What is a specified 10 %- owned foreign corporation? ›

The term “specified 10-percent owned foreign corporation” means any foreign corporation with respect to which any domestic corporation is a United States shareholder with respect to such corporation.

What is the de minimis rule for CFCs? ›

The de minimis rule of subpart F states that revenue that would otherwise be subject to the subpart F rules will not be part of the subpart F income category if it is less than the lesser 5% of the CFC's gross income or $1,000,000.

What is a CFC for US tax purposes? ›

Controlled foreign corporations, or CFCs, are entities that are directly or indirectly more than 50% controlled by a U.S. parent but organized under foreign law. For U.S. income tax purposes, they are treated as corporations.

What is tested income for CFCs? ›

Tested income: The gross income (or loss) of a CFC as if the CFC were a U.S. person, minus: CFC's income that is effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business. Income that is otherwise subpart F income.

What interest rate is illegal in Canada? ›

The Criminal Code makes it an offence to: (1) enter into an agreement or arrangement to receive interest at a rate exceeding 60 per cent; and, (2) actually receive interest at a rate exceeding 60 per cent.

What is the difference between upstream and downstream loans? ›

Since the parent owns stock in the subsidiary, it is said to receive reasonably equivalent value from the loan proceeds reflected in the increased value of the stock. A downstream guarantee lies in contrast to an upstream guarantee, which is a loan taken by a parent company that is guaranteed by its subsidiary.

What is the maximum allowable interest rate in Canada? ›

These companies cannot charge more than 60% interest on a loan. Except for payday loans, charging more than 60% interest is a criminal interest rate detailed in the Criminal Code of Canada and will be changing to 35%.

Do foreign employers report to IRS? ›

Employers must report wages exempt under a tax treaty paid to a nonresident alien on Form 1042, Annual Withholding Tax Return for U.S. Source Income of Foreign Persons, and Form 1042-S, Foreign Person's U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding.

Do I have to pay taxes if I work for a foreign company? ›

Wages paid to a U.S. citizen or resident for services performed outside the United States for a foreign employer are subject to U.S. federal income tax.

Do I have to pay FICA on foreign income? ›

Are my wages from working outside the states subject to FICA? Maybe. The location of your employer determines if you are subject to Social Security and Medicare taxes. Employees of a foreign company are not subject to FICA while working outside the states.

Where do I file T106? ›

Where to file. T106 documentation has to be mailed to the Winnipeg Taxation Centre, Data Assessment & Evaluation Programs, Validation & Verification Section, Foreign Reporting Returns, 66 Stapon Road, Winnipeg MB R3C 3M2.

What is the interest rate for overpayments? ›

For individuals, the rate for overpayments and underpayments will be 7% per year, compounded daily. Here is a complete list of the new rates: 7% for overpayments (payments made in excess of the amount owed), 6% for corporations.

Can you be penalized for overpaying taxes? ›

Can you get in trouble for overpaying your taxes? No, there are no penalties for overpaying your tax bill. If you overpaid, don't worry: You won't owe anything extra to the IRS. Instead, you'll get a tax refund for your overpayment amount.

What is a qualifying interest in a foreign affiliate? ›

"Qualifying interest" is defined in paragraph 95(2)(m) in respect of a foreign affiliate and requires that the taxpayer owns shares of such affiliate having at least 10% of the votes and fair market value of all shares of the affiliate.

What is the penalty for not reporting foreign income? ›

The failure to properly and timely file and FBAR can lead to significant penalties. For starters, a $10,000 penalty can be imposed against individuals for the improper reporting or failure to file an FBAR due to “non-willful” conduct (i.e. mistaken non or inaccurate reporting).

What are the thresholds for T1134? ›

If the total cost of foreign affiliates is less than $100,000 and the foreign affiliates are inactive or dormant, form T1134 does not need to be filed. A foreign affiliate is considered to be inactive or dormant when it has gross receipts of less than $25,000 and assets with a fair market value of less than $1,000,000.

What is the penalty for failing to file T1135? ›

Penalties for not filing a T1135

The penalty starts at a minimum of $100, but is calculated at $25 per day for up to 100 days. The maximum penalty for each tax year is $2,500. In addition to this automatic penalty, the CRA may also choose to assess gross negligence penalties against a taxpayer.

Who needs to file T1141? ›

A “contribution”, for the purposes of the filing obligation imposed under subsection 233.3(4) of the Act, includes a transfer or loan, other than an arm's length transfer. The persons required to make T1141 filings are contributors, connected contributors or resident contributors to non-resident trusts.

What is the difference between foreign tax credit and foreign income exclusion? ›

Foreign Earned Income Exclusion vs. Foreign Tax Credit. In countries with low or no income tax, the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion would be more beneficial. In countries with higher tax rates, the Foreign Tax Credit may be more beneficial as it provides a dollar for dollar credit against your U.S. tax liability.

What needs to be reported on T1135? ›

As long as you met the reporting requirement threshold of $100,000 at any time in the year, you must report on Form T1135 all specified foreign properties held during the year, even if you sold any or all of the property before the end of the year.

Is affiliate marketing Legal in Canada? ›

Is Affiliate Marketing Legal in Canada? Absolutely! There are laws and guidelines that apply to affiliate marketing in Canada, but it is a 100 percent legitimate way to earn money and it's a legal business.

Do you have to pay tax on affiliate marketing Canada? ›

So, contact your local tax office to get the relevant information. Generally speaking, affiliate sales are not categorized as sales, so you are not obliged to pay sales taxes on the products you sell. Your income comes in the form of service provided to your affiliate program owner.

What does foreign affiliate mean? ›

As defined in FATS statistics, a foreign affiliate is an enterprise resident in one country which is under the control of an institutional unit resident in another country. Control is determined according to the concept of the 'ultimate controlling institutional unit' (UCI).

Can I register a company in Canada as a foreigner? ›

Yes, non-residents are eligible to start businesses in Canada. Any foreign entrepreneur that wants to start a business in Canada will have to go through the business immigration process if the entrepreneur wants to run the business while being in Canada.

How do I set up affiliate marketing in Canada? ›

Here are the six steps to follow when getting started with affiliate marketing in Canada.
  1. Pick a niche and start your affiliate website. ...
  2. Drive traffic to your affiliate website. ...
  3. Choose affiliate partners and affiliate programs. ...
  4. Create affiliate marketing content. ...
  5. Find your affiliate marketing strategy.
Jan 25, 2023

What are the legal requirements for affiliate marketing? ›

The FTC requires disclosure of any material connection or relationship you have with a merchant/advertiser when you endorse or promote a product or service to your readers. Affiliate links are considered such a material connection.

What is the difference between subsidiary and affiliate Canada? ›

an affiliate is a corporation that is a subsidiary of another corporation; if a corporation has two subsidiary corporations, the two subsidiaries are affiliates of each other; or. if two corporations are controlled by the same person, the two corporations are also affiliates of each other.

Do US citizens have to pay Canadian sales tax? ›

Foreign purchasers of Canadian products do not have to pay the HST provided that the goods or services will be solely used outside of the country. However, nonresidents visiting Canada, such as tourists, are required to pay the HST. In some cases, they may qualify for an HST rebate.

Do Canadian companies need to charge US sales tax? ›

Canadian businesses operating in or selling to the United States may be subject to income taxes in the US or they may also need to pay US sales tax. Whether a Canadian startup is subject to US taxes depends on whether it has “nexus” in the US.

Do I need an LLC for affiliate marketing? ›

Do you need a company for affiliate marketing? Some affiliate networks don't require marketers to have a company. However, your personal assets aren't protected unless you form a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or Corporation.

What are the three types of affiliate? ›

The three main types of affiliate marketing are unattached affiliate marketing, involved affiliate marketing, and related affiliate marketing.

Can I do business in Canada as a US citizen? ›

US Resident Individuals can do business in Canada

You only need a visa if you plan to work in Canada. If you can conduct the business from the US, for example, as an internet-based business, you don't require a visa if you don't plan to travel to Canada.

Can a US LLC do business in Canada? ›

A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a type of business entity that is created by a state statute in the US. This type of structure does not exist in Canada. You cannot create a Limited Liability Company in Canada, however, you can still use a US LLC to conduct business in Canada.

Can a US company operate in Canada? ›

Branch registrations permit foreign corporations to operate branch offices in Canada. Branches are registered provincially in each Province in which the foreign business proposes to operate. The foreign company establishes a branch by applying for registration as an Extra-provincial or Foreign Corporation.

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